12. Forgotten Enemy

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Hi Dragon Riders,

Hope you enjoyed the last chapter.

Anyways Back to the Story

Summary: Astrid and Hiccup are married. When Hiccup leaves for two days for chief duties Astrid is beaten and injured badly by an old enemy and almost taken away before the gang comes and rescues her. When he returns he blames himself for what happened to Astrid.

By: FanFiction_Writer11

Also made a photo for the end, with my old signature.


Third POV

It was a normal day at Berk, and Astrid was planning on making it better by telling her husband that she was going to have a baby.

That morning when the sun began to rise Astrid went downstairs to make breakfast. When she was done she headed upstairs to wake Hiccup. But, when she got upstairs Hiccup wasn't there.

“Hiccup?” she asked, while she looked around.

Then something grabbed her from behind. She quickly turned around and aimed for a punch when she stopped.

She sign with releaf and helped him up. “What were you thinking? I could have knocked you out.”

“Sorry Astrid, I didn't notice when you woke up that's all.” Hiccup said, apologising while he sat on the bed with Astrid.

“Common let's go to eat.” Astrid suggested, she grabbed him by the arm and took him downstairs.

“Sorry Astrid, I need to go to another island to speak with other sheafs. I don't think I'll be back tomorrow.” he said, which made Astrid stop.

She signed, said nothing and sat on the table to eat.

Hiccup stayed quiet for a while and then went to the table to sit down. When he sat down Astrid didn't even bother to look at him or anything.

“I'm sorry Astrid, but maybe we can spend some time together when I come back.” he suggested, trying to cheer her up.

“That's exactly what you always say" Astrid said, she kept on eating and not looking at him

After that awkward moment Hiccup and Astrid ate without saying anything to each other. When they were done Astrid picked up the plates and washed them.

Hiccup went upstairs to put his armor on. Right then Astrid entered the room, and started to help hiccup place his Armor on.

“You know I could do it myself,” he said

“But I can do it faster" she said, not looking up

Hiccup smiled

“Of course you can"

When Astrid was finished helping Hiccup dressed she grabbed the blankets and started to make the bed.

Hiccup came behind her and pinned her to the bed.

Astrid deeply blushed

They both looked at each other as Hiccups face came closer to Astrid's for a kiss.

When the door was knocked from the front.

“Dammit!” both of them thought

Hiccup stood up and helped Astrid too.

“I'll see you in three days okay.” he said, disappointed

“O -okay"

Hiccup headed outside Astrid followed him, when she went out the door Hiccup grabbed her waist and kissed her on the lips.

Astrid still shocked closed her eyes too and kissed back. Their kiss was so long it lasted almost two minutes. And would have been longer if it wasn't for who ever was knocking the front door.

Hiccup let go of Astrid and look at the hallway

“Don't worry I'll check on it. On the meantime get your things ready. Okay" Astrid said, Hiccup nodded and went inside.

Astrid looked and rushed down the stairs to open the door. She did the whole gang was there.

“So did you tell him?” Fishlegs asked

“Not yet, I'm planning on saying it for when he comes back. So we'll all keep the secret until then got it.”

They all nodded a d began to run and tell the rest of the villagers to keep the news as a secret for a little longer….

“Astrid, who was it?”

“Just Fishlegs asking for me to help him today on the stables. That's all.” She said, while she hugged him. “Be safe okay.”

“Okay, same for you"

Hiccup gave Astrid a kiss on her cheek before he went to find gobber.

After finishing the duties he had for the day he mounted Toothless and began to fly. Eret followed him.

The trip to the island was 9 hours long. But since the Dragons had rested well, the fastest time was going to be 4 hours long.

“You ready Chief?” Eret asked, catching up with Toothless

“Not much. I felt like Astrid wanted to tell me something important.”

Eret looked at him and asked why Hiccup had no idea about the news. What he did now was that he didn't want to spoil the surprise so he decided not to tell him.


-5 Hours Later

When Hiccup and Eret arrived they Were led to where the other chiefs of other tribes where.  They sat down and waited until finally the last chief entered.

“Hello to everyone. I know you might be wondering why you where all invited to come here today.” the man said, he walked around the table and at the same time talk loud so everyone could hear.

“Their is a big storm that is about to hit. So we’ll all have to stay here for at least two nights. Due to the bis storm.”

Everyone began to murmur things and ask questions.

“That’s no the only bad news. Unfortunately Johann is back.” the man finished

Hiccups eyes went wide, Johann was suppose to be dead. But here he was alive and maybe even seeking for revenge.

He stood up

“Do you think a dragon can still fly in this weather?” He asked

“No, at least until tomorrow.” the man answered.



-At Berk

Everything was going well, nothing unusual. Astrid was walking with Fishlegs since they had just finished their work on the arena.

“So what are you planning on doing today?” he asked

“Well I’m guessing I'll just go relax on the other side of the Island.”

“Sounds Great. Want us to go with you?”

“No, but if I’m not back in two hours you know what to do.”

Fishlegs nodded and started to walk away

Astrid sigh and placed both her hands on her stomach

Don’t worry, I’m sure dad will come soon.



-Time Skip

Astrid walked freely looking at the view of the ocean.

She smiled

She looked at it and felt as if her husband was there with her. She was into her own thought when she heard a noise behind her.

“Who’s there!”

No answer, she looked closely but didn’t see anything unusual.

Soon something grabbed Astrid, forcing her arms to her back.

“Hello, miss Astrid”

Astrid couldn't turn, something she could do was recognise the voice.




-At the Great Hall

“Has anyone seen Astrid?”


“Not after what happened in the morning”


Fishlegs came in after.

“Hey Fishface have you seem Astrid?” Snotlout asked,

“Yeah She said she was going to go train at the other side of the Island.”

“Anything else?”

“She said to go look for her if she didn’t come back in a hour.”

Ruff looked at her brother who was enjoying his chicken.

She slapped him forcing him to spit it out.

“W -what?”

He asked annoyed biting the chicken again.

“We have to look for Astrid, NOW!!” she yelled.

Both Tuff and Snotlout looked at Ruff in shocked.

“Fine let's go"


They mounted their dragons and took off.



-Time Skip

Astrid hands where now tied, Astrid had been forced to the shores of the beach, in where three of Johanns ships where.

She had tried screaming for help, but no use she was too far to be heard by anyone.

Johann was holding her and his grip was strong.

“where are you taking me?” she asked

He didn't speak instead he pushed her forward, almost making her fall.

Now remember Astrid’s stomach still wasn’t big to show that she was in pregnancy.

But, unfortunately Johann new she was pregnant.

“Do you believe I don’t know your secret?” he said, pulling Astrid into the ship’s deck.

“Wha- what secret?”

She asked, trying to not make him find out.

He smirked as he forced Astrid into one of the rooms, some of his stronger men went inside.

“My men won't go hard on you, so don't worry about the baby.”

Astrid looked at him in shocked, how could he now about that.

The worst was about to begin. The guards went around Astrid and began to beat her.


{I’ll skip the beating, kind of cruel while I imagined it}


-Time Skip

After the beating she was placed on the bed, with bruises on her arms, legs, and back. Whip marks on her clothes, except on her stomach.

Astrid couldn’t move because of the pain. As tears fell from her eyes she begged the gods that the nothing bad had happened to her baby.

She slowly looked to the side when the door opened, Johann walked inside which made her look at him with hate.

“Wh- what do you want?”

She asked, he didn’t say a word and sat down next to her.

“I want revenge, and I’ll get it.” he said, moving Astrid’s bangs off her face. Astrid looked at him with and angry face while she moved her face away from his hand.

Johann chuckle darkly, got up and left.

Soon as the door closed Astrid placed her hands on her stomach hoping that the baby was okay.

“Don't worry little one, Daddy's coming. He's coming to save us" Astrid whispered, to her baby blacking out because of the abuse.

As the hours passed and the ship sailed away, the gang had searched for Astrid not finding her unfortunately.

After searching for minutes they found Stormfly trapped in a net, worry overcame all of them.


“No, that can’t be!”

They all argued together while Tuff found the ships, which had not disappeared from sight. They all Took to their dragons but Fishlegs who stayed behind to help Stormfly. Once Stormfly was free she took off, tracking astrid before it was too late.

While she did she catched up with the others who looked streamly surprised on how fast Stormfly was. As she took the lead, Hookfang tried stopping her since they had no plan on how they were going to save Astrid.

But Stormfly had it all plan, why she made a distraction the rest of dragons began to fire at the hunters so the riders could look for their friend.



While the riders worked on rescuing astrid, hiccup found himself trapped in the storm and almost couldn’t see because of how bad the rain was. So after hours of flying they stopped at and Island to stay until the storm got better.

“I really feel like Astrid was hiding something from me.”

Hiccup said, while placed his head down in disappointment.

“Yeah, I don’t get why she didn’t tell you chief.” Eret responded while he sat down all wet.

“What are you talking about?”

“Your wife is pregnant.”

Hiccups eyes went wide with excitement he almost cried.

“She’s what?! Why didn’t anyone tell me? Who else knows about this? How long has she been in pregnancy for?” hiccup kept asking.

Eret responded each and one of them and explained the reason Astrid didn’t want to tell him.

After that long conversation Hiccup new that if Johann was alive he had to get to berk fast, if not he could lose both his wife and baby.

Miles away from that Island, Fishlegs carried an unconscious Astrid in his arms. While the twins stayed to check on the ships since Johann had disappeared. Astrid was taken to Gothi. Weak, beat up, even though that the baby was safe.

And after hours of healing Astrid was taken to her house, in where each of them to turns to take care of her.

And as three days passed by Hiccup was able to make it to Berk and began searching for his wife. After finding himself with some villagers he rushed to his house to find his wife on the bed.

With bandages around her arms. Her face had a few bruses that had not healed just yet. He fell on his knees with tears on his eyes.

“This is my fault.” he said, blaming himself while he grabbed Astrid’s hand. “I’m so sorry Astrid.”

While he kissed her hand, he got up and was about to leave he felt Astrid trying to not let go of his hand.

“Don’t g- go please, we n- need you.”

She said, talking softly with a smile on her face.

‘Astrid!” he yelled, with happiness on his voice while he kissed her forehead. “I’m terribly sorry, this is all my fault.”

“No it’s not” she said, while she placed Hiccups hand on her belly. “Let’s worry about our baby for now.”

With a smile on his face Hiccup bend and kissed Astrid in the lips,



-Seven Months Later

Astrid had been able to recover from the incident that had happened, no trace of Johann had been found. And everytime Hiccup went to a meeting astrid would stay with the villagers or with the gang. After tiem Hiccup was able to spend more time with Astrid and his friends.

Astrid was at home waiting for her husband while she talked to her baby.

"Don't worry, Daddy's coming." She smiled when the door opened, Hiccup came inside and her a kiss on the lips.

One thing for sure, Hiccstrid is Forever!



Sorry it took a million years, but here it is. I’ll do my best to update faster.

Later Riders,


Word Count: 2268

Sweet Dreams
Nightmare, The Black Diamond

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