9. My Valkyrie, Part 4 (Yes)

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Won't be long till next chapter, Enjoy~

Summary: When the mission goes wrong. The gang asks for Stoick's help to rescue their friend before it's too late.


Third POV

As the morning rose, Hiccup was the first to wake up and come up with a plan, he turned his head and saw Toothless sleeping peacefully. He sign and walked out the room. For Hiccup's surprise his father was already downstairs eating breakfast.

"I thought you were still sleeping, come down let's eat."

He suggested while Hiccup took a seat, he grabbed a piece of chicken leg.

"Tell me son, what's the man's name?" Stoick asked

"Well, Astrid called him Grimmel."

Hiccup responded while he kept eating.

Both of them got up when they heard a knock.

"Going!" they both said at the same time

Hiccup looked at his father, for a while and then decided to sit down. Stoick smirked while he walked to the door. "Always works."

When Stoick opened the door, the whole gang were outside Ready.



"You might want to come out." Stoick said, Hiccup stood up from his seat and went outside.

Fishlegs was holding a map with the same signals Grimmels ship's had. And it marked exactly where his base was located.

Both Hiccup and Stoick examined the maps and worked for a while before making up a plan. On that would save their friend....

"Let's go gang."

Hiccup ordered hopping on his dragon and taking off with his father and friends behind him.



Astrid POV

I hated this so much, ever since I accepted to marry Grimmel he would whip or beat me if I raised my voice on him like yesterday. He had also forced me to change my clothes.

Even though I've been here three days it has felt like forever, I miss Hiccup so much. I wish I could see him again.

I was just sitting on at the edge of the bed when the door opened, and my "husband" came inside, yay......

"Morning Sunshine." he said, while he walked inside

I looked away but responded to him, "morning"

"I see your behavior improved since yesterday" he laugh, while he sat on the bed and grabbed my chin. "That's good since I won't have to be hitting you daily."

I looked at him with disgust for a few seconds then I just looked away. And like I said earlier, my clothes had changed. I was now wearing black shorts, and a red shirt that reminded me of Hiccups

Worst of all since the weather was cold, I felt like I was going to die freezed one of this days. He began to get his face closer to me and I new what he wanted, a kiss.

Right before he did I stopped him, "can't we wait until the wedding?" I asked, nervously

With frustration he stood up, and walked to the door, "don't break your promise then." then slammed the door behind him.

I looked down once again, and quietly went under the bed. I had been cutting the wood with a blade that I had hidden on my skirt.

"Come on, come on" I said quietly while I peaked to check that the door wasn't opening.

After a while I was able to make a hole big enough for me to escape. Since grimmel had me locked up at his house, I had the advantage of running away to the forest since it was like six feet away especially since he had no guards guarding it.

Since the room had two windows one on each side that were really tall, so I couldn't escape that fast and the whole I had made under the bed,

Suddenly I began to hear footsteps coming from far, I immediately got up and made sure the whole looked like nothing happened, I then got up and went to the bathroom. (bathrooms do exist during viking times right? 🤔)

I washed my hands with warm water, and untied my hair and brushed it to not make anything look suspicious. While I looked at myself in the mirror I tried braiding my hair like always when I was stopped.

"Leave it like that."

"I- I think i- it looks better braided."

I undid my braid which I wasn't able to finish while Grimmel grinned at me.

"Well I like it loose, and in my island you do as you are told."

He said raising his voice while he said those last words. I sign and just walked outside then Grimmel grabbed me by my arm and forced me to the bed.

"W- what's going on?" I asked, while he forced my hands above my head.

"I've been thinking, and I think I want to make you mine before the wedding." he grinned, while he kissed my neck. I whimpered when he licked one of my bruses I struggled to get off his grip which didn't work, he didn't stop and kissed be on the lips with forced. By this time I felt like crying and vomiting, it was the most disgusting thing that had happened to me.

When he finally let go he started to laugh so loud I backed away with fear. With tears streaming down my cheek

"You really are a beauty, Valkyrie."

I hated that he called me by that, but if I tried to fight back he'll just beat me up. I decided to hug myself since Grimmel was laying next to me.

I stayed silent the whole time, then I started to remember moments with Hiccup.


While I walked to the lagun to bath, I remember to have heard some footsteps behind me. I didn't pay mind though while I went inside with only my breast binding and panties, I felt something grab my feet.

I screamed in alarm and dived down to see who it was.


He smiled and swam up while he grabbed my waist.

"What are you doing?" I laughed while I punched him in the shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?"

He asked smiling weekly.

"For scaring me." I responded while I layed on a rock.

After a few seconds hiccup came right next to me. "No kiss?" he asked

Since he had no shirt on I grabbed him by his shoulder and kissed him on the lips.

We were separated when we heard a splash from the other side of the rock and water fell right on top of us. Hiccup checked it and looked at whatever that was with a mad expression.

"Really Toothless, Stormfly?"

I laughed while he came back to sit next to me, he placed his hand on my cheek same as me. This time he kissed me unexpectedly.

When we separated he looked at me blushing, "Bye."

Then he left, I just smiled while my face was red.

End Of Flashback

A tear escaped my eye, and I felt my whole world fall apart what if I really never see him again. What if her never comes for me and I was actually to marry Grimmel.

But I couldn't lose hope, I knew he'll come for me.

After a while Grimmel sat next to me and placed some kind of medicine on my whip marks so that they wouldn't get infected, I had offered to do it myself but I had no chance of talking back to him.

Once he was finished I started to feel ill and I just layed until I fell asleep.



Third POV

The Dragon Riders had made their way to the shores of a Island where the weather went down so low the trees almost looked frozen yet at the same time it looked like a jungle.

That wouldn't be a problem though, they had winter clothes on for if they got lost in the jungle. Hiccup was on the lead, his father and the gang behind him.

"This is it" Fishlegs said, while he rolled the map and looked at Hiccup who had been silent the whole ride. "Uhh, Hiccup?"







"Yea-- what?" he asked, realising they had called him the safe nickname Astrid called him by.

Hiccup turned to see everyone, they all gave him mad looks.

"I'm thinking, okay" he ignored them talking while he took the lead.

While he was ahead Hiccup took a look at the place, base whatever. (it's night)

"Where could he have her?" he asked, himself when someone spoke.

"There" Stoick said, while pointing at a big house next to what seemed to be their arena.

Hiccup looked closely at the house with two floors, at the very back there was a window and the lights where on. He looked closely and noticed a person, a girl with loose blond hair.

"Astrid. I found her" he said, with such happiness on his voice a tear fell from his cheek.

As the gang hide in the bushes to see Astrid they couldn't believe their eyes, "astrid with her hair loose and not braided now that was strange."

"Now what?" snotlout asked

"You and the twins create a distraction, dad?"

"Got it son, this should be a piece of cake." he said, cracking his neck and grabbing Fishlegs by his arm. "Let's go fishlegs we've got a lot of men to fight to get out of this island."

"O- okay?" he said, while meatlug followed him

"Ready guys?"

'You Bet!" ruff yelled, with excitement for some action, while Tuffnet followed her.

>>>>>>(me: "Tuffnut".
Everyone: "get back to the Story!")<<<<<

"You ready Bud?" Hiccup asked, while he sneaked behind the house trying not to get caught by non of the guards. As he sneaked more closely to the house Hiccup peeked in the window were he was sure he had seen Astrid in.

And there she was, laying on a bed with bruses and whip slashes on her legs and arms. Tears running down her cheeks and a broken face as if she had already lost all hope.

Hiccups heart sank, seeing the love of his life in that situation was the worst. "A little help bud?"

Toothless helped hiccup get inside from the window while stayed out to guard. When Hiccup was finally in he noticed Astrid was asleep.

"As- Astrid?" he asked, moving her shoulder until she finally woke up

When she woke up Astrid immediately gasped and backed away from hiccup thinking it was Grimmel.

Hiccup sat on the bed next to Astrid while he placed his hand on her cheek, "It- it's me M'lady"

The room was silent for a while until she was able to recognize HIccup and jumped off the bed with happiness in her face.

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled, with joy while she hugged him tightly. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Astrid."

While Hiccup gave astrid a romantic kiss, Toothless had sense some men approaching and warned them both from out the window.

"Let's get out of here."

"Yeah lets"

But when the two were about to head to the window footsteps were heard from the distance.

Astrid didn't think twice and move of the furnitures in front of the door, while Hiccup helped her. "We can't escape thru the window, let's get out of here under the bed"

"Th- the bed?"

"Yes under the bed."


Astrid was in no patience to explain and just grabbed her boyfriend by the hand and dragged him to the bed. While she moved it to the side Hiccup was able to see a whole where she had been cutting the wood in.

"Common all we need to do is kick it."

She said, in rush. Hiccup helped her until the wood finally broke.

"You go first" he suggested, Astrid nodded and went out first and then helped him out.

Toothless had been waiting for both of them while to unconscious guards were on the ground behind him.

"Let's go"


After the rescue, the gang and Stoick took astrid to Gothi so she could heal her properly. When they were done they headed back to the edge

Hiccup took Astrid in his arms until they reached the edge

"How are you feeling?" Hiccup asked, while they landed on the edge. The whole gang was excited to have their friend back especially Stoick

"I'm fine thanks Hiccup, thanks to everyone."

"Remember, no viking left behind!" Stoick yelled, while waving Goodbye

"Bye Dad!"

Everyone headed to their huts for a good night sleep. But Hiccup and Astrid had something else in mind.

Later at night Hiccup had taken Astrid to his hut.

"I'll never let him take you again, I promise"

"I know"

Astrid placed her hand on hiccups shoulder while she kissed him on the lips, he placed his hands on her hips. While that happened Astrid removed Hiccups armor living him with only his two shirts and pans. Then it was his turn, and he took off Astrid arm protectors and tunic.

Astrid then got up and took off her skirt and pushed him to his bed, "I love you" she said, while she kissed him on the cheek.

Me: *pulls on the collar of my shirt* and whispers "we are expecting this to happen anyways, right?"

After kissing, they stopped and Astrid sat in front of Hiccup while he brought his face close to hers.

"Never let me go again"

"Never, Fishbone"



-The Next day

Everything was going normal, while both love birds kept the secret of what they had done the night before.

"Promise?" Hiccup asked,

"Promise" she replied while she grabbed his hand and kissed him, then she hopped on Stormfly

"You really thought I would leave with just a hand shake" Astrid mocked while she flew away

Leaving Hiccup with a pleasure smile

"Had some fun last night?" a voice asked,

"Yeah." Hiccup replied, his eyes went wide and he turned around fast. It was heather

She smirked at him while Hiccup got red like a tomato

"No, worries I won't tell"

She said leaving

"S -should I be worried?"

He asked in his mind while he entered his hut to work.




Again, I'll update faster in this book my other "Hiccstrid books", and in "Library of Secrets"

Next: My Valkyrie, Part 3 (NO)


Word Count: 2377


Sweet Dreams🖤

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