Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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' '= Thoughts
" "= Speaking

Capsule Corporation Age 766:

Sounds of screaming and moaning can be heard within a room. A turquoise haired woman is surrounded by doctors as she is in the process of the giving birth as she has been in labor for the past few hours.

Doctor: "Your doing good, Miss, just hold on, you are almost there, just keep pushing forward." The doctor reassures the woman despite the fact that she's sweating very heavily.

?????:" I'VE BEEN PUSHING FOR THE PAST THIRTY MINUTES. THIS HURTS SO DAMN MUCH!!!!" The woman yells out due to the pain of labor as she tries her best to bring in new life into this world.

(AN: I'm not going to describe the process of birth so enjoy this small time-skip)
(A Few hours later)

The woman who is revealed to be Bulma is currently resting in a bed while holding two infant boys in her arms. One boy has lavender hair and her blue eyes, as well as his father's facial features. She decides to name him Trunks. On the other hand, the other infant has very dark black hair and eyes as he basically looks like a mini version of his father with mix of her and the father's skin tone. Much to her shock, unlike Trunks, he was born with a prehensile brown-furred tail. Getting over her shock, she names him (Y/N).

(Bulma's Pov)

'As I hold my two newly born children, I look over to (Y/N) as I can't help but be slightly mesmerised at the resemblance as he is basically almost a carbon copy of Vegeta especially with the tail, seems I have to modify some clothing in order to not cause his tail discomfort.' I quietly put Trunks and (Y/N) into separate cribs as I then fall asleep in the bed.


' Who am I? I can't recall anything but it feels like I died but I can't remember.'

While moving his chubby baby arms without making a sound while inside the crib, he takes in his surroundings.

'I wonder where my mother is considering that this looks oddly similar almost as if I've seen this before? I can't help but feel slightly nostalgic about this place.'

He then hears sounds right next to him as he turns to see his twin brother looking at him with what seems to be curiosity but could be easily mistaken for a stern look.

(Trunks is the older twin as MC is younger by 5 minutes.)

(3rd Person Pov)

The twins give each other an exchange of looks filled with intrigue from their cribs while not noticing that their mother quietly squealing internally as she continues to look at their adorable interaction.

Bulma:'I need to take a photo of this so I can show Vegeta when he gets back from training in space.' She very quietly gets out of the bed not wanting to interrupt the interaction between the twins as they have essentially entered into a staring contest.

Bulma manages to find a camera as she laughs quietly as she takes a photo of the twin's staring contest.

Bulma:' Man, (Y/N) and Trunks sure are getting into it. I'm so happy to see that they are bonding from the first meeting with each other.' She quickly wipes a tear from her eye showing immense joy at the interaction.

Trunks/(Y/N): *Stare with no expression whatsoever within their respective cribs* Trunks breaks the staring contest as he begins to wave his arms up and down as he begins to cry implying that he is hungry.

Bulma then quickly grabs a nearby baby bottle as she carefully lifts Trunks out of his crib as she fills the bottle with a milk formula as she tries to soothe Trunks while doing so. A few minutes past, She then proceeds to feed Trunks via milk bottle as he slowly begins to seize his crying as he slowly succumbs as he falls asleep during the process.

Bulma:" Don't worry (Y/N), I'll feed you after I'm done with Trunks okay." She gives him a closed eyed smile as he gives her a blank look in return.

A couple minutes later:

Bulma then quietly puts Trunks back in his crib as he then grabs another baby bottle for (Y/N). Once it's filled, she then carefully grabs (Y/N) who has been silent as he has nevered cried so far especially since he was just born a couple hours earlier.

Bulma:' Wow, not only does (Y/N) have his father's looks but It looks he inherited some of his manners and attitude, he'll be quite the looker when he gets older.' Bulma smiles as she imagines an adult (Y/N) going on a date.

Timeskip: A few weeks later

(?????? Pov)
' I don't know why but since I left Earth for what seems like months in order to become a Super Saiyan in order to surpass that low class clown as well as that waste of oxygen. On my way back to Earth, I've sensed a power higher than my own when I first arrived on Earth. Intrigued, I quickly decided to delay another trip as I had just entered into Earth's atmosphere. I do have my suspicions on what this power might potentially be since there is no way that it could one of those weaklings who barely decide to train despite the warning we recieved two years ago.' The individual thought with a slightly intrigued expression as his ship which has the Capsule Corp Logo embedded onto it makes it's way onto Earth.

(3rd Person Pov: A hour later)

A ship can be seen landing just outside Capsule Corporation.

(Ignore Goku in the image)

The doors open which reveals a individual with a slim but noticeable muscular build as well as spikey dark black hair along with a widow's peak. He also sports a blue tight body suit with armor covering his torso while wearing white gloves and boots.

The individual now revealed as Vegeta can be seen making his way into Capsule Corporation as he searches for the power that he sensed.

(Vegeta Pov)
'As I walk through the hallways, it's becoming clear that this power is somewhere within one of the woman's rooms. It feels oddly like a Saiyan but at the same time similar to what I can sense in  Kakarot's brat...wait! Don't tell me that damn woman!

(3rd Person Pov)

Vegeta barges into the room as he begins to see two infant boys within their separate cribs asleep as they both bear a clear resemblance to himself but he looks over to (Y/N) as he widens his eyes as this is the power he sensed. He passes by Trunks' crib as he looks over (Y/N) with an unreadable expression.

Vegeta:' To think that his power is higher than mine was when I first arrived on Earth. His potential is already unfathomable.'

Before Vegeta could do anything, the door opens as Bulma comes in oblivious to Vegeta's presence as she holds several diapers and baby bottles as she puts them away in a nearby shelf. When she sees Vegeta who seems to be constantly looking at (Y/N) with an unreadable expression.

Bulma:" Vegeta! Where the hell have you been! I see that you finally decided to meet your sons!" Bulma scolds Vegeta with a slightly pissed off expression as he ignores her.

Vegeta:" Woman, what is his name? Because I have decided to give him one. Aiden will be his name as once he learns to walk. I will train him to become the strongest warrior in the universe as he will be the only one I'll allow to surpass me." Vegeta exclaims pridefully as he makes his decision.

Vegeta:" I"ll even train him to surpass both those low class clowns as I have yet to do despite my determination to be the best." Vegeta continues with his speech for his goal for (Y/N) or by his given Saiyan name Aiden.

Bulma watches this unfold with slightly widen eyes as she never expected something like this from Vegeta as she begins to wonder about Trunks.

Bulma:" What about Trunks?" She questions while having a contemplated expression about this situation.

Vegeta: " I honestly don't care about what happens to him. I'll train him as well but he won't get as much training as Aiden as I plan to have him learn of his heritage as being a part of Saiyan royalty and what it means to be part of the greatest warrior race in the universe."

Vegeta then begins to leave the room and not before he spares another glance at the sleeping infant (Y/N) as he heads off to train inside the gravity chamber leaving Bulma to her thoughts as she goes to her bed and begins to fall asleep.

(The next day)

Trunks and (Y/N) both slowly begin to wake up as they try to move in their respective cribs but to no avail as Bulma slowly begins to wake up as she then grabs a few baby toys to distract the twins as she prepares the milk bottles for them.

As Bulma sets up the bottles for her sons, she hears the door behind her open as she turns around and softly smiles as she sees her parents who are currently giving her closed eyed smiles.

Panchy who is Bulma's mother puts her hands to the side of her face as she sees Trunks and (Y/N) moving around in their cribs as Dr. Brief simply smiles at meeting his grandchildren for the first time. He then sees that (Y/N) has a tail unlike Trunks as he questions Bulma about this.

Dr.Brief:" Hey, Bulma, how come this one here has a tail while the other boy doesn't?

Bulma then turns to look as she puts on a thinking expression as she herself can't explain how (Y/N) was born with one but not Trunks.

Bulma:"Honesty, I don't really know as of now, and I'm not sure if Vegeta will give the answer to that question."

Panchy:" Oh look how cute these little ones. What do you their names are dear?" As she turns to look at Dr.Brief who in turn looks towards Bulma.

Bulma slightly shakes her head as she is used to her mother's oblivious antics

Bulma:" The one with lavender hair is Trunks. And the one with dark black hair is (Y/N) although Vegeta calls him Aiden."

Dr.Brief nods as the cat on his shoulder meows as the scientist begins to smoke a pot while Panchy just giggles as she can't wait to spoil her grandchildren.

Afterwards, Bulma then proceeds to feed her sons without a problems as she wonders why Vegeta gave (Y/N) another name but not Trunks. She sighs as she believes that in his own way, (Y/N) is already his favorite child, she won't mind as long as he also takes care of Trunks but she won't let Vegeta have (Y/N) all to himself. Bulma's parents then proceed to leave the room but not before saying bye to their grandchildren

Bulma:" *Sighs* I hope that you know what you are doing Vegeta." She silently mutters to herself wondering what Vegeta has planned for (Y/N)'s future.

Location: Gravity Chamber

Sounds of grunts and noises can be heard as Vegeta trains intensely as he is determined to be the strongest as he has been at this routine for several hours ever since he decided to train (Y/N) as soon as he starts to walk.

When he first met his twin sons, Vegeta saw something within (Y/N) that made him interested in his potential.

(Imagine the silhouette as a Great Ape)

Vegeta: ' No matter what that woman says, how much she complains, or if any matter she involves herself with Aiden. I will train him of what it means to be proud of becoming a warrior. I will make sure he keeps that honor by persuading that woman to keep his tail by saying that I'll teach him to control his great ape form when he gets old enough.'

Vegeta continues to train while slightly frustrated at the fact that he is still struggling to attain the Super Saiyan state and becomes enraged at thought that no matter how hard he trains, he'll still be surpassed by the likes of the Saiyan who defeated and humiliated him from their battle on this planet and the other who is a mockery to his pride as a Saiyan which infuriates him as he is left behind.

Vegeta:" *Grunts a bit in pain as he continues his training under 400 times gravity* I-I will be the strongest!!! I refuse to let Raditz and Kakarot surpass me!!!

Vegeta's hair and eyes change color as the gravity chamber gets destroyed as he screams out in rage causing the Earth to shake at his massive increase in power causing those who can sense ki to become shocked while certain individuals are surprised at this.

(This exact scene but replace the background with the gravity chamber)

Bulma then quickly barges into where
she heard the sounds of something getting destroyed as before she could give Vegeta a harsh scolding as she has to repair the gravity chamber again. She sees that Vegeta is now a Super Saiyan as she can see him checking himself out before seeing him give a prideful smirk to himself as she leaves knowing the struggles of what he put himself through to achieve this.

Vegeta oblivious to Bulma's leaving his presence begins to laugh to himself as he had finally done it. He managed to achieve Super Saiyan which was believed to be a legend told by his fellow saiyans back on Planet Vegeta before it was destroyed by Frieza.

Vegeta:' Yes! I have achieved something in which my ancestors would dream of having! I have finally become a Super Saiyan! Now it is time to take what is mine! I refuse to live my life knowing that I am second to those two who were born as low class whereas I am an Elite! Now they will bow before their prince!'

Back with the twins:

(Y/N) who seemed to be asleep in his crib was actually meditating but what he doesn't realize was that this was a habit he did in his previous life as he can sense that his father's ki has greatly increased as he becomes shocked.

(Y/N):' Seems that my existence has already changed the timeline as my father was supposed to attain Super Saiyan while in space. Seems the knowledge from my past life will only be useful for learning new techniques.'

The future is but a endless possibility of potential outcomes. The past is but a archive of memories of what made us who we are. The present is but a gift knowing that we have a tomorrow.
Power Levels:
Vegeta: 3,800,000 (SSJ: 190,000,000)
(Y/N): 19,000(AN: multipled Vegeta's power level by 0.5%)
Trunks: 760 ( His potential is lower than (Y/N) due to not being born with a tail as I multipled Vegeta's power level by 0.02%)

(AN: Decided to give Vegeta Super Saiyan early and as you can tell, I decided to put the timeline of MasakoX's what if Raditz turned good as there is little to no fanfics involving that series since in my opinion gave more credibility to Raditz as a character.)

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