Pansy's Story

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Draco's POV

Where is Pansy? I need her to help me with my homework. This is the first time I got stuck at one point in my essay and I don't know what to do next. She's good at writing, I should go find her. Where is that bloody Slytherin at? Standing in front of her dorm, I knocked twice, but no one answer, I try to knock again and call her name, just to make sure.

"Pansy?" Still no answer

I open the door slowly, and luckily, the door isn't locked. In the room there is no signs of Pansy, just a pile of papers I see on her bed.

'Maybe it's her assignment, I can read it to find out what to do next with mine' I think to myself.
I pick up the paper, reading the headlines

"Drarry? What is Drarry? We were supposed to write about the Thestrals, what is she writing about?"

I continue reading, then my eyes are wide open

'As Draco walked in the dark hall, there is a hand, grabbing his and pushed him to the wall. Draco was surprised to see it was Harry. Before he could say anything, Harry kissed him'

"What is this bloody thing? What is she writing about? When did Potter ever pushed me against the wall? I'm gonna hex her.." I feel furious but then there is one part she wrote that makes me stop and gasp

"I bottom?"

"Draco what are you doing here?" Pansy barges into the room, running and grabbing all her papers back.

"Why are you here in the girls' dorm?" Pansy yells "You're not supposed to be here"

"I was looking for you to help me with my homework. I though that was your assignment" I say

"Well that is not, and you're invading my privacy"

"Hey who are you to say? You wrote a story about me and bloody Potter. You write bollocks" I yell back

"Well..I.." Pansy stutters

"Well what Pansy? I can't believe you wrote this. This is disgusting. Does Blaise know about this?" I ask

"Don't drag him into this. As you should know, him and Hermione like it too"

"Hermione? Oh so now you're friends with that mud.."

"Don't bloody call her that, I've come to realize that she's a great person, she likes reading, and she loves my story" Pansy yells back, her face turning red. I can't believe she did this. Writing a horrible story, making stuff up, befriending Hermione, and Blaise doesn't even care. I can't believe this.

"I only find your story nothing but horrifying"

"Well have you read it 'till the end?"

"Umm no.."

"So you can't judge the story, can you?"

"This is still nonsense. Let me tell Potter and we'll see what he's gonna do" I yell, grab her paper and her wand.

"No wait.." Pansy scream but I lock her door with a spell and run out of the dorm. Walking in the empty hall, there I finally see a raven hair boy who was walking with a brunette

"Potter" I call. He turn around and I grab him to drag him away

"Wha..Malfoy?" Potter speaks

"Malfoy, what are you doing?" Granger speaks up loudly

"I'm borrowing him. I will give him back later" I scream back. Granger just stands there and Potter let me drag him into an empty classroom.

"What are you doing, Malfoy?" Potter asks with a puzzled look in his eyes

"Look at this nonsense" I speak, throwing the paper at him. He catches it and reads it for a few seconds.

" I've already read it" Potter looks up at me then throws the paper back, his face turning down to look at the ground

"You what?" I look at him with wide eyes

"Yeah Hermione gave it to me a few days ago 'cause she likes it a lot" Potter shrugs

"What? This is disgusting. How can you? And you feel normal about this? I'm not bloody gay. I can't believe this" I lean my back on the wall and throw my hands up in the sky. Nothing makes sense now.

"What do you mean? You think it's disgusting? Am I disgusting?" Potter glares, walking towards me

"Obviously. How can you stand the fact that you and I would shag? I would never do such thing"

Potter immediately slams his hands to the wall near my shoulder. What is he doing? Is he trying to block me from running away?

"Stop being so judgmental, and how would you know it's horrible if you haven't try it?" Potter leans in. We're inches apart.

"I don't need to try it to know it Potter. Just imagine your lips..on mine. Ugh just the thought of that makes me want to puke" I glare

Potter doesn't answer. His emerald green eyes just stares at me, like he's looking for something. As I was about to open my mouth to say something, he kisses me. I'm in shock. Harry Bloody Potter is kissing me. I use my hands to push him away but he grabs both of it and pin them on the wall. He bites my lips so I gasp for air, not realising that his tongue is already in my mouth. His mouth is wet and hot, I can't help but feeling hot. I finally kiss him back, my hands are now free as he has traveled to my robe, he slides his hands under it to unbutton my shirt. I grab his hair and moan, he is kissing my neck now. He sucks and bites, my body temperature rise, Potter's hands are all over the place, on my chest, my stomach. Suddenly he grabs my crotch and starts grinding our crotch together

"Potter.." I moan

After that he goes up and kiss me again. He grind his hips with mine and I can feel that he's hard too. Then he moves his lips down to my jaw, my neck and collarbone. Every time he sucks on my sensitive skin, I moan a bit louder. We finally stop and breath heavily after a few minutes

" it disgusting Malfoy? Kissing me?" Potter says between his breath

"I...On the contrary, Potter. Pansy and Hermione are gonna be shock when we tell them" I say and Potter laughs

"So..we're telling them this? What does that make us?" Potter looks at me

"I-I don't know."

"So Malfoy, wanna make Pansy's dream come true and be my boyfriend?"

"Gladly" I smile and let him pull me in for another kiss.

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