Chapter 30: Final Fight before the Final Fight

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I stood there in front of all the fighters with my arms crossed and a smirk plastered on my face, Goku along with Gohan looked exited to fight me. Buu decided he didn't want to fight and went back with Hercule and kept eating his sweets. Bergamo and his brothers looked a bit worried while Toppo kept a strait confident look.

Aikon: Ok, you all ready to begin?

I said cracking my knuckles and my neck, grinning like a crazy person. And why Couldn't I? This was my first fight that felt like years since I fought Toppo and the pride troopers.

Toppo: As much as I know what the outcome may be, even trying to beat you and gaining the pardon for my universe is something I'll do over and over again!

He said getting in his battle stance, I couldn'tstop the smile appearing on my face.

Aikon: If I even get my own universe, I would hope to have people like you in it

Toppo smiled a bit before I heard goku chuckling

Aikon: An I guess your ready Son Goku? You too Son Gohan?

Gohan nodded a bit, still nervous about fighting an Omni-Queen while goku was getting more excited, Bergamo faced Roh and Sidra

Bergamo: Don't worry Roh sama, we'll win and earn our pardon from the tournament of power!

Aikon: Ok let's begin then, come at me when your ready

I waited for a bit and noticed that everyone stood where they, bit moving from my spot. Bergamo and his brothers looked a bit worried while Toppo kept a hard neutral face on him. Goku was thinking about something and Gohan was sweating a bit

Aikon: What's wrong guys? Don't tell me your afraid of little ol me~

I said to them, I could hear the giggled by brothers were making

Aikon: Ooh, I get it. Alright, I'll fight without using my time manipulation magic and focus only on fighting.

Goku chuckled before turning super saiyan and powering

Goku: Yes! I was wondering how I was gonna take you on with your freeze time manipulation, but since you said you Aren't gonna use it this is gonna be easy.

He ran up to me and was about to punch me but I caught his fist with little efford at all and he launched a volly of punches to me but I blocked them all with the palm of my hands

Aikon: He's certainly has gotten stronger, I'm using a bit more power than the last time we fough

Gohan came up from behind me and decided to attack me from behind, I now had to block from two sides.

Basil: Shining Blaster!

Basil said and shot two ki blasts at us, I separated from Goku and Gohan who both flew back together to avoid getting hit. Now I saw the Trio De Danger brothers coming at be full speed, lavender flew up to me first

Lavender: Lets see how you fare against my poison!

He spewed poison from his mouth so I jump back to avoid it but Bergamo out of nowhere came out and kicked me in the back, as I flew forward basil intercepted and kicked me into the air and flew up quickly and kicked be back strait into the arena with. Smoke went everywhere and the Trio De Dangers were getting cocky

Bergamo: We can do this brothers! We have her now!

I lazily get up from being knocked down and brushed some dirt off my White Omni-Queen uniform.

Aikon: Huh, that happened?

I didn't feel much damage though, maybe it's because I was a natural at this situation. I looked behind me to see the wolf brothers running up to me, Bergamo punched but I jumped over him and ram up to basil who tried to kick me but I caught his foot and threw him to lavender who both fell with a loud thud. Bergamo ran up to me but I quickly flew up to him and grabbed his throat

Aikon: Good try Bergamo, but you'll have to try harder

I smirked and threw him to where his brothers are at, the three of them get up, scratches on their skin.

Roh: You can do it Trio De Dangers! Win and spare our universe's destruction!

He yelled at them, they all faced me

Bergamo: Grr, let's do it brothers

They all started to charge up and begin making ki blast in their hand each of their respected colors. Bergamos was blue, basil was red and lavender was yellow

Trio De Dangers: Triangle Danger Beam!

They launched a colored ki blast at me, my brothers were watching in awe at the display I was showing them. I stood there, seeing it come closer and not reacting

Shin: Is she not going to do anything?

Whis looked at me to see me smirking which made him smile

Whis: Do not worry, she'll be fine. She is an Omni-Queen and older sister to the two strongest people in all 12 universes after all

Aikon: I really didn't get a chance to test this, but with jiren's help I think it should work

I focused my energy and saw the beam about to hit but I used what jiren taught me...

I used an " Invisible eye blast " and the ki blast split down the middle, completely missing me even while not moving an inch. When the event passed, Bergamo and his brothers looked shocked, their mouth open wide of surprise. Even universe 7 and universe 9 were shocked

Roh: H-how did she do that?! She didn't even move an inch and yet she blocked it with just a simple glare!

Beerus looked shocked as well

Beerus: whis, how did she do that?

He asked quietly, trying to keep his Composure. But whis was stumped too

Whis: I have no clue, she's certainly has gotten stronger

Shin: The amount of power she possesses is terrifying

Back with me, I snapped my fingers trying to get the shock out of the three brothers

Aikon: Hey, you guys still alive? You might want to close your mouths too, don't want to catch a fly do we?

I laughed and they finally snapped out of their shock

Aikon: Ok, you guys did well, don't get me wrong. But I'm afraid you'll be joining the Tournament Of Power

And as I said that I quickly flew up to each of them and delivered a punch to their faces which knocked them out of the arena

Aikon: Well, there's that... Goku? Were you just watching

I see goku out of his blue form and looking at me along with Gohan, Toppo observed too

Goku: * Chuckles * We were trying to find a flaw In your fighting style but you were too fast for us

He cracked his knuckles and turned super saiyan

Goku: Lets go Gohan!

He flew towards me

Gohan: Right!

He said, flying next to his father and turning super saiyan as well. They both flew up to me and threw punches and kicks and i did the same thing, our fight went everywhere. We fight in the air, on the arena which completely destroyed it and everywhere else too. We fight for awhile before we separated, still in the air

Aikon: Impressive you two, I may not be using my full power but your keeping up quite well

I said clapping my hands

Aikon: You too Gohan, goku told me how much power you lost since the cell games. Yet here you stand against me, fighting along side your father

Gohan: Thank you, but I still have a long way to go

Goku: You'll get there Gohan, now...

He said turning super saiyan blue KaioKen

Goku: Lets get back to fighting

They both ran up to me, goku was first who knocked me down back at the arena, I got up and looked ahead of me to see Goku and Gohan charging their attack

Goku&Gohan: Ka...Me...Ha...Me...Ha!

Their attacks joined together, but I crossed mg arms again which became a habit that jiren did too, odd. Anyway it was about to hit me again but I just used " Invisible Eye Blast " Again

The attacked was negated and they looked surprised again

Beerus: I don't get it! She just blinks and poof! The attack was either missed or blocked!

I smirked and just to finished this, I ran up to them delivered a punch Gohan's heart that made him choke and fall back. I then went to punch goku but he was able to block it but skidded back a few feet

Goku: Wow Aikon San! I can't even keep up!

He said between laughs

Aikon: It was fun Fighting goku, but let's see you block this...

I used my " Invisible Strike " to hit goku everywhere on his body. He yelled in pain before he fell face first and out of his blue KaioKen form. Everyone was at a lost of words, my brothers were having a blast by the match. I turned my attention to Toppo who was still observing me, trying to find anything to give him an advantage

Aikon: Find anything Toppo

Toppo: Unfortunately, no

Aikon: I see, well are you gonna fight or not?

Toppo: No matter the odds, I must fight for universe 11

He poses

Aikon: I'm getting tired of all this posing

Aikon: Y'now what? I'm tired. I'll give you 5 minutes, don't beat me and I'll just finish this quickly

Toppo: Of course my Lord

He gets in his battle stance, he runs up to me and tries to grab me but I grab his hand and throw him over my shoulder, he lands on his feet

Aikon: 4 minutes

Toppo: Justice Flash!

He launches his small red ki blast at me and I dodge them all, but he suddenly was behind me and caught me between his arms

Toppo: Forgive me for this

He squeezed Hard and I'll admit he's strong, it getting hard for me to breath.

Aikon: Wow... Toppo... your... really... strong...

I said between grunts, and he squeezed harder

Aikon: Aaahhh- Times up

I said all of a sudden, I released my energy and Toppo Was pushed back

Toppo: I knew you were stronger

Aikon: Yeah, wanted to put on a good show for the spectators

I ran up to Toppo with a red ki ball in my hand and pushed it in his chest, the ki ball pushed him in the air and i turned my back on him with my arms crossed and eyes closed

Aikon: It's over

The blast shook the entire arena, I flew up back to where my brothers were at and i sat in my throne. Minutes later, Toppo goku and Gohan, along with the Trio De Dangers went back to their respected universes. All covered in bruises and cuts

Aikon: Well, that was fun right?

F Zen-Oh: Yeah, that was awesome Aikon San!

P Zen-Oh: It was like you didn't even try!

Aikon: Heh, that's because I didn't. Anyways, you all have 40 hours before the Tournament Of Power starts

The grand priest nods

Grand Priest: That concludes this event, you all may begin to leave

One by one they left and me along with my brothers went back to our palace. What I didn't know was that whis was gonna pay a visit soon

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