Promises (Part 1)

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~ Appear weak when you're strong and strong when you're weak ~ Sun Tzu, Art of War

~ I am a strong person, but every now and then, I need someone to take my hand and tell me that everything will be alright ~ Unknown

(A/n : In the previous chapter of DragonBall Rebirth)

Gohan :" Did you hear that Raon, we are going to be brothers from this day on!!", he cheered and had yelped slightly at being nearly tackled to the ground from the younger saiyan who was sniffling from happiness.

Raon :" Thank you so much Gohan!!! ", he said to him excitedly as he had felt Gohan hugging him, making his saiyan tail to wag faster in happiness, hugging his older brother like there's no tomorrow.

(A/n : Play this music)

(A/n : Author's POV)

Chichi : " Okay, come on you two. I think that you might be hungry after your training so why don't you take a bath whilst I cook something for you", she said to them calmly with a small smile.

Gohan : " * looks at Raon * Follow me!", he said to the younger saiyan, taking his younger brother by the hand, guiding him to where the bathroom was at.

Chichi couldn't help but giggle slightly at how well they were getting along with one another. Well, that's better than anticipated, although she had rubbed her stomach area, feeling small kicks from the half saiyan baby that was still growing and getting nourished within her womb.

(A/n : Small Timeskip to after they both finish their baths and get dressed since I feel kinda awkward having to describe two bathing scenes in one chapter 😖)

After they had taken their chance to have a bath - and got dressed in comfortable clothes - they had went down to see their mother.

Gohan : " We had finished what we had to do mom", he said to her with Raon nodding softly at his older brother's words.

Chichi : "* giggles softly * I see that you did and you did it just in time since the food is ready", she said to them calmly as she was about to place the food on the table, she had seen that Raon approached her.

Raon : "May I help you with it mom?", he asked her politely with a small smile getting Chichi kinda off guard at that. He was so open towards them and saw them as his family even though it was his first day living with them.

Chichi : " It seems that we've got another gentleman in our family. Of course you may help if you want to.", she said to him calmly with a small smile which Raon replied to with a small nod, smiling softly whilst helping his mother.

Once everything was done and ready, all three of them had sat down at their seats with Chichi in the middle, Gohan on her right side and Raon on her left side and were ready to eat.

Chichi / Gohan / Raon : "*in unison* Itadakimasu", they said in unison before they began eating and whilst doing so, Chichi couldn't help but see how Raon was eating. It wasn't the typical saiyan way - which she had known all too well from her husband, Goku - were they were eating too fast to the point you couldn't make a difference if they actually ate or inhaled their food, but on a more well mannered way. Maybe she remembered how Goku's manners were when he was eating to the point that seeing a saiyan with eating manners to be kinda strange. I mean, even Gohan was forgetting his eating manners from time to time for Kami's sake! (A/n : For those who don't know Itadakimasu means Let's eat in Japanese)

Gohan : " Mom, I was wondering about two things whilst I was training outside with Raon", he said to his mom politely.

Chichi : " What are they?", she asked her older son politely.

Gohan : "First of all, could it be possible that Raon and I could sleep together for the night?", he asked his mother politely, still remembering how shaken up Raon was from the last nightmare.

Chichi : "I know that you may wish to have a sleep over with Raon, but it's not me the one you should ask about it", she said to him calmly, having Gohan to chuckle nervously and then look at Raon.

Gohan : " * looks at Raon * Raon, how could you feel if we were to sleep together for the night?", he asked him politely, a question which had the younger saiyan to pout adorably at his request, nodding his head slightly.

Raon : "S-Sure why not", he said to him embarrassed, still having his sun tanned cheeks puffed in a pouty expression, having Gohan to chuckle.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Gohan : "That's the first thing, for the second thing would it be possible for me to be Raon's martial arts tutor? I'm asking since Raon appears to have a great innate talent in martial arts and it might be helpful if there's a stronger opponent threatening Earth in the near future. ", he asked his mother politely, knowing that he might be in for an earful from his mother.

Chichi :" And what about your lessons or the promise you've made that you're going to help Raon with his studies? Didn't you say that you want to be a scholar when you're an adult?", she asked her older son politely, to which Gohan rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly with a nervous chuckle, before saying to her one thing.

Gohan :" About that, I'll compromise. I'll find a way to get the closest thing to a perfect equilibrium between training and studying.

I haven't forgotten about my dreams of becoming a scholar, but there's also another thing. The thing that my sparring with Raon, the times I've spent in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with dad and the fight with Cell and the Androids a bit more than a few months ago had shown me that there's still a lot of potential hidden with me.

Additionally Earth with or without dad's presence here has become a magnet for villains so we don't know if a villain stronger than Cell ever arrived, I don't want to be a sitting duck whilst others fight for the planet I've sworn to protect.

Finally, we don't know when dad is planning to return and learning from those past experiences, I would wish to get stronger both mentally and physically, to be the Saiyan warrior that Piccolo, Vegeta and my father had seen in me. ", he said towards his mother, even he himself was surprised by the words he had said.

Chichi :" I see. I understand now. Although I know the zeal with which you're studying your lessons every time it almost showed me that you had forfeited the need to train, but I forget that in sertain aspects you've gotten the Saiyan side from your father as well. ", she replied to him calmly.

Gohan :" * his eyes widen slightly in surprise * Mom, so you mean that... ", he said to his mother in a surprised tone.

Chichi :" * nods *Go forth with this thought of yours since you want to be both a scholar and a fighter, but promise to me one thing... ", she said to him calmly and seeing that both him and Raon were watching her, she continued.

Chichi : " Promise to me that you'll take good care of yourself and your younger brother whilst training ", she said to him calmly.

Gohan :" I will ", he said to his mother with a determined look on his face.

(A/n : Timeskip to the middle of the night)

After they had finished their meal and said their good nights to their mom, Gohan and Raon went to their room for their sleep over.

Their sleep over had quite literally everything, from the all too familiar sibling teasing and a tickle fight between the two of them, to watching a movie (A/n : I'm leaving you to think about what type of movie they've seen 🤫😉) until they were both feeling drowsy to which they've both said their good nights to one another and fell asleep together.

Everything was going alright for Raon, until the middle of the night.

(A/n : The things that you'll see in this part of the chapter are mostly messed up. If you're faint of heart, read from the Author's note that skips it)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

(A/n : In Raon's mindset)

(A/n : Still in author's POV)

We can see an older Raon staring towards a malignant being. A being who's energy flows with a deep purple color.

Raon : "Who are you!!!?", he shouted towards this mysterious being who appeared to tilt his head to the side grinning evilly as his eyes shone with a dark red color as he pointed towards his right as the shadows went away, showing four people that made Raon's heart to skip a beat.

These people were Raon's biological and adopted parents and siblings.

Raon : "Stay away from them, you hear me!!! STAY. AWAY. FROM MY FAMILY!!!!!", he said furiously towards the malevolent being, struggling at the binds that were holding him.

The being had chuckled in a sinister tone, pointing his fingers towards Winessa and Yamoshi, Raon's biological mother and father as thin purple strings made out of energy were seen having at one side each of his fingers and at the other side the same strings being tied around Winessa's and Yamoshi's bodies and limbs.

Raon : " I beg of you!!! Whatever you're going to do, do it on me not them!!!", he begged towards the entity who's smirk became wider as he tugged fiercely the strings and the only thing that could be heard echoing within the shadows are Yamoshi's and Winessa's screams of pain as their bodies was torn apart piece by bloody piece.

Raon :" NOOOO!!!!! ", he roared in both fury and grief, struggling within his bonds like a wild animal.

Then the figure, amused by Raon's actions, turned his attention to Raon's adoptive mother. Chichi as his hand glowed purple, this time shaped like a blade.

Raon :"DON'T DO IT!!!", he said to the entity, but once again he got no reply as the entity moved his hand downwards at blinding speeds, cutting both the pregnant Chichi and the baby in her womb in two like a hot knife through butter.

Raon : " * In his mind* Why am I so weak to help them!!? WHYYY!!?", he thought to himself, gritting his teeth as tears were falling from his eyes like the first falling leaves of autumn.

The being had then turned around, seeing in slight surprise that Gohan had managed to escape the bonds. Tears were appearing in the young teens eyes as his aura flared and his hair were spiked up and golden in color.

The entity's grin widened as his face distorted to a facial expression that even the most terrific demon would be scared to death upon laying eyes on it. The entity had extended its hand behind, not even bothering to look at where it was extending it too, but the sickening sound of its hand piercing through skin, flesh, bone and organs was enough for it to know that it hit the target.

That sickening sound was the entity's hand piercing Gohan's heart, having the Saiyan to drop back to his base form coughing up blood, before the entity removed its hand from the young saiyan's chest killing him.

Raon : "GOHAN!!!!", he yelled in between his tears and crying.

(A/n : Outside of Raon's mindset)

(A/n : You can skip it to here if you don't want to read more about Raon's nightmare)

(A/n : Still In Author's POV)

Gohan and Chichi were fast awake hearing Raon's cries and wailing, the latter of them getting into the room as fast as humanly possible.

Gohan : " Raon we're here what happened?", he asked his younger brother seeing that he was shaking horribly and his face was red and dripping with sweat as his ki was making the entire place to shake, but little did he know that it wasn't only Mount Paozu the only place that was shaking like that.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and start this one)

(A/n : At Capsule Corp Inc)

The prince of Saiyans, Vegeta himself had woken up in cold sweat feeling a ki presence so enormous that he couldn't pin point where it was coming from.

Vegeta : " * In his mind* W-What kind of being is generating so much power!? Is it Kakarot's son!!?", he thought to himself, trying to find a way to explain it.

Bulma : "What is this shaking Vegeta!?", she asked him shocked.

Vegeta : " I don't know woman!", he said to her, frustrated because he couldn't find any logical explanation for it.

Bulma : "I thought that it was coming from you", she said to him.

Vegeta : "Hmph!!", he scoffed, looking away from her with crossed arms. Although this type of power he had felt made him feel shocked to the core. Powerless even and if there's something everyone should be aware about Vegeta. He doesn't enjoy being powerless.

(A/n : Location : Otherworld)

(A/n : At King Kai's planet)

It was one more day of training for Goku, if it was actually day or night he didn't know since the Otherworld lacked the concept of time, but he had to stop his training feeling that everything was shaking.

Goku : "What's going on!? It's like the planet is a ship and we're into a storm!!!", he said in panic.

King Kai : "It's not only the planet that's shaking!!! I-It's the entire macrocosm!!! And even more impossibly the presence behind it is on Earth!!!", he said to him, making the Saiyan's face to pale in horror as millions of thoughts passed through the Kaioshin's head. Did Buu manage to get unsealed!? Did Garlic Jr escaped from the Dead Zone!? Did the God of Destruction, Beerus-Sama woke up from his slumber this early!!? Oh Kami, please don't.

Goku : "I-I can't pinpoint where the center of this presence is located at!! It's as if it's coming from everywhere at the same time!!", he said to him in shock.

King Kai : "Oh no", he muttered under his breath.

Goku : "What is it?", he asked him politely.

King Kai : "We're too late", he said to him as he witnessed major parts of the Universe 7's macrocosm dissappear to nothingness and judging by the way they were coming towards, they were next.

(A/n : At the Son Residence)

(A/n : Location : Mount Paozu)

Gohan : " Raon, talk to me!!!", he said to the young saiyan.

Raon : " *sniffles* M-Make it stop!!!", he screamed waking up from his sleep as his energy signature seemed to calm down whilst parts of it were leaving his body and the place itself as they arrived at the empty void that was once the rest of universe 7, beginning to undo the damage as every single universe sized part of the macrocosm and every dimension. (A/n : Guess the reference in Raon's words)

Every galaxy and every solar system, every star and every planet.

Every mountain, every plant, animal and sentient life.

Every single concept and construct of this macrocosm's order was given form, back to the way they were.

As if the world itself destroyed itself just a second ago and then pressed the reset button wanting to remake everything again.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Gohan : " Raon, what happened?", he asked his younger brother politely in a softer tone, still hugging him, hearing the younger saiyan whimpering.

Raon : "* sniffles * I-I've seen a nightmare", he whimpered towards his older brother, returning the hug with shaking hands as he felt that Chichi hugged him from behind as well.

Chichi : "What nightmare did you saw?", she asked him politely about it, rubbing the young boy on the back.

Raon : "I-I saw a nightmare.... w-where you.... a-and G-Gohan... d-died", he said to her through sniffles. Making hers and Gohan's eyes to widen. Gohan on the first hand knew that Raon's nightmares weren't trifling matters, whilst this was the first time that Chichi had ever heard of it.

Chichi : " * looks at Gohan * So this is why you wanted to have a sleep over with him.", she said towards her older son, now putting the pieces of Gohan's inquiry towards her together. He wanted to sleep with Raon so that he could watch over him in case any nightmare happened and wanted to train Raon by himself in order to strengthen him not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.

She was about to ask something else to Gohan about it, until she had heard a hard knock on the window which elicited a yelp from the young saiyan, having him to hide behind his mom as Gohan had opened the light of the room and then the window itself, revealing a sertain Namekian. Piccolo. (A/n : Why is Piccolo's name always auto corrected to Piccadilly for God's sake!!!? 💀)

Piccolo : "Gohan, what happened!? I had sensed an immense presence and came here. Is everything alright!!?", he asked him frantically in a worried tone, having the latter to chuckle nervously at his mentor's words.

Gohan : " * chuckles nervously * That wasn't me Piccolo-san. ", he said to him, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, having Piccolo's eyes to widen slightly in surprise. If it wasn't Gohan who was it then? Vegeta?

Piccolo :" It wasn't you? Who was it then?", he asked him politely, albeit in a surprised tone.

Gohan :" It was my brother's", he admitted to him all embarrassed, having Piccolo's eyes to widen even more.

Piccolo : "You have a brother!!?", he exclaimed surprised and his pointy ears twitched slightly hearing a yelp behind Chichi and saw two dark brown eyes looking shyly towards him from behind Chichi, before hiding again.

Gohan : " * chuckles * I forgot to introduce you two. Piccolo this is Son Raon, my adopted younger brother. Raon this is Piccolo, my mentor.", he said towards his mentor with a small smile.

Raon : "H-Hi!", Raon said to the Namekian with a small stutter, poking his head behind his mom once again, allowing Piccolo to see his characteristics. Sun tanned skin tone, black hair, dark brown eye color and a tail. Yup he's definitely a Saiyan and he's most definitely adopted, but there was also another thing that Piccolo could pick up about Raon and that something was because of the fusion between him and Kami.

The thing he could pick up was Raon's potential and it was massive. So massive in fact that even he couldn't figure where was the top or bottom of it.

It's as if it had literally no limits.

Piccolo : '*In his mind * I need to keep an eye on him. He's literally more than meets the eye.', he thought to himself.

(A/n : Abilities learned :

- Limitless Potential

- Destruction

- Completeness Manipulation

- Nothingness Manipulation

- Creation)

(A/n : Stop the music here)

(A/n : To be continued)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of DragonBall Rebirth called Promises (Part 1).

I know that many of you might ask me why is the weakest version of Raon so OP and I'll have to tell you to keep in mind that I've needed change the entire scaling of the story itself to SDBH (a.k.a DragonBall on steroids) in order for Raon to be considered.... for lack of a proper term viable in the story (He's the reincarnation of the literal creator of the Raonverse so of course he will be OP).

Another question may be : How tf had Beerus not awakened by the fact that Raon literally destroyed most of the universe 7 macrocosm? The reason behind this is that Beerus's place is placed differently in my cosmology. It's still a part of the macrocosm, but it's considered to be outside the living world, at its own infinitely sized "universe" so the shock waves caused by Raon's presence hadn't reached his place yet.

Also, Beerus will learn about it later down in the story, but since I don't want to spoil when.... I'll let you try to figure it out on your own until we reach there.

Finally, I hope that all of you will enjoy my story and find this chapter to your likings and enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. See ya later on another story!!! 😁

Number of Words : 3449 Words

Music that I'm currently vibing to :

(A/n : Ngl that epic cover of Yoriichi's theme is my favorite one so far)

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