Chapter 1: Server Shutdown

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I let out a sigh as I heard the news that Yggdrasil a favorite game of both me and my Wife before she. . .pass away is coming to an end. For 12 years I have played this game and now it will shut down all servers this midnight. Hearing those news tears fall off my eyes as I remember my times in that DMMO-RPG game and because of it I meet my wife.

Like a fairy tale I was well not a prince or a knight but a hybrid between a Dragon and a Vampire which is called a Drapire and a snow fairy who calls herself Snow. That was she would always say in each time we are together which then reach out to the real world and like in the game I fell in love with her and she has fallen in love with me as well. We then got married and in the game we both created four NPC which she was the one who would think of what we should call them and when I accidentally brought out the subject of having some kids she then had an idea regarding the four NPC that I was creating and she begs me to do. I cant say no to her so I did her request and change the four NPC's coding which would make then our children which is actually true because I was well we were the ones who have created them.

Then after coding the NPC's I then create my floor which I called Yagdrim. Yagdrim or the Of Changing Seasons is a place where Summer/Fire, Autumn/Wind, Winter/Ice and Spring/Wind. All of this four cross each other to form a unstable and yet beautiful place which is filled with ruins and a lot of other stuff corresponding to each said Elements/Seasons.

As I thought of all of this I should login and meet up with Momonga and the others as well if they even would be there. Logging in the game is a bit weird if anyone would ask as to do it you would need a device of sort that would plug you conscious into it. I would give away the details of the said device but its for another day.

Now as I login as my Avatar which is a Drapire dressed in a formal black tattered coat with a white long sleeves, formal grey pants, shoes. Accessories are four rings which are The Ring Of Gluttony which allows me to drain my opponents HP by 20 per second, The Ring Of Projectile Protection and as the name says I can protect myself from 4th tier magic projectiles, The Ring of Aizn Oal Gown and my most favorite of all is The Ring Of Marriage. Its just a give out item to newlywed couples and it is my treasure much like my real ring which is actually the same thing. A silver ring with a beautiful red gem.

In the game I am a part of a guild which is called the Great Tomb Of Nazaric a guild full of non human players. In the guild your life in the real world is on the line much less the reason for most of our guild members fight with there families.

Finally in the game I then look at my surroundings to see a Skeleton mage wearing black robe with gold trimmings with his chest revealing rib cage and his skull showing only red glowing dots which resembles eyes. He was conversing with a blue slime who then notices me as I wave at him.

"Well it seems that you wont be alone Momonga well then goodbye Momonga, Criyuu. Oh and Criyuu my condolence" The Slime which I already know as Herohero said to me as he waves goodbye. "To you as well Herohero" I said as he then logs out. Then for a few seconds Momonga slams his right hand at the stone round table which caught me by surprise. Then I notice and it made me sad as it was only Momonga and I were the only ones here. The other guild members must have been doing something's in the real world. Cant blame them for not coming they have there own lives to live and family's love...

I then stand up of my seat and walk behind Momonga and put my left hand at his right shoulder. He then look up to me. "Lets leave them be Momonga I am sure that they must have been doing something today. Just remember there times in the guild" I said as he nods and stands up and heads towards the symbol of the whole guild. The Staff of Aizn Oal Gown.

A powerful item which the whole guild has spend there time building it and now Momonga is wielding it in his hand remembering it all. "Criyuu I will be heading towards the throne room ta coming" he ask me which I then replied sure thing. Heading there he made the Combat Maids of Pleidas and the NPC Butler who I remember was Sebas Tian.

"Momonga if you excuse me I will be going to my Floor" I told him as we got to the Throne room. "Sure thing Criyuu. Savor your last time with what you and Snow built. Oh and thank you for coming even though the others didn't", " No problem"I then teleported to my Floor Yagdrim.

Yagdrim is a secret floor that is located between the throne room. The floor itself is a forest with different kinds of trees, ice pillars the size of a 30 story building scattered everywhere, green wind blows which then became small tornados and it also has some lakes and rivers. This floor has about over 8 NPC which all are created by me and it was a pain in the butt at first but I was able to finish all of there coding. But 5 out of 8 of them are my most favorite mainly The Four Seasons of Yagdrim and Kerberus the main Guardian of this floor and the most powerful one. He is also the very first I have made.

Kerberus is mainly like the three headed Greek guard dog of the underworld. He has three heads of course which are wolf heads with black spike collars on each of them and his about the size a truck. He can also use tier 8 Fire, Wind and Ice magic and he has a decent melee damage but whats make him the strongest is that he can use all of his magic attacks all at once which deals a devastating combine attack. Making this guy took about a whole year which was both agonizing and painful but it was really worth it.

Speaking of the Guard dog there he is right now in front of the palace gates. Snow would usually use his grey fur as a pillow and sleep which earn her a few scolds from me but she always gets out of it mainly with her puppy eyes. Anyway the snow white palace was about five stories which make use of the Ice pillars as decoration on the four sides of the palace. In front were two statue and one of them is my Avatar snarling with clawed hands ready to slash and a Demonic Dragon. The Dragon is actually a magic of mine which I called Aspect Of The Dark Dragon and the statue is the magics full form.

When I use it I became the said Dragon and in that form I have a decent amount of attack, magic and mana but it specialize in defense. Now that I think about it I used to be called the Shield mainly because I was used like a shield by my guild mates a lot of times and I would usually the first to be killed. Another reason why I was called a Shield is my multiple Defense Magics which would make some people annoyed of me mainly my enemies.

I then walk in front of Kerberus who was laying down and pat his head like a pet dog. Then I ordered him to follow me and on the way inside the palace I also made some of my NPC to follow me who were guarding each room that I went in but not all of them. The NPC were Sobek a Lizard Man, Halo the Gear Princess a Automaton with the appearance of a long white haired teenage girl with magenta eyes that were lifeless, pale skin and is wearing a white dress that lets her sliver mechanical wings show, Tanto Midnight a wolf the size of a full grown horse that has yellow eyes, brown fur, a scorpion tail as his tail, and a bull's horn with the point facing forwards and Dante a Red skinned Demon who is wearing a Silver armor with a HUGE battle axe strap onto his back. This NPC's of mine are the only ones that I have encounter on my way not to a throne because I do not have one but my most precious place in the whole Floor. Snow's memorial shrine where I was able to get the exact replica of her Avatar inside of a crystal tree where you can still she her beautiful face, long snow white hair, slightly pale skin and her silky white dress. Her eyes were closed and both her hands clasp together and was placed onto her chest where her heart is.

Inside of the room except for Snow's memorial shrine are the Four Season's of Yagdrim or what both Snow and I would call our First Daughter's/Creation. Each of them are female and all four of them are Elegant, Beautiful, and Cute courtesy of my wife who designed there clothing. Truth to be told I ask her to help me with that because I have ZERO sense in fashion I'll just wear anything that's comfortable.

Kyuubi of Summer as her name suggested she's a Demi-human nine tailed fox who looks like a 16 year old and has blonde hair and is wearing a black kimono with red lines on the sides. I programmed her to be cheery girl always wants to she those around smiling but in chase she gets angry she can become ferocious. She also can use 8 tier fire magic and wields a fan weapon which I called Agidyne The Great Fire.

Miko of Autumn is a demon who has the appearance of a long black haired teen in her 18. She wears a green school uniform with a yellow green ribbon and a black eye patch covers her right eye. I program her personality is shy but a loving and caring to those that she loves but she can be a emotionless killer who seeks out to kill her enemies with her Viper Katana which deals poison damage.

Yukina of Winter is a Yuki-Onna who has the appearance of a young woman in her twenty's has long white hair, blue eyes, pale white skin and is wearing a white and light blue kimono. Her personality is she's gentle and kind but in battle she can be cold hearted. She can use 10 tier ice magic and she wields a spear which I called Frozen Hell.

Lastly Poppy a long blonde haired fairy who is like a child wearing a light green and green dress that has furls on the side of her dress. She playful like a child kind but when it comes to a battle she can be tough but still playful. She can use 9tier wind magic and healing magic and wields the Butterfly Dagger but don't be fooled by its name the Dagger has haste in it which the wielder will be able to deal a fast strike or multiple strikes.

This four are one of the strongest NPC that I have ever made with Snow. The rest were also made by the two of us.

Smiling at the memories I put my right over the Crystal tree and wait for the time to go by. Such A Sad Day For Me.


Wait what?!!.

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