Chapter 2: New World

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What the heck I can feel the cold touch of the Crystal!. Whats going on!. Why isn't the server shutting down.

"Father is there something wrong?" A voice so graceful ask me which made me look back but my right hand was still on trunk of the crystal tree. I was surprised as to whom ask me because it was Kyuubi who did it. No I am not joking around it really is her but with full of life I can tell from her eyes which used to be lifeless because they were NPC but something tells me otherwise from what I am currently seeing right now in front of me.

"Father are you all right?!" Kyuubi ask me again but this time she sounded really worried. What should I do!, I guess I'll just wing it. If by chance this is either a dream or reality I'll have to think of my current situation right now so only one thing to do. Acting.

"Don't worry Kyuubi my child I am all right but" I then look back at Snow's Avatar in the crystal tree's trunk. "I miss your Mother's warm smiles"

As I said that while affectionately caressing the trunk of the tree and then I suddenly heard sniffles of cries and then I felt someone hug me on the back which made me turn my head to find Poppy. She had tears forming on her eyes which made my heart ache.

"Papa! I miss Mama!" She said while sniffling trying not to cry so much. Seeing this I pick her up by instinct and I begin to comfort her. "There, There".

She then looks up to me with teary eyes still. " Your Mother will not like to she her little flower crying so smile okay" I said wiping her tears away with my hands carefully my nails were claws. When I wipe her tears away she smiled at me. Then I heard someone cried to find out Dante was the one who was crying.

"Such a beautiful moment between Little Poppy and Father, Such A Sight To Be Hold!" The last part he shouted while raising both of his arms and head up. I forgot that I created him to be dramatic and praise something's that are worthy of praising for him that is. All I could do was mentally sweatdropped at the scene in front of me and for some odd reasons lights suddenly appear before him from the ceiling. The weird scene ended when Sobek jump up because Dante was bigger than him and punch the back of his head making him face plant the floor.

"Hey Dante stop being so weird in front of Father ya creep!" Sobek shouts with an Australian accent. Snow put that in him for shit and giggles which made me mad for a few seconds and then I forgive her for that.

"You fish breath!, Dare To Stop My Praising!" Dante was back up on his feet standing up glaring at the Lizard Man.

"So What If I Have Fish Breath!, I Eat Fish All Day Ya Praising Weirdo!"

"What Did You Say To Me!"

"Ya Wanna Go Huh!"

Both draw there weapons and was about to fight each other suddenly both were frozen in Ice with only there heads not. The ice came from Yukina as I see Ice on the floor that she's stepping on.

"You two should be ashamed of your rude behavior that you have showed here in Mothers Grave!" She said with cold yet smooth voice and cold stares that froze my two children. "" We-re So-Sorry B-ig Sis-Sis-ter "" the two said in between cold shivers.

Not wanting to see the two if them get frozen alive I walk towards Yukina and pat her head which made her let out a yip noise. She then look up to me as I give her a smile.

"Yukina it is alright for them to have a little fight. It makes thing livelier and besides your Mother will be very much be happy seeing that her children are lively" I told her as I pat her head and for a moment there I saw a faint red tint on her face but then it vanish. "So release you brothers would you"

"Hie Father" She said as her touch her head.

With that she released her trapped brothers and then they shivered. I then notice something as I look around the whole place. Out of all the NPC/Children that were in the room Kerberus was not here at all.  

"Where's Kerberus?" I ask my children who then notice there brother was not there where he was standing all except for Tanto who walks towards me. He then stops in front of me while his tail lay down on the ground.

"I know where he is Father"

"Where is he Tanto"I ask him. By the way his voice sounded raspy.

"Knowing him, he should be up front if the Mansion besides the gate guarding it, should I get him Father?" Being called Father by a horse sized wolf is weird in so many ways for me.

"Yes if you must. Kyuubi dear can you go with your brother"

"Hie Father" With that both of them walk put of the room and head towards the gates where Kerberus is at. As I wait for them I tried to open my main menu but it didn't appear so I tried to use mail. I waited then I heard a voice.

"Criyuu is that you?" The tone of the male voice have a lot of authority in it that a ruler have but something about him sound familiar. Then it click. "Momon?!".

"Yep its me, so I wasn't the only one left"

"What happened, why is everything feel real?!"

"I don't know even the NPC's are real"

"Yeah I already know and being called father is quite weird"

"I am guessing the NPC's that you and Snow have created"


"Anyway I'm heading at the coliseum to test something's ya coming"

"I well later"

With that I hang up and suddenly I felt a strong gust of wind and three voices yelling. Two of the voices came from Tanto and Kyuubi while the second voice came from from Kerberus who was wrap in binds of light and Kyuubi's tails. He was thrashing around with his binds as he was shouting.

"Release. Me. This. Ones!. Kyuubi!. Tanto!" Kerberus said it with all three of his heads speaking one word at a time. It was really strange thing to see really strange.

"Stop resisting brother! Your already here!"

"No!. I. Need. To. Be. In. My. Post!!!"

"Kerberus" I called out his name and when he heard me call him he suddenly stops and sit. "I'll be going to the coliseum so when someone comes here do as what he or she tells you to do"

""""""""""Take care father"""""""""""

I then teleported to the coliseum. 




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