Chapter 12

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Mikchou and Izuka were all shocked to the site of what Goku Black had done. "Well,  now that the idiot Goku's out of the way, now for you." He slowly walk towards her, ki blade still in hand. But from afar and ki blast hit Goku Black in the back. She slowly backs away. Then Michou shouts to his sister "Take Goku and get out of here, your the one he is really after! Go!" He fires another ki blast at him just to buy his sister time to grab Goku and escape. So, Izuka grabbed Goku, flung him over her shoulder and started flying away as fast as she could. 

Back on the battlefield, Mikchou and SSR 2 Goku Black were duking it out for a good hour or so. "I won't let you hurt my sister Goku Black!" Mikchou shouted. Goku Black then started laughing. "what's so funny?" "oh nothing, its just that you mortals are just too far from our league."  Goku Black explained. "what do you mean?" Mikchou asked almost shocked. "What I mean is that I can go much higher." "What!?" Then Goku Black started screaming again, powering out more. 'This is going to get ugly' He thought

Back with Izuka, Goku is still passed out and she is taking him to see Dende, the guardian of Earth, "I need to get him to Dende fast or he wont make it." she said outloud. After a few mins of flying, she finally manages to reach Kami's Lookout. She lands on the ground and Dende greets her. "Hey, I felt you coming here. Please tell me what happened to you guys?" Izuka took a deep breath and spoke "Goku Black happened." "How is he alive, I thought that Lord Zeno took care of him!" Dende replied. "yeah but, this was a different one and he was alot stronger than my brother and Goku combines and even when Goku had Super Saiyan Blue and my bro had his god form, they were still no match for him."  "alright, place him down gently" He told her. She did just that and Dende started to heal Goku. "So, why did you come here and what is Goku Black after?" he asked.  "well to start, this was the only place I can think of at the moment and second, my brother said that he was after me."  "why though?" "I don't know, but I will find out soon enough." 

Back in Conton, Mikchou is watching another transformation unfold. "What the heck is it now?" He asked himself while shielding himself from the wind going in his face. Goku Black's power kept rising and rising. Then smoke begin to die down again. Mikchou opened his eyes. "You have got to be kidding me." His eyes widen at the sight. Behind the smoke was Goku Black in a new form, Super Saiyan Rose 3. "This is what true power feel like, bask in its almighty glory."  There was a moment of silence. Then Mikchou spoke. "well, I guess i have to kick it up a notch!" Then he started screaming, his eye were changing from red to blue in flashes. Then in one final scream, Mikchou had ascended into a Super Saiyan Blue. "you may have stolen Goku's body, but you as hell didn't train it well." Then he rushed towards Goku Black and punched him in the side of the cheek. He flew a little ways back. Goku Black then wiped is mouth to see blood on his hand.  "it seems I am underestimating you, but this isn't going to stop me from reaching my goal!" He rushed towards Mikchou and kicked him in the gut. "gah!" Goku Black then punches him rapidly in the face. Mikchou then fired some energy blasts at him. Goku Black started dodging them effortlessly. "you really think juts because you have claimed Goku's body as your own, doesn't mean you have the experience to back it up!" He then went into another stance can cupped his hands together. "Ka......Me......Ha.....Me...." Goku Black then saw the chance to fire back. He cupped his hands for his own Kamehameha. "This is over Black, I will beat you and everyone will be saved, including my sister!" Then at a split second, they fired. "HA!" Both energies collided. They both don't want to back down. One is wanting to save the world and the timelines, the other wants nothing more then to watch the world burn to ashes.

Back with Izuka and Dende, he had almost done healing Goku. Izuka waited so patently for Goku to recover. 'I want to help both my brother and Goku, but the only transformation I can do is only Super Saiyan God and I would just get in the way' she thought to herself. Dende looked over to Izuka and saw that she had a sad look on her face. "don't worry, your brother is going to be fine. He is one of the best Time Patroler around. I am sure he'll win." She looks at Dende, who has a smile on his face. She smiles back. Then all of a suddenly Goku sturs up and finally awoke. "Goku!" She cried out "man, that was some beating I took. What happened?" Dende explained to Goku the situation as Izuka had told him previously. "wow, Mikchou is now fighting him to keep the world and his sister safe." Dende nodded. The Izuka suddenly felt a massive ki spike. "what the.." She gets up and runs to the edge of the lookout. Goku looks in that direction also and feels the energy spike. "Black has transformed again and its not looking good." "then what are we waiting for, we have to help him." Goku stops her. "You can't, you have to stay with Dende, Black is the one targeting you for his plans and I am not allowing that." "Goku, Mikchou is down there hold off Goku Black as much as he can and I am not allowing my brother to die by his hands!" She proclaims. The two stared at each other for a few moments then Goku spoke "fine, you can help, but if things so south, you leave the area." Izuka nodded in agreement. She turns to head back to Conton but, just before she took off, Goku turns Super Saiyan Blue and chopped her neck, knocking her out and she falls to the ground. "Goku! Why did you do that?!" He looks over to Dende and says "I want you to train her more, she has a lot of power inside of her and that is was Black is going after and I am not going to let her kill herself just to save her brother.She is not ready to face this threat yet but I know she will grow stronger then ever before." There was silence on the the lookout for a brief moment, then Goku took off.  "I hope you have a plan Goku." Dende thought. Then he picks Izuka up and heads for the Room of Spirit and Time.

On the Battlefield, Goku Black and Mikchou were still having their beam struggle. neither one was gaining the advantage. "you are too weak to keep this up, its over for you!" Black shouted. Mikchou shouted back "I am not quitting until I give it everything I have to stop you! His Kamehameha grew in size and started to overpower him. "what! How is this possible?!" Mikchou goes for the final attack. "Haaaaaaaa!" His Kamehameha overpowered Goku Black. There was a small explosion afterwards.  "finally, I did it." He then suddenly collapsed. 

With Goku, he was on his was to help Mikchou when he sudddenly felt an energy decrease. "That has to be Mikchou, I have to hurry." He speeds up and flies as fast as he could. When he got to Conton City, there was so much damage and sees Mikchou body. He runs towards his and tries to feel his pulse. But, to his horror he had no pulse and he wasn't moving. "He must of used up all his power to save this place and save his sister." But then, he hears laughter. "he he he he, I am rather surprised to see he put up more then I could imagine." Goku turns to the direction to the smoke and Goku Black walks out of the smoke with only scratches and in a new form, Super Saiyan 4.

(Welp that was done I really like writing stories like this, it makes me feel whole inside and I am really happy people like my stroy so far and I dont know If I am going to make a squel to this but If i do I would write it down in a notebook first and sooner or later I am going to add 

@RazorLucisSorku will be in the story and also he is my boyfriend and I want to make him the happiest man alive and he is very supportive to me in my hard time. So thanks

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