5 | I suck at room descriptions so just imagine bridgerton please

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Marienne feels her stomach drop. "What is she talking about, Father?"

Lord Cleremont frowns at being addressed directly by her but turns to their mother and replies. "Yes. Kenworthy spoke to me today to ask for Marienne's hand. Fellow is eager, I must say. He has already gone to procure the special license so that they may be married within the week."

Her mother crows with delight. "I knew it! OH, I knew it! We are saved, my lord! Our family is saved! Our estate!"

"K-Kenworthy? Charles Kenworthy?" Marienne feels sick to her stomach. "He is Lady Elisabeta's brother."

"Yes, that's the one," her father snaps impatiently. "The Kenworthy's will throw an engagement party tomorrow where we will announce the news."

Marienne feels lightheaded. There is something so absolutely wrong with this that no one else has seemed to catch on to. Father is putting his stamp on documents, seemingly already done with the conversation. Mother is gushing about details for the wedding ceremony, talking to no one in particular. James stands with his head bowed, shoulders slumped in defeat.

Marienne looks around at them all as if in a dream state. Finally, she says in a small voice, "But I haven't accepted him."

Father hardly looks up at that. James grips the back of a chair, knuckles white.

"I'm sure your father accepted him on your behalf, dear," Mother admonishes. She turns to James. "Silly girl, she is just shocked in her excitement."

"I'm not excited! I don't- I don't want to marry him!"

Her outburst has Father looking up sharply, mouth set in a grim line.

"You- Marienne!" Mother fans herself, looking for all the world like she is going to pass out. "Have you gone insane?"

Marienne feels like she is the only sane person on Ather. How can this be happening?

"Mother," James pleads, voice soft. "He is not a good match."

She rounds on him, tone accusing. "The Kenworthy's have a large fortune!" Her voice is shrill. "You know our family has run into financial difficulties. You should be glad your sister has managed to find a suitable husband. And so efficiently, moreover! Her first season!" Mother throws her a look of pride before turning back to James. "It's more than you've ever done!"

James tears his hands through his hair. He tries to speak up but his voice cracks, coming out in a hoarse whisper. "I know the Kenworthy's are well off, Mother, but you can't sell off your daughter to someone like that—he's a bad man."

"That is enough out of you!" Father stands up suddenly and shouts. "The decision has been made and it is final!"

James cringes, curling in on himself. With a sickening feeling Marienne understands what his argument with their father had been about. Why his collar is now stained with red.

She feels like she is watching her life play out from above, an inactive spectator. The decision has been made and she has no say in it. She is helpless and trapped and made to walk this path.

"Don't be foolish James." Mother tuts. "He's a wealthy man who can aid us. And for Goddess sake, child, clean up your face!" She flaps her arms like she has only just noticed his bleeding jaw. "I don't know what you get up to James, to always be in some sort of disarray. You're going to ruin your shirt."

Mother is delusional. She leaves the study and Marienne trails behind her, James by her side.

He closes the door behind them.

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On the day of their college graduation, best friends Desmond and Mercy decide to date. Everything's perfect. Except for the fact that Desmond can't feel any butterflies.

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