Chapter 13

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Goku is horrified to see that Goku Black had survived and that Mikchou is now lifeless. But also Goku was super mad at him now. "I will make you pay Black. You will regret this!" Then Goku rushed towards Black and kicked him on the side of the neck, but to no avail. "what!?" Then Black reeled his fist back and straight up punched Goku in the face. Goku was sent flying into one of the buildings. "You really think that petty form of yours is going to stop me." Black said in a low gruff tone. Goku slowly sat back up to look at him.

Back at the Lookout, Izuka was starting to wake up. "uh, where am I?" She looked around to see almost a white place. Then Dende came. "you are in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber." She turns to see him.  "Why am I in here?" She asked him. Dende replied "I put you here because Goku said you needed more training. Also he said that you weren't ready to fight Goku Black and he didn't want you to get hurt or worse killed." Izuka thought about it, then said "Then why was I given this power in the first place if I can't do anything but sit back and do nothing?" Dende then walked over to Izuka and placed a hand on her back. "The reason you got this power is unknown. But, what you can do is master this power so that you can become stronger and also help others." Izuka looked up at Dende and replied "Yeah, your right. If I am going to beat Goku Black, I need to train more." Then Dende nodded his head, then got up and walked out of the Room of Spirit and Time. "Ok, first I want to focus on turning Super Saiyan Blue." So, Izuka turned into her Super Saiyan God and started training.

In the battered city, Goku and SSJ4 Goku Black had been battling for a while. The battle was going at a stalemate. "I won't let you take her Black, you have done enough damage already." Goku, who was still in his blue form had also perfected Kaioken prior to Goku Black coming to Conton. Goku Black started to laugh again. " hehehe, you mortals are so stubborn. You think that putting her in a different location would make a difference. You forgot that I have killed gods and angels alike and you just have to stand in my way." Goku looked menacingly at Black and told him "you stole my body to make that dream of yours into reality and now I am going to kick your sorry ass into the otherworld!" Goku screamed and a blueish clear aura came. "What is this?" Then the aura calmed down and Goku is now in Ultra Instinet form. His eyes glowed sliver, his hair is partly silver and he was not going down without a fight. Then Goku Black charged at him and threw a punch, but Goku dodged it and punched him in the gut "Gah!" He spit out blood and crashed onto the floor. "Lets see who is god now." Goku said with a deep, double voice.

(A.N Also Goku's clothes were torn, he is shirtless like he was towards the end of the Tornament of Power and he had both control over Omen and Master UI)

In the Room of Spirit and Time, it had been 5 years and she is now 21. She has now the ability to go Super Saiyan Blue and add it with Kaioken x30, also she learned other moves too such as, Vegeta's Final Flash and Vegito's Final Kamehameha to name a few. Now she was finally ready to leave the chamber. She looked into a mirror before she goes through the door. She looks taller, almost the same height as Goku, she wore black shorts with Navy blue shoes. She also had a orange t-shirt. "wow, I really look different, welp, time to head out." She opens the door and walks through. She is met with blue skies. "What a great day." "oh, you came out." Dende walks up to her. "wow, I see you have grown far stronger then the last time." "Yeah and I can't wait to get rid of Black one and for all!" She replied. Dende then smiled at her "you really love Goku, don't you?" She blushed a little "I-I mean, yeah I kinda do."  "well, I am sure Goku will return the favor, now get going." She nodded and flew away.

With Goku, he was really getting worn down. "I need to end this now, or Izuka is going to get captured again. I can't allow that to happen. I already lost her once and I am not going to repeat that again!" he said softly. "well, well, it seems that you couldn't hold this form for very long. Might as well kill you while I have the chance." Goku Black then held out his hand. "You aren't going to win, if I die, someone else will take my place." Goku replied. "I doubt that." Goku Black was going to blast Goku into dust, someone kick him in the face and sent him flying. "I am not going to let you hurt anyone." The person shouted. To Goku's shock, it was Izuka, the women that he had trained and fell in love with, had come to rescue him. "Izuka, I thought I left you at the lookout." She replied "you did, but I chose to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for 5 years and now I want to help the ones I love." 

Son Goku....

I love you. (愛してる)

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