10. My Valkyrie, Part 5 (No)

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Ohoho, now that this is finished I can finally start updating all the requests I had.

They'll be updated every two to three days from now, since I have started them already.


Summary: after the subsided rescue Hiccup tries to spend as much time as he can with Astrid.


Hiccup POV

After Valda told us where we could could find Astrid we went straight to look for her.

After a while of flying I noticed more hunters and told the gang to land, while I peeked from the darkness I saw how Astrid had been hoisted over a hunters shoulder after they had gagged her.

She looked at me with relief while I looked back at her with a smile.

Who ever that guy was noticed us and ordered one of the hunters to place Astrid down, when they did he grabbed Astrid by her waist and looked at our direction.

"So Dragon Rider, I guess you girlfriend is mine now!" he yelled smirking, while astrid tried escaping his arms.

I gave him an angry look while Toothless moved forward

"Leave her alone, she doesn't love you, she loves me!!" I yelled back

Then they started to attack us, but I noticed how they pulled her away.

I left the others behind while I flew to catch up with them. Right before, they entered a cave I ordered Toothless to shot so that they wouldn't enter.

When he did the rocks collapsed and they stopped. Astrid didn't lose time and stepped on the guys foot, making him lose his grip and let go of her.

"Run!" I yelled, astrid took off running I landed and took her in my arms. I hugged her tightly, while she cried in my arms. "Shhh, it's okay you're safe now"

Right when I was about to untie the gag an arrow was fired and hitted her leg, not losing time Toothless took to the air and I took the arrow off of Astrid's legs making her scream in pain.

I quickly untied the gag and the ropes.

Then I hugged her again, tighter

"I- I thought I would never see you again." she cried while she buried her face on my chest

"I'm just glad this is finally over and that we can go home now," I said,

We flew to find the gang who were all waiting for us to arrive.

"Wow, Astrid what are you wearing?"

"Yeah, and what's up with that hairstyle?"

Everyone asked at once, I stopped them

"Let's just worry about getting out of here shall we?"

They all nodded when we took to the air and flew over the clouds

Astrid kissed me on the cheek, and whispered "thank you."



Time skip

Snotlout had gotten separated to get Valka back home, which wasn't unusual to us since they had been good friends from a very small age.

After we landed on the dome, fishlegs and the twins headed to the clubhouse, Astrid was about to leave when I grabbed her by the arm.

"Where are you going?" I asked, while she blushed

"I'll change and be right back, wait for me at the lagune."

Then she left running to her hut.



Astrid POV

While I changed back to my normal self I stayed still for a while thinking about what had just happened.

In what kind of mind could a man buy a person and then say she'll belong to him forever, I layed on my bad for a while thinking.

I looked to the side and grabbed my necklace, since I had an important date with Hiccup tonight. While I placed the necklace on I heard Stormfly from the outside


I braided my hair to my normal brain and ran downstairs when I fell.

I was so happy being back I had forgotten about my wound, not much of a big deal since it wasn't as deep as last time. I took my legging of and did a little bit of healing since Gothi had showed me some of her secrets. When I was finished I headed out.

Stormfly was waiting for me, I hugged her tightly.

"I missed you too girl, How are you feeling."

She growled and got in a position for me to ride her.

"Alright, let's have some girl time" I laughed, hopping on. "Let's go!"

After we had our girl time by flying a very long time we headed to the lagun to find Hiccup and Toothless.

Hiccup was relaxing on the water without his Shirt and Pans!



Third POV

When Astrid saw that Hiccup hadn't noticed them, she took off her clothes only staying with her her breast bindings and panties.

She then got in the water slowly enough so that Hiccup wouldn't notice her.

Once the coast was clear astrid hitted the water with both her hands while made a big splash hit Hiccups face.

"W- what the---?"

He said all confused with his wet face, Astrid started to laugh.

"Oh, s- so that's how it is" Hiccup said,

Trapping Astrid in his arms while he kissed her on the forehead. They both laughed when unexpectedly she turned around and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, they they kissed again but this time it was longer.

When they separated, astrid splashed water on hiccups face again.

While he tried drying it off, astrid unbraided her hair, so when Hiccup opened his eyes he deeply blushed since it was the first time he had ever seen his girlfriend with her hair loose.



-The next day

Both of them acted like nothing had happened, but spend as much time as they could together, everytime Hiccup was alone with Astrid he'll surprise her and kiss her on the lips.

For example, Today

"So how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine Hiccup that incident happened six days ago"

Astrid said, walking more forward when she was pulled back by gentle hands.

"Why not have some fun, Huh?" he asked, while he threw Astrid over his shoulder

"Hiccup!" astrid yelled, laughing while his boyfriend took her to his hut.

Later that night both Astrid sat on the bed while they gave each other passionate kissed that lasted almost five minutes.

Then they looked at each other and said,

"I love you to the ends of the earth," they said together. While they laid on the bed.



Sorry that it was so short and it took a while

Like promised, no sad endings until now. All the request will be posted every two to three days from now.

Please don't forget to comment and vote.

Later Dragon riders


Word count: 1104


-Sweet Dreams
Nightmare, The Black Diamond

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