Chapter 16: An Old Foe Returns

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A/N: a familiar face returns to finish what she had started.

You were flying around through the air weakly as you were still sore from goku's not stop wanting of getting in bed with you. You were both lucky that she wasn't able to completely drain your seed and that she ha eventually feel asleep after a while.

(Y/N): thank arceus, I was finally able to get away from that fucking woman. How can saiyan women even endure for that long?

You asked yourself as you continued to fly through the sky and then figured out how to replenish your strength.

(Y/N): hopefully korin's got some senzu beans for me up near the look out. And hopefully I won't have to arrive on another one of his arguments with Yajirobi.


Yajirobe: I told you to use the brush before you got in the shower! Your hair clogs up the drain!

Korin: And I told you to stay out of my kitty treats! Seriously, they're for cats! Why do you eat them?!

Yajirobe: I swear, the only reason I live here is because it's rent free!

Korin: The only reason I let you live here is because you give the best belly rubs for a hundred miles.

(Y/N): Ummm...

Yajirobe: Don't say that in front of the Pokemon!

Korin: What? You should be proud. You know how to rub this pussy real good.

(Y/N): Can...I have my Senzu Beans?

Yajirobe: Sure, fine. Here.

He then tossed You a bag of Senzu Beans.

Korin: Hey! Those are my Senzu Beans! You can't just.......

Yajirobe: Hey, here's another one.

He tossed one more Senzu Bean at Gohan.

Korin: You prick! That's it! I'm done! Grab your stuff and get off my tower!

(Y/N)'s mind: Just keep moving, (Y/N).

You turn around and fly off from korin's tower.

Korin: Dah! Ahh, ya scared him off!

Yajirobe: You were the one screaming your head off.

Korin: ................I want one.

Yajirobe: I told you. I'm not ready for kids!

Korin: Well when WILL you be ready?

Yajirobe: I don't know, okay?!

You would continue to fly off and not look back at all.

(And of Flashback).

(Y/N): I really don't need to be caught in the cross fire of one of those again.

You flew up to the tower and and saw that only korin was there by himself.

(Y/N)'s mind: oh, I guess one of them ain't here this time. Good, that'll at least make things quicker for me.

You then transformed into your human form and landed on the floor part. The small white haired cat soon turned around to you.

Korin: back againn, eh kid?

(Y/N): I came to ask for some senzu beans. Goka has really been on me for a while.

Korin: oh, so she's doing that kind of stuff, huh?

(Y/N): yeah, it's really not going all that well for me.

Korin: naturally I would say that you would bring something like a gift, but since yajirobe left to the market and off my ass, I think I'm in a good mood to let you have some for free.

He pulled out a bag of senzu beans and tossed them to you. You caught it and was just about to leave.

Korin: have you ever thought about going somewhere to hid out?

(Y/N): and risk her finding out where I currently am? She'll sense out my ki in just a few moments.

Korin: hm, good point. Well, good luck to you then.

(Y/N): thanks.

You then took off from the tower and flew off.

(Y/N): hm, I think I can at least do a few other things first before I haft to go back. Besides, Goka sleeps for a while sometimes.

You took off to a different direction than where your house was. But as you were flying, you soon sensed something. Something very familiar.

(Y/N): that's defiantly not good.

Just as you continued to fly. A Giant dark portal opened up and sucked you on.

(Y/N): shit!

You were sucked in through the portal and into another dimension.

(Y/N): this is definetly not good at all.

???: how nice to see that you've arrived to my little dimension.

You looked around to where the voice came from before seeing another portal open up and saw someone come out. It was towa, with her new look.

(Y/N): towa!

Towa: it's been a while, hasn't it?

A/N: The Sky High Pokemon vs Demon Goddess.

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