Chapter 4

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Back at Flukey's home....


Chi-Chi's voice was loud enough for anyone within a thirty mile radius to hear. 

Flukey and Goka rubbed their ears in pain from Chi-Chi's outburst. 

Flukey: Oh come on mother, can't I train at least a little? My grades are one of the highest at school. I can take a break from studying for a bit. 

Goka: Yeah come on Chi-Chi. Flukey's practically smarter than the both of us. I don't think it'll be a problem if he takes some time to train. And I'm more than happy to help him. Though I bet thing's would be much more interesting if he was a Saiyan like me and Vegita. 

Chi-Chi: Nope! No way! Unacceptable! No son of mine is gonna waste his future on some pointless training when he can be studying and getting an education! The last thing we need is another you in this house!

Goka: Oh come on Chi-Chi. I'm not that dumb. 

Chi-Chi: Goka you can't even count to twenty.

Goka: Hey I'm learning. 

Flukey: Only because I'm helping you learn how to count mom. 

Goka: See! Flukey's just fine the way he is. Taking some time off from his studies isn't gonna kill him. 

Chi-Chi: Hmm. I'm still not convinced. 

Flukey knew his mother was gonna react this way and while he can understand it, it also annoys him that Chi-Chi prioritizes education over everything. 

Almost like she's not taking his own feelings into account. 

Then he remembered what Vegita told him and decided to put that into play. 

Flukey: Okay then about we made a deal? 

Chi-Chi raised her eyebrow. 

Chi-Chi: A deal.....

Goka: What kinda deal? 

Flukey: There's a big exam coming up at school. If I pass, and I know I will, I get to train whenever I want but you reserve your right to revoke this if my grades drop, which won't happen. 

Goka: Oh that's a good idea! You're really smart son so there's no way you can mess this up! Come on Chi-Chi! Sounds like a good deal right? 

There was a moment of hesitation before Chi-Chi gave a reply. 

Chi-Chi: Okay then. But how about we raise the stakes a bit. If you pass I'll lay off on pestering you about studying and allow you to train. But if I make a 100 on your exam, I'll let you tain some and give you a special reward. 

This peaked both Flukey and Goka's interests. 

Flukey: What kind of reward are we talking here? 

Goka: And can I have it too? If it's food then I definitely want it!

Chi-Chi: You'll find out when you get that 100 on your exam. 

Flukey: Hm. Alright then. I accept the challenge!

Flukey immediately ran into his room and started to study up. 

This was his one chance to be free from Chi-Chi's constant bickering of him studying and he was not gonna mess it up. 

He WAS going to pass and mix between studying and training and get his mother's special reward.

Though Flukey could only wonder what the special reward could possibly be. 

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