Kasai's Prologue

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It was a beautiful day in the country of Dragonf as the queen Irene and her loyal knight Kasai were walking to the dragon’s den inside the castle

Kasai “So this Magic you’re trying to create, what’s it called?”

Irene "it's called dragon slayer magic"

Kasai “so you’re sure this magic will finally bring this war to an end?”

Irene "yes I'm sure of it" Kasai gets in front of her while walking backwards

Kasai “that’s good news and all but it gets me thinking what we’ll do after the war is over.”

Irene "I can think of plenty of things we can do together~" the two smile as they enter the dragon’s den to see Belserion sleeping peacefully

Kasai “guess he’s taking a nap.”

Irene "would you like to take one too, you can use these as your pillows" she lifts up her big breasts as Kasai blushes

Kasai “as much as I want too, you need to start learning this dragon slayer magic, and why do you always tease me?”

Irene "you really want to know why I tease you everyday?"

Kasai “that would really help my situation.” Irene walks to Kasai and puts a hand on his cheek

Irene "it's because I love you" she kisses Kasai passionately as Kasai is shocked but melts into the kiss

Belserion “if you two are going to start mating then please go to one of your rooms.” He wakes up as steam comes from his mouth

Irene "Sensei!!!"

Belserion “it’s the truth, now have you been practicing your strengthening spell?”

Irene "yes"

Belserion “show me.” Irene grabs a stick as she puts a sword on top of two bricks as she casts a spell and swings the stick on the sword breaking it while the stick didn’t have a crack

Belserion "excellent work"

Irene “thank you.”

Belserion “but you’re still a novice, come on let’s get your class started.”

Irene "yes sir" they head to their usual studying spot as Kasai smiles from a far

Kasai “she never changes.” A knight ran up to him

Knight “captain, we have a problem"

Kasai "what is it?”

Knight “it’s Rung, he says that we’re in his territory sir.”

Kasai “not him again.”

Knight “what should we do sir?” Kasai starts to think

Kasai “I’ll have t-“

Irene “Rung again?” She appears between the knight and Kasai without anyone noticing

Kasai "yes"

Irene “he just becomes more and more annoying, I should go and settle things.”

Kasai “you’re not going it’s too danger-“

Irene "I'm going Kasai, as your queen I order to stand down" Kasai sighs

Kasai “fine, but I have a bad feeling about this.”

Irene "I'll be ok" Kasai and Irene walked to the stables as they start running to Rung’s territory

Kasai “I’m telling you it would be easier for me to kill him and take his territory.”

Irene “and start another war while we’re losing one, no way, we need to come up with some type of agreement.”

Kasai “I’m telling you, he’s a jackass.”

Irene "I know" they arrive to the edge of the territory

Rung “this is my territory, you’re not setting your weapons here.”

Kasai "zip it dick for brains" the two growl at each other ready to draw their swords

Irene “boys calm down, Rung, we came to negotiate.”

Rung "I'm listening"

Irene “what do you want in exchange for access to your territory.”

Rung “let’s take this conversation to my tent, the knight can stay here, there’s no use in him coming with us.”

Irene "Kasai, stay here and don't cause trouble, please" Kasai sighs as he sits in the brick wall

Kasai “go ahead, just call if something happens.”

Irene "I will" she leave inside the tent as the two sit down

Rung “care for some tea?”

Irene “get to the point.”

Rung "very well"

Irene “what do you want?”

Rung “I want you to marry me.”

Irene "WHAT?!"

Rung “you heard me, I want you to be my wife.”

Irene "never!"

Rung “then you better be prepared for war.” Irene thinks for a minute and sighs

Irene "fine, I'll marry you"

Rung “good, we’ll start the marriage in a month, I’ll make the preparations.”

Irene "fine" she leaves the tent

Irene "let's go Kasai" they get on the horse as they start riding back

Kasai “didn’t go that well?”

Irene "Kasai, when we get back, we're not going to come out of my room for a month"

Kasai “why, is he planning an assassination attempt?”

Irene "no, I'm marrying him, and I don't want my first time to be with him, I want it to be with you"

Kasai “Irene, I’ll do it, I don’t want you to suffer.”

Irene "thank you Kasai, and you better give me a child or I'll kill you"

Kasai “sheesh, then who’s going to protect you?”

Irene "you will, no matter what"

Kasai “no matter what.” They arrive back to their kingdom as they walk to Irene’s room

Irene "first, let's get you nice and hard" she slowly takes off her clothes sexually

Kasai “oh I’m nice and hard right now.” Irene gives him a heated smile while pulling him to her room by his collar

One month later

Irene "so *pant* much"

Kasai “it *pant* had to *pant* be, if *pant* I want to get you pregnant *pant*.”

Irene "thank *pant* you"

Kasai “it’s *pant* the least *pant* I can do.

Irene "I *pant* love *pant* you Kasai"

Kasai “I *pant* love you *pant* more.” They cuddle as they take a bath and get ready

Irene “we should check on Belserion.”

Kasai "ok" they walk to the dragon’s den to see Belserion

Belserion "I take it you two had your fun?"

Irene “yes, Belserion, I think I and my team are ready to enter battle.”

Belserion "that's for me to decide, not you”

Kasai “you do realize we’re losing the war right?”

Belserion “yes I do.”

Irene “we need to fight or else everything will be in vain, especially what I’m going to do tomorrow.”

Belserion “very well then"

Kasai “Aw, the sage dragon has a soft spot for us.”

Belserion "zip it"

Irene “we love you too Belserion.”

The next day

The preparation of the wedding was ready as Rung was waiting for Irene to walk up to him as Kasai was helping Irene gain some confidence

Kasai "I don't like this either Irene, but at least we'll still be with each other"

Irene “yup, and when we’ll get some private time we’ll spend special fun, Belserion taught me a spell that can make my egg unfertal for any type of sperm but yours.”

Kasai "thank you" they share a kiss as Irene breaths in and out as Kasai shapirons Irene to Rung

Kasai "good luck"

Irene “thank you.” She steps up

Pope “today we’re here to witness the marriage of Rung and Irene to unit both the kingdom and the territory. May those who think this marriage show be canceled speak now or forever hold your peace.” Kasai tries his hardest not to say anything

Pope "very well, Rung do you take Irene as your loving lawful wife, in sickness and in health?”

Rung “I do”

Pope “Queen Irene, do you take Rung as your loving lawful husband in sickness and in health?”

Irene" I, do"

Pope “with the power vested in me, I pronounce you two, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” Irene and Rung kiss as everyone but Kasai cheers

Kasai ‘damn it, and I know what’s coming tonight.’

The next day

Kasai “so, how did it go?”

Irene "he's small compared to you, I had to fake the whole thing.”

Kasai “bigger the ego, smaller the eagle.”

Irene “yup, I can't wait for the real thing.”

Kasai “Irene, after the war ends, can you do something for me?”

Irene “what is it?" Kasai grabs her hands while pulling her into a love filled hug

Kasai “run away with me.”

Irene “idiot, I was going to do that anyway" the two smile while sharing a passionate kiss as Belserion clears his throat

Belserion "you two done?"

Irene “why do you always ruin the moment sensei?” She pouts

Belserion "because I can"

Kasai “what’s up now?”

Belserion “one week from now, we’ll have our final battle.”

Kasai "then me and you can be together forever Irene"

Irene “yes, you, me, and our little one.” She rubs her stomach

Irene and Kasai "forever"

Belserion “I’m heading out.” He flies off leaving the two

Kasai “what should we name the baby when it’s born?”

Irene "if it's a boy, Natsu, if it's a girl, Erza"

Kasai “perfect, I’m sure our baby will grow big and strong.” They share a hug

One week later

Rung “they’re too many!”

Irene "attack!" Her soldiers ran in with a war cry as the dragon’s followed behind as the two sides were fighting for their ideals as soon only a few were left

Kasai “this is the end!” He swings his giant sword cutting the last knights in half as he breathes heavily while wiping away his sweat

Kasai "hehe that was fun"

Belserion “well the fun isn’t over, I just saw a black dragon heading north, Kasai come with me, Irene go back to the castle.”

Kasai "at least let me kill Rung first"

Belserion “no time.” Irene walks up to him

Irene “don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

Kasai "ok, I love you Irene"

Irene “and I love you more.” She grabs Kasai as they share a passionate kiss as Kasai gets on Belserion as they fly up to the black dragon

Kasai "what's this dragon’s name?"

Belserion “I don’t know, I have never seen it before.”

Kasai "as long as I get to kill this guy and be with Irene" they arrive as the black dragon turns into a human while Kasai gets his sword in the ready

Belserion “who are you?”

??? “I have forgotten my name,  I don’t know who I am, but there’s one name I remember, Acnologia.”

Kasai "I don't care what your name is, as long as I get to kill you" he charged ahead as he swings his sword only for Acnologia to catch it and punch him in the stomach making him cough out gallons blood

Acnologia "pathetic" he smashed Kasai to the ground leaving him half dead.

Belserion “you’ll pay for that!”

Acnologia “bring it dragon.” They had a fierce battle but in the end Belserion was left on the brink of death beside Kasai

Kasai "I can't die yet"

Belserion “and you’re won’t, this is my last gift to you.” He puts a spell in Kasai as his wound slowly heals as he was frozen as Belserion takes his last breath

3 years later

The magic spell ends as Kasai is freed with his wounds healed

Kasai "Irene, I gotta find her!" He starts running to the kingdom as he steps on a flyer

Kasai “Kasai wanted dead for desertion and possibly treason, reward is 10 million jewel.” He crushed the piece of paper as he gets surrounded by knights

Kasai "I don't have time for this" he grabs his sword while bashing through them as he killed anyone in his way

Kasai “Irene! Where is she?!” He grabs a knight by the collar while smashing him to the ground

Knight "she in the dungeon waiting to be executed.”

Kasai “not while I'm here" he kills the knight and runs to the dungeon

Knights “stop right there in the name of Drag-“ Kasai appears behind them as they fall to the ground filled with deep cuts everywhere

Kasai "Irene!!!" He arrives in a cell to see Irene in rags as he cuts the metal bars

Kasai “Irene?! Are you alright?”

Irene "Kasai, watch out!" before Kasai could turn he gets stabbed in the chest by Rung

Rung “guess being patient paid off, I wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you, you took Irene away from me.” He slowly starts to twist his blade in his chest as Kasai covered his mouth as blood come out of the gaps between his fingers

Rung "and now with you gone, I can finally kill that dragon witch and take everything for me.” He pulls his blade as Kasai fell to the ground oozing blood

Kasai “Irene, I love you more" he smiles as he closed his eyes as Irene starts to cry

Irene “no, Kasai.”

Rung “now to get rid of you.

Irene “please no! I’m pregnant.”

Rung “you’ve been here for 3 years, no way you’re pregnant you witch.”

Irene “I used my magic, I didn’t want my baby to be born here.”

Rung “it doesn’t matter, either way that baby is not mine.” He stabs Irene in the left side of the stomach as she screams in pain

Irene "no!" Her scream slowly turns into a roar as she turns into a dragon crushing Rung as she flies above the kingdom as she made a meteor hit it leaving the kingdom to just a pack of rubble

Irene "bastard" she goes through the rubble and pulls out Kasai’s body as tears fall on him

Irene “you can’t leave me, not now! I need you now more than ever.” She holds him with her claws as she pulls him close to her

Irene "please, I'll do anything, just come back to me Kasai, please!!!!"

End of prologue

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