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" " = Someone speaking
' ' = Someone thinking


Throughout my entire life, I was known as someone who wasn't worth mentioning within the community as I was essentially homeless as I never had a name nor a family. How I survived as a infant cannot be explained but I think that it was some sort of miracle almost as if someone in the higher plains of existence was blessing me either from pity or for some unknown reason but I don't care for the fact of it. My routine usually consisted of exploring through dark abandoned places and for some odd reason, despite being afraid at first, I actually somehow find some abandoned stashes of Manga. Who the hell would want to discard such masterpieces? Were they too desperate for something or did they just leave it for later upon leaving? Luckily, no one came despite waiting for hours, how did I know it took hours? Because there was a chock tower a couple blocks away in plain view again a either a blessing or a coincidence.

However, I think that it's luck because each time I explore abandoned places such as, warehouses or buildings, I somehow find food or plenty of water to go with it. At times, I would spend a few nights in these types of places and despite the unexplainable noises in the buildings, I overall have peaceful nights. And sometimes, I also read some manga I found from some places I explored.

The types of manga I've read were apparently well known from what I've heard in the conversations I would hear each time I would walk along the sidewalk. Popular mangas such as Fairy Tail, Naruto, Blue Exorcist, Baki, HxH, and so much more as I somehow managed to actually find them within the buildings I would explore.

If your wondering why the police or anyone for that matter haven't caught me within these places? The answer is that I don't really know myself despite that half of what I've explored so far had appeared to be off-limits but I relied on my luck and it paid off as I was never caught and their were circumstances where I almost did get caught but I evaded capture anyway.

Knowing that one day while exploring like I usually did, I would get into a situation where I could run into people who were dangerous. I needed some sort of experience in fighting so, I looked in the backpack I had, I found some mangas titled: Kengan Ashura, Hajime No Ippo, Street Fighter and Megalo Boxing. As I read the mangas, the depth of detail that was put into these pages was inspiring as well as astounding as the techniques used within a particular character are extremely detailed as I used these as a guide into my training routine. Every day, I would practice said techniques or at least get some sense of experience with the stances in these types of moves as I knew that the moves used are inhumanely impossible as I injured myself a plenty trying to perform them. Eventually, over the months, going from place to place, finding some random manga or some sort of currency as I brought useful items, such as what people around these parts call a flashlight but I rarely use it as I was used to the dark.
As most people would find this immoral to say but I like the dark because of how mysterious it can be at times almost as if it was always like this before the beginning of time itself.

Talking to people is a pain, as they were all fearful of me, at first I didn't understand but one time when I was casually sitting on a bench, I looked down at my reflection for the first time, I could kinda see why. I was intimidating as hell as my muscles were bulging out as well as my scars which is mostly likely due to my training routine from the manga I would read from time to time. Looking back during these times, I never really knew what my exact age was as I never paid too much attention to that detail.

During my final week of my previous life, I read through several mangas involving the title of Dragon Ball as I was very interested in the potential of Saiyan hybrids like Gohan and Trunks, but due to the way they were raised aside from Future Trunks,I was very disappointed with how they turned out. Gohan being a scholar was useful but he could've spend some of his time training just to refresh his mind as it can greatly reduce stress while maintaining his power. Gohan's potential was considered one of the greatest that surpassed even Son Goku his own father whose potential was that of a prodigy. Even the fanfics that consisted of what would happen if Gohan never stopped training after the Cell saga are detrimental and different with each writer that's attempted to satisfy their inner what if's on what they would think was the correct path on Gohan's journey to be the strongest he could ever be.

Somewhere along the way while continuously searching through abandoned places I would find around the country I lived in(Your home country), I managed to stumble across a phone

(Exactly like this except your preferred color)

Using what people call around the areas I would venture through the internet (AN:In case, you readers forget, MC has never by far experienced the luxuries of what society has brought upon most families as he has only experienced the worst of what it brings as his luck is what keeps him sane despite the possibilities being close to zero) I was excited to learn that I could read some stories that other people wrote and it gave me several ideas to think about the potential outcomes in their endings. Sadly, some of those mentioned were discontinued due to several reasons from their writers but most of those stories had serious potential for greatness since the concepts were interesting(AN:I've read too many Dragon Ball Fanfics to remember the titles on Fanfiction.Net).

Using this device, I discovered many apps I've found interesting to say the least bu--

"Hold on, Hold on, as much as I want to listen to your life story but can you please hurry up. We don't have all day." Says a voice within this dark void in which I've inside for who knows how long.

"You've been here for several centuries mumbling to yourself to the point where your soul split into a contained space of light and darkness. It might be because you weren't blessed with a name in the life you led before that the darkness became this evident within your soul. To compensate for this, I've blessed you with luck that was beneficial to your survival but it seemed that I accidentally added too much hence the discovery of the various manga you found while exploring was partially my fault." The celestial being of light says with a neutral tone with a slight sense of pity for the me as I ignore the fact that he/she read my mind.

"Now then, down to business. What do you truly desire? You only have three wishes. Use them wisely." The celestial being asks as the soul begins to think within their thoughts for a while.

(AN: From this point forward unless it is necessary or a character's point of view, it will be 3rd Person)

Unamed Soul: 'What do I really desire? Well a name for one would suffice but it will be a waste of a wish to do so that's not happening. Maybe I can recarnate in one of those mangas I've read?'

Celestial Being(???): "Yes, you can choose to do so should you wish for it but despite what wishes you make, it will always guarantee a better life than the one you had before. Which is why I gave you three wishes instead of two. You are the first and the last person I will offer three wishes to but don't worry, I won't send other souls with the opportunity to recarnate to the universe you wish to start your second chance at life within."

Unamed Soul: "Thank you if I still had a body, I would probably be crying right now as this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me" The unnamed soul says eternally grateful for an opportunity such as this as he was killed by fighting against an army of gangsters (AN:He was around the level of DCEU Batman in terms of physique and his fighting experience was that of a prodigy without realizing it since he learned all his fighting moves just from reading manga alone.)but thanks to the moves he learned from reading various manga, he won but bled out which inevitably lead to his death.

Celestial Being(???): "There is no need for you to feel that way. I am just fixing a mistake but at least i allowed you to think over your options before making your wishes."

Unamed Soul: "It is still hard to believe that the isekai mangas I've read are true." The soul says recalling a manga about a certain shut-in protagonist.

As the Soul continues to think, the celestial being waits patiently with a calculating expression or what seems to be one since the light in it's very being flickers each time it seems to think.

(This is the soul of the MC. Any color you want except half of it is darkness imagine the aura of Assault Mode Meliodas on the other half of the soul.)

Unamed Soul: "Alright I have decided what my first wish is going to be." The soul says with a sincere tone of knowing.

Celestial Being(???): "Alright what is your first wish?"

Unamed Soul: " My first wish is to be reborn within the Dragon Ball universe as the younger twin brother of Trunks." The soul says while internally excited at the possibility of a better life.

Celestial Being(???): Granted, now onto your second wish.

Unamed Soul:" My second wish is to be born with latent potential and a natural growth rate that surpasses Son Gohan." 'Unlike Gohan, I'll be willing to rely more on my Saiyan side rather than my Earthling half to show how truly powerful a hybrid can become when their full potential is unleashed.'

Celestial Being (???): Granted, it's interesting that you didn't immediately wish for a system like all the others.

Unamed Soul: I would rather get stronger at a natural rate than just relying on something that is not meant for individuals with a weak mental state.

(AN: No offense to those writing about systems that make other MCS overpowered at a rapid rate. Plus, I'm not yet experienced to include the concept of systems within a story. Any tips from you all would help me out later down the line if I ever decide to write one.)

Celestial Being(???): "Hmm.... You make an interesting point. Granted but this wish will also come with a flaw in which I'll explain after you finish making your final and third wish."

The soul nods but gets slightly worried for what the flaw might be.

Unamed Soul: "For my third and final wish is to erase all the memories from my past life but keep my knowledge on the techniques I learned from the mangas I've read over the years."

The Celestial being is silent for a couple of minutes causing the soul to become contemplated with his decisions with the wishes he made.

Celestial Being(???): " I apologize for the wait, but since you wish to be born within this universe. I used a bit of my power to integrate your entire existence into this reality as you are not just going to be reborn in this universe. You are going to be a part of this universe as once you die, you'll go to what you call Other World instead of coming here. You're essentially a piece that is meant to correct the time distortion by the one you know as Future Trunks as well as another individual who invariably went back on time to save the individual you know as Son Goku from a heart virus."

The soul nods appriecately but is confused on who the other individual is alongside Future Trunks.

Celestial Being(???): "You"ll meet that individual soon enough. Now, before I send you on your way, that Darkness within your soul will be used against you if you don't learn to control it and there will disastrous consequences if you cannot control it and it will consume you to it's will."

Unamed soul:" So how can I control this darkness within my soul?"

Celestial Being(???): "Unlike before in your previous life. You"ll have a family to guide you out of the darkness as they will support you into controlling that part of your existence." The celestial says acknowledging the soul about the potentially dangerous situation surrounding the darkness covering half the soul's existence.

A bright light then covers the soul as it begins to fade showing that it is crossing over to the world that they wished to be born within.

Celestial Being(???):"Farewell, and since you decided to erase your memories, You'll have to relearn the proper style of those techniques since it will only be muscle memory at that point."

The soul nods before fading completely as the celestial being chuckles since this mortal soul is the first to not immediately wish to be overpowered.

Celestial Being(???):'This is going to be interesting.' The being thinks in amusement while revealing that he is sitting in a throne.

And so begins a new life for the MC.

(AN: Alright the prologue is finished. So what did you guys think?)

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