Chapter 2: Charmed

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(Half of credit goes to --Honeybuns )

Date: Age 750, January 2nd

It would be a month after Anna has discovered the Omnitrix. During this time, both testing the extent of her abilities with the Omnitrix and adopting a role as a superhero, she has arrested more than hundreds of criminals around the world and trained with Gine enough to get as strong as Goku in her human form, if not stronger. And while she has quickly discovered some problems with it right away, such as the time-out function, she has been trying to train herself to use the Omnitrix as efficiently as possible in combination with her newfound superhuman abilities as a prodigy of supposedly the strongest woman in the world. Thanks to her father, Dr. Brief, and her sister's fluent tests that allowed her to study the aliens she could shapeshift into, she has learned a lot about most of her aliens. She has been able to at least name some of them, given the Omnitrix mostly refused to transform her into any aliens she preferred, like Four Arms. Of course, every time she got into a fight with her enemies in any of her aliens, including the ones she's most experienced with, there's always a new thing to learn about them. Their weaknesses, especially.

One day, when Anna visits a city called Gingertown with Gine, Goku, and Bulma to investigate mysterious tremors in the ground (while Goku is taking an hour off of training at Master Roshi's to accompany Anna, who he still wants to fight to check out her aliens' strength), they end up discovering a ruthless horned monster, which was terrorizing someone in the woods not far from the city and Anna immediately goes there faster than the other two by selecting an alien the Omnitrix lets her turn into, this time (although she presses on the dial without slamming a hand on it to transform, since she finds it taking too long to transform and finds pushing it down with her fingers are faster than the former). Luckily, this alien was one she was familiar with and whose name she had already figured out.

"XLR8!" She exclaimed, covering her face with a mask sliding from out of her cone-shaped helmet, then dashed and left behind a blue afterimage of her speed, rushing to the scene as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog.

Once she goes there, she finds a girl pinned against a mountainous wall by the monster, whose quadruple size rivaled the size of a Great Ape and whose power was far beyond the capabilities of a military to handle it. A quadruple beast that Anna could only guess to be the toughest prehistoric beast of them all:

To defend herself, the young woman used a different colored variant of Ki, which Anna never saw before. From what she saw, the woman tried to blast it in the face with a pink energy blast, but it wasn't enough to harm its rough hide, so it just blew out air in irritation and lunged at her with its massive jaws full of razor-sharp teeth. Until XLR8 ran in there, got the victim out of there before she could get consumed by the beast, and left her by a tree in a second flat, telling her to get out of there while she still could, then came back to trip the beast with a super fast punch to the front legs' heels and get its attention to her.

She ran up a mountain wall, her visor on, and shouted in a ragged tone, "HEY! BIG-EARRED PIG! How about you eat someone your size?!"
As soon as it jerked its head to her, it roared at her and immediately climbed up the wall. Seeing that as her queue, she ran up to the top super fast but made sure to circle around and continuously strike it every 10 seconds to keep its attention on her. Her strategy was to lure it to the top until she had something planned to where it would be exposed out in the open.

Gine, who stood aside firsthand with her son and Bulma to wait patiently until she was sure Anna couldn't handle this on her own, would be impressed. Both with her student's skill and the fact that she was seemingly beating this creature, one she assumed to be a dinosaur. And while Goku wanted to fight it, he respected Anna's fight and would let her handle it on her own. But he could always help if she wanted to tag out and let him take care of it, should it be too tough for her to handle with her super cool watch.

Of course, once Anna has gotten it up to the top, she will execute the next phase of her plan. She would immediately run back down and up the mountain with XLR8, then jump and knock Baragon off the top with her claws (charged with Ki), and then as soon as Baragon came tumbling down the mountain, she landed to dash around in zig-zag lines, leaving behind Ki mines to blow up the side of the mountain. Thus, causing a massive run-off to come down and bury the beast alive just as it falls at the mountain's base.
Before the monster even had time to escape, all it could do was roar in pain as it was buried under piles of tons of boulders and rock debris. Hoping that would knock out or kill the creature before it could harm anyone from Gingertown, Anna complimented herself for succeeding with this challenge, then sped down to see if the monster was truly dead. While Gine and Bulma have yet to show up, XLR8 would crouch, knock on the rocks and then stand up with relief.

"Thank Kami, it worked! For a moment there, I thought I couldn't take it down on my own." She spoke raggedly as the mask slid off to expose her blue face, thin mouth, and green eyes. She spun around with the orbs on her feet, crossing her arms and adding proudly, "Anna, 5! Goku, 0!"

Suddenly, the monster would burst out of the rubble and roar in rage, knocking XLR8 into the air. She would crash onto the ground and yelp out loud, then jump back up with her claws to regain her footing. She'd look up and see the monster covered in bloody bruises and scratches all over it, causing her to curse herself for jinxing her victory. Then, she had to speed her way out of there just as the monster took a deep breath and unleashed a massive torrent of flames to burn her alive like some medieval dragon.

However, just as the monster was about to go after her, that was when a massive boulder was lifted out of the pile (while engulfed in some aura of pink-like Ki), levitated over the beast's head, and dropped right on top of it to slam it into the pile. The boulder would roll off and crash onto the side, shaking the Earth a bit, but the force would be enough to knock out the beast cold and finally take it down for good. Anna was surprised, to say the least, and turned back around after sensing the beast's energy signature plummet to see something she couldn't believe.

The monster was knocked out cold, apparently by a giant boulder that fell on top of its head from out of nowhere. She sped back to the area to check if the monster was unconscious this time while glancing around and wondering where she could've made the mountain blow up and lose a large chunk of its rocky layers like the boulder falling on top of its head.
"Up here!!"

She looked up, immediately alerted by the unfamiliar voice, only to see the same girl she had rescued from the beast just a few minutes ago. It was a silver-haired girl with magenta or purple clothes and long-heeled purple boots with black straps around them. She wore a bag around her waist while wearing her long silver hair in a low ponytail, had light purple and pinkish eyes and purple lipstick, and even wore two earrings on each ear.

She didn't look intimidating, but just a few minutes ago, she looked terrified from encountering the beast. But now, she looked confident and thankful that the beast was put down, or so it appeared. The first thing she would shout, since she was so high above Anna from standing on a bunch of rocks, "Sorry for taking your win, but it looked like you needed help! First-time-fighting giant monsters, I take it?"

Anna would likely be sarcastic with the question, confirming the girl's question but says she must've had her fair share of inexperience too, given she was having trouble with the beast herself. And the girl agrees to that, claiming she probably wouldn't have survived without her tagging in. While Anna is still a bit on guard since she's a stranger who can manipulate Ki, the stranger jumps off the pile of rocks and floats down to land in front of her, proving her use of Ki.

When they face each other, the girl is much taller and looks older than Anna (at least if she is in base form). The girl would compliment her for her powers and for being quick on her feet to nearly defeat a massive monster with her brain rather than brute strength. She'd ask where she got her powers, or her Mana, to stand a chance against this monster, only for XLR8 to ask, "I'm sorry, Mana?"
The girl would be confused until she widened her eyes and said, "Ohhhh, sorry. I thought from having sensed your Mana to be higher than the average person; you would know a thing or two about that."

"You mean, Ki?" Anna asked, raising an eyebrow.  The girl shrugged, "Same thing."
"I'm Charmcaster by the way." The girl would offer a hand, to which Anna would shake with one of her black claws, albeit still suspicious of her, while responding with, "Tara. Tara Strong. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm a little thrown off here. Mind if you tell me some context here? (points at dead/unconscious beast) Starting with what was going on between you and that thing."

Of course, Charmcaster would explain that she thought she could use what she knew about the monster to beat it. To make a long story short, she made a bad call for underestimating it. But if she wanted to hear the long version, she was on a lone quest to help regulate the ecosystems vulnerable to invasive species and protect them from them. And she means the big ones spreading all over the land like those dinosaurs you often see in the wilderness. And that includes this Drake, the monster some people would know as Baragon.

"You see, not many people know this, but this Drake? The ancestors that preceded the dinosaurs and dragons you see around you? They all came from Yunzabit Heights." She added.
"Yunzabit Heights? Isn't that-" XLR8 asked.

"The most dangerous and least populated continent in the world. The very same. But you see, it was always highly populated. Just not by people." Charmcaster said before approaching one of the beast's claws. She would wave her hands a bit, causing the beast's claw to get closer to them, revealing close-up looks into the details of parts of its physiology.
"See how long the claws are extended? They were designed to burrow deep underground. It was the Drake's way of evading extremely harsh winds, and also why it evolved to breathe fire. This monster was both a predator AND a subterranean beast, which makes sense, given most reptiles can't survive in regions with extremely cold temperatures. Not every monster was like this, but this one was a digger." She said, according to the observations she and Anna could make, before she let go of the claw, letting it fall on its own without shaking up the Earth.

Anna starts to see how this is the case and guesses that somehow, these monsters made it onto the mainland before Charmcaster reveals that these monsters didn't make it inland. They were brought here by Man when they adapted to the brutal climates and were in great numbers on the continent since most men wanted to use them for exotic pets or beasts of war. But much to their surprise, these animals couldn't be tamed, so they foolishly let them out in the wild decades ago. And now that there are more monsters here than in Yunzabit Heights due to poachers and terrorists overhunting the native populations, the monsters here are trying to adapt to their new surroundings. But clearly, they don't belong here, so it's up to her to hunt them down and deport them back to their natural habitat.

After hearing this, Anna would think Charmcaster is a pretty decent person, at least from the impression she's seeing. As far as she knows, she's cleaning up humanity's mistakes. However, Anna has only just met her, so she won't be quick to trust her. At least for now. It gives her a good idea of who else she can combat to protect cities and villages, as it would be a good chance for her to learn how to use her aliens to handle threats much bigger than the average villain. Not that she couldn't handle things more dangerous than that. Still, considering how this situation went down, it would be better for her to be prepared.

Of course, their conversation is interrupted when Gine and Goku call out to her in the distance, leading Charmcaster to say, "Looks like your friends are here. Well, it's been fun knowing you, Tara, but I'll have to go call for someone to pick this thing up. Since, you know, (points at Drake) it's hard for anyone to carry a 250-ton reptile to the other side of the world."

Anna would scoff and agree with that, doubting that while she's strong, she's not THAT strong (no pun intended). Either way, Charmcaster would bid farewell to the girl but not before offering a small totem to her. She tells her that whenever she feels like getting the practice of fighting giant monsters with her, chant her name into the totem and she'll show up. Since Anna couldn't help but want to get more experience out of combating all kinds of enemies, especially after remembering how terrifying Goku was in his Great Ape form, she takes it and thanks her for the offer. And thus, Charmcaster would fly off and vanish from the area. Just as Goku showed up on his Nimbus, with Gine beside him, asking who that was. As soon as she was sure Charmcaster wasn't around, Anna reverted into human form to tell them the story.

Later on, after Anna explains everything to her master, apparently potential rival, and sister, as they're near the military quickly investigating the unconscious monster and keeping any citizens away from it for their safety; Goku thinks hearing this from Anna would be cool. Figuring this mana is just magic, thus making her pretty strong like Master Roshi, would want Anna to use the totem immediately to bring Charmcaster so that he could see her magic and challenge her to a fight.

But Anna would chastise him, saying that just because anyone he finds is strong doesn't mean he should go ahead and fight them right away. Crap like that will make him lose the chance of making friends with anybody if he keeps it up. And besides, she barely knows this woman, so she should probably learn more about her before Goku thinks about fighting someone who could be a threat. Although, Goku does bring up a good point about Mana being a potential synonym for magic or just Ki. Gine would agree with Anna's thoughts about this stranger, as she's glad Anna didn't reveal her actual name or form and believes it best to see her intentions first. While she's willing to give the girl a chance to prove herself that she means no harm to her family, student, or the latter's family whatsoever, any super-powered being they have come across so far could be a potential minion of what the cyborg mercenary referred to as The Frieza Force.

Meanwhile, Bulma is the only one who doesn't buy this. Sure, she knows magic exists from having seen the miraculous works of the Dragon Balls, and maybe this mana is some type of it, but what she doesn't believe is that this girl was anything but good. If anything, she was probably just after the Omnitrix on Anna's wrist, like the cyborg her sister had to fight. Because first of all, why would she have trouble fighting that thing if she could've easily taken it down from the beginning like that boulder she used? Second, why was she ignoring that she was talking to a literal alien when Anna was XLR8? Shouldn't she have panicked or even asked questions about that, given there are no signs of life even remotely close to matching the alien?

"If you ask me, I feel this was all set up. The giant "Drake" monster, the Ki, all of it was so this "Charmcaster" can have an excuse to talk to you and try setting up a trap to steal your Omnitrix." Bulma claimed.
"And how does that make any sense?" Anna asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Because if she could've easily taken out this stupid thing, she would've done it without your help. But no, she specifically had to *cry out for help,* just conveniently when you're close by. And if she wasn't asking questions about XLR8, she probably already knew about the Omnitrix and had been watching you from the get-go. That's likely even she's bothering with you! She wants your Omnitrix! (points at the totem) In fact, why do you still have that totem thing? She could be listening to us through that!" Bulma replied, immediately intending to approach her and snatch the totem from her hand.

Anna, however, knowing how irrational and impulsive her sister can be, doesn't buy Bulma's logic and claims she's just being paranoid, as she holds the totem away from her. In her eyes, not everyone with powers is automatically evil. For example, that old man Bulma sold her body to for a stupid mystical orb, or that one creepy bandit from the desert. Who she could've sworn her older sister claimed was handsome.

"W-What?! I didn't-!" Bulma would be startled by the idea of her selling herself to Roshi, and so would Gine, though more so with her doing that.
"I did NOT sell myself to that old coot, you dweeb! I only gave him a peek. That's IT!"
"Case in point," Anna replied, her arms now crossed.

Of course, Gine breaks up the two before they can start a fight and tells Anna not to be so harsh on her sister, despite Anna arguing that it's the truth. However, her master is more focused on the fact that Bulma gave into that old man's perverse lust for a Dragon Ball in any way or fashion. Before this goes further, Bulma would change the subject back to Charmcaster, saying something's up with her and she shouldn't fall for the stupid offer she gave her.

Anna would roll her eyes, saying that if Charmcaster wanted to take the Omnitrix, why not do it with a surprise attack when Anna didn't even know who she was? Why not do it when the beast was still conscious, so she would be distracted while the supposed witch had a chance to take her out? Or at least wait until she reverted into human form, cut her wrist off, and escape with it?
Regardless, Bulma argues that something isn't right here and demands her sister never talk with that person again. Anna denies it, saying she'll at least see what the stranger has to offer. And if it so happens that Charmcaster is evil, then she'll take her down and that will be that. Not believing the logic in her sister's words, Bulma would ask how she could do that when she said it herself about how she didn't know who Charmcaster was and didn't know what she was truly capable of.

Only for Anna to counter the question by asking, "I don't know, how can you see yourself as a member of the smartest family in the world, yet have so little human dignity to sell yourself to both Goku AND Roshi over a literal childish wish for a boyfriend and infinite supply of strawberries-"
"I did NOT sell myself to them, you little TWERP!!" Bulma shouted.
"But you were. You wanted to show your dirty little fanny to me so you could have Grandpa Gohan's Dragon Ball." Goku joins in, both dense to the situation and remembering how Bulma wanted to give a fair trade.

Bulma just jerked her head to him and growled, tempted to shoot him, even if she knew it wouldn't hurt him. That was before they got interrupted by Gine immediately interrupting this again, now even more surprised by Bulma's actions and would ask her if she did try to expose herself to her son for a Dragon Ball, as she wasn't there when this happened.

"NO I didn't- (faces Anna) STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT, YOU BRAT! I'm trying to warn you!" Bulma snapped.
"I don't NEED your help, Bulma! I'll be just fine without your advice!" Anna shouted, "I think I can handle a few problems or two! Unlike you and your excuses to sleep around!"

Bulma's face would turn red as she struggled not to throttle her sister then and there. To the point where Gine has to hold her back to ensure they don't start fighting. She then assures Bulma that if Charmcaster does end up tricking Anna, and if Anna needs help beating her, she will be there. And if she can't be there, then Goku will. That said, she disapproves of Bulma's behavior and is glad she didn't do it again (not knowing she pretty much offered herself to Oolong when she thought he was handsome).

If what Goku and Anna say is true, she will have to have a word with Dr. Briefs to discuss her behavior, immediately leading Bulma to panic and beg her not to tell her father. Anna would ultimately appreciate this support, though she makes a snide comment that she wishes Bulma would show a little more respect and trust in her sister and a person wielding a tool that can transform her into an alien. All while Goku, still dense to the situation, asks his mother what is more important now: The purple witch or Bulma showing off?
"You're not HELPING!!!"

Of course, Gine answers that she will handle the situation revolving around Bulma's past with her sexuality. But in the meantime, Goku should return to train with Master Roshi if he still wishes to train under him (much to Goku's disappointment of losing the chance to fight or spar with Anna). And as for Anna, she's welcome to give this offer a shot but should do so under her supervision if this is a trap. Anna obliges, as long as Bulma isn't there to ruin it. And thus, Goku bids them farewell and heads out with the Flying Nimbus, to which Anna admits to finding it odd that a living cloud is a thing.

Gine smiles knowingly, claiming she's seen much weirder things. And from what they've seen, the universe is far weirder than their tiny slice, so they might as well enjoy what they have. Anna playfully rolls her eyes but respects this idea, even though she knows things will only get weirder, considering the Assassins and mercenaries coming after them for the watch. However, she's not too worried. What she's dealt with already, plus her training with Gine, has her convinced that if there's any threat coming their way, she'll be able to handle it with no problem. And Gine, this time, is a bit more serious, though she doesn't show it, thinking about the potential danger coming their way in the future.

—Hours later—

And thus, time would go on with Anna eventually going back to patrolling a bunch of cities for the rest of the day to see if there was crime or supervillains running amok that she should be worried about. Aside from some random criminals and bandits she had to deal with, the day was peaceful if she counted out that giant beast from earlier. However, that's what worried her.

Even though she thinks things are normal as usual, she feels some villages or individuals out there are being terrorized by the giant monsters in the wilderness. And now that she knows why they're here and why they have always seemed out of place to her, she's wasting time doing jack back at the Capsule Corp house. However, after dinner and when Gine eventually returns to her home in the mountains, as Bulma did get in trouble for what she did in the previous saga, Anna does some research about the dinosaurs and other giant monsters. She would come to learn that while most cities are safe, she sees photographic evidence of how tons of people needed to pay tons of money for safe transport, otherwise they would be attacked by either bandits or monsters like Baragon or the giant dinosaurs running everywhere in the woods, eating anything that moves (including their own young).

She also conducts further research on the web and discovers how most native species and ecosystems' populations have dropped to remain below 33%, with most of the habitats becoming barren and even turning out like Yunzabit Heights the more often the giant monsters showed up. She realizes that just because she and the cities are not always in danger doesn't mean it's the same for the wildlife and forests out there. And if she doesn't do something, it might turn out exactly like that girl, Charmcaster described Yunzabit Heights. A whole new habitat full of monsters.

Therefore, Anna wants to do something now that she knows about this chaos. Better to help with this than stop common crooks, as the police do. And as a scientist in the making, she would naturally want to see monsters like this up close. Even more so, she wants to help safely deal with them, unlike other humans, who would most likely want to use these monsters as weapons and get killed. Plus, it explains why dinosaurs are still around, which Anna probably wondered in her spare time when she wasn't busy training or even before she got the Omnitrix.

Even from a tactical standpoint, she should get all these problems out of the way while she has yet to handle facing the assassins and space mercenaries going after her. Either way, she would leave the house and go outside (while everyone thinks she's sleeping in her room) to fly out of the city and land somewhere isolated to meet up with the one person she would help handle these things: Charmcaster.

So without further ado, despite having promised Gine that they would investigate the stranger together, she would open up a small bag she brought to carry the totem, take it out, and give out a sith. She can only hope she doesn't regret what she's about to do as she chants the girl's name to the totem and then it starts to glow bright pink. She looks at it for a few seconds, wondering if the girl would teleport out of nowhere or fly over here after sensing or hearing whatever the totem is doing. However, her answer is already handed to her once she hears a faint noise and a slight flash of pink light in the corner of her eyes.

"Took you long enough." Charmcaster joked as Anna turned to see her lying back against a tree as if she was expecting Anna to summon her and even had time to get into position. 
"Yeah, I had to wait until I could help you out. Were you waiting for me this whole time?" Anna asked, wondering if Bulma's warnings were right or not. Only for the girl to answer as she approaches her,

"No, but I did expect you to call me soon after that little talk we had. From how I saw you react to the information you gained from me talking about that Drake (leans in a bit while crossing her arms) I knew you were invested in abnormal things like me. Prehistoric monsters roaming around, the potential of actually studying them up close. (leans back) Oh, and saving people from them too. Point is, I'm a scientist. And scientists can always tell another scientist when they see one. Always asking questions, always guessing, and always testing things to prove their hypotheses."

Anna wouldn't be able to refute that statement, as getting answers was one of the reasons she was there. She would likely relate to Charmcaster, confirming she is also a scientist. So she's curious to see what the stranger has to show her. She's also curious about how Charmcaster can teleport since she's only seen people move extremely fast but not teleport. Not to mention the field she's pursuing if she is a scientist. Charmcaster would say she would answer them in exchange for learning about the magical watch in her possession, as she guessed with such an abnormal form like earlier, it was more or less artificial than an actual living creature.

Anna agrees, so she reveals that she built an experimental watch that can turn her into all kinds of creatures composed of DNA derived from the world's strongest, fastest, and most powerful wildlife. She genetically engineered them herself, so she's both a geneticist and biologist in training. And in return, Charmcaster confirms that she is a witch, or rather, a magician in training. Most people often ignore her field of science because of its abnormal pursuit of study: Alchemy.

As both a magician and an alchemist, her current goal is to bring balance to the natural world by ridding the mainland of magical creatures that endanger and are endangered by contact with the modern world. So to keep them safe and the modern world safe, she intends to send them back to where they belong. Admittedly, Anna finds it to explain why she has Pink Ki and has magical items, like the totems.
But now, that raises more questions, like how Pink Ki works and how magic can fit in this world. While Charmcaster would answer her questions right away, she suggest they only learn more about each other when they take care of one thing they must attend to tonight. They've got a dragon that's awake tonight and one they've got to send back to Yunzabit Heights before it roams around too far from its current territory and burns a village. Anna agrees, having figured Dragons would be the biggest kind of nuisance to the natural world besides Baragon.

Therefore, Charmcaster opens a portal for them to enter and reappear where Anna guesses where the dragon can be found. However, before they enter, Anna wants to know at least one important thing. How does she know she can trust her, given she's got superpowers and could've easily just been wanting to seize her powers for herself? Why only ask her help when she easily could've asked for help from anyone with superpowers, like her friends?

Charmcaster, however, assures that she does not need to worry. 
"I have more than enough to rival that of your powers." She gently pats the bag by her waist, "I have no need for your unique gifts, as interesting as they look. Just look at it this way; all you have is my word. But if that isn't enough, we can call it off if you want. I can always take care of the Dragon on my own and you can carry on fighting crime or saving lives from local threats with your powers. I just figured from one scientist to another, we could learn what we share in common. Enlighten each other with our powers and fair share of knowledge, and exchange information with each other. The possibilities are countless! And with how irritating it feels to work with people who think they know you, I thought it would be a nice change of pace to meet up with someone who can know you for who you are. Without any arrogance to hold them back from getting to know you better. From getting to respect you for what you're truly capable of, you know?"

And like that, Anna immediately knows how that felt. With Bulma annoying her for thinking she knows best for her, just because she's her older sister, Anna can relate to what Charmcaster must've felt for quite some time with whoever's related to her. And like that, the acquaintance asks if she wishes to join her or back out because now's the time to decide while she still can. Anna took a few moments to think about this, along with the consequences this could lead to, but because she saw something in the girl that made her feel as though her words were genuine... She accepts. So they both enter the portal and teleport to the other side of the world, which she quickly finds out to be a desert wasteland.

Charmcaster would soon get the show on the road and show Anna why she brought her all the way out to what Anna discovers to be the Gizard Wastelands. At the very edge of the canyons, there's a massive cave down there that is leaking tons of smoke from beneath the dark cracks. Now, when something like this is revealed, there would be smells of sulfur and other signs of the volcanic activity emitting this much smoke out of the crevices. But that's just it. There is no smell of any volcanic activity. The nearest volcano is miles away. Which means...

"There's a Dragon down there." Anna finishes, glancing down at the menacing caverns below.
"That's right. She's resting down there, taking a long rest from having reignited the flames of Fire Mountain." Charmcaster validates her guess.
"Fire Mountain? But I thought the Ox-King made a deal with a wizard to put some flames on his mountain to ensure no intruders came out until it grew out of control?" Anna asked, not even refusing to admit that a local legend was made up to cover the Ox-King's mistakes.

She remembered what happened when she was with Goku to witness the Ox-King tell the true story and how the fires were put out. She would've revealed the myth to make it easier, but since Charmcaster is a super-powered being, she figured she'd know the truth from hearing tales on the wizard's side.

"Oh, he did alright. He made a deal with a rather.... Reckless, ego-maniac of a wizard who often proclaimed himself the Master Magician. But besides purposely making the fires spread out of control and last for near eternity for some quick laughs, he would never show up again. However, Fire Mountain has recently been lit again, even after an old man of unknown origin has put it out with a Mana blast. And it's all thanks to this dragon, who lit the mountain ablaze out of a tantrum when the Ox-King refused to sacrifice his daughter to appease its appetite for virgins. Now it's up to us to put this dragon back where it belongs." Charmcaster explains.

Anna would know she'd be up for that and immediately decide to go for an alien that can put out the flames and possibly help take on the dragon. She doesn't say that part, but she does comment that Ox-King is a decently powerful guy, but in no way, overbearing as he could be as a dad with Chichi, that he would give up his daughter for something that awful.
Though Charmcaster wouldn't know much about the Ox-King; aside from his reputation as the King of Fire-Mountain, she agrees that sacrificing one's family alone is sinful enough. She'd want to kill this thing, but unfortunately, it suits better in a habitat like Yunzabit Heights to keep all the other cruel monsters from overpopulating the continent. Anna would agree, knowing they could also be studied for tons of research and to learn more about the prehistoric times of Earth. Aside from that and already planning how to put out Fire Mountain when they're done with the dragon, she asks Charmcaster what her plan is with the dragon.

"Easy. We go down there while the dragon sleeps, wake it up, and knock it out cold." Charmcaster says.
"Huh, sounds easy enough. I'm in for it. But wouldn't it be easier to just send it back to Yunzabit Heights with that teleportation spell of yours while its asleep?" Anna asked.
"As much as I'd love to, I have yet to learn and cast such powerful magic. The dragon is too large for such a capacity, so I would have to do the same thing as I had to do with Baragon. Capture it and hire a team to transport it back to its home. There's also a lake down there where it would be too hot to restrain it. So we'd have to lure it out of its comfort zone to restrain it."

"Rigggght. Well, if you say so. But incase the plan falls apart and the dragon can breathe fire like Baragon, I'll use one of my hybrids' abilities to negate its flames. Ice should do the trick." Anna suggests, which Charmcaster returns with her intentions to use what she calls Powder Bombs to incapacitate the dragon.
And thus, she activates the watch, turning the dial toward a wide, muscular silhouette. After Anna is pushed down on the dial, the DNA is injected into her watch to rapidly turn her into a new alien. Multiple green eyes sprouted all over her body, her face closing in on itself to enlarge and reveal amphibious gill-like ears, and her body growing in size with reptilian-like scales covering her human form. Soon, the transformation was complete after her Omnitrix had finished flashing in green light. Once Charmcaster opened her eyes from being blinded, she instantly widened her eyes at the sight of Anna's current form. She'd be quick to call it...

"Eye Guy!" Anna shouted in a grouchy voice (that sounded like she was speaking underwater) with her small mouth, crooked teeth, and rows of bulging eyes looking everywhere. After she finished posing, she looked at Charm without even needing to turn her body around, given the eyes on her sides could easily spot her from the current angle, to ask, "So, what do you think? Pretty cool, huh?"

However, Charm would immediately cover her mouth and gag, desperately trying to keep herself from vomiting. She was not only creeped out by all the eyes on Anna's body staring at her, without any signs of blinking, but just outright repulsed by her hideous appearance. Anna would assure her she knew how odd she looked, but this alien would do the job they needed. However, she feels Gine won't be happy if she finds out about this plan. But now that Anna has changed, they would begin their plan. Anna would be the first to jump down, now confident about this mission and more than ready to take on the dragon with someone she's eager to see what she can do. Charmcaster would follow and direct her to where they needed to go, starting with the underground lake.

While Anna will remember how much Eye Guy creeps Charmcaster out as a joke, she would use her eyes to look around to make sure no one gets the drop on them as they look for the lake, as well as to track the scent of smoke in the caves and even the Dragon's footprints. Despite Anna's size while as Eye Guy, she does a pretty good job at moving around sneakily. Once they make it inside the massive caves, which makes Anna feel like they just stepped into a volcano, she does her best to tolerate the excessive heat and smell of smoke, as Charmcaster easily does by chanting something under her breath to somehow remove the smoke and heat problem for the both of them. Besides thanking her, Charm doesn't mind and asks her to keep going, trying hard not to look at the multi-eyed creature.

This helps them venture deeper into the caves until Charmcaster leads Anna to a lake that seems to be spewing out fire in some places. From how they looked, Charmcaster comments how she was right when she first visited these caves (to do a reconnaissance before she concludes her observations and makes her move). The dragon has yet to hibernate, from how the lake is, so all they have to do is shout out loud and the dragon's wide awake.

So Anna comes up with the right alarm to get this dragon up and moving, has Charm stand back, and prepares to destroy some of the caverns' ceiling. Much to Charm's disgust, she watches as the center eye on Anna's chest starts to come out, still attached to her chest by the vein as she charges up a beam with it. Charm tries not to look at this, only counting to three. Once she gets to three, Anna quickly sprung into action, firing the beams from many of her eyes to unleash a single energy wave at the ceiling. It blows up a good chunk of the underground rock and causes it to crash hard into the water, causing large splashes. And from how loud it was, it was safe to say Anna had succeeded; who asked if that did it.

"T-That's uh... That's great, Tara. That's great. Good job. The dragon will wake up at any moment." Charm awkwardly responded, now purposely trying to look away, despite knowing most of Anna's eyes on her back were staring at her. Without her even needing to turn to face her. And Anna, amused by Charm's reaction, winks her eyes at Charmcaster, much to the witch's dismay.

Just as this happens, they hear a loud, intimidating roar echoing through the cavern tunnels from having sensed a disturbance in her domain. Charmcaster, immediately glancing their surroundings, would tell Anna to fall back. They need to lure it as close to the entrance as possible. Anna agrees before they both dash out of there, the water instantly blowing up tons of bubbles as a large figure begins to rise out of the lake. As ferocious growls and earth-shaking stomps were heard, Anna and Charmcaster would get close to the entrance above them, the witch then telling Anna to get ready.

Charmcaster would proceed to take out a book from inside her magenta jacket, opens it up and starts to chant something under her breath. Anna's not a good listener, but she could've sworn she was chanting something in Latin before suddenly, the ground glowed in the form of several bright yellow circles. After a moment or two, she'd finish chanting her supposed spell and the ground would stop glowing. Moments later, out would come a towering beast of enormous size, with four legs and gigantic wings. It was the Dragon.

From having a foul smell full of rotten corpses in its breath to tons of battle scars and indestructible black scales all over its body, it roared in irritation from sensing the presence of intruders. It spots them and instantly roars in anger at the sight of its territory disturbed, then dashes head-on to kill them.

Since Charmcaster has set up the spells from earlier in the ground and would set off to restrain the dragon by getting her feet stuck to the ground; their plan would partially work when the dragon was distracted with the trap Charm set up, leaving the witch to immediately throw the first pair of their bombs into the dragon's face. It would blow up into some gray gas that the dragon barely inhaled before it got pissed, moved its head up to catch both of them above, roared angrily at them, and was about to breathe fire. Anna would shout while charging her eyes, "GET DOWN!"

However, Charm would listen and gets down while generating a mana shield around her, seconds before Eye Guy would combine some of her eyes with her chest eye, bulge it out in front, and unleash her biggest ice blast. Fueled by her own Ki, she manages to negate the flames the dragon would unleash and thus put it out before it reaches her or even the rocky ceiling. As a result, the whole area would erupt into a cloud of smoke and vapor, blinding the dragon and allowing Anna to fly up and strike a punch at its face, knocking it onto its front. Charmcaster, after using her magic to see through the smoke, would throw her remaining bombs into its face, causing it to inhale more of it.

"Got it-!" She shouted, right before she stopped to duck to avoid getting smacked into a wall by the dragon's prehensile tail, which started to swing everywhere in random directions in hopes of hitting the intruders, alongside its attempts to burn them alive with another torrent of earth-scorching flames, now getting pissed and already managing to break out of one of its bonds from the floor.

Anna springs into action with great haste, keeping the dragon focused on her while Charm gets out of its range. Unfortunately for the dragon, Anna's too quick and can see it, throwing blows into its face to try and make it sleep sooner if the gases weren't working fast enough. As the smoke would've already dissipated, Charm would see the dragon roaring in anger, desperately trying to free itself from the glowing yellow shackles. Charm would be glad to know this is starting to work, until a few more moments pass and nothing happens.

It was still wide awake, pulling and biting as hard as it could. Charm realized something was wrong and figured she must've aimed poorly for the dragon not to inhale enough gases.
"Damn." She muttered under her breath before shouting to Anna that she'll need to throw more, but she'll have to hold it still to get the hit right this time. Anna complied and flew over to the Dragon, wrapped both of her arms to shut its mouth while it was distracted trying to bite the magical restraints off, and exclaimed, "GOT IT!"
However, the dragon growled, swung her head everywhere, and then slammed Anna into a wall with her head.

"GAH!" The alien yelped; the eyes attached to her back were instantly blinded by blunt force. She wasn't exactly injured, but her back eyes felt poked. The Dragon only roared at her and was about to fire its flames, only for Anna to get up and fire her strongest ice blast yet with her chest and front eyes, instantly freezing the back of the Dragon's throat before it could fire anymore. It quickly melted from the flames' heat, but the dragon decided to lunge at her to eat her alive.

Anna catches her jaws but ends up getting lifted high in the air. As Charmcaster would fly up to get close, take out her last bomb, and wait until she got a clear shot, Anna would quickly try to keep it from trying to crush her alive, which she did with ease thanks to her super strength. That was until her badge suddenly started to beep red.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!!" She shouted right before she got engulfed in a flash of red light, reverted into her human form and suddenly being close to getting crushed by the seemingly physically superior jaws at any moment. She struggled to keep the teeth from reaching her, especially as she lost her above-average strength. 
"CHARMCASTER!" She shouted, immediately causing Charm to risk the shot, getting closer than she should via levitation, and would immediately form a spherical Mana barrier around the dome of the dragon (Anna inside).

She'd quickly shout before throwing in the bomb, just as the mana sphere was about to be sealed, "Hold your breath!!!"
The moment it threw in, Anna didn't even bother taking a deep breath and just did her best to hold her breath seconds before the bomb hit the dragon's nose and exploded into a fog of colored gas inside the mana sphere. The dragon wailed from the sudden sting of the smell and burst of gas moments before being forced to inhale it. Just as Charmcaster expected, the dragon's eyelids would get heavy as its body weakened. Soon, it would collapse onto the ground, the mana sphere breaking apart to release the remaining gas, with Charmcaster floating down to rush towards the mouth.

She blew away the gas with a wave of her mana, then proceeded to shout, "Tara!? Tara, are you ok?!"  She didn't hear anything, given the mouth was mostly closed, so she chanted a spell to telekinetically force the dragon's mouth wide open, revealing Anna on the ground. Her back was facing her, so she couldn't tell if she was affected by the gas or not.

"Tara?!" Charm exclaimed, rushing over to crouch down and turn her over, anxious about what had happened to her acquaintance.

Anna would supposedly be unconscious for a moment before groaning in pain. She finally took a breath of air once she was sure it was safe and commented on how much of close one that was. Her eyes were mostly bruised from the hit she took, she was covered in dragon slobber, and she stunk really bad because of it. But besides all of that, she's pretty much okay. Though she reasons that she never wants almost to be eaten like that. And next time, she will go for a stronger alien for the job. Relieved that her partner's okay, Charm laughs with relief and helps Anna up, deadpanning that she can fix the scent on her (but not her clothes) and damage to her eyes but not the pain. She also congratulates her on a job well done, but she makes no promises about the dragons eating her. At least, it wasn't as bad as looking at that freakish eye alien of hers. Anna would roll her eyes if it didn't hurt, more focused on rubbing them to ease the pain.

Charmcaster would have Anna hold still before she holds her hand in front of Anna's eyes and heals the bruises with a spell she chants under her breath. She could barely see after reverting to human form, so after healing her eyes, any potential injuries would be gone instantly.
Anna would be much more relieved and thanked her as Charm helped her. Then, Anna would ask the first thing they've got to do, "So, what now?" She'd ask, leading the witch to answer that she'll cast some spells to keep the dragon contained. After that, she should call some people to pick her up first thing in the morning. Other than that, their job together is done. This made Anna feel slightly satisfied but wish they could've done more. Thanks to the development of her adventurous spirit, she now felt a bit anti-climatic that they had already completed their task.

Charmcaster, however, chose to look on the bright side. This adventure of theirs was a job well done with no casualties whatsoever. Anna huffed, wondering if this was how Goku felt when the adventure was over so soon. If so, then Anna can safely say she's not a fan. But to compliment Charm on her magic, Anna thinks her powers are incredible. She had never seen anyone use their ki or mana as Charm does. Charmcaster, of course, is delighted to show off her abilities. However, now that they had finished their job, Charmcaster would ask if Anna still felt the need to accomplish more tasks or even talk more about each other's abilities with each other. And unfortunately, now that she thought about it, Anna replied that she still had to wake up early tomorrow for training.

She is glad to have helped Charmcaster, but she does need to get back home and sleep it off before her family notices her staying up. Charm understands, knowing she too wants some shut-eye anyway, but she does joke that Anna should probably hide and wash off the clothes with vinegar to get rid of the excessive smell she's trying her hardest to tolerate. It could kill someone if they had a strong nose. Besides that, they would eventually leave the caverns and Charm would teleport with Anna to drop her off at her home city.

However, because Anna has felt she earned her trust and is intrigued by her abilities, she would be more than keen to continue their partnership. Charmcaster would admire that and feels delighted to know Anna is genuinely interested in learning about what she could do. As such, she would promise that as they get to know each other, she will discover plenty about alchemy, whether through what she says or does. After all, the more they learn about each other, the more they'll grow to respect one another. Anna holds Charm up to her promise while returning it with an oath that one day, she'll tell her everything she knows about the shape-shifting watch. Eventually, they parted ways for the night and Anna would soon quietly sneaks back home, making sure to get in the window and hide her clothes so the smell wouldn't reach out to anyone in the house.

She isn't sure how Charm is feeling, but she knows that she's had a good night contributing to the world's environment and saving lives but putting a dragon back where it belongs. With the help of a young with studying for a field of science that she's curious about, nonetheless. It's without a doubt, that Anna will use that totem more often to go on more missions and adventures with Charmcaster to learn about each other and restore balance in the world's nature. Of course, she'd rather keep all of this a secret, knowing fully well she'll be ratted out by Bulma to Gine and their parents if she tells her or even her oldest sister, Tights. So it's better to zip it and keep the whole thing secret between herself and Charmcaster.

—1 week later—

As time passed, a series of events led Goku to investigate something his friend, Bulma, wanted to learn about. As she grew suspicious of Anna's most recent activities. Currently, besides having gone nowhere with the case Bulma gave her, he was doing his best to head back to Roshi's island as soon as possible, often saying out loud how stupid it was to sleep this much and risk doing all of this, going out this far for nothing. He can tell Anna has already gone back home, so now he's going to look like an idiot and will probably even miss breakfast. He doesn't have a watch, but he's certain from the look of the sun's position that he already missed breakfast and will likely have to train twice as hard to miss out on the milk running exercise. Just as he was about to dash across the world with his Flying Nimbus, he senses a crap ton of Ki in the distance. A spike of ki signatures was all over the place, coming straight out of a palace he could see in the distance. Which would reveal two people being thrown right out of the palace and going limp on the grass. One was a man covered in bandages and the other was a blue-skinned man who looked either dead or knocked out.

Being the nice kid he is, Goku would see if these guys needed help. He would especially focus on the man covered in bandages, wondering if he was so injured that his entire body was messed up in a fight. He'd probably want to try taking them home or something, though he is cautious too since he knows those powers must have come from somewhere. If he's going to be late, he can at least say he was trying to help somebody on his way back to Roshi for his training. But how do you think this would go?

I imagine when Goku goes down there to investigate what happened to them, the bandaged man seems to be completely knocked out but the blue-skinned man is still conscious. Goku tried to ask if he was ok, but once the blue-skinned man saw something inside the palace, he panicked and ran away, much to Goku's confusion. That was, however, until he heard dozens of items shatter inside the palace and some flashes of pink light from inside. He sensed Ki in there and was confused as to why the Ki was pink until he remembered how Anna described it to be a different type of energy named Mana. This could only mean one thing, and perhaps Bulma was right this whole time.

Holding his red staff and jumping off the cloud, he cautiously enters the palace and expects to be ambushed instantly. Only to enter safely, but hides behind the corner to see several figures around the corner. From his perspective, there was an unconscious winged man on the floor, an old lady with a hat tied up in vines that seemingly grew out of the floor, and a purple-coated silver-haired girl towering over her. With a crystal ball in one of her hands.

"Let me clarify for you, Baba since your rotten age seemed to have ruined your hearing. Tell me how to use the crystal ball, or I'll smash your face with it and feed your corpse to some beasts I've been collecting recently." The girl threatened the old lady with a high and mighty, calm but antagonistic tone as she circled the small lady. With a smirk on her face, no less, she stepped on something invisible on the ground and then went back to walking on the floor to circle the poor old lady.

"I'll tell you nothing, you little punk! I'm not afraid of you!"
"Oh, you don't? (sounds intimidating) Well, you should be. You're the one having to defend yourself with some pathetic excuses of monsters, while I'm the one who has enough magic to kill you a hundred times over."
"Yet, you still need my help to look into that crystal ball!"
"Yes, you miserable old hag. I do need your help." The purple-coated woman crouches down, "And it's because if you're going to just waste away your magic by scamming people about whatever hopeless lives they'll have with mere fortunes, the least you can do is make some use out of yourself and help me accomplish a goal I should've done a long time ago."

"And how exactly are you going to do that, huh? The last time someone did that, they killed your father-" The old lady gets interrupted by the intruder moving the hand close to her face, as a pink energy ball appeared in her palm and glowed brightly.
"Mention!..... My father again, and I'll make sure you wish you were never born." She replied, now suddenly glaring at her and outright enraged but trying to contain her anger with her calm demeanor, "It is he who is why I despise you and your disgusting brother. He called for aid to return what was ours, and what did you do? Nothing. You ran for your lives and hid away as nothing more than secluded, cowardly hermits who waste time, giving fortunes and providing pathetic styles of physical combat. (sighs) But I won't waste time trying to guilt trip you. I'm done playing games. Now tell me how to use this crystal ball or I'll-"

Goku wouldn't sit around and let this happen. He would probably jump out into the open and shout at the villain, "HEY! Lady! That's not nice at all! You want to use the crystal ball thingy, you should've asked for it!"
Of course, the intruder would immediately be caught off guard, not expecting such a pint-sized brat to challenge her brazenly. She's even more surprised when Goku mentions that she must be the witch, Bulma told her to look for, making him pretty excited. Not out of a tendency to do friendly sport, but to beat her up senseless. Now that he gets to see the infamous magic stranger in person, he can tell she's pretty bad, and he's ready to teach her a lesson. Meanwhile, the woman has no idea who this Bulma is, but she feels she needs to silence her, along with the little runt before her plans are exposed and thwarted.

"Oh really? Or else, what?" The woman asked as she stood up to her full height, confident she could take him on. Especially when he doesn't seem to be one of the champions that the Fortuneteller has at her disposal. However, she gets interrupted when Goku shouts and powers up, causing the floor underneath him to crack violently and the entire palace to shake from the presence of his power. The magician barely stayed on her feet, now having been corrected in a heartbeat and a bit shocked that this little brat had the power to back up his claim. Baba would immediately beg the boy to give her a piece of his mind and free her. However, she would be interrupted when the witch suddenly looked down at her, angered by her petulance, and chanted a spell for the vines to gradually tighten her, causing the old lady to start losing her breath.

"Hey! Let her go and face me!" Goku shouted, instantly going into a stance taught to him by Master Roshi, preparing to put his training to good use in a real fight. Ignoring him, she would open up her bag to place in the crystal ball, raise a hand out towards Goku, and chant, "Vita!!"
Suddenly, three stone fists would punch out of the floor. Out would come three stone-like monsters with purple-glowing lines rising out of the floor to instantly tower over the boy at a height of over 7 ft, heights even greater than any fighter he's ever seen. They growled at him with warthog-like bellowing as they slowly advanced toward Goku with zombie-like behavior. As far as Goku's concerned, all he saw are Monsters made out of rock and magic Ki.
Rock Monsters

She would teleport herself out of there by summoning a purple portal out of thin air, walking through it, and then the portal closing behind her. But not before giving her mindless servants a simple command to deal with the boy for her,

"Kill him."

—To be continued—

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