Draco Malfoy's Secret Diary

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Draco has a tiny teeny little crush on The Boy Who Lived Twice. Well no surprise there, Draco has been obsessed with the boy for seven years, 10 months, 17 days, and 3 hours now. And no, Draco didn't count it...he did NOT. This year the feelings in him were a bit too much so Blaise and Pansy were tired of it, they would always complain about it, telling him to get a grip and just ask Potter to shag him instead of bottling him his feelings, but no, he could never

They complained a lot, yes, but they were indeed very worried about him, who was madly in love with The Golden Boy. He knew that, but in no circumstances will Draco ever tell Harry he liked the boy. Today, Draco was at the library when Pansy ran to his spot and threw something on the table.

"What is it?" Draco asked

"Are you blind? You know what it is Draco, it's a diary. I know the crush you have with The-Boy-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named is getting bigger every day, so what you need to do is, write down everything you go through every single day. I'm serious, you need to do this. I've casted a spell on it so no one could read it" Pansy grinned. There was something suspicious in her eyes, but Draco didn't care much. He held the diary in his hands and nodded

"Alright, I'll try. Only because you're my best friend and I know you're worried about me"

"Good luck, Draco" Pansy said and walked out of the library. Draco looked at the diary, the cover of the diary was brown and has a snake rose up from the surface in the middle, it was really simple, the pages were blank, the first page was written

'Draco's feelings for stupid Potter'

He chuckled, it was Pansy's handwritings, he could tell.


Draco ran into his dorm and slammed the door shut. He took the diary out of his bag and grabbed his quill. But before he could write anything, the flashbacks of today popped up in his head


"Class dismissed" The Professor spoke and everyone started leaving the classroom, Draco was on his own way when his eyes met Harry's. And out of nowhere he blurted

"Nice face, Potter" Oh Merlin he couldn't believe that he just complimented Potter...

"Sod off Malfoy" Harry growled at him and walked away

*end of flashbacks*

He continued writing

''Day 1: I can't believe I'm doing what Pansy says.
Dear Diary, today I saw Potter at the Great Hall. He looked astonishing as always, so I accidentally complimented that he had a nice face. But then he scowled at me and told me to sod off. I wondered what I did wrong. Maybe I should compliment his hair next time"

He closed the diary and plopped on the bed. What went wrong there?


"Day 2:
Dear Diary, we have Potions today. I kept looking at Potter, he was so clumsy, it was so cute. Why can't he just see that I like him?"


"Day 3:
Dear diary, I saw him with Ginevra Weasley today. Woah, my little heart couldn't take it so I ran off to Pansy and told her everything. She said it'd be just fine. I hardly think so. Harry's obviously not in love with me"


"Day 10:
Dear fucking diary, I can't believe how mad I am right now. Stupid Potter with his stupid hair and his stupid glasses and his stupid lips. I'm so mad, I'm mad that I'm madly in love with him. And he has a girlfriend, ugh, bleh, the Weaslette, I mean, what's wrong with his eyes? I'm here, looking like a Greek God and he doesn't even notice me"


"Day 12:
Dear stupid diary, well because of yesterday's madness, I was so angry that when I saw him hand in hand with the Weaslette, I came to him and punched him in the face. The next thing I know, I was in McGonagall's office, getting detention because I broke Harry's nose. Well to be fair he did punch me back. I was hitting him for no reason. Merlin I can't believe I was stupid enough to do that. He probably hate me right now"

"Day 30:
Oh my god diary today is the best day ever. So I was walking in the Great Hall, and suddenly out of nowhere I tripped and fell. But guess who caught me? Harry! Him. Harry caught me! Me! Yeah but then after that he just looked at me and I pushed him away and walked out of there immediately. I didn't want him to see me blushing. I have a reputation to uphold. Potter caught me... BEST DAY EVER"

And let that day, Draco fell asleep with a smile on his face.

"Day 42:
Harry broke up with the Weasley girl today, I saw her slapping him and ran away crying. I can't say I'm sad about this, well I mean, a little, maybe. But no, the Malfoy shows no emotion. So I went to comfort him, I said "Your little girlfriend broke up with you huh Potter? Poor you" and he just glared at me and walked away. Talked about manners, this guy has none."

"Day 59:
Dear pretty diary, today Harry looked at me, for very long, from across the classroom, and the Dining Hall, and it's not the disgusted look or stare or things like that. It was..soft, actually, kinda gentle and loving, there was definitely something different about him. Pansy noticed it too. She said he might like me back. But I hardly think so. Maybe all this time he was looking at Pansy, or..even Blaise, ew, I cannot stand the thought of it. Even Weasley and Granger were looking at our table too."


"So Draco, are you still writing your diary?" Blaise asked and sat down on Draco's bed.

"Yeah, unfortunately, but writing it does help me though" Draco said

"I told you it'd help. And also, I've noticed that Potter was really weird these days too. I think he has a crush on you too" Pansy squeaked.

"Stop it Pansy, as if, he hates me" Draco replied, but his intuition said otherwise.

"Oh I will prove it. I promise" Pansy grinned

"Pansy..what are you up to now? Don't you dare do anything crazy"

"Shhh Draco, let me handle it, just keep writing okay?" Pansy said and walked out of the dorm, leaving the two boys behind to continue doing their homework.


"Alright, class dismissed" McGonagall said, Draco quickly put things in his bag and looked over, Harry was his potion's partner today. He smiled gently and wanted to get back to his dorm as fast as possible to write it down on his diary. He looked at Harry one last time and ran out to the Great Hall.

"Oh my god Pasny" Draco yelled, storming in Pansy's room

"Draco what the.." Pansy startled

"My diary! I lost it! I can't believe I lost my diary!" Draco said frantically, he tried to find it but couldn't, where could it possibly be?

"Oh darling, calm down, where was the last time you saw it?" Pansy patted him on the back

"I..I don't know. Maybe in the morning, I remembered putting it in my school bag, and then.. oh no" Draco stopped, looking horrified "Oh bloody hell no, no no no no"

"What? What happened? What did you do?" Pansy freaked out too

"I..I last pulled it out..in Potions class"


"I sat next to Harry"

"Oh? Oh...ohhhh" Pansy realized it too "Oh god do you think..."

"Probably, when the class was dismissed, I was in a hurry so I just grabbed things..and I didn't.."

"Draco why did you even pull the diary out from your bag?"

"I don't know, I always do that, and I didn't think I would forget about it"

"So, let me get this straight, you put your diary on the table, and you ran out of the classroom before Harry, leaving the diary behind. And now you're talking to me because....?" Pansy asked with a grinned on her face "Bloody hell Draco, you're sometimes not as smart as you think. Potter is probably reading it now, go find him or all your stuffs will be revealed"

"But..I thought you casted a spell on it?"

"Yeah but only to keep the Slytherins away. You know how slimy we get, but..for Gryffindor, I mean I didn't think you'd lose it Draco" Pansy said

"Oh my god Pansy!" Draco growled and ran out of the room. Pansy sat on her bed and smirked

"Took him long enough, I thought we'd have to interfere, but I guess they can do it on their own now" Pansy said as a figure appeared in front of her bed.

"Mission completed" Hermione took the invisibility cloak off and sat on the bed with Pansy.

"Can't believe Ron and Blaise thought this wouldn't work" Pansy laughed.

"They owe us 50 galleons now" The two girls laughed evilly and connected their lips with each other as their plan succeeded.


Meanwhile in the Great Hall. Harry was holding a brown book.

"I wondered why Draco was so rushed that he forgot about this" In reflex, he opened it and the first sentence he saw was

'Draco's feelings for stupid Potter'

Wait what? Malfoy has feelings for him? That was...wonderful...because Harry also has a crush on Malfoy, since the time he caught Draco from falling. And he told Hermione about it. Weirdly, she just quickly comforted him and ran out of the room like she was going to find someone. Probably Ron. So, Harry continued reading.

"Day 1.." He read it in his head.

'Oh, so that day Malfoy was really complimented him...Oh..' He thought. He kept walking and reading, each time he read, the feeling for Draco was increasing quickly. He didn't know Draco was this adorable.

'Draco is so cute. Can't believe he wrote all this. I wonder how long he has been liking me'
Then Harry saw something and he smiled

"Day 76:
Dear cute diary, here is the list of 10 things that I hate about Harry:
The way his emerald green eyes shines
The way he smiles
The way he adjusts his glasses
The way he runs his finger through his messy raven hair
The way he messes with his potions
The way he laughs uncontrollably
The way he sounds when he speaks, it's warm and safe
His Gryffindor's bravery, but sometimes turns into stupidity
The way he looked at me, it makes me shiver. I hate it..maybe.
And the last, I hate that I can't stop loving him. It's just getting bigger each day. Gosh what do I do now diary?"

Harry chuckled at what Draco has written.

Draco ran, he didn't know where he was going, the only thing that was on his mind was to keep Harry away from that bloody diary. When he finally saw a raven hair boy, walking, and reading something, he finally panicked.

'Oh Merlin' Draco thought and ran faster to the other boy. Harry heard footsteps coming near him, he turned around to see a very freaked out Malfoy running towards him. So he straightened up, hid his happiness and smirked, he hid the diary behind his back.

"Potter, give me my bloody book back" Draco said between heavy breath.

"Oh, is it your book? Because I didn't see anything written on it saying it's yours" Harry replied

"Yeah it did" He remembered, but then he realized, well the book definitely has his name on it, but it said "Draco's feelings for stupid Potter"

"Malfoy? So..? This is your book?" Harry asked again


"Are you sure? Because there are many interesting things in here tha.."

"Just give me the damn book Potter or I'll hex you" Draco threatened

"Oh really? Because from my view and what I have read from this diary, you'd like to do more than just..hexing" Harry smirked and Draco looked at him with horror

"Hmm let me read some for you then" Harry spoke "List of things I want Harry Fucking Potter to do to me. One, touch my hair. Two, cup my cheeks. Three, kiss me because his lips is just so alluring. Four, let him leave bite marks and hickeys all over me because I've never experienced it. Five, make me moan the way Theodore would moan every time Neville fucks him on the bed next to mine in the Slytherin dorm. Six, pin me to the wall and ravish me. Seven, strip off my clothes. Eight, lick me all over. Nine, fuck me nonstop until I couldn't walk straight anymore" Harry stopped and chuckled softly.

"Really Malfoy? You want me to do that? To you? And what's the tenth things, you left it blank"

"It was nothing" Draco glared, hiding the blush on his cheeks

"Come on, Malfoy, tell me, what was it?" Harry asked

"Uhm..that..the tenth thing..was that...you say you love me" Draco stuttered, turned his back to walk away "As if you care anyway" But then a hand grabbed his and spun him around.


"Leave it be Potter"


"And why the bloody hell not Potter?" Draco spatted and pulled his arm back out of Harry's grip

"Because..because.." Harry stuttered and Draco saw the chance, he ran off. But then he was pulled back and pinned on the wall of the Great Hall.

"Would you just fucking listen?" Harry growled

"No" And with that respond, Harry looked at him with determination

"What's the third thing?" He asked Draco as the blond tried to remember what he wrote. The third thing was kiss...no way


"I'm going to kiss you now" He said, his grip on Draco loosened a bit as he leaned closer and connected their lips, he bit Draco's lips until he heard a gasp from the other boy as he slid his tongue into the blond's mouth. Their tongues fighting for dominance. Guessed who won? Obviously it was Harry, because Draco was holding back the whole time, his body craved for a way out but at the same time wanted to be closer to Harry. The Gryffindor's hands were now on Draco's back and neck, Harry sucked the skin on Malfoy's jaw, neck, and collarbone. Draco moaned, pulling the raven boy's hair. The two boys were finally stopped as they breath heavily, bodies still against each other.

"You should have let me finish what I wanted to say" Harry said

"Uhm..so what were you going to say?" Draco stuttered

"That I love you too" Harry smiled "From the moment I caught you before I fell to the ground, I guessed"


"Yeah, so you could say..." Harry paused and grinned "You fell for me right?" Draco chuckled and held Harry's hand, intertwining them together

"You are an idiot"

"Your idiot from now" Harry said, smiling and planting a kiss on Draco's forehead

And from afar, the two figures hid behind a tall statue "I knew the diary would work" Pansy grinned

"I'm so happy right now. C'mon let's go, the boys are going to be sucking each other faces off again any second" Hermione said and stood up

"But..but that's the fun part. We should stay, I like watching. Look, can we stay? I can even Accio some popcorn here" Pansy pouted

"Pansy come on, we need to tell Ron and Blaise the result, and stop being so obsessed with them" Hermione laughed and dragged Pansy away, who was still trying to look at the two boys with happiness in her eyes.

Finally, all was well.

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