Bonding (Part 2)

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(A/n :In the previous chapter of DragonBall Rebirth)

Gohan : "Kamehame...!!", he said, charging a Kamehameha with enough force to neither kill nor critically injure Raon, but enough to knock him unconscious.

Gohan : "HAAAAA!!!!", he yelled as he had send a Kamehameha wave towards Raon, who had surprisingly enough teleported away from the blast using Instant Transmission and reciprocated it with a Kamehameha of his own that was strong enough to basically have Gohan to turn into a Super Saiyan 2, deflect Raon's wave to the stratosphere and then try to knock out Raon with a hit on the back of the latter's neck that was dodged and had the both of them to basically punch one another in the face, creating a booming shockwave before plummeting to the ground from exhaustion.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Author's POV)

(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

Some minutes had passed after the end of Gohan's and Raon's second sparring session with the result being a double knock out to the both of them. Gohan was the first one to wake up from what was his unconscious state with a groan, his head was still spinning and his body was mildly aching from the blows that Raon had inflicted onto him during their sparring session. Yup, this kid was a strong saiyan for sure and he wasn't a super saiyan yet!!

This innate strength he had seen whilst having a seemingly friendly spar with the boy, didn't explain one thing, why did it seem that during their fight, Raon was extremely serious. He didn't mean the focused on the fight type of seriousness, but instead, the seeming like another person type of seriousness. Those where his thoughts whilst he was looking around in the barren, rocky wasteland that they were fighting.

The ground of the wasteland was shattered in many spots where their fists had collided whilst in other spots the stones and rocks in the place had either turned into dust or where completely vaporized, evidence that they had used ki blast. To any other person on the planet, who had no knowledge or idea about the concept of ki manipulation, the place looked as if it was a testing facility for missiles and other military weapons. Did they go too far? Oh Kami, he honestly hoped that none of their blasts went to any residential area, because the amount of losses would be severe.

He had then focused his attention to quite literally look forward, at the unconscious body of Raon who was laying down on the harsh ground a few meters away from him. He had went closer to him, worried about the boy. He had admitted to himself that in terms of strength, Raon was either equal to him or extremely close to that. Also, he had promised to him that he was going to take care of him as a part of his family.

He had knelt closer to the unconscious boy, having his hand close to Raon's neck, two of his fingers were touching him at the neck. He had sighed softly, feeling a steady heart beat, realizing the fact that he had knocked out Raon only temporarily, but the look in his eyes had turned into one of worry seeing that the boy was whimpering, although he was unconscious.

(A/n : In Raon's mindscape)

(A/n : Still in Author's POV)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)

Raon : " W-Where am I? W-What is this place?", he had whimpered with a small stutter, the only thing that he could see around him was darkness. An empty, dark place that seemed to get brighter, but once he had looked at his right side, he had seen something that scared him to the point that his tail was literally in between his legs from fear.

He had seen from his baby self's eye view his biological mother, Winessa bleeding and hurt on the ground.

He wanted to look away, too afraid of looking at her for so long and this made him to turn his head towards his left side and gasped in horror, his eyes were filled with painful tears. He had seen his biological father, Yamoshi, being stabbed through the back via a dark ki blade, the bleeding edge of it was turned towards him as a dark silhouette was looking at him, grinning evilly towards Raon's petrified from fear form.

??? : "Wake up Raon", the silhouette's disembodied voice had told him. The tone of the voice was eerie, almost demonic and it was powerful enough to shake that universe to the point that parts of it were collapsing, one of which, a particularly sharp one, was ready to fall on him and he wasn't able to move himself to avoid the impact...

(A/n : Outside of Raon's mindscape)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)

Raon had waken up from being unconscious and in tears with a scream, trembling badly.

Gohan : " Raon, what happened?", he asked the boy calmly whilst hugging the whimpering saiyan, trying to reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

Raon : " *sniffles* I-I had a n-nightmare whilst... *sob* I was u-unconscious", he said to him as he proceeded to cry softly on the teen's t-shirt, his tail was laying limp close to him as he was taking one shaky breath after another, trying to calm himself down.

Gohan knew better about it than to further pressure Raon about what did the boy had seen, although judging by the feeling in his gut, it definitely wasn't a good thing. He was still keeping the boy close to him, continuing to caress Raon's back trying to calm him down, seeing that this was working out for him. Raon had a lot happening to him in those nearly one day he knew about him. (A/n : A small reminder to the ones who had read the previous chapters a long time back when I had first written them, Gohan had saved Raon in the afternoon of the previous day and their sparring had finished in the early noon of the next day).

Gohan : " Would you like then to come back home with me for now then ? I have a feeling that you would be extremely hungry since I think that the both of us have trained for longer than anticipated.", he proposed to him, helping the boy to stand up and chuckling slightly in a well-intentioned manner, once he had heard that Raon's stomach was growling slightly.

Raon :" *nods slightly* I g-guess so ", he stuttered embarrassed, accepting the help from the teen, but since they were really far away from home a small thought was in his mind.

(A/n : Stop the music and begin with this one)

Raon : " How are we going to get back?", he asked the teen about it since he didn't have in mind that they would have to walk the entire way back.

Gohan : "Do you know how to fly?", he asked him politely about it, but seeing that Raon had given him a strange look with his head being tilted to the side similarly to a confused puppy, yeah..... it was enough to make him understand that the boy didn't know how to fly, so the fact that during their fight, they were literally kilometers above the ground, it was done instinctively and not after process.

Gohan : " Would you mind if I taught you how to fly?", he asked him politely about it and laughed slightly seeing Raon's face light up and his tail starting to wag excitedly as if he was a kid that had a bit too much sugar before falling asleep.

Raon : " Yes please!! ", he said to him gleefully, not trying to suppress his excitement about it, eliciting a chuckle from the teen.

Gohan : "Okay, first of all we'll have to learn about ki control since it'll be useful in trying to explain to you how the concept of being able to fly is going to work.

First of all, put your hands in a cupped position, close your eyes and focus. Imagine that all your energy is concentrated on your open palms and once you feel it on them, open your eyes. ", he said to him calmly, demonstrating it at first, but once he had opened his eyes, he was sertainly surprised by how fast Raon was learning about ki control.

Raon :" Am I doing anything wrong? ", he asked him politely with a small frown, holding the yellowish ball of ki on his hands, although his tail was slowly wagging in anticipation to what Gohan would say.

Gohan : " You did a great job!", he exclaimed with a small smile, having Raon to basically grin happily from ear to ear.

Gohan :" Now comes the easier part of the lesson, stand up and focus your ki below you. Imagine your ki pushing you on the air and holding you there until you tell it to stop.", he said to him calmly in as much of a simple terminology as he could since Raon, despite the fact that he was a prodigy, he was still five years old.

Raon had nodded at Gohan's words, kinda understanding the meaning behind it. He had closed his eyes, maintaining full focus as he could basically feel his ki moving below him, giving him the feeling of something similar to a small avalanche moving the snow away from the mountaintop.

After the time span of a second or two, he could feel himself flying and he had slowly opened his eyes and yelped slightly seeing that he was about ten meters above the ground level and since he had mildly lost control, he appeared to be going up and down slightly as if he was a marionette that the puppet master was moving up and down, before he had once again regained control.

Gohan : " Not bad, now let's talk about some flying lessons like mobility. Have your ki pushing you forwards to move forwards or in any other direction to move accordingly.", he said to the boy, flying gracefully next to him.

Raon : " It's kinda difficult to remember all of that ", he said to him with a small pout, having the teen to chuckle nervously.

Gohan :" Don't worry about it, it's just the first time that it's difficult to do as such, but it'll become a second nature to you after some practice.", he said to him calmly, proceeding to gently pat the boy's head, making Raon to pout more at that.

Raon : " Can we get back home? I'm starving ", he asked him politely and the starving part wasn't an exaggeration since his stomach was demonstrating sounds similar to whale mating calls which meant that yeah.... he was really hungry so they had started flying back home so that they could get a meal.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

On the way there, flying above cloud levels, to the points that they were seemingly unseen by any passengers in the cities they flew over that happened to look up and see two boys, one older, close to the age of twelve and one younger, closer to the age of five flying above the city. Something that would very sertainly cause chaos since humans in their eons long history have proven countless times that they are not friendly towards what they fear and is strange to the point of being completely alien to them.

Raon : " Gohan, how is our mom like? I'm asking in case we meet her back at home.", he asked the older compared to him saiyan.

Gohan : " *chuckles* I don't know where to start from. Our mother is a caring woman, wanting to make sure that we're not only training, but also read in order to have a good and prosperous future ahead of us. She might seem kinda strict, but deep inside of her, she actually cares about all of us and I'm pretty sure that she won't have a problem with adopting you in our family. ", he calmly explained to the boy about it.

He always spoke fondly of his mother, although he was still curious about how she would react to him finding the perfect equilibrium in between training and studying. One thing that he was still thinking about was how Chichi would react to Raon due to the fact that the boy is a saiyan like him, although she didn't have that great interactions with saiyans like his father Goku and his former uncle Raditz. Let's not talk about what was her reaction to when he and his father had trained to maintain their super saiyan transformation since it wasn't a good one.

He had to snap back to reality from his thoughts since he could see the house up ahead and the car, meaning that his mom had arrived, so they had flown towards there, landing at the backyard as they had both carefully sneaked into the home. He had motioned for Raon to wait for him there until called and after he had gotten an affirmative nod from the saiyan boy, he had went there to meet his mom. (A/n : Yeah I didn't do a 'Timeskip' stamp as usually. You have the right to be surprised 😅)

Gohan : " Hi mom", he said to her calmly with a small smile, greeting her properly.

Chichi : " Welcome back Gohan, *notes that Gohan's clothes were dirty and frowned slightly* let me guess, you've gone to train again, despite what we've talked about?", she said to him in a stern tone, looking at her son with an inquisitive look.

Gohan : " * sighs softly * I had gone to train since I had promised to dad that I would be training until he had returned back from King Kai. Also, I had finished my studies a lot earlier than I anticipated, so I was trying to find a way to calm down and I thought that training would be the perfect way. I'm a half saiyan after all mom and training is basically a part of my lineage, well... half of it.",he explained to her calmly and surprisingly enough he had seen that his mother had smiled softly at her son's response in an approving manner.

Chichi :" Fair enough and judging by the look in your eyes, this isn't the only thing that you wanted to talk to me about. Am I wrong?", she said to him, partly asking him about this.

Gohan : " I think that you've gotten me caught red handed on this one mom since this wasn't the only thing that I wanted to talk to you about.", he said to her calmly as he proceeded to avert his gaze from his mother's eyes and look back, towards a shadowy corner of the house where he had told Raon to hide at until called and nearly laughed at how cute he was looking, peeking towards him from there.

Gohan :" * smiles softly looking at Raon * It's okay Raon, you can come to us", he said towards the boy in a calm tone, having his mother to look questionably at where her son was looking at.

Chichi : " Who's Raon?", she asked Gohan politely and her eyes widened slightly in surprise seeing that a young boy had came out of the shadowy hall and once he had seen her, he quickly hid behind Gohan and judging by the monkey tail behind the boy's lower waist, he was clearly a saiyan.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and play this one)

Gohan : " * chuckles softly looking at the puzzled expression on his mother's face * Let me introduce you to one another. Mom, this is Raon, the saiyan boy that I've saved yesterday in the afternoon. Raon, meet Chichi, your soon to be mother.", he said to her calmly, introducing the two, having Raon to shyly look at Chichi for a bit, before he had hidden once again behind Gohan whilst Chichi was puzzled at Gohan's other statement.

Chichi :" What do you mean by our mother? ", she asked her son politely. Did Goku cheated on her? Oh kami no.

Gohan : " * chuckles nervously * I didn't meant it that way, I was just thinking if we could adopt Raon into our family since he doesn't have one to begin with.", he said to her calmly, looking at Raon who had nodded slightly.

Raon : " I-I mean if you want to M-Miss Chichi, I-I don't want to be a burden ", he said to her calmly, fiddling with his tail whilst not even moving away from Gohan's side.

Chichi :" *smiles softly looking at Raon* You're not a burden little one, no one at your age should be. Also if you're worrying about the food, don't be, I had to cook to feed two Saiyans and myself so I'm used to cooking for a lot more people. * looks at Gohan * I agree on adopting him under the circumstance that you're going to help him with his studies once they start.", she said to them calmly and then, Gohan looked at Raon with a small smile.

Gohan :" Did you hear that Raon, we are going to be brothers from this day on!!", he cheered and had yelped slightly at being nearly tackled to the ground from the younger saiyan who was sniffling from happiness.

Raon :" Thank you so much Gohan!!! ", he said to him excitedly as he had felt Gohan hugging him, making his saiyan tail to wag faster in happiness, hugging his older brother like there's no tomorrow.

(A/n : Stop the music here)

(A/n : End of the chapter)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story DragonBall Rebirth called Bonding (Part 2). I saw that some of you have grown fond of the cute moments in between my DragonBall self OC and Gohan so here you go everyone!! A chapter full of wholesome moments like this since in probably the next chapter, we're going to have some action (As I told you probably not surely so don't be dissatisfied if the next chapter is like this one since I'm planning on improving character development and relationships (friendly or not) with the others than powerscalling and fighting 😅). I hope that you'll have a great rest of your day or night depending on your respective country's time zone and I'll see you all in a next chapter.

Number of Words : 3107 Words

Music that I'm hearing right now :

(A/n : I'm back in writing)

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