Chapter 2: Familial Bonding/ Preparation for the Androids

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" "= Speaking
' '= Thoughts

Timeskip: Age 767 ( Few weeks before the Androids arrive in South city)

(MC Pov)
' Over the past year, I've been relearning all the ki techniques I remembered from what I assume was my past life as I have yet to remember everything else except for this universe and I did all this by mediating often. Since then, I've bonded with my family, the mostly with my twin, my mother as well to some extent but my father bot so much but I heard from mother that I bring out the best in him in his own way.'

'Since he attained Super Saiyan, the year prior, he has often boasted about being the strongest and when he spends time with me, he tells me about the history of the Saiyans and for some reason he tends to ignore my brother Trunks but mother often glares at him with a closed eyed smile by casually threatening to cancel his training within the gravity chamber and he reluctantly listens and tries to spend time with him.'

'I've already began to fly, and I still remember everyone's reaction and it was interesting to say the least.'

(3rd Person POV)

Flashback: 3 months ago

(Y/N) and Trunks can be seen playing together within their crib as Bulma decided to place them together a few weeks ago to see what would happen and since then, they bonded so well, she decided to take a picture of their interaction.

(I think it came out alright in my opinion but here's baby (Y/N) and Trunks interacting)

Vegeta can be seen at the doorway crossing his arms with a slightly irritated expression as he begrudgingly was persuaded by Bulma to see his sons or else she'll shut down the gravity chamber. He looks at the twin's interaction with indifference as he would rather train instead of watching infants huddling into each other with their small objects(AN: He has yet to grasp all of the concepts around Earth since he essentially committed genocide for most of his life under Frieza's command).

Before anything could happen, they watch as (Y/N) begins to suddenly float as Bulma and Vegeta have varying distinct expressions on the situation in front of them.


Bulma:"WHAT THE HELL!!!!" She shouts out with as her eyes go wide with shock.

Bulma then quickly tries to grab (Y/N) as Trunks begins to giggle as he watches the events unfold as Vegeta without noticing has an a unnoticeable simile on his expression.

Vegeta:' Seems that I'll be training Aiden sooner than I thought.' He continues to watch as Bulma chases (Y/N) as he flys away from her each time she almost catches him as she frantically attempts to do so again but fails every time.

Eventually, Bulma manages to catch (Y/N) as she sighs in relief as she was trying to catch him for the past ten minutes but she similes lightly at how enjoyable it was for everyone even Vegeta.

Present Time: Gravity Chamber


'Ever since that event happened, father has started to train me but mother restricted him to take it easy on me as I am still an infant. If your wondering why mother accepted something like this? It's because I somehow bring out the best within him and I don't know why but I do or at least that's what she says. Father would occasionally take me to the gravity chamber as he would instantly switch it up to ten times normal gravity as he assumes that I could handle it. Well he was right, I easily handled the gravity but I quickly got tired due to me being a infant. While teaching me the basics in his own way, father would go on to explain what he knew about the history of the Saiyan race and about the Saiyan kings before his father King Vegeta the third managed to lead the Saiyans to victory against a race called the Tuffles.'

'As if he had a hard time explaining going by his expression which was between a frown or a slightly angered one, father would continue on with Frieza and his father King Cold's recruitship forcing the Saiyans into submission in order to serve them for years before Frieza decided to exterminate the Saiyans out of fear.'

(3rd Person POV)

Vegeta:" Aiden, the reason why Frieza feared the potential of the Saiyans was because of the story of the legendary Super Saiyan while it was once considered a legend among our people. Now, it is no longer a legend as I shall now demonstrate."

Vegeta then proceeds to power up as his aura begins to manifest slowly changing from white to a golden-yellow.

Vegeta: " Remember these words well because I am going to say this once. Never let your pride as a Saiyan go. Use it to break further beyond your limits and to show everyone why the saiyans are the strongest warriors in the universe. Pride is what makes a Saiyan who they are and why they train to become stronger. Be proud of the saiyan you are Aiden. Just because I'll allowed you to eventually surpass me doesn't mean I'll make it easy for you." He lectures (Y/N) on why his Saiyan heritage is important to have in his path to become stronger.

Vegeta then powers down to base as he then picks up (Y/N) as he heads out of the gravity chamber only to see Bulma with her arms crossed with a glare on her face knowing that Vegeta used the gravity chamber with (Y/N) inside.

Bulma:" When I said that you could train (Y/N), I didn't expect you to use the gravity chamber at all, he's to young for that right now!" She exclaims but calms down slightly seeing that (Y/N) looks adorable in Vegeta's arms despite them both giving her indifferent expressions as he quickly hands (Y/N) to her as he then goes back into the gravity chamber to train.


A hour later:

After taking (Y/N) a bath along with Trunks as they play together within the bathtub while under her supervision as she softly smiled seeing her twin boys getting along.

Bulma:' Sometimes I have a hard time understanding Vegeta or are all saiyans like that? I wonder what Goku and the others are doing right now? Considering that there is only a few weeks before the Androids arrive according to the man who apparently came from the future.' She thinks wondering what to do before the Androids arrive.

She then changes (Y/N) and Trunks into different sets of clothing before carrying them both to their room as she carefully sets them in their crib as they fall asleep while cuddling into each other. Bulma smiles to point where tears begin to appear as her heart is touched at this sight at how cute this is.


'As I lay in the crib with my twin brother, I begin to meditate as I focus onto my ki as I remember father's words about pride as I reach down deep into my mind as I begin to tap in to what I can achieve so far.' 

' I noticed that my ki appears  different in retrospect compared to my twin brother's. Yes, I learned how to sense ki as I can sense my father's ki in the gravity chamber as he seems to be training again. Don't worry father, I'll ensure that I surpass you in the future as well as your rivals. Father has told me about his rivals whether he gets the chance to train me and I can't help but feel as if they are similar like I've heard of them before. His rivals are apparently Kakarot and Raditz although each time he seems to mention them, I can sense a tone of resentment in his voice. Seems whatever happened to him in the past concerning them really take a blow to his pride.'

'I guess it's time I should sleep as I wonder what my future will turn out. Maybe I'll meet someone who can become my rival if the chance arises. I guess if they take considerable time training than just slacking off then that will be my preference in a rival.'

(Y/N) then begins to fall asleep within Trunk's arms as he thinks about his future and what his role will be.
Unknown Location (The Next Day):

(???? POV)

'It's been about a year since I sensed that power and it was greater than Vegeta's when he first battled me a few years ago. Man it sures feels like it was yesterday hehehe..'

The individual now known as Son Goku suddenly gets caught off guard as he barely dodges an incoming double axed punch from an individual.

??????:" You really got to stop letting your guard down brother." The individual lightly scolds Goku for not focusing on this sparring match.

Goku:" Aw come on Raditz. You know I hate when you do that!" He retorts back as he goes back into the stance he used against Vegeta.

Raditz:" But the Androids would mostly do something like that, but it will be a killing blow instead so get your head in the game!" He counters with why he did what he did.

(3rd Person POV)

The two brothers then dash towards each other as they prepare to spar against one another as they seem evenly matched but Goku has the upper hand due to his experience as an martial artist as they throw several amounts of punch and kick combinations towards each other.

(Zamasu is Raditz and they are both in base form)

What felt like hours in their sparring session was actually a few minute as Goku and Raditz back away from each other.

Goku:" Man Raditz you sure have gotten stronger compared to where you were at Namek." He chuckles as he scratches his head.

Raditz:" Of course I have, what would I else doing? Other than hanging out with my lovely wife and baby daughter. I train and you know what happens in a few weeks right?" Raditz says questioning if Goku remembers that the Androids arrive in a few weeks.

Goku:" Of course I remember when Tru-- Ah! I mean when those two people came from the future." Goku nervously laughs while panicking internally

Raditz:" I already who they are Kakarot, you don't need to be so nervous." Raditz states remembering meeting his fully grown up daughter from the future three years ago as Goku's nerves begin to calm down.

Goku:" Oh thank Kami, I thought I screwed up there for a moment so why don't we take this spar to the next level. Luckily, Gohan's training with Piccolo today so we can go all out without any interruptions.

Raditz:" Of course, why wouldn't I, after all I achieved super saiyan a few weeks before Vegeta did so I'm all for it."

Goku and Raditz then begin to power up as they scream out as they begin to transcend into the Super Saiyan state.


Goku:" Well then Raditz time to see if your Super Saiyan form can match up to mine." Goku then proceeds to smirk as he gets into a stance.

Raditz:" Well I hope I don't disappoint you then Kakarot." Raditz then returns a smirk towards Goku as he goes into his own stance.

The wind blows as the two Super Saiyans wait for the perfect opportunity to begin.


(Tien is Goku While Future Trunks is Raditz)

Their sparring match causes multiple ripples to appear in the ground as it begins to fall apart due to the intense pressure of the clashes between the two Super Saiyans as they don't let up on each other one bit.

(Replace Gohan with Super Saiyan Raditz)

As the two Saiyans go at it, Somewhere in the Distance:
Two Individuals can be seen mediating next to each other

(Place Gohan next to Piccolo)
Piccolo:' Seems those are going at it huh? I need to step up my game or else I'll be left in the dust but the main priority are those Androids Trunks and Ranch warned us about. Sometimes I question and hate my hearing *shudders remembering certain sticky events*.

Location: Capsule Corporation

(Y/N) and Trunks are currently napping in their crib not noticing that a mysterious spiritual being is closing in on them.

???????:' Seems I have found Cumber and I's direct descendant. To think that his soul is equally divided by light and darkness. I have chosen who will become the next true Super Saiyan God.'

The spirit then begins to absorb itself directly into (Y/N)'s soul as it fades away almost as if it wasn't there in the first place.


AN: Alright another chapter done, seems things are beginning to get interesting for The MC as it is now revealed that he is a direct descendant of two separate Saiyan bloodlines spiritually.

Power Levels:
Vegeta: 4,200,000(SSJ: 210,000,000)
(Y/N): 530,000
Trunks: 20,000
Goku: 4,500,000 (SSJ: 225,000,000)
Raditz: 4,200,000(SSJ: 210,000,000)
Piccolo: 3,600,000
Gohan: 3,230,000

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