Chapter 29: Men Among Gods

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I know I said I'd be publishing chapters every week but I already have many chapter done and I can't wait every week! So I'll be publishing whenever I was to. Which is now 😀

Me along with my sibling were watching the silent showdown Toppo and Goku were having. The atmosphere changed all of a sudden. Toppo, the leader of the pride troopers from universe 11 vs Son Goku, the man among gods in universe 7.

Goku: If I'm evil, then you must be the hero of justice

He said, eager to fight. His muscles twitching in anticipation

Toppo: Shut your mouth!

Goku: So we talk with our fists, huh?

Toppo: Yes. A one-sided conversation on my part

Goku: That's great

In universe 7's platform, I can hear beerus say

Beerus: Whis, Who's that over-enthusiatic guy?

Whis: He seems to be a self-appointed hero of justice

Over in universe 11's platform, belmond is also judging the match

Belmond: Toppos sense of justice seems to be on fire

Marcarita: I am wondering about his labeling his opponents evil, yes?

I Couldn't help but agree with her there, Toppo didn't hear the rest of the conversation. If it weren't for Son Goku, all universes would have been destroyed without any sort of chance.

Khai: Zen-Oh sama and Aikon San, please forgive the sudden rudeness

My bothers look over to where khai is

F Zen-Oh: What

P Zen-Oh: What what?

Khai: I am supreme Kai of universe 11, khai. After observing the previous match, I have come to admire Son Goku. I ask that Toppo , who I have brought with me as my bodyguard... be allowed to fight with him here. May I have your permission?

He said bowing at the end, belmond bowed as well. The Grand Priest went up to our level

Grand Priest: It is as he said. Will you allow a special match between Son Goku and Toppo?

: Allow it! Allow it!

They said getting excited, I just patted their heads

Aikon: Calm down little ones

I stood up from my seat and addressed the two fighters

Aikon: Son Goku, Toppo

They both looked at me

Aikon: Well allow the fight to happen, be sure to put on a good show for them

They both nodded and faced eachother

Goku: They said we could fight

He said before turning super saiyan and powering up and getting in his battle stance

Goku: I'm ready

Toppo: I shall not forgive you for placing our universe in danger! The one that should be erased, Son Goku, Is you!

Goku: You tell me to shut my mouth, but you sure talk alot

I Couldn't stop the small giggle escaping my throat, unfortunately for Toppo, he saw this and grew even more angry at Goku. I saw the red ki emanating from Toppo, he's not pleased

Goku: Thanks Toppo, I've been waiting for this excitement

Toppo's eye began to twitch

Toppo: I have no need for evil's gratitude!

Toppo does a few more poses

Aikon: Man, i should introduce him to Captain Ginyu. They would get along fine with pose battles

Toppo: I love my people! I love my country! I love my planet! I love my universe!

He said posing before ending it by smashing his fist into the arena

Toppo: I am leader of the pride troopers, Toppo! Small evil's! Normal evil's! Big evil's! All evils... shall shatter before this iron fist of justice! Here goes, Son Goku!

Toppo ran up to and was about to attack, but at the last minute. Vanished and appeared above goku

Toppo: Justice on!

He said, landing in his shoulders

Toppo: Justice Tornado!

He stared spinning very fast, flying up with goku in his legs, creating a small tornado. Goku managed to escape it and land but Toppo moved quick and ran up to him again. Goku went to punch but Toppo jumped up and grapped his arm

Toppo: Justice Crusher

He then twisted his arm, bending it the wrong way and hearing it crack that made me cringe a bit. Goku yelled in pain

Aikon: He must be proficient in joint locks, those kinds of people could be very dangerous

Goku jumps and back kicked toppo's head, making him let go, goku took the opportunity and jumped back a few feet. He then grapped his arm and pushes the joint back in its socket. Chuckling weakly

Toppo: I will not allow evil to laugh! Justice Enforcement! Justice!

The gods begin rooting for Toppo to win, even my brothers are starting to get influenced by his attitude

F Zen-Oh: Justice!

P Zen-Oh: Justice! Justice!

Aikon: Oh how i miss fighting him

I said clapping with joy

Shin: Universe 11 seems to be quit popular

Back in the arena, goku and Toppo faced off again

Goku: Now it's my turn!

Goku flew up to Toppo and launch a volly of punches but Toppo dodged them all, he then tired to kick him but Toppo stopped it with his palm. Toppo Was about to grap his foot, but goku caught on quick to his strength and moved out of the way quickly before Toppo caught it

Goku: No more joint locks

Toppo: Then I shall give you this attack! Justice Flash!

He said pointing his fingers at goku and shooting small ki blasts at him, Goku quickly started dodging them all

Toppo: Evil cannot escape the light of justice!

Goku flew up to escape his attack but Toppo shot more blasts at him, goku readied a ki blast and Toppo did too. They launched their attack and they both intercepted and sparkled before exploding. Black smoke filled the arena and Toppo wasn't any where to be seen, seconds later Toppo appeared behind goku and held him tightly between his arms and began to squeeze

Belmond: Justice rear naked choke!

Khai: Toppo's greatest finishing hold

Marcarita: I think he will not let up until every bone is broken, yes? I suggest that you forfeit, yes?

Aikon: Underestimating him like that will be your downfall

Whis: Enough of your mock questions, yes? Marcarita?

Toppo kept squeezing goku, and i saw goku slowly closing his eyes

Aikon: Come on Goku! I know you better then that!

Toppo: Death to evildoers! Sink into the abyss!

He sneezed harder and Goku yelled louder that he could be heard in every platform, his eyes were getting dull and his arms grew limp. He even got him out of super saiyan

Toppo: Evil cannot defeat justice! It is destined to be ruined!

Suddenly, goku transformed into super saiyan blue, making Toppo let's go and be pushed back by the strong wind

Toppo: What?!

Aikon: Finally goku, you had me worried for a second

I sighs and relaxed a bit in my throne

Toppo: So you were saving your power

He throw a punch but goku vanished out of the way and appeared behind him, Toppo tried again but goku vanished and punched him dead in the face a few times before kicking him everywhere. Toppo stopped and dusted himself

Toppo: Justice is everlasting!

They both flew to each other and punches and kickes at each other, they fight everywhere and my brothers were having a hard time keeping up to them. They fight everywhere, knocking a column lose and creating craters all over the arena. Toppo launched a pinch but goku vanished and kickes him strait into the arena with a big bang, Toppo got up but saw that goku was preparing his signature attack

Goku: Ka...Me...Ha...Me...

Toppo: Justice Flash!

He shot some Ki blasts at him but goku vanished out of the way and appeared right inform of him

Goku: Ha!!

He launched the attack point blank at Toppo who tried to stand against it but eventually got pushed back and hit

: Oh!

My two brothers said in awe at the display of power, even i could stop the smile appearing on my face, and why can't I? It was amazing! A few seconds later, the smoke cleared and showed a Toppo who was scratched and a bit beat up, breathing heavily. He noticed a small section of his uniform being torn, revealing his skin, he acted quickly and covered it with his hand

Toppo: You have torn this custom-made uniform... that only the pride troopers are allowed to wear! It is the same as mocking out pride!

He said, his power slowly growing even bigger and a red aura beginning to appear

Toppo: I shall show you true justice!

Goku: Go ahead, show me your real power. I'll show you what it looks like one I've passed my limit!

He said, powering up his blue and red aura appearing around him

: Passed his limit? Oh!

They grand priest looked at me, I nooded and he returned it. I got up from my seat

Aikon: That's enough!

They both stopped powering up and looked at me, my brothers pouted at me

: Aww

P Zen-Oh: I wanna see him pass his limit Aikon San!

Grand Priest: Aikon San is right Zen-Oh, at this rate, one of them may end up dead. It would ruin the Tournament Of Power. Why don't we save the rest for the Tournament?

They both looked at me and I nooded in agreement of his idea

P Zen-Oh: Will the tournament be even more lively?

Aikon: Yes little ones, 88 fighters all fighting at once.

F Zen-Oh: You mean it?

Aikon: Of course, neither I nor the grand priest will ever lie to you

: Hmm

They both said, crossing their arms. Pondering

: Okay. That's enough for today

I sat back down and patted their heads

Grand Priest: As you command

Goku: Man, I was getting worked up

Shin: Goku! Don't talk back!

Shin warned, worried of angering the 3 of us

Goku: Well, if that's what Zen Chan and Aikon San wants

He said going back to his original form, Toppo relaxed too

Goku: Toppo

I heard goku say, I looked to the arena to see goku walking up to Toppo

Goku: You surprised me. I didn't think there'd be someone strong like you. I'm looking forward to the Tournament, let's both give our best fights!

I rolled my eyes, classic goku move. Goku offered his hand but Toppo just turned around and began walking to universe 11's platform

Toppo: I have no intention of shaking an enemy's hand!

Aikon: * Sigh * Toppo

I said quietly

Toppo: I hate to bring joy to you, evil, but I am not the strongest being in our universe 11

Aikon: Wait... he's not taking about...

I said getting up

Toppo: My Sworn friend is called jiren the gray. If you are equall matched with me, you will never be able to win

I turned to my brothers

Aikon: I'll be right back, I need to speak with Toppo

They nodded and i flew to universe 11's platform and was greeted by belmond and marcarita

Belmond: You know, when they said their was a new member, I had a feeling it would be you

I just smiled and marcarita added in

Marcarita: Indeed, hard to believe a low level universe gave birth to the newest Omni-Queen

Aikon: Yeah, I can't believe it too. Who's this?

Khai walked up and bowed

Khai: My name is khai, my queen. I'm belmond's supreme Kai

Aikon: A pleasure

I then see Toppo land, khai was the first to address him

Khai: Toppo. Well done

Toppo: I was unable to defeat him. Forgive me

Belmond: I always enjoy watching you fight

Toppo: You humle me, belmond sama

Aikon: He's right, watching you fight always is entertaining to watch

Toppo: Oh my queen

He quickly kneeled down on one foot

Aikon: Please Toppo, get up. I'll grant you the privilege to act normal around me alright

Toppo: Your a God and I'm not, it's how I respect people such as your self

Aikon: Thanks Toppo. Uh...

Toppo: Is something wrong

I know belmond is gonna say something when he hears this but I wanna know

Aikon: How's jiren doing?

I can practically feel the smirk appearing on belmond's face

Belmond: Oh, Aikon. Getting a bit hungry aren't we~

I managed to stop the blush appearing on my face

Aikon: N-no... Dammit

Toppo: Well to answer your question. He's doing fine, with your small trick of making a shield when he meditates he does it all the time. When I catch him alone, i hear him talk to himself and you name is sometimes heard

Aikon: H-he did?

Toppo nodded

Toppo: He told be about his Childhood and yours and he was right to say you both are a lot alike

Aikon: Y-yeah, I guess. Don't even say it belmond

I could practically tell belmond was gonna say what I Knew he was going to say

Belmond: Alright alright, you won this round. Maybe I'll bring jiren so you too can have a private talk~

He said wiggling his eyebrows and giving me a teasing smirk

Aikon: S-shut up!

I left back to sit with my brothers but i could could hear belmond and marcarita laughing as I left

Aikon: I hate those two so much

I sat down and my brothers looked at me worried

F Zen-Oh: Aikon San? Are you alright?

P Zen-Oh: Yeah, your face is all red? Are you sick?

Aikon: N-no little ones, I'm fine

Grand Priest: And now... I shall begin constriction of the Tournament Of Power stage. It will tale a while to complete, so I will require some time until the actual Tournament Of Power. But before we conclude today's event, Zen-Oh has am announcement

Aikon: Huh? What does he mean?

They gesture me to come closer, I did and they whispered to me their plan

Aikon: Why, even all of them combined. They won't stand a chance, do you agree with this grand priest?

He looked over and nodded

Grand Priest: They want at least one more before we leave

Aikon: Fine, just for you guys

They jumped up and both gave me a hug

F Zen-Oh: Thank you Aikon San!

P Zen-Oh: Thank you!

Aikon: I know, now get off me and I'll go

They both get off and I fly into the arena that the grand priest fixed... again. Everyone looked confused and i spoke

Aikon: My brothers wish to see one last fights, it seems impossible. It's for universe 7 and universe 9 along with universe 11 if Toppo agrees to it too

Goku grinned and looked at me

Goku: Who am I fighting

Aikon: First, whoever beats the opponent will be spared from the tournament and being erased

Universe 7 and universe 9 both looked surprised, Toppo as well

Aikon: To anyone who wants to try, come down to the arena

I saw all 3 members of universe 7 along with universe 9, Toppo landed as well

Toppo: For my universe, there's no one i wouldn't fight to free them

Bergamo: Who do we have to defeat to win our universes pardon in the tournament of power

They all looked at me and I smirked

Aikon: Me

Cliffhanger! HAA!

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