18° Letters

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Note: Thank you so much for your support. I didn't think you'd all like my boring and slow updates😅.

Enjoy! And let me know if you want summaries, too. 😄


Third POV

“Astrid, how could you?” Hiccup shouted at his girlfriend. Holding a love letter he had found at Astrid’s hut.

“Hiccup. Let me explain. Please, it's not what you think.” she pleaded, placing her hand on his shoulder.

“Oh really?” He asked, moving his shoulder away from her hand. “You lied to all of us. To me.”

She looked down in shame. And held back the tears that wanted to escape her eyes. “Please Hiccup. I--”

“I don't care what you say Astrid. We're done.” Hiccup cut her off.

Astrid gasped in horror. Her eyes went wide in shock and sadness. Before she could say something else, she watched her friends and boyfriend left. She wept, falling on her knees. How could they not believe her?


The gang watched with angry glares at Astrid as they left the Clubhouse. They couldn’t believe she had cheated on Hiccup. Heather turned to Hiccup and asked, “are you going to be alright?”

“I’m fine.” he responded, wiping away his tears as he walked towards his hut.

Everyone else walked up to their huts as well. Heather, having to sleep at Astrid’s walked there to get her things. When she arrived, she packed her bag and grabbed her axe. Just as she was about to open the door Astrid walked inside.

“Heather, please.” she said, trying to stop her best friend from leaving. “You know me. You know I could never do that to Hiccup.”

Heather sighed and shook her head. “Astrid, that letter had it clear that you loved someone else.”

“I don’t! This is all a misunderstanding!” she said, defending herself that she would never lie to Hiccup.

“Even if you were right. The letter had it clear that don’t love Hiccup.” Heather explained, and walked past her friend.

Astrid sniffed. She watched as Heather walked away from her hut. No one had believed her, no one. To her distress Astrid looked at the note her friend had found and began reading it.

“I’m sorry we can no longer see each other. I miss you so much. I guess I finally realised that being with hiccup was a big mistake from me. It’s so much stress being here, having to keep everything ordered for these muttonheads. I can’t wait to see you again. My parents will be happy to see us together again! I’ll be seeing you soon my love.


“W- wait. I’ve never been with anyone but Hiccup!” Astrid thought in her mind. Who could have written the letter?

The answer quickly slapped her in the face, when a terror mail entered her door. Astrid unfolded it, and began to read it in her mind. “Come home quick! Your mother and I have something important to tell you. Oh, and don’t bother trying to convince your friends about the letter. They won’t trust you after they read it………. Dad.”

Astrid eyes flew wide. How could her parents have done that to her?!

No matter, Astrid rushed to grab her axe. And made her way towards Stormfly. “Let’s go girl! We need to find why they did this to me!” she said, taking to the sky.

Halfway thru the trip, Astrid noticed the gray clouds approaching her way. ‘Just what I needed.” she thought. Before she knew it, Astrid the rain began to come at her. Wetting her blond hair completely. Astrid sigh, at least the cold water was calming down her sadness.

Finally after a few hours of flying they reached Berk. With sadness and betrayal on her heart, she walked up to her house and opened the door.

“Mom? Dad?” she asked looking around

No response. After a few seconds she heard a strange noise coming from her parents room, and rushed to it. ‘What’s going on here?’

Astrid went straight upstairs hoping to get an explanation from her parents. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Come in.” her father's voice said.

She slowly opened the door. “Dad, I---,” Astrid gasped at what she saw. Inside, her was restrained. Having both wrists and ankles tied together with a tight cleave gag. To Astrid's horror, her mother was in tears and soon as she saw her she tried telling her something.

“Mom!” Astrid entered her parents room and before she knew it. A large hand was clamped over her her mouth. And another wrapped around her body holding both her hands in place. “Mmnn!” Astrid struggled against the man's grip, thrashing and kicking but nothing seemed to work!

She tried turning around to see who the man was but her eyes flew wide when the man removed his hand off her mouth and placed a white cloth over her nose. The man added pressure to his hand, and slowly Astrid tried gasping for air until her world turned black.


Back on Dragons Hiccup could no longer fight his curiosity about what had happened. Nor could he ignore the anger in Astrid. One thing was sure, he needeez

Taking a long deep breath, he walked straight to Astrid's hut. “A- Astrid? Are you here?” he asked, hoping to get an answer from her.

No response. He once again tried, not getting an answer. Hiccup opened the door, and walked inside finishing nothing but a lonely place. “Guess she's not here, bud.”

Toothless made a sad growl, but began sensing something. Quickly the dragon rushed inside, running past Hiccup he went straight to Astrid's bed.

“Bud?” Hiccup asked, looking over his dragon. He went straight to him to see a note on Astrid's bed. “What's this?”

Toothless growled, and shoved the letter towards Hiccup so he would read it. “You want me read it? Fine.” unfolding the letter he read it as fast as he could. His eyes wide while he read it. “I think I made a horrible mistake bud.”

“Astrid, are you here?” Heathers voice came from downstairs.

Heather looked around, seeing that the door to Astrid's was open. She was beyond surprise to find Hiccup instead of Astrid.

“Where's Astrid?”

“Berk.” His voice full with anger and guilt.

Heather's head jerked backwards at Hiccup's words. She walked up to him, and placed her hand on this shoulder. Slowly she saw Hiccup holding a note on his hands and a tear falling down his cheek.

“What's wrong? Where's Astrid, Hiccup?”

Hiccup slammed his fist on the nearby wall. “Astrid never lied to me.”


“I need to find my girlfriend, and fast!”


“Uggh.” Astrid groaned, coming back from unconsciousness. Taking a few seconds to be finally awake, she tried moving her hands. To her surprise she couldn't move them at all. “what?” she asked on her mind

Being more awake. Astrid realised both her hands were tied together by a rope.

“You're Finally awake.” Her father's voice came from behind.

“Dad? What's going on?” she asked, noticing her father was riding Stormly. His left hand tightly holding her body from moving around.

Astrid's father didn't response. Instead he kept flying Stormfly. “Why? Why did you write the letter?”

“Shut up.” He said

A tear slowly slipped down her cheek. How could this happen? Finally after a long time. Astrid noticed an island nearby. Her father instructed Stormfly to fly down.

“Dad?” she questioned, wanting so badly to get an answer. “Please, what's going on?”

Landing, her father hefted her over his shoulder. And hopped off Stormfly. The dragon immediately tried to help Astrid, but was stopped when a net was fired to her!

Panicked, Astrid squirmed to escape, “Stormfly!”

Filling her father force her to stand. Astrid looked around the place, and realised that it was the same Island Hiccup was taken to when he had the bounty.

Astrid desperately struggled against his grip. When she tried running to help Stormfly, her father forced her on her knees. “Dad! Please, what's going on?”

“Ah! There she is.”

Astrid's eyes flew wider as she recognised the voice; Krogan!

“You!” Astrid said, gritting her teeth.

“Well done. I'm surprised she's still that fighter.” Krogan stroke Astrid's cheek. With her jerking her head away from his hand, Astrid father pushed her forward. “I bet the buyer will be happy with you.”

Astrid gasped at Krogan. And turned her face towards her father, “Why?”

Smirking, he simply turned around and walked away. Astrid watched her father vanish in the distance right before Krogan forced her to walk forwards.

“Come on move.” he said, holding a tight grip on her arm.


Astrid turned around to see her Dragon getting shot by dragon root. “No! Stormfly!”

Krogan sighed in annoyance, and took out a dagger. “take another step, and that's a dead dragon.” he said, pressing his dagger closer to Astrid's neck.

Astrid stopped, she didn't want seeing her beloved dragon hurt. She stopped and looked down.

“That's better.” the man smirked, walking Astrid to a boat. Astrid looked at Stormfly one last time. Hoping it wasn't the last time she'll see everyone she loved……


Yes! Sorry for taking forever. I've really been busy, but my work worked since I have 6 A's and one B!

Requests are welcomed. Because I don't have ideas at the moment. Anything you want to see on Lost Forever, Here, of Mermaid and Viking. Please let me know.😁

Word Count: 1580


Later Readers
-Nightmare Nora🙄🖤

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