Five Minutes, That's All

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Summary: After breaking up with Harry three months ago, Draco is forced to go to a speed dating event hosted by Pansy, and of course Harry is also here.

Can Draco really love Harry again?

Has he ever stopped?

(Warning: Smut included)
Author's Note: This story includes some time difference between the past and present and I hope it won't be too confusing

"Please tell me you're not bringing me to a strip club" Draco murmured as Pansy led him to some place with his eyes covered by a cloth. She had managed to finally drag him out of the house for three months, it wasn't that long but she insisted that it was, she had to pull him out with force, along with the help of Blaise and Ron.

"I'm not, don't worry" She reassured him but somehow he wasn't convinced by the tone of her voice, she was scheming something, he knew it. As soon as she untied the blindfold, Draco opened his eyes to see a pub, Theo's pub to be exact. Theo built Moonshine five years ago and it started as a place only a few wizards come, throughout the years, the place was now crowded with people "See? Not a strip club"

"Why are we here?" He said, looking around to see many tables were decorated with roses and there were balloons around the pub, waiters and waitress were wearing heart shaped headbands "Oh no, Pansy!"

"It's speed dating!" Pansy squealed, opening her arms wide and smiled when Draco sent death glares at her. How could she tricked him like this? But again, she was Pansy after all, he should have seen this coming. He could not believe this was happening right now

"I'm leaving" He walked away but Pansy grabbed his wrist and pulled him back "Pansy, I am not doing this"

"Look, I know it's hard" She cupped his face and looked up at him "Draco, look at me" She mumbled, and he finally locked eyes with her. He didn't go out of his house for a reason, it was simply too hard "I know this is hard for you, it's hard for all of us. But it's been three months, Draco"

"Well, it still felt like it was yesterday" He whispered to her, his voice almost sounded like it was broken already. It had happened three months ago, the day he and Harry broke up "Pansy, I can't do this!"

"Yes, you can" She leaned up and kissed his forehead gently, the way Harry used to as well "Look, you two broke up for a stupid reason—..."

"It's not—..."

"It's stupid when I say it's stupid" She covered his lips with her finger and stopped him from talking "You have been hiding in your place, looking like a wreck every single day. And it breaks my heart seeing you like that, Draco. And I'm sorry it ended like that, no one knew it would happen that way, we surely didn't expect it. How were you supposed to know you two were going to break up just like that?" She said, he looked down on the ground and stared at their shoes instead. It hurts too much to think about it again, he couldn't bear it "But you have to keep going, you have to keep on living. Do you understand, Draco?"

"Yes" He mumbled quietly and she nodded, he knew she loved him and only wanted the best for him. It has always been like that, she has always been his rock for over 17 years, she knew what she was doing, so he believed that she did this out of love "I know"

"Five minutes, that's all" She pointed at the desk bell on the bar behind them and signalled him to look at the door "Let me explain this to you, you have five minutes to talk to a person, after the bell rings, they move to the next person. When you meet someone you like, you exchange informations, that's it. Easy, right?"

"Let me guess, you and your brilliant wife thought of this?"

"Well, maybe" Pansy shrugged and gave a small shriek when Hermione walked in the pub with Neville and Theo "Ah that's my wife!" She turned back to Draco and sighed "Fine, it is. It was Muggle movie night, Hermione got me into it ever since we started dating all those years ago. And I thought of speed dating, so Hermione, being the brilliant, awesome, perfect person she is, thought of this whole thing"

"You two, honestly" He chuckled, Pansy was too deep in love with Hermione now. They have been together for six years, it started when Pansy became a stylist for Hermione, who was trying to become the Minister back then, they fell madly in love. He knew Hermione was the one for Pansy ever since she started talking about how perfect Hermione was, she hasn't even stopped now. Draco created a big wedding for them five years ago and now they had a small boy who was about to turn four in a month, Hugh.

"Draco! You're finally out of the house" Hermione beamed at him along with Neville and Theo, who all squeezed him in a tight hug "Oh no, you're skin and bones. Look at you, haven't you been eating enough?"

"You know he can't cook to save his life, Hermione" Theo said, nudging her elbow as she nodded. It wasn't wrong, he always found a way to buy food, or when he Harry, he would be the chef and Draco would just be the one to enjoy the food. Ever since they parted ways, Draco was back to eating random food again, since he never cooked nor know how to "Maybe I should tell Luna to make some extra food and bring it to you"

"That's a good idea" Neville agreed with his husband and walked behind the bar with Theo "She's a very good chef and Ginny eats for three people, so she always cook more than enough to eat"

"I'm not that skinny" He looked down at himself, maybe he was a little skinny, just a little bit. He lost his appetite a while ago, and no matter which fancy meal Pansy brought to him, he couldn't bring himself to eat it. His clothes were now slightly bigger for him. And since Pansy pulled him out of his place quickly, he could only put on a simple pair of robes he hadn't worn for half a year

"You are" He flinched and turned around to see Ginny with a smirk on her face, her arms folding in front of her chest as she stood next to Luna "Hey, blondie"

"Hi, you two" He smiled, leaning close to hug both of them before looking down "You brought your kid to a pub?"

"Uncle Draco!" The little boy, Eddie, immediately grabbed his trousers and smiled at him brightly "Carry me!" He was a part of Luna and Ginny's family just five years ago, the two of them have been together way before that, since Eighth Year in Hogwarts to be exact. They were that steady couple that never fight nor get bored of each other, they were the dream couple of their group.

"Oh, honey, you're too heavy for him now" Ginny carried the five years old boy up in her arms and pinched Draco's cheek "Look at this, you used to have cheeks"

"I still have them" Draco huffed playfully and swatted her hand away "Stop teasing me"

"We had to bring him" Luna said after putting all the bags behind the bar "He wouldn't stay at the Burrow with Molly and Arthur because little Hugh wasn't there"

"Sorry, guys" Pansy said, wrapping her arm over Draco's shoulder "Hugh's staying at Hermione's parents' house today, they miss him. Eddie can stay in the office room in there, it's just as cosy and child-friendly. Well, as long as Neville and Theo haven't used it as their own room"

"We don't" Theo glared at Pansy when she gave him a wink, Ginny pursed her lips and sighed, rubbing her temples "He can stay there, it even has a television in there"

"Thank you, come on, Eddie" Luna received the boy from Ginny's arm and brought him into the room nearby while the others set up the place

"Just a few more minutes" Pansy looked at the Muggle watch Hermione gave her years ago on her wrist and grinned while looking at the door "Blaise and Ron are outside, preparing to open"

"Are you sure they're not snogging the hell out of each other?" Theo smirked while cleaning out the glasses for the dating event, his husband helped mixing drinks from behind. They have been together for almost three years now, Neville became a Herbology professor two years ago and still occasionally help Theo out at his pub whenever he could. McGonagall actually made them the only exception that could go in and out of Hogwarts any time they want "You know they're always doing it when they're alone"

"They can't help it, since they have a new baby, they have to take advantage of their private time" Hermione said, Blaise and Ron had a baby girl just a half a year ago, she was extremely cute with red hair, and Ron loved her so much, he called her Ariel after he watched that Muggle movie "Where is Ariel?"

"At Molly's, obviously, to be honest, Ron is still trying to get used to being away from her, he kinda cried earlier" Pansy replied to her wife and gaped when the door was opened, she slammed her hand on the bar, startling everyone "Ah, it's time!" Draco watched as people began filling up the pub, wizards, witches coming to stand in lines while Pansy explained how this worked.

"...And that's how speed dating is going to go, everyone, based on the numbers you guys were given outside of the pub, that will be your seat" Pansy pointed at the tables and people started looking for their places to sit down, she nudged Draco and handed him a number "Come on, Draco, number three" She pointed to the table near them, where a blond girl was already sitting at

"Fine, fine" He sighed, walking to the table and settled down "Hi, I'm Draco"

"Hi, I'm Lilian" She smiled at him, he kinda felt like he was giving her hopes if he didn't tell her he was gay. He waited until the waiter placed their drinks down before speaking

"I'm gay" He said, watching her reaction went from shock to straight up chuckling "What did I do wrong?"

"No, I'm sorry" Her laughter died down and she looked at him with a smile "I'm into women"

"Oh" He said, letting out a small laugh as well "I didn't know"

"I knew" She winked at him and took a sip of her drink "So, why are you here at this event?"

"You see them?" He pointed at Hermione and Pansy, who were watching people behind the bar "That's my friends, apparently I don't go out enough so they're making me suffer" He said, just when the door was opened to reveal someone he didn't want to see, he choked on his own words, staring at Harry, who was walking in the pub like he was in a rush. This couldn't be...He turned around and glared at Pansy, but she was sashaying to his table already

"I'm sorry, I didn't know" She bent down and whispered, covering Draco's figures with her body while Hermione led Harry to his table, just a few tables away from Draco "Ron invited him and didn't tell us, Ron also doesn't remember you'd be here too"

"He helped you and Blaise dragged me here" He grunted, grabbing at Pansy's arm "I cannot do this today, Pansy"

"Yes, you can, you're stronger than you think" She pushed his hand away and tapped his shoulder "I'm sorry, but it's something you two have to resolve on your own, it's not impossible, Draco. You're just too stubborn"

"Wait, you planned this?" He gaped but Pansy only shrugged and walked away. What was she talking about? He exhaled and glanced at Harry, who was still talking to Hermione, he turned to look at Draco. And the blond's heart skipped a beat, just by looking, he was still able to sweep Draco off his feet. He felt his throat burning up and he looked back at Lilian "I'm sorry, I'm just a mess right now"

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Lilian asked, her hand reaching out to touch his to comfort him "We still have four minutes left, if you want to"


"Seems like you two are still very much in love with each other" Lilian said with her hand holding her cocktail glass, he somehow had told her everything that happened, but it was a way shorter version since they only got a few minutes to talk "I think Harry still wants you back, no matter what he shows, and you too, want him back as well, no matter what you tell others"

"But—..." He halted when the bell rang and half the room stood up to switch places "Wait..."

"Don't worry, you two can resolve it" Lilian touched his hand and walked away. She sounded just like Pansy and Hermione when they comforted him a day after their breakup. He was a mess of tears and snots, he has bags under his eyes and his lips were so dry since he didn't eat nor drink. He holed up in his bedroom and it took Pansy three weeks to finally pull him to the kitchen and the living room. The first month was the hardest, the worst part was when he still found Harry's stuff in his place, his scent on Draco's bed, it all felt so emotional to him.


"What are you saying right now? You think I don't care about you?" Draco exclaimed loudly, he was standing in the kitchen, his hands shaking while Harry sat quietly on the couch in the living room "Why are you suddenly saying all of this?"

"This is not sudden, Draco" Harry stood up, slamming his hand on the counter and facing him, ruffling his own hair "We've been arguing over this for many times. How can you say that it's sudden?"

"I thought we had resolved this" He grunted, he thought they were fine, but apparently they weren't. It was a nice dinner until Harry had told him what's been bothering him "You said you were alright with it"

"I thought I was" Harry stood frozen on his spot, unable to move as Draco was getting more furious by seconds "Do you know how frustrating it is? To tell your parents that I'm just your friend? That I'm nothing but a friend to you? We have been together for three years, Draco. I'm sick of hiding it, I don't want to hide it, hide us"

"I told you I'm not ready to tell them yet" He said, it was hard for him. He didn't know how his parents would react, what if they disowned him? What if they stopped looking at him the way he was before? He was just scared "I told you I will tell them when I can"

"When is it then, Draco?"  Harry sighed loudly, walking to his spot, he held Draco's hand tightly in his while tears started forming around the blond's eyes "Three years ago, I have no problem waiting, two years, I'm fine with it. But to see you lying in front of your parents while I'm's something I can't bear" He said, his parents had visited just a week ago, early in the morning. Draco didn't know what to do, so he had told them Harry stayed over for a night because he has no place to stay. He might even have told them Harry got dumped by a girl and had to stay with him. It was too fast for him to come up with something good, maybe he had hurt Harry without knowing "Are you embarrassed of me, Draco?"

"Of course not"

"Then why can't you tell them we're together?" Harry said, his voice low. They have been through so much together, but their biggest fights were always about how Draco wasn't ready to tell his parents about them yet, or anyone in that matter, they have never made their love public, all because Draco wasn't ready "What are you scared of?"

"I—...I don't know" He looked down, sniffling softly as Harry caressed his cheek

"I can't do this anymore, Draco"

"What?" He looked up at Harry but the man before him was trembling just as much as he was "Don't say that"

"I want to love you in public, Draco" Harry cupped his face, his hands warm, covering all of Draco's cheeks "I want to bring you to restaurants, I want us to walk in the street together without hiding. I want to kiss you and say that I love you wherever I want. I don't want to hide anymore, it hurts when I can't tell everyone I'm in love with such an amazing person like you, I want to love you the right way, Draco. But I can't do it like this, it's too hard" He murmured, kissing Draco's forehead but the blond quickly pushed him away

"Fine, do what you want" He grumbled, stepping back and leaning on the kitchen counter when Harry looked at him. They both have tears running down their cheeks silently, they didn't want to be apart like this, so why did it have to end this way? "It's over between us. Just leave" He said, looking to the side, watching Harry stare at him from the corner of his eyes. There was nothing he could do, if Harry kept pushing him to do this when he wasn't ready, he wouldn't be able to take it

"Goodbye, Draco" Harry said before leaving Draco's place, leaving the blond all alone. He collapsed on his knees and tears started rolling down his cheeks like a fountain. He couldn't believe they ended it like that, he couldn't believe he was the one to end it like that.


"Hey, are you alright?" The guy with brown hair and blue eyes in front of him waved his hand and snapped his fingers at Draco, bringing him out of his thoughts. He was a nice guy, but he wasn't Draco's type

"Oh, I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was telling you about the story I went travelling around the world" He said with a bright smile, Draco gave him a polite nod and felt guilty for thinking of Harry while he was on a date with another guy "Oh, time's up" The bell rang and the guy, whose name Draco couldn't remember, stood up to get to the other table. The blond was now greeted by a new guy, with dirty blond hair and a green robes

"Hey, I'm Brad" The guy extended his hand and immediately touched Draco's while smirking "I noticed you earlier and I just wanna say, you look extremely hot and I can't wait to strip your clothes off. What's your name?"

"I'm disgusted" Draco sneered, pulling his hand away and leaned back on his chair. This guy so far was the creepiest one, and he's only talked to five people until this moment, Lilian, a nice guy who was straight, a teenage girl that sneaked in this place that Draco had to tell Theo about, the guy before and then Brad

"Come on, don't you think I'm charming?" Brad asked him with his eyebrow arched, Draco rolled his eyes and glanced at the table Harry was sitting at. He was all smiling, talking with his dates while Draco couldn't even look at anyone without comparing them to Harry. They could not...they simply couldn't, Harry was the best thing he's ever asked for, and Draco lost him. Draco looked back at the guy in front of him and felt like hexing this guy, who kept winking at him.

"Please stop doing that, you look like you're about to have a stroke" He said, making the guy frown, only four minutes to go. Draco pinched the bridge of his nose and watched the guy embarrassed himself thinking he was successful in wooing Draco. This guy was a menace, he looked at Pansy for help but she could only give him a grin and a shrug. He should never trust Pansy every again.


"Honey, do you want to go out?" Pansy tapped on his shoulder but he wouldn't move, for the past few days, burying himself in his bed and his own tears were the only things he did "Draco, please"

"I could have said something" He said, his voice muffled by the pillow, tears rolling from his eyes and dropping down on the sheets "I could have stopped him from leaving" Why did he say that word? He was the one to breakup with Harry. So why did it hurt so bad? Why couldn't Harry understand that he wasn't ready?

"Either way, you two need some time off to think, darling" Pansy said and paused when there were footsteps from someone, he assumed it was Hermione. They have been here with him for almost a week whenever they could, if it wasn't them, it was the others. Luna would cook for him, listen to him, Ginny, Ron or Theo would try to cheer him up, Blaise and Neville mostly sat there in silent, but none of them could make him stop crying "Hermione brought your favourite soup...Luna made it" She rubbed his back as he trembled with heartache, Pansy let out a soft sigh and whispered something with her wife

"You have to eat something, Draco" Hermione spoke but he won't listen. He wondered what Harry was doing now? Would he be the same wreck Draco was right now?


Draco asked for another cocktail when people were switching seats again, he wasn't in his right mind right now. It was hard for him to look at Harry, it was harder to see him smiling with others

"Draco!" He was startled to see Astoria, Astoria Greengrass right in front of him, she still looked the same as before, but she seemed more mature "I can't believe you're here"

"Trust me, I don't want to be here, but she insisted" Draco pointed at Pansy, who was talking to Hermione and Astoria chuckled, her gentle smile, her bright eyes, it reminded him of the time she confessed her feelings for him in Eighth Year, it was the last time he ever saw her "Why are you here?"

"Looking for a partner, I hope" She looked at him, pushing her hair back behind her ear while blushing "This is awkward, I kept thinking of that time I confessed to you"

"It's fine" Draco laughed softly, he remembered it clearly. It was the first time someone ever said that they liked him, unfortunately he had to decline it, he was gay anyway, but he appreciated her words "So, have you found anyone you like?"

"Not really" She pouted, fidgeting with the bracelet on her wrist "But I am eager to talk to that one right there" She pointed at a blonde girl and Draco gaped

"Oh, I think you'll get to talk to her" He said when he realised Astoria was pointing at Lilian. Draco got shivers running up his spine when he felt like someone was looking at him, but when he looked around, he didn't see anyone. He shrugged the feeling off and concentrated on Astoria, maybe he could matchmake the two of them, who knows?


"Okay, I think it's time" Pansy sat down on the table in front of him as Hermione cleaned the kitchen. It's been a month, and he finally got out of his bedroom just like Pansy wanted, it took a while but he did it anyway

"Time for what?"

"Time for you to hear the truth" Pansy said, intertwining her own hands together and biting her lower lip "I'm done sugarcoating you, Draco, it's been a month and you need to hear this"

"Hey, I'm going to go" Hermione spoke up, she walked to their spot and gave Pansy a kiss on her forehead before grabbing her bag "I have another mess to take care of" She smiled knowingly at them and walked out of his place


"No, Draco, it's my time to talk" She shushed him and exhaled deeply "For the past weeks, you've been a total wreck, crying, sulking, and I understand that, Draco, I do, I know why you're acting like that. Because you two broke up" She held up her hand when Draco opened his mouth "Don't interrupt me. Listen, honey, I need to tell you this one thing right now, and you need to listen to it. I don't want you to just hear it, I need you to comprehend it, to actually take it in, do you get it?"


"You're an absolute idiot" She said, but before he could say anything, she covered his mouth with her hand "Don't fight me, you know I'm right" She retreated her hand back and kept going "Why did you breakup with him? And don't give me that bullshit that you aren't ready to tell your parents, because that's absolutely shit and you know it" He choked on his own words and couldn't come up with anything to answer her "You two have been what? Going out for three years, pining after each other for one year before that. And you two broke up because you can't gather up your bloody courage for once to tell your parents you're gay for Harry Potter?"


"Please hold all your excuses until I'm finished" She stopped him again and he frowned, leaning back on the couch so she could continue "I don't believe that's the real excuse here. What's your problem, Draco? Harry's the best boyfriend you've ever had. And I have known all of your former boyfriends, Draco. He was the one you actually gave your virginity to, he was the one you were truly, madly in love with. So why did you break up? What are you so scared of?" She looked at him, and for once, he wasn't sure what he was scared of anymore. Was he really not ready?

"Put yourself in Harry's position, Draco. Having to hide someone you love, unable to show them to the world, having to lie to everyone that you're single and they're just your friends. What if Harry tells people that you're just his friend? And he still goes out, smiling, talking to others and they still think he's available. They'll be flirting, they'll be all over him and you won't know a single thing. Won't that hurt, Draco?" She asked him, and he realised, he has never put himself in Harry's position before, he was selfish, he got that now "When Hermione and I started dating, I told everyone about it, because I want people to know I'm dating a brilliant person. I couldn't imagine if I had to hide it, I'd have exploded"

"I just—..."

"Draco, what are you afraid of?" She asked him, leaning closer so she could hold his trembling hands "Are you afraid that people will judge you? That they will say you're not enough for Harry? That Harry will eventually leave you for someone better? Is that why you don't want to tell the world about it? Because you're afraid you'd lose him to the world?" She asked as tears rolled down his cheeks unknowingly, he started crying just from her words. She quickly pulled him into her chest and rubbed his back "Draco, I should have known you'd think this. You're not going to lose him, no matter what you think. The world will have to accept it even if they can't, because you and Harry are meant to be together. You hear me?" She said as he started crying in her arms, getting tears all over her shirt

"You are enough for Harry, and you deserve to be with him, you deserve to be loved and you deserve to be able to show that to the world, Draco" She reassured him and held him tight. She was right, he was afraid it'd hurt more if he knew the world didn't approve of him and Harry. He always thought he was not enough for Harry, he didn't need the world to tell him that too. So he thought it'd be best if he didn't show it to everyone, but he ended up hurting both of them instead "No matter what anyone says, you are more than enough for Harry, and he chose you, Draco, he wants to be with you. So who cares what anyone thinks? You should only care about you and him"

"It's too late, Pansy" He sniffled, trying to wipe his tears away but it won't stop coming out

"Nothing is too late" She cupped his face and wiped his hair out of his face "Look, Harry's just as much of a wreck as you, trust me, I saw him yesterday. You will solve this, Draco, I know you can, I believe in you"


"I know you can do it" Pansy said when Draco walked past her, there was a small break so he had to went in the loo, since he drank a lot to avoid talking "You're chickening out again"


"You know well enough by now that I did this on purpose" She said, glancing at him and smirking "You're smart, Draco, you know that"

"I still don't know why you did this"

"I think you do, actually" She pulled him close and leaned up to whisper in his ear "I want you to solve this, so get rid of that big ego of yours and fix this before that one steals Harry away" She pointed at a guy with brown hair, standing next to Harry during the break "Hermione and I noticed he has been talking to Harry a lot"

"That's not my business"

"Don't play dumb with me, Draco, what do you have to lose now? Oh wait, you'll lose Harry, permanently" She nudged him and pushed him back in his spot when the break was over. He huffed softly and looked the other way, he noticed that guy too. Different height, smaller and thinner than Draco, clinging on Harry throughout the break.


"I have something to tell you" He said, looking down and fiddling with his hands as his parents were in front of him. After another week of thinking and being reminded by Pansy constantly, he finally gathered up the courage to face his parents "It's hard for me to say"

"It's alright, Draco, you can tell us whenever you're ready" His mother told him, nudging his father gently and Draco looked at them, taking a deep breath before speaking up

"I'm gay and I'm in love with Harry Potter!" He exclaimed loudly, shutting his eyes closed. Then there was silence, absolute silence, Draco slowly opened his eyes to see his parents looking at him "Er, you're not surprised?"

"Well, we know" His mother said, and he couldn't help but gaped at her. They knew? "You probably wonder how we know. But we're your parents, Draco, we know when you're in love with someone"

"You're not disappointed?"

"Well I am" His father said, glaring at him but soon after, his stern look died down and he rolled his eyes "However, your mother convinced me it was none of my business"

"We found out a while ago" His mother smiled at him, sipping on her tea like she knew everything about him, which in fact, she did "It was suspicious to see Harry at your place every time we visited. So your father and I resolved that problem ourselves"


"Your father was...furious at first" She said, looking at his father, who was trying his best not to say anything, and he could tell that he was trying extremely hard now "Not because you're gay, we love you no matter who you love, but he was mad because you were mingling with Harry"

"Out of all people—..."

"Lucius!" She elbowed him and his father bit on his lower lip, shutting up right away "We didn't understand why at first, but then, who are we to judge? I don't want you to feel like hiding your happiness from us, Draco. You're 27 now, you're old enough to decide who you love, so you can be with whoever you want to. We're not going to disown you or kick you out of our lives"

"Although that was what I intended" His father said with a frown. He was absolutely surprised they weren't mad, he didn't think it'd go smoothly like this, maybe his mother was just good at persuading people "Your mother then convinced me again that...even if we did try to stop you from being with Potter, it won't do us any good. She explained all the outcomes that could happen in different ways that we reacted to your relationship with Potter. And the best way to deal with this is to accept it"

"It took a while to convince your father, but we love you, Draco, we are your parents" His mother walked to his spot and sat down next to him, caressing his hair "We did everything we could to protect you in the past, we're not going to lose you now"

"Thank you" was all he could say, he looked at his father, and the man's judging glare softened down, he quietly nodded at him and looked away. He leaned into his mother's touch as she hugged him tightly "For everything"

"We love you, no matter what"


Draco looked at the person in front of him, a nice looking guy who was showing off all the things he achieved this year, including his partners in bed. Draco's mind was somewhere else, someone else in particular. He knew why Pansy brought him here tonight, because he needed to solve this problem with Harry. The problem was him and his fear of losing Harry, his trust issues and his anxiety. But ever since he told his parents about it, and after a lot of talks with his friends, who shared stories of them and their partners, he felt better, and he realised, he missed Harry, so bloody much. He nodded, giving the guy in front of him a fake smile when the bell rang. Thank Merlin that was over, Draco fixed himself in his seat and froze when he realised Harry was walking to his table. Draco turned around to look at Pansy for help, but Hermione and her only gave him bright smiles and winks. They knew he'd have to talk to Harry eventually, they made this happen. Draco looked down and avoided his eyes when Harry settled down in front of him, he didn't dare say a thing.

"Two minutes left" Theo walked by, whispering the words before sashaying away, Draco glared at him and looked at the small flower vase in the middle of the table. They both didn't say a thing for the past three minutes

"So, speeding dating, Pansy has a brilliant mind, right?" Harry spoke first after a while, and Draco finally looked up at him. His heart skipped a beat when he realised how close they were. Harry still looked the same, maybe a bit thinner, he wondered if Harry was still eating enough. And the robes he was wearing was actually a gift Draco gave him on Christmas two years ago. Draco stared at him, his heart ached, his body yearning to touch Harry, he couldn't bring himself to say anything


"Did Pansy bring you here?"

"She...she thinks I could find something here" He mumbled, finding a way to resolve this apparently "And you?"

"Ron tricked me here" Harry said, chuckling a bit, and it only made Draco's heart ached more. He missed the sound of that, he couldn't bear it "Draco...look" He reached out his hand and was going to touch Draco's but he retreated it quickly "I miss much" Draco stared at him, the guy he was deeply in love with, was confessing to him again


"The past three months was the worst time that I had to go through. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I think about you all the time" He said, his hands trembling just as Draco's cheeks started to heat up "When I got here, seeing you with all those people, I was...I thought you had moved on, and maybe you have, but I decided to say this anyway"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I love you, Draco" Harry said, his green eyes staring into Draco's deepest place in his heart, it felt like the first time he said those words to Draco again, the same feelings, the only thing different now was that it hurts "I still do, I don't want to lose you, I never wanted to lose you. I don't even know what I'm trying to say" He stuttered, scratching the nape of his neck as a sign of him being extremely anxious "I know why we broke up, but, I think, I can wait" He looked at Draco with a puppy-like look, like he was begging for forgiveness even when he did nothing wrong "I can wait for you to be ready, I don't care how long it takes. I just want to be with you, Draco, you're all that matters to me"


"Times's up!" Pansy squealed as soon as the bell rang, Draco looked at her and looked back at Harry, he didn't even have the time to say anything yet. Draco choked on his own words and watched Harry moved to another table, with the guy who was flirting with Harry before, right next to him. Draco started panicking, he didn't know what to do. He lost his chance again, and now the guy was all over Harry just like a while ago


"Ron? What are you doing here?" Draco asked when Ron was the one to sit in front of him "You're married"

"Not tonight" Ron raised his left hand to show that he has no ring on and tilted his head to the right to point at Blaise, who was standing in the corner of the room, his face indifference but Draco could tell he was furious "Blaise made me mad, so I joined this just for a few minutes to piss him off"

"Mad? Why?"

"He thinks that just because he goes to work and I took a few months off to take care of Ariel that he's the big one in this household" Ron shrugged, sipping on his beer and grinned at Draco "I told him a guy was flirting with me yesterday, but he didn't think I was telling the truth, he didn't think I could get a guy. I'm showing him he should never mess with me, I can charm any guy whenever I want"

"You two are weird" He said, Blaise was extremely protective of Ron so it was scary for all of them whenever Blaise was mad "Aren't you scared he's going to do something bad?"

"Nah, he's my husband, he's like an egg, hard on the outside and soft on the inside" Ron waved him off and sighed "No matter what anyone thinks, he's actually really sweet and he never does anything when he gets jealous except talking it out. This is merely a competition and I am winning, and he's going to have to buy me food if he loses"

"Doesn't he always do that?"

"I know" Ron winked at him and pulled out his wedding ring from his pocket to put back on his finger "Throughout the years that I've been with him, that's three years, Blaise's probably the sweetest guy I could ever asked for, he sees me as his everything. When he got jealous the first time ever, he hugged me and asked if I'd leave him. That's when I know he's it for me" Ron said, looking at Blaise softly with a smile and gazing back at Draco "I could never imagine my life without him, and Ariel too"

"What are you getting at, Ron?" He asked, he knew Ron has a point when he mentioned all of this, he has to.

"All I'm saying is, you know when someone is it for you, Draco" Ron murmured to him, the redhead wasn't the one to say sentimental things like this, so it must be the last resort to see him telling Draco this "And you know who's the right one for you, Draco, you're smart, you know that"

"Everyone keeps saying that to me today"

"That's because you are, so, I'm thinking you better kick the one laughing with Harry there out before he tries to take your place in Harry's heart" Ron nudged Draco's leg from under the table and left quickly. The blond gazed at the guy touching Harry's hand and balled his hands into fists. Draco stood up and walked to the table next to him with a smile

"Hey" He looked down at the guy with brown hair and greeted him "I'm sorry, but you have something that belongs to me" He said, grabbing Harry's hands from the other guy's grip


"I love you too" He murmured when Harry stood up, Draco pulled him in and kissed him, surprising everyone in the pub. Harry quickly grabbed his waist, holding him close and deepened the kiss. He could taste the beer off of Harry's tongue, he missed this, he missed being this close to Harry. When Harry's hand slipped down to grab his arse, he realised they were in a public place and he just made out with the Chosen One. Draco pushed him away and examined the room, everyone was gawking at them with shock, the blond panicked and ran out of there as soon as possible.

"Draco! Wait! Stop!" He yelled out but Draco kept going "I need five minutes, that's all!" Harry followed him out to the street and Draco finally stopped when Harry called him. He was out of breath, running was never something he was good at "Draco"

"I cannot believe I just kissed you in there" He murmured, but Harry only pressed him against the wall "I just kissed you" He looked up at Harry, who was beaming at him under the light of the street, he was happy "What?"

"You kissed me"

"It's not the first time" Draco looked away but Harry tilted his face back with his hand. It reminded him of the first time he kissed Harry, it was when he first cooked for Draco, he was so touched back then that he had to give Harry a kiss. Draco realised the whole point of him doing that was to win Harry back, the blond put his hand on Harry's chest and spoke "Harry, I have to tell you something"

"I know you're not ready, and I'm fine with—..."

"No, wait" He cut Harry's words off and sighed "I...I told my parents about us"

"You did?"

"Yeah" He said before Harry's astonishment, he looked up at Harry and continued "I told them about a month ago, and they accepted it, surprisingly, they knew, and they just want me to be happy" He raised his hands up to cup Harry's face "What you said in there, I...I feel the same, I miss you so bloody much, Harry. Before, I was afraid, I was scared the world might think I'm not good enough for you, you're way better than me, and I've hurt you, I'm sorry"

"What are you saying? You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, you are my whole world" Harry said, leaning his forehead against Draco "I don't care what the world thinks"

"I know, me too, I know now, I only need you" He said, sniffling a bit and pouting at Harry when he remembered what happened back in the pub "When I saw you, I also thought you've moved on, you were smiling with everyone"

"I was being polite, I always do that"

"I know" Draco smiled at him as Harry leaned into his touch "It still pisses me off, and I finally understand how you felt back then, and I want to tell you that...I'm ready. I'm ready to show the world that I'm in love with Harry Potter" He leaned closer and stood on his tiptoes and kissed Harry on his lips "I'm still in love with you"

"I'm still very much in love with you too, Draco Malfoy" Harry grinned before kissing him again, this time, it was deep. For the first time in the past months, Draco felt loved again, he felt secured, he was happy. Kissing Harry always felt like the first time, passionate, romantic, he could do it forever, he thought as Harry slipped his tongue inside his mouth, his hands sliding under Draco's shirt. It was all he could ask for.


"Get out"

"I need five minutes, sir, that's all" Harry put his foot in between the door when Lucius was about to shut the door in front of him. It was barely a few weeks after he and Draco got back together, things were back to the ways they were, but Harry wanted more to happen, he wanted to get married to Draco

"Let him in, Lucius" He could hear Narcissa's voice from inside, and soon, Lucius finally gave up as he opened the door to let Harry in

"Why are you here?"

"I want to ask for your blessings so I can ask for Draco's hand in marriage"

"Preposterous! I will not allow it!" Lucius exclaimed loudly as soon as Harry finished his sentences, but Narcissa quickly silenced him with her hand raised. She looked at Harry, her eyes deep, Draco's got his mother's eyes, he felt as if he was being read from inside out

"I have one question to ask you, Harry. Do you love Draco?"

"I love him with all my heart" He said, without much time he already knew the answer, he loved Draco more than he could ever say, more than he could ever express. He didn't know he was able to love a person this much, but when Draco came into his life, he felt blessed "He's the first person to make me feel all sorts of things, I want to protect him, I want to be with him, I want to love him. I can't imagine a day without him, without seeing his face, his smile, or his insults that I know he didn't mean it" Harry smiled, fiddling with his hands, he loved Draco's nagging and bickering, he knew that it was Draco's way of showing him that he loved him

"I have been in love with your son for four years, I spent a year trying to convince him that my feelings are true, that I won't get bored of him. And I still haven't, if anything, I feel like I could love him more after every day. He's the one I want to build a family with, to...just be with him every day until we grow old. I want to put a ring on him, show the world that we're together, that we're a family" He said, and both of Draco's parents gazed at him, observing him, he was nervous. Ron had to give him a talk before he went here, he was sure they'd say no, but Ron insisted they'd agree. Harry was a nervous wreck, he wanted to get married to Draco as soon as possible, he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with Draco

"I think we've heard enough" Lucius said, turning to look at Narcissa and she gave him an understanding nod, he turned back to stare at Harry, exhaling a long breath "We...will give you our blessings to ask for Draco's hand in marriage"

"You will?"

"We suspected this day would come, sooner or later" Narcissa said with a knowing smile, it was like she saw it coming already "Lucius and I both agree that we will do anything as long as it makes Draco happy"

"Although I don't know why he chose you" Lucius huffed softly and Narcissa cleared her throat, subtly telling him to stop being grumpy "I can't do anything about it. However..." He turned his look into death glares and pointed his cane at Harry "If you dare make my son feel unhappy, if you make him cry, if you hurt him, I will do things you cannot imagine, even if it means I'd get my soul sucked out afterwards" He said, and Harry nodded, Lucius was a father after all, he has the rights to be protective of his own son

"I promise I will always make him happy"

"Good" Narcissa smiled at him and pulled out a small box from behind her "Here's something I prepared" He handed it to Harry and he opened to see a gold ring with green gemstone on it "It's my wedding ring, it's fine if you two want to have your own ring, you can use it as an engagement ring, if you want to"

"Thank you" He looked at the ring, mesmerised by it, he couldn't believe they'd do this, it was shocking him greatly "I don't know what to say"

"Don't say anything" Narcissa said, looking at Lucius, who was still trying to look calm "We'll see you two at the wedding"


"I'm sorry" He said, looking down when they were walking back home. The night was a disaster, he was supposed to propose to Draco, it was supposed to start as a romantic dinner, then he'd put the ring in the dessert Draco ate, and he'd say his speech he's been practicing for the past two weeks to Draco, and got engaged to him. Unfortunately, the night turned into a mess when he accidentally forgot the ring back at the house. And since they were at a Muggle restaurant, he couldn't really Apparate away. Not to mention, he embarrassed himself by bumping into a waiter, spilling all the wine over Draco's clothes, he could not feel more guilty than this "I can't believe that happened"

"It's fine, Harry" Draco looked at him with a soft smile and kissed his cheek "I'm fine, it's not my favourite shirt anyway" He said when they stopped in front of the Grimmauld Place. As they opened the door in, Harry wondered when he could propose next. Maybe they could travel to somewhere romantic, or maybe another dinner, maybe go back to Hogwarts to propose. Harry groaned mentally as they got in the house, he was so fucked.

"Wait for me here, alright?" He said, watching Draco nodded with a puzzled look on his face as he rushed up to their bedroom, he has to do it today. Harry grabbed the pillow and saw the ring box underneath. Luckily it was still here, Harry quickly ran down only to see Draco ending a Firecall and grabbing his robes "What's wrong?"

"There's an emergency in St. Mungo's, I have to be there" The blond gave Harry a peck on his lips before getting in the Floo "I'll be back as soon as possible, you can sleep before me, Harry. St. Mungo's!" He said, disappearing into the green flames, he didn't even have the chance to propose now. Harry sighed, flopping himself on the couch. Draco might not know about this, but today was the day Harry realised Draco was the one for him. It was a just one fine morning that day when he woke up with Draco next to him, sleeping soundly and breathing softly, his blond hair spread out on the pillow and his arm draped across Harry's chest, it was that moment when his heart skipped a beat that he realised he wanted to get married to Draco and keep waking up next to him like this for as long as they can live. However, today has not been nice to him, Harry put the box back in his pocket and closed his eyes, he just has to wait for Draco.

"Harry!" Harry groaned softly, leaning his face into the warmth "Harry! Wake up!" He finally opened his eyes to see Draco still in his clothes before with the red stain on his shirt from the wine, the blond smiled at him and wiped the corner of his lips "I came home and I saw you sleeping. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I am" He sat up abruptly and looked at the big antique clock in the corner of the room, it was just few more minutes until midnight, he would be late

"Come on, let's go to sleep" Draco turned around to walk away but Harry quickly held his wrist

"Wait, stay for a while"

"Harry, I'm so tired" Draco yawned, covering his mouth with his hand and blinked a few times to look at Harry "What's wrong? Can we talk about this tomorrow? There were a bunch of Cursebreakers who got hurt during a mission, and we had to heal them, it was so exhausting, Harry"

"Please, just, er..." Harry looked at the clock and back at Draco, this was the perfect moment, the blond was already standing, he was sitting on his couch, just a bit more "Five minutes, that's all"

"Harry" Draco whined softly, like a tired cat, but then softened up after a few seconds "Okay, what's wrong?"

"Draco, I...I'm not sure how to say this, I've been trying the whole day today, and even before that" Harry said, still holding on Draco's hand "You know that I love you, right?" He slowly slid down from the couch and crouched down on one knee, watching Draco's expression turned from sleepy into shock "We've been together for so long..."


"Although we stumbled upon a few rocks in our path, I still find myself being in love with you, deeply, I can't stop" He said, looking up at Draco, who's cheeks were turning pink, his lips trembled "It was this day two year ago I realised I can't imagine living without you, for it'd be a dreadful life I'd suffer every day. I can't imagine not having you by my side, looking at your beautiful face, seeing your cheerful smiles, hearing your sweet voice, caressing your body and loving you. Whenever you tell me you love me, I feel like I'm the happiest person in the whole world, and my love, you are the only one for me" He pulled out the box and opened it, showing the ring that Narcissa had given him

"Oh—that my mother's...."

"Draco Malfoy, will you do me the honour of becoming my one and only husband forever?"

"Yes! Yes! I will be yours forever!" Draco squealed loudly, pulling Harry up to pull him in a hug, he was crying already, tears soaking into Harry's shirt, but he didn't care, he kissed Draco's cheek as they pulled apart "You're the only one for me too, Harry Potter" He said, his voice shaking as he extended his hand so Harry can slip the ring into his finger. When their lips met, the old clock rang loudly, announcing that it was a new day now, Harry felt like he got his world in the palm of his hand as he was holding Draco in his arms, for Draco was his world.


Epilogue ~ Five years later

"Ah! Do you—do you think this is appropriate?" Draco bit his lower lip and looked around, but fortunately there was no one around. They were at a secluded beach, no one could come, it was on an island Blaise bought for Ron on their five year anniversary just years ago, and they let Harry and Draco celebrate their own anniversary here now, well, with a catch, of course "They're at the Manor, you know! Harry!"

"I don't think they'd come here any second now" Harry said, pushing another finger inside Draco, they were sitting near the shallow water, with the waves hitting them every few seconds, Draco was sitting on Harry's lap, wrapping his legs around his husband, pushing himself back into his fingers. The catch they had to agree was that they let everyone join as well, they didn't have a problem with it at first, but now Draco was starting to think maybe they should have gone somewhere alone "If you don't want it, I'll stop"

"Don't say that" He mumbled, burying his face in the crook of Harry's neck and bitting his shoulder "You know I want it" He could sense that Harry was smiling when his fingers sped up, Draco arched his back and moaned out loud "Please put it in me" He whispered with his trembling voice, as Harry kept playing with his nipples, his hands roaming all over Draco's skin, both of their skins were wet and salty from the ocean. He looked at Harry, leaning close and connecting their lips with a salty kiss, he was never tired of kissing Harry, it was an never ending fire between them every time they kiss. He felt Harry slipping his tongue in as he slid his hands down, scratching Harry's chest just so slightly until he reached his husband's hard cock, he stroke it slowly, not wanting him to cum right away, he wanted to tease Harry just like Harry was doing to him right now. He moaned into the kiss, quickening the pace of his hand when Harry pushed the third finger in, curling it and making Draco jumped

"Bastard" He cursed teasingly and heard Harry let out a small chuckle, Draco grabbed on Harry's hair, tugging it back and deepening their kiss, tasting the cocktail on the tip of Harry's tongue

"You like it when I'm teasing you" Harry whispered, his breath ghosting over Draco's wet lips when they pulled apart "You enjoy it"

"I enjoy you" Draco smirked, smearing his thumb over the head of Harry's cock while his other hand tilted his chin up "Now put your huge cock of yours in me, now"

"I also enjoy it when you get bossy" Harry said, his smile widening and he lifted Draco up with his hands, spreading his arse apart and lined his cock up against Draco's lubed entrance, since they were sitting in the shallow water, it was like they fucked in a tub. Draco bit back a moan when Harry pushed in, the way he was the only one to be able to fill Draco up was one of the many reasons why he loved Harry. They were the perfect match "Are you hurt?"

"No—ah, I'm fine" Draco took a deep breath, putting his hands on Harry's shoulder and sitting down until Harry was all inside him. The blond began bouncing up and down slowly to get used to the size, even when they have been doing it like rabbits ever since the vacation started, his entrance was still tight every time Harry thrust in "Fuck me, Harry, don't stop until I cry" He whispered, letting out small moans every time he rolled his hips and Harry's cock touched his prostate. Draco leaned back, lifting himself up by his arms on the sand, he was tired already since they've been fooling around for a while before this "Harry, hurry!"

"You want it that bad?" Harry tilted his head up by his chin and kissed his shoulder, placing his lips on every faded scars on Draco's salty chest, his cock thrusting in so slowly "You want me to fuck you hard?"

"Yes please! Please" He whined, running his hand through his wet hair, he liked it more when Harry rammed in him like a wild beast, when they both got lost in the moment, and until they could pass out right there. Draco, as Pansy always say, got higher libido than most people, so was Harry, maybe they were a match made in heaven after all "Plunge it deep inside me, I want to feel you inside me" He finally lied down on the sand as Harry got on top of him, his hand caressing Draco's jawline

"I love you" Harry whispered so quietly before thrusting in with full force, Draco could actually feel his body moving on the beach

"I love you—Ah! More, please! Harry!" He cried out, his hands scratching Harry's chest, right near his tattoo. The tattoo of a white snake wrapping itself around a stag's antlers, it was both of their Patronus together, Luna was the one with the idea and Harry immediately got it a year ago on a random Tuesday, as he said, just because he loved Draco. He was so touched that day, they ended up fucking right out in the alley next to the pub. Draco touched the tattoo with his fingers and felt Harry hitting his sensitive nerves with every thrust, his mouth fell open. He looked at the man above him and suddenly a wave of happiness rushed over him, he wondered why they ever broke up all those years ago. Harry has always been the one for him, just because of his lack of confidence in their relationship, they took a few months apart only to make them both suffer.

"What are you thinking?" Harry said, making Draco come back with reality "Not another man, I hope?" He chuckled and kissed Draco's cheek "I thought you only have eyes for me"

"I do" He mumbled, blushing when Harry kept licking his earlobe, sending shivers down his spine "You know I d—ah! Harry!" He moaned when Harry thrusted in hard, his cock twitching and leaking precum, he could not handle anymore "Don't stop! Make me faint, Harry!" He said as Harry smiled, it actually happened once or twice, they had actually did it way too much that Draco fainted halfway and Harry had to stop, since then Harry never let that story go

"Is that a challenge?"

"Only if you can win" He smirked and pulled Harry down by his beck, biting his ear gently and kissing the spot under it, it was Harry's weak spot "Faster!" He moaned, hands grazing over the tattoo and sliding up Harry's face "Look at this" He placed a hand on his lower abdomen, breathing heavily at Harry "This is you inside me, I can feel you, so deep, so full in me" Harry's eyes widened, staring at him in awe "It's getting big—ah! Harry!" He cried out when Harry quickened his thrust, he could feel himself being touched to the deepest

"Your inside is tightening around me" Harry said, his low, husky voice made Draco shiver "Begging me to fuck you"

"Yes, please fuck me" Draco pleaded, his hands grabbing at the sands as water kept hitting his body. Harry draped Draco's legs over his shoulders, his hand found the blond's twitching cock and started stroking it "Wait—Ah! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Harry!" Draco sobbed as a drop of tears rolled down his cheek, when Harry's hand touched the head of his cock, Draco immediately started spurting all over his belly, making a mess of himself. Harry thrusted in a few more times before releasing hot flow of cum inside Draco. The blond let out a breath he was holding and Harry finally let his legs down on the sand "Harry!" He whined when Harry pushed his fingers inside him again after just pulling out

"Look at your gaping hole, still twitching" Harry bent down and curled his fingers inside Draco slowly, making his back arched "I'm just making sure it's all inside of you" He kissed Draco's face, from his forehead, to his eyebrows, down to his cheeks and lips "I want it all in you"

"You're a menace, you know that?" Draco laughed softly and traced his fingers on Harry's chest, leaning into his husband's kisses "You already fill me up many times today, I'm sure it's all in me"

"Maybe one more?" Harry grinned, his fingers teasing Draco's rim and the blond looked up, he could probably go for another round "They haven't got here yet"

"Hey you two!" Harry and Draco both looked up to see their friends walking to the beach, they were quite far away but they could hear Ron's loud voice already. As soon as Draco saw a certain someone, he turned back to Harry and grabbed his playful hand

"You might want to think again" Draco said, chuckling as they both summoned their swimming trunks into their hands and put them back on before their friends got here, luckily they were also covered by a bunch of chairs near the shore so they wouldn't be able to see that they were naked

"Daddy! Daddy!" The little girl with long blonde hair came running to them both in her cute red swimming clothes with a small bucket and shovel on her hands "You're early"

"Yeah, really early" Pansy said, nudging Hermione as they both smiled at them "We had to stall Lily here a bit"

"It's fine by the way" Hermione comforted them and they led Hugh away, leaving Harry grinning and Draco blushing red, he figured the might have known why they got out early. Neville and Theo quickly ran to the water along with Ginny and Luna and their kids, Blaise sat on the chair nearby to tie Ariel's hair up while Ron came to them

"Blaise's Manor has a really great view" The redhead said, tapping his hands on their shoulders as he whispered "So great I can actually see what people are doing even if they're far away"


"It's okay, we get it" Ron snickered, turning away and carrying Ariel up in his arms to run down to the beach. Harry and Draco exchanged knowing glances at each other with a smile before looking down when Lily tugged at their swimming trunks

"Daddy, what are you two still doing here? I wanna swim! And build castles!" She said, pouting and pointing at the beach, jumping up so Harry could carry their three years old daughter up in his arms

"Let's go, alright?" Draco told her, intertwining his hand with Harry's and kissing Lily's hair. They've had her three years ago, she was the light of their life and Draco could never forget the first time they held her in their arms, it was one of the most special moments in his life.

"What's this, mummy?" They heard Hugh pointing at something on the water and the girls leaning close to look

"I'm not sure—oh my god!" Pansy gasped, looking up at Harry and Draco as they stopped on their tracks, her eyes filled with horror "You're so dead!" Pansy started marching up to the shore as the pair of married men let their daughter back down on the sand

"Lily, go play!" Draco said, grabbing Harry's hand and they began running along the beach with Pansy after them

"How could you two?! You know it doesn't dissolve in water, you idiots! I even touched it!" Pansy was yelling from behind them, chasing them as their friends watched, Pansy sure could run fast in the sand.

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" Draco laughed, holding Harry's hand tightly and they both sped up. It seemed like at this moment, Draco knew he would keep being happy like this, as long as he has his family and friends, he's got the whole world.

The End

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