SSJ4 Vegito x Female!Baby!Reader

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Requested by: YuGiOhfan1999 (I'm so sorry this is late I hope you like it)

(S/A): Stuffed Animal

Vegito's POV

I stared at the little baby sleeping in her crib. Smiling softly I leaned down and softly kissed her head, making sure not to disturb her slumber. Her name is (Y/N), and I found her abandoned in the woods, and while I was training I heard her pained cries and I found my way to her. From the state she was in, I could tell she was malnourished, and I decided to take her in and raise her as my own daughter, and I don't regret my decision. I snapped out of my daydream as I heard her tiny whimpers.

"Awww, are you okay sweetheart?" I asked (Y/N) softly, picking her up carefully into my arms, rocking her gently. Her eyes were opened as tears flooded them. I kissed the tears away as I softly cuddled my baby girl.

"It's okay sweetie, daddy's here here, I will protect you." (Y/N) stopped crying as she gazed up at me. Reaching her arms up, she grabbed my hair and tugged it hard, making me wince. She giggled and cooed at the painful face I'm making.

"You're lucky I love you so much (Y/N)." I pried her fingers off of my hair and set her down on the carpet. I made my way into the kitchen to get her some milk, cause she's probably hungry right now. After making her bottle, I come back into the living room to find her crawling on the ceiling. I dropped the bottle in shock, she has never done this......ever. I quickly raced towards her, grabbing her and putting her back down on the carpet.

"How are you able to do that sweetheart?" I asked still in shock. (Y/N) just babbled in response as she crawled her way towards the dropped bottle on the floor. I shook my head and layed down on the floor, completely exhausted. Closing my eyes for one minute I felt pressure on my chest, opening my eyes I saw (Y/N) looking at me with her (E/C) eyes. She smiled, laughing and placed her hands on my cheeks.

"Heh, I love you (Y/N), my little girl." I placed my forehead on hers, closing my eyes, making a silent promise to protect her with my life no matter what. 

" Hey (Y/N), you wanna watch daddy train?" I pulled away wrapping my arms securely around her as I got up off the floor. She just clapped and made baby noises as a response. I took that as a yes and quickly gathered up a blanket and some pillows for her to lay on while I'm training. Going out the backdoor and to the backyard, I placed the blanket down, making sure to place the pillows around on the blanket to make sure she doesn't get off the it, I placed her in the center of the blanket.

"There (Y/N), to make sure you're comfy oh and," I placed her favorite (S/A) beside her. She grabbed (S/A) and began to teething on it. I chuckled and went a few feet from her and began to do my training. I have to make sure I'll be strong enough to protect her, sure I'm a fusion of both Kakarot and Vegeta but, I need to get stronger.......for (Y/N). During training, I could feel a strange and powerful ki near. I stopped what I was doing and went towards (Y/N), to get her away from whoever it is. As I was getting (Y/N), I saw a figure coming near us, squinting my eyes to see who the strange figure was. 

"You! What are you doing here?!" I glared at Cumber as I held (Y/N) tight to me. Cumber didn't say anything, he just cast his gaze down on (Y/N). I saw where he was looking and I flew off holding (Y/N) tightly to my chest. There was no way I'm letting him take her. Suddenly I felt a stinging sensation on my back, which caused me to let (Y/N) go. Getting over the pain, I saw that Cumber had (Y/N) in his hands. (Y/N)'s face showed discomfort and pain. I growled at Cumber for taking my little girl away from me.

"LET HER GO!!!!!"

I raced towards Cumber at a breakneck speed. Throwing my fists back, I punched him square in the face, making sure to miss (Y/N). It seemed like my punch didn't faze him.

"Hmmm, time to take this up a notch." I powered up more and a yellow spear appeared on my hand as I thrusted it towards Cumber, stabbing  through his chest. Cumber's eyes widened but he didn't back down. He grabbed my arm and threw me away towards the ground.

"Dada!" I heard (Y/N) scream. My eyes widened as she said her first words, I was proud of her even when it was during a serious battle. Finding the strength in me for my daughter, I powered up more and gathered my ki blasts in my hands.

"TAKE THIS CUMBER!!!!!, KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!!" I released the ki blast from my hands as I directed it at Cumber. He looked me in the eyes as he did something drastic.......he released (Y/N) from his hold. My eyes widened as I saw her plumet towards the ground, looking back at Cumber I screamed louder.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" And I could see the blast over take him. After the blast diminished I could see that Cumber was gone, but i didn't care about that, I raced down to catch up tp (Y/N). 

"Daddy's coming (Y/N)!!!!!" Reaching my hands out towards her, I grabbed her pulling her close to my chest as I floated down towards the ground. I sighed in relief glad she was okay and not hurt. Staring down at her, her cheeks had tear streaks on them, knowing she was crying from falling. I kissed her cheek repeatedly, happy she was alive and not hurt. 

"You're okay (Y/N), that bad man will not hurt you again, I promise you."

And done ^^ Sorry that took so long and that the ending seemed rushed, I was trying to get it out today and please don't hate me, I haven't watched Super Dragon Ball Heroes so I tried my best with the characters here. I hope you guys like it.

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