8. My Valkyrie, Part 3 (Yes)

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Hey, Dragon Riders

I made a drawing for the chapter☝️, hope you like it!

So, I wrote 'Yes' first because it was the one that had more comments. On both My Valkyrie, Part 1 and profile.

And today that I checked it was

(Yes) = 34

(No) = 6

So yeah. Let's begin!!!

Summary: When the rescue mission goes wrong. The gang seek for Stoick's help to rescue their friends before it's too late.


Save me

Astrid POV

He really did come all this way here to rescue me.

From the shadows I saw his smile of happiness while he looked at me safe and sound, I new he had a plan, he always had one.

Somehow Grimmel noticed the dragons, and commanded his guards with signals to get ready for an attack.

The hunter that was holding me placed me back on the floor, but Grimmel didn't lose time and grabbed me by my arm once again, pulling me close to his body.

I whimpered in fear, when he placed his hand on my waist while he looked at Hiccup.

"So, dragon Rider. I guess your girlfriend is mine now!"

He yelled, I looked at Hiccup who came out of the shadows riding Toothless, and I could tell how mad he was.

"Leave her alone, she doesn't love you, she loves ME!!"

Hiccup yelled back with anger in his voice, I blushed a bit. But, just hearing him made me feel happy.

Grimmel didn't seem to like what Hiccup said because he ordered some of the hunters to attack. While they were fighting he and some other hunters that came out of the nowhere, forced me into a cave where a small path was in.

He let go of my arm and made move in front next to his guards. Then I was pulled back, right when he told me something.

"Try screaming, and you'll regret it." he said, while he pushing me forward again.

I heard the explosions from the outside, that's when some of the hunters that had stayed behind, began running toward us. They had "bad" news

"They're inside, the leader is ahead and wants the girl back,'' he explained, soon after I heard Hiccup screaming my name.

"Astrid, Astrid where are you!"

"Mmff hmmt!" I tried screaming walking forward. When I was forced back and smacked on my left cheek.

I shrieked in pain, because Grimmel punched me straight in the stomach. I fell on my knees and Grimmel looked down at me with a mad expression.

"You really need to be taught a lesson." he said,

(Who's blood is boiling in madness at this point. I've got a dagger, who needs it?)

he pulled me up by my hair making me scream in pain. He then decided to just hold me by my arm, with such a hard grip I felt like crying.

We started to walk faster until we reached the end of the cave. I took the chance I had to break free from Grimmel by stepping on his foot. I began to run as fast as I could to the forest.

Then I heard him screaming orders to his guards.

"Get her back! NOW!!"

I kept in running and didn't stop, I removed the gag and the ropes. while I looked back to check that I wasn't being followed I hit myself with something hard and I fell to the floor.

I looked at the figure with terror since I couldn't recognise it for how scared I was, the figure stood up when it was about to shoot at me. I screamed in terror. But then I heard a familiar voice

"Toothless wait!"

I looked closely and saw it was Toothless,

"H- Hiccup...?"



Hiccup POV

When we were trying to find the group of hunters that took Astrid, something bumped into Toothless. We all thought it was a hunter until I heard a scream, which belonged to Astrid.

"Toothless wait!"

I yelled in alarm, he stopped and looked at me. I took a closer look and saw it was Astrid.

"H- Hiccup...?"

She questioned, I could tell how scared she was. I jumped off my saddle and hugged her.

"Astrid! You're okay!"

I hugged her tighter when I heard her cry, when we broke away from the hug and saw that she had a slap mark on her cheek.

Not only that but she had a red bruise on her stomach.

"Astrid what happened?"

I asked worried.

"Nothing happened Hiccup." she responded looking away.

I couldn't handle my anger by that point. I grabbed her by both arms and brought her closer to me.

"What the hell did he do to you?! And don't lie to me!!"

I yelled, with such a loud voice

She gasped with horror in her expression, and looked at me in shock. I noticed how scared she was, especially when more tear escaped her eyes.

I looked back at Toothless, he didn't seem to recognise me. When I looked back at Astrid, I wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry Astrid," I began, I then hugged her tight not letting go of her. "I can't let anything bad happen to you gain."

While I hugged her we heard some screams coming from the forest.

"What's that?" I asked, Astrid heard the screams until she recognise one of the.

She looked at me and them back at the forest.

"I- It's Grimmel."

She said, she was worried more than ever. But I Couldn't let this guy take her, not again

I hopped on Toothless, and helped Astrid.

"Hiccup, I- I'm scared"

She said, slowly while she buried her face in my shirt. I turned around and kissed her on her cheek.

"Don't worry, we'll get out of here alive."

She nodded slowly and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Let's go"



Time Skip

"How are you feeling Astrid."

"What in the name of Thor are you wearing?"

The gang all gathered around Astrid to ask her questions. I came right in front of her.

"twins is there anywhere out of this Island?"

I asked, they looked at me and signaled to the West.

"Let's go gang."

When we took to the air, and we were far from the Forest, a dragon root arrow was shot almost hitting me but Astrid moved me to the side

"Wow! Look out!"

I shouted, we all started to dodge the arrows.

One of them almost hitted Astrid, when she dodge it she fell of Toothless saddle.


She screamed.

I ordered Toothless to dive, when we were close to her, a chain appeared from the fog and wrapped around her waist trapping one of her arms close to her body.


She yelled, getting caught off while disappeared into the fog

"No..." I said, then we heard the splash, we flew down to look for her but there was nothing but fog.

No ships, nothing, no trails, no noise. Just the complete silence of the sea......

I failed to save her, I flew back to the sky where the gang were waiting at.

I didn't say a word in the whole flight. Neither did the gang until someone finally talked

"Why don't we ask Stoick for help?" Tuffnut suggested, I sighed in sadness but aggread.

"Common gang let's go to Berk."



Time Skip


Third POV

Miles away from the Island, Astrid had slowly began to wake up. She had been knocked out by Grimmel, soon as she disappeared into the fog Astrid had fallen into Grimmels arms.

And the splash had been a box that was dumped into sea to confuse the Riders.

While astrid's eyes adjusted to the light, she gasped in horror noticing where she was. Without thinking twice she jumped of the bed and headed to the door which was locked.

'I need to get out of here!' she thought

She looked around for a way to escape, nothing......

After a few seconds she gave up and just sat down on the edge of the bed.


"H- Hiccup?" a shy astrid asked while she sat down next to her boyfriend.

Hiccup looked at her with a smile, he placed his hand on astrid's waist and took her closer to him.

"What is it?"

Astrid blushed a bit and looked down

"W- when we Viggo had me hostage back at the volcano, umm well...... what did you think?"

Hiccup looked at her for a while, then placed his hand on her chin.


"I just remembered how your expression was, and well I really wanted to know."

He responded while he kissed her on the lips.

"Astrid I have loved you my whole life and I would never want anything bad to happen to you, never."

Astrid looked away with red cheeks

"I love you.."

"Love you-----

End of Flashback

Astrid was caught of her thoughts when the door slammed open, and he came in holding a whip on his hand.

"You're awake already, that's a shame I was hoping on waking you up myself."

He said, with an evil smile

Astrid gasped when she realise Grimmel would torture her. She noticed the door open and took a run for it, which didn't work because Grimmel grabbed her by her arm. And threw her to the ground,

"When are you going to learn?" he asked, closing the door and locking it. Astrid tried standing up when grimmel placed his foot on her chest holding her to the floor.

She had nowhere out and she new that very well, Grimmel raised his hand with the whip. And Astrid immediately covered her face with her arms, but he didn't stop.

With one hit Astrid had two whip marks on her arms, which made her scream.

Grimmel didn't bother thought and forced Astrid to stand, pushing her to the bed. He forced her to stand on top of the bed while her hands were chained above her.

Astrid had tears running down her cheeks, she prayed so that he wouldn't rape her. While he ripped her skirt.

>>Time Skip, for those of us that don't like torture!!<<

"Hiccup, please save me."

She cried, Astrid was still chained up with six whip marks on her arms, seven on her legs, and ten on her back.

"He's not coming for you anytime soon, and you know why? Because he doesn't love you."

Grimmel grinned laying down on the bed.

"That's not true, he's coming for me!" astrid yelled

Grimmel didn't seem to like Astrid raising her voice at him. He stood up right in front of her and smacked her on her cheek again, and again. Leaving a bruise

"Don't raise your voice again!"

He commanded unlocking the cuffs, Astrid who had lost strength on her legs fell to the cushions. Lucky for her she was bleeding no more, right when Astrid believed that her "punishment was over" Grimmel grabbed her by her neck.

Astrid cried trying not to lose her breath which was hard.

Grimmel took a small box out and took out a ring with a blue diamond. Letting go of Astrid holded the ring on his hand.

"You're going to be my wife."

He said, Astrid shocked her head with fear

"No, I can't! I don't love you." she said, backing away from him.

He didn't seem to care and gebbed Astrid's hand, while he placed the ring on.

"If you don't," he began. "That rider so called Hiccup, will perish."

He finished making her gasp while she turn to look at him.

"No please don't" she begged

Grimmel just laugh and stood up, unlocked the door and slammed it behind him.

Astrid looked down in sadness while she she placed her hand close to her neck, "please Thor, don't let anything bad happen to Hiccup."



-At Berk

"Please Thor, don't let anything bad happen to Astrid."

Hiccup begged while he looked at the stars.

"We'll find her son, and I'll make sure that man pays for what he did." Stoick said trying to cheer his son.

Hiccup turned his head while walked up to his room.

"Good night dad."

"Night son."

The gang had tried everything they could to cheer Hiccup up, nothing worked and in the end they all headed to their homes for a night sleep.

Hiccup laid in his bed while a tear escaped his eye.

"There are so many people out there who deserve Odin's punishment...... why would they chose and innocent?"

Toothless was laying next to him, but Hiccup ignored him and turned around.

"Night Bud"




*laughs evilly*
Loos like you'll have to wait for next part!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Word Count: 2115
Don't forget to comment😉


Later, Dragon Riders

Sweet Dreams🖤!

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