Dead!Goku x Daughter!Reader : Tides of Time

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Song: Tides of Time by Epica (Listen to the song while you read)

(Y/N)'s POV

'You were always there to hold my hand

When times were hard to understand

But now the tides of time have turned

They keep changing'

Dad.......I miss you so much.....why did you have to leave us all behind? I stared down at the the gravestone that held my father's name, 'Son Goku: Loving Father and Husband'.  Tears filled up my eyes just staring down at it, he died a few days ago from a fatal heart disease during the Cell Games.......Damn did it come to this?

'Seasons range, but you remain the same

A steady heart, a sun to rain

You'll be the light that's shining bright

High above me''re were so strong.....why weren't you strong enough to beat this? I remember your cheery smile everytime I close my eyes. You always had that smile on your face.....even while facing could you do that? Especially in the face of death? 

 'Autumn gold losing hold

We are leaves meant to fall

There's a meaning to all that fades'

You know is upset that you left us......even Vegeta shed a bit of a tear when you passed....heh.....surprising because he has that tough guy exterior going on......everyone misses you mean a lot.......especially to me daddy. I smiled a little as I wiped a tear from my eyes. 

" know dad....we could bring you back with the dragon balls......but you didn't want told us not to wish you back to life.....while you were on your deathbed." Why would you tell us that dad? Do you not want to come back?

'Freezing winds were stayed by warming words

To touch your healing to the hurt

I'll treasure every lesson learned

To the embers'

I remember when I was kid everything you taught me and Gohan. How not to give up when everything was bleak, and to get stronger to conquer our life goals, to always help friends whenever they are need, and for you dad.......I will cherish every lesson you have told me.....cause you are my role model and I love you daddy.

'Fire fails, blushes pale

We will answer the call

There's a meaning to all our

Seeds of eulogy to sow along with dreams

Fill the need that can leave us grieving alone'

Rain started to pour down. Looking up I see I was alone in the cemetery, Mom and Gohan came by with me but they left a while ago, I decided to stay a bit longer. 

'Frail is our beauty in the end

But all we count is sentiment'

"Dad......I hope you can hear me, I wish you were here with us, I need you right now." Since dad's passing my life has been spiraling downward, I have been skipping my classes which caused me to fail, my mom isn't proud of me for doing that she's upset at me right now. I just.......can't get over you death's taken a huge toll on me.....

"I don't know what to do dad.....please I need you now more than ever."

'A memory stays to guide the way, and whisper

Don't lose sight, don't deny

We are leaves meant to fall

There's a meaning to all our

Seeds of eulogy to sow along with dreams

Fill the need that can leave us grieving alone'

More tears gathered in my eyes as I was talking to no one. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and I saw my dad......Goku. I hugged him tightly and cried on his chest.

"Dad, I thought you were dead!"

"I am (Y/N), King Kai just let me come down here to see you for a little bit." I pulled away wiping the tears away.

"Listen (Y/N), the reason I don't want to be brought back is because I need to train with King Kai to get stronger next time a threat happens."

'A symphony resounding in our minds

Guides us through what we knew would come all along'

" But dad, we need you, I need you!" He smiles softly and hugged me tightly to him.

"I know sweetheart, but I have to do this for all of you guys. I'll be back someday don't worry." I continued to cry on his chest, not wanting to hear that he doesn't want to be brought back.

'Sometimes I feel I don't have the words

Sometimes I feel I'm not being heard

And then I fear I'm feeling nothing more'

I pulled away and sunk to the ground crying into my hands. I don't want him to go, to leave us all behind......again.......I don't think I could handle it anymore. He knelt down in front of me and pulled my hands away from my face. I looked up and saw he still had a smile upon his face.

"Listen (Y/N), I will be back don't you worry and we can be a happy family again, but in the meantime I want you to remember I will be watching over you, as long as you keep me in your heart I will never leave you (Y/N)." Smiling through my tears, I hugged my dad tightly, he kissed the top of my head and we both got up.

"I have to go now (Y/N)." I could see his body starting to become transparent. I don't want him to leave now, there is so much I want to tell him.

"Oh and (Y/N)."

"Yes dad?"

" You will always be my baby girl, I love you." Then he was gone.

'Sometimes I feel I don't want this change

I think we all have to rearrange

And now I feel there's no one losing me'

Smiling I reached my hand out to where he was standing. "I love you too daddy." I started to think about what my dad said, and he's right. We will be okay for right now, it will be hard to get over him dying but....we will all be ok as long as we keep him in our hearts and knowing he will be watching over us.

'Seeds of eulogy to sow along with dreams

Fill the need that can leave us grieving alone'

Thinking it was time to go, grabbed my bag. But before I walked away, I took out a sunflower and placed it on top of my dad's grave, smiling I turned and began to walk away and back home.

'A symphony resounding in our minds

Guides us though

As you hear me

As you do

As you need me'

While walking out of the cemetery and towards home, I could feel this sort of comfort in my heart, knowing that my father will always be with me and that made me smile. And for my dad I'll get stronger and I'll do better."

"I will not let you down Dad, my hero."

'Making true, what we knew would come all along'

Hey guys, I haven't been feeling myself for the last couple of days, been having pains here and there and I've been listening to depressing music during that time (most of my songs are sad) and this song has been on my mind for so long and I just wanted to write something with this song and I thought this would fit Goku and a daughter reader. I hope you guys like it

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