7. My Valkyrie, Part 2

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Yes! It’s finally Here!!!

I am really, Really, REALLY sorry, that this took so long, I started school two weeks ago, and yeah. Enjoy!

Summary: While Hiccup and the Riders try to find Astrid, she finds herself with an old family member. Will the gang rescue her in time or will it be too late?



Astrid POV

I couldn't sleep last night, In fact I didn't sleep at all. My wrist were in pain because of the chains, They were so cold they felt like daggers.

That wasn't the worst though

The Hunter came late at night, and tied the gag tighter than it already was. I could barely hear myself.

I tried getting up a couple of times but nothing worked. My legs had fallen asleep after 4 hours of staying is this position.

My bangs were on my face, and due to my hands being chained I couldn't remove them.

I just hope Hiccup can find me soon.

And I know he will.



Hiccup POV


Was all I heard from the gang. I was so angry none of them even dared to come near me or Toothless.

It wasn't their fault anyways it was mine.

“Look guys, there's nothing to apologize for the thing we need to do know is to find Astrid”

I said while they calmed down.

“did anyone see which way they went too?”

“Yeah, they went South-west.” Tuff said

I smiled hopping on toothless's saddle.

On our way to find the island, I begged the gods that nothing happened to her. If Astrid was actually sold and taken away my heart would break.

No matter what! Iḿ getting my girlfriend Back!!!



-Time Skip


Third POV

It was dark, worst off all the temperature was low.

Astrid was losing hope on seeing her friends again.

While she fought her pain, Astrid’s looked up after hearing the gate opening.

Three hunters went inside and unlocked Astrid’s chains, one of the hunters forced Astrid to stand.

“Careful, the buyer wants her unharmed.” the hunter outside said.

The one who had Astrid growned. And forced her out

While they were walking Astrid looked around trying to find a way to escape.

Nothing, the place was full with buyers and hunters.

Astrid was taken to a room, once again in a cave. Her cuffs were unlocked and she was pushed inside.

“Don't try anything!” he yelled, “Johann and the buyer will be here any moment.”

He finished slamming the door behind him.

Astrid took a look around and noticed a girl hiding in the corner.



Astrid POV

“H- Hello?” I question.

I looked closely to the person and saw it was another girl. She looked too familiar and to my surprise I new her.

“Valda?” I asked

She looked at me in shock and didn't seem to recognize me.

“Do I know you?”

“Y- yes! We're cousins” I said.

After some time she was able to recognize me, too.

“Astrid!!” she yelled hugging me tight. “Wait, why are you here?”

“it doesn't matter.” I said, while she opened a furniture.

“What are you doing?” I asked her.

She smiled weekly, and took some brushes out.

“When I disappeared, they brought me here and forced me to. Well get girls ready. T- to be sold.”

She grabbed both my hands and placed them on a table.

“If I don't they'll kill my parents”

I looked at her still confused, she then led me to a bathroom. .

And told me to shower, it was all confusive but I didn’t want the hunters to hurt her. So I took a shower and when I was out my clothes were gone. I looked around and grabbed some towels, tying one around my body and one for my hair.

I opened the door and found Valda waiting for me while she was sitting next to the table.

“Are you ready?” she asked, I looked at her puzzled

“What for?”

She then told me to sit down, and took the towel from my hair away.

She took a brush and started to brush my hair.

“Is there anywhere out of this place?” I asked

She took a look outside.

“through the forest most likely the mountains.”

While she brushed my hair, she grabbed some hair and placed next to my bangs making it look like I had long bangs.

She then told me to tied my hair into a high ponytail. While I did it, she fixed my bangs making them look really long.

“When you get to the shores of the island, run as fast as you can to the forest.” She explained.

“If you get to the forest without getting caught, you'll escape, if you don't they'll take you.”

I thought for a few seconds, if that's the only way then I'll need to think of plan b.

Valda took out strange clothes, she said I'll be wearing.

A short shirt and a long pink skirt. And some pearls

My hair was braided and then made into a bun.

I placed the clothes on right after that Valda helped me with the pearls. I went to the nearest mirror, and looked at myself

“This is so not me.”

the door opened behind me and Johann came inside with a man.

Blond hair

He looked at me and smirked.

I backed away a bit, while the man came inside.

“Mister Grimmel, I present to you. Astrid Valkyrie Hofferson!”

Johann said while hunters came inside.

I gasped when the man so called Grimmel grabbed me by my arm and took me closer to him.

“I’m impressed, Johann I didn’t believe you could get me the last Hofferson.”




Hiccup POV

Finally, after flying for a few hours we were finally able to find the island.

“Let's head to the forest I'm sure they won't see us there!”

I commanded when we did, we walked for a while finding a cave. Some voices were heard.

“What are they saying?” Fishlegs asked,

We all stayed quiet and heard what they were saying. Something about a blond girl that was being taken to the shores.

“That must be Astrid!” I yelled, with happiness

I was about to run to Toothless when Snotlout stopped me,

“Didn’t you hear, Astrid is the last Hofferson.” he whispered

I gasped, that made so much sense, if Johann was going to sell someone he knew that person had to have something special.

I couldn't let who ever that guy was take Astrid. I just couldn't

“Common guys!” I yelled hopping on Toothless.

While we were flying we pass through a bunch of hunters. When they saw us in the air they started to run.


‘We got it boss man!” Ruff yelled, stopping them from running. To my surprise there was a girl with them. And she was too familiar.

When we landed I walked up to her.

“Valda?” I asked, she turned around and looked at me and the rest of the gang.

“Oh god. Snotlout!” she yelled, with a smile

“Yeah, nice to see you too.” I said

She turned around and pulled me by the shirt

“Quit introducing, and get moving!” she started. “Astrid is being taken to the shores of this Island, if you don’t get to them. You won’t find them fast.” she finished after letting go of my shirt

I looked around and hopped on my dragon. “Which direction?”

“West, now go. Me and Snotlout can handle the hunters”

So that was that, snotlout stayed with Valda, and the twins and Fishlegs came with me.


-Time Skip

When we reached the shores, there were three ships with symbols none of us could recognise.

“Let’s hide and get ready to attack”




Astrid POV

Grimmel had tied my hands in front of me, while we were walking he hold me by my arm.

Anytime he’ll look at me, he would smile. Which made me want to vomit so I just looked away.

“You are a beauty aren’t you?” he questioned, pulling me closer to him

I yelped in terror, when he placed his hand on my cheek. I tried moving it away but he brought me closer to his face.

After a few of the most uncomfortable seconds I had felt, he covered my mouth and pulled me under a tree.

The hunters that were holding arrows, started to fire them into the sky. When a purple gas hit them.

“Hiccup!” I yelled, breaking free from Grimmel.

I started to run but unfortunately he caught up to me and pushed me making me hit a tree. Then he kneeled and whispered something in my ear that made gasp.

“Do that again, and you’ll regret it when we get to my base. If you know what I mean.”

He finished saying while he looked down at my body.

A tear escaped my eye, while I looked at him in terror. He chuckle and forced me up and back to where his guards were at.

One of the hunters stepped up to him, “sir this are dragon Riders, we must get out of here immediately.”

He nodded and pushed me in front.

“Gag her, and make sure she is secured.” he commanded. The hunter took a cloth and once again gagged me.

‘Oh great’ I thought to myself.

The hunters got separated into two groups. The ones that would stay behind and the ones that were coming with us. I was grabbed and thrown over to one of the hunter's shoulder. Then they started to walk through a path.

From the distance I heard explosions, until I zippleback gas, and a black shadow.

It’s Hiccup, he came for me. I felt a tear escape, not of sadness but of happiness.

I missed you......


Word Count: 1640

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I’m taking request right now, just so I can have some extra homework.

See you later Dragon Riders.

Also, what part do you think it's next, My Valkyrie, Part 3 《Yes》 or My Valkyrie, Part 3《No》



Word Count: 1677


Sweet Dreams,

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