Cover Up

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Summary: Draco hasn't told his parents about him and Harry yet. So when they visit him unexpectedly, Ron and Pansy have to help him, even if it means making them think Ron's an alcoholic


"Do we have to stay out here while we know what they're doing in there?" Ron groaned, mumbling into his wine glass as Pansy glared at him and pinched his arm "Ow! What did I do?"

"We have to stay here because we are waiting for everyone else to come, so we could all join dinner together" Pansy said, pouring out another glass for herself. They were all supposed to get together today for Neville's big promotion to Head of Gryffindor house at such a young age, Theo was thrilled and forced everyone to go to celebrate it "Where's everyone else anyway? I know my wife is held back at a meeting, but what about the rest?"

"Ginny and Luna are bringing their kids to mum, so they're probably stuck there for a while, since mum always do that" He said, she'd always keep them for an hour or two to give them something to talk. He couldn't blame her, all her kids have grown up and sometimes she wanted to talk to them "Blaise is on a business trip and he's supposed to be here an hour ago. I'm so going to kill him" He huffed loudly and folded his arms together, he hated when Blaise didn't show up on time. On their first date, Blaise arrived thirty minutes late and he received a one hell of a nasty fuss coming from Ron for not respecting him. Ron was in a bad mood that day, he couldn't help it, but after they got married, Blaise revealed that it was the fight that made Blaise fall for Ron, because he wasn't like anyone he had met before, He put up a fight and Blaise apparently dig that

"You're reminiscing your first date with Blaise, aren't you?" Pansy grinned when Ron blushed, she could read minds, he liked to think that because she always seem to know what others are thinking "And for Neville and Theo, I think they're celebrating early today privately"

"Ugh, don't make me imagine"

"It's not like you and Blaise don't do that" Pansy pursed her lips and pulled out a lipstick from her bag "Seems to me, you and Blaise get it on real feisty in the bedroom"

"You shush" Ron covered her mouth and glared, Pansy was notorious for walking in on every couple when they do it in the bedroom, sometimes by accident, sometimes she just wanted to scare the hell out of them when she jumped in the room Polyjuiced as their parents "And don't ever pull that prank again"

"I know" Pansy laughed and pushed his hand off "Okay why did your hand smell like bacon?"

"Oh...sorry, I had a few earlier" He sniffed his own hand and realised he had just eaten some bacons before leaving the house "Oh my god why are they still in there, it's almost an hour, and we arrived when they were already in the room" He complained, when Pansy and him arrived together, they have noticed the clothes on the floor trailing to the bedroom, with small sounds coming from there every few minutes "Should we tell them we're here?"

"No, let them be" Pansy said while putting on more lipstick, she sighed and continued "It's been a while, remember their fight just recently? And look at this, the bottle of wine had already been opened before we got here, these glasses are empty"

"Right..." Ron mumbled, Harry and Draco had a huge fight about the fact that Draco won't tell his parents about his relationship with Harry even when they have been together for two years now. It all started when Pansy and Hermione knowingly put them both up for a blind date, after a year of pining over each other, everyone was tired of it, so the girls teamed up like the married couple they were so Harry and Draco both could stop being in denial. That worked magically as they became a couple just a month after that blind date. But things began to hit the bumpy road when Draco couldn't tell his parents he was dating Harry, which made Harry sad because he thought he wasn't important enough to Draco, and it created that big fight.

Ron unfortunately had to be on Draco's side this time, he understood why he would react this way, since he was in the same situation years ago when he was dating Blaise. He didn't think his parents would approve of someone like him, he was afraid their relationship would be forbidden if they found out he was letting another man's dick in his arse. Turned out, he was wrong "So they solved it?"

"I guess go, well, I hope so" Pansy said, putting the lipstick back in her bag and fixed her hair for the tenth time "I heard you convinced Draco to compromise?"

"It's nothing, we are just in the same situation" He shrugged, he had come to Draco yesterday to tell him how he felt back then, how he also had a fight with Blaise, and how he gathered up his courage to tell his parents, and that their opinions won't matter even if they want to forbid it. Draco had surprisingly accepted it, he guessed time really changed them. Eight years ago, they graduated Hogwarts thinking they'd never meet anyone from school again, but now they were closer than ever, than he could ever imagined. He was friends with the people he didn't think he'd ever talk to, he got married to a man that he used to think was a stone cold, heartless person, who turned out to be a man that treasured him the most. Life was good to him "I'm just glad they made up, do you know how annoying it is to see Harry moping around?"

"Then you haven't seen Draco sulking and complaining at the same time, Ron" Pansy rubbed her temples and chuckled "It was exhausting, I can't even express—er, did someone just knock?"

"Yeah" He turned to look at the door and wondered who it could be, their friends would just Floo in, or they'd walk in like their own house. Pansy got off her seat and walked to open the door

"Mister and misses Malfoy!" Ron widened his eyes when Pansy yelled out their names, she signalled him with her hand behind her back telling him to cover up everything "What a pleasant surprise! What are you two doing here?"

"Visiting Draco, why are you yelling, darling?" He could hear Narcissa's voice and he quickly chugged off his wine glass before getting off the seat

"Oh, well, he's not here, you have come at a bad time, so, off you go then!" Pansy said, trying to find ways to get Lucius and Narcissa out of the house, they cannot see Draco right now, for the obvious reason.

"Ah oh my god!" Ron halted when a moan was heard from the bedroom. So not a good time for moaning right now, he picked up the clothes in his arms and felt a bit weird picking up his best mate's dirty boxer

"That's our son's voice, what's happening?" Lucius said, pushing the door open as they both walked in, Pansy chased after them and smiled, still trying to save the situation "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, me?" Ron said when Lucius asked him, he looked down at the pile of clothes in his arms and chuckled "You see, I'm doing laundry, er, at Draco's house, because, er, I, his stuff is much fancier than mine"

"Didn't you get married to Blaise Zabini?" Lucius asked him, his eyes squinting. Right, he totally forgot he got married to a guy who tried to buy him an island on their one year anniversary

"Oh, well, I feel closer to Draco using his, you know, since we're pretty close now" He said, that was clearly a horrible lie, but he tried his best "What are you two doing here?"

"We're discussing an important matter to him" Lucius said firmly, his hands holding the cane and staring at Ron suspiciously "About marriage"

"Marriage?" Pansy squealed, looking at Ron with the same surprise look he has right now "Isn't it a bit too soon to discuss? After all, he's only 26 now, you know, we still want to have fun"

"Don't you have a three years old son with Hermione Granger?" Lucius pointed at her and Pansy froze there, that was true, Harry and Draco were the only couple left who haven't gotten married yet "He's going to have to get married soon, and preferably to a Pureblood"

"Pureblood? Now that's a bit old fashioned, Mister Malfoy" Pansy laughed, Narcissa hasn't spoken a word, instead she just looked around the place "I think when it's time, he'll get married"

"There is no time, we had contacted the Greengrass family and we will set a date soon, after the talk with Draco"

"Greengrass? Astoria Greengrass?" Pansy asked and Lucius nodded, since she was the only girl left. Daphne had gotten married to Millicent Bulstrode years ago and they have already moved to France "Pfft, she's not that good"

"It doesn't matter, Miss Parkinson" Lucius said, looking at Ron again "Where's Draco?"

"He's sick!" Pansy said when Lucius took a step forward "He's very, very sick, you should not come in"

"If he's sick, we should see how he is"

"No!" Pansy stopped them both and scratched her head, looking at Ron for help "He's sick, and it's infectious, so that's why we're here, to take care of him, don't come in, it's really gross"

"Snots and everything" Ron added and threw the clothes behind the kitchen counter, he stood next to Pansy and smiled at both of them "To the point I could throw up"

"If it's that serious—..."

"No!" He put his hands up and stopped them "It's not that serious, but serious enough for you two not to go in. We wouldn't want you two to be sick too"

"Why are there four glasses of wine on the counter?" Narcissa asked them and Ron realised he forgot to hide it. He rushed to the counter and grabbed a glass

"Oh, I'm an alcoholic, so I drink three glasses at a time, you know, I love wine, in fact, I can marry wine if I could, but I already got a husband. So if I could, I'd divorce him and marry wine instead" He laughed softly when they kept staring at him, he chugged the wine down and wiped his mouth "I can't get enough of wine, you know?"

"He just can't, he loves it" Pansy played along and laughed with him, and it was going well until they heard something break in the bedroom. Seemed like a lamp falling to the ground, from his own experience

"What's that sound?" Lucius asked them, but Pansy chuckled and held him back while waving Ron to go

"Oh, well, maybe it was Draco falling from the bed, you see, he can't move at all"

"I'll go check on him" Ron said, rushing to the bedroom door and slammed on it three times "Behave, Draco! Your parents are here but you're sick, remember? You will see them tomorrow, right? I will bring the soup in later"

"He said he'll see you two tomorrow" Ron walked back to the spot next to Pansy and nodded at them "Trust me, Theo is a brilliant Healer and he will bring the potions to Draco later"

"We'll see them tomorrow, Lucius" Narcissa suddenly spoke and surprised all of them

"What? But—..."

"I said we'll see them tomorrow, good bye darlings" Narcissa said and stepped forward, she whispered something in Pansy's ear and walked away with Lucius. As soon as the door closed, Pansy let out a loud breath

"What did she say?"

"She said...she'll be glad in advance when Draco introduces Harry tomorrow to them" Pansy said, grabbing the bottle and chugging it down in one go "That woman is scary"

"She is, Pansy" Ron sighed and turned to look at the bedroom "Come out, you two! They're gone!" He yelled loudly and soon Draco was walking out with a black night robe on him while Harry only has his jeans on, they both have sex hair and sweaty bodies, he couldn't imagine what they were doing in the bedroom earlier "We almost die trying to cover up for you two. I turned into an alcoholic for you"

"Thank you guys" Draco said, tying up his robes and fixing his hair "I will definitely tell them tomorrow"

"You better be, your mother expects you to" Pansy said, shocking the couple "Don't give me that look, she's very observant, she knows about you two already, possibly even before today. She told me she'd be glad to see you introducing Harry tomorrow"

"Oh" Draco said quietly, turning to Harry with a soft smile "Scared?"

"Terrified" Harry chuckled and kissed Draco right in the middle of the room

"Oi, cut it!" Ron kicked Harry's legs and they finally pulled apart "Wasn't the performance in the bedroom enough for you two?"

"Sorry" Draco smiled while being embraced by Harry "Thank you, again, for covering up for us"

"It's nothing" Ron shrugged it off, they were friends after all, and if he was being honest, Draco and Harry also helped him in the past when he wouldn't tell his mum about Blaise "And where's everyone?" He said just as the door was slammed open, with Ginny walking inside with Luna, Hermione still looking at a piece of parchment while being guided in by Theo and Neville, and finally, his husband coming in with a smile on his face

"You cannot believe what just happened!" Pansy squeaked and Hermione immediately looked up at her, smiling and then giving her a kiss

"What's the drama today?" Ron heard her say but he didn't focus on them, he walked to Blaise's spot

"Ow!" Blaise yelped quietly when Ron punched his chest

"That's for arriving late" He said, pouting when he was pushed in Blaise's chest "You said you'd be home early"

"I'm sorry, can this make it up?" Blaise pulled out a bar of chocolate from his pocket and showed Ron "I got ten more like this back at home"

"You're forgiven, temporarily"



"Why are we even leaving?" Lucius asked but Narcissa only smiled at him when they were back at the Manor "Narcissa, Cissy, tell me"

"Our son is dating Harry Potter"

"What?" He said, his mouth fell open, just like Narcissa expected, he was dramatic as always "Excuse me? What? Our son with Harry Potter? The Harry Potter? How—how is this possible? It can't be"

"Are you daft, Lucius?" Narcissa walked to the dining room while Lucius followed her "Our son has been talking about him nonstop, even when he's a Healer, he'd tell us how he sees Potter every day. Didn't you see it coming? Plus, there are four glasses on the counter, clothes on the floor, and our son's wand along with Potter's on the couch"

"You recognised his wand?"

"Draco only described it to me ten times or so in the past" Narcissa said, she noticed the atmosphere as soon as they got in the house, that was why she kept observing, there were even two pair of shoes on the floor behind the couch that Weasley forgot to pick up. She was glad Draco found someone, and with Potter, somehow she didn't feel unsafe at all, on the contrary, she felt like he'd be the safest there. She trusted her son's decision and if he was happy with Potter, she has to let him "And behave tomorrow"

"What? I am not going to do anything inappropriate"

"Be happy for our son, Lucius, he has been cheerful and happy for a few years now" She placed her hand on Lucius's shoulder and explained "If Potter is the reason, then maybe we should accept that fact"


"Stopping him is only going to backfire" She cupped his face and sighed "We have to be happy for him. We are, right?"

"Right" He huffed loudly, she understood that Lucius might have to take some time to take it all in, but she believed he could "I will behave"

"Good, he'd be thrilled"


The next day

"Ready?" Draco said, fixing Harry's shirt and hair again, he got so nervous he couldn't sleep at all last night, but Harry was there to talk to him until morning. It was possible that both his parents have known by now, and he wasn't sure how they were going to react

"No, what if I break a thousand year old vase, or I eat the wrong way, or I accidentally make some horrible jokes?" Harry said, he could see the panic in his eyes, but he was panicking just as much. He was even more worried about this than when he realised his blind date was Harry two years ago, luckily that went well, he hoped this would too.

"You will be fine" Draco chuckled at all the scenarios Harry created, it could all be true actually, but a part of him kept saying it would be alright, that he shouldn't worry much

"I know" Harry sighed, cupping his face and kissing his forehead, he loved when Harry kissed his face, he never seem to stop doing it "As long as you're with me, I'll be fine"

"We'll both be fine" He said, smiling when Harry pulled him in a hug, he felt something poking his chest and looked up at his boyfriend "What's that in your inside pocket?"

"Oh, nothing" Harry grinned and kissed his head again "Just something I have for our date tonight, after we meet your parents"

"Oh, is it the necklace I told you I loved?" He asked but Harry only kissed him again. When they took a trip to Italy two weeks ago, he had told Harry he liked a certain necklace when they walked by a jewellery store, so it could be that. Harry wasn't good at surprising him at all, he'd always tell Draco accidentally first, so it must be that.

"Yeah...something like that" Draco smiled and buried his face in the crook of Harry's neck as they embraced each other. He believed he'd have his happy ending now, because he's with Harry, and
Harry was happy ending.

The End

Author's Note: So this has a lil bit of Blairon in because it was in Ron's POV, but the main pairing is still Harry & Draco so I decided to post it anyway. I posted a James x Regulus fic earlier on my ao3 but I don't think you guys would want it posted here so I didn't post it here (though it still has side Drarry at the end). But anyway, this is a short fic because I'm working on longer ones right now and it takes a long time to finish, plus I got so much on my plates every day, it's hard for me to find time to write, but I manage. So I hope you guys will like this xx

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