Mirror, Mirror

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Summary: When Draco encounters the Mirror of Erised, he is brought into an alternate universe where Potter is his boyfriend. Things get messy when he finds himself loving someone he's supposed to hate.

(This story includes smut and contains over 35k words)

"Do you think he actually did it?"

"It's been two minutes into the lecture and you're already talking about him" Pansy rolled her eyes and glared at him while professor Binns went on about history of magic "You couldn't wait at least five minutes?"

"What? I'm just annoyed, that's all" Draco huffed, grazing his quill against his face as he stared at the boy sitting two rows above him, Potter looked exceptionally disgusting today. With his hair way too messed up, and he was joking around with Weasley next to him "I still can't believe the Weasley girl dumped his arse"

"Why does that matter so much to you? You like Potter or something?" She joked, but Draco sneered at the idea. He could never fall for such a sloppy guy that was way lower than his taste in people. He might be interested in men, which he found out just the beginning of Eighth Year, but he'd never go for Potter, even if they were the two last people on earth.

"Don't be so absurd, you make me want to vomit just hearing you suggest that"

"Whatever you say, Draco, all I know is you've been asking why the girl Weasley broke up with Potter since this morning. That's why Blaise's sitting far away, he doesn't want to hear you rambling about Potter anymore" She said, pursing her red lips and flipping the pages in the book like she was actually studying "Maybe she's interested in someone else, maybe Potter's interested in someone else, you don't know. The point is, it's none of your business, Draco. Why do you even bother?"

"Potter's interested in someone else?"

"That's all you heard?" Pansy gawked at him and kicked his leg from under the table, making him gasp in pain "It's none of your business"

"You don't get it, we're arch rivals!"

"Wasn't the Dark Lord Potter's arch rival?"

"No, he's not, I am" Draco said, wondering why he even wanted to be Potter's arch rival. But it has always been like that, even now after the war had ended, they were still fighting and arguing every day whenever they see each other "I have to know what's on his mind"

"Sometimes I don't know if you two are arch rivals or bloody lovers" She scoffed quietly and looked up at the professor while Draco stared at her. Lovers? It wasn't his fault that he wanted to know what Potter was up to. He just has to know so he could get on Potter's nerves. Was he too much? "You probably know him better than the Weasley girl"

"As if" Draco huffed out a breath and focused on the lecture again, he could not care less about a guy whose hair was so messy, it blocked Draco's view of the professor. Maybe Pansy was right, it wasn't his business.


"So I heard the girl Weasley dumped your sorry arse, Potter?" Draco walked by, not forgetting to throw in some insults when he saw Potter "It's about time she realised she could do better than you"

"Sod off, Malfoy!" Potter glared at him and walked away along with Weasley and Granger. Draco smiled in victory that this time he won, another win for him

"You're obsessed with him"

"I'm not, shut up" He dismissed Pansy's words when she chimed in. He's always been like this, they were called arched enemies for a reason. Ruining Potter's day was his favourite thing to do, seeing Potter's annoyed face first thing in the morning was what made his entire day "Don't you have somewhere to go?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, I do, I have to go see Headmistress McGonagall to discuss with her about a few things" She flipped her hair gracefully and closed her robes so she looked more decent for the meeting "I still can't believe she chose me to talk to the others Houses about unity, like I care about that"

"Well, after the war, your family is the only left that didn't become Death Eaters" Draco said, pointing out the truth, Blaise also didn't become a Death Eater, but he refused the spot and replaced himself with Pansy. Recently, McGonagall had called in four people from each House to have a serious meeting about House Unity, though Draco wasn't sure what it was about, he only knew Pansy was one of them, along with Granger from Gryffindor, Padma Patil from Ravenclaw and Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff "And I guessed she chose all the Prefects"

"I guess, it's just tiring, that's all, I could just have fun right now instead of joining this meeting with three other girls who hate me"

"They hate you?"

"Girls envy me" Pansy sighed in despair, but actually he knew she was being smug right now "Bye, Draco"

As Pansy left for the meeting, Draco found himself walking to his usual place every day, he has created this habit of coming here every time he got a break, or when he needed to think. Pansy was telling him all sorts of things about Potter today and he needed to clear his mind. When the door finally appeared, Draco opened it to walk in. There was a big mirror inside, this wasn't what he asked. Draco stared at the empty Room of Requirement and hesitated to walk in, normally when he got here, he only asked for a place to think, so it was always empty, but today, there was a mirror in it.

"Weird" Draco murmured and stepped closer to the mirror, the gold framed mirror stood firmly in front of him, there was a sentence, but he didn't know what it meant "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. What the hell is this?" He asked himself, this was probably a language he hasn't known yet. He saw his reflection in it, slightly different somehow, his reflection looked...happier

"Wh—..." Draco stepped back when he saw a shadow of someone came from behind his reflection in the mirror, he turned around, but no one was here, he was alone in this room. When he turned back, Potter was standing next to him in the mirror "What..." He mumbled, looking around but soon he realised his reflection in the mirror weren't moving after him anymore. Shivers ran down his spine when suddenly Potter held his hand, more like him in the mirror. What the hell was this mirror? What was going on? Draco pulled out his wand when images of him and Potter started looking at each other, his hand shaking when their lips touched

"No! No! Stop! Stop that!" He pointed the wand at his own reflection kissing Potter in the mirror "Stop! Expulso!" The blue light emerged from his wand and hit the mirror, but it didn't explode. Instead, there was just a little crack there in the middle of the mirror, this was supposed to shatter in pieces right now. Was this mirror enchanted? He stepped closer when himself and Potter in the mirror stopped kissing each other. His own reflection also stepped closer to the mirror just like him, as they both raised their hands to touched the mirror, Draco hissed in pain

"Fuck!" He looked at his finger, a drop of blood emerging from his skin, it wasn't big, just a small cut, possibly from the crack on the mirror. Draco stepped back, suddenly feeling all dizzy, he took a huge breath in, the place was spinning around him, that was when he lost balance and everything went black.



"Draco! Are you okay?" Draco closed his eyes, feeling someone holding him up in their arms, the voice was familiar, soft and low, he could barely open his eyes, he couldn't see who the person was. Whoever it was, the guy was helping him, Draco fell back into a deep sleep after that

"Do you think he'll be alright?"

"Of course, he just has a small cut on his finger"

"What if he suffered some concussion when he fell down?"

"I already checked and he's fine. Why didn't you go to the hospital wings if you don't trust me?"

"No, I trust you, Draco hates it when I make a big deal out of everything every time he gets hurt"

"That's true, by the way" Draco kept hearing two people talking next to him, the same voice from earlier, and another voice, of a girl, also a voice he had heard before

"I'm going, you stay and take care of him"

"Okay" Draco felt his eyes heavy but he still couldn't open it, the only thing he knew that he was lying on a bed, with a blanket covering him, an odd scent filling up the room, it was a nice scent. The bed dipped and Draco felt someone lying next to him, their arm draped over his stomach and someone was burying their face in the crook of Draco's neck, tickling him with their hair.

Draco finally forced himself to open his eyes, only to see a red ceiling above him, red curtains, red beds, a red tie at the end of the bed. He looked around, it was...it looked like Gryffindor dorms. Draco looked down at the person hugging him, black hair, steady breath, and shirtless. It was bloody Potter.

Draco started to freaked out when he realised what situation he was in, he let out a loud scream, kicking Potter immediately off the bed and got off on the other side

"Draco, what are you doing?" Potter stood up, rubbing his back and looking at him with sleepy eyes. Draco?

"Draco? Did you just call me Draco?" Was Potter out of his mind? Never in his life he has heard Potter calling him by his first name

"Yeah? What else should I call you? I thought you didn't want me to call you babe or honey or other pet names because it always makes you blush" Potter said, ruffling his hair and smiling at him, a smile Draco has never seen on him before "That hurts, by the way"

"What? What did you call me?" Babe? Honey? What the fuck was going on right now? Draco stepped back and looked down at himself, he still has his shirt and trousers on, thank Merlin

"Draco, are you alright?"

"Stay back! Who are you?" Draco raised a hand and stepped back when Potter was going to approach him "Don't move!"

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter? Your boyfriend?"

"Boy—boyfriend?" Draco stuttered, what kind of sick place was he in? Did he faint and people set up some kind of prank on him? "No! No! We're arch rivals! What's wrong with you?"

"Arch rivals? What do you mean? We've always been best friends" Potter said, his eyebrows furrowed and making Draco even more appalled at the sentence. Best friends? "Then I confessed that I like you during Quidditch last year, remember? We've been boyfriends since then"

"No...no! It can't be, it can't be" Draco mumbled, grabbing his robes from the bed and raised his arm to shield himself from Potter, who was still standing with a puzzled look on his face "Stay away from me!" He said, opening the door and running out of the room as soon as possible. He ran, he ran like someone was after him, he didn't stop until he reached the Slytherin Dungeon.

"Pansy!" He screamed out when he saw her inside the Common Room, just sitting silently on the couch, painting her nails with magic "Pansy! Pansy! Thank Merlin you're here"

"Oh hey, you're alright now I figured?"


"Yeah, Hermione told me Harry found you in the Room of Requirement, seemed like you fainted there" Pansy said, finishing everything and finally looked at him "Are you alright?"

"Did you...did you just say their first names? Harry? Hermione?" He murmured, and Pansy looked at him with a weird look, tilting her head to the side

"Draco, are you alright? What do you mean their first names?"

"What do you mean what do I mean? They're our enemies, we hate them!" He exclaimed, but Pansy only looked at him even weirder than before. Was he going crazy? Was this a dream?

"Hate? Did you have a concussion when you fell down?" Pansy scoffed and started laughing, clapping her hands together "That's funny, Draco"

"I'm being serious! Stop laughing!"

"How can I? Harry's your boyfriend, you don't remember that? Are you seeing things you're not supposed to see?" Pansy pulled him down by his shirt and placed her hand on his forehead "You don't seem to experience any fever right now"

"Potter's my boyfriend?"

"Potter? Wow" Pansy chuckled and leaned back on the couch, smiling "It's been a while since I heard you call Harry by his last name, I think a few years ago you guys got in a huge row and didn't talk to each other for a week, that's when you called him Potter. And yeah, he's your boyfriend, he's your best friend since you two were kids, now you're boyfriends"

"Boyfriends?" Draco asked again, still not believing this was actually real. It couldn't be real, he was either insane or this was all a prank, or maybe he died and this was his hell, where Potter was his boyfriend and he has to suffer it.

"Why do you keep asking that? Okay, look here" Pansy pulled out a small picture from her robes and showed it to him "This is a picture Blaise took for Hermione and I yesterday, that's you and Harry kissing in the background near the Black lake. See?" Draco held the picture shakily in his hands, this was unreal, this has to be a dream "What's wrong with you? Did you lose your memory or some sort?"

"You're friends with Granger?" He asked but Pansy only chuckled at him again, running her hands through her hair

"Oh honey, if Hermione and I are friends, then we might have done some stuff friends wouldn't do" Pansy snickered and showed off her wrist to show him a bracelet "See that? The bracelet? It's got Hermione's initial on it, it's hers since she was a kid but she gave me because she loves me. We're girlfriends"

"Girlfriends? What about Weasley? Didn't he date Granger?"

"Oh no, they've never dated each other. They always say they're like brother and sister" Pansy shook her head, showing another picture of Hermione sitting in the library with Blaise and Ron focused on a book next to her "I took this one, she's pretty, right? For Ron there, he's shacking up with Blaise" Pansy whispered "What they're doing is purely physical, but what they're feeling is definitely romantic, but Ron won't admit it, they didn't even tell anyone they're sleeping together yet, that's what I think" Draco stood frozen on the ground, what kind of sick world was he in? Did he get transported into another world? Where Granger was with Pansy, Blaise doing it with Weasley, and Potter was his boyfriend?

"Potter's my boyfriend?"

"Yeah, don't you remember? He confessed to you during a Quidditch match? Last year?" Pansy said the same thing as Potter but Draco wasn't able to say anything, so she kept going "He caught the snitch, when he flew to you, he gave you the snitch and said that he likes you. The crowd went crazy, Harry's dad cried a bit. Everyone said it's the confession of the century"

"Dad? Potter's parents are dead!"

"Dead? No way" Pansy scoffed loudly and tapped on the spot next to her on the couch, telling Draco to sit down "They're both alive and healthy, well, separated years ago, but healthy. James's now living with Regulus as partners, he's Sirius's brother, they're kinda related to you now that I think about it, the Black's family. And Lily's with Mary, her Hogwarts best friend"

"What? But—but they're all dead! The Dark Lord killed them!" He exclaimed as reality started to hit him. Did somehow the mirror took him to another world? A parallel world perhaps?

"The Dark Lord? Who's that?"

"You...you don't know him? Voldemort? Tom Riddle?"

"Oh that guy in our history book, right?" She pointed out but he could only open his mouth in shock "He was born under the effect of love potion, when his father found out and tried to take him away, the mother killed them both with a curse and killed herself after. A tragic story, honestly"


"What do you mean what? You always have the highest score in History" She said, ruffling his hair and giving his forehead a flick as he hissed "Did you actually lose your memory? I'm starting to think it's true"

"So the war never happened?"

"What war?"

"Pansy...I'm Draco, but...I'm not the Draco you know" He said softly, but she only looked at him, asking him to continue explaining "I, I can't tell you how I got here, but please, tell me, what else happens in this world?"

"This world?"

"Yes, please tell me, Pansy, I'm begging you"

"Alright, just calm down, you're like a scared Kneazle right now" She grabbed his shoulder and started talking, he listened carefully to everything she told him. From the start, since he was born, Draco then realised he was in some kind of alternate universe where everyone that had died in his world was all alive, no war ever happened, and everyone was in love with people he never expected them to be in love with.

Potter was his boyfriend ever since Sixth Year, they have been best friends ever since they were five years old kids, when they bumped into each other on the street. His father, who seemed to be a kind man in this world, suggested they should have play dates, and somehow Potter's parents agreed, and they've been friends ever since.

Pansy was in love with Granger from First Year when they met on the Hogwarts Express, and have been a couple since the Yule Ball, Blaise and Ron were in a secret relationship, the Weasley girl turned out to have a big crush on Lovegood and they just started dating a week ago, and his friend Theodore was also in love with Neville and they have been a couple for almost a year.

Everything was upside down in this world, everyone was happy, they were in love, it was like a world where they all got what they desired. And that could also mean that the version of Draco here was also brought into his world, which made the whole thing even more complicated.

For Potter, according to Pansy, he has been a wonderful boyfriend, that must have explained the conversation he heard when he was unconscious, maybe it was Potter worrying about him, or more like the other version of Draco. He was still unable to comprehend the fact that Potter was in love with him. It could not be true, and more importantly, how will he get back to his world?

"You've got it all right?"

"Yeah, shocked, but yeah" He said, as Pansy folded her legs together and leaned over "What?"

"Now tell me why you said you aren't the Draco I know" She said, and he began telling her the truth, even here, Pansy was still his best friend, who he could always tell everything to. He told her how he found the mirror, how he saw Potter and him kissing and then he tried to destroy it. And lastly, he told her what his world was like.

"Wow" She gaped, her mouth opened wide as she listened to what he said "I can't believe that is real, but again, we're living in a magical world. So why not? But...you mentioned a mirror, right?"

"Yeah, there was a weird sentence engraved on it, I could not figure out what it meant"

"There's a myth, Hermione told me, although she doesn't believe in it, she said—..."

"Hi—oh, Draco! You're up!" Granger walked in the Common Room freely, which he has never seen before, giving Pansy a kiss on her cheek "I'm glad you're up, Harry freaked out when he found you in the Room of Requirement, but you never want him to make a fuss about your health, so he asked me to check on you"

"I got a date, got to go!"

"Wait! What about the myth?" He grabbed her robes but she only ruffled his hair and smiled

"Ask your boyfriend, after all, he was the one to tell Hermione and I about it" She winked at him and left with Granger, hand in hand like some couple, which they were. Draco sighed and leaned back on the couch, how could he face Potter? He still thought Draco was his Draco, but Draco wasn't, which made this whole thing an absolute fiasco.


"You can't avoid him forever" Pansy whispered at Draco when they were having dinner in the Great Hall, with Potter just a few seats away from him. It was awkward, Draco ended up avoiding Potter since then, and when they finally saw each other at dinner, Draco immediately took the spot between Pansy and Theodore while Granger and Longbottom were opposite of them, which made Weasley and Potter sit farther from him "He's your boyfriend"

"He's not my boyfriend, well, not my...he's other Draco's boyfriend" He mumbled quietly, luckily everyone was so focused on their own stories, Theodore talking about Astronomy with Longbottom, Granger hooked on a book, Weasley was busy eating, but Potter, Potter kept glancing at him. He couldn't deny that it wasn't understandable, in Potter's eyes, Draco was his lover, and the fact that he suddenly pushed him away was definitely odd for him, hurtful even, but he didn't know what else to do "Just cover for me when he stands up"

"I have a girlfriend to take care of, she can bump into a lot of places while reading, I've seen it" Pansy snapped back at him as everyone started leaving after finished eating. Draco looked down, kept his head low and clutched on Pansy's arm when she stood up "I've already reassured Harry a bit that your problem is for you to solve first, then you'll tell him when you're ready, but he's still your boyfriend here, he should know about it"

"I know, thank you"

"Draco!" He heard Potter call him, his first name rolling off Potter's tongue just easy like that, Draco's stomach felt weird "Can we talk?" He grabbed at the blond's wrist, but Draco didn't dare look back, he snatched his hand back and pulled Pansy away. It was a hard thing to do, but he has to keep doing it until he could find out what was actually going on.

"This is a small place once you've stayed here for years, he's gonna find you anyway" Pansy told him, her hand still holding onto her girlfriend's shoulder, making sure Hermione was walking straight with her eyes on her book "Plus he got that map"


"Oh, you don't know?" Pansy chuckled and smacked his shoulder "Guess a lot of things changed in a world where you and Harry aren't together. In this world, anything Harry knows, you know, well, Draco knows, still you, same, but also different? Wow, I'm getting myself confused"

"Pansy, focus! What map?"

"The Marauder's Map? He inherited it from his dad, Sirius, Remus, and Peter, they made it themselves, it could track down everyone's location in Hogwarts" She said as they kept walking, Draco hummed and realised maybe the map was the reason why Potter was able to follow him everywhere in Sixth Year "He has never used it on you though, I don't expect him to, but I'm just saying, he has it"

"What else? Does he have something to make himself invisible?"

"Oh the Invisibility Cloak? Yeah, he has it" She nodded, Draco let out a long breath, he now realised a lot of things, and it was definitely surprising "You two used to hide under it as kids and sneaked out at night"

"Me? And him?"

"Yeah, it's your thing, I never really get it, you say it's the closeness you two share, the whispers, the laughters you two have together back then were what made you like him" Draco looked down on his shoes while listening to Pansy talk, he didn't know how much the Draco in this world meant to Potter, it seemed like they both shared a great bond with each other. And maybe, just maybe, he could have had that with Potter in his world too, if only he hadn't messed up his first meeting with him. But that was all in the past "Acid Pop"

"You tricked me!" Draco gasped when the portrait opened to reveal the Gryffindor Common Room inside, he didn't dare step in. What if Potter was here too?

"I didn't trick you, I had to bring my girlfriend safely back" Pansy said, stepping in with Granger and setting her down next to the fireplace, the brunette finally leaned up to give Pansy a kiss with a smile and a small "Thank you" whispered between them before she continued reading again "And also, I intended to spend the night here. What are you going to do?"


"Helping Ron with his homework in the library" Pansy said, her eyes opened wide, he knew what that meant now, it meant that they were doing everything else except studying "And don't bother asking about Theodore, he's at the greenhouse with Neville. Look, he isn't going to kill you, he just wants to talk. You owe him an explanation, that's the least you could do" She tilted her head to the side and sat down next to Hermione, leaning her back on the chair behind her "Whenever you're ready, just come in" Draco stood outside of the Common Room and balled his hands into fists. He could just go back to his dorm, it wasn't like he has nowhere to go, but what Pansy said really hit him, he did owe Potter an explanation. The blond sighed softly and stepped inside, settling himself on the long red couch, none of the students were here, just some of them passing by every few minutes. It wasn't like the world he knew, where everyone was just at their House, no one crossing over to the other. When he was here, he realised everyone was friends with everyone, it was peaceful, and it was much better than his world.

"Hey" Pansy said as the portrait opened again, Potter walked in along with Thomas and Finnigan, it was no surprise those two were hands in hands

"Hey, Pansy! Why don't you join some of the girls at the Hufflepuff Common Room? They're having a secret party, just girls" Seamus asked but Pansy shook her head slowly

"Nah, I'm not interested if my girlfriend isn't going" She looked at Granger, sliding her hand in the brunette's curly hair with a soft smile. She did look like she was truly in love "Plus, the Hufflepuff girls party the hardest, especially with food"

"Alright then, have a good night with your girlfriend" Finnigan laughed and pulled Thomas up the boys' dormitory. For Draco, he didn't want to look up, Potter was still standing at the door like an idiot

"Come in, Harry, have a seat next to Draco" Pansy pointed at the couch where he was sitting, and every step Potter took closer to him, Draco felt his heartbeat beating faster, he wasn't sure why "I'll just sit here with my Witch Weekly" Pansy sighed, grabbing a pile of Witch Weekly magazines from behind the chair and started reading next to Granger.

"Hey" Potter said softly when he sat down next to him, Draco didn't say anything back, he didn't know what to say "I'm sorry if I grabbed on you too hard, I know you dislike it"

"It's fine" Draco rubbed his wrist unknowingly, it didn't cause any pain, but he was surprised at how Potter actually apologised for that

"Freedom!" The door burst opened when the Weasley girl barged in with Lovegood behind her "You don't know how long it took me and Luna to escape that sugar party there" She meant the Hufflepuff party, Draco could only assume that. The redhead pulled her girlfriend by her waist and they both squeezed into the long couch, making Potter sit closer to Draco, as if it wasn't awkward enough already

"Come on, Draco! Move over, you always sit on Harry's lap, why the sudden change? Are you mad at him or something?" Weasley laughed loudly and leaned back on the couch as Draco fidgeted with his robes. How could he possibly sit on Potter's lap?

"Yeah, Draco, wouldn't want people to think you've changed" Pansy eyed him with a raise of her eyebrow, it was subtle. He shouldn't let people know he wasn't the Draco they knew, it'd just cause consequences later.

"Would you mind?" Draco mumbled, and Potter immediately cleared his throat and wiped invisible dust off his thighs as the Weasley girl kept talking about how hard the Hufflepuff girls were partying there

"No, not at all" He spoke and the blond stood up, slowly settling down on Potter's lap, it was soft and warm, kind of felt familiar, like he could get used to this, he bet the other Draco was already used to it. The blond jolted when Potter wrapped his arms around his waist, he leaned his forehead on Draco's shoulder and breathed out deeply. Pansy sent him a soft smile, maybe this Potter just really missed his Draco here, it was like he couldn't live without him. Draco leaned comfortably back on Potter's chest and made himself enjoy the feeling, it wasn't awkward like how he had imagined it'd be, maybe it was just the effect of this new world, Draco could only guess so.


"Ah I could use some sleep" Pansy yawned, stretching out her arms and leaned her chin on Granger's shoulder, it's been hours since he got here "Come on, darling, you should sleep, it's late"

"Really? I forgot the time" Granger turned to her and let out a yawn too, smiling and closing her book. He could never imagine a day where Pansy would be this kind to someone, but now here it was, he wondered if that could happen in his world too

"Looks like your soulmate is tired today" Lovegood said, looking at Draco and he turned around to see Potter snoring from behind, his arms still locked around his waist "Maybe you should take him up to his dorm, it's a long way to your dorm anyway"

"Plus, you never spend it there" Weasley chuckled loudly and brought her girlfriend up to the girls' dormitory

"Can you wake him up and lead him to his bed?" Granger asked him while Pansy stood there next to her with her eyes glued to him, she never said a thing but he knew what she was trying to tell him "He said he didn't get any sleep last night and he has been so moody all day"

"It's okay, I will bring him up" He said and the girls left the Common Room, the reason Potter was so moody was probably because of him. He didn't know his impact on Potter would be this big, Draco nudged him with his elbow but he didn't move, the blond tried to stand up but he was quickly pulled back

"Don't leave" Potter mumbled softly behind him, and now the guilt was eating him up, he shouldn't have avoided Potter like that, now he felt like he was actually leaving someone he loved

"Potter, wake up!"

"Wake up!" He said louder and finally Potter opened his eyes, releasing his grip on Draco "You should go to sleep"

"Oh, okay" Potter yawned, closing his mouth and stood up, extending his arm to Draco, waiting for him to take it "Oh, I forgot" He retreated it when Draco flinched, there was something heavy in his chest, as if someone was telling him he was hurting Potter by acting like this, Potter must have thought Draco would follow him like usual

"I'll bring you up" He spoke, and Potter spun around to stare at him with bright eyes, he beamed and waited for Draco to go up the stairs. It was quiet the way up, but he didn't know what else to say.

"Hey, sleeping so early?" Finnigan poked his head out when they got inside Potter's dorm, Thomas was taking his socks off on the same bed "Guess it'll only be the four of us tonight, Ron still seems to be studying and Merlin knows when will Neville come back"

"Oh no, I'm not staying"

"Bloody hell, are you mad at Harry?" Finnigan asked but was quickly nudged by his boyfriend

"I'm sorry, that was insensitive of him, don't answer that" Thomas chimed in with an apology and Draco glanced at Potter, who was sitting on the bed like a sad Crup

"But they always sleep together!" Finnigan whispered, he thought that his voice couldn't be heard from across the room. Draco sighed, maybe sleeping next to him wouldn't be that bad. After all, he couldn't jeopardise his and Potter's relationship in this place. If Potter was the other Draco's happiness, then he shouldn't destroy it.

"I mean I did think about sleeping alone, H...Harry kept bothering me today, but I guess I can't" Draco chuckled, it was incredibly hard referring to Potter with his first name, but he couldn't just call him Potter here anymore

"Ah, I see, he does cling to you" Finnigan nodded like he has seen it many times before and got back to changing into his pyjamas

"I don't have any clothes" Draco said softly and Potter looked up at him quickly before rushing to his trunk and trying to find something

"Here, it's...your clothes here" Potter handed him a pair of green silk pyjamas with his initials on, D.M. Since they were boyfriends, of course he'd have his things here, it still surprised Draco a bit "You can change on the bed, I'll close the curtains" When Potter shut the bed with the red curtains, Draco found himself on the Gryffindor's bed, who was supposed to be his arch rival, however, now he was Draco's significant other.

"I'm done" Draco said loudly to announce Potter and the Gryffindor finally curled up on the bed next to him. They both looked up and then it got quiet

"Can I...can I hug you?" Potter said without looking at him "It's hard for me to sleep if I don't hug you, but it's fine, if you don't want to" Why did he have to make things so complicated? Draco swore under his breath and cleared his throat

"You can, but, but don't squeeze me too much" Draco answered, watching Potter slowly came up to him, draping his arm over the blond's stomach, with his head rubbing against Draco's shoulder, his leg on top of Draco's "Potter—I mean Harry, I'm not the Draco you know, I mean, I still am Draco, but not the person you know" He said, his thoughts were all in a blur. He wasn't sure how to explain it to him

"I know" Potter said after a moment, he let out a quiet breath and continued "It's okay, you can tell me about it whenever you're ready"


"Just, I hope it's not much, but, please, er, don't avoid me" Draco glanced at Potter when he said the words, so he knew something was wrong, but still, he was being understanding enough to wait for Draco to be ready to talk to him. Would the Potter in his world be like this too?

"Okay" He replied with uncertainty in his voice, of course it'd be hard for him to be this close to Potter, but if it wasn't kissing or shagging, he guessed he could bear it. Draco felt his bare skin tickling and turned to the other guy on the bed "Do you usually do this? Hugging me?"

"Yeah, every night" Potter said, and it felt like he was smiling when he said it, maybe he loved doing this. For the time being, Draco was clueless about many things, about what this world was, about how he'd go back to his world. However, the only thing he knew for sure was that Potter really loved him here. With trains of thoughts going through his mind and the warmth of Potter's body next to him, Draco fell quickly to sleep, things could be handled tomorrow.


"Do you get it now?"

"Yeah, thank you" Goldstein said, for some reason he was sitting next to Draco today, he was actually waiting for Potter, but somehow this Ravenclaw took the spot. It has been a few days since he started sleeping with Potter, and because he has to keep people from wondering, he has to stay with Potter for a large amount of time for the day. They didn't kiss or hug in public, but Draco would still appear next to him so other students won't be suspicious of them.

"Ow" Draco hissed softly when something hit his arm, he turned to his left to see Pansy and Granger at the next table, Granger was putting rose petals in the cauldron as Pansy was glaring at him

"What the hell are you doing?" She mouthed without a sound so no one could hear, she looked slightly angry. What was the problem?

"What?" He mouthed back, he didn't understand anything at all

"Anthony?" She pointed at Goldstein and shook her head. What was that supposed to mean?

"I don't get you!" He whispered and soon Goldstein was tugging on his robes

"Hey, can you help me with this, I'm not sure how to do this" Goldstein pointed at the Lady's Mantle on the table, looking defeated. Draco felt like someone was looking at him, he turned around to see Pansy, but she was now busy helping her girlfriend. Draco shrugged and picked up a knife

"Here, you have to chop it" He did it as an example and placed his hand on Goldstein's, helping him prepare the ingredients "See? Steady hands, alright?"

"Thank you, you're really brilliant" Goldstein looked at him with a smile, Draco hummed and continued the preparation

"Fire! It's on fire!" Draco turned around to see Weasley screaming, pointing his finger at the cauldron, with Potter standing next to him, staring at Draco from afar.

"Put it out!" Pansy yelled at both of the guys and Granger quickly casted an extinguishing spell, putting out the fire in a second, before Professor Slughorn could even stop it himself.

"Great, Harry, look what you did" Weasley grumbled loudly and everyone got back to making potions. Potter was looking down now, it was unsettling.

"Hey, what should I do next?" Goldstein poked him and Draco hurriedly got back to his cauldron as well. It was weird, maybe Potter was in a mood again.


"What the hell were you doing?" Pansy pulled Draco back when he was exiting the classroom, not letting him go

"What? What did I do?"

"How could you sit with Anthony Goldstein?"

"Why? What's wrong with him? He just sat down next to me" Draco exclaimed, it wasn't like he could tell him to get away. He thought this was a world where people were nice all the time "What was I supposed to do?"

"Say no? He's like the guy Harry dislikes most here, because he likes you"

"Yeah, I know Potter likes me"

"I didn't mean Harry" Pansy smacked his arm and started pulling him with her. In front of them was Granger walking with Weasley and Potter, the three of them talking again "I meant Anthony, that guy has been tailing you since Third Year, when you hit puberty, but you and Harry were always so close. Everyone just assume you two were a couple even before Hogwarts, weird, I know. But then Harry confessed to you, everyone was surprised, since then Anthony stopped. And now, suddenly you're acting distant again, he's wiggling his way back, that's why Harry burnt his cauldron"

"That's why?" Draco asked and Pansy nodded, sighing deeply, he didn't know Goldstein has a crush on him, he also didn't know Potter could get jealous. He has definitely never seen this side of him before, at least not in his world "I thought he just really suck at Potions"

"Oh he is, but normally he sits with you and you help him. Draco, this is a problem, people are starting to get curious" Pansy folded her arms across her chest and huffed when they arrived at the Great Hall "You need to be closer to him if you don't want to actually ruin your relationship with Harry here. Look, Draco" She tugged at his robes and looked up at him "You don't know it, but Harry really loves you here, and you love him just as much. It's already painful enough that you're not telling him what happened, but now you're hurting his feelings. Draco would never do this to him, he knows his Harry"

"Well, I don't! What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"I can't force you to do anything, it's bad enough I'm helping you in secret when I should have told my girlfriend, who's actually could be a great help. This secret cannot be kept for long, Draco, you better find a way" She said, quickly finding her spot to sit down next to Granger.

"Draco!" The blond turned around to see Goldstein again, who was waving has a huge smile on his face "Want to sit next to me?"


"Draco" Draco turned to his right and saw Potter standing next to him, his face dark "Do you want to sit next to me?"

"I have troubles with some stuff during Potions, can you help me during dinner?" Goldstein added, Draco bit his lower lip and cursed his life. Why the fuck did this have to happen? Draco glanced at the two guys standing and finally made a decision

"I'm sorry...Anthony, I want to sit with my boyfriend" Draco stepped up to stand next to Potter, his hand finding its way to hold Potter's, he put up a smile and glued himself to him "Maybe you could ask your friends, they're also brilliant" He said, walking away with Potter following him, he was grinning like a happy crup behind him now, Potter was so easy to figure out

"Hey, guys! All love dovey again?" Finnigan chimed in when they headed to the table "You two were acting so weird, we thought you guys were fighting or something"

"Oh, no" Draco shook his head, quickly coming up with a lie while Pansy nudged him with her foot from under the table "We thought that we might have shown...a lot of affection towards each other in public"

"And since everyone aren't comfortable, we should refrain from doing it so much in front of you guys" Potter said, Draco looked at him with surprise, a smile was forming on his lips. So this was how it felt to have someone finishing your sentence "Is it working?"

"It's fine" Granger said, grinning at both of them "It's a normal thing to do when you're in love"

"Well, maybe not too much" Pansy winked at him and started eating. The grip on Draco's hand started loosening up as Potter beamed at him and let go so they both could eat. It wasn't that bad...holding hands with him, Draco thought to himself, it was a crazy thing to even think about, but it was an unexpected realisation he had just now, and it was slightly nice.


"Hey, er, how much do you think P—Harry loves me?" He asked in the library, lowering his voice so Potter couldn't hear him. Granger was next to him, he figured it'd be easy just to ask her how her best friend felt about him

"Are you seriously asking me that?" Granger chuckled, pushing her hair back behind her ear "A lot, I might say, he's been in love with you for a long time, always wondering what you're doing, always wanting to be with you, to see you. At first, I didn't get why he's so swooned with you, but when I got to know Pansy, I understand how he feels, and I can say that he's in love with you very deep, Draco. Why do you suddenly want to know?"

"Oh, just...wondering"

"Okay, well I gotta find a few more books, wanna come?" She asked but he politely shook his head, he already got enough books on his side now. She left quickly and he moved to the spot next to Weasley

"Hey, do you think Harry really loves me?" He asked again, Weasley stopped writing and looked up at him with weird eyes

"Are you kidding? He bloody loves you" Weasley said, fiddling with his quill "Like a lot, you two are each other's first love, and you're special to him"


"Yeah, really" Weasley squinted his eyes and leaned closer "But why do you ask? Are you having doubts on the relationship? Did Harry do something wrong to you?"

"No! No" He mumbled and Weasley nodded his head "I'm just wondering, that's all"

"Well, that's a relief" Ron exhaled and looked at him "If he does something wrong, just tell me, I got your back, I'll kick his arse if you want to"

"You got my back?" He asked, he couldn't believe Weasley could actually say that he'd kick his best friend's arse for him

"Yeah, obviously, you're one of my best mates too" Ron grinned, smacking Draco's back and got back to his book

"Hey" Granger came to the table again, looking at the three of them "There are quite a lot of books, do you mind helping me? Oh, you don't have to go, Draco. Just these two, they're pretending to study like I know they are" She rolled her eyes, exactly like Pansy, and pulled both Harry and Ron away. Draco sat there quietly before he heard the familiar footsteps of someone.

"Hey, studying?"

"Of course" Draco said to Pansy as she sat down next to him. They were all studying for an upcoming test, which Draco has to study anyway, since he didn't know how long he'd be stuck here "Why are you so late?"

"Oh, I was just helping Ginny with her date with Luna today" Pansy shrugged, opening the book she brought with her "She needed big help"

"So she has always had a thing for Luna?" He popped the question, he never knew Lovegood would be with Weasley's sister.

"Yeah, they've been friends since First Year"

"Huh, interesting" He mumbled, that was something, because those two also started like that in his world. Could it be that the Weasley girl dumped Potter because she was in love with Lovegood? Draco thought, maybe he was just crazy to think that.

"Oh! I just remember the funniest thing since you mentioned Luna, and now that I think about it, it's pretty odd and coincidental" Pansy nudged him, he could never study anymore now that she got here "A few months ago, we were having lunch, and you two were making out, Luna suddenly mentioned something about how there are multiple universes that are existing at the same time like us right now, like there are hundreds of versions of us in each universe there"


"Yeah, because then, I asked is there any universe where you two aren't kissing, then the funny part is, Ron suggested maybe a world where you two hate each other" Pansy said, he knew Lovegood was always the one to say weird things, but he didn't know the things she said might actually be true "But then you said, and I quote 'No, I think Harry and I will always be together, in any place, any world', you sounded pretty smug then" She tried to mimic his voice, which totally didn't sound like him at all "I thought you were wrong, hell, I thought Luna was wrong, but now, I'm not so sure, maybe both of you blondies have a point"

"So you mean...like we're soulmates or something?" He whispered, glancing at Potter, who was searching for books with Weasley from afar "That's got to be a joke"

"Hey, look, I don't know, Luna can be right, she can be wrong, that's something we'll never know" Pansy shrugged, scribbling her and Granger's name inside a heart in her parchment "If I think about it, I don't think there's a world where Hermione and I don't end up together. Oh, do we...are Hermione and I together? In your world?"

"I..." Draco hesitated to answer. How could he tell her that she hated Granger in his world "No, Pansy, Granger, I mean Hermione is dating Weasley in my world"

"Wow" Pansy hummed, looking at Granger, who was now joining Potter and Weasley, smacking them both on their arms and scolding them "I guess that's understandable, they are friends for a long time"

"Don't...don't let the reality in my world affects your feelings, Pansy, I've got enough of it with Potter here" He sighed, rubbing circles on her back as the trio got back to the table

"No, I'm fine, don't worry, my world is still here" She chuckled and the three of the Gryffindors sat down with them "Hey, darling?"

"Yeah?" Granger looked up from her books and smiled at Pansy "What's wrong?"

"Do you remember the thing Luna said about multiple universes? Do you think she's right?"

"Personally? I don't think so" Granger shook her head, he knew she'd always be the logical one here "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing" Pansy said, drawing circles with her finger on the table "If what Luna said is true, then do you think in another universe, we'd still be together?" Draco looked at Potter, who was discussing Quidditch with Weasley, not listening to a thing Pansy was talking about

"If what Luna said is true, I think...yeah" Granger said, intertwining her hand with Pansy's "We'd be together, of course. You're the only one could handle me, right? You said you'd take responsibility and take care of me, you still are, and I love you for that" Granger kissed her cheek softly, and Pansy's mood was immediately lifted up by her girlfriend, Draco was glad, he knew Pansy was disappointed from what he said. It was bad enough he told Pansy that, he couldn't imagine what'd happen if he told Potter about it as well.

"Hey, do you have time? Can you help me with this?" Potter elbowed him softly, pulling Draco out of his thoughts, the gentle smile on his face has now become something Draco was getting used to. It's been almost two weeks here, he has gotten nowhere, Potter still hasn't forced him to tell the truth, he didn't know how to either. But he should figure it out soon, he couldn't get used to Potter's kind gestures, sweet smiles and loving touches anymore, or else once he returned, he wouldn't know how to face the real Potter there. Draco nodded at him and started explaining to him about History of Magic, while he could not ignore the fact that he didn't know how to get back.


"You know, you don't have to do this" Draco said when they were having dinner at the Great Hall, with Potter doing everything for him, putting his favourite food in his tray, filling up his goblet with pumpkin juice. Not only that, he also did a bunch of other things, like holding his bag for him, carrying books for him, Potter was just too nice for him. Maybe it was because he still considered Draco as his boyfriend, but it was getting annoying, because it was way too sweet, Draco could not handle it.

"Sorry, force of habit" Potter said, stopping himself from putting more food in his tray "I can't help it"

"Well, you should!" Draco snapped, his voice slightly raised, everyone on the table stared at them a bit before minding their own business again. Potter looked down, playing with the peas on his plate and sighed

"I'm sorry, I'll stop" Great, now Draco felt guilty for lashing out at him again. Draco didn't do it on purpose, he just wanted everything back to normal. He could not help smiling back every time Potter smiled at him, he could not help feeling all soft inside whenever Potter did something nice for him, and he could not help but liking the feeling of Potter's warmth against him. He was finding himself falling for Potter in this world, only after a month of being here. Maybe he was just that loveable, but it annoyed Draco, because he knew this Potter here wasn't like the one he knew. If he fell for him any harder, he wouldn't be able to bear his own feelings when he got back, that was why he wanted to refrain from doing things that made him swooned by Potter.

Everything aside from that was normal, they were going through a lot of tests, everyone was studying hard, no one suspected their relationship, and Pansy, of course, was still nagging him to tell Potter what happened. Draco continued eating, knowing Pansy was probably glaring at him right now, wondering why he just snapped at Potter.


Draco couldn't sleep, he opened his eyes and felt the empty air behind him. Since he lashed out at Potter during dinner, the Gryffindor has stopped doing everything that might make Draco uncomfortable, including the cuddling, however, now he could not sleep because Potter didn't cuddle with him. He felt weird and cold even though it was May, it was crazy to feel this way, but understandable, Potter has been hugging him every night for the past month, of course he would get used to it. The rustling sound next to him was loud, Potter couldn't sleep either, he should have known this would happen.

"You can hug me" He mumbled quietly and he could feel Potter immediately rolling over to see him

"Really? You mean it?"

"Yeah" Shortly after his answer, Draco found himself being wrapped by Potter's strong arms again. His face rubbing against Draco's back, the blond sighed, placing his hand on top of Potter's "I'm sorry for snapping at you, I was...you know, I'm not the Draco you know"

"I know, I'm sorry, it's just that I've been doing it for you since we got in Hogwarts together" Potter said softly, his voice rumbling from behind Draco "Sometimes you don't like that too, you'd tell me you're capable of doing it by yourself, but I guess I was just used to it"

"I will tell you...soon" Draco said, he might have to tell him eventually, and he also figured he has to stop being so harsh on Potter, he was just doing it out of habit. They have known each other long before that, he has to understand him. Draco started getting sleepy after a while and soon went to sleep.


"Wow, I can't believe it's already June, we already passed all our exams" Weasley raised both of his arms in the air and laughed as if he had just won a Quidditch match. Draco was glad as well, he studied hard for this, even though it was not meant for him to take these tests, he still has to keep other Draco's grades good. Since everything was done, students were allowed to go home for the summer, starting tomorrow. However Pansy has convinced them to all stay for another week here to party, and people actually agreed to it. The Hufflepuff was even hosting another party later, which Lovegood also invited all of them to join, and Draco, being the person he has to be now, obviously has to agree as well.

"Smile for the camera, Draco" The blond turned around to see Blaise with a camera, standing next to Weasley "Harry, join Draco too!" The redhead yelled, calling Potter to his spot, perfect.

"Stand closer, what are you two doing? Normally, you guys would be like glue" Weasley said, his face looking suspicious, Draco bit on his lower lip and let Potter wrapped his arm around his waist, Draco leaned his head on Potter's shoulder, smiling cheekily as the picture was taken "Done! Bloody hell, Blaise, you take great pictures!" Ron looked at Blaise with a soft glance, he knew they were falling for each other too

"Are you joining the party tonight?"

"Yeah, Luna insisted" Draco replied when Potter asked him after Blaise and Weasley had walked away "It's fine, I think it'll be a fun party anyway"

"Look at the lovebird" Pansy startled the both of them from behind, with Granger grinning at them

"She's just excited about the party, ignore her" Granger said, even when they were done with studying, she still has a book in her hands. Pansy would always joke around, asking Granger whether she loved books or Pansy more "Harry, are you visiting your mum and dad this summer?"

"Yeah, separately" Potter said, scratching the nape of his neck "I'm staying with my mum for a month, my dad for a month, and two weeks with Remus and Sirius"

"Are you bringing Draco with you?" Granger asked, and Draco realised he and Potter probably do this every year "Or is he staying with his parents?"

"Oh, er..."

"We will visit my parents too" Draco chimed in to help when Potter stuttered, he assumed they'd also share time with his parents, considering his parents in this world were nicer than his own world, especially his father "We haven't figured out the exact time yet, but we will discuss it after the party tonight, as long as the Hufflepuff girls don't make us drink" He laughed as the girls nodded along, so he was right. After living here for more than a month, he was getting better at improvising

"Good point"

"Hey! Harry! Hermione! Come here, let's take a picture!" Weasley called out for them from the Hogwarts courtyard, waving his hand at them

"See you at the party" Potter said, following Granger to where Weasley was standing, leaving Pansy back, glaring at him

"I know what you're trying to say" Draco mumbled, looking at her eyes, which was sending him death glares "I will tell him soon"

"You better make it quick, it's been over a month. How could Harry go on living like this, not knowing a single thing that happened to you, I'll never know" Pansy shook her head, judging him with her tone of voice. She leaned back on the wall next to him, watching the Gryffindors taking pictures with each other and continued "You like him, don't you?"

"I don't"

"You do"

"How do you know?" He said, his eyes still looking at Potter, who was smiling brightly in a crowd of students, he would notice that smile anywhere

"You got that look, it's the same look Draco here has for Harry for the past five years" Pansy said, folding her arms across her chest "I've seen it a lot to know what it's like. At first, when you were here, you didn't have that look, but now, I can see it"

"I don't know how to face him, if I ever go back" He confessed, the Potter here was so different, he wasn't sure what to do once he has to deal with the Potter in his universe "We hate each other there"

"No, once you go back, you don't hate him anymore, right?"

"They're so different, Pansy, it's not the same"

"How do you know?" Pansy nudged him with her elbow, leaning her head on his shoulder "If you hate him there, how do you know how he will act when he likes you. What if he acts the same? You might not know this, but when Harry found out he likes you, Merlin, he was so helpless"


"He was stuttering, avoiding you, then he talked to Hermione and I, asking for our advice, he was a mess, he didn't know how to act towards you anymore" She chuckled, hooking her arm around his "That's when Anthony appeared, since he avoided you. Then he saw Anthony, getting all jealous, we told him to just confess to you, and he did, right at that Quidditch match. It took him just the right nudge to finally confess"

"What's your point?"

"My point is, if Harry in your world is also a helpless mess when it comes to someone he likes, then maybe they're the same" Pansy said, and it reminded him about the time, there was a rumour that Potter had asked Cho Chang out for the Yule Ball, he was all shy and scared, according to other students, that he was turned down because she already agreed to go with Diggory. Draco huffed out a laugh, maybe they could be the same, just maybe "If you want to prove that these two worlds are not different, just try to make Hermione and I fall for each other"

"That's absurd, Pansy"

"If we are together there, and Blaise and Ron, or even Ginny and Luna, then maybe there's hope for you and Harry, that's all I'm saying, if you want to act on it once you get back there"

"You and your crazy ideas" Draco smiled, shaking his head and trying to ignore what Pansy had just suggested. She was going insane, telling Draco to do such a thing.


"Hey!" Ginny jumped at him from behind, scaring Draco with her loud words, he has gotten used to calling them by their first names, since he has to actually call them like that, it's become somewhat natural for him to say "Stop standing at the corner, have fun!"

"Isn't this party for graduates only?" He looked at her, she looked tipsy, he had only just arrived for five minutes, later than everyone else, since he had some thinking to do.

"They don't care, shush" She put the finger on his lips, laughing quietly with a glass of Firewhisky in her hand "Have you seen my girlfriend? Small, blonde hair, smell like flowers and the forest after it rains, oh and look incredibly beautiful?"

"She's right there, Ginny" He pointed at Luna, who was standing with Padma Patil "And how many glasses have you drank?"

"Only two" She whispered, holding up six fingers, her face was totally red now

"Come on, let's get your girlfriend" He said, leading the redhead to Luna "You should stop drinking, you might faint"

"I'd love to" Ginny said, staggering to Luna's spot "My girl!" She exclaimed "You're here!"

"Oh Merlin, thank you, Draco" Luna said, holding on to Ginny's body "How many drinks have you had?"


"Six" He said, helping Luna put Ginny down on the couch nearby "You should keep her from drinking"

"The Hufflepuff girls dared her to play a drinking game, I couldn't stop them" Luna sighed, it was true, the girls in Hufflepuff were really persuasive, and Ginny was overly competitive, it was a deadly combination

"Oh, down already?" Hermione walked to their spot and smiled "That was fast"

"Oh wow, what a sight, my mum would love to see this" Ron also came to the spot with a beer on his hand and looked at his sister, who was sleeping on the couch now. He wondered where all the students could find all the booze "Beer?" He offered the beer to Draco but the blond shook his head, he didn't really want to get drunk, he was never the drinker.

"Where's Harry?" Before he was even aware of his own words, he had already asked them where Potter was, as if it was becoming a habit of him now

"You don't know? The crowd there, you see?" Hermione pointed to the crowd of female students "Harry is, well, in there"

"Why?" Ron asked, looking puzzled just like Draco. Why the hell was those girls crowding Potter?

"I'm not sure, I think some just want to hear Harry talk, they love him" Hermione shrugged, Draco squinted his eyes and left quietly as Ron asked Hermione about her summer plan. Draco finally found Pansy next to the table full of drinks and pulled her by her arm

"Hey, what are those girls doing?"

"You finally noticed?" Pansy chuckled, hopping to sit on the table and sipping on her colourful drink "You see, Harry is hot, and of course everyone likes him. You remember how I said there are people who like you but you and Harry are always together, they cannot act on it? Well, the same goes for Harry, he's a hot piece of cake"

"They like Potter?"

"Of course, normally at parties, you two would be snogging, or drinking somewhere, or with us, but now, he's alone, which makes him an easy prey for all those hormonal teenagers" Pansy said, as they both stared at how all those girls were laughing at something Potter had said "You are scary, Draco, I mean, in this world, with one glare, all of those girls will back off right away, no one dares come close to Harry. Since you switched with him now, any time they find the chance to approach him, they will"


"Some people are like that" Pansy mumbled in her drink and kicked his leg "So, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know" He rubbed his own hands unconsciously, something was bothering him "Is it my business?"

"Probably not if you were in your world, but here, you're Harry's boyfriend" She said, poking his chest, her hard nail digging into his skin even through his robes "It's your choice" He pressed his lips together, raising his hand up and waving. Soon enough, Potter spotted him and stood up, leaving the crow in a rush

"Glad to know that's your choice" Pansy smirked, smacking him softly before sashaying away to Hermione's spot. For Potter, he was practically skipping to Draco's place with joy. He wondered if the Potter in his world would also show this side of his to Draco.

"Hey, you're here" Potter beamed at him, grabbing a glass of blue drink that the Hufflepuff have made and giving it to Draco "Here, your favourite"

"My favourite?" He ogled at the drink in Potter's hand, he could not believe he'd like this, it was blue like the ocean, with a piece of orange on the side, sugar sprinkled on the rim of the glass, and a cherry inside.

"Oh, well, you know, Draco likes it" Potter stuttered, he was going to place the drink down again but Draco took it anyway, giving it a try. It actually tasted amazing, it was pretty fruity and not strong with alcohol at all, which was good because he didn't like alcohol much to begin with "Is it good?"

"It is"

"I'm glad" Potter said, sighing in relief and leaning himself on the table "Er, why were you so late? It's past midnight now"

"I was...packing" He said, as Potter's eyes shining with shock and joy when he heard Draco "We have to visit your dad tomorrow, right?"

"Oh, you know, you don't have to, it's fine"

"I want to, Draco would want me to" He said and watched Potter rustling inside his robes to pull out a box

"Since it's already a new day now, I want to give you this for your birthday"

"Harry, no, I can't take it" Draco said, pushing Potter's hands back when he opened the small black box to show two rings inside, it was silver and looked the same, it seemed like a pair of promise rings. He could not take it, it was not meant for him "Harry, stop, I'm not the Draco you know"

"You're still Draco, right?" Potter said, waiting for Draco to slowly nod "I want to give you this, because you're still Draco, and I love you"

"Harry" His voice weakened, he couldn't say anything as Harry slipped the ring into his finger, there was something tightening in his heart. He didn't know what to do, Draco bit on his lower lip and extended his hand

"Hold my hand"


"Hold my hand, I want to show you something" He said, it was time for him to tell Harry what happened. He's been feeling nervous the whole day, there was something telling him that he needed to do it, but now that Harry had given him the ring, he realised he surely has to. When Harry intertwined their hands together, Draco pulled him out of the room full of students partying and into the dark hall "Just...wait, I will show you"

"I will" Harry said, tightening his grip on Draco's hand as a way to reassure him, and somehow, by some miracle perhaps, he did feel less anxious.

It was a long way up to the Room of Requirements, it was pure silence between the both of them on the way, just the sound of their breathing and their warm hands locked together. When the door finally showed, Draco pushed it open. As expected, the room was empty, but there was a mirror in it.

"Before you say anything, I want to tell you first" He turned around, closing the door and stopping Harry from stepping farther ahead "I'm not Draco"

"I know"

"Well, I'm still him, but I'm from another universe" He said and Harry's eyebrows furrowed together "Okay, I know it sounds crazy. But in my world, we hate each other. We despise each other, we're arch rivals. And, well, one day, I saw a mirror in this same room, and I saw us kissing, I freaked out and tried to destroy it, and the next thing I knew, I was here, in your world" He started explaining as Harry widened his eyes "It's crazy, I know, but I'm telling you the truth. That mirror is cursed, and remember that thing Luna told us? About how there are multiple universes living like us right now? I think it's true. Merlin, I know it's hard to believe" He said, retreating his hand and clutching on his robes instead "You may think I'm going insane right now"

"No, no, I believe you" Harry said, grabbing his hands once again and their eyes met "Draco, look, I trust you, and it's alright to freak out" He smiled, breathing calmly while Draco was even more scared, it should be the opposite "To be honest, I always think Luna's right, she's never been wrong to me before"


"Yeah, and you said something about the mirror, right?" Harry said and Draco nodded "And you said we hate each other there, in your universe, but you saw us kissing in the mirror"

"I want you to look at the mirror there, Draco" Harry said, pointing at the mirror in the middle of the room "I don't think it's the mirror you think"

"What do you mean?" Draco asked, the mirror looked exactly the same "It's the same, there's even a sentence engraved in it, something...Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi"

"Look" Harry pointed his finger at the sentence on this mirror in front of them" It says, Eramthgin tsrow stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. Can you see the difference?"

"Yeah, I, I didn't notice that before" Draco suddenly realised the words were different, this was a different mirror "I could never figure out what it meant"

"Stand in front of it and tell me what you see" He whispered from behind Draco, the blond stepped up and saw a shadow in the mirror. There was a second shadow now, quickly enough there was Harry there, and Draco was there too, but he was crying as Harry threw a piece of parchment on the ground, stomping on it and leaving Draco crying on his knees. It was heartbreaking, and from what he saw, it seemed like he confessed to Harry, but he aggressively declined it, which broke his heart.

"Me...confessing to you through a letter, but you left" He mumbled, Harry rubbed his back and pulled Draco to look at him

"That's because that mirror right there, it's the Mirror of Eramthgin, that's what my parents call it, now the young ones call it the Mirror of Nightmare" He said, explaining to Draco the difference. Nightmare? So his worst nightmare was Harry breaking his heart? "The words on it say I show not your face but your heart's worst nightmare"


"Yeah, it was supposed to be a myth, but only one person that had seen it, that I know of" Harry said, pulling Draco down to sit on the ground "Remus Lupin, you know him right? He's my godfather's husband, he saw the mirror in Hogwarts too, years ago, he saw himself killing Sirius with his own hands under the full moon, it was the thing he feared most. Since then, it never came back"

"What about the mirror I saw? It says differently"

"Well, my godfather, Sirius, told me there's another mirror that's the opposite of this one, a mirror of desire, but they also say two things like that could never be at the same place" Harry said, looking up at the mirror "Which would explain that maybe the other mirror you see is probably the Mirror of Desire. That must have happened to my Draco, he must have seen this one, had the same reactions like you, and somehow, you two switched places"

"Really?" It was a bizarre thing to find out. Mirror of Nightmare, Mirror of Desire? What the hell was this? "I didn't know something like that could happen"

"I know, but you said the first time you saw the mirror, you see us holding hands and kissing right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"If it's the Mirror of Desire, it tells us what we wants most, that's what Sirius told me. So, it must have been that...you have feelings for me, or the other me in the world you were in. That's why you saw us kissing"

"That's impossible" Draco scoffed, he could never like the Potter there in his world. The Harry here was the one that made him fall in love "What if we're in a parallel world and it's the way it is?"

"Well then, should we prove that it's not?" Harry gave him a smile with a hint of smug in it, Draco pursed his lips and nodded "Alright, what food do you hate most?"


"My Draco hates peas too" Harry was smirking at him now "And you love sweets but you despise white chocolate"

"Maybe" Draco mumbled, remembering all the time he gave all the white chocolates for Theodore, who loved the it "That doesn't mean anything"

"You bite your lips when you're focused, you hate sweating, that's why you always cast a Cooling Charm whenever you play Quidditch or in the summer. And when you put on your shirt, you button it from the last button up to the top button, not the other way around"

"How do you know that?"

"I know Draco" He smiled, placing his hands on Draco's knees

"Our worlds are different, Harry" He murmured in a low tone "My world is full of...deaths, loss, conflicts. We went through wars, we were on the opposite sides" Draco said, revealing the truth, it was so different. How could it have the same ending? "You hate me, Harry"

"I could never" Harry cupped his cheeks as Draco leaned into it "Like Luna said, there are many universes, and maybe your world doesn't have the same beginning like us, it can still have the same ending. Don't you think?"

"You're awfully wise here, aren't you?" He chuckled and held Harry's hand "It just seems impossible"

"Do you have feelings for me?"

"Maybe" He said softly, looking down on his knees "But for you, not for the Potter in my world"

"How do you know? We hate each other there, right?" He asked, and it was true, since they hated each other, Draco has never been able to see a soft side of Potter before "If you have feelings for me, then I'm sure the other me has feelings for you too" Harry told him, with his green eyes never left Draco's gaze "Because you once told me, you've always loved me like I've always loved you, there won't be a universe or a time where we wouldn't be together, it's simply impossible, because we're meant to be"

"I said that?" He wondered, he could say those stuff?

"Yeah, and I believed you. I think you and I, whether we're in a universe where we're best friends since we were kids, or we're arch rivals, or we're Muggles even, I know we'd still be together, I love you, Draco, I always have, and I know the other me loves you too"

"I'm not sure, I always throw insults at him, he'd always fight back" He said, they had a rough past, a really rough one, he could not imagine Potter liking him back, ever.

"Do you know every morning, I'd wake up to you telling me how my hair looks like birds could nest in it, and my bed can be a house for rats? And my clothes are always everywhere?" Harry laughed, looking at him with kind eyes "There's not a day you go without throwing a few insults at me, but I know you mean well, it means you care about me"

"I might not...in my universe, I'm very mean, we fight all the time"

"I love that in you, because you put up a fight, I love a challenge" Harry said "Even when we're best friends, we still have duels, Quidditch matches every week to test each other, I love bickering with you. Ask our friends, we still fight like crazy"

"I don't know how to do it, once I get back" It was what he was worried most when he got back. How could he do it, facing someone who hated him? Before this, it'd be fine because he hated Potter too. But now, it was different.

"Be you, be persistent and believe in yourself. I did that and it worked, right?" He said, making Draco chuckled, he did have a good point "And remember, I love you, back when we were kids, now, in the future, in another life, another universe, I'll still love you"

"Do you know you're a sap?" Draco grinned, playing with Harry's fingers and their rings, he could never imagine hearing these words from his so-called arch rival, but not in this world apparently

"It's what you secretly love about me" Harry said, beaming like a kid. Then there was a moment of silence, just both of them looking into each other's eyes. And as though someone was nudging him, Draco leaned closer like Harry and closed his eyes, the blond could feel his breath ghosting over his lips, he liked the Harry here, and maybe he can like the other one too, once he knew how to go back. When a sudden cold breeze hit him, Draco opened his eyes again, there was no one in the room.

"What the..." Draco stood up, he looked up at the mirror, it was the same mirror he had thrown a spell at "Erised stra ehru oyt ube..." He mumbled the words out loud, this was different again. Was he back in his world?

Draco rushed out of the room and started running. How did he return? Did the other Draco do something? Or was it just time to go back? When he got to his own dorm, it was empty, there was still one of the magazines Pansy would always read left on his bed, she was here. Draco grabbed the small mirror on his study and looked at himself. He was slightly different, his hair was styled another way. Draco's eyes immediately saw a folded parchment on his table

'Dear Draco'

Draco recognised his own handwriting and quickly opened it himself to read

'It's me, Draco, it's weird how I'm saying this to myself. Today marks the third week that I've been here, I've figured out everything with the help of Pansy, but trust me, no one knew we switched places'

So they actually switched places, Draco gaped, sitting down on his bed and continued reading

'I woke up myself and saw the mirror, I've heard about the Mirror of Nightmare in my place from Harry. I found out this one was different when I saw myself reunited with Harry, then I remember the myth about the Mirror of Desire.

Then Pansy explained to me everything about it, I learned that I've been brought to another universe, that's when I know you must have been switched to mine'

One thing Draco has concluded was that the other Draco was much smarter than him, he found out things way faster somehow

'When I saw the mirror in my own universe, it was images of me and Harry breaking up, it was why I got angry and broke the mirror with a spell. When I touched the mirror, I was immediately brought to your world, I assumed that the same happened to you too.

Your world is so different from mine, so much loss and tragedies, I saw the black tattoo on your arm and couldn't imagine how much pain you had to go through.

It's absolutely odd seeing a world where Harry isn't with us, I had almost hugged him when I first saw him again in your world, I'm truly sorry if that will create some consequences for you when you get back. I always thought in any world, any time, Harry and I, our Harry and us will always be together, that's what I always tell him'

He even repeated what he said again, so it was true, Draco actually believed that, he wondered why, maybe he was secretly a romantic at heart.

'I trust that Harry's helping you there, I know he will, and possibly Pansy because she's still like that everywhere. I've been watching Harry for a while from afar, I was careful, do not worry, and I realised, the Harry I know and the Harry you know are the same, that's all I can say'

Why couldn't he just elaborate? Draco sighed, he could have just explained a little so he could see the resemblances too.

'I've kept a low profile here and will keep doing that until we switched back again. Although I still have to throw in some light insults every now and then, just to make sure he doesn't get suspicious. Since I don't know when I'll be back, that is why I'm writing this letter. I hope you know what to do from now, Draco.

Best of luck, from yourself'

Draco finished the letter and heaved a long breath, so time must have really gone by when he was brought there, he thought it might have just been a dream.

"Where the hell were you?" Pansy barged in the room, startling Draco "I was worried sick. I even had to ask bloody Granger to ask the other Prefects if they saw you. You disappeared for three hours straight after we celebrated your birthday"

"Granger? You still hate her, right?" He asked, just to be sure he was really back

"Obviously, I also just had the fifth meeting with her for the past weeks and she's such a know-it-all. I could not handle her at all! I can't imagine what her boyfriend would feel like" Pansy groaned loudly, making Draco chuckled. Who would have known that trait of Hermione was what made Pansy fall for her "What's the matter with you? Did you hit your head again?"

"No, I was...at a place" He said, reassuring her and thinking about how the other Draco knew that he needed to get to the Room of Requirement, he's just incredibly intelligent "To think"

"Fine, I'm going to find Blaise and tell him you're fine"

"I'll come with you" Draco shoved the letter in his robes and followed her. As he walked with her in the hall, it seemed quite different. The atmosphere was definitely different, people weren't as joyful like in the other world, it was for many reasons anyway "Where's Blaise by the way?"

"Library, he's studying again, or reading, who knows? He's in his little bubble that no one can get in" She huffed as they kept walking "He's probably trying to get the best grades and get out of here"

"Interesting" Draco said, smiling to himself but the smile soon disappeared when he saw two figures rushing towards their way. It was Ron and Harry, they were still in their Quidditch uniforms, but Harry was bleeding from his head. Draco freaked out, his feet moved before he could control it

"Harry, are you alrig—..." He stopped himself and covered his mouth when both Harry and Ron stared at him with weird eyes. What the hell did he just say? This was not the other world! Harry—Potter was his rival again here!

"Did you just—..."

"Nothing! Shove off, Potter!" He said, running out of there as quick as possible. Why did he insult him again? Moreover, why did he call him Harry? He ruined it all, Draco could not make it worse.


"The Harry I know and the Harry you know are the same" Draco kept repeating the sentence the other Draco had written for him. The same? What did that mean? Did he mean they might have a chance to be together in this world? Draco touched the letter and leaned back on his pillow behind him. It has been a few days since he got back, and after accidentally calling Potter by his first name, acting all caring when he came in with that bleeding head, Draco started avoiding him. No more insults, no more doing things to get his attention, even the other Draco still kept up with the insults when he was here, Draco just couldn't do it now. He touched his left ring finger, remembering the moment Harry gave him the ring, the ring that wasn't meant for him, he was still moved by it.

Things got different now, because Draco realised he has feelings for Harry, or Potter, or Harry Potter in general. They were the same, he had realised from watching Potter. The way he acted around his friends, his honest laughters, his gentle smiles, his deep voice, it was definitely the same. He did that with everyone, not Draco, of course, and that was what made him sadder than he was now. Just the fact that he liked Potter but wasn't sure what to do about it. Suddenly becoming such a coward, he hated himself for this. If only he knew what to do.

'If you want to prove that these two worlds are not different, just try to make Hermione and I fall for each other'

'I love you, back when we were kids, now, in the future, in another life, another universe, I'll still love you'

Pansy and Harry's words came rushing back in his mind, making him wonder again "If I could prove that this world is just like that world, then maybe it'll work" He mumbled to himself, looking at his own handwriting 'I hope you know what to do now, Draco'

"Maybe I should prove that all the couples here end up like there too" He traced his finger over the letter, his lips forming into a small smile, it was like a plan had been made in his head, and he'd definitely do it.


Draco never knew he could actually miss Harry's sweet voice, his touches, and especially his cuddles. It was hard for him to sleep ever since he got back, curse Harry and his warm hugs. Draco sighed, looking at Harry from far away, he missed him. He wished they were boyfriends now, but that was such a crazy thought to have right now. He shook his head and looked the other way, getting back to his plan.

Thomas and Finnigan have already become a couple just before Eighth Year, so that was one couple he didn't have to help to be together. Draco looked around the Great Hall, everyone was having breakfast. He has been making up with some kind of plans to matchmake a few couples here that had some potential, it took him a whole week just to plan all of it. His eyes stopped at Ginny, the person he had gotten so used to calling her by her first name, she was eating at the Ravenclaw table, next to Luna. They have been friends, and since she dumped Potter's arse, she's been sitting with the Ravenclaw, especially Luna, and that was something he need to pay attention to.

"Hey, what are you doing poking your food?" Pansy elbowed him, moving closer to his spot and whispering in his ear "I heard Weasley and Granger broke up a few days ago, people only found out now"

"What? They broke up?" Was this a sign? Draco leaned over, pulling at Pansy's robes "Tell me everything"

"I don't know much, but we were bored during one of the meeting and I started getting some hot news from Padma, who heard it from her sister Parvati, Parvati's girlfriend, Lavender heard it because ever since she turned into a Werewolf, her hearing is really good" Pansy explained, while Draco was still trying to figure out what the hell she was saying "They seemed to have broken up a few days ago, only some people know, but I think Finnigan got a pretty loud voice, that's why the news is getting out"

"So, you mean Weasley and Granger are finished?"

"Yeah, I guess so, who would have thought? Maybe Weasley couldn't handle Granger and her excessive need to be the best out of everyone" Pansy scoffed, rolling her eyes and picking up her fork. It got kind of funny when he realised Pansy has started talking about Hermione more. The blond dipped his fork into the mashed potatoes, thinking carefully in his head. Maybe he could do something about it after all.


"Do you get this now?"

"No!" Ron exclaimed loudly but then shut himself up after Madam Pince shushed him "No, I don't get it at all"

"You're killing me here, Ron" Draco overheard Hermione trying to explain something for Ron in the library. Seemed like they were still good friends. When his eyes met Harry, Draco quickly turned away, walking to the table where Blaise was sitting

"What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Blaise replied without looking up, his eyes were glued on the parchment as he kept scribbling. Draco might never admit it out loud, but Blaise was definitely a smart one, he got an O in a lot of classes, and he was actually the one to help Pansy saving her grades, which was exactly why he wanted to find Blaise.

"Are you open for tutoring?" He asked, waiting for an answer from Blaise, but all the guy did was keep writing. Draco smiled with a tiny bit of annoyance in his expression. Blaise was not the talkative type, but so did the other Blaise in the other world, he had noticed. Draco elbowed him and snapped his fingers "Blaise, come on, it's a great deal"

"Does Pansy need tutoring again?" He finally stopped writing and looked at Draco "I thought she'd need it once we're a day before the test?" Somehow Eighth Year took a little longer to end than the semester he had spent over there, so now Draco has to study again for the N.E.W.T.s tests, but it was fine, he enjoyed it.

"No, not her" He shook his head, overhearing Ron's mumbles about how he was tired of studying and smiling unconsciously "Are you interested in tutoring Ron Weasley?"

"No, thank you" Blaise gave him a death glare before going back to writing "I'd rather tutor ten Pansy than one of him, he'd loud and obnoxious"

"Oh how I wish you could see yourself there" Draco mumbled so quietly that Blaise couldn't hear. This won't work, he needed another way to make them study together.


"What do you mean, Mr. Malfoy?" Professor Slughorn turned around to smile at him while organising the class "That is quite the request you have there"

"Well, Professor, I just think, as a Prefect, I think I have the responsibility of helping everyone pass their exams, especially as the N.E.W.T.s are coming up. I feel that there should be a way for people to help others, and for Houses to be united, like Headmistress McGonagall wants" He asked, standing straight on his feet so Professor Slughorn knew he was serious "And I think it'd be great to pair up each student from each House to tutor each other. For example, this is just coming to me now, I feel that Blaise is a brilliant student in your class"

"You're right"

"And Ronald Weasley, he's really struggling with Potions" He said, it wasn't a lie anyway "If you could pair a student who needs improving with someone who's good at this, maybe all students will pass the Potions test with an O"

"You have a good point, Mr. Malfoy, I will think about it" Professor Slughorn nodded slowly, touching his chin, Draco smiled and walked away, just a few more Professors like this, he'd be on his way.


"I can't believe I have to be tutored by bloody Zabini!" Draco stopped in his tracks and walked slower to hear Ron rambling to Harry from behind "How is it even possible for me to be paired up with him in almost every subject today?"

"Maybe it's good for you, Ron" Hermione said, he knew she'd agree with that suggestion, she was fed up with teaching Ron anyway

"Yeah, maybe it's for the better" Harry said, earning a loud groan from Ron.

"You didn't do anything, did you?" Blaise startled him when he came up from behind Draco


"You asked me to tutor Weasley, I said no, and now every Professor is telling me to tutor him? Was it you?"

"Come on, do you think I'd actually go out of my way to talk to every single Professor in Hogwarts to beg them to make you Weasley's tutor? Do I care about you or him that much?" He asked, arching an eyebrow, Blaise looked at him intently for a few seconds before he nodded. Draco breathed out in relief, because that was exactly what he did "Blaise, I know you think he's loud, and has some anger issues and he's so bad at classes, but you're good at handling it, right? Pansy's also loud, she has mood swings all the time, and she's even worse at studying" He said firmly, searching for some change in expression from Blaise's face. Blaise has never been the one to feel anything for anyone, Ron has always been the one to feel and express way too much, they'd have a good potential to be together, just like what he had seen in the other world.

"Fair point" He said before walking away. He knew Blaise, the guy was so patient, too patient if he was being honest. If he could help Pansy pass her tests, helping Ron would be no big deal to him. Draco walked in Charms class and sat down next to Pansy, who was huffing and grunting with Daphne on the next table

"...It's like the world is punishing me" Pansy groaned and Draco nudged her arm

"What's wrong?"

"Some moron suggested Madam Pince that some people should organise the books in the library, by hands! And she picked me! That's like a million books in there! And to make matters worse, we have to bond with other Houses, which means now I have to sort out the library with Granger, who probably just loves doing it, it must be her favourite place" She said, not knowing the tiny, little truth that the moron was Draco. It was easy asking Madam Pince, she loved sweets and just with a few boxes of chocolates that his mother sent him, he was able to persuade her.

"You know, you shouldn't be so hard on her"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, I know we hate Gryffindor, right?" Draco said, helping her open her mind just a little "But the war is over, shouldn't we listen to what Headmistress always say, all Houses should be united, right?"

"You know, you've gotten all weird since you disappeared that day" She squinted her eyes at him but he only chuckled back, opening the book

"I'm just saying, if you tolerate her more, maybe you wouldn't hate organising the library so much"

"I guess you have a point" She sighed, fiddling with her black quill "But she's obnoxious"

"For knowing a lot? Then why are you friends with Blaise and I? We can be know-it-all too" He pointed out, which made Pansy realised it as well. He smiled, he was getting into the right way now "Right? So go easy on her and the Gryffindor"

"You're weird"

"Maybe I am" He said, picking up his quill and started writing. Maybe they'd suspect him for acting odd, but it was for the better, he could take it.


"Accio Luna's shoes" He waved his wand, pointing at the pair of white shows with small wings on the sides that was hanging on one of the statues on the wall. Draco grabbed it as soon as he heard footsteps arriving "Hi"

"Oh, hello"

"I found your shoes" He said, giving her the shoes as she sat down on the chair in the hall. When he was in the other world, Luna was the kindest one, Draco got the chance to see her true self without holding any prejudice against her, and it felt nice, she was nice. So she was the first one he decided to apologise for "Do you mind if I talk to you for a bit?"

"Sure, Malfoy, what do you want to talk about?" She said, smiling while putting on her shoes. He took a deep breath and looked at her

"I want to apologise for everything I've done to you, I was a bully, I was mean towards you for no reason, I've been the biggest arse in this place" He said, fidgeting with his own sleeves, he has never apologised before so this definitely made him struggle for a bit "I said so many things, I called you names, I did horrible things. I don't know if you'll forgive me, if you don't, I totally get it. I just want to say that I'm sorry for being such a monster towards you, you don't deserve any of that" He admitted loudly, his knees trembling, and then there it was, she placed her hand on his, stopping him from shaking.

"I forgive you" He looked up at her, astonished at her words, she was smiling at him, the same kind smile he had seen from the other world. She held his hand tightly and continued "It's all in the past now, don't worry"

"I'm so glad" He sniffled softly, and just as she pulled him in for a hug, Draco was surprised, she was a warm person. He didn't even think she'd forgive him, and when she did, he couldn't help but becoming speechless "I'm sorry"

"Stop saying sorry, would you?" Luna chuckled and broke away from the hug "It's alright, don't think much about it"

"Thank you"

"I got a study date to go to, I'll see you later, Draco" She stood up and smiled at him, skipping out of the hall

"Bye, Luna" He said loudly, it was comfortable now calling her by her first name, he didn't know he'd feel this good about this...about being nice. Draco dusted his robes and walked back to his dorm. Luna was the first person, he still got more to apologise for, but he reckoned they'd come looking for him soon.


"Malfoy!" Draco stopped in his tracks when he heard a familiar female voice behind him, it was the day after he apologised to Luna. Blaise was still tutoring Ron in the library, while Pansy complained about sorting books out with Hermione every day, Draco got his alone time to think a lot these days. He turned around and saw Ginny rushing to him in her Quidditch's uniform

"Hi, Weasley"

"Did you apologise to Luna?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him, she didn't believe him, she'd probably think he was scheming something "Are you scheming something?" Draco smiled in his head, pressing his lips into a thin line and nodded

"I did apologise to Luna, and I want to talk to you too. Is that alright?"

"What are you up to?" She folded her arms across her chest, she didn't trust him, not yet.

"Look, Weasley, I want to apologise for everything I've done to you, I was a horrible person" He said, looking straight at her "After the war, I learned a lot of things, I realised I was a monster towards everyone, I was a coward"

"That's true"

"See? You agreed as well" He chuckled and continued under her sceptical gaze "I just...I want to change, if anything, I want to be a better person. That's why I want to apologise to everyone I've hurt, Luna, you, I'm sorry for acting like a total arse"

"You are"

"I don't hope you'll forgive me"

"I don't" She said quickly, which was the exact reply he had expected from Ginny. She was a tough one to crack, the Weasleys have always been hard to impress.

"I still want to say sorry" He looked at her, and if he was being honest, he missed Ginny's huge, bright laugh when he was back there, she was always fun, only to her close friends, Draco assumed "I can't say it enough"

"Ginny!" They both turned to look at the Hogwarts yard, where Luna was standing, waving at the redhead. Ginny gave Draco one last curious look before walking away. He knew Ginny would be stubborn, she has every right not to trust him, but he was hoping maybe Luna'd be able to help him. Draco clutched tightly on his books and walked away as well, he needed to find a few more people.


Draco looked at Ron and Hermione's backs as they walked away from him, he had finally found them in the library without Potter after dinner, luckily, and he had apologised to them, one by one. Ron was just like his sister, he even spat out a few insults, bringing back a few memories when he was wrong towards them, and he has every right to act like that. Hermione, on the other hand, was easier, though he had thrown slurs at her before, calling her names, she was calmer than Ron. He knew it'd take time anyway, he just wanted to do it. When he was brought into the other world, he got the chance to see the other side of every person he had wronged, he found out they were so much better than him, and Draco just hoped here, now, they'd forgive him and see him as a better version than before.

"Did you just apologise to them too?" Draco turned around, surprised to see Ginny standing in front of him, her eyes still squinting like he was a suspect in a crime

"Yeah, I wanted to apologise to everyone I've treated badly"

"That's a long line of people" She said, making him smile

"That's true"

"So you are really sorry?" She asked, he figured people would think he was joking at first. But having gone through all of the things for the past weeks, he realised a lot of things, including the fact that he was the biggest arse in Hogwarts, he just wanted to change

"I am, I mean every word I said to you, to everyone" He said, it felt nice to admit to this. He clutched tightly on his books and looked at her


"Hey, Ginny!" Dean approached her from behind, tapping her shoulder and breathing heavily, seemed like he just ran here "So I talked to Leanne, since you asked me to ask her about her dad's broom shop, but she said his shop is also out of Nimbus 3000"

"Come on" Ginny groaned, huffing softly so Madam Pince won't shush them. Nimbus 3000 was the latest broom that came out just at the beginning of this month, Ginny would probably love to have it

"I'm sorry, I'll try to ask her again" Dean said, nodding at her "Gotta go meet Seamus now, bye" He waved at both of them and ran away while Ginny still has an annoyed look on her face

"Hey" He called her, he wanted to do something nice, maybe a good thing without wanting anything back "I can get you Nimbus 3000"


"My father knows a guy that sells it, I can ask my father for one" He said, his father knew a lot of people, he wouldn't care if he asked for one broom "He'll probably get it for free, so you don't have to worry about the money. You can have it in a few days"

"Are you bribing me?"

"No, but do you hate me a little less now?" He asked, she was holding her face firm, cold like ice, but a happy smile was forming on the corner of her lips, she was actually trying to hold it in

"Depends" She chewed on her lower lip, she was probably still torn between accepting it or not "Would you want anything in return?"

"No, not at all, I just want to do something nice" He said, placing his hand on his chest "Nothing in return, you can trust me"

"Okay..." She said, looking the other way before lifting her chin up a little "Thank you" She said, her voice was low but he could still hear every single word. Ginny quickly rushed out of the library and Draco stood there, he probably got her to soften up a bit now, he hoped.

"Blaise" He called, seeing Blaise walking in the library, carrying his bag "What are you doing here?"

"Tutoring Weasley, what do you think?" He walked past Draco and settled down on a table "Do you know where he is?"

"He was just here, with Granger"

"I don't see why I have to put up with this" He said, flipping over the pages of his book. Draco could only assume their relationship hasn't improved yet

"I thought you'd be able to be patient with him, after all, you're the best at it" He chuckled, placing his hands on the table, his head turned when he saw Hermione walking in with Pansy again, behind them was Ron.

"You are acting strange, Draco" Blaise said without looking at him, he pulled out two quills and parchments softly, making Draco's eyebrows furrowed

"Oh, you're bringing two quills?"

"Weasley always forget his, I just don't want to be waiting for him to transform his own book into a quill again" Blaise said, Draco gave him a little smile, knowing it actually did improve a bit now, he was fine to keep going.

"Can we study for only one hour tonight? It's Monday, I've got a chess match going on later, Harry finally agreed to play" Ron said to Blaise even before he could sit down. Draco smiled at him but the redhead only gave him a glare. It was alright, he could be patient with Gryffindor.

"He's going to lose anyway" He said, startling Ron with his words

"How do you know?"

"He sucks at it, I can see it on his face" Draco looked at Ron, giving him a slight smile "If you want, I can play with you, you'll have a real opponent then"

"I don't want to play with you"

"It's just an offer" He shrugged, stepping back as Ron still kept his eyes on him "Have a good study date, you two" He turned on his heels and walked away

"Is he really good at chess?" Draco could hear Ron's quiet whisper at Blaise, he scoffed softly and headed for the door

"Draco!" Pansy called out to him, pulling at his robes and spinning him around

"Parkinson! Where are you going? We have to sort out these books!"

"Stop nagging me, would you? Are you my wife or something?" Pansy whined when Hermione spoke to her, Draco grinned at them, maybe he should stop being so happy over little things like this.

"What's wrong?"

"Are we still on for that party this weekend? The Slytherins is hosting"

"Oh, I totally forgot" He was so busy with matchmaking everyone, he forgot about the party they were about to have. But it wouldn't be fun with just the Slytherin "But, can we invite other Houses too? House unity and such"

"Are you serious? I've had enough with Gryffindor" She pulled at his collar and lowered her voice "I have to talk to Granger, see her, listen to her every single day now. Do you know how annoyed I am? I rolled my eyes so much, it hurts!"

"Headmistress McGonagall said—..."

"I don't care! I've had enough with it!" She grumbled at him as Hermione made her way to their spot, it was his chance

"Parkinson, we have to hurry, I can't do this alone, we have a system" She said, as Pansy widened her eyes at Draco, telling him 'Do you see what I'm saying?' with her mind, unfortunately, he decided to ignore it

"Hey, Granger, the Slytherin has a party this week, would you and everyone from Gryffindor like to join?" He turned to Hermione, earning a gasp from Pansy "Other Houses are invited too"

"Oh, I guess" Hermione said hesitantly "I'll tell the others"

"We'd love to have everyone there"

"I'll kill you after this" Pansy poked at his chest, digging her finger into his skin and walked away with Hermione. Draco huffed out a laugh and exited the library, he was on a roll at this.


Draco leaned on the wall, watching as people came in every few seconds into the Room of Requirement. It was definitely strange being in this room again, but as long as there was no bloody mirror bringing him to an alternate universe, he should be fine. A few students from every House have already arrived, since the N.E.W.T.s was coming up, some have decided to stay, which was exactly why Draco was surprised to see the Golden Trio walking in the room.

"We're here!" Seamus yelled out loudly, he was one of the first few people to come, along with Dean. There was even Ginny and Luna behind them, Draco sipped on his blue drink and observed them carefully. The party wasn't too wild, just a few spots with games, some light drinks and Sobering Potions ready to make sure the Professors or Filch won't catch them later.

"Why'd she wear robes to a party? Honestly" Pansy spoke from behind him, Draco chuckled at her and elbowed her arm

"The three of them are all wearing robes, and she's the first one you noticed?"

"Well, it caught my eyes" Pansy pursed her lips and rolled her eyes again, avoiding Hermione's gaze "Oh no, she caught me, she's gonna want to talk about book organising again"

"Hey!" Draco waved at Hermione "Pansy wants to talk to you about book organising!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Pansy grabbed his shirt and pinched his waist, making Draco hissed out loud "Are you selling me out?"

"House unity" Draco said with a smug grin on his face, leaving her alone so Hermione could talk to her "Hey, you both came" He said to Ginny and Luna, who were standing near a snack table "Please, have fun"

"Thank you, Draco, I'm enjoying it already" Luna smiled at him and gasped "Oh, you wore the bracelet I made you"

"It looks cute on me" Draco said, showing off his wrist. Just a few days ago Luna had given him a nice bracelet with flowers on them, it was small and cute. Draco didn't think he'd ever put it on, but when he tried it on his left arm, the bracelet was something of the opposite to his Dark Mark, like a ray of sunshine in a dark sky. He felt more comfortable looking at his arm now, which was why he decided to keep wearing it, even when it didn't match his clothes at all

"Hey, er..." Ginny started, looking at him strangely "I got the broom, I like it a lot, so, thank you, for doing that"

"Don't worry about it, I'm glad you like it" He said, he knew she'd love it, just the red cheeks showing on her face now expressed her gratitude enough. He couldn't believe one day he'd hear these words from her, a Weasley, and it felt nice.


"Is this an invitation?" Ron stopped in front of the table and looked at him, his lips pressed against each other. There was a Muggle chess board on the table, Draco actually had no idea who put it there, and he only sat down because everyone already hogged up all the available chairs, but Draco could not let a chance like this go

"You tell me, are you up for a match?" He said, sipping on his drink, noticing that Ron was still staring at him, like he was trying to figure out what he was up to

"Fine, one match" Ron said after a minute of standing there, he finally sat down as Draco arranged the chess pieces "I won't back down"

"Neither will I" He said, waving his hand at the board "Come on, show me what you got"


"Is Blaise tolerable?" He asked while waiting for Ron to make his move on the board "He can be cold to strangers"

"He talks a lot during our lessons, but always about what we have to study. Once we're done, it's like someone put a Silencing Charm on him" Ron said, making his move as Draco smiled, he finally got Ron to share things to him, it was good

"Don't worry, he's like that, but we, as in his friends, know that he appreciates us" Draco said, staring at the board "He doesn't always care about anyone, and if he does, it means he likes you. Like the way he prepared an extra quill for you"

"What do you mean? He told me he always carry a second quill"

"Oh, really?" Draco smirked, he wasn't sure whether he was smirking because he'd win in a few moves or because Ron was being so oblivious "He never bring any extra quill, I've borrowed many times" He watched Ron's curious expression closely and continued "Maybe you're just more special to him than the others"

"Really?...I mean, sod off, Malfoy. You're spitting bullshit now"

"I don't tell lies, trust me on that" He said as Ron made another move on the chess board "Blaise rarely care about anyone other than himself, I've never seen him looking after people before, I'm surprised as well. I'm just saying, there's more to him than you know, maybe you'd like to know"

"I don't want to know him"

"I'm just saying. And..." Draco made his last move, flicking the final chess piece from Ron's side down on the ground, claiming his victory "Check...mate!"

"What the bloody hell?" Ron gasped, staring at the board with wide eyes "How—how could this be?"

"I told you I'm a worthy opponent" He said, leaning back on the chair and crossing his leg over the other "We can have a rematch some other time, if you want to"

"Wow, Ron, you lost?" Harry suddenly spoke from behind Ron, Draco stared at him. He has been avoiding him for the past weeks, he couldn't face him knowing he hasn't been able to achieve what he wanted, and also because he didn't know how to act around him anymore, it was chaotic "That's like the first time ever"

"Sod off, Harry" Ron grumbled as Draco stood up, grabbing his drink with him, he needed to flee

"See you later, Weasley" He said, distracting himself from Harry's gaze. If this was the past, Draco'd have thrown a few insults at him, but now he has stopped, he guessed Harry'd feel weird too. Draco sighed once he saw Theodore, who should be talking to Neville right now.

"What are you doing?" He asked, pulling the bottle of wine from Theodore's hand "You can't drink that much. What's wrong?"

"He broke up with me" Theodore sniffled, burying his face in Draco's white shirt. Theodore was still a bit flirty here as he was in the other world, but it was different there. He has more boyfriends than friends, but no one has ever stayed too long with him, they were all arses "Said I was just a toy for him to play, Draco"

"See? I told you not to get with him, he's bad news" Draco sighed, ruffling Theodore's brown hair as he looked at Neville, who was standing in the corner, talking with Luna and Padma "Maybe you should pick someone nice, kind, who'll treasure you"

"Who?" Theodore said while hiccuping, he might have had too much to drink, Draco should have found him sooner, or maybe this was a sign "They are all jerks! Men can rot in hell!"

"Hey" Draco tried to wave once he saw Neville coming to his spot with two empty glasses in his hands while Theodore was putting all his weight on the blond, making him tremble "Longbottom, can I, can I ask you for a favour?"

"I guess" Neville said, putting the glasses on the table, glancing at Theodore, who seemed like he was asleep already. Draco had also apologised to Neville, right after Ginny, Neville was hesitant as well, but he was easy to warm up to, so Draco thought he would say yes to this "What is it?"

"Can you bring Theo up to his dorm for me?" Draco said, rubbing his back "He, well, his boyfriend broke up with him, he's all heartbroken and pissed, I want to bring him up myself but I've got Pansy too, she's chugging up all kind of cocktails here" Draco said, tilting his head so Neville could look at her, who was already tipsy "You can just throw him on any bed in the dorm, don't worry"

"Er, sure" Neville said, crouching down so Draco could pushed Theodore on his back

"Come on, Theodore, work with me" Draco grunted, throwing Theodore's arms over Neville's shoulder as the Gryffindor held him up by his legs "Thank you so much for doing this, I could not really carry him up by myself anyway"

"It's okay"

"Draco, you're so huge and tall" Theodore murmured into Neville's neck, sliding his hands into the blond hair of the Gryffindor. Draco couldn't help but smiled a bit when he saw them leave the room, one more couple was on the way. Draco looked around the room only to see Harry staring at him again, it was like Sixth Year all over again, only this time Harry wasn't hiding. The blond flushed from the intense stare and sipped on his drink, turning away, it was hard avoiding him like this, but he has no other choice.


Draco flipped another page over on his book, his eyes glancing at Blaise and Ron, who were studying at the table in front of him. It's been an hour, normally Blaise'd get so angry he stopped talking to Pansy when she asked too many obvious questions. But Blaise hasn't done it to Ron, so it was a good thing, since another week has passed, perhaps their relationship has evolved just a bit.

"Hermione, you have to help me" Draco looked up to see Harry clutching on Hermione's robes but she only sighed at him

"Harry, I can't, I have all these books to organise, we almost finished it yesterday but..." She said, looking at Pansy with a glare "Someone messed up the system, so we have to do it again"

"I said I was sorry, Granger" Pansy huffed out loud while sitting down on the floor, pushing books into the shelves

"Look, you can ask someone else here" Hermione said, her eyes roaming around the room. As a shiver ran down his spine, he crouched down, hiding himself behind Blaise and Ron "There! Malfoy is here"

"Malfoy? You're telling me to study with Malfoy?"

"Well, he's nicer than before" She said, it was amazing how he could hear everything they said from where he was sitting "Plus, he's one of the people with highest scores. Zabini is also good but he's already tutoring Ron"

"She got a point" Pansy spoke up, shrugging when the two Gryffindor looked at her "What? I know him, and she's right, Draco's brilliant"

"See? Just go ask him" Hermione said as Draco closed his book softly, he could run right now. He put his quill quietly in his bag and grabbed it to stand up

"Malfoy" Draco grunted when Potter was already standing in front of him as soon as he stood up

"Potter" He said, holding his bag tightly "I have somewhere to go"

"I need your help with something" Potter said, ignoring his words "It's for the upcoming N.E.W.T.s on History of Magic"

"I..." Draco murmured, he wasn't sure what to do. If he agreed, he'd have to teach Harry for Merlin knew how long. If he ran away, it probably wouldn't be good for their relationship at the moment "Fine" He sighed, sitting back down so Harry could settled on the chair next to him. He opened his book and took out his quill once again, composing himself before he might do anything weird like calling him by his first name again.


"That's basically everything we need to learn for the exam—Potter, what are you doing?" He asked and pointed at the book when Harry kept staring at him "This is where you need to look, not me"

"Why don't you apologise to me?"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, you apologised to almost everyone in Hogwarts, even Ron and Hermione" Harry pointed out, his arms folded on the table "Even Katie Bell. Why did you leave me out?"

"I really have to go, it's late" He said, putting all this things in his bag, but when he tried to grab his book, Harry slammed his hand on it "Potter"

"Tell me why you left me out"

"I have to go" He grabbed his bag, he could leave his book, he didn't need to care. Draco rushed out of the library only to realised Harry was running after him

"Malfoy!" He grabbed Draco's wrist and stopped him "Why didn't you apologise to me? After all, you bullied me throughout the whole time we're here" He said, not letting go of Draco's wrist but the blond wasn't going to turn around to see him either "You treat me in the worst way possible, you tried to kill me, and you didn't have the guts to say you're sorry?"

"Alright" He turned around, swatting Harry's hands away, opening his robes and unbuttoning his shirt "I'll show you why I didn't apologise to you, out of all people"

"What are you doing?"

"This is why" He opened his shirt, showing the scars on his chest, there were a lot of it, and it hasn't even faded yet. Harry stared at his body, his mouth slightly opened, he was probably reminiscing that memory in the bathroom again "I wanted to at first, but I guess we're even now, Potter" Draco closed his robes and walked away.

The truth was, he couldn't say he was sorry because he didn't know where to start, there were too many things he could say sorry to Harry, but it was hard, too hard for him to do, he wasn't sure how to do it properly. And he couldn't face it if Potter rejected his apology. Draco groaned when he got back to his dorm, he shouldn't have played the scars card like that, he should have told him the truth.

"Draco?" Draco jolted and looked at Theodore, who was sitting on his bed, reading a Witch Weekly magazine "What are you doing sulking like that?"

"I wasn't sulking" He said, putting his bag on the chair and taking off his robes. Maybe he should find a way to apologise to Harry later, he sighed and sat down on his bed

"Oh, thank you for bringing me up to my dorm the other day" Theodore said, which made Draco turned to him with a chuckle "What?"

"I didn't bring you here, Longbottom did"

"Longbottom who?"

"Neville Longbottom, the shy one? Tall, wears striped sweaters all the time?" He said but all Theodore did was shaking his head "Gryffindor? Always at the Greenhouse? The one that killed Nagini?"

"Oh, that one" Theodore gaped, nodding his head "He brought me here?"


"Oh no"


"Well" Theodore stuttered, his eyes looking down "I thought it was you, so I snuggled up with him all night. I told him not to go"

"You what?" Draco gasped, he knew that Theodore was a cuddly person, but he didn't know he'd do it when he was drunk, but maybe he was also enjoying that truth "You cuddled with him?"

"Well I thought he was you!" Theodore squeaked loudly, throwing the Witch Weekly on the ground "And he left early the next day, when I woke up, everyone was gone, so I assumed it was you!"

"Come on, I could never carry you up here, we're the same size" Draco pointed out, they practically have the same height, normally it'd take both him and Pansy to bring him up. Blaise could easily carry him too but he would use magic instead "I can't believe you cuddle with him"

"I can't believe I cuddle with a Gryffindor. A Gryffindor!"

"He isn't that bad, Theodore" Draco murmured, as if he wasn't trying to make Theo find Neville to say thank you "He's actually a pretty decent lad, for a Gryffindor. You should find him, to say thank you"

"I don't know his face"

"He's always at the Greenhouse"

"Oh, alright" Theodore said, shrugging and picking up another Witch Weekly, Theodore might seem like he has no manners at all but since he was a Pureblood, manners was the thing he cared most "Is he cute? I didn't remember anything, I only know that he's warm, I still get that fuzzy feeling when I woke up"

"He might be cute for you" Draco said, adding his opinion in so Theodore might be curious about Neville, he was hoping it would work. And it did, based on the way Theodore hummed, a small smile forming on his lips.


"Are you sure I'm allowed to be here?" Draco sat down near the table in the Gryffindor Common Room. For some reason, Ron had asked him for a rematch in chess two weeks after they had at the party

"No one cares" Ron shrugged, organising the chess pieces with magic "You already apologised to everyone anyway"

"So have you forgiven me yet?"

"No" Ron said, glaring at Draco "But Hermione told me to be decent, and Zabini told me I couldn't win against you"

"Oh, Blaise said that?" He asked and Ron nodded, he didn't know both of them had small talks when they study too, Blaise absolutely disliked small talks "Is this Muggle chess?"

"Yeah, Hermione gave me this as a present"

"Oh, you're here" Hermione walked in the Common Room, she clearly looked upset, but he wasn't sure why "Hi, Malfoy"

"Hi, aren't you supposed to be organising books with Pansy now?" He asked, watching her flopped down on the couch with a small frown on her face "Did she cancel?"

"Apparently dating is more important" Hermione huffed softly, picking up a book next to the couch "I can't believe she left me to go on a date with some girl"

"Sounds like you're jealous" Ron snickered, and for the first time, Ron actually might be right

"Jealous? I'm just mad that she cancelled something that the Headmistress told us to, just to date someone"

"Sounds like you care enough to get mad about it" Draco said, Hermione looked at both of them and opened her book, ignoring them while Ron cackled at her

"Malfoy has a point" Ron said, and somehow Draco felt kind of proud "You go"


"Ah, lucky move" Draco sighed, admitting defeat when Ron won. They have been playing four or five matches until now, each time either of them would win. Draco was also surprised Ron could be that good at it "Fine, you win"

"And you are indeed a worthy opponent"

"Another time?" Draco grinned, extending his hand as Ron squinted his eyes again, it was a risky move, he didn't expect Ron to shake his hand.

"Another time" Ron grabbed his hand and shook it, the blond kept his eyes on Ron and didn't dare look the other way. Because Harry got in the Common Room during their third match and he's been sitting there, staring at the both of them since then "Do you know, er, Zabini is into photography?" Ron asked all of a sudden, surprising Draco, since Blaise never shared much, he didn't know, but he could understand where it came from. Blaise did tell him and Pansy and Theo that he received a camera when he was a kid by his mother, but one of his stepfather destroyed it.

"Kind of" He said, leaning close "Why? Did he tell you the story when he was a kid with a camera? Because he only does that to the people he trust"

"Oh" Ron murmured quietly, Draco couldn't take it anymore, Harry was being too intense as if he didn't notice the staring

"Hey...er, why is Potter looking at me?" Draco whispered, quiet enough for Harry not to hear it. Ron was surprised to hear his question as well, he leaned over and whispered

"He kept asking why you apologised to all of us and not him for the past week, then a few days ago, he got even more upset somehow" Ron shrugged, putting away the chess "I'm not sure what happened too, he doesn't say, I told him he's obsessed...er, I mean, he just doesn't say" Ron stuttered when he realised he had said too much to someone he hasn't trusted yet. Draco was satisfied with his answer anyway, the blond nodded and left the Common Room, Harry's eyes still on him the whole way out.


"Where have you been?" Pansy looked up from her Witch Weekly when Theodore came into the dorm, it was the boys' dormitory, but somehow Pansy got in anyway

"Nowhere" Theodore shook his head, taking off his robes when Pansy rushed to him, touching his face

"Dirt" She wiped his cheek and gasped "You were at the Greenhouse again? That's like the fifth time now"

"Alright, fine! I was with Longbottom" Theodore exclaimed, surprising everyone, Draco has to stop writing and even Blaise looked up from his book "He's nice, and he listens to me"

"That's good, do you like him?"

"Like? I don't know, I'm just very confused" Theodore said when Draco asked him "On the other hand, Justin asked to go back with me again"

"What?" Draco sat up, his voice became all serious. It was his intention to make the two of them become a couple, so obviously he wouldn't want them to not be together. He had seen how Neville and Theodore were with each other from the other world, Neville was treating him like the only one he could see, Theodore did not lay his eyes on anyone else. He wouldn't want to hurt Neville in the process of this whole thing "You can't be serious. He treated you like trash"

"Yeah, but, he has a nice body"

"What about what you just said about Neville?"

"He's too nice, I don't know"

"Too nice? You don't want nice?" Draco got his legs off the bed, trying to think of traits Neville has that Theodore loved in that universe "You don't want nice, intelligent, kind guy? Who's also brave? Who cares about plants and people?"

"Draco, what's the matter with you? He's just not my type, that's all" Theodore said, making Draco groaned frustratingly "Why are you getting so upset?"

"I'm getting upset because for once, a guy is not treating you like shit like the others, but somehow you still think of coming back to one of those former arse?" He said, clearly what he said shocked everyone, Pansy didn't say a thing, Blaise looked like he wanted to know what Theodore would say next "Just so you know, don't break his heart, he's a decent guy. I couldn't imagine if you do what all your former boyfriends did to him"

"Woah, Draco, you're getting really intense about this" Pansy raised her hands up and fanned her face "But I mean, you do have a point. Don't think you could juggle two things at the same time, Theo"

"Agreed" Blaise took Draco's side as well, they have all known Theodore long enough to know how he'd act "Focus on one thing"

"Fine, I will...I will think about it" Theodore sighed, getting on his bed and closed the curtains, seemed like Draco's words really got to him, as it should be. The blond looked at the parchment on his bed, sighing deeply.

Three weeks left. Three weeks until Harry's birthday, so far, they haven't talked in a week after he played chess with Ron in the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry has just been staring at him a lot lately, making Draco doubt himself. Did he think Draco was up to something again? He was, but it was just to prove whether he was right or not. Draco closed his eyes and breathed out, he hoped he'd be right.

"What are you doing staring at that parchment?" Pansy pulled him out of his thoughts, she was sitting on Blaise's bed, holding herself up with her arms while arching her eyebrows at Draco "You seem to have some problems"

"Just some stuff about the exam" He said, shaking his head and hoping she'd believe his lie "What about you? Shouldn't you be organising books?"

"No, we're done"

"Done already?" He asked and Pansy nodded, no wonder she kept wandering with them recently. She's been with Hermione for so long, now she needed the company "You don't have anything else to do with her?"

"No, not really, the N.E.W.T.s is next week and we just have to focus on it now" Pansy shrugged, flapping her robes in the air "But after it, apparently we have a post-N.E.W.T.s party to host, and a few more for just the students, no alcohol allowed"

"That's interesting" Draco hummed, she could spend more time with Hermione then, she seemed to need it "Blaise, what about you? Don't you tutor Ron today?"

"He said Hermione will be teaching him today" Blaise said, and if Draco was right, he could sense a bit of annoyance in his tone of voice. Blaise was never the type to say a lot of things, so when he did, it was because his emotions were high, sometimes it'd be joy, or affection, but now, it was probably because he was upset

"Ah, so you're worried Granger teaches him better?" Pansy snickered, kicking Blaise's leg as he huffed annoyingly "Come on, tell us"

"I'm not worried, I just have a method of teaching him, Granger will mess it up" He answered coldly, his eyes glued on the book, Draco was sure he wasn't reading at all. Even Blaise's nostrils were flaring just a little bit, perhaps Draco's senses were right. He smiled while looking at them, it was going the right way.


Exactly two weeks before Harry's birthday, but who was counting anyway. Draco leaned back on the wall with his arms folded in the courtyard as he watched all the other students gathered together to talk. It was making him worried, everyone seemed to have made progress, except for himself, and Harry. They were practically strangers by now, before they'd still talk to each other, even though it was just insults flying back and forth, it still counted as talking. What should he even do now?

"Fuck" He groaned, looking up at the clear blue sky, squinting his eyes after he realised it was the middle of July.

"Hey" Draco jolted and saw Ron standing there, with a curious look on his face "Aren't you blinded by the sun?"

"Not really" He said, sighing deeply and turning on his heels to talk to Ron "Why are you here? Another rematch?"

"No, no, er..., well..."

"Ah, is it about Blaise?" Draco asked, and based on the flushed look on Ron's face, he was right "What do you want to ask about?"

"Well, it's not much, but, does Blaise, er, has he ever bought things for you?" He asked, fidgeting with his fingers, he was nervous, Draco could tell "Like food, stuff"

"No, never" Draco hummed, trying to remember all the years Blaise's been his friend "Well he still gives us birthday gifts, if that's what you mean. But like just randomly, then no"

"Oh, alright"

"Come on, you can tell me" Draco poked his arm, he never thought one day he could see Ronald Weasley blushing like this. The old him would have been mean about this, but he wouldn't want to ruin their friendship now "I won't tell Blaise"

"Well, he buys me stuff, like sweets, when we study" Ron said, looking everywhere except Draco's eyes "He bought me a quill, he said because he gets annoyed every time I lost my quill. And Ginny said it's a very expensive quill"

"Blaise's loaded, so yeah" Draco nodded in agreement, he knew Blaise was rich, but he has never seen Blaise spending so much money on one particular person. Before that, Blaise has quite a few lovers, most of them would try to make him spend money on them, but of course, he never did. So what made Ron the exception? "He's never spent it on anyone, just so you know, even his past lovers"


"Really, I told you, you're his exception, might sound weird to you, but it's true" Draco said, he saw the spark Blaise and Ron have at the other world, he wanted to see the same here as well "Do you want to know more?"

"Er, sure"

"Come closer" Draco hooked his finger, signalling Ron to leaned over, until his lips could hover breath over the redhead's ear, the blond whispered the five words that made Ron shivered from head to toe "Blaise is fantastic in bed"

"What? Why—why would you say that?" Ron immediately jumped back, his face even redder than before "I—I didn't want to know that"

"Oh, well, I just want to say, since we're sharing information about him" Draco shrugged with a smug look on his face, watching Ron trembled in shock and a slight hint of curiosity "That's what I heard though, since we share the same dorm, it's not really soundproof sometimes"

"I...I have to go" Ron stepped back and stuttered "See—see you later"

"Bye, Ron" He waved at the redhead, grinning as he stumbled away, bumping into a few Ravenclaws on the way. He must be really surprised then. Draco sighed in relief and got back to his own thoughts, which was a total mess that he needed to sort out.

"Come on, Granger!" Draco turned around when he saw Pansy and Hermione walking in the corridor, Pansy waving her hands up in the air "Just a bit alcohol"


"You're no fun" Pansy whined, clutching on Hermione's arm and pleading her. It was a sight to see, he's never seen Pansy whining to anyone before "I'll sneak it in, no one will know"

"I will know" Hermione rolled her eyes and kept walking "We're both going in detention if you do that"

"I'll go for you! I'll do anything! Come on, a party with no alcohol is just a meeting!" Draco watched as Pansy kept following Hermione closely, wanting her attention. Maybe there was resemblances between the two worlds then, Draco smirked and once again, back at his thoughts. What should he do with Harry?


"For the Potions test today, we'll be making three of the hardest potions in three hours, Draught of Living Death, Draught of Peace, and Amortentia in three hours" Professor Slughorn walked between the tables, explaining the test for them "Time is limited toda—..." He stopped when the door was opened, revealing Harry and Ron rushing in, their clothes disheveled. Draco rolled his eyes and turned back to look at the Professor, even at the last exam, he could still be late.

"Sorry, Professor" They both said but Professor Slughorn only nodded at them. He could never stop favouring Harry, couldn't he?

"Take your seats, boys" He pointed, there were only two empty seats left. One was next to Blaise, and one was next to Draco, because obviously everyone was afraid of Blaise, and Pansy already took her spot next to Millicent. Hermione was next to Neville since Harry and Ron were late. Somehow, Draco already knew how this would go.

"You go" He heard Ron mumbled and Harry was quickly pushed into the spot next to him, while Ron scurried to Blaise. Of course Ron'd sit next to the one that's been tutoring him for the past weeks.

"Er, what do we have to do?" Harry asked, Draco finally glanced at him from head to toe, he was really late, there was even a leaf on his hair.

"Three potions in three hours, Draught of Living Death, Draught of Peace, and Amortentia" He repeated what Professor Slughorn had just said a minute ago and watched the way Harry clumsily pulled out his notes, his quill and everything else "I don't have to guide you through it, do I?"

"No, er, no, I got it" Harry said, barely looking at him while trying to sort out his things, as for Ron, Blaise was already handing him the necessities as the redhead kept scratching his head and nodding. This would be torture, not because he hated Harry, he definitely didn't, but because he wanted to help him, but he shouldn't.


'Don't do that'

Draco stilled his movements when Harry suddenly passed a small parchment to his spot, with his ugly handwriting on, Professor Slughorn was busy reading something from his table that he didn't even notice

"What?" He mouthed as Potter scribbled something else down for him

'You should crush the Sopophorous bean, not cut'

Draco made a face, which in turn made Harry wrote down another sentence

'Trust me'

So he knew Draco didn't trust him, the blond eyed him carefully and listened. Draught of Living Death was indeed one of the hardest potions to make, he couldn't even make it to perfection back in Sixth Year, but somehow Harry did it, so perhaps he should listen. Draco held tightly to the dagger and crushed it like he asked, earning a really small smirk on Harry's face.

Draco stirred his cauldron as he kept stealing glances at Harry's work, he was slower than him, while Draco's Draught of Peace was already turning red, his just turned pink. When the blond caught Harry grabbing the powdered porcupine quills in his hand and raised it over the cauldron, Draco immediately grabbed his wrist.

"Don't make the same mistake you did in Fifth Year" Draco whispered lowly to him, pointing at the hellebore on the table and tilting his head "Add that first"

"Right, sorry" Harry nodded and Draco let go of his hand, he remembered Harry had gotten a zero that day for forgetting the one ingredient, and here he was now, still making the same mistake.

Draco watched the steam spiralling in the air from his cauldron, the last potion, Amortentia, he had made this back in Sixth Year. At that moment, he smelled broomstick handle, chocolate, and another smell he could not figure out what it was. He didn't care much for it back then and just thought it was about himself. But now, as he leaned closer to the cauldron, he could still smell the broomstick handle, chocolates, and another scent he's been smelling. It was an earthy smell, the only kind that one could get after hours at the Quidditch's field, Draco had smelled it every night when he slept next to Harry, back when he was brought to the other world. The blond breathed out and stood up straight, he was done with his potions as there was still five minutes left.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked when Harry was leaning over to him, his chin raised "Are you smelling me?"

"No, no" Harry stepped back and cleared his throat, looking at Professor Slughorn and then back at him "Are you wearing cologne?"

"I'm not" Draco furrowed his eyebrows at Harry and looked away. Hermione had finished hers a while ago, Pansy was still struggling, and Blaise was helping Ron finish his Amortentia. He wondered what they smelled there as well, what Harry smelled especially.

"Is everyone done with their potions?" Professor Slughorn asked as some of the students exclaimed that they weren't done. It was three minutes until the final exam was over.

"Are you, er, are you going to the party next week?" Harry suddenly wondered, turning to him as Draco stared at him "The one Hermione, Parkinson and other Prefects are hosting?"

"Of course" He said and Potter nodded, feeling that this was their chance to talk, Draco continued "Are you?"

"Me? Er, yeah, Seamus wants everyone to go" Harry said, scratching the nape of his neck, his ears were red, possibly because of the heat "I'm just hoping there won't be anything too wild"

"That party is definitely going to be wild, Potter, everyone will be done with studying by then" He scoffed, two minutes left "And Pansy's one of the people who host it, I'm sure it will be insane"


"She's all about the alcohol, the games, and dancing" He said, remembering all the parties Pansy had created for the Slytherin "But it won't absolutely be bad, since Granger and others will still be there"

"Yeah, that's true" Harry said, and then it got awkward, it was complete silence again, it was like Harry didn't even try to make a conversation at all, Draco rolled his eyes and turned away.

"Time's up" Professor Slughorn stood up as the students gathered their belongings "Leave your cauldron and your grades will be up in a few days. Have a nice summer, everyone" Draco grabbed his bags and left first, only to be pulled back by Pansy

"Hey, how did you do?"

"Of course I did great, what do you think?" He let her leaned her weight on him as they walked through the crowded hall "How about you? Did Millicent help?"

"Yeah, she's good at it" She nodded and dug her nails into his arm, making him squeal in pain "I can't believe it's all done, we're all graduates by now. We'll no longer be students"

"And I will no longer have my nice skin if you keep digging your utterly hard nails into my flesh" He pried her hand away and rubbed his sore arm "How's planning the party? Did Granger let you bring alcohol in the party?"

"Not yet, I'm trying" She huffed, her lips formed into a pout "Honestly, I don't know why she's being such an uptight person, she needs to relax a little"

"Maybe if she doesn't have to take care of everything, she might" He said and Pansy have him a weird look "What I mean is, if you take care of everything, then she might be okay about having alcohol. It's like proving to her you can be responsible"

"I am responsible"

"What happened to my collection of The Daily Prophet since I was seven?" He arched his eyebrow at her and watched her grinned "You borrowed it before First Year and I never saw it again"

"Okay, I'm sorry, I lost it, alright?" Pansy rubbed her face on his shoulder and smacked his arm "But to be fair, there was nothing much, just a bunch of articles about Potter"

"Excuse me?"

"What? It's true" She stopped when Draco held her back "I remembered that there were a lot of articles about Potter, and some others. But mostly were about the famous stories, and how we're all wondering where he was"

"Really?" Draco asked and Pansy only nodded as they kept walking. It has been so long that he didn't remember much of it anyway. He couldn't have collected those, could he?


"Hey, not that" Draco turned around when he heard Hermione scolding Pansy, taking the Firewhisky bottle from her hands. Somehow both of them have become chaperones of the party, although Draco suspected Pansy wouldn't be doing the chaperone much. Everyone was gathering at the Great Hall, where any Professor can come in any second, so they might as well behave nicely. It's been an hour and so far, no one has thrown up, that was a good sign. It was supposed to be a party for them after the N.E.W.T.s, the graduation ceremony would happen at the end of this month, meaning it would happen exactly on Harry's birthday, one week from now.

"Hey" Draco waved when Ginny stopped at the tables full of drinks, the redhead nodded back and grabbed two cups "Go easy on those, alright? Or else Luna would be carrying you back the dorm again"

"How do you know that's happened before?" She halted and gave him a look, Draco froze there, he couldn't believe he let that slipped

"No reason" He said, shrugging his shoulders "I just observe a lot"

"Okay" Ginny said after a while and walked away, the blond sighed in relief, as long as no one knew what happened to him, it'd be fine.

For once, the room was crowded with people like the Yule Ball again, but this time, there was no gowns or fancy robes, just a bunch of students dancing and drinking together. Draco leaned on the wall, sipping on the blue drink that has now become his favourite, and watched the room. It's been specially altered into a party room, like Pansy wanted. He could see some of the students still reading on the couch in the corner. And there it was, Harry standing next to Ron and Neville, talking about something next to the table full of food. Draco looked at him carefully, he was wearing a black shirt, with jeans and boots, his hair messy as always. Somehow he didn't look like a student in robes anymore, if anything, he looked more mature. Harry's hands, holding onto his beer tightly, the way he laughed so freely around his friends, Draco almost envied it.

"Aren't you gonna join anyone?" Pansy spoke next to him, startling the blond. He cleared his throat and shrugged

"Who? Blaise's sitting on the couch, staring intently at Weasley as if no one sees. Theodore is grinding up against some people, and you are bickering with Granger over who has to clean the party"

"Hey, I already created this whole thing, I don't wanna clean it" She huffed, kicking his leg playfully "But anyway, to show her that I'm responsible, like you suggested, I agreed. But what's up with Blaise? Does he like Weasley or something?"

"You're all over Granger that you haven't noticed at all"

"Excuse me?" She gasped, elbowing him hard "I am not all over Granger. Do I spend a lot of time with her? Yes, for real important reasons. Do I miss on a few things when I'm with her? Yes, but you can tell me what happened"

"What do you think happened to two people studying every day together for more than a month?" He turned to her, watching her expression unfolded "Think about it"

"But Blaise—..."

"Has never shown affection towards anyone, I know" Draco said, looking at Blaise, who was still keeping his eyes on Ron. It was weird, he has never seen that kind of look on Blaise before, kind of like...he was craving for it, he wanted Ron bad. And once Blaise got his eyes on something or someone, he'd become determined "He's just thinking"

"About what?"

"About whether Weasley has feelings for him or not. Isn't it obvious?"

"Oh, right" Pansy nodded along with Draco, Blaise was never the one to take action without thinking of everything out carefully. If he was unsure, he would never do it "So you think he actually likes Weasley?"

"Like how you like Granger"

"Excuse me?"

"Haven't you noticed?" He said, avoiding her eyes, instead he kept looking at the certain group of Gryffindors "I hope you will"

"You're just talking nonsense"

"Am I?" He looked at her, the corner of his lips turned up as he nudged her arm "Think about it" Pansy was going out with this girl for a week, then suddenly she just broke it off with her. When Draco saw that girl, she has the appearance somewhat like Hermione, and Pansy never told him the reason she didn't keep dating that girl, so he figured she might have started having feelings for Hermione, but she hasn't figured it out herself.

"You're crazy" She said, chugging on her drink and stomping away, probably to Millicent and Daphne's spot to tell them. Maybe they could guide her better than Draco.


"We're short on one person" Seamus spoke up as some of the students gathered around in a circle on the floor. Draco stood from a few feet away and watched Harry sitting next to Ron, he should have known Gryffindors always like party games the most "Anyone else want to join?"

"Draco!" Luna stood up and waved at him "Do you want to join?"

"Me? No, it's alright" He said but she was already approaching him "Luna"

"You should play, you've been standing alone for a while now" She said, already pulling him to the group as he let her. She was right, he should be joining this.

"Alright, anyone has any idea what game to play?"

"Truth or Dare!"

"Seven minutes in heaven?"

"Spin the wand!" Everyone was suggesting games that they've all played before. Draco sat down, before him was Harry and Ron, while he was squeezed between Theodore and Ernie Macmillan. Blaise didn't play, he wasn't the type of person to do it, but he was still watching them. For Ginny, she enjoyed alcohol more than games. And since Pansy was proving to Hermione she was responsible, she also didn't join and decided to chaperone the party with Hermione.

"Can we play some new game?" Padma raised her arm and they all looked at her "We've all played those games a lot"

"Alright, anyone got any new ideas?" Seamus clapped his hand together and Luna was standing up again

"I have one" She smiled at all of them, suddenly putting a parchment on the table "It's called Guess What, I'll go around with my eyes closed and give each person a pet name"

"A pet name?"

"A pet name" She clarified "When they open their eyes, they'll find their partner with the same name. And then the game starts, one person will perform an activity or mimic a person, and the other has to guest in one minute. The couple with the highest point will win. And I will be the judge"

"That sounds interesting" Neville said and everyone started nodding, it also sounded intriguing to Draco. This was like a game of understanding, the fun part would probably be finding out their partner.

"I'm done" Luna said after writing down a bunch of stuff in the parchment and tear it in pieces, folding it up and putting it in her hat "Everyone, close your eyes, please" Draco closed his eyes, listening to her footsteps, it was soft and steady, just like Luna herself. When she put a hand on his shoulder, Draco jolted slightly "Honey" She murmured in her ears as he memorised it.

"Done!" She said, clapping her hands and everyone opened their eyes "Oh, and if you have the same names, please sit on each other's lap"

"Woah, you didn't say that we have to do that from the beginning" Ron put his hand up and leaned back "I'm not gonna sit on people's lap"

"Don't be such a wuss, Ron" Ginny said from outside the circle, she was smirking at him as he grumbled.


"Please say the names I've given you out loud to find your partners" Luna said and everyone started speaking up at the same time

"Sweet pea!"

"I also got sweet pea!"

"Who's my baby doll?"

"Alright who got cutie pie?"

"My beloved, here I come"

"Honey" Draco widened his eyes and a shiver ran up his spine when Harry said the word. It could not be coincidental, could it? The weird thing was, when Luna said the word, it didn't make him blush, but when Harry called him like that, he felt like his cheeks were burning up. Draco stayed still in his place, watching Harry look around the circle with the others. Padma was switching her place to Seamus's lap while her sister was with Dean. Meanwhile, Draco noticed Theodore's small frown when Hannah Abbott took her seat on Neville's thighs as he moved to Ernie Macmillan's. And surprisingly, Ron was sitting on Romilda Vane's lap, the one that gave Harry the chocolates cauldron filled with love potions that Ron took years ago, who kept calling him baby doll.

"Malfoy, didn't you get Honey?" Seamus said, pointing at him and Harry, the only ones left sitting by themselves "You and Harry are not switching seats"

"Yeah, I did" He said, sighing and standing up, when he walked to Harry's spot, the Gryffindor was opening his legs so Draco could sit between. When the blond sat down, his back was pressed against Harry's bodies, he folded his legs as Harry put his hands on his own thighs. He could even feel his breath ghosting at the nape of his neck, Draco has goosebumps under his robes and tried to focus on the game.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Luna shook her hat and Seamus quickly raised his arm along with Padma "One should act and the other will guess" Seamus and Padma started whispering in each other's ear and Seamus finally put his hand in the box to pick up a piece of parchment

"I'll act, she'll guess"

"Maybe you should act" Draco jolted when Harry mumbled from behind him, his warm voice making Draco have all kinds of goosebumps right now, he could melt in it


"I'll guess"

"You're sure you can guess?" He asked, he didn't really believe Harry could know everything, moreover, he was the expressive type of person, Draco should be the one to guess. On the other hand, Harry might not understand the action he has to do do "Alright, I'll act" He could feel Harry nodding and watched as Seamus and Padma standing up.

"Flying!" Padma exclaimed when Seamus began acting like he was on a broom "Flying on a broom! Flying class?"

"Hmmph" Seamus pointed at the invisible broom under him and raised his arm high, swatting it in the air

"Oh! Oh! Playing Quidditch! Playing Quidditch!"

"Yes!" Seamus jumped up and danced with Padma in circles, everyone snickered at how goofy they both look.


"Diving?" Ron asked, Romilda Vane was lying on the floor, hands grabbing and legs kicking at something invisible, she kept shaking her head since Ron couldn't guess what it was "Excercising?"

"Bloody hell, Ron" She grunted at him and kept repeating her actions

"Fighting? Fighting!" When she nodded her head and pointed at the air, Ron began guessing more out of panic "Fighting a Werewolf? A—a giant? A...dark wizard?"

"One minute is over"

"Merlin, Ronald Weasley!" Romilda Vane got back on her feet and grabbed the piece of parchment, opening it wild and raised her voice "Wrestling the Giant Squid! Didn't you see me struggling?"

"I did! It's hard!" Ron exclaimed, after a few rounds, they were the couple with the lowest point, they actually have no point at all, he kind of feel bad for Ron. Harry and him had gone for four rounds before that, he got "Duelling" first, which was fairly easy for him to do and for Harry to guess. The moment he got in position, raising his arm and pointing it at Harry, putting on the same smug look that year, Harry was already yelling out the answer after barely ten seconds.

The second round he got the word "Dancing", which made him started dancing like in the Yule Ball but with an invisible person, and so they have also got the answer quickly. The third was a "Riding a dragon", the fourth was a hard one, it was "Buying a wand", however by some magical ways, Harry's got it all. Him and Harry were the ones that have the highest points with Seamus and Padma, while Romilda and Ron have the lowest, Ernie and Theodore got one point and their coordination was horrible. Dean and Parvati were okay, scoring two points. And for Neville and Hannah, the coordination was definitely better there, with them scoring three out of five.

"Alright, Harry and Draco, please pick one. This is the last round. You and Harry are tied with Seamus and Padma until now with four points, if you two get this, you will be the winning couple" Luna extended her arm and Draco put his hand in the box, he picked up one folded piece of parchment and opened it. His hands immediately stopped moving when he saw the word

'Public display of affection'

"What's wrong? Can't you do it?" Dean asked and he looked around, his body trembling a bit

"Can I choose another?"

"You can't play it like that" Ron whined when Draco asked "If so, I should have changed when Romilda got wrestling with the bloody giant squid"

"Alright" He nodded and held the parchment tightly in his hand. He looked at Harry, who was standing in front of him. Draco stepped forward, he took Harry's hand in his, smiling at him brightly and swinging their arms, walking forward like a couple

"Being a couple? Being in love?" Draco shook his head and pointed at their locked hands. He pressed their hands against his chest "Er, I...holding hands? Testing heartbeat?"

"Thirty seconds left" Luna said, making Draco anxious and he gripped tightly on their hands, pointing at it and stepping closer to Harry

"A couple? Being close? Oh, confessing?"

"Twenty seconds" Draco looked at Harry and pointed at their friends, who were looking at them, that was supposed to mean that they were in public. Then he placed his whole hand over Harry's lips. The blond leaned closer, keeping his eyes locked with Harry and pressed a kiss on the back of his hand with everyone gasping while his heart was beating faster by the seconds. He was hoping Harry would know this now, it was a bloody pretend kiss, he would have to be an idiot if he didn't know this.

"Ten seconds" He released his hand and Harry looked at him steadily before his mouth opened to tell Luna the answer

"Public display of affection?" Draco widened his eyes and smiled brightly, he quickly pulled Harry in a hug

"You got it! I can't believe you got it!" He said, pushing Harry away and grinned at him, only to realised what he had just done. Harry was standing there, staring at him in disbelief, Draco cleared his throat and retrieved his hands on Harry's arms, he was trembling himself too "I mean, you got it, good job, Potter"

"I think we got our winners" Luna stood between them and announced the result. Their friends were cheering, except for Romilda, who turned out to be quite a sore loser when she kept hissing at Ron "Congratulations, both of you!"

"I can't believe you can actually guess all of that" Seamus said in awe "Like without any act wrong"

"Maybe they're really good together" Neville said, making Draco blush and look down "They just understand each other so well"

"Way better than Ron and Romilda" Parvati said, giggling with everyone. Draco stood there, avoiding Harry's look, he couldn't believe he did that, he kissed Harry indirectly like that, just like that.

"Anyone up for a drink?" Padma said, standing up and everyone following her. They should all take a break from playing this intense game.

"We should play Kiss, Marry, Curse next" Hannah Abbott suggested while walking away with Neville. They seemed awfully close with each other, he should probably look into it.

"Hey" Draco turned around and glanced at Harry, who somehow still looked stunned "Good game there, you play really well"

"You too" He said, smiling cheekily and folding his arms together

"You did that, er, that thing for the game right?" Harry asked, now he was the one to make Draco stun "The last thing"

"Yeah" He answered, looking away and nodding his head "Yeah, absolutely, I only did it for the game, of course, Potter. Why else would I do that?"

"Okay" Harry said, walking away to Ron's spot. Draco let out a silent breath and made his way to where Theodore was standing, he needed a distraction.

"Hey, did you enjoy the game?" Draco asked, elbowing Theodore, who was sulking in the corner of the room

"Yeah, I did"

"For a Slytherin, you're a bad liar" Draco smirked and took Theodore's drink from his hand "I saw you getting upset whenever Longbottom and Abbott smiled at each other"

"I was not upset"

"If you say so" He shrugged, knowing he was, since Theodore was an easy one to read "I thought you wanted to get back with your former lover"

"I was" Theodore said, pouting and huffing like a kid "But after what you said, I thought about it. And I declined his offer, to know Longbottom better, like you suggested"


"And...he is nice, or whatever" Theodore sighed, ruffling his brown hair "It's frustrating, I think I might like him"

"You might realise that faster than Pansy or Blaise" He chuckled and let Theodore leaned on his shoulder "And? What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know, I don't know if he likes me too" Theodore pursed his lips, stealing back his drink and chugging it down "Seems to me, he's into Abbott more"

"So what? They are not together" He pointed out and Theodore looked up at him "It's not like he declared that he likes her, they're friends"

"You have a point"

"I just have one thing to say" Draco said quietly, leaning down to talk to Theodore "Whatever you do, don't hurt him, he's a nice guy"

"I know" Theodore rolled his eyes and smacked Draco softly "You've warned me like a million times now, I won't. I'll just...do something" He said and started walking when Abbott got her hand on Neville's arm. Theodore was surely into Neville now, he was obviously the perfect match for him. Draco smiled, watching his friend making up his mind, unlike himself, he was still unsure of a lot of things, like whether Harry has feelings for him or not.


"Hey, Granger invited us to Longbottom's birthday party tonight" Pansy suddenly said, putting down her Witch Weekly and kicked Blaise's leg, who wouldn't put his book down. They were still waiting for the graduation ceremony, which happened only two days from now, and that also meant it was two days left until Harry's birthday. He didn't get him any present, since he was in no position to give Harry one anyway, they weren't arch rivals anymore but they weren't exactly friends either, it would definitely put them both in an awkward spot if Draco gave him a gift.

"Hello? I asked you a question" Pansy waved her arm in the air and glared at all of them "Your answers?"

"You were with Granger again?" Theodore asked, putting the face mask slowly on his skin

"Oh, yeah, I met with her this morning"

"Didn't a girl ask you out on a date a few days ago? And you agreed and chose this day?" Theodore kept asking all the good questions for Draco

"Well, I cancelled it, I have more meetings with Granger, since we're also helping with the graduation ceremony" Pansy said, looking at the wall as both him and Theodore smirked at her "What?"

"Nothing" Draco said, smiling at her and leaning back on his headboard "You're just spending a lot of time with her lately, even more than before. Sometimes I just see you two together a lot, and not the other two, Padma Patil and Hannah Abbott"

"Yeah, I also thought those two were in on helping too, like the four of you, from four Houses, right?" Theodore added another question, making Blaise smirked, surely he wasn't smirking at someone he was reading, he knew as well "I'm just saying"

"That's not the point. Are you guys going or not?" She pinched Theodore's leg, making him hiss loudly

"Why do you think I'm taking care of my skin now, it's for special occasions only" Theodore said, fanning his face with his hands. When he said special occasion, it would be the chance for him to dress up to kill someone with his charms. After the party, Draco noticed Theodore was visiting the Greenhouse more frequently than before, once he even saw the two of them walking together in the courtyard.

"I'll go" Blaise said, keeping his eyes on the books. At the party a week ago, Draco saw with his own two eyes, the sight of Blaise comforting Ron. After being scolded by Romilda Vane, Ron had taken his seat on the couch next to Blaise, sitting quietly, and the next minute, he watched Ron spilled everything out to Blaise, who was actually listening, and later, rubbing Ron's back in a reassuring way. It must have been a big step for them, because now, Ron coming to ask him questions about Blaise and then leaving in a hurry became a regular thing Draco encountered every few days.


"Oh, yeah, I'll go too" He said, looking back at his hands, he was holding the letter again. After the party, things just got awkward, he didn't see Harry much anymore. When he asked Ron, he only told Draco that Harry was sorting things, which led him to believe that he'd leave Hogwarts to go somewhere, maybe far away. And it was only a scary reminder to Draco that he was running out of time.

"Alright, Gryffindor Common Room, tomorrow night" Pansy sprawled on Blaise's bed freely like it was hers "The party starts at eight. You can wear anything"

"Can I put ribbons on my head?" Theodore asked, snickering next to Draco

"Only if you want to offer yourself as his present" Pansy said, rolling her eyes with a grin. Draco stayed silent, he really should he figuring out how to act tomorrow, since Harry'd definitely be there.

"Draco!" The blond blinked twice when he realised Theodore was poking his arm "You're zoning out"

"I was just thinking"

"Can you do my nails? I want to look gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous tomorrow" Theodore showed his hands and Accio a few nail polish bottles from his trunk "Pansy, I need your help too"

"What colour?" Pansy jumped to Theodore's bed and grabbed the black nail polish "Maybe black? It fits you"

"Maybe each letter of Longbottom's first name" Draco suggested, which only made Theodore try to hold himself back from laughing out loud. He should also be dressed up like Theodore, shouldn't he?


"What did you just say?" Draco choked on his food, his hand dropping the fork down on the plate, making a loud cackling sound. Pansy looked at him weirdly and leaned over

"Didn't you hear it earlier? I said, there's a rumour Potter and the Weasley girl are getting back together" She said, twirling her hair in her hands. Draco's hands began to tremble, he woke up today thinking it would be a good day, he got to the Great Hall with a smile on his face, he ate peacefully, that was what happened, until Pansy spilled this horrendous news to him. Harry and Ginny got back together? But how?


"I don't know" She shrugged, eating her vegetables and continued "Someone from Gryffindor was talking about it, then Daphne overheard it. They saw Potter and the Weasley girl getting pretty close recently, they talk a lot, even getting in the library, we are not even studying anymore, they're seen together many times. And look" She pointed her fork at the Gryffindor table as the students were still getting in the Great Hall "They're even sitting next to each other today" Draco turned his head and looked at them, Harry and Ginny, sitting down right next to one another, with laughters on their face. His chest ached when he saw their shoulders touching, their head slightly leaned over to each other. He couldn't believe they got back together.

"Do you think it's true?" He asked worriedly, if it was true, then maybe he was wrong about his plan

"I'm not sure, but the other day I was discussing the party with Granger in the Gryffindor Common Room, and Weasley got in, a few minutes later, she was dragging Potter out of there in a rush" Draco balled his hands into fists and closed his eyes, maybe he expected too much of this insane plan of his to succeed, now that it had failed, he couldn't bear the disappointment.

"How do I look?" Draco was startled when Theodore called them from behind, he looked at his friend with a soft smile as Pansy clapped for him

"Drop dead gorgeous, but it's still morning" Draco said, making Theodore cackle

"I know, I want to look amazing for the whole day"

"Is it his birthday or yours?" Blaise spoke, making Theodore huffed loudly

"I want to look nice" He pouted and sat down, joining them for breakfast and chatting. Draco's mind was elsewhere, he couldn't focus on their conversation at all.


"Did you lose something?" Draco looked to the left to see Luna standing next to him. It's been an hour into Neville's birthday party, but he was in no mood for it, so instead, he's been standing in the corner, until Luna found him

"No, why do you think I lost something?"

"Well, you look like you've lost something you really love, it's like me when I lost my favourite dress, Ginny said I had that sad look" Something he really loved, Draco smiled at her words and shook his head

"No, I didn't lose anything, don't worry about it, I'm just tired, that's all"

"Do you want a drink?" Luna said while her hand was already handing him the drink, his favourite drink "I noticed it's your favourite"

"Thank you" He said as she nodded knowingly at him and walked away, she knew he needed space.

It was unnerving, Draco started to doubt himself, because what if this was a universe where all of his friends got together, but not him and Harry? Draco couldn't get the uneasy feeling in him to stop. He didn't know how to patch things up with him, how to apologise to him after what he said, or how to even tell Harry he liked him. How was that even possible? He wasn't used to expressing this, love, as they called it. Maybe it was a Slytherin thing, he never heard his parents said that word to each other, or his friends saying it with their lovers, or maybe Draco was just emotionally closed off and unable to express it. Now that Harry and Ginny were probably getting back together, he began to think, maybe Harry and him were just not meant to be after all.

He avoided Harry tonight, for the obvious reason, but now the certain Gryffindor was nowhere to be seen. Pansy was talking to Millicent in the middle of the room, her eyes glancing at Hermione, who was at the other corner of the room, talking to Hannah Abbott. Theodore was starting a conversation with Neville, as he had planned the night before, while Blaise kept watching over Ron, who was chugging down a lot of beers.

The students were dancing, talking loudly, the smell of alcohol filling up the room, Draco suddenly realised it was too much for him to take, he needed a quiet place to think, and he might just know where to go. He headed for the door and left the party, but just as he thought he was getting some peace, there it was, Harry and Ginny, standing face to face in the dark hall. Draco's feet couldn't keep walking, he watched Harry's back and Ginny's smile. The blond felt like his heart was a piece of parchment that got thrown into the fireplace. When Ginny leaned over pulled Harry in a tight hug, Draco felt his lungs running out of air to breath. He turned on his heels and ran away, if he could, he wanted to run out of this place.

"I want to see the Mirror of Erised" Draco murmured to himself while walking past the place he's always come before. When the room showed itself, Draco opened it to get in. The room was empty as always, wide and dark, with the mirror standing in the middle of the room. When Draco got closer to it, he noticed there was still the same crack on the mirror, exactly like last time when he shot that Expulso spell to make it explode. There it was again, him and Harry together, holding hands. He felt horror the first time he saw it, but now, the aching in his heart was the only thing he felt.

"Harry" He raised a hand up to touch the mirror, his voice trembling

"What are you doing?" Draco spun around and saw Harry standing at the door, his heart could stop beating any second. How the hell did he get in here? How was it even possible? Draco couldn't say anything as Harry took a step forward "Why are you staring at the Mirror of Erised?"

"No! Don't! Don't come close" He said, covering the mirror but as Harry approached him, the Gryffindor pulled him away from it. When Draco looked at it again, it was still the two of them but they've stopped holding hands. At first, it looked like it was just their reflection, maybe Harry wouldn't notice it, but the two of them in the mirror looked slightly different. Harry's hair was less messy in the mirror maybe due to Draco's impact there, and they both have small silver bands around their ring fingers, exactly like the promise ring the other Harry gave him back then.

"What are you staring at?"

"Nothing, the mirror is broken" He said, feeling somewhat half relief and half disappointed when Harry didn't see anything. Was the mirror really broken to him? Maybe he just didn't see what Draco was seeing.

"This is the Mirror of Erised, I've seen it, but it's cracked now" He pointed his wand at the mirror and looked at Draco "Is it really broken?"

"It is, obviously" He lied straight to Harry's face and folded his arms together "It's cracked when I found it just now. It must be why we can only see our reflections"

"Always the pompous git, Malfoy" Harry said, walking away. What he didn't notice was that their reflections were still in the mirror, their hands now intertwined once again. Draco sniffled softly, realising there was a drop of tear running down his cheek, he wiped it with his hand and composed himself only to see Harry staring at him with furrowed eyebrows from the door

"What are you staring at, Potter? I have a flu" He faked a cough and covered his mouth, Harry stared at him for a few more seconds before he left. The blond stood there, taking one last glance at the mirror before leaving too. The Mirror of Erised has now become the Mirror of Nightmare for him, it was simply unbearable to look at now.


"Wow, I cannot believe we're leaving Hogwarts tomorrow" Pansy smacked his arm and squealed loudly, the graduation ceremony had just finished, and everything went well. Draco wasn't quite himself yet, he couldn't sleep much the night before, he couldn't stop thinking about Harry "Hey, what's wrong with you?"


"You don't look like yourself right now" She poked him repeatedly and tapped on his cheek "You left early yesterday, and this morning you didn't even laugh at all the fun things we said"

"I'm just tired, that's all" He rubbed his eyes and they kept walking in the hall, that was it, the plan was over

"Oh, right, Potter's birthday is today, Granger invited everyone over again, I don't really care about Potter, but if there's a party, I'm in" Pansy beamed, nudging him but he didn't react at all "Are you going? It's going to be a few hours from now"

"No, I don't think so" He answered truthfully, he just wanted some actual peace now "I'll just go and pack my things to go back to my parents"

"What? So soon? No, you have to stay tonight" She nagged, swinging his arm and sticking her face up to his ear "We all promise to go back home at the same time, you can't leave, Theo will leave for France soon and Blaise is going to be busy studying about photography"

"Theo's gonna leave for France? Why didn't he tell me this?" He did know that Theodore has a huge passion for fashion, but he didn't he'd leave. What about Neville?

"Yeah, he said he'd leave early to come back early, he said he has to follow is first dream before he could reach his second" Pansy said, shrugging and Draco finally realised, Theodore was just sorting his life out, and it was good "Come on, Draco, stay. It's the last time we can be together"

"Fine" He grumbled and pushed her hands away "But I won't be joining Potter's party"

"It's okay" She nodded, suddenly she stopped in her tracks and rubbed her chin "Speaking of it, Potter asked Granger about something weird today, he asked about the Mirror of Erised, like, what is that?"

"What?" Draco turned around, his eyes wide open and he grabbed her arms "He asked what?"

"He asked if the mirror would ever be broken" Pansy said, her eyes looking up as she tried to jog her memory "Granger said it's impossible, she mentioned some stuff proving her points. Potter listened, I got really bored"

"Pansy! Focus! What else did he ask?"

"Woah! Calm down, Draco. Then Potter asked again that could the mirror be broken if it only showed their reflections and not their desires like always" Pansy told him as he started getting more worried every second "Granger then proceeded to say that maybe the reflections are exactly what they desire, it means that if two people look in the mirror and both of them see themselves together, it means—..."

"I know what it means! I got to go, Pansy! See you later" He exclaimed, running as fast as possible to get to the seventh floor. When the ceremony ended, he noticed Harry left in a rush...it couldn't be, he should never know Draco saw their reflections there. Draco hasn't run like this for a long time, the moment he was out of breath, he was already there.

"I wanna see Harry" He murmured and walked past it three times, watched as the door appeared. When he opened the door, Harry was there, standing in front of the Mirror of Erised, his body stilled like a statue "Potter...what are you doing here?" he asked, stepping forward to Harry's spot

"The mirror still works" He pointed at Draco, who stopped walking the moment he spoke up "You said it was broken"

"It is!"

"No, it's not" He exclaimed loudly, shutting the door by magic and walked to Draco's spot "Tell me what you know"

"I..." Draco stuttered, he didn't know where to start "Well...About three months ago, I saw the Mirror of Erised, and it brought me to another world"

"What?" Harry ogled at him, he would never understand, Draco sighed and looked down

"Just, just listen, alright?" He mumbled and kept going "Three months ago, I saw the mirror for the first time, I saw us there too, apparently I've wanted you before I even realised, I was stunned and I tried to blow the mirror up" He said, pointing at the crack on the mirror "When I touched it, I woke up in another place, an alternate universe. Everyone was alive, even your parents" He said, watching Harry's expression unfold "There was no war, everyone was happy. Everyone was together, Hermione and Pansy, Blaise and Ron, Ginny and Luna, even Neville and Theodore...and, us too" He looked away when he said the last two words "We were in love, we were a couple there. I was stuck there for more than a month, I was friends with everyone, I fell for you, well, not you, the other Harry Potter"

"The other Harry Potter?"

"Yeah, he's the most caring person in the world, that was what I thought when I was there" Draco said, smiling without knowing. All his memories there came running back to him "I tried to keep myself away from him, but he still got to me"

"And how is he different from me?"

"I don't know" He revealed the answer, he never knew himself what was the difference between them "I don't know because I've seen many sides of him that I never saw in you, since we hate each other before" He sighed, intertwining his own hands together "I watched myself slowly falling for him. He told me we'd always be together in any time, any place. How crazy is that?" Draco chuckled softly, looking at Harry and continued "When I got back here, I wanted to prove that if everyone got together like they did in the other world, then maybe...just maybe, we'd be together too. But perhaps I'm wrong, maybe I'm just in love with the version of you in that world"

"Then why did you cry?" Harry asked, making Draco gazed at him, his body froze

"What? I didn't. When did I ever cry?"

"You did, yesterday. I saw you with my own eyes, you don't have the flu, you never have the flu"

"How do you know that?" He turned the question back to Harry because it was true, Draco rarely ever got the flu, he always took care of himself

"It's just that, during the eight years that I've know you, you were never sick"

"You know that?"

"I picked up on a lot of things when we're arch rivals" He said, suddenly both of them were smiling. He couldn't deny it either, he knew too much about Harry as well

"That still doesn't mean anything" He bit on his lower lip, remembering what happened the night before that made him run "You're with Ginny"

"What? I'm not with her" Harry claimed, laughing a bit "Oh, is this about the rumour we're back together?"

"You know about that?"

"Ron told me about it, there's nothing going on with Ginny and I" Harry chuckled, covering his mouth as if he was having the laugh of his life "She was just asking me some advice about Luna. She didn't know what to do and how to confess to her"


"Yeah, she just did today. Didn't you see them holding hands at the end of the ceremony earlier?" Harry asked and Draco shook his head, he was so caught up in his own messy thoughts that he didn't notice anything else "She didn't ask Ron because he'd get protective and all, Hermione was busy so she didn't want to bother her, so she asked me for some advice, I told her I'm not good at it so I just advice her to tell the truth"

"Oh" Draco diverted his eyes and wasn't sure what to say. Turned out it was just some kind of misunderstanding and he didn't even know.

"Er...Do you mean it?" Harry spoke and Draco looked back at him "When you say you're in love with me? The other me?"

"I think so, he was sweet" Draco said, remembering all the sweet things the other Harry did for him "He was kind, he didn't push me to do anything I wasn't comfortable with, he always insists we sit together, we sleep together, he says he loves me every day. In the end, I just fell for him"



"Stop" Harry said and stepped forward "I'm, er...I don't like hearing that"

"Oh, I'm sorry" He said, his heart aching a bit but then Harry grabbed his hand

"No—no, I'm...I'm jealous"

"What?" He gawked at Harry, who was looking at him intensely with his green eyes

"I'm jealous of what he gets to do with you"

"You're jealous with yourself?" Draco felt funny at what Harry said "You're not even in love with me"

"The moment you kissed me during that game, even if it's not a real kiss" Harry reminded him "I think I've fallen for you. I think it started when you called me Harry"

"Oh, that's when I got back, I was...used to calling you that" He admitted shyly with a smile

"And then you did all those things, apologising to everyone but me, I was angry"

"I'm sorry" He put his hand on Harry's chest, feeling comfortable with that action "I really am. When it comes to the things I've done to you...it's too much, that I didn't know where to start"

"I'm sorry too" Harry murmured, placing his hand on Draco's chest as well "For doing this to you"

"I still have feelings for you, this version of you" Draco has to admit, he was falling for Harry as well "It wasn't because you two look exactly alike, but it's because of you, I fall for you" He didn't know how to express himself, but he meant what he said. Even here or there, he still fell for Harry anyway "Do you...well, do you like me?"

"I saw us in the mirror yesterday, that's why I thought it was actually broken" He said, stepping even closer than before, making Draco's mind explode like fireworks "I saw us in the mirror now, I realised my feelings for you yesterday after seeing you cried and had some doubts about whether the mirror could ever be broken or not, so I asked Hermione and it couldn't be" He turned to it and Draco also saw themselves in the mirror again. He smiled, turning back to gaze into Harry's eyes "You are who I desire, Draco, I desire your love and your affection, I like you, and I want to love you"

"You are who I desire too" Draco cupped his face, feeling their distance narrowed "I like you so much too, I want to love you, Harry, I want to love you badly"

"I want to kiss you badly right now" Harry said, earning a chuckle from Draco, the blond leaned closer and pressed his lips on Harry's. That kiss during the game was already way too much for him to handle, but now, it was even more than that. It was his first kiss with Harry! It was his first kiss ever! Harry kissed him tenderly, caressing his lips while his hands trailed from Draco's neck down to his waist, pulling him closer until their chest touched. Draco smiled into the kiss and embraced Harry tightly, he'd definitely join Harry's birthday tonight, after all, he has become his boyfriend.


Epilogue ~ 22 years later

"Okay, remember, this is all of our effort put into one big gift for you two" Pansy said, leading Draco's hand to keep walking. It was him and Harry's anniversary, 22 years to be exact, their friends have surprised them by waking them up in the morning, covering their eyes and bringing them here "This took a lot of time"

"It took like two days" Theodore added as Draco heard him being smacked by Pansy "Oi! It's not like it's wrong!"

"Wait for it" Pansy said, pushing Draco and Harry forward "Open your eyes" Draco took off his blindfold the same time as Harry and he was completely dazed by the sight in front of him.

It was the Great Hall, they were back at Hogwarts again, it's been so long since they came back here. But the thing that amazed him more was the fact that it looked incredibly familiar

"Is this..." Harry asked, looking around as he was holding Draco's hand "The party that year? After graduation?"

"Yes, the party that you two kissed" Ron chimed in, pointing at the spot on the ground, with the same hat Luna used that day for the game "Well, you didn't actually kiss, but you know what we mean"

"It's the start of something, right?" Luna smiled along with everyone, she was the one that made the game anyway, he should thank her for that "That's what you two said in your vows that made Ginny cried"

"Honestly, I didn't remember what happened at that party" Ginny said, she probably ended up sleeping during it that day "But I do remembered vaguely that Ron cried because Romilda Vane yelled at him"

"Oi! She was mean!" Ron squeaked loudly, nudging his sister as she laughed at him "You didn't know, you weren't scolded by her for not knowing what a person wrestling the bloody giant squid looks like"

"No one knows, it's okay" Blaise said, kissing Ron's temple to comfort him. After their graduation, Blaise had told Ron about his feelings, but Ron was in denial for three years, claiming they were just close friends, and Blaise accepted that, until Ron realised they were more than that. Now that Blaise went and studied about photography, he became somewhat famous among the wizards while Ron became an Auror like Harry and they had a family now, Draco was glad for them.

"You're just daft" Ginny chuckled while leaning on Luna from behind. For those two girls, it began way smoother than Ron and Blaise. After listening to Harry's advice, Ginny confessed her feelings at graduation, and they've been together ever since, Ginny became a professional Quidditch player, and she'd stay home to watch her and Luna's kids while Luna was out being the famous Magizoologist she was "So, do you guys like it?"

"Of course we do" Draco smiled, looking at Harry cheekily and looked at their friends "Thank you guys"

"You're welcome" Hermione nodded at them, her hand also intertwined with Pansy. The things with Pansy and Hermione was rough, they stayed friends for two years, not knowing each other's feelings, and finally started going out after one late night that Pansy helped Hermione with her work, they ended up kissing and something more than that, but Pansy never told them what they did more that night. Hermione had become the Minister for Magic twelve years ago, and Pansy, still proving she was a responsible and loving partner, always got Hermione's back while she was also the head editor of Witch Weekly "All the kids are at the Burrow so we don't have to worry about them. And...I guess we'll leave you guys here for a walk down memory lane"

"So soon?" Pansy asked, her lips forming into a pout but Hermione gave her a knowing look and she nodded quickly "Right, we should go"

"Oh, do you guys want to visit Neville's office? It's huge!" Theo squealed as he has his arm around Neville's "Privilege of the Head of Gryffindor House!" Neville blushed and Theo gave him a peck on the cheeks. Their love took the longest time, after graduating from Hogwarts, Theo had followed his dream in fashion and moved to France for five years, while Neville stayed back and somehow got together with Hannah Abbott for two and a half years until they broke up. When Theo came back and opened his own boutique, it was fate that the store was near Neville's place, or maybe it was not so much of a coincidence when Draco was the one to tell him to open it there. Theo's feelings never disappeared as he continued to pursue his second dream, being Neville's partner, and it took him a whole year for Neville to realise it, Gryffindors were definitely oblivious.

"Ooh! I wanna see Neville's office!" Ginny jumped excitedly as she pushed Neville out so he could lead the way "Let's go!"

"Have a good time, guys, no one will come in" Pansy turned around and gave them a wink "And clean up the mess after!" She smirked, walking out of the Great Hall with Hermione and everyone else. She waved her hand and the door closed, leaving Draco and Harry there.

"Hi" He said, smiling at Harry and his husband leaned down to kiss his forehead

"Hi, darling" Harry said softly, making Draco blush once again by calling him with sweet pet names, he put his arm around Draco's waist and together they looked around the room "I can't believe they did all this"

"Even the spot that Ginny spilled her drink on" Draco pointed at one of the chairs and Harry chuckled. It looked exactly like that day, and he couldn't believe it's been twenty two years that they've been together, Draco became a Healer, occasionally seeing Harry every few weeks at St. Mungo's though with an injury on him, and Draco'd end up scolding him for it. With their three kids, a pair of twins, James and Scorpius, Draco was overwhelmed with happiness every day "I still can't believe I almost kissed you that day"

"I'm glad you almost kissed me that day" Harry pulled him against his chest, giving him the same soft look every time Harry was about to say something incredibly sweet "That's when I know I've fucked everything up, because I was sure I've become infatuated by you"

"You and your words" Draco couldn't help but getting flushed, he stood on his tiptoe and kissed Harry quickly "How come it's been 22 years and I still get weak in the knees because of you?"

"Because I'm charming?" Harry teased, making Draco smack his chest playfully, he looked around the room and back at Draco "Draco, this day, August 22nd, twenty two years ago, you agreed to be my boyfriend" Draco smiled at the truth, it took Harry a while for Draco to accept his offer "Twelve years ago on this day, you agreed to be my husband. If people ask me what love is, I will say it's you"

"Are you proposing to me again?" Draco asked as Harry laughed, he shook his head and cupped Draco's face

"I don't know, I just feel like this is a special day for us" He said, kissing Draco's cheeks "I want to love you in a special way today"

"Are you going to fuck me in the Great Hall?" Draco asked, pressing his lips in a thin line. Harry and him have fucked in a lot of places, but to do it in Hogwarts, it was definitely something else, a special something "Wait, are you serious about this?"

"I'm thinking" Harry tilted his head down and whispered in Draco's ear "I might just put you on that table and fuck you right there" He said, licking Draco's earlobe, making the blond shiver "I will pour wine on you and I will lick you all over"

"Fuck" Draco exhaled heavily when Harry started pushing Draco's thin shirt up, pushing off his robes "And then what?"

"I will fuck you so hard..." He said teasingly, his hands sliding over Draco's sensitive buds "You will scream out all the names of the Founders of Hogwarts"

"Tempting" Draco murmured and pushed Harry back until they both hit the table "We might as well make a special memory here" He licked his lower lip and kissed Harry, feeling his tongue slipping inside. Harry's kisses were always full of passion, love, and even without wine, Draco still felt drunk on it. He sucked on Harry's bottom lip while his hands went sliding up and down his husband's firm chest, all the Auror training paid off well. He bit playfully and made Harry hiss.

"You like it rough today?" Harry smirked at him and latched himself on Draco's neck, sucking on it and biting continuously, making marks everywhere on his skin. The blond tilted his head to the side, inviting Harry in for more as he unzipped his trousers. Draco slid down gracefully on his knees and looked up at Harry

"You started it" He said, touching Harry's cock from outside of his boxers, he was already half hard from all the kissing. Draco rubbed the bulge with more strength, leaning closer to put his mouth on it, licking Harry's length through his boxers. Harry has his eyes on Draco, his hand at the blonde's neck, the blond slowly pulled the boxers down, revealing the now hard cock in front of him, leaking precum. Draco grabbed the bottle of Firewhisky on the table nearby them and poured it all over Harry's cock

"That's my favourite boxers" Harry pointed out and Draco gave him a flirtatious wink, he licked a stripe up Harry's cock, tasting the bittersweet, burning of the Firewhisky in his throat and the salty taste from Harry's length. Draco licked him clean, stroking the cock with his good hand, hearing the sound of Harry's breathing quicken every second. The blond swirled his tongue around the head, teasing him and knowing Harry could burst any second now with the way his hand on Draco's long hair was starting to tighten. Draco finally swallowed it in but he could never fully suck it whole unless Harry thrust in his mouth, he craved it bad. The blond started bobbing his head back and forth, sliding his hands up Harry's thighs, teasing him with featherlight touches.

"You and your mouth" Harry murmured as Draco looked up at him, he tightened his grip on the blond's hair and pushed Draco further, he breathed in with his nose, swirling his tongue inside. He has done it way too many times to know just which way to make Harry go insane. Harry leaned back on the table, pushing himself inside Draco's mouth as the blond moaned in pleasure "Fuck, Draco" Harry mumbled, pulling Draco away as the blond stuck his tongue out, licking at the head one last time. Harry smiled, pulling Draco up on his feet and kissed him, Harry pushed Draco against the table, carrying him up in his arms and placing him on the table. Draco pulled him down with his hand on Harry's chin, licking a trail up his jawline

"You are brilliant, you know that?" Harry grinned at him and looked to the right "Wanna try that?" Draco looked at the same direction, noticing a bowl of strawberries and melted chocolate next to them. It must have been a work of Pansy because there wasn't strawberries and chocolate at that party. Draco grabbed a strawberry in his hand and placed it between his lips, Harry sighed out happily and moved closer, he took a bite of the strawberry, eating half of it and sucking on Draco's lips at the same time. Harry held Draco's hand up and sucked on the blond's finger, making Draco shiver.

"Lick me all over, Harry" He said and Harry started dipping a strawberry in the melted chocolate, he raised it and placed it on Draco's chest. He swirled it all over his stomach, gliding over his hard buds, it was like he was trying to be a painter. Lastly, he placed two strawberries on each of Draco's nipples, the blond chuckled out loud looking down at his chest

"What do you call this?" He asked if Harry was really trying to paint something

"My masterpiece" Harry closed their distance and landed a kiss on Draco's collarbone "My love" He began licking away the chocolates, his hands pulling Draco's trousers down and throwing it on the ground. With the wave of his hand, Draco felt a cold flow of magic in him. Harry slid his fingers over Draco's rim as his mouth was still latched on the blond's skin, sucking off all the remained chocolate. He put one of the strawberry on Draco's nipple in his mouth and sucked on his bud, twirling his tongue while his finger pushed inside Draco's lubed hole.

"Harry!" Draco moved his hips on his own, making the other piece of strawberry fell from his chest. Harry picked it up and put it in Draco's mouth, his finger pressing on the blond's plump lips.

"You're just fucking beautiful" Harry said, pushing the second finger in, opening him up as Draco moaned out loud, his hands gripping on the table. His cock twitched with every stimulation Harry was making, with his lips once again on Draco's stomach and his rough fingers scissoring the blond open.

"More, Harry" He mumbled as Harry pushed the third digit in, curling it up and earning a loud moan from him. Harry has been fucking him long enough to know where his sweet spot was and he kept pushing at it. When he leaned down and licked around the rim while his fingers were inside, his other hand stroking Draco's cock, the blond grabbed Harry's wrist immediately, it would be too much for him to handle "Harry" He said and his husband stopped, leaning up to kiss him softly "Fuck me, now, I want you"

"Say please" He murmured in his ear and Draco smacked him playfully, Harry chuckled and licked the spot under his ear, sucking on the skin there "I love you"

"I love you too" Draco mumbled, watched as Harry aligned himself up at his entrance. When he slowly pushed in, Draco gripped on his arm and pushed back, making it go deeper. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist as their chests touched, he kissed Draco lovingly and trailed the kisses down his neck "Ah!" He moaned when Harry finally pushed it all inside and started thrusting slowly. Draco locked his legs around Harry's waist when he began quickening his pace "Harry! Harry!"

"If you could see yourself right now" Harry said, pushing the hair that fell on Draco's face away, he thrusted in harder, reaching his prostate every second. Draco's cock couldn't stop leaking precum, Harry squeezed his arse apart, slamming in deep and the blond cried out loud. His body was hot from inside, sweats were forming on his forehead, his cock was itching to be released soon "You're a wanton mess, Draco" The blond couldn't even argue with that, he had seen himself in the mirror being fucked by Harry once, he looked like he even craved for more. Harry pushed Draco's legs up so it was pressed against his chest, he looked down and thrusted faster "Look, you're swallowing every inch of me, Draco"

"Hmmph" Draco's moans were muffled as Harry slipped his fingers in his mouth, he swirled his tongue around, sucking on Harry hard.

"You're truly a masterpiece, Draco" Harry pulled his fingers away and Draco let his mouth fell open when his husband was stroking his cock again "Just for me to see" He stroke faster, his thumb gliding over the head of Draco's cock, spreading the precum all over. Draco arched his back and pulled Harry down with him, Harry slammed in his sensitive bundle of nerves repeatedly while his hand was pleasing Draco's front.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming, Harry!" He cried out, his cock jerking and spurting all over his stomach. He could hear Harry murmuring that he was coming too, his hot fluid flowing inside Draco. The blond was breathing heavily when Harry thrusted in "Harry" He mumbled as he was out of breath, Harry finally pulled out and the moment he did, Draco craved for it again, he just couldn't help it.

"Look, your hole is still twitching" Harry said, his thumb playing with Draco's loosen hole, the blond moaned when Harry pushed his thumb inside "Should I keep it all inside you?"

"I've kept enough every time" Draco said with a smirk and Harry pulled his finger out, waving his hand and cleaning them both up. He helped Draco up in a sitting position and caressing his cheek, he touched Draco's neck gently and suddenly smiled "Why are you smiling?"

"I'm just looking at these love marks I gave you and I think" He said, whispering to Draco "Fuck, I just love you so much, you still look as beautiful as ever"

"Stop, would you?" Draco laughed and looked at his own chest, the marks were a highlight now compared to the faded scars he had all those years ago. Draco jumped from the table down on his feet and quickly fell in Harry's embrace, his body was still weak "It's your fault"

"It's my fault" Harry said, smiling and kissing Draco's lips, he looked at the door and held the blond's hand "Do you think our friends are right outside listening?"

"No, because Hermione, Luna and Neville will be the ones pulling the others away" Draco said, looking down at their naked bodies "I can't believe we just fucked in the Great Hall" Realisation finally hit him and Draco buried his face in Harry's neck "What if the professors know?"

"It's alright, no one is here, it's summer" Harry said in reassurance, he played with Draco's hands and gazed at him "Hey, do know where we should go?"

"Yeah, I think I do" Draco said with a knowing smile, they have been together for twenty two years after all, with just one look they'd know what the other one was thinking about. They opened the door and walked out hand in hand, they could still meet their friends later.

"I can't believe you've been mine for more than twenty years" Harry said, holding up Draco's hand and planting a kiss on his palm "It's surreal"

"Twenty two years, I'm so old now"

"No, you're not" Harry said as they walked in the corridor "You're still beautiful and sexy to me"


"You were sexy in that outfit you wore on my birthday" Harry said, making Draco blush because it reminded him of that day. It was Pansy's idea, obviously, but he actually listened to it. He was over 40 years old now, he couldn't think Harry still considered him sexy "You're always sexy in my eyes" Harry said, his hand sliding in Draco's long hair that he grew out for the past few years "You're perfect to me"

"Are you seducing me?" He smiled and Harry gave him a lopsided smile, pulling him closer "Because we just did it like less than five minutes ago"

"We can do other things" He said "We haven't got to do a lot of things here in Hogwarts"


"Like, I've never spun you around in my arms"

"Wha—Harry!" Draco started laughing when Harry carried him up in his arms, spinning him around like a princess "Stop!" He was finally on his feet again as they kept walking "We...have never danced here"

"Oh right" Harry said as they walked up the stairs "Maybe we could go, once our kids have their Yule Ball"

"Only if you ask me nicely" He bit on his lips and smiled, holding Harry's hand again

"Hey, do you want to have another kid?" Harry asked, surprising Draco with the question

"Because two kids who get in detentions every few weeks aren't enough for you?" He snickered, they've been called by the Headmistress many times, Scorpius was a nice kid, but he could also be persuaded into James's little pranks and mischief.

"Yeah, I want a girl" He said, and Draco thought, a girl would be nice balance for their family

"Okay, we'll have a girl" Draco tightened his grip on their locked hands and wondered what it'd be like when they have one.


"Wow, it's still the same" Draco walked in with his hand locked with Harry's, as they entered the Room of Requirement once again. The Mirror of Erised was there, it looked exactly the same, but without the crack, just like a new mirror.

"Should we?" Harry asked him, Draco nodded silently and they both walked to the mirror. There it was, he saw themselves in the mirror, but they were probably 80 years old or so there, their hands were still intertwined. Harry has his beard grown out there, while Draco's hair was longer than now, it was reaching far down his back. They were still in their Auror and Healer robes, they looked older, with grey hair, but still happy "Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Us until we're grey?"

"Yeah" He smiled "Will you still love me when I look like that?" He asked, looking up at Harry and wrapping his arm around his waist "When we're all old and wrinkly?"

"Honey, looks like I still do" Harry glanced at the mirror and looked back at Draco, who was now blushing from the way he called Draco honey. He grinned, leaning up to kissed Harry on the lips. What the other version of himself had said was true, in any time, any place, any universe, Harry and him would always end up together, and that was it.

The End

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