Zander's Prologue

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It was a dark night as the Ten Commandments were in a bar drinking while finishing a drinking song as they start laughing

Zander "haha, another victory for us!!"

Galand “we are unstoppable!!”

Melascula "those other races will bow down before us!!!"

Derieri “for the demon race!!!” She raised her large mug of beer

Ten commandments and Zander "For the demon race!!!" They all chug down their drinks as they let out a puff of relief while Zeldris enters

Zeldris “you all are celebrating too early.”

Zander "hey if it isn’t my little brother shadow the hedgehog"

Zeldris “I told you to stop calling me that!!!”

Estarossa "why, it's funny?”

Galand “it’s true, you look like shadow the hedgehog.”

Melascula “when are you going to say chaos control and teleport away?”

Gloxinia "that'll be a sight to see"

Drole “pfff.”

Derieri “first time you laughed so hard in years.”

Gowtha "that was a true sight to see"

Zander “yeah, man, being in a team with all of you is the best thing ever.”

Derieri "especially with you as the leader"

Melascula “are you trying to flirt Derieri? Be careful you might make Monspeet jealous.”

Monspeet "it's fine, I'm not jealous at all"

Derieri “he already has my sister, oh, you better keep her safe.” She tightens the grip on the back of Monspeet’s neck

Monspeet "I promise"

Estarossa “haha, you so overprotective like a mother, you shouldn’t be walking around half naked all the time old lady.” Estarossa laughs as he gets punched into the wall

Derieri "say that again and you're dead" everyone starts laughing as the laid down on the table taking another drink

Grayroad "so Zeldris, what did you mean by we shouldn't be celebrating this early, does the demon king have another mission for us?"

Zeldris “I’m just saying, just because the dragons are out of the game doesn’t mean we can become lazy, it’s just a matter of time before we have to face an opponent stronger than us.”

Fraudrin “we're the ten commandments, we'll never become lazy, but for now let's drink and be merry!" Zeldris sigh as everyone gets drunk and fall asleep on the floor as they sleep until the morning as they groan while waking up

Zander "ugh my head"

Estarossa “hey old lady, you alright or did your time come already?”

Derieri "are you ready to die?"

Melascula “please Derieri, calm down. This headache is already painful without you two making it worse.”

Monspeet "so just ignore him"

Derieri “fine.”

Galand “how can armor get a headache?”

Zander "that's my question" they all stand as they dust themselves as Derieri’s sister enters the bar

Rajine "drunk again?"

Everyone “yup.”

Rajine “too bad, the demon king wants to see you all.”

Zander "alright, hey how was it babysitting Merlin?"

Rajine “she’s the cutest thing ever, I just want to eat her up"

Merlin "aww thanks" everyone sees Merlin appear in front of them

Derieri “how’s my little sister doing?”

Merlin “I’m just fine, taking one look before you all go into a big mission.”

Fraudrin "big mission, what is the demon king having us do this time?"

Merlin “I don’t know but he seems kinda mad for some reason.”

Zeldris "well let's go see what father wants" they walk into the demon kings throne

Estarossa “so what are we doing this time, crushing a rebellion, fighting induras, or taking down a few goddesses.”

Demon king “all of you will be working with the goddess clan for this mission.” Everyone but Zander, Merlin, Drole and Gloxinia are shocked

Zeldris “i’m sorry father but are you mad?! Why would we work with our enemy?!”

Demon king "I don't like it anymore than you do Zeldris, but we must"

Galand “what’s the mission that requires their help?”

Demon king “who here has heard of the dark wizard Zoe?”

Merlin "I have sir"

Demon king “well for those who haven’t Zoe is a powerful immortal wizard who has created many powerful demons, a few part of my rank, but she has crossed the line.”

Estarossa "how?"

Demon king “she has claimed that she created a demon strong enough to kill me and the supreme deity, a demon that will bring the end to everything.”

Merlin "E.N.D"

Grayroad “that has to be nothing more then myth, nothing can take you or the supreme deity down except for each other.”

Derieri "it doesn't seem like a myth, so why did you ask us about Zoe?"

Demon king “Zoe always follows a pattern.”

Merlin “she writes her demons in the book of Zoe which is connected to her, destroy the book and you kill the demons, kill Zoe and you also kill the demons.”

Fraudrin “why would she do that?"

Merlin “it’s easy, all Zoe wants is her death, she wants to die with her creations.”

Demon king “Zoe has been cursed with immortality, she's been around for as long as I have been ruling, but her immortality comes with a price, everything around her, humans, plants, animals die instantly.”

Merlin “it’s why she seeks her death, but if you all want to get close enough to kill her or destroy the demon, you’ll have to get rid of her bodyguard.”

Galand "E.N.D right?"

Merlin “no, the dragon of the apocalypse, Acnologia.” Everyone is shocked that a dragon is still alive

Demon king "this is why I have called you and why you'll need the help of the goddess race, me and the supreme deity want you all to kill Acnologia"

Estarossa “and you all call me crazy.”

Zeldris “he is equal if not close to your and the supreme’s deity power level combined.”

Demon king "yes, but with our strongest forces working together, he can be stopped"

Zander “we’ll do it father, we’ll take them down.”

Demon king "excellent" they leave as they arrive in a neutral territory where the three archangels and 2 goddesses were waiting

Ludociel "about time you demons got here"

Zander “it had to be shit breath.”

Ludociel "what was that demon scum?"

Elizabeth “relax, we came for a common goal.”

Drole "she's right, we're here to kill Acnologia, so we must work together"

Soriel “I have no problems as long as you all got my back.”

Tarmiel "if you watch our backs, we'll make sure to watch yours, so what do you say, truce?"

Everyone but Nerobasta and Ludociel “truce.”

Merlin "hi big sis sis"

Elizabeth “Merlin!” Merlin jumps into Elizabeth’s arms as they laugh and hug each other

Nerobasta “I don’t see why you want to be with demons Merlin, they can hurt you.”

Merlin "if they can then how come I don't have a single scratch on me"

Nerobasta “you have been lucky.”

Derieri "listen here, all of us of the demon race have nothing but kind to Merlin despite her being human, when will you get it that even demons can be nice"

Zander “we only want the food for her and our race, we can agree on that.”

Elizabeth "kind as ever Zander" they smiles

Ludociel “shouldn’t we get going?”

Monspeet "he's right, the longer we chit-chat the more destruction Acnologia will cause"

Merlin “I’m going.”

Zander "no way Merlin, it's too dangerous for you"

Merlin “you can’t stop me no matter what you say.”

Derieri "you better stay close to us"

Merlin “I will.” She jumps on Zander’s back as they start flying to an island

Soriel “Tenrou island.”

Tarmiel "this is where the supreme deity said Acnologia and Zoe would be" they land as they look around and see a man with a cloak sitting down

Acnologia "so the goddess race and demon race working together, ha it almost surprises me" he stands up as everyone gets in a fighting position

Ludociel “stand down Acnologia!”

Acnologia "I thought goddesses showed respect to higher authority, you’re speaking to the dragon king"

Zander “you are no king.”

Acnologia "and who are you to decide that"

Zander “the leader of the Ten Commandments!” He charged ahead as Acnologia kicked him into a mountain

Commandments, Merlin and Elizabeth "Zander!!!" Derieri grabs Merlin running to a cave as everyone distracted Acnologia

Derieri “Hide in here and no matter what you hear don’t come out until I say so.”

Merlin "but"

Derieri "no buts young lady and if you defy me it's 50 spankings, understand?"

Merlin “yes big sis sis.” Derieri ran away as Merlin looked around and headed deeper into the cave

Acnologia “APOCALYPSE DRAGON ROAR!!!” The attack heads towards everyone until a black blur came in front of them

Zander “FULL COUNTER!!!" he swings his sword and reflects back Acnologia’s attack with double the force as he dodged it while punching Galand away as Derieri started barraging him with punches which Acnologia blocked

Acnologia “is this you got, it feels like a massage"

Derieri "99,100!!" She gives one final punch as Acnologia got a tight grip on it with a casual look

Acnologia “not strong enough.” He smashed Derieri into Monspeet and Melascula as they were stuck to a wall

Ludociel “quick, let’s trap him in the other dimension!”

Soriel "are you sure Ludociel?"

Ludociel “you have a better idea?!”

Tarmiel "let's do it" they send him to a world full of tsunamis, lighting, thunder, and hurricanes

Nerobasta “did that end it?”

Acnologia "wow you actually managed to scratch me" he appears above them in his dragon form as everyone started at him in fear

Acnologia "I'm impressed not many have been able to actually land a single blow on me"

Gloxinia “he’s a monster, he’s way stronger than the demon king and the supreme deity.”

Drole "even with all our powers combined we can't beat him"

Zander “damn it.”


Merlin “I wonder where this cave leads into.”

??? "who's there?"

Merlin “ahh!” She covers her mouth and hides behind a rock in fear

??? "it's alright, I won't hurt you" she pokes her head to see Zoe

Merlin “the dark wizard Zoe!” She squeals in excitement

Zoe "you're not afraid of me, despite the fact you know of me?"

Merlin “I actually idolize you! I’m your biggest fan!”

Zoe "well then let me give you something for being a big fan of me" she reaches in her cloak and pulls out a orb

Zoe "the morning star aldan"

Merlin “what does it do?”

Zoe "it can be used to channel your spells, and you can even transfer your soul into Aldan to circumvent some status ailments, and possibly much more grievous physical damage, and since I'm giving it to you, it'll give you knowledge of many spells"

Merlin “thank you thank you thank you!!! Wait, why are you giving me star Aldan?”

Zoe "I've been meaning to give it to someone for a long time but anyone who comes near me either dies or runs away from me"

Merlin “I can understand, wow, this lab is amazing, uhh, who’s he?” She taps a capsule with a pink kid about her age

Zoe "my little brother, Kasai"

Merlin “little brother, cool, why is he in this capsule?”

Zoe "he is being made into my greatest creation, the one who will finally end my pain and suffering, E.N.D"

Merlin “Amazing, you're the best Zoe.”

Zoe “thank you, you know, everything I look at him I always think about taking him Cleopatra style.”

Merlin "oh, you’re into incest, never knew the dark wizard was so naughty"

Zoe “you know it sister.” They high five as they feel the ground shake

Zoe "they're really causing a ruckus out there, but my question is why are you in here?"

Merlin “you see I was told to stay in here.”

Zoe “I see, look your friends have no chance of surviving, I’m going to teach you a spell to teleport, grab the ones you care for most and teleport away, do you understand?”

Merlin "ok but can I ask for one last thing?"

Zoe “what is it Merlin?”

Merlin "can I have your autograph?!" her eyes shine with excitement

Zoe “of course.” she signs a piece of paper while giving it to Merlin

Zoe "now are you ready to learn the spell?"

Merlin “yes!!” Zoe crouches down to Merlin's height and whispers the spell into her ear

Merlin “thank you.”


Acnologia “this is the end!!” He shoot a huge blast to them as Nerobasta and Elizabeth tackle Zander, Melascula, Gowtha, and Derieri out of range

Zeldris "if this the end then our powers shouldn't go to waste, ten commandments give your powers to Zander" they nod as they give their commandments to Zander as all of them get blasted to oblivion

Acnologia “Huh, misses a few, no matter.” The ones living looked up and disappear as Merlin hugs them

Derieri "Merlin?, I told you to stay in the cave!" Merlin says a magic spell as the small group gets teleporter to a calm meadow away from the island

Merlin “haha! It worked!”

Derieri "Merlin, you better start explaining right now or it's 100 spankings young lady"

Merlin “Zoe taught me a teleportation spell and gave me this magic ball to make my magic stronger.”

Everyone "ZOE?!, ARE YOU OK?!"

Merlin “of course, she even gave me her autograph.” the group anime falls

Derieri "alright, even if you saved us, you disobeyed me and met Zoe, but I'll lower the number of spankings" she sits and puts Merlin on her lap and starts smacks her butt 20 times

Merlin “but *hic* she was *hic* the one *hic* to find me.”

Derieri "you still talked to her"

Elizabeth “everyone….”

Nerobasta “they’re gone.”

Zander "it'll be alright"

Melascula “and we still failed our missing with E.N.D.”

Merlin “don’t kill him!”

Gowtha "why?"

Merlin “he’s a little kid that got killed, Zoe just wants to revive him, and later on go at him Cleopatra style.”

Elizabeth "alright Merlin, we won't kill E.N.D"

Zander “doesn’t he run a risk if Zoe dies?”

Melascula "remember what Merlin said, you kill Zoe you kill the demons, so even if Zoe dies so will E.N.D"

Zoe “exactly.” Everyone looks behind them to see Zoe

Merlin "Zoe!!" she goes to hug her as Derieri holds her back by her collar

Zoe “relax Derieri, I mean no harm, I just want to talk.”

Zander "alright what is it?"

Zoe “I’m here to offer you, Elizabeth, and Nerobasta the chance of a lifetime.”

Nerobasta "what is it?"

Zoe “rebirth.”

Elizabeth "what do you mean?"

Zoe “after your deaths, you’ll be reborn in another person.”

Melascula "but what about the rest of us?"

Zoe “you’ll stay with me for 400 years.”

Zander "can you give us a minute to discuss this?"

Zoe “of course, but you must know we don’t have a lot of time, as we speak Acnologia is killing the supreme deity.” the small group huddled up

Zander "what do you girls say about her offer?"

Derieri “judging from what she’s saying, it’s the only way to keep Merlin safe from Acnologia.”

Melascula "I agree" the group looks at Zoe

Zander "alright we accept your offer"

Zoe “I thank you, I must ask you a request if you all remember.”

Gowtha "what is it?"

Zoe “I’m the future, I want you all to help my little brother to kill me.”

Melascula "ok we'll help you"

Zoe “thank you, I don’t know what to say.”

Zander "will you at least promise to keep Merlin safe?, she's very precious to us"

Zoe “of course, she’ll be my student.”

Merlin "someone pinch me, this has to be a dream!!" Zander pinches her

Merlin “ow!” She rubs her shoulders while pouting

Zander "hey you asked for a pinch, how about a hug to make you feel better?"

Merlin “ok!” They share a hug as Zoe says a spell as Zander, Elizabeth, and Nerobasta glow

Zoe "there we go, now when you die you'll be reborn, the second you three are reborn, Derieri, Melascula, Gowtha and Merlin will go to your location"

Elizabeth “thank you Zoe”

Zoe "it's the least I can do"

Nerobasta “so this is a farewell?”

Zoe "for now, I have a feeling we'll see each other again soon"

Merlin “bye big sis sis, bye big bro bro.” the small group shares one last group hug and separates

Zoe "alright I'm going to open a portal to your world, Elizabeth, Zander and Nerobasta you'll go through while the rest of us stay in this world, right now Acnologia is heading to the demon realm"

Zander “ok, thanks Zoe.” Zoe makes a portal as Zander, Elizabeth, and Nerobasta jump in

Zoe "alright girls, let's go to my lab" she teleports away with everyone


Zander "Father!!!"

Demon king “hey bac-!!!” Acnologia blasted his chest killing the demon king.

Zander "Father!!!!!" He rushed in as Acnologia flicks him away with one of his claws

Acnologia "wow you decided to come back, I have to admit you got guts"

Elizabeth and Nerobasta “let there be light!” They try to blast the darkness out of Acnologia as Acnologia grabs them and start to squish them

Zander "let them go!"

Acnologia “you sure you want that midget?”

Zander "let them go right now!!" Acnologia smirks as he crushes them completely as he lets the two sisters fall to the ground

Acnologia "you got your wish" Zander walks to Elizabeth’s body and hugs it tightly

Zander “Elizabeth no.”

Acnologia “don’t worry, I’ll reunite you with her.” a powerful dark energy is radiating from Zander’s body as he stands up with a shadow covering his eyes

Zander “you killed Elizabeth and everyone I cared about! I’m going to make you pay!!!” His darkness surrounds him as he enters his assault mode with a pissed look on his face

Acnologia “and what are you going to do about it, I’m a king! Everything belongs to me and I’ll destroy everything!!!”

Zander "you're a king huh, then let's test that, let's see which king is better!!!" He charged at Acnologia swing his sword as Acnologia caught it

Acnologia “I must say it had some force behind it, but no dice.” He breaks Zander’s sword while swinging him away with his tail

Zander “DIES IRAE!!" he summons a portal over Acnologia , and releases a massive lightning bolt to strike him down

Zander “did that do it?”

Acnologia “thank you, you removed an itch on my back.”

Zander “*growls* spirit spear Basquias second configuration guardian, NECROSIS!!!" guardian pierces Acnologia’s arms, tail and wings with its stinger to paralyze them

Acnologia “impressive, now block this.” He shoots a huge beam of energy as Zander gets hit and struggles to stay on his feet

Zander “I'm not giving up, not until you're dead" he creates a black flame in his left hand and a bird of fire in his right hand

Zander "HELLBLAZE PHOENIX!!!" he blasts Acnologia with the black phoenix as Acnologia used his leg to jump towards him taking the hit and chomping down Zander’s upper body

Acnologia "well it appears the dragon king is better, but I gotta admit, that was actually pretty fun"

400 years later

A woman with red hair was holding a baby with blonde hair as he opens up his green eyes

End of prologue

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