Chapter 15: Calming Goka

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A/N: You are forced to calm down a pissed off goka as vegeta tries to find a way to make herself get stronger than goka currently is.

After finally getting back home from bulma's you were met with a pissed off goka.

Goka: Where. The Fuck. WERE YOU?!

(Y/N)'s mind: seems that I was more wrong that I thought.

Goka: Answer me!

(Y/N): calm down, I just had to stay over at Bulma's for a little bit longer.

Goka: Don't Fucking Tell Me To Calm Down, Dragon Boy! You Promised Me That Dick Tonight!!!

(Y/N): Goka, you seriously need to calm down, our kids are asleep and I think the last thing they need to see is their mother going crazy just because she didn't get loving time with her husband yet and is acting like that it's been centuries since she last got it.


You soon sighed and knew that the only possible way for goka to calm down with this temper of hers was to give her what she wanted. It was however unfortunate for you on how long she wanted to go for.


Vegeta was sitting at the table by herself while still angry about the new form that goka had achieve before her battle with lady beera.

Vegeta: every damn time. Every damn time that bitch get's stronger than me, even when it's just after I surpass her. 

You soon enter the room, though you were slightly wobbling almost as if you couldn't even feel your legs. Vegeta took notice of this as you were struggling to sit down.

Vegeta: the hell's wrong with you?

(Y/N): l......let's just say that goka was very needy and non stop when it came to wanting to get into bed with me. 

Vegeta: oh please, just how long did you both go on for while I was out?

(Y/N): we went on.........for 7 hours...........without sleep........not even one single break.

Vegeta: 0_0

(Y/N): It was like that super saiyan god power made her lose control and just fly off the whole handle here.

Vegeta: you were fucked non stop by her for 7 hours without any breaks. Do you even have sperm left?

(Y/N): I'm surprised I still do. But at the moment I can't even feel my legs very good at the moment to really try and get away from her. Hell, if I turned into my other form, It would probably be difficult to try and fly away.

Vegeta was too busy thinking to herself again to fully hear everything you were saying.

Vegeta's mind: now she's beating me at who lays with our husband. She even surpassed me on how long one of us lays with him. This will not stand, I will train and I will find a power far greater than the super saiyan goddess power that kakarot had obtained. I'll show her!

Vegeta thought before she got up, ran out of the house and flew off.

(Y/N): shit.........I was about to ask her if she could help me move around for a bit until my legs would start working better again.

Goka: did I say you could leave the bed?

(Y/N): shit, Legs, don't fail on me now.

You said before you tried desperately to run away from goka, who was just leaning against the doorway while smirking.

Goka: easy, my love, don't wear yourself out just yet~

(Y/N): for the love of arceus, someone help!!!


Vegeta was flying all by herself while trying to find a way to train and become more powerful than goka.

Vegeta: there's got to be some way of training in order for me to get far ahead of kakarot and put her right back in her place. But where, It's almost like no matter where I start training, that simple minded bitch gets stronger than me after training for a whole week.

Vegeta kept thinking to herself before coming up with an idea.

Vegeta: If lady beera is so powerful, maybe attendant and child of hers will tell me how beera became so powerful and I can use that to my advantage.

(Or of course they just tell her they'll train her).

She said as she took off........despite the fact she doesn't know a single way to contact them.

A/N: That's abridged vegeta for you. 

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