2. Mi Amore Wing Part 2

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Summary: After Astrid's disappears Hiccup goes on A Solo Mission to get her back. Before reuniting with his lost girlfriend he gets saved by an unexpected person. Know to show his love to Astrid he gives himself to the Hunters.

Requested by: ASloveshttyd

QUESTION: Who do you think rescues Hiccup before he gets caught by the rest of the hunters.🤔 Try to guess before you read it.

A. Astrid and Ruby

B. Ruby's friends

C. The gang

D. Toothless


-Solo Mission

Hiccup POV

I took a deep breath and took the necklace out. I just couldn't bare remembering how sad astrid was, she had been trying to get my attention and all I did was take her for granted. (hope that's how you write it).

I hear a small noise which was coming from Toothless, I patted him carefully and looked at the sky again. "It's all my fault," I kept on repeating. I let this happen, and know who knows where astrid is.

"Don't worry son, I'm sure Astrid is alright," Dad said, getting up and jumping off of Skullcrusher. "She's a warrior like the rest of us," he finished.

"I don't know, I feel like if something is wrong," I said, I looked down and showed my dad the necklace.

My dad looked at it for a while with no surprise. "You two had a fight, huh." he said, I nodded and looked away again.

"Dad, do you thing astrid doesn't want to see me anymore?" I asked.

"Why do you ask that son?" he asked, before sitting next to me.

"Well," I started "before she disappeared she said that it was the best for us to break up"

"Then that means that she needs some time alone" he said, I still wasn't sure if that was the case. I placed the necklace back in my bag and stood up.

"I'm sure, why would she disappear right when we are in the middle of a fight against the flyers?" I asked, I mounting on Toothless "This doesn't make sense."

He looked at me for a while and smiled.

"I'm sure you'll find her son," he said, I looked down and by the time I looked up he had already started flying.

"Come on bud let's go look for Astrid ourselves," I said, Toothless soon took to the sky and started to fly straight to the edge where I was planning on leaving a note and tell it was going to be in 'A Solo Mission'.



Once we reach the edge I wrote a note and left it strait on the Clubhouse Table for when they woke up. I turned around to leave when fishlegs appeared from the outside, "Fishlegs, what are you doing up this late?" I asked

"Hiccup you're back, wait are you going on a solo mission?" He asked, I looked at him in shock for a while and then nodded. "Well, all I can wish you is good luck."


"Don't worry about the others I'll find ways to get them no to destroy the Edge," he said, he took a map of the archipelago. I took a look to it and there were marks on the ones Astrid usually went to. I rolled the paper and headed straight outside to look for my girlfriend.


Astrid POV

"Are you sure you're strong enough to run?" Ruby asked, she had helped me bandage my entire back. "Here, I think I have a similar shirt like the one you are wearing, but it's red,"she said "Is that okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me borrow a new shirt," I said, I placed on and noticed that we were the same size. "It looks nice, thank you."

"Don't worry is not like I like open shirts like that one"

"What do you mean?" I asked, with a confused expression

"It's not important" she said, her voice with fear and still full of sadness. I signed and looked around Ruby's room.

"How long have they kept you here?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," she said, "I haven't been out of this giant cave for so long, I have no idea how much time it has been"

The hunters thought it would be safer for them to keep me locked up with Ruby. Since so far I think they are going to torcher me whenever they have the chance. I was about to get up when the door slammed open. And a flyer with other hunters came inside.

"I want these two girls taken to base five," the flyer said, he looked at me with a smirk and took out some ropes and gave them to one of the hunters. "Tie her hands, I don't want to hear that she escaped."

"With pleasure," the hunter responded. He tied my wrist together and tied another rope so he could pull me.

For Ruby on the other hand, was different they blindfolded her and tied a rope around her waist. I couldn't understand why, then I remembered. "Where are you taking us?" I asked, with no fear.

"We are changing from this cave to a more safer one, meanwhile that stay quiet and don't ask questions," he said, the hunter pulled the rope and ruffly made me move forward before he started walking out of the room.

I decided to stay quiet before we walked out of the waterfall, I remembered something important. "Where's my dragon?" I asked.

The hunter turned around and slapped me on my right cheek, "I thought I told you not to say a word," he said. He pulled the rope and began to walk again.

Since my hands were tied together I used both of them to wipe the tears away. And just kept quiet the entire walk.


Once it was night the hunters placed everything down and got ready to camp for the night, the one who was taking care of me made me sit close to a tree and tightly tied my ankles together. I looked around and spotted Ruby who was tied next to me. "Are you okay she whispered" she whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks," I responded, the hunter came right in front of me and made sure the ropes on my wrists were secured. I didn't say a word and just layed on the tree until I fell asleep.

-The next day

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was in a room almost like Ruby's room. I quickly spotted her. "Ruby." I said, shaking her until she finally woke up. "Where are we?"

She didn't look like she wanted to wake up and I don't blame her it must be really early right now. I looked around the room, there was nothing more than clothes and healing material like bandages and other things.

"Hiccup, I need you"


Hiccup POV

I growled in frustration and checked the map again. I had passed the whole night searching for astrid and she was nowhere to be found. Toothless was almost falling asleep so I told him to land in a very familiar island.

After we landed Toothless fell asleep. I took a look around and saw some flyers going inside a cave that was hidden. I looked closely and noticed two girls being carried on the hunter's shoulder. One of them was wearing a long blue skirt with a black shirt, her hair was black almost like heathers but she had three braids almost like Ruff. It didn't take long for me to realise who the other girl was.

I gasped in horror when I noticed it was ... Astrid.

I began running to where toothless I left toothless and made sure that we were hidden well so none of the hunters would see us. And immediately began to plan something to get in that cave.

Not saying a word or making a noise I began to felt tears fall from my eyes, I felt my hands turn into fists. I sat next to Toothless wiped the tears away and began to write on how the plan was going to go.

-The Next Day
By the time I finish planning something Toothless had already woken up. I had made sure that the hunters weren't near us. Then I remembered, the Waterfall!

I was about to head up to the mountain when a hunter came from the nowhere and began fighting with me. He immediately threw me to the floor and was about to grab me when someone came out of the nowhere and hit him with a rock.

"Man I hate this hunters," the boy said, he looked at me and helped me get up. "You okay?"

"I'm alright, thanks." I responded

"So, what are you doing here anyways?" he asked, before other teenagers came down from the trees.

"I- I'm here looking for my girlfriend," I said, blushing and looking back at where Toothless was.

"I'm here looking for my girlfriend too," he began, "She was captured by these Flyers and Hunters months ago."


"She was the best healer and most gentle person, not only that but they almost killed us, luckily we had our dragons that helped us survive the fall."

I looked down at the boy and at the others, the girls wore long dresses and the boys wore the clothes almost like the ones I used to wear.

"Well umm, I'm Hiccup Horrogous Haddock the III." I said, the looked at me and smiled.

The boy came in front of me and the others followed. "My name is Jasper," he said, "the two girls on my right are twins. Their names are pearl and opal. The two boys on my left are diamond and emerald."

"You're names are like the gems, right?" I asked, they all nodded.

"well it's been a pleasure to meet you," Jasper said.

I smiled and we began to make a plan to rescue Astrid and Ruby.


Astrid POV

I can't believe this is happening. The hunters tied my wrists in front and took me outside of the cave. "Why are you taking me out?" I asked.

It was silent and non of the hunters said a single word.

I looked to the sides and spotted someone or something. I looked closely and it looked like hiccup and some other kids that looked like the kids Ruby talked about.

"Do you see anything or anyone?" the hunter asked, in his scary and cruel voice.

I looked back at where I spotted hiccup his eyes met with mine. "No, I don't see anything or anyone," I responded.

The hunter roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him before covering my mouth with his giant hand.

"Shut up" he said. "I know he is here somewhere looking for you."

Suddenly out of nowhere a purple blast hit some of the hunters that were guarding us. I smiled when I saw Toothless up in the hill, with other dragons.

I tried to struggle against the hunter, but he only grabbed me with more force. "Who's There!?" The hunter yelled.

I looked to the trees and more dragon hunters came out. The hunter who was with me let go of my arm and took out a word.

He placed it close to my throat and began saying things like 'give up' or 'come out.'

I looked at where hiccup was and he looked like he wanted to come out. I really hope he doesn't come out.

But my hopes were wrong.

He came out from the trees with his hands up.

The hunter let go of the sword and another hunter came in front of us. He looked at me with an evil smirk and began talking.

"Give up before something worse happens to your little blondy." He said, I looked at the hunter with all the hate of the world.

"Alright, alright," Hiccup said, "but you have to promise to let my girlfriend go."

The hunter that had me hostigue press his bad more against my face. I began to lose breath when I began to see my vision get blurry.

I can't remember what happened after. All I remember was the guards forcing Hiccup to his knees before my eyes closed.




"Astrid! ASTRID! I heard someone shout. I immediately opened my eyes and saw the person I wanted to see for a long time.


"Thank goodness you're okay." He shouted hugging me like never before. I hugged back and looked at his green forest emerald eyes.

I grabbed him and gave him the longest kiss I could ever give him. "I missed you," I said.

"I missed you too," he responded.


Second chapter. Finally!

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter. Please comment bellow and tell me how this chapter was.

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Word Count: 2148


Sweet dreams

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