Broken Pieces

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"Harry James Potter! You come out here or else we will blow this door up and hex you to oblivion!" A girly voice yelled from outside.

"Don't make me come in there, mate!" Another voice screamed

Harry was in his bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about whether he should open the door or not.
But then he flicked his wand and the door flung open. Four figures came in. Blaise, Pansy, Ron and Hermione came rushing in, standing in front of his bed. Their faces were red, because of anger..perhaps.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Ron said, looking at Harry, who was lying on the bed, with the blanket covering him, his face was pale, he was exhausted.

"Can't you see?"

"Please Harry, you're not like this. Please tell us what's wrong" Hermione said

"I broke Draco's heart..why..why did I do that? I broke him. But he broke mine first" He said in a broken voice

"Why did you break up with him? Draco won't tell us why. But you need to tell us. You guys need to fix this. It's been two weeks and it is so depressing that you guys are making the whole school depressed, because the school's love couple had broken up" Hermione pulled him in her embrace while Ron pat him on the back.

"Please Harry, Draco is so depressed now, he hasn't eaten, he hasn't slept, and when he did get some sleep, it always ended with nightmares and him waking up screaming" Pansy begged

"You might have never heard me saying this before, but when I say it, I mean it. Harry and you, you guys are...perfect for each other. Since you guys broke up, he didn't let me in the room, he locked himself in there but didn't cast any silencing charm. I heard him crying, saying your name. It hurts, seeing my best mate breaking himself into pieces. I'm begging you, you need to pull yourself together and fix Draco, now" Blaise looked, with desperation in his eyes

"Darling, now you need to tell us why you ended things with Draco" Pansy said

"Uhm...I-I saw him..kissing Smith, he..he kissed him back..I saw it..It hurts" Harry said, burying his head in the pillow again.

"I don't believe this is the only reason, do tell more" Blaise said with a serious tone and Hermione nodded in agreement.

"The day after that I saw Smith following Draco, holding his hand, so I bailed, I know that maybe because we didn't make our relationship public, but it doesn't mean that he could just let Smith do stuff like that. And then some stupid students said that they were a couple, and after that, Draco cancelled our date, I got angry, I thought he was with Smith again, I thought I was not enough for him, I thought Smith was better than me, he's sure more charming than me, Draco will love him..more than me. Therefore, I said things weren't working out with us so we broke up and he could be with Smith. I thought it'd be the best..for us. I was wron-.." Harry said, he couldn't even finish his sentence. Hermione sat on the bed, grabbing his hand and holding it tightly while Pansy rubbed his back and the two boys just looked at him with sorrow.
"Oh Harry, if only we had known." Hermione said

"Harry, you're wrong." Pansy paused "And I'll tell you why. First, Smith was the one who kissed him, and he did NOT kiss back, he told me he couldn't date him because Smith is a jerk, and he even said that you're still the greatest kisser he has ever had. Second, the night he bailed on you, it was because..he was finding the perfect gift..for the upcoming anniversary of you two, he has been planning on it for weeks, Draco's secretly a romantic, you should know that. Third, the time Smith held Draco's hands, I don't know why he did that but after you bailed, Draco pushed him immediately away and told him he was madly in love with you. But later that day, you broke up with him. He was devastated, he won't talk to any of us. Harry, you need to believe me, believe us. We are worried about you, and Draco. So you need to straighten up, put on your nicest outfit and go fix your relationship with him. Because, you are everything to him, don't you dare say that you're not enough. You are the one that made Draco's sleep more peaceful after the war, he didn't have any nightmares when he was with you. 'Cause I know, you don't quit, and you, Harry James Potter, never stop believing" Now Pansy was crying. Hermione couldn't help but burst into tears too. While the boys just looked at each other and mumbled "Girls"

Harry stayed silent, for a while, he thought about everything Pansy said. Draco didn't kiss back, Draco told her he was in love with Harry. Draco was finding the perfect gift for their anniversary. Draco..was..Harry was wrong. He was wrong, he was the bad one, he ended things and he didn't tell Draco why, he didn't even let Draco have the chance to explain himself. He hurt Draco, he hurt the one he loves the most. Harry suddenly sat up, he adjusted his collar, clearing his throat and said
"I'm..I'm going to fix it. I'm going to get Draco back into my life no matter what it takes. He is mine and I'll forever be his. He could hex me if he wants to, I'll let him. I was wrong. But I was right about one thing, that I love him, I've never stopped"

"You go mate"

"Yeah we are right behind you" Blaise and Ron said

"Now first thing first, you need to take a shower, you stink" said Pansy

"And then we'll be here, choosing the best outfit for you. We'll be right out the dorm to protect you. Blaise and Ron will clean out the common room for you. Don't worry. Things will be just fine" Hermione words always seem to get to Harry's mind right away, he nodded and went straight to the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later Blaise and Ron came back running

"We..we got it. We cleared the room. No one will be there." Ron said between breath

"Mate you didn't have to scare them that bad, you literally threatened to hex a bunch of Slytherin students" Blaise said

"Ron!" Hermione spatted

"What? You said clear the room, and I did" Hermione was going to say something but Harry walked out, wearing a black suit with a green tie, the one Draco loved to see him in, the suit fitted nicely, his face is brighter now.

"You looked stunning darling, right on the first suit we gave you" Pansy said, putting one hand on her chest and another on Hermione's shoulder, looking like a proud mother.

"Thanks guys, do you think Draco will like it?"

"Absolutely" The four people replied in unison. And with that, they dragged Harry out of the dorm and to the common room.

"Here we are, good luck. If you need anything, just yell, we'll be right out here. Not eavesdropping you guys" Pansy looked at Harry and winked. Harry stood in front of the door, he inhaled deeply and knocked on the door. But there was no answer. He knocked again.

"Draco, I need to talk to you"

"Go away!"

"Draco, let me in. I'm sorry, I was wrong, please let me in"

"Get out of my life, Potter" He yelled

"Never will I do that Draco. Now let me in" Harry tried to unlock the door but Draco must have put a spell on it. But he remembered...there was that one date that Draco told him a private thing

'I always use this spell to lock myself in my room when I don't want to talk to anyone. But now I've found you, I don't need the spell anymore. However, I'll tell you what it is and how to break it'

Harry remembered some of it. He tried to get the pieces together, he mumbled some words and flicked his wand, and the door swung open.
Harry immediately stepped in the room. Draco was on his bed, sitting and looking at the open window. Harry could only see his back, which he covered with a blanket.

"I should never have told you about that bloody spell" Draco laughed weakly and stood up to face Harry.

Draco was skinnier, his hair was a mess, his eyes were puffy and red, he was shaking. Harry felt his heart breaking, he turned Draco into this. Harry came closer but Draco shoved him away. Even though Draco looked weak, he was still strong enough to push Harry away. But he didn't stop, he kept coming to Draco.

"You can punch me, hex me, hit me as many times as you want, but I will never leave you again. I'm sorry, I misunderstood the whole thing, Pansy told me everything, I was wrong, I lied, I was jealous, I didn't give you the chance to explain. I turned you into this. I'm sorr.." Harry didn't finish his words since he was cut off by Draco pushing him, which made he stumbled back a few steps, the blond came to his spot, punching his chest, he kept hitting Harry, with all his strength, he grabbed Harry's arms and shoved him away

"Why..why the fuck did you do it? You fucking broke me! YOU BROKE ME YOU BLOODY BASTARD! YOU FUCKING BROKE ME INTO PIECES AND NOW YOU EXPECT ME TO GET BACK TOGETHER WITH YOU? IN HELL I WOULD!" Draco screamed. Harry didn't feel any pain when Draco hit him, he was hurt more when he saw how damaged Draco was right then. He hugged Draco but the blond kept punching him and pushing him away. But Harry'd never let him go again, he held onto Draco tightly, using all his strength to hold his lover. The moment passed and Draco had finally given up.

"I love you, I never stopped, please forgive me because if you don't, I'll never forgive myself" Harry hugged Draco tighter. He felt Draco's hands were now around his waist. The Slytherin buried his face in Harry's chest, smelling his scent. Draco loves the way Harry smell, even when sometimes it was just sweats. But this time, it felt like..home.

"I..I miss you" Draco stuttered

"I miss you too. And I'm sorry, you are my one and only, I'll will never ever leave you again. If I do, you can avada kedavra me immediately" Harry said and Draco laughed a little. Harry pulled away from the hug and tilted the blond's head up.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, holding Draco's hands, the hands that were hitting him before, Harry rubbed it gently and kissed it.

"Yeah but not as hurt as my heart was" Draco mumbled softly

"And I'll kiss you until the pain goes away, even if it means I have to kiss you a billion times more" Harry said, kissing Draco's cheeks on both sides.

"Enough with the gentle kiss, can you just put your tongue in my mouth right now? I've been waiting for you to bloody kiss me from the moment you came in. It was only two weeks and my mouth has lost its home"

Harry laughed, he looked at Draco's grey eyes and leaned in until their lips touched. The kiss was soft and sweet, it was lucky that Pansy has stuffed some mints in Harry's mouth before that, otherwise...

"Too soft, try again" Draco let go and said, which made Harry smile. He suddenly carried Draco in his arm, throwing him on the bed and laid on top of the blond. This time he grabbed Draco's wrists and pinned it on either side of his head

"If you like it rough, I'll give you rough" Harry smirked and connected his lips with Draco's fiercely. He bit the Slytherin's lips, sliding his tongue in, their tongues fighting for dominance, their teeth clashed against each other. Now Harry's hands were down under Draco's shirt, his hands were all over the place, making the blond shivered and moaned.

"We need to go out, everyone is waiting for us out there" Harry said between kisses

"No, Potter..Oh Merlin..don't stop..screw them.." Draco moaned louder, pushing Harry's hand down his trousers

"They are eavesdropping us if you must know" Harry whispered to Draco's ear and then nibbled his earlobe, which made the boy mumbled incoherently.

"Let them..hear it..oh Harry" Draco cried out as Harry sucked on his sensitive spot. He missed this, the feeling of Draco under him, their bodies grinding against each other, he needed it, he needed Draco, and now he was here.

A moment later they finally stopped, and only because Harry controlled himself, or else they would never get out of the bed until the next morning. They sat up and Draco yelled out

"Guys, you can come in now, I know you guys have heard me moaning from out there" He smirked and a few seconds later, four figures came in.

"Hey....erm..we.." Blaise said

"We..we did not hear you guys do anything suspicious in here" Ron finished the sentence and tilted his head down.

"You guys need to..uhm adjusted your clothes" Hermione said, clearing her throat.

Both boys looked down, Harry's shirt was unbuttoned, Draco's pants was unzipped. They blushed and quickly fixed their clothes.

"So I see you guys have made up" Pansy grinned

"Er..yeah" Harry said, wrapping his arm around Draco's waist, pulling him closer

"This is good, mate, you guys are back together, the world is now back to normal, everything is great" Blaise said proudly

"Yeah, it's perfect" Harry said, turning to kiss Draco on his forehead

"So..who's up for Hogsmeade?" Pansy said, raising her hand up in the air. The rest of them nodded in agreement.

"We'll be out there waiting" Hermione said, dragging everyone outside, leaving Harry and Draco on the bed and closed the door.

Harry started kissing Draco again, his hand was in the boy's blonde hair.

"Hmm..Harry..we need to..go"

"Five more minutes " The raven hair boy mumbled. After that five minutes, which actually lasted longer that, the boys walked outside, hand in hand, looking at each other and smiling nonstop. The six of them walked in the hall, laughing and telling jokes.
No one believed they got along so well. Slytherin and Gryffindor, who knew it would work. And all of them, got together, became the most famous and most powerful group of friends in Hogwarts, only because of one thing


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