The Prefect Bathroom

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(Edited version)

"Harry, are you even listening to me?" Hermione scowled

"Wh..what?" Harry stuttered

"Harry, the N.E.W.Ts is coming soon and you need to study. Even Ron is trying so you need to concentrate and stop zoning out" Hermione sighed

"Alright alright, but it's been 4 hours Hermione, four hours, in the library, I'm really tired" Harry complained

"Me too, Hermione, we love you and all but can we just call it a day? Please?" Ron looked at her with puppy eyes, but actually he looked more like a really weird lizard than a cute dog. And somehow Hermione sighed and nodded

"Okay, let's call it a day. You should take a shower Harry" Hermione paused and looked at Ron "And you mister, take a shower too and meet your boyfriend Blaise at the Room of Requirement because he's got a surprise for you. He told me earlier but I wanted to wait until we're done or else you might be too excited" She said while Ron blushed "For me, I'm meeting Pansy at her dorm too" Harry smiled at the blush that was creeping up Hermione's cheek, he knew what she meant by 'meeting'. They all went back to their dorm and Ron ran into the bathroom immediately

"Sorry mate, I'm gonna take this bathroom, you can go to the prefect bathroom though, it's bloody gorgeous." Ron said and closed the door. Harry threw himself on the bed and laid there for a few minutes before grabbing his clothes and went out of the dorm. The prefect bathroom was really nice, Cedric once told him to come there during the Triwizard Tournament. He stripped off his clothes and went into the tub full of bubbles. The bubble tub sunk in the middle of the floor. He laid his back and stretched his arms on the white marble stone.

"Ah, so relaxing" Harry said, closing his eyes. Finally some moment to not think about the NEWTS

'Will I ever have a girlfriend?' Harry suddenly thought to himself. He and Ginny broke up, she was more into girls..rather than guys apparently. 'I mean like, it doesn't always have to be Gryffindor's girls, it could be Ravenclaw's, Hufflepuff's, Slyther...' Speaking of Slytherin, he hasn't seen Malfoy for two days, what's that git up to now? Recently he didn't use gel on his hair anymore, which was good, Harry liked it better like that. Wait what? No Harry doesn't like it. He's as straight as a..broomstick'

Harry opened his eyes to wipe the thought off his mind and saw a tall figure standing at the door.

"Took you long enough, Potter" Draco smirked "What are you doing here? This is the prefect bathroom"

"I...I was just.." Harry spoke with a halt because Draco was only wrapping a towel around his waist.. and nothing else, his slim body and especially his delicate skin

"Just what Potter, do you lack the ability to finish your sentence?" Draco sneered

"No, er, I came here to..." Harry was going to finish his words but the blonde guy started coming near the tub "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm taking a bath" Draco said, his hands were on the towel, ready to pulled it off any minute.

", then I should leave" Harry replied, prepared to grab his towel.

"Scared, Potter?" He said, unwrapping his towel slowly, Harry quickly looked down at the bubbles beneath him. Why was he unable to look at the blond? They were both boys. Draco came into the tub and sat down, five feet away from Harry. The raven hair boy tried to get all the bubble to him to cover his...thing. But then Draco smirked and moving forward to Harry.

"Nice wand, Potter" The boy grinned "I guess you have another eleven inches wand I didn't know about"

"Sod off Malfoy" Harry said, covering his prick and trying not to look at Draco's length. And when Draco had come close enough, he tilted Harry's chin up, he was going to say something but Moaning Myrtle entered the room.

"Oh my my my what do we have here?" She flew around the room and smiled.

" it's not what you think" Harry tried to justified himself.

"I think you guys would make a cute couple" Moaning Myrtle said, flying into the tub and sat between the two boys.

"Er..what?" Harry stuttered

"She said we'd make a cute couple, sometimes you need to listen, Potter" Draco replied and Harry stared at his puffy pink lips.

"But I don't have anyone, I'm so lonely, will you guys be with me?" Moaning Myrtle began to sobbed.
Draco leaned in to whisper something in her ear and she giggled

"Oh well guys, I'm leaving you two here to do whatever you want, I won't tell anyone, don't worry" She said and flew right out the door.

"What did you say to her?" Harry asked

"I told her I'm going to do dirty stuff to you" Draco grinned.

"Er..what dirty things.."

"You tell me, what do you want to do?" Draco shrugged

"We..we shouldn't do anything..I-I'm as straight as an arrow" Harry stuttered and looked down

"Until I break it" Draco mumbled, using his hand to tilted the other boy's chin up, he leaned in and plant a soft kiss on Harry's.

"Wha.." Harry's words were cut off by Draco's lips again. It's like he was trying to stop Harry from talking.
"Mal.." *kiss*
"I.." *kiss*
"We.." *kiss*
"If yo.." *kiss*

"You really need to learn how to shut up Pott.." Unfortunately this time, Harry was the one to connect his lips with Draco's. The blonde boy responded to the kiss immediately, Harry bit the Slytherin's lips and demanded for entrance, Draco moaned, leaned in closer and grabbed Harry's hair. Their tongues were dancing with each other, one of Harry's hands was on Draco's chest and the other on his thigh. The blond shivered and moaned louder.

"Seems like your arrow has been broken Potter" Draco smirked, looking down at the Harry's dick.
"Are you sure you're still straight now Potter?" Draco whispered in Harry's ear "Because if you're gay... I'll let you fuck me so hard that I can't even walk properly tomorrow. Do you want to do that to me? Just me moaning, writhing underneath you, with you filling me up inside"

Harry gulped nervously...he did want to do all those things to Draco.
'Okay maybe you're not as straight as you said you were' Harry thought.

"Still not sure? Stand up" Draco said and Harry stood up, sitting on the cold marble floor, but the blonde was still standing on his knees in the tub, his face was..indeed..very near to Harry's dick. Harry was confused but then Draco leaned closer and wrapped his hand around the other boy's shaft, which caused the Gryffindor to shudder.
He began stroking it, Harry bucked his hips up and moaned. Draco bent down and licked the side of the shaft, he then kissed the top of it and licked a stripe along the length, where a little of precum has come out, and then he put the whole thing in his mouth. Harry was trying not to growl every time Draco moved up and down or swirled his tongue against Harry's dick.

"Malfoy..oh Merlin Malf.. if you..continue..I'm going to.." Harry said between heavy breathing.

"Say my name, I want you to say it" Draco said and Harry immediately repeated the blonde's name out loud when Draco sucked harder, releasing all of his cum in Draco's mouth. The Slytherin swallowed it all. Harry pulled Draco in for a sloppy kiss, their mouth were wet, Harry could taste his flavour in Draco's.

"So..straight as an arrow huh?" Draco smirked

"Sod off Malfoy" Harry grinned and pulled the other boy in for another passionate kiss.

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