Chapter 1

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I was born from the love a dragon and a mortal woman. My parents loved eachother but he was a king. So he couldn't be with her because he was promised to another. The dragon king is the most powerful being that ever lived. After he left my mother found out she was pregnant with me. She hid this from him a hid herself away. She couldn't bring herself to tell him especially when she found out he got married. She locked me away for my own protection. I had the same markings as a dragon king all over my body ecept my face. I couldn't control my ability to shift into a red dragon. But she spent 85 percent of her free time with me when she wasn't working. But lately she has been seeing a man so I don't see her that much.

I woke up suddenly when I heard the front door shut. I got up when heard mom laughing and walking into the house. She wasn't alone this was really unusual she's never brought annyone home with her either. I listened careful when I realized it was a man. When I heard the door open again and three more people walked in. I tilt my head and in confusion. I heard the way my mother was walking. I could tell she was drunk.

"Girl why the hell didn't you tell us you lived in a huge house alone?" A woman laughed.

"Who said I live alone." I heard mother tease.

"Who lives with you?" A man asked, I jumped down from my nest startling them.

"Ahh she's awake." Mom said, when she started tip toing like I couldn't hear her. I chuckled slipping crop top on and high waist shorts. When I heard her open the door. I had the ability to blend in with my surroundings like a chameleon. She creeped up the stairs and into my room.

"So what's up with all the locks? Got some type of exotic pet or something babe?" A man asked walking in. She put her fingers to her lips when the others walked in.

"What are you doing crazy?" The woman asked. She was beautiful chocolate shin and long natural curly black hair. That was gorgeous.

"Okay Fury funny now where are you hiding." She smiled looking around.

"I've been behind you the whole time." I replied making her jump.

"Oh my Lord child you need to stop doing that your gonna give momma a heart attack one of these days." She said chucking.

"Momma? You have a daughter bitch you should've told us." She said, and the man with black hair and blue eyes lit up.

"Ya I do this is why I never told you." She said, when I made myself visiable she grabbed my arm pulling me out to where they could see me. 

"She's a purebred desadant." They stared in disbelief. I turned away hiding behind her crouching behind her.

"Fury's a bit cautious around people she doesn't know. But trust me she'll grow on you when she warms up to you. Sadly I am all she's got so I have to keep her locked up." She exclaimed, when the man black hair walked over.

"We're having a talk later about you and your surprises." He joked, kneeling down infront of her and peek at me.

"She's beautiful. Her eyes are such a gorgeous deep red and like a snakes." He smiled, I peeked out at him. As mom watched him seriously just observing my body language. In case he made me to uncomfortable.

"Well hi there sweetie pie why you hiding I promise I'm not going hurt you." He said, gently extenting his hand. I looked at his hand hestintly extending my hand. He took it shaking my hand.

"See now we're not strangers." He said, I smiled and he picked me up I hugged him putting my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back making me making a low purring noise.

"I've never seen her do that before." Mom informed them. He started humming rocking me in his arms pressing his head against mine. I ended up falling asleep in his arms.

I woke up rubbing my eyes. But my eyes were covered.

"Is the blind fold really nessary?" I heard him ask.

"Yes Rick I don't want to scare her." Mom sighed.

"I can't believe she slept through all that." He said. I didn't move till the car stopped they got out and he picked me up carring me out the door. He stopped when I heard a door bell.

"Hey babygirl so nice to see you." I heard a woman say opening the door.

"Hey mom we're here to pick up Max." Rick replied, as they walked in. It was loud I could hear tons of people.

"Hey there they are." An older man exclaimed, when a little girl squealed. I heard her run over to mom.

"Daddy!" She giggled, when Rick kneelt down.

"Hey sweetie I got a surprise for you." He said, she ran over.

"Really what is it?" She laughed.

"How about an older sister. Want to see her she's beautiful." He replied, she squealed and started jumping in excitment when the whole house went quiet.

"Yay I've always wanted a sister!" She yelled.

"Now you have to calm down we don't want to scare her. She's a bit different than you or me but she's still your sister. You understand sweetie." He exclaimed.

"Yep now where is she?" She asked.

"She's under the blanket. Step back so we can give her some space." He said, putting me down on the floor. I sat up slipping off my blind fold. I slipped my hands out grabbed the blanket she giggled. When I peeked out she smiled ear to ear. She was four blond hair and blue eyes a total cutie.  She was sitting in front of  me lifted the blanket off letting my really long red hair fall freely. I looked into her eyes.

"Daddy's right you are beautiful." She said, I smiled.

"Your one to talk your absolutely precious." I replied, she chuckled climbing onto my lap touching my face. I put my hand over hers when she grabbed my hand with both of hers and started tracing my markings with her finger.

"Why do you have tattoos?" She asked.

"There not tattoos I was born with them. I got them from my father. Like you get your eyes from your father." I informed her.

"So where's your daddy?" She asked, I looked at mom.

"He left before Fury was born sweetie like how your mommy left you with your father." Mom explained, I got up picking her up in my arms.

"I love her momma she's so cute and she smells like honey suckles." I said, kissing her cheek.

"Good I'm glad I was worried since this is the first time I've taken you around children. Are you feeling okay if you feel your body changing at all tell us so we can take you outside okay baby." She said hugging me.

"Aww baby your freezing." She said, slipping her jacket off and put it on me.

"Well I am cold blooded." I said, she put her arms around me. 

"I'm fine but can we leave soon I need to get my body heat up or I'll go into a hybernation like state." I yawned, she nodded blind folding me and he picked me up carring me back out the door he got into the car. I couldn't tell what was going on. Moments later the car stopped again and they got out. Rick pulled me out carrying. When I heard a dog barking.

"Grampa?" Max yelled, when someone walked out.

"Hey baby girl I wish you would've told me you were coming. Whats that your carrying looks pretty big?" An older man said.

"You'd be surprised she's actually pretty light she's just tall and lengthy. This is Fury my wife neglected to tell me she had a daughter." He explained.

"So I have two granddaughters. Well bring her in." He said, He took me inside. He set me down on the floor uncovered me and took the blind fold off. I opened my eyes to see people surrounding me watching me. I looked around.

"She's a decent?" A man asked.

"Yes she is a purebred and from what I understand. A very strong one at that. Which is why we've been taking so many precautions." He replied as a dog ran over it was a beautiful border collie. She was lovely she sat down looking directly in my eyes intently. I tilted my head making her tilt her head with me. I reached into her deepest thoughts and sense her deepest emotions. I could see how they brought her in the house when she was a puppy and her growing up with them. They loved and cared for her as a family member she was more than greatful to them. I straightened my head and she ran off. I watched her intently. When she ran back with a blanket wrapping it around me and layed ontop of me. I lifted my hand and she licked me whining pushing me down. So I stayed still. But when her owner walked over trying to get her off me she lowered her head growling. 

"Really Cassie you can't lay on her." He said, she just barked at him. Till a young strong male desedent walked over.

"Having trouble with Cassie again?" He teased picking her up over his shoulder. She whined licking him. He stopped when he seen me peeking out the blanket. My face flushed red and I covered my face.

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