Chapter 5

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Days leading up to the exam....

On the days leading up to the exam, Flukey was spending most if not all of his free time studying, looking over everything he's been taught so far. 

He even requested to take some time from Capsule Corps. which Bulma was understanding enough to allow. 

She even offered to help him out any way she could which he was grateful for but assured her that he could handle it. 

Goka continued to pester Chi-Chi about what the special reward was until she just went ahead and told her that it was food and that made Goka way more excited for Flukey to get a perfect score on his exam so she can gorge on some delicious food, which normally wouldn't be anything worth talking about but Chi-Chi exaggerated, saying that she food she'd cook would be the best in the whole world, even better than the food in the Otherworld. 

Even during Flukey's studying, he also studied with Videl sometimes to more so help her than help himself. 

On the day of the exam....

On the day of the exam, in Flukey's class he and the rest of his class peers were handed the exam and after given the "okay" to begin, Flukey immediately got to work. 

Due to his intelligence and confidence, he breezed through the test as it only took him about an hour to get it done and turn it in for grading. 

After the test was over, later on the school day was over and Flukey and Videl were walking to her house together. 

Videl: Ugh. Finally the exam's over. I think I did alright. How bout you Flukey?

Flukey: I'm feeling pretty confident. I bet I got a perfect score on it. 

Videl: That's some serious confidence. But I'm pretty sure you got a perfect score too given how much and hard you've studied for this.

Flukey: Right. 

After some time spent walking, Flukey got Videl home before heading off to his own home to tell his parents about how he did on the exam or more so what it was like for him. 

Goka and Chi-Chi were both pleased with his words and only and only had the results to look forward to now and they were expected to come out the very next day. 

Flukey, along with Chi-Chi and Goka, could barely contain their excitement of what was to come soon. 

The Next Day....

The next day the exam results came in and Flukey was given his and looked over it with a smirk on his face. 

But what was once a smirk would soon turn to one of shock.

Because instead of a perfect grade or rather a 100.....he got a 99. 

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