Chapter 2

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He was handsome. Musclar, tall, long dark hair, and peirsing gold eyes. My body started to shift. I growled closing my eyes and baring my fangs. I snarled as my body fully shifted into my dragon form. I peeked out seeing him kneeling down infront of me waiting intently.

"Well hey there and who's this cutie?" He asked, reaching his hand out touching my face. I lifted my head and the blanket slid off revealing I looked like a Asian red dragon. But I was actually pretty big I could just control of the size my dragon form took. But I had to make myself small since my body's so long. Plus the real size of my dragon was to big for this size of room. They gasped in disbelief. He smiled petting my head.

"That's my son's wife's daughter." The older man replied.

"Fury her name Fury and yes she's my daughter. Even though she's more like her father she's quite a sweetheart. She's still a child so animals can sense it so they treat her as one of they're young." My mother said, walking over hugging me and lifting me up my huge wings lifted showing off my long slenger body. My markings still showed on my dragon body.

"She's a king?" The male asked touching my back I looked at him and he reached up touching my antlers. I had antlers insead of horns because I was a Asian red dragon. Then he proceeded to touch my long main that ran down my back all the way down my long tail to the fur at the end of my tail.

"Beautiful." He muttered and I nuzzled him. He hugged me his body was alot warmer than a humans. When Cassie started barking. I climbed over his shoulder to her and she licked my nose. I nuzzled her and she snuggled up to me like I was her pup. I snuggled up to her using my tail dragging the blanket over me. I changed back into my human form. He lifted the blanket peeking in at me. I looked up at him pulling the blanket back down.

"Hey baby girl why you acting all bashful where's my little social butterfly." Mom asked kneeling down infront of me. I reached my hand out and she giggled handing me some clothes. I slipped a red dress on and slipped out from under neith the blacket. He stared at me as I tugged at the bottom of the dress.

"I love you momma but I swear you just love making me uncomfortable." I said, pushing my red hair back. She laughed kissing my forehead ruffling my hair. I huffed as she was fixing my hair and growling. She laughed kissing my head. I glared at her and she hugged me. I hugged her kissing her cheek.

"You've got quiet a remarkable daughter. But I was expecting you to be a lot younger not a beautiful fully grown woman." He exclaimed glancing at me possessively. Making his wolf eyes show turning bright gold.

"This is Cain he's a member of the pack in this territory he'll be going to school with you. Can you help her she can't exactly control her transformations and some how my husband talked me into enrolling her in school too help her learn to control the power she possesses." She asked, he nodded grinning at me mischieviously. I looked away acting like I didn't notice.

"Of course what type of wolf would I be if I didn't help out a friend in need." He commented, making his eyes turn blue. Turning his attention to momma.

"See you were worried for nothing I told you he's reliable." Father teased she shoot him a warning glare and he shut up.

"Eww daddy's in the dog house." I chuckled. They laughed. She shot me a glare I covered my mouth trying to not laugh and prended to be looking at Cain. He chuckled.

"Ahh looks like someone else is in the dog house." He jokeingly whispered in my ear I playfully elbowed him trying not to laugh. So I didn't get into any more hot water with mom. He laughed.

"Samantha can I introduce her to the rest of the pack?" He asked turning to my mother. She pulled out an amuet. Placing it around my neck making me change human. My hair changed orange, my eyes changed ocean blue and my markings disappeared.

"As long as she wears the charm. If anyone asks her name is Fraia and she's human no one can find out shes a dragon let alone the next dragon king it'll put her life in danger. You to Fury it's for your own pretection. Don't let her get worked up or her dragon side will show you understand. I'm counting on you I'm putting my child's life in your capable hands." She said, kissing my head.

"I understand perfectly and I will." He said, grabbing my hand leading me to the door.

"Good bring take her straight home when your done." She exclaimed he nodded opening the door and walking out dragging me close behind him and dragged me into the woods to a huge old mantion. He walked me through the huge yard and into the door. He walked me into the living room where the pack members were gathered I hid behind him. As a female ran over and kissed him. She let out a growl when she seen him holding my hand.

"Relax babe she's just a close friend. I wanted to introduce her to everyone she's going to our school and doesn't know anyone." He exclaimed, pulling me out from behind him letting go of my hand.

"Oh sorry about that I'm Michelle Cain's mate." She smiled, shaking my hand.

"Fraia Samantha's biological daughter." I exclaimed as a smile appeared on her face.

"Oh your Samantha's daughter I love that woman she's good friends with the pack. She's like an aunt to me always been there since I was born. She never told me about you." She smiled brightly.

"She has her reasons. She's really over protective of me. Really I never knew that." I exclaimed flashing her a smile.

"Ya I can tell she's pretty close to all the decent clan members. Especially the younger ones she acts as our aunt or older sister to us and helping us when we need guidance. She really is an amazing woman." She replied chuckling.

"She really is my mother's one of a kind she tends to keep me a secret. So she's really the only one I've ever gotten close to. I don't know anyone except my poppa or sister. Cains honestly my only friend. So far that's why he wanted to introduce me to everyone so. I could make some friends." I exclaimed.

"Well I'm your friend and I think we're going to be the best of friends. Call me sis." She hugged me and I wrapped my hands around her when I noticed the rest of the pack was watching us intentively. Especially a big male he seemed to draw my attention. He was tall extremely handsome. He was surrounded by women and had this air about him I just couldn't place. His bright golden eyes were much more intense and seemed to see right through me more then any of the other pack members. I couldn't help but notice his muscles and perfect build since he wasn't wearing a shirt. He grunted when I realized he was staring directly at me.

"Hey alpha this is Fraia Samantha's daughter she's going to be going to our school. Fraia this is my alpha Neil and the rest of the pack." She announced putting me on the spot. I hated being the crenter of attention.

"Hello." The other pack members smiled waving at me I smiled waving at them.

"It's nice to meet you I hope we can be friends." I smiled britghtly Neil's eyes hadn't left me the intire time making my heart feel like I was about to beat out of my chest.

"Well aren't you just the cutest I'm Clide." A male I hadn't noticed standing beside me. My dragon senses didn't work properly when I in this form. Startling me causing me to jump.

"You scared the shit out of me." I laughed he smiled flirtatiousally.

"Sorry about that cutie I just couldn't help myself. So got a boyfriend?" He asked when I heard a warning growl. I glanced over noticing that it came from Neil. He was clentching his fangs. When I felt an intense electrical spark radiate through my body. A feeling which I've never felt before.

"No never have mother's to guarded and protective to let me meet my soulmate." I replied.

"That's a shame your quite beautiful." He smirked as if he hadn't heard him growling making him bare his fangs.

"Why's that?" I chuckled, when Neil let out a much louder growl causing the whole pack to go silent.

"Neil why are you baring your fangs it's not like she's your mate." He said, turning to Neil.

"No but I wouldn't stand around allowing my pack member to hook up with a human like her." He growled.

"Excuse me a human like me I'd watch my tongue if I were you. You I don't know a damn thing about me darlin. So show some respect." I growled back snapping at him feeling my heartbroke in several peices.

"Respect is something you earn human not give." He snickered.

"Watch your tongue pup. Or I might just have to cut it out." I said using my dragon vioce. When Cain suddenly pulled me into his arms pressing my head into his chest rubbing my back.

"Trust me alpha she is not someone you want to anger. Shes alot stronger than you think. So I'd watch insulting her like that." Cain informed him. He laughed.

"A pathetic human strong I think not." Neil laughed making my blood biol.

"Ya well jokes on you no one said I was human. And just for your information ya I'm a lot stronger than some dog." I snapped getting up in his face. I could feel my eyes change to my dragon eyes.

"So you think you can take me huh." He smirked.

"Anytime anywhere pup you but you wouldn't Stand a chance and on top of that in the highly unfair." My dragon said as it began taking me over.

"I under estemated you you've got guts standing up to me I respect that. Even though you'd lose." He said, when I lifted my head looking into his eyes.

"What the.." He stopped.

"That's what you think. I'm much more dangerous and violent then you think pup." I cut him off letting go walking back over to Cain making my eyes change back.

"Man we are going to be best friends. No one ever stands up to my brother. Not even me." Michelle laughed.

"Someone had to put him in his place no one disrespects me. Without me ripping other tongue first." My dragon replied. Dragons are the most highly respected decents. To disrespect one is death normally.

"He's lucky I'm letting this one slide but next time he wouldn't be so lucky." I continued as my vioce changed back to normal.

"Damn girl you are ballsy I like it." She laughed, as I crossed my arms glaring at Neil who still hadn't lifted his gaze from me.

"You know you act more like a royal?" She asked, I didn't aweser.

"No way you aren't human are you?" She blurted excitively.

"No, not even close what did you think I was joking sweetie I don't joke and on top of that my race is the top of the food chain so that was probably pretty stupid Trying to size me up Or treat me like a your prey. Because I happen to be a much bigger Apex predator. That does not leave this room or it'll put me in danger. That's all I'm at liberty to tell you." I replied.

"I know being a half breed is taboo but we'll keep your secret right guys." She said, the rest of the pack nodded.

"You know I've never met a half breed I've heard that their stronger than even a pure bred?" Clide asked I grabbed his arm and with little effort had him on the ground groaning in agony.

"Extremely I barely touched you." I replied letting go they gasped watching in disbelief.

"Barely you almost broke my damn arm." Clide giggled standing up holding his arm. It was red and a huge bruise covered his arm where I touched him.

"Hardly that should give you an idea of how strong I am." I said, grabbing his arm licking it making it heal instantly making the alpha growl.

"Damn that's a neat trick you got there. Immortal I'm guessing?" He asked, I nodded.

"Dude that's whicked I've never met a immortal that wasn't a vampire wait your not right?" She asked, examining his newly healed arm.

"Far from it darling she's a shifter. In fact her kinds not to keen on them they don't like them." Cain informed them.

"Why are you the only one who's allowed to know what she is." She questioned curiously.

"Simple he seen me shift so it's not like I could hide it. Plus he knows my position and understands how critical it is that I remain hidden. It's not for my safety but for my mother's. I worry they'll use her to drive me out." I replied.

"Your one of the king's daughters aren't you?" She asked, I glanced at her. As a huge grin appeared on her face. I turned as Neil walked over to me when I noticed he was the son of the wolf king from his markings. Each king had different markings. Only one of their children inherit the king's markings and power. King's are the only true immortal. Only a king can kill a king. Execpt the dragon king he can only be killed by another dragon king.

"So your a king yourself I'm guessing from the powerful seal around your neck." He said, gesturing to my charm.

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