Eleven Hours

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Summary: Eleven hours from London to Las Vegas, Harry is convinced his feelings for Malfoy are pure only, Blaise struggles to find out why Ron is mad at him, and Neville deals with his massive crush for Theodore.

This has stories of all three main couples (Drarry, Blairon, Theville), Pansmione appeared for a bit but Drarry is still the main-ish one.

Like the amazing Lil Nas X once sang "I want that jet lag from fucking and flying"

Warning: A heavy dose of smut

2:30 p.m.

The airport was crowded when Harry pulled his luggage inside, sounds were coming from above to announce the upcoming flights. It has been Hermione's idea to travel this way, she wanted everyone to experience this, even when she didn't like it herself. Harry noticed Pansy standing a few feet away from him, waving her hand in the air and he nodded, approaching the girls quickly.

"Congrats, you're the second to come" Pansy said with a smile, handing him the ticket from her hands. Hermione was next to her, sitting on a chair and totally absorbed in a book about elf. He looked around and back at her, he wondered who was here first.


"Oh yeah, Draco's in the bathroom" Pansy said, pointing at the luggage next to an empty seat next to her "One more thing" She said, putting her hand on his arm like she was going to tell him bad news "You're going to have to sit next to Draco on the flight"

"What?" He gawked at Pansy, staring at his ticket as the horrifying emotion filled his face. He couldn't sit next to Malfoy for eleven hours, they were barely friends. It took them two years after Hogwarts to finally be civil to each other, yet they still bicker a lot. He could stay a few minutes, or an hour at St. Mungo's with Malfoy healing him, but it was nothing compared to this. Eleven hours with him meant eleven hours of the two of them either being too awkward to talk or bickering so much that other passengers would complain about them "I can't sit next to him. Can't I switch?

"I'm not having this conversation again" Pansy rolled her eyes and draped her arm over Hermione's shoulder "My wife, as you know, has a fear of flying, either on brooms or this Muggle thing, so I can't sit with Draco. Blaise and Ron are married, and Neville specifically asked me to let him sit with Theo because he has a crush on him, all right?" She said smoothly and he started to wonder if Draco had asked her switch his seat earlier too "Sit down, Harry, it'll be fine. Only eleven hours"

"Eleven hours" Hermione suddenly spoke up and slammed her book closed, she stared at the floor and shuddered softly, which made Pansy pull her in an instant hug "Eleven"

"It'll be all right, honey" Pansy said, kissing her wife's temple as Harry smiled at them and settled down on the spot next to her. Eleven hours, he should be fine with that.

"Potter" Harry looked up when Malfoy finally got out of the bathroom. He was wearing a black turtleneck sweater along with a pair of tight black trousers and black shoes. His long hair was tied up nicely in a ponytail. It was always odd seeing Malfoy out of his Healer robes, it always took Harry a few seconds to comprehend it "Potter"


"You're in my seat" Harry heard Malfoy speak and looked down at the luggage next to his legs, it was indeed Malfoy's seat. Harry stumbled into the next chair and looked away, they just saw each other and it was already awkward.

"Sorry about that" He said and Malfoy didn't reply, instead he immediately got into a conversation with Pansy. He glanced at Malfoy's back, there was something about him that was a bit different today, Harry couldn't figure out what. Harry sighed and looked at the gate, waiting for his friends to come. He rolled up his sleeve and looked down on the watch around his wrist, he was indeed early. Harry winced when he pressed his elbow on the arm of the chair he was sitting on, he rolled his sleeve further up and saw a scrape there, and it was bleeding just a little bit.

"What's wrong with your arm?" He looked up to see Malfoy staring at him already, he shrugged, he didn't know how he had it too.

"Well, I'm not sure, maybe because I tripped and fell before I got here" He said, he fell just before he arrived at the airport, but he didn't think he injured himself, not until now.

"Come" Malfoy stood up abruptly and gestured to the bathroom "I have to heal you"

"It's not necessary, it doesn't even hurt much"

"Potter" Malfoy's voice was firm and demanding, it wasn't an advice, it was an order. Harry honestly could heal it himself, but if Malfoy was offering his help...

"Er, okay" He followed Malfoy into the bathroom of the airport. There was no one inside when they got in, Harry stood before a bathroom stall and looked at the blond "You don't have to do it, really, Malfoy"

"Potter, it physically hurts my eyes to see you injuring yourself. How clumsy are you?" Malfoy rolled his eyes and was about to pull out his wand when they heard the door clicked. Harry flinched and grabbed Malfoy by his arm, pulling him into one of the stalls and slamming the door close. They both got quiet to listen to the footstep out there. Harry was standing there, pressing against Malfoy on the door, it surely got awkward fast enough between them. As soon as the door was pulled open and close again, they kept their positions there for a few more seconds to make sure there was no one outside.

"Get off, Potter" Malfoy shoved him away quickly and sighed, raising his hand that was holding his wand tightly "Show me the injury" Harry showed him his elbow and Malfoy pointed at it, a quiet spell was spoken softly from him as magic coursed under Harry's skin, healing him up. This was a familiar scene, he always ended up seeing Malfoy at least once a week, due to the circumstances of both of their jobs. Malfoy was a Healer, in fact, he was one of the best ones. And Harry, being an Auror, he tended to get injured a lot, which was why they would meet at St. Mungo's. Other than that, they have their pub nights with their friends weekly, but even with that, they were nothing more than friends.

"Thank you" He murmured and Malfoy looked at him, giving him a curt nod "You're great at this"

"You're stating the obvious, Potter" Malfoy huffed and walked out of the stall with Harry following him hurriedly, this would be one hell of a flight.


Blaise noticed Ron has been extremely irritated ever since this morning, no, specifically after lunch, and he hasn't had a clue what he was mad about. Ron slammed the trunk close and dragged the luggage in the airport by himself, not batting an eye to his husband.

"Ron, let me get that for you" He offered, walking alongside Ron and extending his hand, but the redhead only huffed at him "Ron, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. If you're so smart, why don't you figure it out? I can carry my own bloody thing, thank you very much" Ron scoffed and hauled the luggage away, he was practically stomping to their friends' spot. Blaise exhaled softly, the remarks Ron made clearly showed that he was upset, but he didn't know why.

"Hey" Pansy waved at him and handed him the ticket "Here, for you and...your angry husband. What did you do now?"

"Why do you think it's my fault?" Blaise asked, glancing at Ron, who was already sitting next to Draco now, his face still looked like someone stole his food.

"Because he told me to give the tickets to the pretentious brat in the stupid grey robes" Pansy smirked at him and he looked down at his stupid grey robes. Ron was mad at him then. He spun on his heels and walked to one of those small places at the airport that sold food. He looked at the young girl with blonde hair and the funny red hat before speaking up.

"Can I have one ice cream cone? Chocolate, thank you" He ordered and the girl nodded, running to the ice cream machine and soon she returned with a chocolate ice cream cone in her hand. He slipped in the Muggle money on the counter and took the cone from her hand. He had to exchange the money before this trip, knowing he'd love spending some on Ron, but due to his husband's sour mood right now, he wasn't so sure. He walked back and stopped when he was standing in front of Ron, Blaise kneeled on one knee and handed him the cone.

"Ron, baby, I bought this for you" He said as Ron finally turned to him. He expected a smile, or the little laugh Ron always made whenever Blaise bought him food, instead he got a frown.

"Oh, you would love that, wouldn't you?" Ron snapped at him and stood up, heading for the bathroom, leaving Blaise there while their friends looked at him. He exhaled and handed Pansy the ice cream.

"Here, have this"

"Oh, thank you" Pansy grinned and took it, giving it to Hermione "Honey, you want to eat this? Might make you feel better" Blaise settled down on the seat next to Ron's and pinched the bridge of his nose, this would definitely be a long flight.


4:00 p.m.

"Time to go" Pansy said in front of them in lines as she handed the lady at the gate her and Hermione's tickets. Neville stood behind them, equally eager to go to Las Vegas. It was where Ginny and Luna have been staying at for their honeymoon for a week now, they had specifically sent the tickets to them so they could all have fun here, as Luna had said. Neville was glad for one thing, Theodore Nott was also here today. The brunet was standing behind him, talking about something with Draco and Ron that he couldn't hear. Theo had arrived later when he rushed into the airport all sweating, Neville could tell that he didn't get enough sleep, but he has never got the courage to talk to him, ever. If they ever talked, it'd be Theo starting the conversation, not him.

Neville walked through the gate and to the little bridge or whatever it was called to reach the plane. He was still all new to this, he still couldn't believe he would get to sit next to Theodore Nott on the plane for eleven hours, this would be fun. He got in the plane and his jaws went slacked, surprised at the space inside, many rows of chairs were there. He looked down at his ticket "24G" He murmured and found his spot on the right of the middle row. He put his small bags in the overhead bin and settled down, his heart racing a bit as he saw Theo got closer.

"Oh, you, Neville" Theo said, a small smile lighted up his whole face when he saw Neville "Are you going to be with me?"


"Are you going to be with me for the whole flight?" Theo continued when Neville choked out his answer. The blond gulped and nodded, pressing on his sweater vest. It might have been a wrong idea to wear this today, he should have chosen something nicer "I'm sorry, I didn't have enough sleep last night and it's hard for me to even form a sentence now" Theo chuckled softly and sat down next to Neville's left. He has to admit he has never seen the brunet so close before, he was beautiful even when he didn't have enough sleep. His skin was smooth and clear, his lips were plump and shiny, he was gorgeous...Neville shook off the thought and watched another guy took the seat next to Theo. It was a stranger, and clearly an attractive one, with curly dirty blond hair and a trendy robe, so much better than Neville's sweater vest. He instantly noticed Theo's charms as well, leaning closer to the brunet with a smile.

"Hey, beautiful" Neville ogled at the man, at the forwardness. This was it, he was supposed to find a way to talk to Theo on this flight, but it seemed that the guy has already taken it. Neville leaned on the seat and exhaled, putting his Muggle earphones in and closing his eyes, this totally sucked.


4:15 p.m.

"Honey, you know it'll be all right" Pansy rubbed her wife's hand soothingly and kissed her knuckles. She had even chosen the seats at the front for them. Hermione didn't like planes, but still insisted on all of them trying this, she knew how much her wife has to suffer for this "You already took that medicine, I brought you your earphones and we can listen to that podcast thing...something together"

"It's an audiobook, Pansy" She grinned at Pansy's choice of words and tilted her head to the side "You really want to listen to that with me?" Hermione asked, pulling out the earphones and her own Muggle phone from her pocket before opening it "It's eight hours, Pansy. It's a whole book"

"I would listen to a million hours of that if it helped you with your anxiety, darling, you know that" Pansy said, cupping Hermione's face and pressing a kiss on her forehead until she smiled. Pansy placed one of the earphones in her wife's ear and put one in her own. She could feel Hermione's grip on her hand tightened when the plane started moving. She could see the airway through the window, since Hermione wasn't fond of the window seat, she took it with ease "So, what's the book called?"

"Emma" Hermione said, turning on the audiobook in her phone and leaning her head on Pansy's shoulder, searching for comfort as the plane started taking off. Pansy heard the suave sound of the woman from the earphone and closed her eyes, it wasn't bad at all.


5:15 p.m.

Neville opened his eyes when he felt himself being nudged by someone. He stopped the music on his Muggle phone, the one Hermione and Pansy had given him on his birthday last year and taught him how to use it.

"Neville" He widened his eyes when he realised he was being nudged by no other than Theodore Nott. Theodore Nott was calling his name. Say something! Anything! His mind screamed and his lips parted, he was already halfway there to say something "Neville"

"Er, y-yeah?" He finally choked the reply out, he started fiddling with the earphones in his hands, tangling it together while waiting for Theo to continue.

"Can you be my boyfriend?"

"What?" He uttered, feeling like his chest could be filled with butterflies right now. What was happening? Did the plan crash? Did he die? Was this heaven?

"The guy next to me keeps trying to flirt with me, he's in the bathroom now" Theo gestured to the empty seat next to him "I haven't had any sleep last night and the last thing I need is to have some guy bothering me this whole flight. So, can you pretend to be my boyfriend? For the rest of the flight?"

Theodore Nott was asking Neville to be his boyfriend, well, pretend to be his boyfriend, but it was still a once in a lifetime chance. He swallowed and realised the earphones in his hands have been made into a bundle of strings and now he could never untangle it "But...I've been sitting here for an hour already, won't he know?"

"I guess that's true" Theo has a little frown on his lips, and Neville felt like hugging him. If he was actually Theo's boyfriend, he'd never let him be sad like this, ever "Oh, but you've been listening to whatever it was on that Muggle device of yours. You just tell him you were sleeping, and you didn't know" He said, turning around and tugging at Neville's arm "He's back, please help me" He begged with a sincere, sweet voice of his and Neville found himself suddenly wrapping his arm over Theo's shoulder. He has seen Blaise and Pansy doing this to Ron and Hermione enough, like showing others that they belong to each other. The brunet seemed to be surprised at his sudden action too, but he didn't recoil from it, fortunately. The guy sat down with a puzzled look on his face, it seemed like he was about to ask them something, Neville decided to speak up first.

"I heard that you've been flirting with my boyfriend here while I was asleep" He said, squeezing Theo tighter to him.

"I didn't know he's your boyfriend, you didn't seem to care about him" The guy shrugged and Neville was out of what else to say.

"It's my fault, really" Theo let out a small laugh and leaned back on Neville's shoulder with a hand on his chest, finding comfort in it "I drained all his energy from last night, he wanted to sleep for a while"

"Oh, okay, sorry, I didn't know" The guy shrugged and pulled out a magazine to read. Neville sighed in relief, that was easy. He let his arm back down on the arm of the seat and jolted when Theo suddenly moved in his seat closer and whispered in his ear quiet enough for only him to hear.

"Thank you" He said, snaking his hand into Neville's. What was this? Theodore Nott holding his hand? "If you don't mind, I think we need to act like a couple too"

Neville nodded, his lips pressed together as a lightning struck his body straight from his locked hands with Theo to his heart. Theo yawned and leaned his head on Neville's tensed shoulder. He forgot the one next to him actually didn't get enough sleep last night.

"Wake me up for dinner, honey" Theo said through his mumbles and dozed slowly off to sleep. Theodore Nott called him honey. Just when he thought this flight couldn't get any worse, it turned out to be one of the best things in his life that he got to experience. Neville looked out at the blue sky and white clouds outside, feeling Theo's body heat next to him and hoped this flight never ended.


5:30 p.m.

Harry pressed his lips into a thin line, still unsure what to do. It's been more than an hour since the plane took off, and Malfoy didn't say a thing. All the blond did was staring out at the window for one straight hour, murmuring quietly something in French every few minutes that Harry couldn't figure out what he meant. Harry wasn't used to being quiet like this, his legs were shaking constantly, and there was no one next to them.

"Potter, would you stop that?" Malfoy spoke up, startling Harry and he turned to look at the blond. He was staring at Harry, his face scrunched up with annoyance "The shaking" He pointed at Harry's legs and the Auror quickly stilled himself.

"Oh, sorry, er, I..." He stuttered, gripping on the arm of the seat and grinning at Malfoy "I was bored, so...er, I apologise for that" The blond looked at him for a while, his long eyelashes fluttered. How could he have such long eyelashes? Harry swallowed hard and figured he better come up with something to say or else they'd be quiet for the rest of the flight "What were you saying?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You were talking in French" He gestured, seeing the light pink colour rising on Malfoy's cheeks suddenly. Was he blushing? "I noticed it, and...I didn't know what you were saying"

"I was...it was nothing" Malfoy said, it even seemed like he was stuttering too. For the first time, he saw Malfoy blush and stutter at the same time.

"Well, er, you're very fluent in French"

"Of course, I learned it when I was a kid"

"What else did you learn as a kid?" Harry asked, striking up a conversation between them. Malfoy seemed baffled at his question, he shifted in his seat and cleared his throat.

"Piano, violin" Malfoy raised his fingers in the air as he listed it out "I also learned the flute"

"The flute?" Harry grabbed his sparkling wine and sipped on it, he didn't know Malfoy knew so many things.

"Yes, I'm a great blower" As soon as Malfoy finished his sentence, Harry started choking on his wine, coughing and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as the blond stared at him "Potter, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, nothing" He coughed a few more times and looked at Malfoy with a different gaze now. Surely it couldn't mean something else, could it? He knew Malfoy was gay, of course, but he couldn't be having anything for Harry...right? "What else?"

"Oh, well, I also...learned ballet" Malfoy said quietly, hiding a smile behind his wine glass. At that moment, all Harry could imagine was Malfoy in tights and doing a split. How beautiful would that be? "Potter"


"You're zoning out" Malfoy furrowed his eyebrows at him, leaning over and placing his hand on Harry's forearm. The Auror widened his eyes, they were closer, really close "Are you sure you're all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine" He said, images of Malfoy spinning around gracefully with a tutu dress still filled his mind. He blinked twice and chugged down his sparkling wine before putting it down again "You...do you still do ballet? Or play those instruments you learned as a kid?"

"Sometimes, when I'm alone" Malfoy shrugged, a small smile showing at his lips. Harry felt a tug at his chest, what was that? It was rare to see Malfoy ever smiled at him before, now he was amazed by it, every time "I play piano more, whenever I feel...a bit lonely, I'd play it"

"Oh" Harry mumbled, noticing Malfoy's hand had left his arm. He looked at the blond's eyes and found the courage in him to ask the thing he never thought he would ever ask Malfoy in his life "Can you teach me then?"

"You mean you want me to teach you how to play a piano?"

"If you want to" He scratched the nape of his neck, wondering whether this was a horrible idea or not. He could just imagine Malfoy playing the piano in the dark because he felt alone, and he kind of wanted to be there next to him too to make him feel better. He could imagine Malfoy sitting next to him, teaching him which note to play, and he could already see Malfoy scolding him for getting all of it wrong "I think it'd be a nice idea. And if Ginny and Luna have a piano at the place they're staying, you can teach me right away"

Malfoy eyed him carefully, as if he was trying to figure out what Harry was thinking. And if he was being honest, he didn't know what he was thinking too, he just thought it'd be fun "Okay" Malfoy replied after a few seconds and gave him a curt nod "I'll teach you, as long as you're good at it"

"I have a good teacher right next to me, right?" Harry nudged him with his elbow and Malfoy stared at him, his lips pressed together and he quickly looked away. Did he say something wrong? Harry was puzzled at the way Malfoy acted but it was still all right, he could actually talk to him now.


6:00 p.m.

Blaise couldn't stop looking at his husband, who was still sulking and choosing to ignore Blaise by watching the sky outside the window. Two hours of silence, Blaise was a dead man walking now. It was fine if Ron screamed, even if he wanted to throw things, that still meant it could be fixed. In fact, Blaise wanted Ron to throw a tantrum right now, make a fuss right on this plane, it meant he still cared. However, the moment Ron chose to be silent instead of saying it all out, Blaise realised he needed to remember what he did wrong, or else it would be two weeks in Las Vegas without spoiling his husband with love. He had planned for them to do so many things there, but with Ron being upset at him, he couldn't enjoy the vacation anyway.

"Ron" He placed his hand on his husband's arm only to be swatted away immediately. He composed himself and reached out for another touch, Ron was still being stubborn, refusing to accept his contact "Ron, can you tell me what I did wrong?"

"Wow" He could hear Ron scoffing, finally turning to him with a bitter expression "You did all of that, and you still have the audacity to ask me what you did wrong? Figure it out yourself, wanker" Ron huffed out loudly and folded his arms together, turning away again to look at the window.

"I thought we're fine, why are you mad?"

"Well then, I'm not mad" Ron shrugged, still not looking at him. Blaise knew he must have done something wrong.

"Wouldn't it be easier if you just told me what I did wrong?"

"You would prefer that, wouldn't you?" Ron let out a dry laugh, he could see his husband's tight grip on his sweaters, he was really angry now "Figure it out or don't bother"

Blaise sat back and closed his eyes, what could he possibly do that made Ron so mad? He recalled the memory of this morning and it all seemed so normal to him. They woke up, they had their morning sex in the bath, they had breakfast and lunch together, and then they prepared for the trip. Where did it go wrong?


7:00 p.m.

"Thank you" Pansy said to the flight attendant after she gave them their dinner on a tray. It was nice enough, roasted meat, roast potatoes with pudding, stuffing, gravy, and apple sauce. She looked at her wife, peacefully sleeping now after two hours into the book, meanwhile Pansy was fully awake because somehow she learned that the book was actually good and she wanted to keep listening to it "Honey" She nudged Hermione softly, pushing her hair behind her ear and pulled out the earphone "Honey, wake up"


"Hermione, it's time to eat" She called out and Hermione finally cracked her eyes opened, covering her mouth with her hand before yawning "Look, it's your favourite"

"Oh, thank you" Hermione said, Pansy could still sense the sleepiness in her tone of voice so she handed her a cup of water, one she had asked from the flight attendant "Thank you, honey" She murmured, kissing Pansy's cheek softly and started digging in her food "I can't believe I fell asleep"

"It's fine, Hermione, you didn't have enough sleep last night because of your anxiety" Pansy shook her head and poked her fork in the roast potato. She knew because she would lose sleep when Hermione couldn't sleep as well, but Pansy was still fully awake now "Where are Ginny and Luna staying at again? I forgot"

"Blaise's Manor in Las Vegas" Hermione said, swallowing down the beef and taking a sip from her drink "Haven't you read the schedule I gave you? It's really clear"

"Why do I need it if I have you right here?" She wiggled her eyebrows and Hermione chuckled, giving her a nod. Hermione was the planner anyway, she knew everything about this trip "Do you think we should go on a trip after this? You know, we rarely get any vacation alone, just the two of us"

"Okay, where do you suggest?" Hermione was on board fast enough, she knew her wife loved her job but she wouldn't give up an opportunity for them to have fun alone "Oh, as long as we use a Portkey there"

"Of course, honey" Pansy snorted and hummed with her hand on her chin, they could either go to a new country or somewhere to relax only "How about...the Bahamas?"

"You read my mind" Hermione grinned at her and tilted her head up, looking at the few rows behind them before turning back to Pansy "Do you think they're okay down there?"

"Well, I went to the bathroom earlier and Theo's sleeping next to Neville while holding hands, that's definitely new" She said as her wife's mouth fell opened at the news "Harry and Draco are surprisingly talking to each other...a lot. And well, I'd say Blaise is in big trouble" She chuckled, recalling the sight when she passed their seats. Ron was ignoring Blaise with all his strengths and Blaise looked like he was trying to figure out something. She hoped all of them could solve their problems before the plane landed soon.


7:15 p.m.

Ron was focused on some Muggle movie showing at the small television before him, he didn't know what the movie was about, he didn't care. He cared about the man moping next to him more, he hated cold wars like this. It was bothering him because he didn't know why he was wrong and yet Ron still refused to talk to him. The redhead was poking at his food, he didn't even eat much, only the potatoes and peas on his plate, which was odd.

"Ron, why are you not eating? The food is nice" He stopped eating and placed his hand on Ron's forearm, noticing the flinch in his husband's movement. The redhead let the fork on the plate and turned to Blaise with a glare, he was actually sending death glares at him when his blue eyes were only supposed to look at Blaise lovingly. This was killing him, he was suffering a slow, painful torture from none other than his husband, and he wanted to change it "Baby, I'm sorry for what I did, don't be mad"

"And what did you do?" Ron asked him with a raise of his eyebrow, tapping his fingers on the tray of food while waiting for an answer from Blaise "Well? If you're so sorry, tell me why? Why am I mad?"

"Whatever I did, I apologise, Ron. What can I do so you'd forgive me?" He asked, he didn't even care about the trip now, he only wanted Ron to stop being mad at him "I can do anything"

"Then figure out what you did wrong" Ron narrowed his eyes at him and turned back to watch his movie. Blaise sighed and retreated his hand, he didn't know what else to do. He stood up from his seat and found Harry sitting next to Draco, chatting happily like teenagers in love.

"Hey" He called out to the Auror, he figured Ron might have told his best mate why he was mad "Do you know why Ron's mad at me?"

"Well he said-..."

"Wow, Blaise" Draco scoffed at him with his arms over his chest, looking offended on behalf of Ron "How could you even ask Potter? Figure it out yourself"

"I don't know what I did wrong" He said, he knew Ron and Draco have this special bond as close friends ever since they started becoming movies mates along with Theo, but he didn't know his own close friend would take his husband's side in situations like this "Draco, you know about it too?"

"Obviously, he tells me everything, and you better find out soon or you're dead"

"You don't think I know that?" Blaise rolled his eyes and got back to his seat, it was no use asking for help, he has to do this himself. When he got back to his own seat, Ron was still set on the movie, already putting his fork and knife down. Blaise knitted his eyebrows while looking at his tray of food, he left a lot of food, and that Ron never left food. He closed his eyes and started thinking, he needed to fix this.


7:45 p.m.

"Oh, do you and Ron watch movies together a lot?" Harry asked as he finished up the last piece of his dessert while Malfoy was still having the first few bites of his cheesecake. After Blaise had visited them for a few seconds, they have changed their topic of conversation into Malfoy and Ron's friendship. Harry was one of the few people who were surprised by it, along with Hermione and Ginny as well. Who knew Ron and Malfoy would be such close friends to the point that Malfoy was taking Ron's side instead of Blaise?

"Well, we have movie nights every Friday" Malfoy shrugged, bringing up the cheesecake to his mouth. Even the way Malfoy ate looked poised. Harry couldn't stop looking at him and the way he did everything. He has never got the chance to look at the blond so close before, now it was like looking at...Harry couldn't even put a word on it. What was wrong with him? "And Theo joins us sometimes too. We'd have sleepovers then"

"You...you have sleepovers together? The three of you?"

"It's rare, since Ron's married" Malfoy explained, a bit of cream was left on his plump lips. Harry's throat felt dry suddenly, they were so close he could reach over and cleaned it for him, but he couldn't. He watched Malfoy poke his pink tongue out to lick the cream off. Something tugged at Harry's chest again when Malfoy put the spoon between his lips, closing his eyes and making a quiet pleased sound as he cleaned the cream off the spoon. The blond slightly tilted his head up, exposing a bit of his neck behind the turtleneck as he swallowed. Harry widened his eyes at the sight, this wasn't real, he let out a shuddering breath and froze when Malfoy looked at him with a smile "We usually watch movies in our pyjamas, gossip and dress each other up"

"Dress...each other up?" He gulped, his head filled with images of Malfoy during a sleepover. Would he wear his expensive pyjamas or the cute, colourful ones? Would it be appropriate if he gave Malfoy cute pyjamas?

"Well, sometimes Theo would bring lingerie over and make all of us wear it" Draco said, earning a choked cough from Harry. Lingerie. He took a deep breath in, trying to erase all the images of Malfoy in his mind right now "What? You don't think I'd look good in lingerie?"

"No-no" Harry raised his hands in the air, if anything, it would be the opposite of it. He knew Malfoy would look nice in it, he could be in a box and Harry was sure the blond would still look nice "I just, it's-it's a bit hard to believe" He sipped on his drink again, hiding his stuttering behind it.

"Well, will you believe it if I say I'm wearing a pair of red lingerie right under my clothes right now?" Harry started a coughing fit again, he covered his mouth and looked away. He could not look at Malfoy right now, not with that idea in his mind. Malfoy...in red lingerie under his black clothes. Harry shook his head and swallowed, turning back to gaze at Malfoy, who was smiling "It's a joke, Potter"

"I know, I know" Harry started laughing, of course that wasn't real, Malfoy was joking "You see, I know it's a joke, that's why I...I was faking that cough" He pressed his lips together at his miserable attempt at saving himself out of that lame situation "Er, what else do you do together?"

"Well, sometimes we learn about Muggle things together" Malfoy said and Harry was surprised by it, he didn't know that they learned Muggle things with each other "Since we're all Purebloods, we like to figure them out together, it isn't the most effective way. It took us a while to figure out what a can opener does" Malfoy chuckled, his laughing sound was soft and delicate, Harry was mesmerised by it somehow "We're going to find out how to use a Muggle digital camera next time"

"If you want to, I can show you" Harry said, eager to teach Malfoy something "I, I have a camera in my bag right now"

"Really? Can I see it?" Malfoy suddenly leaned over, it was closer than before. Harry blinked twice to compose himself before standing up and rummaged through his bag. He took the small camera in his hand and sat back down, showing Malfoy as the blond gasped when he saw it. It was like a kid looking at sweets for the first time, full of curiosity and excitement. Malfoy held the camera in his hands, fiddling with it with a smile on his face the whole time. Harry couldn't help but stare at him, he looked...kind of cute like this. Malfoy jumped a bit when the camera lenses appeared, Harry smiled at the reaction "How do you take a picture? It's not like the way we do, right?"

"Here" Harry took the camera from his hand and raised it in the air "We'll take one together. Say cheese"

"Why cheese?" Malfoy's question made him gawk at the blond with a smile, he didn't know what to say "Why not 'smile'? Or something else?"

"It's because we smile when we say it, I think" Harry said, watching Malfoy slowly taking the knowledge in. He leaned closer to the blond and prepared to take a picture, a picture of them together "Say cheese" He smiled, feeling Malfoy shifting closer, their heads almost touched as he pressed the button to take the picture. When he looked at the picture in the camera, he was struck with how Malfoy looked in it. He was...beautiful. There was even a slight blush on his cheeks, his smile was genuine and soft, their shoulders touched when they took that picture and Harry didn't even notice it "Are you blushing in here?"

"What?" Malfoy gasped, snatching the camera from his hands as Harry snickered at him. He gazed at it and huffed "I'm not blushing there"

"You are now" Harry noticed the light rosy colour rising on Malfoy's cheeks right now as the blond stared at him in shock. He turned away and for a millisecond, he was afraid Malfoy was mad at him, he reached over with his hand on the blond's forearm and squeezed it "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you"

Malfoy turned to him again, his cheeks were still pink but Harry chose not to focus on it "Fine" He said, still clutching tightly on the camera "Can I borrow this? I want to take a few pictures with it"

"Sure" He nodded, leaning on the left to start teaching Malfoy how to take pictures first. This flight might be better than he has ever expected.


8:10 p.m.

Neville had finished his supper when Theo's hand found his again, it has been a pleasant flight until now. He was sure he still needed time to comprehend that Theo was his fake boyfriend and that they were still trying to make it convincing to the other guy. Theo was awake now after his meal, reading from the fashion magazine and flipping the page with his left hand, since his right hand was rather occupied.

"That's a nice pair of trousers" The guy said suddenly, pointing at a page on the magazine Theo was reading. He could feel the grip of their locked hands tightened, Theo was on edge again.

"Yes, it is, Aaron" Theo smiled politely, Aaron, the guy was called Aaron "It'd fit my boyfriend nicely, right, Nev?"

"Yeah, yeah, it would" Neville replied after freezing for a few seconds after Theo called him intimately like that. The guy, Aaron, leaned over and gestured his hand between the both of them.

"So, how do you know each other?" Aaron asked with a small laughter from throat "How do you find a beauty like this...Nev?"

Neville stared at him, unsure what to say, they didn't discuss what their backstory was. He couldn't panic right now, so he decided to say the only thing he knew, which was the truth "I met him in school" He said, a truth first "But we didn't interact, because I was very shy" He chuckled and continued, feeling Theo's eyes on him but he didn't dare look "I had a crush on him for, er, five years before he noticed me"

"Five years? That's a long time, mate" The guy scoffed, he didn't seem to do it in a mean way, so Neville continued his story.

"I finally got the courage to ask him out one day" This part was clearly a lie, however, it was more like something he wished he had been able to do a long time ago "And I was shocked when he said yes, since, you know, he's a very beautiful person" He said, earning a nod from Aaron "He's also intelligent, and talented, and I fell in love with the way he thinks, the way he lives his life so freely. I'm pretty much the opposite of him, so I don't know why I got a perfect boyfriend like him too. In fact, I'm still wondering now"

Aaron laughed at what he said and nodded "Well, then you're very lucky"

"I'm lucky too" Theo spoke up, drawing their attention to him "Nev is a very sweet guy, and he takes care of me, I can't believe why I got him as a boyfriend too" He said, and it almost sounded like he was proud. Neville's heart fluttered at the words, he couldn't believe one day he'd get to hear these words from Theo himself.

"Well, I hope you two are always happy" Aaron gave them a thumb up and pulled out a piece of magazine on his lap to start reading.

Neville breathed out in relief, it was done, he did a fairly good job at that. He jolted when Theo suddenly shifted in his seat, pressing his clothed chest against Neville's shoulder, making his heart skip a beat. The brunet moved closer until his lips were ghosting over Neville's ear "How did you come up with a story that fast?"

"Er, I...I-it's reflex" He uttered, it was hard to even swallow now, his throat went dry as he scratched the nape of his neck.

"Well, thank you" Theo smiled and when he pressed his lips on Neville's left cheek, leaving a warm and soft kiss there, he was sure he went to heaven for a few seconds before coming back to reality. Theo was already sitting back in his seat now, but Neville was still there, freezing like he had just seen a ghost. It wasn't horrible like that, this was beautiful. He finally let out a breath he was holding back and shuddered. Theodore Nott just kissed him. He'd never wash his face and his hand, he could die a happy man right now.


9:20 p.m.

"It's been almost five hours" Hermione said as she approached Pansy from behind. She got back in her spot from her visit to the bathroom and turned to Pansy "And Blaise still hasn't figured it out"

"You saw them?" She smiled, Blaise was such an idiot at times, even when they have gotten married for two years now. For the first time, Pansy saw Blaise struggling with Ron. Her wife nodded and Pansy glanced at the few rows back behind her "Did you see Neville and Theo?"

"Yeah, it's weird" Hermione furrowed her cute eyebrows and hummed "They are holding hands apparently, they couldn't get together that fast, right?"

"Considering Neville and Theo, no, they couldn't" Pansy laughed softly and turned back, reaching over and took Hermione's hand in hers, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on her wife's delicate hand "And what about Harry and Draco?"

"Still haven't had a clue you set them up together" Hermione chuckled, nudging her shoulder against Pansy. She must admit it was her that set them up to sit together, they could have separate seats, there was no problem in that, but she has way more daft friends than she knew, she has to fix it herself "They are laughing and talking with each other, I didn't even see it coming"

Pansy smiled, a feeling of relief flowed through her, that was a good sign "You know what they say, honey, lock the two idiots together in a place they can't get out and the problem will be solved"

"Who said that?" Hermione's laughter burst out and Pansy shrugged, holding her wife's hand tighter.

"Me" She smirked and looked up when the light in the cabin was dimmed. The flight attendants were going around, handing passengers their pillows and blankets "Thank you" She nodded her head when the male attendant came and handed her the blue blankets and white pillows "Do you need to read, honey?"

Hermione pursed her lips for a second before shaking her head "Maybe not, I think I'll sleep" She unfolded the blanket and draped it over herself, drawing her legs up to her chest as Pansy pushed the arm of the seats between them up so Hermione could lean on her.

"Come here, darling" She cooed, making Hermione giggle before letting her head fall on Pansy's shoulder. Pansy kissed her on top of her head and sighed happily "Good night, honey"

"Love you" Hermione murmured between a yawn as she has her eyes shut tight. Pansy watched her wife for a few seconds before feeling sleepy herself, she could only hope all six idiots down there could solve their problems before the plane landed.


9:50 p.m.

Blaise noticed his husband has been fidgeting the whole time after dinner, and for the last thirty seconds, his stomach had made a few rumbling sounds and Ron kept faking his coughs to muffle that sound. Blaise wasn't that stupid, he knew Ron was hungry because he didn't eat his meal properly. He pulled out a bar of chocolate from his inside pocket and offered it before his husband's face. He could already feel like Ron was going to get thinner and weaker because of this, and he didn't want that to happen.

"No, thanks, wanker" Ron huffed and pushed his hand away after seeing the chocolate "Don't bother, Blaise"

"It's your favourite, Ron" He gave Ron the chocolate again, but he still refused to take it. Blaise narrowed his eyes and watched the redhead's posture. He was crouching with his arms wrapped around his stomach, his face was all crumpled up and his feet couldn't stop tapping on the floor of the plane. He was obviously hungry and uncomfortable, why wouldn't he accept the sweet? It was the first time Blaise has ever seen Ron rejecting food that was offered to him.

He sat back and closed his eyes, making a list of the things that had happened today again, it has to be detailed this time. They woke up together, Blaise was the first one to wake, he prepared the warm bath water and called Ron up from his sleep, who was grumpy then, but it was only temporary. They had sex in the bath and there was no problem in that. He made breakfast and they read the news, then Hermione came over to make sure they all have the schedule she had made. Lunch came after that, they talked about the trip. Ron was upset since then, because he didn't finish all the pasta Blaise made for him. Blaise has his eyes open when he realised what Ron has been mad about.

He moved closer to him, his hand gripping around his husband's wrist with his voice low "Ron, are you mad because I said I noticed you have gained a bit more weight after New Year?"

"You called me fat!" Ron snapped at him, trying not to be loud so they wouldn't disturb the other sleeping passengers. He jerked his hand away and huffed. So that was the reason, but it wasn't like that.

"Baby, you know I didn't mean it in a bad way" He reached over and cupped Ron's face tightly so they could face each other again. Ron was glaring at him with such passion, and Blaise could only sigh at him "Ron, baby, I love you, you know that, right?"

"I hate you" Ron huffed, Blaise knew he didn't mean it, but it still made him sad for some reason "You said I was fat, as if I didn't notice I've gained weight after the holiday"

"I don't care if you got bigger or smaller, baby, I love you" Blaise said, when he mentioned Ron's weight had changed, he loved it. He wanted Ron to be strong and fulfilled, he hated when Ron lost weight over his work recently, so when Ron finally looked healthy again after Christmas and New Year, he was incredibly happy, maybe he didn't express it right "I want to spoil you, I want to make food for you, take care of you, seeing you all full and happy from what I made is my happiness" He said, watching the way Ron's face softened up at his words "You don't have to lose weight, baby, I love you no matter what" He said, placing his hand over Ron's cute little tummy "I love that you've gained weight" Ron quickly scowled at this "But you're not fat, baby, that just means I've done a good job taking care of you"

"So I'm not fat?"

"No, baby, you're not" He leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on the tip of Ron's freckled nose "You're perfect, my perfect darling"

"Do you mean it?"

"Yes, now..." He halted, unwrapping the bar of chocolate in his hands and broke a small piece of chocolate off, tapping Ron's soft lips with it "Open" The one word has Ron parting his lips so Blaise could slip the chocolate in his mouth "I don't want you to ever starve yourself again, it hurts me, baby"

Ron held back a laugh, his lips pressed together and he chewed on the chocolate. Blaise was pleased now that Ron has stopped being mad at him "I'm very hungry, Blaise" Ron murmured and the corner of Blaise's lips turned upward "Do you have anything else than that chocolate?"

Blaise smiled, pressing a kiss on Ron's mouth, tasting the chocolate on his tongue, he sure brought a lot of things to take care of his husband "Always, baby"


10:05 p.m.

"Stay still, baby" Blaise ordered with his voice low, Ron's knuckles were white from his grip on the sink countertop in the bathroom. He was sitting on the counter with his legs opened and pulled up to his chest, sweats dripping down on the gag around his mouth. Ron has always been a loud one, it was lucky he remembered to bring this with them on the trip, along with a few more toys but this was enough for this time. Ron was whimpering above him while he kneeled on the floor, his husband's thighs trembling every time Blaise dived his tongue inside his tight rim.

"Hmmph" Ron whined, the ball gag fitted nicely in his naughty mouth, saliva trickling down his chin as he breathed heavily. Blaise pushed his tongue in, swirling around the pink hole full of lube, well, chocolate flavoured lube, which Blaise was enjoying immensely. He could do this for hours, but they were on an airplane, and they only have a few minutes before someone wanted to come in.

Ron's trousers were pulled down to his ankles, his cock twitching and leaking precum on his shirt. Blaise held his cock by the base, stopping him from cumming, which only made Ron wail harder "Ffff-..." He moaned and Blaise pushed a finger in, Ron squirmed on the countertop. He was sure Ron wanted him to go faster, since the redhead was pushing at his head now, wanting him to go deeper.

"I got you, baby, I'll take care of you" He murmured as Ron lowered his legs down to rest over Blaise's shoulders. He looked at the fluttering hole in front of him, feeling his husband's fingers finding its way to his chin. Blaise looked up at him and Ron trailed his finger over his lower lip, pushing the digit in his mouth at the same time he thrusted his own three fingers inside Ron. His husband cried out behind the gag as his legs crossed and pushed him closer. Blaise sucked on Ron's thumb in his mouth, his fingers working its way the way Ron was always familiar with, the only way that could make he come. He curled his fingers, thrusting right at the spot that always has Ron screaming with pleasure. And just as he expected, Ron rolled his hips while his cock throbbed, shaking violently and whining as thick rope of cum splattered across his shirt.

Blaise didn't stop thrusting with his fingers until a few seconds later, when Ron has tapped twice on his shoulder, indicating that he was sated. Blaise only stood up then, taking the gag off him and wiping his husband's sweet mouth. He gave Ron a chaste kiss, cleaning his husband's mess on his clothed body with a wave of his hand "Satisfied?"

"Yeah" Ron sighed, a smile appeared on his lips as he locked his arms around Blaise's neck "Should I please your monster dick too?" He grinned at Blaise, his husband's hand already palming at his crotch and Blaise fought every urge to fuck Ron right here.

"When we get to Las Vegas, I will let you please me"

"But it's so big already" Ron pouted, flashing his blue eyes at Blaise, the same pair of eyes that always got Blaise's cock twitch. It was captivating, he was lost in it from day one. Blaise shook his head and mouthed kisses down Ron's neck, sucking on his pulse point as Ron smiled "The best husband ever, and all mine"

"All yours, baby" Blaise chuckled and pulled Ron's trousers up, helping his husband off the sink countertop and preparing to go out, he could only hope no one noticed or heard anything, and even if they did, he couldn't care less.


10:40 p.m.

Neville looked out at the night sky, he could see lights from the cities beneath shining brightly, he could see stars as well. It was a peaceful feeling, the whole cabin was quiet now, most of them were asleep, including Theo and the guy next to them, Aaron. Theo was sleeping on his shoulder soundly, his hand was intertwined loosely with Neville's. Even when he was sleeping, Theo still looked incredibly beautiful, his features were soft, his thin lips were shiny, his eyelashes were long and his brown hair was falling to his face. Neville didn't know how this happened, but he was grateful for it. He has been crushing on Theo for five years, ever since he was just a twenty years old guy stumbling into Theo's boutique and ended up tripping and crashing into a mannequin. Theo had been kind enough back then when he didn't laugh at him, only calling him a cute dork, that was the first time Neville's heart has fluttered for someone. He has been with Hannah Abbott before, of course, but the feelings for her weren't as strong as what he felt for Theo.

Theo was a beautiful person, and he knew how many guys Theo has been with, since Ron was close with Theo and Draco, he tended to talk a lot about them to them whenever he could. Who could not like Theo? It wasn't just appearance that Neville fell for, it was what he did, the way he talked, the way he moved, the way he was so passionate about fashion. Neville could hear him talk every day, even if it was the stuff he has no idea about, as long as he was with Theo.

Neville looked at the small figure next to him, Theo was shorter than him by 7 inches, he was so much smaller, and it made Neville want to protect him, love him. He raised his hand and pushed the brown hair away from blocking his eyes. A smile crept up on his lips suddenly, he felt warm in his chest, if only he could do this every day. That could never happen, of course, Theo would never be with him, a sweater vest guy, he would be with one of those guys in suits.

"Did you just touch my hair?" Neville widened his eyes when Theo suddenly spoke up, the brunet raised his head and now he was looking at him intensely "Neville?"

"I...I thought you were asleep" He muttered, Theo looked to the guy next to them, as if he was making sure he was asleep before turning back to Neville "Er, well, your hair was...in the way, so I-I thought I should..."

"Is it true?"


"The things you said" Theo's voice was quiet, his eyes looking up at Neville, searching for an answer "When you told Aaron that story, about how you have a crush on me for five years. Is it true?"

"Er, well, I..."

"Is it true? Do you have a crush on me?" Theo reached his whole body over, crowding Neville back against the window. He knew Theo was very forward, but he never thought he would be in this situation. What should he even say? Should he lie? Should he confess?

"No" He mumbled, noticing a small twitch at the corner of Theo's lips "No, er, it's just an excuse, I don't really...I don't have a crush on you" It was beyond a crush, if he was being honest with himself. When Theo retrieved his hand from his grip, Neville's heart ached a bit, watching the brunet settling back in his seat. Was it not the answer Theo had hoped for? Was he pleased to hear it? Neville was confused.

"Thank you for pretending to be my boyfriend" Theo said with a smile, but he wasn't looking at Neville, and he felt a slight feeling of dismay.

"It's nothing" He murmured back, fiddling with the hem of his sweater vest. Theo was closing his eyes again, he was trying to sleep, but he no longer leaned on Neville's shoulder. Was he mad?

Neville stared at him, it was impossible to look away, he has to know what he did wrong that Theo was acting this way, it was certainly different from before "You know what I think?" He jolted when Theo spoke again, still not meeting each other's eyes.

"Er, no, what are you thinking?"

"I think you're lying" Theo said, smiling, finally turning to look at Neville with his arms propped on the arm of the seats between them "You know how I know?"


"Because you just asked me how" Theo smirked like he has just found out the truth "Now if you're telling the truth, you'd deny it when I asked you how I know" Neville felt his throat was getting dry under Theo's gaze "Do you have a crush on me, Neville?"

"Er, I...I-..." He gulped, trying to stall what was happening and wishing he has help, but unfortunately, he has to do this himself. Theo has his eyebrow raised, waiting for the second answer "Y-yes, yes, it's true" He mumbled with his voice low, now observing the way Theo was smiling at his answer "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I lied to you before, I didn't know-er, I was..."

"Afraid I'd reject you?" Theo huffed quietly as Neville nodded "And here I thought you were straight"


"I thought you were straight" Theo shrugged, his lips pursed up "I have a strict rule, I don't flirt with straight guys, I did ask Ron about it, but I guess he's too oblivious to know" The brunet leaned over again with a smile "If I knew you weren't straight, I would jump on you right away, Neville"


"Well, I thought you were a cute dork when you tripped and fell in my boutique" Theo smirked and Neville got flustered just by thinking about the memory again, it was rather embarrassing for a first meet between them "But I thought you weren't interested in men, so I didn't do anything, but I've always been intrigued by you"

"Intrigued?" Neville's lips parted with amazement, Theodore Nott was intrigued in him, him! "You...you..."

"There's something about you that I've never seen in any man" Theo said, his hand rested on Neville's shoulder "You know, I rarely hit on any guy first, never, actually" He narrowed his eyes and slid his hand down to touch Neville's trembling hand "I was upset when you said you don't like me, and I have never felt like that" He intertwined their hand, squeezing tighter and rubbing circles on the back of his hand "You, Neville Longbottom, are really something else, and I think I might just like you too"

Neville felt like he was in a haze, like it was a dream, because Theodore Nott was holding his hand, admitting he liked Neville, and possibly reaching out for a kiss "Are you going to kiss me?"

Theo huffed out a laugh before him, he cocked his head to the side, beaming "Are you going to kiss me?" He asked and Neville felt like he could explode with happiness, he could just burst into a million rainbow flags right now because he was so, so gay and in love with Theodore bloody Nott. He moved closer and met Theo's lips halfway in a slow, smooth movement. When his lips finally touched Theo's warm lips, it sent something straight to his heart, like love. He deepened the kiss after Theo invited himself in by parting his lips, Neville felt blessed, absolutely blessed.


10:55 p.m.

"Theo-I don't..." He stammered, looking down at Theo, who was kneeling before him as he was pressed against the sink of the bathroom. The brunet was staring at his crotch with such an intense gaze that he was afraid he might be eaten up. It wasn't that he was opposed to it, he was just afraid people would be able to hear them "People..."

"They won't hear anything" Theo said, tilting his head up and Merlin, Theo looked like an angel sent from heaven, who was about to suck him off "You don't think I noticed the tent on your crotch for the last fifteen minutes?"


"Do you want me to blow you?" The question struck him suddenly, and Neville's throbbing cock was winning against every logical thought he was having right now. There Theo was, wanting to do this with him, how could he even say no? It was simply impossible.

"Yes, yes" Neville nodded desperately, and Theo gave him a smirk before fiddling with his belt. He worked with the zipper and pushed the trousers down along with his boxer, revealing his cock that bobbed against his hips.

"Mother of Salazar" Theo gasped, his jaw dropped as he looked at Neville's length. His finger drawing a stripe down the sensitive flesh and Neville's shuddered, his cock leaking precum at the slightest touch from Theo "You are really something, Neville" Theo smiled at him and wrapped his hand around the cock finally, stroking gently and smearing the precum all over the head. Neville was trying his best not to cum just like this, this sight was too enticing "You can fuck my mouth if you feel like it" He offered and Neville gawked at him, the brunet grinned "Bon appétit"

Theo licked his lower lips and moved closer with his tongue out, licking a line up Neville's cock as the blond shivered, his hands clutching on the countertop to hold himself up. He threw his head forward, holding in a moan as Theo enveloped his warm heat around the head, sucking on it gently. He was still stroking at the base while his mouth worked on the head slowly, it was stimulating him too much. He had told Theo he was a virgin, just five minutes ago and the next thing he knew, he was called in the bathroom, Theo had only looked at him then with a surprised expression and resolved it with a kiss and a 'Hell yes'. He could only assume that Theo meant that in a good way.

Neville groaned when Theo descended deeper and started bobbing his head. Neville drew in a shaky breath, it was weird to have another person's hand and mouth on him for the first time already, but to have Theodore Nott sucking and stroking him now was a memory to be remembered forever. His hand jumped to hold at the nape of Theo's neck when the brunet hollowed his cheeks, slurping on his aching cock, lapping at every inch with passion.

"Fuck! Theo!" His voice broke and the brunet looked up at Neville, his honey brown eyes twinkling as the head of his cock touched the back of his throat. He groaned loudly, his head thrown back as he couldn't help but thrusted into his mouth. This same pair of mouth that has been kissing him was now taking in all of him in without gagging. He could feel Theo relax his throat as he pushed himself deeper, letting...wanting Neville to fuck his mouth. And he did just so, fucking into Theo's perfect little mouth as the brunet moaned around his twitching cock. His voice vibrated beautifully and Neville held him by his neck, shoving in with just a bit more force, he wouldn't want to hurt Theo in any way.

"I-I'm cumming-I..." He groaned as Theo didn't stop pushing against his thrust, his hand caressing Neville's balls as well, rolling it between his fingers while his tongue was lapping at his cock, his brown eyes didn't break contact with him. Neville convulsed as his cock jerked, spilling himself inside Theo's mouth. He trembled with arousal and watched as Theo broke away, his own cum dribbling down the brunet's swollen lips.

Theo slowly stood up, swallowing the rest of his cum before Neville's baffled gawk and spoke up, his voice raspy "Best cum I've ever tasted"

"Fuck" Neville let out a curse by accident, earning a chuckle from Theo. The brunet was still stroking his spent cock slowly, and it was going back to life because of it "Theo"

"Maybe when we get off this plane..." Theo whispered in his ear "You can put this in me" Neville shuddered, knowing what Theo meant. He might have to thank Ginny and Luna big time for this trip, it was more than he could have ever dreamt of.

"Please" He said weakly, submitted to Theo's command with ease, he couldn't wait until this plane landed.


11:25 p.m.

Harry got back from the bathroom on the plane and sat back down on his seat, noticing Malfoy was still taking pictures from his camera, he seemed to be fascinated by it a lot. Harry didn't mind it, the blond looked so focused on it, he didn't even want to bother him.

"If you want one, I can buy you one" Harry offered and Malfoy turned around abruptly, staring at him with a puzzled look on his face. A question was forming based on the way his pink lips were parted open, so Harry added "Because I think you're in love with it"

"I'm not" Malfoy pouted, and for the first time, Harry thought it was...kind of cute, no, it was definitely cute. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, there was something wrong with him, ever since he got on this flight, maybe this plane was cursed "Potter?"

"Yeah?" Harry looked at him and Malfoy's gaze dropped to his arm, the tattoo on his left forearm to be exact. He had rolled his sleeves up when he washed his hands in the bathroom, he didn't think Malfoy would notice "What's wrong?"

"Can I touch your tattoo?"


"Never mind"

"No" Harry called out, grabbing Malfoy by his wrist for some reasons when the blond was about to turn away "Er, you can touch it" He felt weird in his stomach, there was a lurching need in him to agree to what Malfoy asked him. He placed his arm on the arm of their seats, showing Malfoy the tattoo, it was lilies "I had it because there's a scar there"

"Really? How did you get it?" Malfoy asked, his eyes shining bright with curiosity "I don't think I was there to heal you"

"Yeah, it sucked" He mumbled, Malfoy wasn't there that day like usual, so he didn't know how it happened. He had wanted Malfoy to be there that day though, he might have been able to heal him perfectly "It was a nasty fight, there were too many dark wizards" He said, recalling the memory, the Aurors were outnumbered and Ron had had to carry him to the St. Mungo's covered in blood "The scar couldn't be healed, so Luna suggested I should have a tattoo to cover it, it was her design actually"

"I figured" Malfoy smiled, a gentle one as he slowly moved closer, there was hesitance in the way he moved, and Harry couldn't understand why "Luna also designed a tattoo for me"

"Really? Can I see it then?" He asked, and all Malfoy did was grinning at him.

"You see, the tattoo can only be seen by people who sleeps with me" Malfoy sent him a wink, a wink "So, if you want to see it, you'd have to be dating me, Potter" Malfoy's smirk didn't stop until he huffed out a small laugh and broke his gaze with him. Harry swallowed and felt the tingling feeling when the blond traced his soft finger on his tattoo, trailing across his arm. His touch was...intimate for some reason. However, Harry was thinking about where Malfoy's tattoo was, it was all he could think about. Where could he have the tattoo that only his boyfriend could see? Malfoy didn't have a boyfriend, he has never had one. He knew about this because Ron was close with Malfoy and his best mate told him a lot of things about the blond's life, even when it wasn't necessary "It's nice"

"I also have another on my back" Harry blurted out, as if Malfoy would want to touch the tattoo on his back, but he just felt like saying it.

"Can I see it then?"

"Er, but then I'd have to take my shirt off"

"Yeah?" Malfoy smirked at him, and Harry felt like he was being teased "It's a joke, Potter, don't be so tense" The blond chuckled and retreated his hand. Harry pulled the sleeves of his sweaters down and gulped, it was strange. The blond handed him his camera back and grabbed his blanket, he hid a small yawn behind his hand and leaned on the window.

"Are you going to sleep now?"

"Yes, Potter" Malfoy looked at him with heavy-lidded eyes and a smile as he draped himself with the blanket on himself "Do you suggest we do something else together?"

"Er, no" Harry shook his head, noticing the shivers Draco made just now "Are you cold like that?"

"Would you like to be my personal heater then?" Malfoy grinned at him, and Harry knew he was being teased again, he let out a dry laugh and sighed "I'm okay, Potter, really, good night"

"Good night" Harry looked at him closing his eyes and felt like watching him. His skin was smooth and soft, Malfoy was striking like this, like he has no guard up at all. He turned back to the small television screen in front of him, he wasn't sleepy so he could still stay up like this, just a little more.


12:20 a.m.

Harry jolted when he felt the weight on his shoulder, he looked away from the movie before him to see Malfoy now sleeping on his shoulder. He has his legs pulled close to his chest, snuggling right up on Harry's shoulder. His ponytail has gotten a bit messy, but it still looked nice enough. Malfoy rubbed his cheek against his sweater and let out a small noise from his throat, he looked pleased, and Harry definitely didn't want to wake him.

Everyone on the plane were mostly asleep by now, but he noticed his friends have been visiting the bathroom a lot. Blaise and Ron were in there two hours ago, Neville and Theo just an hour ago, they sneaked in there one after the other and thinking no one saw them, Harry could only laugh at their friends' sexual urges.

He continued watching the movie, but it didn't last long when a hand was on his chest. Harry was staring down with wide eyes, feeling Malfoy's hand slipping from his clothed chest and falling down on his crotch, it was unintentional, of course. He took Malfoy's hand and placed it on his abdomen, it'd be better like this. Harry's hand involuntarily came up to touch his hand, and it was cold. He rubbed Malfoy's hand softly, wanting to help and ending up covering the blond's hand with his own This wasn't holding hands, he thought to himself, it wasn't. He could feel Malfoy nuzzling up against him again, trying to get closer, like he was searching for warmth. And there it was, Harry realised, Malfoy was cold all over, not just his hand. He grabbed his own blanket and draped it over Malfoy, hoping this would be enough.

Harry looked at Malfoy again, he didn't even care about the movie anymore. It has been ten minutes and even with the two blankets, he could still feel the slight shivers from the blond. He ignored the feeling in his chest, convinced that it was just Malfoy, not someone special. Harry was sure their relationship was just pure.

Maybe sometimes he spent a little too much time staring at Draco when he healed him or whenever they were sitting in a pub together with their friends under the dimmed light where Malfoy always looked so different than when he was at work. He thought that was fine, because he used to stare at Malfoy a lot back in Hogwarts anyway. Ron always reminded him of how obsessed he was with Malfoy in 6th year and never let that memory go. Moreover, Harry did feel nice bickering with Malfoy sometimes, because it wasn't fighting or insulting, it was just fun bickering.

However, Ron had said it wasn't even bickering between them, Malfoy just nagged him a lot whenever he came to St. Mungo's with a new injury. And his best mate had taken Malfoy's side as well, saying he did that for a good reason, since Harry has had too many injuries. And being on a plane with Malfoy for eleven hours might have done something to him, it made him realise his feelings were probably not what it seemed to be on the surface.

He pushed the thought away and looked at Malfoy when the blond shivered again, snuggling up on his shoulder, Harry exhaled and shook him gently. He has an idea, he wouldn't say it was a great one, but it might help.

"Malfoy" He whispered, shaking him by his shoulder until he slowly opened his eyes, gazing up at Harry with a soft, sleepy look "Er..." He muttered, totally forgetting what he was supposed to say when he saw Malfoy looking like this for the first time "You're cold"

"I'm not" Malfoy said, his voice croaked and he shifted back on the window. Was that disappointment he was feeling? Harry swallowed, it couldn't be that he wanted Malfoy to sleep on him instead of the window.

"You're cold, you're practically shivering now with two blankets"

"Two?" Malfoy asked, looking down on him until a smile appeared on his lips "Oh, thank you"

"You should have worn a coat" He suggested, the weather was cold, it was still January so when Malfoy showed up today only wearing that, Harry had thought he might be cold too.

"I'm fine, Potter" He mumbled, prepared to doze off again when Harry placed a hand on his knee "What, Potter?"

"You can wear my sweater" He said, now Malfoy was staring at him, it seemed like he was half awake just from what Harry just suggested "I have one in my bag" He wanted to make sure he was prepared, so he left a sweater on his carry-on bag, just in case "You can wear it over your turtleneck, it'd look fine"

Malfoy eyed him, he was quiet for a long time, it was probably half a minute when his mouth parted, something was going to come out "Okay" Harry was surprised at the answer, he had expected many things. He figured the blond would even say his sweater was horrid and wouldn't look good on him, so when he agreed, Harry froze "Potter, your sweater?"

"Oh, oh right" Harry nodded, standing up and opening the overhead bin, he dug in his bag and found a red sweater, a Weasley sweater to be exact. Molly had knitted this for him many years ago, it has his initial on it, and it might not be the expensive fabric Malfoy would wear, but it was all he has now. He grabbed it and sat down again, handing Malfoy the neatly folded sweater "Here"

"You really want me to wear your sweater?" Malfoy took the sweater, touching the fabric like he was examining it, yet his eyes were still glued on Harry's face.

"Yeah, you're cold, right?"

A smile was there on his lips again, he shrugged and pushed off the blankets. Malfoy stood up and Harry tried his best not to stare at the blond's arse when he got through him to get to the bathroom, of course he'd go to the bathroom to put on a sweater. Harry sat back and sighed, wondering what he was feeling about Malfoy.

They have been friends before this, he could say that, but this flight might have shown him something he has never seen in Malfoy ever. It was weird how it only took him eight hours in a closed space with Malfoy to realise he was intelligent, talented, and attractive, not to mention his fascination with Muggle things.

Harry picked up the camera and opened it, he wanted to see what pictures Malfoy had taken, maybe he was good at this too. There were pictures of the sky, lots of it, pictures of the passengers, strangers, and their friends. There were a few pictures of Pansy and Hermione next to each other with their heads close and sleeping together, then there was a picture of Blaise and Ron when Ron was still angry. And a picture of Theo holding hands with Neville while he was sleeping, Neville was looking at him with such gentle eyes that Harry realised just how much Neville liked Theo. He saw a few more pictures of the sky, and there it was, a very strange one.

It was a picture of the window, the one Malfoy was sitting next to, but it was all fogged up. He thought Malfoy might have tried to take a picture of the starry sky, but it wasn't that. There were letters. Harry squinted his eyes and zoomed into the picture. Malfoy drew a heart inside the fogged-up part of the window, then there was something he saw that caught his eyes and made his heart stop for a second.


Harry stared at the letters, this has to be their initials, there was nothing else that could explain this. Why would Malfoy write this on the window? In fact, this type of drawing was so familiar.

And then it hit him, he remembered many times Pansy had drawn hearts on a window with her and Hermione's names on it, especially during winter, then she would hug Hermione, saying she loved her and that was what the drawing meant. Harry started to recall every thing Draco had told him today, and many things Ron had told him before.

'Draco likes teasing me and Theo, he teases everyone he's fond of, but he only gets flirty with the one he likes' That was one of the sentences Ron had said that confused Harry just before this flight, because his best mate just stared at him with narrowed eyes and ended it with a sigh. He didn't understand their conversation back then because Ron just suddenly mentioned Draco like that. Maybe something was implied? Did...did Malfoy like him?

Harry immediately stood up and scrambled to the bathroom, he knocked on the door with his heart raced "Malfoy? Can I come in?" There was no answer, but the door was opened. Malfoy was still inside, the sweater was next to the sink as the blond dried his hands.

"Potter, what's wrong?" Malfoy asked him with knitted eyebrows. Harry looked around the cabin, everyone was asleep. He stepped in the confined space and closed the door of the bathroom "Potter?"

"You...this" He showed Malfoy the camera in his hand, the picture displayed clearly visible for the blond to look "This, er..."

"Well? What about it?" Malfoy took a long look at it before shrugging "It's a joke"

"Is it?" He asked, because he wasn't sure if Malfoy was being honest. He wanted to know the truth "Do you mean this?"

"Mean what?"

"Cut it out, Malfoy" He said, pointing at the picture with frantic gestures but the blond just looked at him with a smile, it was close to a smirk "The picture, it...do you mean it? Do you like me or something?"

"Or something?" Malfoy chuckled at his words and he didn't seem intimidated at all "And what if I meant it? What would you do?"

"What?" He mumbled, confused by the question as Malfoy crossed his arms over his chest "Well...I would..."

"What would you do?"

The voice was like an urge, an urge for Harry to finish what he was saying, but it was hard. He didn't know what he was feeling. He knew that he was on fairly good terms with Malfoy, he was always Harry's Healer whenever he came to St. Mungo's with an injury. Malfoy was one of the best Healers there, Malfoy's magic was soothing to him. And there was always a spot reserved for Malfoy on their weekly pub nights, Harry somehow ended up sitting next to him every time. How did he feel about Malfoy? Someone who learned how to play so many things as a kid, who was so eager to learn about Muggle things, and he thought Malfoy was adorable today. Adorable. Were his feelings for Malfoy something beyond friendship? Has it always been like this? Did he get off from bickering with Malfoy? Did he like Malfoy?

"Potter" It was Malfoy's voice that drew him back to reality "You've been really quiet"

"Oh, well, I..." He muttered quietly, still unsure what to think about this situation "Do you like me?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes! Yes, it does!"

"Why?" Malfoy's question put Harry in a tough spot again, he didn't know why he wanted to hear the blond's confession. He wasn't even sure how he should react if Malfoy admitted it.

Harry took a step forward, Malfoy didn't budge, he wasn't scared, so he kept moving until he was trapping Malfoy back against the sink. He placed his hand on either side of the's blond hips, resting on the countertop. This time, he didn't miss the slight twitch at the corner of Malfoy's lips, the way he didn't blink and just stared at Harry instead, and the way he was holding in a breath.

They stood there, meeting each other's intense gaze without breaking it for a second. Both of their breathings were steady, Harry was still fixed on the blond, he has to know what Malfoy was thinking. His gaze dropped to Malfoy's lips when the blond pulled at it with his teeth. His lips looked soft, and for a second, it looked kissable with its perfect shade of pink. The pink colour has also crept up Malfoy's cheeks, he was just blushing now, that Harry knew. He leaned closer unconsciously, he couldn't pull away from looking at the perfect shaped lips. When Malfoy closed his eyes, Harry stilled himself. Malfoy was expecting to be kissed, he wanted to be kissed, he liked Harry, he was right. Harry moved back and Malfoy has his eyes opened wide, he was...hurt?

"You're an arse, Potter" Malfoy snapped at him and shoved Harry away, reaching for the door. Harry stopped him before he could do it, he held Malfoy by his wrist and pressed him up against the flat surface "Let me go, Potter" He wriggled out of his grip, but Harry didn't let him.

"You like me" He mumbled, Malfoy didn't meet his eyes, yet he could still see the blush on the blond's cheeks, painting beautifully on his skin "You like me?"

"Yes, so what?" Malfoy finally looked at him, but his eyes were cold, almost hateful "You want to make fun of me? Humiliate me like before? Let go!" Malfoy jerked his hands away when Harry loosened his grip. He was baffled, he didn't know Malfoy liked him. When the blond wiped his face while looking down, Harry realised he was wiping tears away. He made Malfoy cry, and he felt bad about it, he felt like he did something evil, he made someone like Malfoy cry, his heart ached at the sight. Harry's breath hitched and he stepped forward, pulling Malfoy in a bone-crushing hug, ignoring the slight struggle from the blond "Potter"

"I don't want to make fun of you or humiliate you" He murmured, taking in the few soft punches from Malfoy on his chest "I don't, I promise" He has his arms around the blond's slim body, he could feel Malfoy's racing heart, his heart was beating fast as well. He could smell the jasmine on his hair, and coconut, it was a sweet combination. He might have feelings for the certain guy he was hugging right now. He took in a deep breath and felt Malfoy stiffen in his arms.

"Did you just smell my hair?"

"N-no" He stuttered, letting go of Malfoy and looking at him. No more tears, that was a good thing "Do you really like me?"

"Took you long enough to figure that out" Malfoy huffed with his arms folded over his chest and broke their eye contact. He was biting his lower lip again, it still looked kissable. Harry chuckled, stepping forward, and it only made the blond walk backwards "What are you doing?"

"What you hoped I did before" He said, shrugging his shoulder, he did want to kiss Malfoy back then. It might have meant that he liked Malfoy as well, but he was too oblivious to realise it himself. Even his friends have given him multiple signs that Malfoy liked him, he didn't notice it, not until now "Well, as long as you want it too"

Malfoy glared at him, the blush on his cheeks betrayed the expression he made when Harry has him backed up against the door again "Do you even have feelings for me, Potter?"

Harry was quiet for a few seconds, green eyes meeting grey, and he cupped Malfoy's face, holding gently. He felt Malfoy trembling in his hands, his thumb grazed over a damp spot on the blond's cheek "I know that I don't like it when you cry, because of me" He said and Malfoy blinked at him, stunned at his declaration "I know that I like seeing you being all curious over Muggle things, I like thinking about you teaching me how to play piano. I like when you touched my tattoo, I want to see yours" He saw Malfoy inhaling deeply, his lips slightly parted "I like thinking about you wearing my sweater" They both looked at the sweater, still lying on the countertop next to the sink and locked eyes again "I know I always expect you to be at St. Mungo's when I appear"

"Do you love injuring yourself?"

"No, but I know you'd be there and well, you're a great Healer, so I know you'd heal me up nicely" Harry shrugged, he has always thought about it like that. Even though they bickered like crazy, he couldn't deny that Malfoy was a better Healer than everyone else there "I know that you're beautiful" He admitted it for the first time, it was a fact, he just never had the courage to say it out loud "I know that you're brilliant, and that you love teasing people you're fond of, to the point it becomes flirty...or maybe just to me" He mumbled, seeing a small smile on Malfoy's lips "And, I know that I wanted to kiss you before, I know that I still want to kiss you now" Malfoy looked up at him, his eyes gleaming brightly "You have kissable lips...and a loveable soul" He pushed out the unplanned words, but it was true. Malfoy has changed after the war, Harry changed too, so his feelings for the blond might as well have changed without him knowing. There was no hatred left, just...something he couldn't put a name on it, until now "Do you think I have feelings for you then?"

"I don't know" His voice was quiet, Harry's thumb on his cheek trailed down to his lips, tracing over his bottom lip, it was smooth and plump like he expected, he couldn't wait to kiss him.

"I think I do" He leaned closer without thinking, his breath ghosting over Malfoy's lips "Should I finish what you wanted me to do?"

Malfoy blinked at him, trying to control his composure. His gaze was frantic, looking everywhere and then back to meet Harry's eyes, his lips parted just a bit while his deep grey eyes looked up at Harry "Yes...please"

When the word 'please' hit him, Harry groaned desperately before smashing their lips together. It felt rushed at first, clumsy lips trying to move together. He finally found rhythm after a few seconds as he sucked on Draco's lower lip. Kissing Draco felt like heaven, like his soul was sucked out in a good way. He slipped his tongue inside the blond's mouth, tasting Draco everywhere he could. Draco was gripping tightly on his sweater, tugging on it with trembling hands as Harry slithered his hands under Draco's shirt "Harry" The blond's croaked voice was calling out to him by his first name, and it shot electricity right down his crotch, growing harder every time Draco grind against him.

"Take off your trousers" Draco was demanding him now, his hands frantically searching for Harry's belt, fumbling with the material as he trailed his kisses down the porcelain skin. He sucked hard on the pulse point, earning a small moan from Draco, and it felt like a siren song, alluring and tender, he wanted to hear more. When the blond finally has his hand on Harry's cock from outside of his trousers, Harry hissed in pleasure.

"Draco" He groaned, pushing against the soft hand that was palming his hardening cock "Are we really going to fuck right here?"

"Do you want to see my tattoo or not?" Draco flashed him a devilish smile and Harry's jaw went slack, that was a must.

"Fuck yes"

"Then strip and fuck me, Harry" Draco rumbled, he abruptly pushed him off and looked down at the bulge under his boxer "Fuck" He threw out a curse "You're...big" Draco murmured breathlessly, stripping his boxer off and letting it fall on the floor with his trousers. His cock sprang out of the fabric and met the touch of Draco's hand instantly, throbbing under his slow strokes. Draco dragged him closer by his neck as he mouthed a kiss over the spot under his ear "Better fuck me real good, Harry" He practically purred at him, and it was all it took to make Harry pull them flushed together.

"Draco" He murmured, his breath ghosting over Draco's lips, touching gently when the blond kept pulling away, teasing him. He grinned at Harry, his hands running up his sides "Don't tempt me"

"What are you going to do about it?" Draco cooed, licking a strip along Harry's jawline, grinding his trousers against Harry's pulsing cock "Spank me? Fuck me?"Harry didn't reply, a low grumble emerged from his throat as he tugged at the blond's trousers, pushing them down quickly as Draco kissed him. He heard the moan vibrating through the kiss and swirled his tongue around Draco while his hand searched for the blond's cock, and he was shocked by what he was feeling...lace.

Harry stared at Draco with wide eyes and received a small cheeky smirk. The blond cocked his head to the side, biting on his lower lip and lifting his shirt a slow and tormenting speed, revealing red lace garter around his hips and thighs. A pair of red knickers that was barely covering his cock appeared, the precum was even leaving a damp spot over the fabric. Harry felt his mouth go dry, the sight was making his own cock twitch "Sorry, I wasn't joking" Draco grinned at him and brought Harry's hand to touch the garter, his hand trailed down, feeling the blond's cock pulsing under the tight and thin fabric "Ah, Harry!" Draco threw his head forward on Harry's shoulder and it was his chance to nip at the blond's neck, creating marks on the delicate skin.

He grabbed tightly at Draco's hips and spun him around, pushing him against the sink countertop. He could see their own reflections there, Draco was a masterpiece, his cheeks pink and the lingerie really stood out. He bit down on the blond's neck, earning a wanton moan as he squeezed Draco's arse apart, feeling the flesh in his hands. Draco's curvy arse was pushing back at his free cock, searching friction between them. Harry tugged at the thin string between his arse, with a quiet murmur he filled Draco's entrance with lube as his finger found the inviting hole that was fluttering under his touch. He didn't push in right away, teasing the rim at first.

"Please, Harry" He whimpered and bit on his lower lip, holding back a moan when Harry pushed just the tip of his finger inside his tight hole. Harry almost grunted at the feeling, his cock was rubbing against Draco's arse as he pushed his finger deeper past the tight ring of muscle. He slipped his free hand under Draco's shirt, finding the blond's hard bud and rolling it between his fingers. Draco let his head fall back on Harry's shoulder, unable to keep his moans inside anymore "More! I need more!"

"Patient, Draco" He growled, pushing the second finger in, curling it and Draco keened loudly. He pushed the blond's right leg up to the countertop, opening him wider as he slipped in the third finger, prodding at his prostate and drawing strings of moans from Draco "What do you want?"

"Fuck me" Draco moaned, he was propping himself up with his hands on the counter. Harry kissed at his jawline and shoved his fingers deeper, noticing the way Draco tremble from it "Please, Harry" He pleaded and it sounded like music to his ear. Harry pulled his fingers out and pushed Draco's shirt up, seeing the small red line heart that was lying neatly on his right arse, closer to his waist. This was the tattoo. He traced his thumb over it and Draco turned around with a smile "Admire it all you want later, Harry, fuck me now" Harry's laugh was low and he squeezed on the globe tightly, hearing a small moan from his action and he grabbed his own cock, aching to be inside Draco. He lined himself up, pushing in and the blond threw his head forward, biting his lower lip. Harry gripped on his chin, not wanting Draco to bite on his lips too hard. Even with the preparing, Draco was still so tight "Fuck, you're so fucking big, Harry"

"Thanks" He murmured and Draco chuckled at him, a moan quickly caught him when Harry pushed in to the hilt. Harry nibbled at the exposed skin of his neck, waiting for Draco to relax around his cock.

"Move, Harry" Draco said, looking at him through the mirror with his grey eyes, twinkling with lust. Harry didn't move, it was his turn to tease him. Draco tugged on his bottom lip again, knowing what he wanted "Please, I want you so much" He purred and his hand was running through Harry's hair behind his head "Fuck me like you mean it, Harry, fuck me until I'm filled with your cum"

Harry grunted incoherently and started thrusting, Draco definitely has some powers on him, it was irresistible to refuse him. He quickened his pace after getting used to the tight heat that was wrapping around him. Harry buried his nose under the blond's air, gripping his hand around Draco's ponytail, pulling it until he was leaning on Harry's shoulder as he slammed inside him. Draco moaned, his body quivering when Harry thrusted in with earnest.

"You're so fucking beautiful" He whispered in Draco's ear and the blond cried out, pushing back at him in a rhythm, his cock still trapped and leaking under his red lace knickers. Harry saw both of their reflections in the mirror, but Draco's current state caught his eyes. He was really beautiful, his face flushed with arousal, his hair messy from Harry's grip on his ponytail and his mouth dropped open. The garter and knickers were bringing out his skin, wrapping tightly around his sweating and trembling body while Harry fucked into him "Beautiful, my beauty" He said without thinking, he just knew he wanted Draco to be his and his only.

"Ah! Harry!" Draco moaned wantonly and Harry's hand came forward to cover his mouth, he might have been too loud just then. They wouldn't want to be interrupted, not when Harry was about to bring Draco to his climax. The blond sobbed loudly, his noise muffled by Harry's hand as he plunged in. He put his leg on the countertop, thrusting faster when it seemed like he has just hit the right spot at Draco's prostate, based on Draco's muffled cry. Harry pushed two fingers inside the blond's warm, wet mouth, feeling his tongue lapping around as he thrusted deeper, he sped up the moment Draco's moans were louder. He was clawing at Harry's arm and waist, no longer has the energy to push back, he let Harry slam into him.

Harry turned his face to the side and kissed him in a rush, Draco whimpered loudly "Harry! I'm-..." He cried out and before he could finish his sentence, he was spilling his own seeds, soaking through his red lingerie, his whole body bucking wildly. His hole clenching around Harry's cock, bringing him to climax a few thrusts after. Harry shoved into him, his teeth found Draco's neck and he bit down on the soft skin, his cock finally gave out as he spilled all of him inside Draco, just the way the blond wanted. He gave a few more lazy thrusts, fucking both of them out of their orgasms while they tried to calm their breathings.

"Fuck, that was..." Draco mumbled breathlessly as Harry pulled out, turning him around to face each other again "Amazing" Harry smiled at him, nipping at Draco's bottom lip. His hand slithering down to find the blond's hole, his own fluid was seeping out, he rubbed his finger over the used hole and Draco whimpered into his ear "Harry, don't tease me"

"You started it, right?" He grinned and tugged at the garter, mesmerised by it still "You're beautiful" He looked into Draco's grey eyes, his stomach warmed itself up just by staring at him. Harry felt the urge to kiss him, and he did just so, leaning in to press a chaste kiss on his lips "Be mine?"

"Yours" Draco smiled, his fine fingers trailing up Harry's jawline "Yours, Harry" He repeated, in the softest tone possible, and Harry felt like melting. His heart was all for Draco, he was sure, he was so oblivious before, he liked Draco without even noticing it himself.

"I like you" He murmured, wanting Draco to know how he felt instantly "I like you, I like you so much" Draco was flustered from what he said "I wish I realised it sooner"

"I don't care" Draco shook his head, locking his arms around Harry's neck, pressing their foreheads close together "As long as I have you now, that's all I need"

"Fuck" Harry huffed out a laugh, pecking Draco's lips softly "You're magical, Draco" He whispered, kissing him one more time "Beautiful, enchanting, and mine"

"Hmm" Draco kissed him this time, quickly "You're attractive...and big" Harry snickered at the compliment while the blond grinned "I can't believe I just let you fuck me in the bathroom on an airplane"

"We should get out" Harry suggested and Draco nodded without hesitating at all, they have spent a while in here. They both pulled up their trousers again and Harry found Draco's hand, intertwining it together, earning a pleased smile from the blond.

"When we get to Las Vegas" He leaned closer and purred in Harry's ear "Maybe you can show me the tattoo on your back, and we could do something else after that" He winked at Harry and he groaned, feeling himself incapable of resisting the urge as he kissed Draco's cheek. Draco was perfect, so perfect, and he couldn't wait until they got off this plane.


Flashback to an hour before the flight

"Do you think I'm unreasonable to do that?" Ron asked him and Draco gave him a firm shake of his head, the redhead was right for being mad at Blaise.

"No, definitely not, I'd be too" He said and Ron nodded, they were still sitting a few feet away from Potter, Blaise and Neville, just to be sure their conversation wouldn't be heard "Give him some time to realise his mistake"

"Okay, you're right, definitely" Ron sighed, tapping Draco's hand and sitting up "Look who's finally here" Draco turned his head to see Theo rushing to their spot, dragging two luggage with him "Why are you so late?"

"I didn't get any sleep, I overslept, it's a whole thing" Theo explained between heavy breaths, Draco handed him his ticket and looked at the stuff Theo has with him

"You need to send your luggage, you know"

"Where do I do that?" Theo looked around, totally confused about what to do. That was when Pansy came over to them "Pansy! Where do I send my luggage?"

"Let me do it for you" Pansy said, rubbing Theo's shoulder to calm his frantic movements down "What happened? Why are you late?"

"I was up late last night designing, and I didn't notice your calls this morning, sorry, Pansy" Theo explained and Pansy rolled her eyes at him. She nodded in understanding and pointed to the chair.

"Sit and relax, you look like you haven't slept for ages, Theo" She smacked his back gently and walked away as Theo sat down on the seat next to Draco and Ron.

"Okay, tell me what's new" Theo gestured with his hand, looking up at the ceiling of the airport and pinching the bridge of his nose "I want to sleep so bad"

"Blaise called me fat" Ron said with a pout, that was why he was so mad at Blaise. Theo sat up immediately and looked at Ron with his mouth open, looking like he has stopped being sleepy to join in the conversation "Yeah! Right when we were having lunch, and then had the audacity to give me more food!"

"No way! He fucking did?" Theo was appalled at the revelation, which was exactly how Draco reacted just five minutes ago "Did you kick his arse for that?"

"No, I'm just mad at him" Ron scowled and huffed with his arms crossed over his chest "And he doesn't even know why he's wrong"

"Well, you should have" Theo leaned closer and whispered "You want me to do it for you?"

"It's fine, I can do it myself if it's necessary" Ron laughed quietly and Draco smiled, there was no doubt about that, since Ron was an Auror who trained weekly "Oh, Draco, you sure you can sit with Harry for eleven hours?"

"I can take it" He exhaled and looked down at his own ticket. He knew there would be a problem if Pansy was in charge of buying tickets. He only hoped it wouldn't be too hard to sit next to Potter, he really wouldn't know what else to say besides bickering and teasing him.

"I honestly don't know why he still hasn't found out you like him. How oblivious is he?" Theo pursed his lips into a frown and Draco could ask the same thing. He's been wondering that for years "Ron, did you try talking to him about Draco again?"

"Yes, obviously, I tried just twenty minutes ago" Ron exhaled desperately "He didn't get it, he looked confused and asked why I told him that"

"Draco, why don't you tell him the truth then?"

Draco scoffed at Theo's suggestion, he would never "Not in this lifetime" He said, he couldn't say the truth, he was afraid of its consequences. That was why he kept quiet this whole time, never admitting he has a crush on Potter for two years now "I can't do it, it's too risky"

"I almost forgot how shy you actually are" Ron snorted and Draco nudged him by the shoulder, frowning at him "It's really easy, Draco, we're not going to stop being friends with you if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings, you won't be left out"

"I know, I'm not worried about that" He mumbled, glancing at Potter, who was standing with Neville and Blaise now, laughing at something. If only Potter knew how much that smile could make Draco's stomach warm "I'm worried it'd get awkward between me and him"

"Oh, you poor hopeless romantic child" Theo cooed, half teasing and half comforting Draco as he rubbed the blond's back "Now you're going to be with him for eleven hours, you should put it all in"

"Oh yes!" Ron suddenly leaned over with the same smile Theo has, like they were rooting for Draco to flirt with Potter "You should, you know, do your best, throw it all in! Flirt harder!"

"It's not that easy"

"Come on, it's easy, plus, you're good at it" Ron elbowed him with a nod "You and Theo taught me how to flirt, come on, you can do it"

"Shy, shy boy" Theo teased him, poking his arm as Draco laughed and recoiled from it "Do it, Draco, you can flirt with Harry, it's like a piece of cake"

"All right, fine" He huffed, just to let them get off his back, they still have a good point "I will try, I can't make sure it'll succeed"

"Your effort is enough" Ron tapped his arm reassuringly and smacked his thigh "Oh! Stop saying you're joking when you mean it" He suggested and Theo quickly agreed with him with his hands clasped together "I think you will confuse Harry, I notice you do that a lot"

"Totally" Theo nodded repeatedly, mumbling to him "Some guys are oblivious, including Ron" He pointed at the redhead and Ron snorted, unable to refuse the true accusation "You should try, he likes you, he just doesn't know it"

He scoffed at Theo's statement while Ron supported him with a nod "Fine" He grumbled, it would be hard for him to try to flirt with Potter, but he could at least try "I know, I'll do it"

"We're proud already" Ron laughed and smacked his shoulder, he turned to look at Theo's ticket and pointed at it "Oh, Theo, you know you're sitting with Neville, right?"

"What? I am?" The brunet stared at his ticket in his hand and hummed "I guess that's okay" Theo looked at Neville with curious eyes and turned back to them "Are you sure he's straight, Ron?"

"The last time I checked, he dated Hannah like six years ago and I haven't seen him checking any guy out" Ron shrugged, he really wouldn't trust Ron with his observation skill, the redhead himself didn't realise Blaise like him for years.

"If anything, he could be bisexual" Draco suggested, it was possible, though he couldn't say he was sure.

"Well, that sucks, my bidar is no good" Theo frowned and Draco laughed at his expression "Ron, do you know if he's bisexual? Since you're bisexual as well"

"I don't know, I didn't even know Blaise's gay for me for years" Ron threw his hands up in defeat and Draco nodded, taking Ron's side because it was simply the truth.

"He has a point, you know" Draco pointed out and turned to Theo "Why do you care, Theo?"

"I don't know" He exhaled, still glancing at Neville with furrowed eyebrows "There's something about him, I'm...curious" He ran his hand through his hair and pouted at them "I've never been curious about someone this much, he's so different from others"

"Is that a crush I'm sensing, Theo?" Draco gasped with a smile and Ron cackled with him "Is it?"

"It so is" Ron stated, grinning and teasing Theo now "You said you'd never have a crush on anyone"

"Well, I don't have a crush on him" Theo pursed his lips in annoyance and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at Neville, who was standing and talking to Harry and Blaise now "Hey, what do you think they're talking about?"

"No idea"

"Maybe my husband is trying to figure out why I'm mad at him" Ron scoffed and Draco couldn't suppress the smile he has now, he could be right about it. He looked up and met Potter's eyes, he quickly looked away, unable to hide his blushing as Theo and Ron started teasing him.

"Do you know why Ron's mad at me?" Blaise asked him and Neville, Harry glanced at the seats and met Malfoy's eyes. The blond looked away right after, then Ron and Theo were laughing at him about something. Harry hasn't had a clue what they were talking about, he shrugged at the question.

"Sorry, Blaise, Ron hasn't told me" Harry said, Ron did talk to him just a while ago, but the topic they talked about was about Malfoy, which was weird, but Ron always seemed to do that recently.

"Maybe it's something you said to him" Neville suggested and Blaise raised his eyebrow

"I didn't say anything bad" Blaise groaned and Harry felt sorry for him, but he really couldn't help since Ron hasn't told him anything. He tapped Blaise's shoulder along with Neville to comfort him and he shook his head "I'll figure it out"

"You will" Neville nodded and looked at Harry "Harry, I heard you have to sit next to Draco, are you all right with that? Sorry, I wanted to sit with Theo"

"I'm fine, it'll be okay, I think" He pressed his lips together, he didn't know what would happen, and eleven hours seemed really long.

"Don't you always insist on having Draco healing you though?" Neville's question hit him and he wasn't sure what to answer "You never really enjoy other Healers"

"It's because he's good at it" Harry protested, recalling the moment Malfoy had just healed him earlier, there was no ulterior motive behind him wanting Malfoy to heal him "What, Blaise?"

"Nothing" Blaise's lips formed into a smirk as he shrugged "I merely think you're feeling confused"

"Confused? About what?"

"About your feelings for Draco" Blaise stated like he was certain of it. And sure, Blaise was Malfoy's close friend, he has known Malfoy for years, and he has gotten to know Harry and everyone else too, moreover, he was observant and wise, but that didn't mean he understood how Harry felt about Malfoy.

"I don't feel anything for him" He declared, they were kind of friends, they no longer hated each other, fortunately, but they were just friends, and that was it "Everything between us is normal, I feel platonic feelings for him, pure and innocent feelings"

"Okay" Blaise didn't stop the smug look on his face, and it made Harry feel like Blaise knew something he didn't "What about you, Neville, eleven hours with Theo?"

"I'm excited" Neville beamed at them with a can of soda between his hands "I'm also scared" He quickly frowned, tapping on the can eagerly. Blaise and Harry knew about his crush for Theo, but they couldn't tell anyone about it, since they have made a promise "I really don't know what to say, I don't think we have that much in common"

"You'll figure it out" Blaise reassured him "Take it from me and Ron, we work out fine" He said, and Harry has to admit he was right. Blaise and Ron didn't seem to have many things in common, still they ended up in love and married.

"And you two won't tell him about my feelings?"

"We won't" Harry nodded at Neville as the blond stole a glance at Theo again before looking back at them, he could see that Neville was shaking a bit now "I don't think he knows too, you have nothing to worry about"

"He doesn't know" Blaise said, drawing both of their attention to him, he gave them a knowing look and they both knew Blaise was trustworthy when it came to his words "Trust me"

"Okay, okay, that's good" Neville nodded twice, looking down on his watch "One hour to go" Harry looked at their friends and saw Malfoy, meeting his eyes again. Why did it keep happening? Malfoy broke the eye contact the second time and continued his conversation with Ron and Theo. Harry sighed, the flight would definitely be a new experience for him with Malfoy, he hoped it would turn out all right.


7:30 p.m.

It was about half past seven at night when the clock on the countertop in their kitchen startled Ginny, she stopped chopping the vegetables and nudged Luna, who has just put a pie in the oven "Luna, darling"


"They'll be here any second now" It would be three in the morning back in London now, since it was eight hours ahead there, but they would arrive here in time to have dinner, so Hermione's plan worked out just fine. She wiped her hand and put the knife away just when the doorbell rang "Darling, they're here" She called out and waited for Luna to come out of the kitchen so they could both walk to the door. They were right on time, she waved at the big door and it opened, their friends appearing at the threshold with lots of luggage with them.

"Hey, you guys" She greeted them with a broad smile as both of them got down, Luna was next to her, taking off her apron and folding it nicely on the table.

"How was the flight, everyone?" Luna asked them as their friends settled their luggage to the living room. Hermione gave her a brief version of it and she nodded "You can go to your room right now to put your luggage away, change clothes, and then it's time for dinner"

"Oh, I should tell you, there are only four rooms left" Ginny said, Blaise already knew this, but the others didn't have a clue "So you'd have to pick it yourself"

"Oh" Pansy arched her eyebrows and turned to the guys "Then Harry, you can switch with Theo to stay in Neville's room if you don't want to sleep with Drac—..."

"No!" Harry said, his voice raised slightly, making everyone look at him and he cleared his throat "No, no, I'm fine"

"Okay then" Ginny smiled knowingly, she knew that tone of him, something definitely happened on the flight "Harry will sleep with Draco, Neville will sleep with Theo" She said, noticing the smiles on the four of them when she said it "Now, come on, give me the real tea. What happened on the plane? Because I'm sensing something weird here, something new" She waved her hands, pointing at Harry, Draco and Neville, Theo, who suddenly were standing so close together.

"Well, you'd be glad to know that..." Pansy grinned at them, gesturing to the boys, who were standing next to her "Everyone in our group has finally joined the mile high club!" Pansy smirked as the six of them stared at her with shock in her eyes "What? You think I didn't notice?" She smiled at them and turned back to Ginny "They didn't get caught!"

"Hey! Congratulations!" Ginny cheered and laughed at them, so that was what it was. She gave them a round of applause, making Luna giggle next to her "All of you?"

"Well" Theo said, hooking his arm around Neville and looking up at the blond "We didn't go all the way"

"You two? Finally!" She squealed and Theo winked at her, next to him Neville was all flustered and couldn't say a word.

"We didn't go all the way as well" Blaise said bluntly, he has no shame in showing off his record with Ron, that was certain. He draped his arm over her brother's shoulder, a smirk displayed on his lips "Maybe on the flight back"

"It's a deal" Ron whispered back and Ginny shook her head with a laugh.

"That's my brother" She commented and Ron gave her a cheeky grin. She looked at Harry and Draco, the two of them were silent the whole time "So, does that mean you two..."

"Yes" Draco answered quietly and Ginny burst into laughter, she approached them and raised her hands, meeting Draco for a high five, she was proud of him "You did it, Draco! Thank Merlin" She turned to look at Harry and shook her head "Harry, two years, it took you twoyears to find that out? I noticed it a month after Draco stopped being in denial"

"I knew it a year even before he realised he has a crush on you" Pansy chimed in and Draco smiled at her. His crush with Harry wasn't subtle, at least to them, the girls all found out soon enough.

"Sorry, I'm a bit daft" Harry chuckled, scratching the nape of his neck and she noticed his free hand has found Draco's to intertwine their fingers together.

Luna led them up to the staircase and stopped abruptly, turning around with a smile "Oh, I should tell you, there's only one bed in each room" Their friends' eyes lightened up at what her wife said, and Ginny knew they were fine with that. She couldn't hold back a smile, it took them eleven hours in a confined space to solve their problems and only that, she should have done this way sooner.

The End


Q&A Time:
Q: What did Draco say in the first hour of the flight?
A: He's too shy to start a conversation first, so he was trying to come up with some good lines to say. Mostly he was trying to tell himself to be brave to ask Harry something. And he didn't know Harry heard him.

Q: Did Blaise and Harry do a pinky promise with Neville to hide his crush for Theo?
A: Yes, Blaise was very hesitant but he did it anyway.

Q: Will Blaise & Ron, Neville & Theo join the mile high club on the flight back?
A: That's a 'hell yes'

Q: Does Harry have a kink for Draco speaking French?
A: Ever since the flight, and they'll definitely explore a lot more kinks during their vacation.

Q: How did they manage not to get caught?
A: Magic, baby, magic.

That's the end of this fic, thank you for reading! I hope you like this! Votes and comments are my motivation to keep going! Love you all!


Side note: It's been a while since I've uploaded on wattpad, but it's because I've been writing a series for all five couples (Pansmione, Theville, Linny, Drarry, Blairon: In that order) and posted it as a series on Ao3, I think I'll just upload the Drarry part here. However, if you guys want me to post fics of any other ships here that I wrote, feel free to tell me in the comments! Or maybe I'll just make it into a new book of rare pairs on my wattpad account here...what do you think? Let me know <3

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