Chapter 1: And Then There Were 10

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(Half of credit goes to --Honeybuns )

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Date: Age 749, December 27

It has been several months since Goku and his new friend, Krillin, began training under Master Roshi to learn martial arts and become stronger. Not much is heard from them, but Gine and Goku's friends have heard about the training going well, or so they've heard. Master Roshi was always known to be a perverted old hermit, but after he demonstrated his strength twice, Gine would respect the man and allow her son to train under his teachings, as long as he didn't become a bad influence on him. Anna, Gine's first student, has been getting stronger than the average fighter, much stronger than even Goku. From lifting up boulders to learning how to fly or even use Ki, she was rapidly rising up to practically become the strongest person on Earth, at least if only the humans were compared. However, Anna made sure to spend as much time with her master as possible since she and her sister had to go to school in their hometown, West City. So only when the holidays had reached was Anna truly feeling blessed to have had the opportunity to train more often. Of course, she doesn't just want to train; she also wishes to hang out with Gine, given the latter's new to the whole world and has not seen the end of her people's civilization. Besides being known as only a woman living secluded in the mountains with a monkey tail and an enormous amount of strength, Gine has become a family friend of the Brief family, despite Bulma not wanting this to lead to tons of fiascos with Gine's mischievous child, Son Goku.

Since Gine's more accustomed to the wilderness and feels more comfortable in the calm atmosphere, Anna decides to hang out with her in the mountains to spend most of their time on the weekends during a holiday break rather than in the city. Cities are great, but enjoying the beauty of the mountains in the winter, was better in Gine's eyes. Goku also enjoyed it when he left Roshi's island to spend time with his mother for the holiday weekends. Bulma and Anna, however, didn't enjoy the intense cold up high in the mountains as much as the Son family. Not to mention, it's as beautiful as the mountains can be when dinosaurs wander the forests on a daily basis.

Currently, Gine taking Anna out to camp in the wilderness with her son and Bulma would be the Saiyan's way of wanting to enjoy the planet's wilderness. And because most of them were strong enough to bench press a building, they would be fine without worrying about dinosaur attacks. Of course, what she didn't expect on a camping trip with her student, was said shooting star crashing into the woods. And Anna, genuinely curious about what that was and wanting to study a meteorite, goes out to investigate on her own. And Gine, not wanting a ten-year-old out there alone, goes after her while leaving Goku to do whatever he was doing with Bulma, which was hunting for food while Bulma had to come with him or face being mocked by her younger, (yet apparently more mature) sister. And Bulma wouldn't trust Goku not to eat everything before they get a chance.

As for Gine, she has become so bonded to the little girl, she's always happy to spend time with Anna, even if they aren't training. After all, it wouldn't hurt to have some company when her son isn't around. Though, she's not exactly sure why Anna's so keen to go up to a meteorite crash site. Gine knows from experience that things like this could go very badly for the inhabitants of a planet when something falls out of the sky so abruptly. However, Anna figured that maybe the meteorite would have material her father could use back home. So she just started running once she saw that the shooting star was much closer than she thought and was excited to study what had just crashed on Earth.


Unbeknownst to her and Gine, the "shooting star" was an escape pod jettisoned by a ship that was pursued by a Frieza Force ship. No, the mothership of all Frieza Force ships. One that held the Emperor of the Universe himself. It has been years since Frieza began this long crusade of his to seek the Omnitrix, but eventually, he has finally found it. So his saucer tried to obtain it by shooting down the ship of the Omnitrix's carrier, only to be stalled when his own ship is damaged and the former crashing down onto a backwater planet they come across during their interstellar chase. Frieza ignores the ship once the Omnitrix has been detected by his bridge officers' sensors, indicating the escapee jettisoned out of the ship out of a desperate attempt to keep it out of his hands. Nevertheless, he has the ship standing by to complete repairs and sends in a cheap, mercenary cyborg that should make of quick work in retrieving it. However, if the Omnitrix isn't displayed in front of him, it will be his head instead.


Before they arrived, Anna and Gine would eventually make it to the meteorite, which ended up being a metal ball in a huge crater. Anna, now far more intrigued by the size of the crater in contrast to the small metal ball below, approached it out of curiosity when she was sure the crater cooled soon enough from the chills of the winter air. Gine told her to be careful, as it was still hot by touch, when Anna got down into the crater and got closer to the metal ball.

It opened to reveal a black/grayish watch inside, which glowed bright green in her presence. Despite Gine's warning not to touch it, she took off her glove, pulled back her winter coat's sleeve, and lent a hand to grab it. Only for it to suddenly latch onto her wrist.
"AH! WHAT THE-! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Anna panicked, dropping her glove, rapidly shaking her hand everywhere, and trying to pull it off. She feared she would get assimilated, infected, or taken over by the watch that just latched onto her wrist like some parasite. She even fell to the ground, desperately trying to pull it off of her wrist or slide it off with her free hand. But to no avail.

Just as Anna was about to slam the Omnitrix repeatedly into the ground, Gine wouldn't stop to say she told her. Instead, she rushes down to the crater to calm her down so that she could see what was on her wrist. The way she sees it, she'll have a better chance at getting it off than a bunch of dirt and rocks. And so, Gine tries to search for a possible belt to detach it from her wrist or pull it off, but it's made immediately clear that the only the watch is safely coming off is if she takes the whole wrist with it.

Considering she doesn't want to do that, she would ask Anna if it hurts. And while Anna would say it doesn't, she reasons that it looks like some alien tech and is scared it'll take over her body. All while at the same time, Gine has been touching it with her gloves, not that she needed to take them off to manually take off the Onnitrix. When she tried to get it off, at least with all her strength without hurting the girl, it was clear that the watch wasn't getting off of Anna's wrist anytime soon. Much to Anna's annoyance, as she was gonna have to live with the fact that this watch was, as far as she was concerned, stuck on her wrist. Of course, after expressing her fear of the watch, she couldn't live with the risk and immediately tried to get it off on her own. Only to incidentally press a button that somehow pops the watch's ring dial out of the device. Leading it to emit abnormal noises and glow bright green once more, causing Anna to flinch a bit and pause at the sight of this.

The ring's screen itself would switch into a narrow green image revealing the silhouette of an unknown figure, now starting to confuse and intrigue Anna a bit.
"Uh........Ok, this is......Not normal for a watch." Anna said, commenting out of a tendency to speak out loud whenever she's nervous. She should've already known this when it came from outer space, which made her quickly ask Gine if it's normal for watches to fall out of space and latch onto peoples' wrists like leeches (unaware that Gine and Goku are actually from space).

Gine would think about this question before shaking her head no. She's curious about what it was though, since she's pretty sure watches in space still tell the time, even if it's a time they don't understand. And that I imagine would spur Anna to suggest they take it back to Capsule Corp and see what it's all about. However, she is curious about how to turn it off, wondering if she has to push the dial down to do so. Anna would at least try to turn the dial first to see if it works like a clock and tell the time in terms of some space language. She already guessed that this might be alien, made from the future human race and sent back in time, or a secret weapon made by the government in space that fell here. Either way, she saw nothing but more silhouettes of variable shapes and sizes, from a frog on two legs to a giant big figure with lumps on his hands and shoulders.

To try turning it off, she decided to push the dial down after selecting a random silhouette. Suddenly, Anna was engulfed in a green flash of light that blinded even Gine for a second. A screen would appear to the audience, revealing Anna's body being manipulated by some biological matter coming out of the watch and taking over her body. Just as she guessed, she was being transformed by the watch, but in a much different matter than she expected. Her skeletal structure, blood, and DNA would be completely altered to bring life into a whole new being. And once the green light stopped flashing, Goku sensed a spike of Ki from nearby and was concerned that his mother was in trouble. So he rushed over and abandoned Bulma, much to her chagrin.

At the same time, once the flash of green light faded as fast as it appeared, Anna was replaced by an entirely different being. One who would start to move, act and speak like Anna but with an entirely different voice. However, once she saw herself, she realized she had just transformed into a 7 ft tall plant-humanoid monster with one eye, large autonomous vines, and a venus fly trap-like collar. The moment she looked at herself, she screamed in a deep voice, jumped into a tree, and unknowingly used her vines and thorn-like claws to cut her way into a tree to hide, the latter of which shot out her hands from the blue. 

"The infection has already started! I'm done for!! Get out of here, Gine, before it takes you too!!" She shouted, instantly wrapping herself up in vines and hiding deep in the tree's dead bushes to contain herself, as snow fell off of the tree from her squirming around in it. Even though she wasn't in pain and nothing bad seemed to be happening that was attacking the female Saiyan. Anna had just turned into a plant creature and was still herself, regardless of what the girl thought.

Gine, though shocked, would take this surprisingly well. She puts it together pretty fast that this plant person is Anna, given the reaction. She would tell Anna that she wasn't going anywhere and needed to come out. She assumes the watch must have transformed her into this creature, but they can't figure out how to change herself if she won't even leave the tree to talk with her. Not to mention, Goku may get the wrong idea and attack if she takes too long to stop hiding.
"No! I don't know anything about this watch! How do I know it won't possess me and try to turn you into this too?!" Anna rejected with the deep voice in her new alien form, too scared to just come to terms with what just happened, and preferred to self-quarantine herself as much as possible.

She especially rejects the idea of coming out before Goku shows up, as she knows he would attack her and risk getting himself infected too, both himself and her sister. They both know Goku would prefer to act more than he prefers to think. That's his nature and she, on the other hand, prefers to think. And she thinks she will stay in this tree and keep herself from infecting everyone unless there's an actual good reason for coming out.
Gine, of course, would choose to go and get Anna herself in that case. If she's contagious, Gine's sure being a plant person's not the worst thing in the world. Better than a Great Ape. And so, she floats up to where Anna is hiding. She's not that scared, though she does see the strange watch's symbol on Anna's abdomen and points it out to her. She's no genius, but she's pretty sure that Anna might have triggered some setting in the watch.
"No, stay away!" She said while trying to clutch to the tree, not wanting Gine to pull her out of there when she still thought she should be quarantined.

Nevertheless, Gine at least told her that if she was going to infect anyone, she would've lost control of herself already. But she didn't. She would compare this to when her son turned into a Great Ape, a monster he genuinely couldn't control and almost got everyone killed and..... one person's life taken away.
He couldn't control it, so he had to have his tail removed. But yet, even in the first form, she can easily control hers like her mind was put in another body. That alone is enough to convince her that it's not as evil or menacing as Anna thinks it is.

She has to trust her when she wants to see the form and how she transformed in the first place. And while Anna is still scared, she trusts Gine and reluctantly leaves the tree. Although, she stopped when one of her vine legs got stuck to a branch by somehow connecting it to the branch and attaching it. Like her body was about to fuse with it. So Anna just pulled it off and ripped the vine off of the branch with no feelings of pain whatsoever.

She saw the end regrow with ease, making her say while staring at it with her one light blue eye, "Huh...... Weird."
Aside from having to show her full body and height, Anna couldn't help but feel strange from how normal it felt to be in this form, like she's been born in it her whole life). How it feels normal to have more than 4 limbs, even if it isn't. Regardless, when Gine looked at the watch's symbol and dial (or badge) attached to supposedly her chest, Anna asked, "You think there's a way to change me back?"

Gine doesn't answer and tries poking the badge with her gloved fingers, only for nothing to happen. She would be a little sad about this. She figured if hitting the dial made her change, hitting it must change her back. But it doesn't seem to be the case. So she agrees with what Anna suggested before, that they head back to Capsule Corp as soon as possible. That way, they can study the device and see if there's some hidden method to deactivate it and turn her back to normal. While Anna would agree to Gine's comments about this, she'd want to hit it herself or perhaps try removing the badge to see if she can deactivate it.

However, since this is something out of the ordinary and from space, Gine tells her not to mess with it and wait until they head back to Capsule Corp to study it. Despite Anna not enjoying being in some form she doesn't understand, she groans and accepts it, hoping the sooner they figure it out, the better she's out of it. However, that's when they're interrupted by Goku and Bulma running out from nowhere, with Goku shouting, "Mom, you ok?!"

"AH! What is that thing?!" Bulma immediately panicked, frightened by the horrid appearance of this plant-humanoid alien.
All while Goku, instinctively seeing this monster too close to his mother as a threat, took out his red staff and shouted, "Get back you monster!!" 
"Wait, you guys, I'm not-!" Anna tried to stop them, only for Goku to jump at her and try to strike at her with his staff. She easily smacks him to the ground and shouts at him, "Calm down! I'm not a threat, I'm-!"
She gets interrupted by Bulma taking out her gun and trying to shoot her in the head, regardless of what Gine has to say. When the bullets failed to pierce the plant alien's hide, Bulma demanded to know who she was and what she had done with her sister since Anna was nowhere to be seen.
"For Kami's sake, Bulma! It's ME! ANNA!" The alien shouted.
"You sick freak, you ATE MY SISTER?!?" Bulma would suddenly reshoot her just as Goku jumped back up and attacked Anna again.
Only for the girl to angrily shout, "That's it!" and extend both of her arms to catch them in her grasp, pin them against some trees, ties them up in her own vines, and sever the ends so she wouldn't be stuck to them. While they shouted in defiance and demanded to be let go, she turned to Gine and pointed at them while saying, "See?"

Gine would sigh, shaking her head in disappointment but not surprised at the two's antics. She would try explaining everything that happened to them, confusing Goku and making Bulma curious as she looked at the badge on the creature's chest. She would agree with the idea of taking the thing home so they can study it, what Anna had become, and how to transform her back.
Besides, it's not like they can ask anyone else for help since most people will react in the same way Bulma and Goku had. While Goku would most likely find this hard to believe, given this creature and Anna look entirely different, Bulma would also refuse to believe it at first. She'd take it back home to study it, sure, if it can prove it's Anna.

At least until Anna roasts her by saying that the fact she hasn't figured it out by now from her words, tone, and body language proves she's far from a genius and a terrible excuse of a sister.
"Yup, that's her," Bulma said as her eyes narrowed in annoyance, accepting Gine's words instantly and eventually agreeing to take her back to Capsule Corp. At least after they had their pitiful argument as sisters, something which Goku luckily doesn't have and will likely never have.

Nevertheless, since Anna would eventually free her and they had to return to Capsule Corp to study Anna's new form (after finding out she couldn't fly and had to take a trip on the Flying Nimbus), Gine and Bulma went into the Brief house first to inform them about Anna's condition. That way, she wouldn't scare them when she marched in for some tests. And once the tests started in the labs, Anna had to lie back on a table and could only wait while she and Bulma's father, Dr. Brief, scanned her with one of his machines. At the same time, Anna couldn't help but swing her vine legs around a bit. Like how a kid swings their legs on a chair when bored.

Gine would find this a little strange and adorable, seeing how her student behaves in the body of a plant monster. However, she is more curious about if Anna will be stuck like this forever or if her father will be able to find something that can turn it back. Either way, she or Bulma would remind Dr. Brief that the strange device on her body was what changed her. And when everyone waits long enough, Dr. Brief eventually comes up with the conclusion that this species, whatever it is that Anna has taken as her current form, is supposedly an alien watch that fell from outer space. And it's valid, since it is indeed alien, as none of the current form's DNA match any of the flora, fauna, protists, archaea, or even bacterium in the computer's database for all lifeforms on Earth. This is quite possibly, a hybrid of plant and animal life; a newfound discovery of the Earth. 

"Ohhhh.... Cool!" Goku said out loud.
"No! Not cool! We still don't know how I can get back to normal!" Anna said, lifting her torso up to look at Goku with one eye before her attention diverted to her biological father when he said, "On the contrary, you might turn back to normal."

"From what I see on the computer, while the extraterrestrial DNA is 95%, the 5% is human DNA. If we assume that is the part of you that maintains control over this form, there's a huge chance that you're not purely an alien and perhaps have the ability to revert to normal." Dr. Brief added.
"Huh, that sounds like good news at least." Anna pointed out, as she looked down at the badge on her chest, "I have a feeling it has something to do with this thing. Why else would it be there other than a display?" 
"We should probably run a few more tests to find out. But look on the bright side, sis. If you can't return to normal today, we could always go find the Dragon Balls." Bulma suggested. 

"Yeah, no thanks." Anna shook her head and went to try to mess with the badge on her chest, "That thing grants wishes. I don't trust anything that gives you an easy way out of anything you want without telling you a price. You don't get anything in life for-" 
After grabbing the badge's sides and twisting it to 3 o'clock, she's interrupted by being engulfed in a flash of green light. Once the green flash of light fades just as fast, she is again revealed in her human form, with the watch now back on her wrist.
".......Free." She finished, surprised at what just happened.

Bulma would ignore the opportunity to be smug about this, instead looking in bewilderment. Upon seeing this, both her and Dr. Brief wondered if Anna triggered a function in the machine. After all, they're dealing with unknown technology, which they have yet to understand. However, Anna's relieved that she's back to normal, having believed she would be stuck that way forever. And that she didn't accidentally release some alien virus against the world. She plans to be more careful with this device, thinking she should understand what it can do. Preferably without transforming into something unintentionally.


While Frieza's mothership is looking for the device, after having sent a bounty hunter to look for it while the ship is still in repairs, they found out that it's been taken. Much to Frieza's dismay, now that the Omnitrix is already being used by someone other than himself. Regardless, the bounty hunter should be able to capture it, since he doesn't feel like doing the dirty work himself to get it. 
The alien bounty hunter, Isaza, tracks the radioactive signature of the device inside the escape pod. And while it was easy to figure out if the locals of this planet have taken it, he'd have to track them down with more effort, now that he tracks their footprints and figures out they flew away from the mountains with the Omnitrix.


At the Capsule Corp house's labs, Bulma and Dr. Brief studies the device further and learn that while it's seemingly stuck to Anna's wrist permanently, it seems to have connected to her DNA and is capable of injecting Alien DNA from an apparent storage unit of up to 10 possible alien species, granting her not only their appearances but their abilities as well. Anna's still concerned that they could somehow ruin the Earth's biosphere with their invasive traits, such as gas emissions that could create bacterial plagues incurable on Earth. Or disrupt ecosystems with any pieces she leaves behind like the plant creature's severed limbs, which would be absorbed into the soil, contaminate said soil, and poison the plants that would end up affecting the animals that eat, etc.

Still, Goku finds it cool that Anna can kick butt and now fight enemies without having to train or learn how to use Ki. She doubts that, as she might still need to train to utilize the aliens' abilities, not that she wants to. Goku doesn't mind as long as he gets to fight the aliens himself. Anna scoffs and says while looking at the watch, "Yeah, if they're meant to fight."

Aside from that and Bulma finding it freaky that she can turn into scary-looking monsters, both she and their father would form a hypothesis, from Anna and the others' claims, that the watch seems to be a weapon meant to imitate abilities from ten different aliens, the user can't naturally have. That's the only explanation he can think of, since he can't see any other reason as to why it would be made in the first place. In other words, his daughter has found a powerful tool that would likely do more than help find the Dragon Balls and fend off bandits.

She could save the world with that device, starting with their experiments and possibly training exercises to help her learn how to wield it. Something she denies at first, despite being more of a fighter than she thinks. Fighting crime and saving the world sounds fun, but that's just a fantasy for comic book fans. She's not Superman or Spider-Man; just a very smart kid. What could she possibly do with a watch that turns her into a being that now definitely proves that life outside the universe exists? Something which surprisingly, no one has talked about.

Saying that, Dr. Brief responds to Anna that it's nothing new since her older sister, Tights, has run into aliens before. And Gine chuckled nervously; she hoped they don't encounter dangerous aliens. Besides, Gine is very much against Anna going away, looking for problems. However, she does agree with her learning to wield this device. It's easier not to do something dangerous if you know what to expect from the machine. But that does beg the question: if someone did send the watch to Earth, would someone come to take it back?

It somehow had to end up in a world like this, and the Saiyan mom knows people who would love to take it. And because Anna can't remove the thing without losing an arm, they should prepare her to utilize it. And, to be more encouraging, Gine suggests perhaps not all aliens are freaky creatures. There's bound to be one in that watch that's a bit less terrifying than what Anna tried on the first go-round.
And like that, Anna agrees. She didn't want the Omnitrix and is more or less wanting to just never use it... But she is considering other options. At least before they get ambushed by Isaza, the space merc, and barely survive the fight when he ends up firing ki blasts to destroy the labs from outside, just floating in the air above. Had it not been for Gine sensing the threat and getting everyone out with her intense speed and strength in advance, they might've been killed and the mercenary would've ripped the Omnitrix right off.

And thus, Anna felt that she had no choice but to start doing her alien transformation hobby now, while Gine tries fighting the mercenary after warning everyone to get out of here. Unwilling to let this man kill her family, master, and take the watch, she would use it to transform into an alien she'd come to admire. She would become:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Becoming a silicone-based humanoid with green crystalline materials covering her entire body and doubling her height, she looks at her newfound form and shouts out loud in a rather deep but proud and light-hearted tone, "Woah, what the heck is this....? This looks pretty cool! I should come up with a name for this form!"
"Anna!" Bulma shouted.

"I know, I know...! How about..... Diamondhead! Yeah, that rocks!" She finished and immediately tried firing ki blasts out of her hands. Instead, she ended up firing crystal shards right out of her forearms and destroying a bunch of cybernetic guns Isaza tried to use against Gine, thus blowing one of them up and sending him flying out of the air. As he crashes into a tree, Gine looks down to see her student in a new alien form and was a bit surprised at first. This was accidental, but in Anna's eyes, she might have to get used to how differently her aliens might be in contrast to how humans fight.

Of course, Gine immediately flies down as Anna asks her to get everyone out of here, while she uses the watch to deal with this creep.
"Wait, Anna, you could get hurt!" Gine stops her, "You don't know how to use that form yet!"
"Maybe so, but I got your skills to give me a head-start." Diamondhead replied.


Anna would get past her master, who was now shorter than her, and dash to the cyborg to deliver a flurry of blows with just her diamond-like fists, before he had time to figure out who attacked him. After sending him flying out of her family's property, crashing right into a tree at the other side of the street, she ignores any possible witnesses nearby and approaches the villain. She figured the first thing about Diamondhead's abilities was that she could manipulate crystals and be as hard as a literal diamond.

She doesn't want to underestimate her enemy, however, as she knows nothing about him or her own form, so she fights carefully but gets aggressive whenever there's an opening. For example, once the cyborg immediately got up sooner than before, she used her forearms to deflect the mercenary's blades, the moment he split up his robotic-like arms to reveal mantis-like steel blades and dashed at her with super speed. She tries to punch him again, only to get kicked into the air by the cyborg merc and sent flying into a car.

"Anna!" Gine exclaimed, about to rush over to help her student. Only to be stopped by Goku, who held her back by her leg and said, "Wait, mom! Give her a chance! She can take him!"
Meanwhile, Anna grunted, her immense weight crushing most of the car and causing it to ring out an ear-piercing alarm. Regardless, she got off of the car to confront him, but the mercenary easily dashed into the air, fired bombs at her from out of his body, and jumped around to strike with his extremely sharp metal blades protruding out of his arms. The bombs didn't harm Anna, but they did blind her and leave her open to the attacks. After getting hit on the back, her back spikes shot out and pierced one of the mercenary's arms, holding him up in the air.

As Anna gradually learns her abilities, she retracts her back spikes, turns her own hands into blades, after being inspired by the cyborg's trick, and clashes them against the mercenary's saw blades the moment he forces himself out of the back spikes and rushes back at her. Once she got the hang of this, she broke his guard and sliced off his saw-bladed arms. He tries to fly away while now firing missiles at her, but all she did was fire crystal shards back at him and blow up the missiles. He would fly around with the smokescreen and try ramming Diamondhead into the ground, but she senses him soon enough this time to bat him away with a hammer formed out of her diamond hands combining together.

Of course, while Gine reluctantly lets Anna take on the cyborg on her own, after being told by her son that it's best if Anna learns how to figure out the Omnitrix with everything she learned from his mom so far, Anna flies over to try slamming her fist into the cyborg and burying it into the road. But once the cyborg dodges, she misses and buries her fist into the road instead, while also incidentally summoning an entire set of spikes to erupt out of the ground and penetrate a nearby car from underneath the ground. She curses herself for getting careless, reasoning that just because she's made of rock, doesn't mean she has to be as dumb as one.

From this point, she starts resorting to using a shield made of her diamond material to resist more missiles launched by the cyborg once he tries taking advantage of the short distraction. Luckily, no one was around when Gine got her family out of the battlefield and made sure to keep any witnesses from getting caught in the crossfire. So she doesn't have to hold back, despite still learning how to use her current form properly.

The cyborg noticed that she wasn't taking any damage from his missiles, so he opens up his chest to fire a series of Ki beams straight down on her, forcing her to block while the beams cause destruction around them, just as they reflected off of her diamond forearms. From blowing up oiler tanks to houses, it was growing beyond dangerous and she had to act fast, or else people will die.

Diamondhead gets an idea from seeing how her own forearms are deflecting the beams and reshapes her arms using crystal-kinesis to redirect the reflected beams back at the cyborg. It barely survived the attack when getting blown up by its own beams, losing an arm in the process. Then, when he was still in the air, trying desperately to escape, she shoots diamonds at this attacker, trying to knock him out of the sky again.
Even if that didn't work, there's no doubt Diamondhead would exploit her newfound ability by slamming onto the ground, with her feet instead of her hands this time, to form a jumping onto her crystal shield, launching herself into the air by having it shoot out of the ground with her crystal kinesis. Then she extends her arm to not only catch him, but slam him into the ground, crushing the rocket boosters in his back. Right after that, she would summon more crystals out of the ground to surround the downed assassin and encases them on it to trap him. Which covers up almost his entire body, preventing him from using the Ki laser core, bombs or missiles. And that includes the blade arms, which could no longer reach out of the crystal prison he's in.


Finally, once she was sure the cyborg couldn't escape or show anymore tricks up his sleeve, she approaches him and forms one of her hands into a blade again. As she glares down at the cyborg, she crouches down, moves the blade close to his face and says, "Alright, you sad disgrace of Inspector Gadget! I want answers, and I want them now! First of all, where did you come from?! Second, what do you want with me that's making you risk your life in a stupid situation like this?!"

Of course, the cyborg refuses to give Anna any answers. Either that or presumably cursing her name. Of course, that would annoy Anna, and she decides to threaten him instead. She warns him that though she's new to this watch, she's a fast learner, as he could tell. If he doesn't tell her anything, she will show him that she's more than capable of doing some damage with what she knows. But this only amuses the assassin, as he would say that if she thinks he's going to be the last one coming for that watch, she has another thing coming. Some of the universe's worst will come for her and everyone she loves until they get that machine, her life, and possibly her entire planet.

"Some of the universe's worst, huh?" Anna asked with her high and mighty voice while raising an eyebrow at the cyborg assassin's threats. While her threats didn't work, they got him to reveal where he came from and why he wanted the watch so badly. She sarcastically thanks him for the information but then wonders if she should kill him, leave him here for the police to handle him, or take him to Gine and the others so they can decide what to do with him altogether, the cyborg interrupts her train of thought with first laughter.

As this happens, Gine came back with Goku to check up on Anna, both of whom were about to walk to her until the cyborg shouts, "You're not taking this seriously, are you!? Your backwater planet is primitive. You barely even attained the power to travel to other worlds or in your ships at the speed of light. Let alone be able to defend yourselves with technology greater than that of your amusing lead-firing toys and pathetic excuse of a military! Be ready, weakling, because your world will be rained down with the full weight of the Frieza Force! And in no time, my boss, the Emperor will seize the Omnitrix and make you wish you were never born!"
"Omnitrix? So that's what this is called?" Anna asked, pointing at the badge on the left side of her shirt, "Neat name. I think I'll hang onto that."

When Gine and Goku approaches her, Goku asked what the cyborg meant by the name, "Frieza." Gine, however, seemingly recognized the name as it chills her to the bones. And yet, she has to pretend she has no idea about Frieza or any of that. Regardless, she suggests they should take him away and disconnect his network, incase anyone's listening in, so they can interrogate him without worrying about him revealing their position. He's too dangerous to be left alone to the local authorities to handle him, so they should take him to a more secure place where they can question him.

"Good idea. I'll just go ahead and-" Anna nodded, and was about to see if she can have the crystals release the beaten bounty hunter, while the police have yet to come, until the badge suddenly starts to blink lights of red while beeping out a loud, unamusing sound. She looks at the badge and barely has time to think before she's engulfed in a sudden red flash of light. Once the light fades away, she's back in her human form. As she was never in an alien form to begin with.

"What the?!" She asks, looking at the watch, now known as the Omnitrix, and sees it glowing red instead of green. Too surprised to comprehend what just happened, Anna paused for a second while the cyborg smirked and instantly activated something inside his body now that she was vulnerable. Anna had no idea what was happening, but once something started beeping and going louder and faster, as time passed by the second, she and Gine would widen their eyes when they both figured out what the cyborg was doing.
"Hey, what's this bad guy doing-" Goku asked, only to be interrupted with Gine grabbing him and Anna to hightail it out of there, dashing as fast as she could into the sky with her usage of Ki.

Once they were out of there, the cyborg self destructed and blew itself up, blowing up the crystals and making an explosion big enough to level an entire block. Unfortunately for the cyborg, the explosion would've had a bigger blast radius, had it not been for the amount of Ki he used up in its fight. And thus, Gine was able to get herself and the two kids out of there from both the explosion and the authorities by the time the cyborg explodes in a desperate attempt to kill the current wielder of the Omnitrix.
When they eventually landed to reach the Briefs family, with Bikini (Dr. Briefs' wife) and the family cat brought with them when Dr. Briefs couldn't afford to leave anyone behind, Gine would immediately ask Anna and Goku if they're alright, they says they're fine but Bulma makes it clear that this random cyborg definitely didn't come here, just to start a fight. She's terrified that people from space must be coming after the Omnitrix, because of what it can do. And while Goku's excited at the thought of fighting more bad guys, Gine should've known that corrupt people from outer space would be coming after such a powerful device. Dr. Briefs figured that would be the case, so now that Anna has gotten a hang of the watch, they should be careful about whoever shows up next to try and take it.

As for Anna..... She got pretty good with the Omnitrix, despite only actually using it for a few minutes. She thought wrong when she assumed it wasn't in her place to try being a hero with this thing, but by doing the right thing, by taking this cyborg freak down before he could hurt anyone else, including her family, it felt good. Beating him up to a pulp, felt good. For once, despite being human..... She felt useful, like she could actually make a difference here. In comparison to the real superhumans, like Gine and Goku, she feels like an absolute tank that could take on the whole world. Maybe the universe, if possible. Of course, she doesn't want to just use them to fight supervillains, but to do the right thing.

So, when Gine asks her what she thinks, she looks at her and then everyone else. Anna, while admitting that she's not really experienced with helping people or even doing good things, something which Bulma teases her about....... She changed her mind. She'll keep the Omnitrix. And she intends to use it to fight crime, protect her family, and keep it from ever falling to the wrong hands. And with that being said, if the Omnitrix isn't on a dead battery and will hopefully turn back on soon, she wants to start training her usage with the Omnitrix right away. Starting with getting to know all of her aliens first.


Back on the mothership, the bridge officers regret to inform their Emperor that from what they heard on the cyborg's scouter.... He has been slain.
"I see... Quite a shame, really. I was hoping to have to see him face to face. Did you get a scan on the Omnitrix wielder's power level through his scouter?"

"Yes, sir. The power level was indefinite outside of base form, unlike the other power levels. But when the Omnitrix was activated, the last known power level was 3,500." The technical officer, a Berry revealed.
"And there's something else, sir." An Appule officer added, "It looks like two rogue Saiyans were spotted on the planet, having been last seen in leagues with the wielder of the Omnitrix. Their power levels were lower than the latter's."

"I see.... Quite an irony, given the monkeys and their brute nature. But then again, it just shows the remarkable potential of the Omnitrix." Frieza said, slowly floating out of shadow, revealing himself in the light and looking down at the planet as he sat in his Hover Pod. His horns and pink skin bringing dread to whoever glanced at him. All but his most loyal henchmen, Dodoria and Zarbon, who stood menacingly in the background.
The Emperor looks down at the small, blue world below him. Had it not been for his damaged ship, he would be there by now. He admits that it won't take long to have his ship repaired, but now that he thinks of it.... He should sit back and wait, send more useless bounty hunters after the arrogant brute who stole his prize and test the full capabilities of the Omnitrix. Once he's sure he has seen everything, only then will he feel like coming down there and grabbing it himself.

Kikono, a scientist on deck, voices his concerns as to why that is necessary. He could always, not that he needs to, get the Omnitrix right away before the Plumbers seize it again and take it away, starting the whole chase all over again. Frieza, of course, clearly states that the Plumbers already know they're there. They wouldn't dare get any closer to the planet, or else he'll just blow it up, take the Omnitrix right away, and kill whoever showed up. The Plumbers may care about the Omnitrix, but they also care too deeply about any planet carrying sentient life. They make one move on the board, he calls, "Checkmate."

In other words, he's holding the planet hostage. And it's only a matter of time..... Before he gets what he wants and the universe will finally be in his grasp......


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