Underwater Love

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Summary: When Harry learns that he must save Malfoy in the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, his future is completely altered. From there, things quickly get out of hand, in ways he never imagined.


Contains smut (no underage smut)

Word count: 26826


"Harry! Harry!" Harry could feel his body being nudged by someone, he grunted and buried himself in the hard surface of something that could be assumed was a hardcover of a book "Harry! Bloody hell, wake up!" He was shaken violently and he snapped his eyes open to see Ron before him.

"What? What?" He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes, he must have fallen asleep when he tried to figure out what to do last night with Ron. They didn't seem to succeed as they both dozed off in the middle of it, a bunch of books were still around them on the floor "Did Hermione come back?"

"No, but you have ten minutes before the Second Task starts" Ron announced and Harry stared at him with wide eyes. He looked down at the watch on his wrist with horror, he would be late if he didn't hurry there now. He got up and made his way out of the library, he was practically running out of there with Ron "Dobby woke me up and told me to give you this"

Harry watched Ron hand him a green ball with a hint of grey in it, it was slimy and was making Ron's hand slippery as well "Gillyweed, Harry, eat it before you go underwater, Dobby said so"

"It looks like a rat tail"

"Whatever it is, I think you should trust Dobby" Ron shrugged and Harry grunted, taking the ball while the two of them sprinted down the staircase. He didn't have much faith in Dobby's advice, considering his own experiences, but Ron trusted him, so maybe he should too. He finally got out to the lawn, meeting the bright light of the morning and found his way to the judges' table along with Ron. Viktor, Cedric, and Fleur were already there, standing beside them. Harry glanced at the lake, still nervous since he wasn't sure how this would end. He could die, it was a real possibility.

"Where have you been?" He turned to hear a firm, harsh voice directing at him and saw Percy at the table "You're almost late to the task"

"Give him a break, Percy" Ron heaved loudly, waving his brother off and he for once felt lucky that Ron was here and on his side. He crouched down with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. He felt like his lungs were trying its best to breathe properly again. Ron was next to him, hands on his hips as he tried to breathe as well. Bagman had noticed the four of them were all here and raised his wand, his voice booming to the stands where other students and professors were standing and cheering on.

"All our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle" Bagman said loudly and Ron squeezed his shoulders to comfort him "They have exactly an hour to regain what has been taken from them, their treasures. On the count of three. One...two...three" The whistle was loud in the air as he took off his shoes and socks, getting into the lake. The other champions were going down too, but he tried to focus on himself as he pulled out the gillyweed and stuffed it directly into his mouth. He bit the inside of his cheek from the cold when he stepped into the water, every wind that hit his skin felt like spears. The gillyweed felt slimy and wet in his mouth, it was hard to chew but he has to try at least. He swallowed it finally, feeling the gillyweed slip down his throat while the water was up to his waist. He waited patiently, there was laughter filling up the air. He couldn't help but turn to look at the stands, knowing he'd see Malfoy at the front of the crowd with his "Potter Stinks" badge. Surprisingly, he wasn't there, he only noticed Parkinson and Goyle standing at the front with Crabbe squeezed in the middle.

Harry forced himself to turn back when he felt like he couldn't breathe anymore, suddenly there was something on his neck. Harry's hand quickly came up to touch the spot under his ear and stunned himself. He has gills. Real gills, flapping in the air. Harry knew what it meant as he dived down the water swiftly. He could breathe again once he has immersed underwater, it was strangely comforting. His hands were now webbed together, looking green and he stared at his feet, taken aback by the way he has flippers now. He plunged deeper into the lake, intrigued by the gillyweed's effect as he felt like he could live underwater forever like this.

Silence filled the atmosphere as he saw a forest of black weed before him, all tangled and muddy. He could see something darting past him every few seconds, his heart slowly sped up. He didn't see any sign of the "treasures" or whatever it was that the merpeople were keeping. He gasped when something grabbed at his ankle, he twisted his body to see a grindylow, the long fingers of the small water demon was wrapped tightly around his leg. He fumbled for his wand and pointed at the grindylow before two others grabbed him by his robes. He shouted out a charm, yet no sound came out, just bubbles, and the same happened to his wand when instead of light, a stream of boiling water shot out and hit the grindylow, painting red on its green skin. He struggled to escape from the grindylows, swimming as fast as he could.

He was swimming for what felt like hours, it might have been just twenty minutes or so when he heard the familiar mersong, he followed the sound and finally met the merpeople. They appeared more and more the deeper he got into what seemed to be a village for merpeople. And then he saw it, a bunch of merpeople singing loudly, and a statue shaped like a merperson, four people were tied tightly on its tail. Hermione was tied next to Cho Chang, looking like they were sleeping, unaware of the situation they were in. Then there was a small girl, based on the colour of her hair, Harry assumed it was Fleur's younger sister, as he had noticed her appearances at Hogwarts a few times. And the person on the right caught Harry's attention the most. It was Malfoy, tied to the boulder, bubbles floating out of his mouth. Why was he here? Was he important to one of the champions?

Harry shook his head and swam to the hostages, looking down at the weed tying their legs, it was thick. He glanced at the merpeople, who were holding spears and surrounding him, he reckoned they wouldn't let him borrow a spear. Harry dived down at the bottom of the lake, picking up a particularly sharp piece of rock, this would do. He got back to the hostages and grabbed at the weed that was holding Hermione down, prepared to release her from it.

"Not yours!" Harry was pulled back when the merpeople grabbed him, he stared at them with a puzzled look. It has to be Hermione.

"She's my friend!" He protested, bubbles coming out of his mouth as the merpeople laughed at him mercilessly "You have taken someone I will sorely miss. Isn't that the song?"

"Not your hostage" One of the merpeople glared at him and Harry let go of the weed, turning the direction to Cho Chang "No!" They seized him by his hands again and Harry let out a loud groan, a small bubble emerged from his mouth.

"This is absurd" He rolled his eyes and swam to the position where Fleur's sister was in. He has never talked to her, why would she be someone he missed? He pointed at her and looked at the merpeople surrounding him "This one?"

"No" They answered him and he was left feeling lost. He swam up to look at the hostages' faces, Malfoy was the only one left. The 'Potter Stinks' badge still lying neatly on his chest, on his left and close to his heart. His face was pale, probably due to whatever spell they have put on him. He looked at the merpeople, cocking his head to the side to gesture at Malfoy and they nodded at him. This was crazy, he thought to himself. How could Malfoy be someone he'd miss? It was a treasure, as they have said, as the judges have said themselves. Ron even assumed it was someone the champions have feelings for, Harry couldn't believe it.

Harry was pulled out of his thoughts when Cedric swam to him "I got lost" Cedric told him and pulled out a knife from his pocket, freeing Cho Chang and getting away quickly. He was soon greeted by Viktor next, his half body was transfigured into a shark, it didn't look like the spell worked perfectly. He watched as Viktor got Hermione out of her binding and swam away. So that was it was, there were just Fleur's sister left, and Malfoy, and he refused to believe Malfoy was someone important to him.

"'Urry up, 'Arry" Fleur shouted at him as she dived to their spot, cutting the weed that was tying her sister's leg with a rock in her hand "I 'It ze grindylow with zis" She smiled at him and took her sister away. Harry was left alone now, with Malfoy by his side, his head dropping to his shoulder. Harry was running out of time now, he has to do something, or else they'd both die. He turned to the merpeople, gesturing with his hand.

"Is it someone important to us?" He asked, a small glimpse of hope that they'd say no, that it would just be someone in their lives. In a way, Malfoy was in his life, just as his rival.

"Your treasure" They hissed, pointing the spears at him while he still has that bewildered look on his face. Harry glanced down at his watch, which wasn't working anymore. He was losing his own time trying to make up his mind, he could lose and die. Harry decided to just do it and held the rock tightly, cutting the weed off Malfoy's ankle. He swam up and held Malfoy around his waist, finding his way back to the surface. They were deep in the water now as Harry tried to hold Malfoy tightly, he couldn't afford to let him slip from his hands now. Malfoy's body was cold, possibly from the time underwater, but he looked oddly less of a wanker than normal. His features were soft since he was in a deep sleep, he wasn't that heavy, and Harry could feel like they were reaching the surface soon. He kicked his flippers hard and pushed them both up.

When his head finally emerged from the water, he felt the cold air hitting his skin again. He could hear people from the stands cheering and shouting at him as he hoisted Malfoy up in his arms with his head over Harry's shoulder, hoping he didn't just die in Harry's arms like this. Malfoy abruptly coughed out water, shaking violently with his eyes still closed and his chin resting on Harry's shoulder. He was clinging on Harry's body, pressing them together, and his body was reacting to the warmth as well since he was also freezing from the cold. He was sure Malfoy didn't realise who he was holding, and Harry found himself getting used to the heat, it was comforting in its annoying way.

"Malfoy" He said breathlessly and the blond Slytherin broke away from the embrace, looking appalled when he noticed his voice. The water was hitting their knees now, merpeople were rising with half of their faces above water "Wait!" Harry called when Malfoy spun around and fled to the bank despite the cold air attacking them both. He was pulled in by Ron with a blanket in his arms, Madam Pomfrey approaching him in a rush.

"Drink up now" She said, pushing the potions down his throat and he felt all right again.

"Harry!" Hermione cheered with a blanket wrapped around her body, her hair was still wet "Well done, you did it!"

"You definitely did it, mate!" Ron tapped his back with a laugh, Harry glanced at Malfoy, who was standing at the side with Parkinson covering him up with a blanket, a grim look filled his features "I just didn't know it'd be Malfoy"

"Well, we were all surprised" Hermione said, her lips pressed together in concern "Maybe the song just meant people who are connected to you"

"Treasure" Harry murmured the word the merpeople have told him, his friends stared at him with strange looks on their faces. He couldn't pull his eyes off Malfoy, he has to figure out why they chose Malfoy, there has to be a way they did it. He sat there, wrapped in a blanket and heard the judges announce the points, but he couldn't focus at all.


Harry couldn't bother to listen to what Professor Binns was saying, all he cared was the parchment in his hands. He had written the song out again, hoping to find out how the competition chose the people they had saved. He tilted his head up and saw the Slytherins sitting a few rows above him, Malfoy sitting between Parkinson and Nott now, Crabbe and Goyle sitting behind them. Ever since that day of the second task, which was a week ago, Malfoy has been acting weird, to the point he almost forgot they were enemies. He didn't even wear the 'Potter Stinks' badge again, and even though Harry was quite relieved for that, he couldn't help wondering why.

"Mate" Ron nudged him by his elbow and Harry turned to him "You're staring at Malfoy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing" He said, his hand fiddling with the parchment and Ron looked over to read it. Hermione was still too focused on the lecture to care about his minor problem "Do you think it means something deeper?"

"I don't know" Ron shrugged, looking defeated before mumbling the line out "We've taken what you'll sorely miss. Maybe you miss Malfoy" Ron laughed and earned a frown from Harry. Why would he be missing Malfoy? "I'm just kidding, Harry. Maybe they just pick people randomly"

"But they took Hermione from Viktor Krum" He explained, she was his partner to the Yule Ball, and not to mention he seemed to be really interested in Hermione "He likes her, Cedric likes Cho" Harry did like Cho just a little bit before, she was nice, but she seemed more suitable for Cedric anyway "And Fleur's sister, she's important to Fleur"

"Well then they probably have a way of choosing the people you've saved" Ron hummed, tapping his quill on his parchment eagerly as he thought about it "You could ask Professor McGonagall, or Headmaster Dumbledore"

"They will never tell us" Harry sighed, he was certain it would be a secret to why they chose the hostages. He looked back at Professor Binns, but his eyes were drawn to a particular Slytherin again, Malfoy might even know something, maybe that was why he avoided Harry "Do you want to go to the library later?"

"Are you going to get obsessed over Malfoy again?" Ron stared at Harry and he shook his head, he wasn't obsessed "Okay then, just promise you won't get too deep in this"

"Promise" He nodded before Ron's suspicious eyes, he just wanted to find out, and he would.


Harry was reading a book of history about the Triwizard Tournament when Hermione approached the table with a few books in her hands. She stopped right in front of the table and paused there with a weird look on her face, making Ron and Harry exchange a look.

"Hermione, what's wrong? Did you see Peeves or something?" Ron asked and Hermione shook her head side to side, placing the books on the table and looking at them.

"No, I just had the weirdest encounter with Pansy Parkinson" She murmured, sitting down as he and Ron leaned in to listen to her "We were both reaching for a book about merpeople, she of course wanted it, we kind of had an argument, but it was weird"

"Why is it weird?"

"We know she doesn't read" Hermione scrunched up her nose just a bit, expressing her confusion to them both "I have never even seen her in the library"

"Maybe she's interested in merpeople" Ron shrugged, checking out the books Hermione had brought back "I think she was pretty interested in the unicorns"

"Yeah, but merpeople...are not like unicorns" Hermione mumbled and Harry has to admit it was true, merpeople were...not as pretty looking, based on his own experience "Why would she need it?"

"You gave her the book?" Harry asked, looking at the books on the table and there wasn't any on merpeople, Hermione nodded at him "Why?"

"Well, I was surprised, I didn't know, and she seemed to want the book way more than me" Hermione explained, Harry started to wonder whether it has any connection to Malfoy or not. What if Malfoy had asked her to research on the same thing as Harry was now? "So, I gave her, she agreed to give me the book once she was done with it"

"You're going to meet her up?" Ron has his jaws dropped and Hermione gave him another nod of her head "She's a Slytherin, Hermione"

"I know that, but she has the book that Harry wants" She tried to reason with Ron and he frowned before looking away. Hermione might be wise to do that, it would be better than not having the book at all "Have you found any clue how they choose the hostages?"

"No, nothing" He groaned and pushed his glasses up his nose. He noticed a flash of something at the door of the library. Harry stood up abruptly, gripping on his chair when he saw the back of a Slytherin again "Malfoy" He murmured and stepped out of his spot, sprinting after the Slytherin in green robes and blond hair, who was running away and into the many shelves of books. There was only one person who looked like that and felt so familiar. Harry hurried to find him, but he was too fast, he could only see the back of Malfoy flashing before him, then the Slytherin was already slipping behind another shelf, it was like a bloody maze here.

"Malfoy!" He called out, it must have been five minutes since he's been chasing after him, he has lost signs of Malfoy again. He exhaled deeply and found Madam Pince instead "Madam Pince!" He called, rushing to her spot "Have you seen Malfoy?"

"Yes, he left just now" She told him and Harry groaned, nodding at her before getting back to Ron and Hermione, slumping down on his chair and opening a book. There has to be a reason to explain why Malfoy was just running away from him now. Before this, Malfoy was always trying to get his attention every second possible, and now he was practically avoiding Harry like he was going to kill him.

"Mate, did you just follow Malfoy?" Ron asked, a concerned look filling his face, Hermione was also looking at him with her lips pressed together "I told you he'd get obsessed" He nudged Hermione and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not" He huffed, flipping a page of the book over and looking at them "I just want to know why he's avoiding me and why they chose him as my hostage"

"You're thinking too much, Harry" Hermione said, she was even telling to stop overreacting to this "We will find out" She comforted him, Ron has a sceptical look on his face but nodded anyway. He must ask someone about this.


"Here" Hermione announced when she sat down on the table in the Great Hall, she placed the book before Harry, next to his dinner and smiled at him "The book, I told you Parkinson would keep her promise"

"We didn't say she would break it, Hermione" Ron stuffed his mouth with food quickly and Harry darted his eyes to the Slytherin table. Pansy Parkinson was next to Malfoy, talking about something that the blond was listening to intently "Harry, I have to tell you something"

"Yeah?" He answered vaguely, there hasn't been much progress with their research for the past three days. He has even asked Dumbledore about it, but he had only smiled at him and explained how they took the hostage to Professor McGonagall's office and put them under a safe sleeping spell, he never mentioned how they chose them.

"I tried to ask Professor McGonagall today" Ron said, swallowing the roasted chicken in his mouth before continuing. Harry turned to him and expected good news "When you tried to run after Malfoy again after Transfiguration class"

"Keep going, Ron" Harry said, he was sure there was a secret running competition between them now, and Malfoy kept winning.

"Well, I stayed back and wanted to ask her, but guess who was there first. Zabini!" Ron stressed on the name and both Harry and Hermione furrowed their eyebrows "Slytherin, tall guy" They both shook their heads at him "Looking like a pretentious brat?"

"Oh, okay" Hermione nodded and Harry started to remember him as well, he did go with Malfoy a few times "Why was he there?"

"That's what I wanted to know too" Ron stated and leaned closer to them like he didn't want anyone else to overhear their conversation "He was asking Professor McGonagall how they chose the hostages"

"What?" Harry was dumbfounded at the revelation. Why would Blaise Zabini want to know about that? Unless he was in on it with Parkinson and Malfoy "Then what happened?"

"I was going to ask that, and then he asked her first" Ron huffed, clearly annoyed by Zabini's action "Professor McGonagall was very vague about her answer. She mentioned something about merpeople"

"You don't remember?"

"She was talking for a while!" Ron squeaked under Hermione's question "I don't remember most of it, but it was related to merpeople"

"You have to get the answer, Ron"

"How? You want me to ask Zabini or something?" He asked, and when Hermione nodded firmly at him, Ron groaned "But he's a Slytherin"

"I talked to Parkinson" Hermione insisted and Ron huffed at her. Harry couldn't say anything much, he did want the answer as well "You have to know what Professor McGonagall exactly said"

"Fine, fine" Ron waved his hand under the pressure Hermione kept giving him. Harry was more assured now, maybe once Ron got the answer, he would know why Malfoy was his hostage. He looked up at the familiar direction again, this time his eyes met Malfoy's from across the Great Hall. Malfoy stared at him in surprise when he did it, he quickly broke their eye contact, leaving Harry staring at the side of his face now. Time went by and Harry's urge to know only increased by the second.


Harry stood next to the window, staring down at the Black Lake under the moonlight as he was the only one in the room. Neville, Dean and Seamus were still in the Common Room and Ron had run out to find Zabini just like Hermione had asked him. He couldn't get the word the merpeople have told him about Malfoy out of his mind. Treasure. He thought about that one word that could mean so many things to him and wished he knew.

The door was pushed open and Ron came in, breathing heavily like he had just sprinted here "Harry! Harry!"

"What? Ron, what happened?" Ron walked to him with one hand on Harry's shoulder and his other hand on his knee. He waited patiently for Ron to catch his breath "Ron?"

"I asked him, Zabini" Ron finally stood up with both hands on his hips after wiping the sweats beading on his forehead "He said the merpeople chose the hostages, they got their own way to do it, like the goblet of fire that chose the champions, you know?"

"But why is it Malfoy?"

"He told me the hostages will be someone we hold dearly to" Ron explained, which only made Harry more confused "Like a family member, a friend, a person you...you..."

"A person you what?"

"A person you have feelings for" Ron mumbled the words out, stunning Harry. He stared at his best mate, eyes wide and mouth opened "Like romantic feelings...like love, like it's written in the stars. Someone you don't want to lose, that's what Professor McGonagall said, Zabini told me"

"I don't love Malfoy" He snapped and Ron raised his hands up in the air in defeat, indicating that he only delivered the message "I don't have feelings for him, he isn't a friend or a family member. And I will surely not miss him" Harry went on as Ron stood next to the window with him, staring out at the view "Why would they choose him? They're crazy, the merpeople are crazy"

"I think Malfoy is crazy" Ron said, nudging Harry with his foot.

"Yeah, I know that, he's avoiding me like crazy"

"No, not that, I think he's going down the Black Lake" Ron pointed with his finger pressed on the window glass and Harry looked at the direction he was pointing at. That was indeed Malfoy, heading down to the Black Lake at night. What was he doing?

"Why is he there?"

"Maybe he's trying to find the same answer you're looking for"

"You think he's going to find the merpeople?" Harry asked him and Ron shrugged, maybe Ron was right, and Malfoy was just as confused as him "But there are grindylows there"

"Not to mention the Giant Squid" Ron added and Harry felt his heart racing, he watched Malfoy walk closer to the water and his hands balled into fists, he would regret this later. He grabbed his wand and spun on his heels "Harry, where are you going?"

"Bloody saving Malfoy again!" Harry yelled out and rushed out of the room, slamming the door close behind him. He was sprinting down the staircase, three steps at a time as he tried to get to the lake. It felt like the day of the Second Task again, he could be late, and he didn't want to. Malfoy didn't even have his wand with him, how would he cast the Bubble-Head Charm to help himself down there? And even if he did, he could still die under the lake, he knew how crazy those grindylows were. Fleur didn't even make it because of them, and the giant squid would be down there as well. Malfoy was absolutely insane for doing this.

Harry was finally out of the castle, he saw Malfoy, his figure small and close to the lake. He was standing there with the water hitting his feet as Harry ran to him "Malfoy!" He shouted, Malfoy turned around and saw him, he could even feel the horror the Slytherin was expressing, he knew Malfoy would avoid him again. However, he didn't expect Malfoy to run directly into the water "Malfoy! Shit!" Harry growled, only managed to take his robes off, he wasn't even bothered to get out of his shoes before he jumped into the water. The water was up to Malfoy's hips when Harry got closer to him "Malfoy! What the fuck are you doing? You're going to die!"

"Go away, Potter!" Malfoy yelled at him, he didn't turn around, he kept going. Harry tried to hurry through the water, seeing Malfoy farther from him. His blond hair was slightly wet from the water splattering at him, and it was shining a bit under the moonlight.

"Stop! You're going to die!"

"And what about it?" Malfoy finally turned around at him, water was up to his and Harry's chests now, none of them made a move. Harry was frozen at the sight, Malfoy's eyes were red around the rim, he could see it "I'd rather be pulled down by the giant squid if it meant I could find out the answer"

"You already know the answer! Didn't your friend ask Professor McGonagall?"

"I need to know, Potter" Malfoy's face was wet, now he wasn't sure if it was from the tears or the lake water "I need to know why they chose me! I need to know why you chose to rescue me anyway! You could have just left me there!"

"You would have died!"

"No, I wouldn't! Are you out of your bloody mind?" Malfoy was shouting at him repeatedly "They would never let us die, they just want you to get out of there in time"

"Oh" Harry stilled when he heard what Malfoy said, he just thought Malfoy would have died without him, so he just...did it. Malfoy was his enemy, but he didn't...he couldn't let him die there. Now he just felt stupid for thinking Malfoy would have died without him "What happened that night?"


"What happened the night before the Second Task? When you were called in Professor McGonagall's office"

"Why does it matter?" Malfoy snarled at him and Harry took a step forward just as Malfoy took the same step backward "I was just called in, Pansy told me she wanted to see me, that's it. I opened the door and everything went black. The next thing I knew, I was...with you" Malfoy breathed heavily, shivering and Harry realised just how cold the weather was. He was stupid enough to jump into the cold water for Malfoy again "I have to know" Malfoy spun around and kept going.

"Malfoy! Just stop! You're going to drown yourself!" Harry reached out and grabbed at the sleeve of Malfoy's robes. The Slytherin jerked his hand away, Harry didn't let him, his grip was tight and he couldn't let Malfoy die in front of his eyes like this. Malfoy struggled against him when Harry held both of his hands by his wrists "You already know the answer! Don't you understand?"

"Not until I talk to them!" He meant the merpeople, but Harry couldn't let him, they resorted to fighting with half of their bodies deep underwater, their upper bodies surrounded by the cold breeze. Malfoy kept trying to get deeper into the water as Harry pulled him back. Suddenly one of them lost their footing, he assumed it was Malfoy, because the next second he was dragging Harry down with him. His face encountered the cold water and he opened his eyes, he was uncomfortable with his breathing but he kept searching for Malfoy. The water was black at night, he couldn't see clearly and couldn't speak as well, water surged in his nose and he struggled to hold his breath. He swatted his hands around as he swam underwater, feeling a wave of relief when he found Malfoy again. He took the Slytherin's hands and tried to stand up again. He quickly pulled Malfoy above the water, he gasped for breath again as Malfoy coughed out water next to him.

"Are you all right?" He asked but Malfoy didn't look at him, he kept heaving and Harry has to tap on his back, hoping it'd help "Malfoy, we should go to the hospital wing"

"S-sod off, Potter!" Malfoy stammered, he was clearly overwhelmed by the water and the cold. Harry dragged him by his hand to the bank again, they have to go back "Let me go!"

"Look!" Harry turned around, refusing to let go of his grip, he couldn't risk Malfoy heading underwater again "We have already known the answer, as much as we both hate it, it's the truth, all right? It's written in the fucking stars like they said" He snapped at Malfoy's stunned face. The merpeople had their ways of doing it, and if it was the right way, then there was no reason to deny it "They chose the people the champions will miss, someone important. And if they chose you, then it means what it means"

"It's impossible"

"It's not because it had happened already" He explained, he didn't know the true reason, and he might never know why, but he has to accept it, he could at least try "You can't just risk your life trying to find the merpeople and ask them for the reason. It's right here, and it means that you're important to me, okay?"

"Potter, what the bloody hell-..."

"It's in the song, it's right" He gripped tightly around Malfoy's wrist, pulling him back to the direction of the castle. This time, Malfoy let him "You hate it, I hate it, but it's true, so we have to deal with it. Because I have rescued you twice now"

"Why did you do it?"

"I don't know" Harry answered as they got back to the bank. They were both shivering as they tried to get back inside the castle "There was just something telling me to do it, I don't have a clue why" They got in the corridor of Hogwarts again and Harry still didn't let Malfoy go.

"Potter" Malfoy said once they have stopped walking, the Slytherin's gaze dropped down to their locked hands and Harry finally released it. He took his robes and draped it over Malfoy's shuddering body "What are you doing?"

"You're freezing"

"And you aren't?"

"I'm fine" Harry said, he was cold himself, but Malfoy seemed like he needed it more. Even when he rescued Malfoy from the Second Task, he was affected by the temperature more than Harry "Just give it back to me tomorrow" He exhaled and spun on his heels, he needed to go back to his dorm.

"Wait" Malfoy called him and he turned around, the blond was wrapping his red robes over his wet green ones "What do we do?"

"Do what?"

"About this" He gestured with his hand between them. Harry stilled and wasn't sure what to say, he didn't know what to do as well. He was the one to convince Malfoy to believe in the song of the merpeople, now they have to resolve it "About...us" Malfoy frowned at the word and looked down on his wet boots, waiting for Harry to answer.

"I don't know" He shrugged, he was as clueless about this as Malfoy was "Do you have feelings for me?"

"As if" Malfoy scoffed loudly and Harry huffed out a dry laugh, of course he didn't.

"Then why did you make that badge for me?" He surprised Malfoy with the question "Looks like you spent a lot of time making it"

"To torment you, of course"

"Then why did you run away? After I rescued you?" He asked the important question now, he always wondered why.

"I..." Malfoy stammered for the first time, not from the cold "I was...I" He cleared his throat and looked out at the lake, not meeting Harry's eyes "I hugged you, I was..."


"I just didn't want to see you after" Malfoy said flatly with his arms folded over his chest "I hate that I was rescued by you, that I was your hostage"

"And yet you made me save you twice now" Harry smirked, making Malfoy scowl at him "One more time and it'll become a routine, Malfoy"

"I don't need to be saved, Potter"

"Do you want to talk about it?" Harry said, changing their conversation into something else. When Malfoy showed him a puzzled look, he continued "About...us, the song, what it means. You're someone important to me. Should we talk about it?"

Malfoy chewed on his lips for a few seconds before exhaling "Fine" He said, tugging on Harry's robes on his shoulders "Tomorrow, after dinner at the library, we will sort it out"

"See you tomorrow then" Harry said but Malfoy only stared at him before walking away first, Harry found his way back to his dorm as well. This was where things truly started to get complicated, he was sure of it.


Harry stood up just as the other students were leaving the Great Hall after dinner. He remembered the promise he made with Malfoy last night, of course. Library after dinner. The day went by fast and Malfoy has been avoiding his eyes the whole time, Harry was even starting to get annoyed by it.

"Harry, where are you going?" Hermione followed him with Ron as they got out to the corridor.

"I'm going to the library with Malfoy" He said, knowing Ron's mouth has dropped from it.

"With Malfoy? Are you crazy, Harry?"

Harry sighed, knowing it'd be his friends' reaction, but this was the only way "No, we agreed to talk...to figure out what it means. We have to know, so...yeah"

"Bloody hell, we sure do talk to the Slytherins a lot these days" Ron huffed out a small laugh and smacked Harry's back as they all walked together "Hermione met Parkinson at the library again this morning. I stumbled into Zabini and dropped food on his expensive shirt, and now you're discussing your relationship with Malfoy"

"You dropped food on Zabini's shirt?" Hermione tilted her head to the side and Ron shrugged.

"It's nothing, he forgave me, I just owe him one time" Ron waved his hand and turned to Harry "Are you going to be there long? Do you want us to go with you?"

"I don't think so, I will be okay" Harry said, reassuring his friends as they nodded at him. He made a turn to head to the library, knowing Malfoy would be there already.

When he got in, he saw Madam Pince watching over some students at a table. There was no sight of Malfoy, he kept walking and walking until he found a small table, hidden in the corner of the library, where no student ever walked in, Malfoy clearly chose this for a reason. The blond Slytherin was looking out at the window, thinking about something when Harry approached him.

"Malfoy" He called out his name and the blond turned, looking at him "Do you have to choose this table?"

"I don't want to be seen with you" Malfoy scowled slightly as Harry pulled a chair out and sat to Malfoy's right "It will damage my reputation"

"Lots of people want to be seen with one of the four champions" Harry struck a joke, but Malfoy didn't seem to enjoy it as he raised an eyebrow at him. He forgot just how awkward it was between them.


Harry tapped on his foot impatiently, staring at the back of Malfoy's head as the blond was still looking at the window. It's been thirty minutes and ever since Harry told him that joke, Malfoy hasn't responded to him "Malfoy, say something, it's been half an hour" He said and Malfoy finally turned around again to look at him, this time with an indifferent look.

"What do you want me to say?"


"I don't know what to say"

Harry groaned at the shrug Malfoy made but decided to ignore it and made the first move. If Malfoy was someone important to him, like Ron had said, romantic feelings, like love, then they would be in a relationship "What—what do people do when they date?"

"You should know" Malfoy pointed out and Harry scoffed at him.

"I don't. The closest I got to a date was Parvati Patil on Yule Ball, she doesn't like me much"

"Maybe because you were stepping on her feet the whole time" Malfoy snickered at him and Harry rolled his eyes, frowning at how they were heading to a hostile place already.

"Sod off, Malfoy, it's not the time" He tried to maintain their conversation on a good ground, a civil one, and he has to try his best to do this.

"Fine" Malfoy sighed, running his hand through his blond hair and tugging on his lower lip with his teeth "I guess people go out on dates, hold hands, hug and kiss each other, all that"

"Okay then" Harry said, humming for a few seconds before sliding his hand on the surface of the table, making Malfoy stare at him.

"What are you doing?" Malfoy ogled at him, his lips almost pursed up into a snarl.

"Hold hands, like you suggested"

"I'm not holding your hand" Malfoy scowled at the suggestion as his eyes darted around, as if he was trying to see if anyone saw them.

"No one will see, we're at the corner of the library" He said, urging Malfoy to do it by wiggling his fingers on the table "Malfoy, you're supposed to be important to me. It's supposed to be love, you know what Professor McGonagall said, so we should try to do this thing"

"And if it doesn't work out, can we break up then?"

"Yeah, but we have to try dating first" He said, it was the only way, he has to experiment it before he knew the result, maybe the merpeople knew better than the two of them.

"We can't date if you hate me"

"I hate you because you were mean first" Harry pointed out, not forgetting their encounter on the Hogwarts Express that made their relationship this way "You were horrible to Ron"

"I was mean to Weasley because you didn't want to be my friend and wanted to be his"

"Is that why you've been tormenting me all these years?" Harry asked, he has never seen Malfoy so...honest, well, he has never had any proper conversation with Malfoy that didn't turn into an argument. Malfoy swallowed, looking down and Harry turned his hand sideways.

"What now?" Malfoy's face scrunched up at the sight.

"A handshake, let's do it all over again" He said, he could do this, they could start over. His hand was in the space between them, Malfoy was clearly still thinking hard about this "I'm Harry"

"Draco, Malfoy" He finally answered, taking Harry's hand and they both shook it firmly. Harry smiled at the new progress they have made and popped another question.

"Do you want to be someone important to me?"


"The song, Malfoy" Harry reminded Malfoy why they were doing this again. The merpeople must have a reason, and they would find out whether they were right or not "We have to be boyfriends"

"Fine, fine" Malfoy let out an annoyed sigh and nodded, retrieving his hand and getting back to his composed position "Yes, we will be boyfriends or whatever you call it"

"Then let me hold your bloody hand" Harry said and Malfoy rolled his eyes, extending his hand, which was trembling slightly. Harry was just as nervous as him, he slowly put his hand on top of Malfoy's, carefully intertwining their fingers together. It fitted perfectly.

They stayed quiet like that, it didn't feel too bad in Harry's opinion. Malfoy's hand was smooth and soft, a bit cold but he'd probably be warmed up soon. None of them said anything, they just have to stay like this for a bit more time.


It has become a routine of some sort between them, their secret hand holding ritual. They would hold hands every time they could, as long as no one was watching, and it has been three weeks of holding hands in secret. Malfoy preferred to do it in the corner of the library, the spot he chose had become somewhat "their" spot, it became special now, sort of. They didn't hold hands in class, but they would do it when they were alone in a corridor after dark. At first, it was weird, but Harry came to enjoy it because Malfoy felt warm in his hand. And every time they held hands, Malfoy would stop throwing mean remarks at him, which was a good thing.

They'd still be mean to each other, well, Malfoy was. He wanted to keep up a façade that they were still enemies, hiding the fact that they were trying to be a couple from everyone else. Sometimes Malfoy would walk past him, their hands brushing together and then he would throw an insult at Harry. He wasn't as annoyed by it like before because Malfoy would always let him hold his hand after dark, it felt like an apology for being mean, and Harry gladly accepted it.

Harry took off his Cloak and hid it from Malfoy when he saw the blond walking down the corridor. He pulled Malfoy into a small alcove, earning a quiet yelp from the Slytherin "What the hell are you doing?" Malfoy snapped at him, his voice was a whisper.

"The Prefects are coming" Harry mumbled, glancing around and looking back at Malfoy, who was huffing at him "Malfoy, I'm sorry, all right? Did I hurt you or something?"

"No" Malfoy said, turning to him and casting his eyes down on their foot "They won't see anyway, and..." He murmured before extending his hand out to the small space between them. Harry found a smile creeping up his lips and took Malfoy's hand in his, the small gesture made his stomach do a flip "I apologise, for being mean to you today"

"It's okay" He laced their fingers together and grinned, kind of swinging their locked hands around like a kid "Nice hair isn't really an insult anyway"

"You told me not to go extreme" Malfoy glared at him, attempting to snatch his hand away but Harry didn't let go of his grip. He did promise Harry that, he would refrain from calling Harry and his friends with horrid names.

"I've been thinking" Harry began, feeling dry in his throat suddenly, it was hard to just suggest something he was going to, especially to Malfoy "Er, should we go on a date?"

"A date?"

"Well, you suggested it first" He claimed, it was the second thing Malfoy had told him, it was only reasonable that they did it "Just one, to see how it goes?"

"We can't date in secret" Malfoy said, his eyebrows knitted together "People will know"

"We will figure something out" He shrugged, they should make some more progress in their relationship, and a date was the exact way to do it "So, do you want a date at Hogsmeade this weekend?"

Malfoy chewed on his lower lip again, contemplating the question Harry made and exhaling "Fine, I agree, we will meet there, I will find a way"

"It's a date then!" He smiled at Malfoy but the blond only stared at him, hesitation filled the expression on his face.

"A date" Malfoy stressed on the word and poked his head out of the alcove to check if there was any Prefect "We should go back"

"It's only been a few minutes" Harry said, raising their locked hands up for Malfoy to look "A bit more" Malfoy looked at him and nodded, and Harry found himself delighted whenever Malfoy agreed with him.


They were supposed to meet before Honeydukes, Harry looked at the parchment on his hand, the one Malfoy wrote for him the night before. Ron had walked in Honeydukes first, totally forgetting about Harry once he saw sweets. Harry had told him he needed to visit some place else, that would give him some time with Malfoy. And Hermione had stayed back, insisting she needed to study, and he was grateful she decided to do it. Harry looked around and quickly spotted a blond head across the street. Malfoy hooked his finger, signalling Harry to come to him.

"Hey" Harry skipped to Malfoy's spot and handed him his red scarf "Why did you want me to bring my spare scarf?"

"People can't know I'm on a date with you" Malfoy wrapped Harry's red Gryffindor scarf tightly around his neck, even covering half of his face, only showing his nose and his eyes, even his hair was covered by a black hat. He has his hands shoved in the pockets of his robes now and he was still shivering "I'll pretend to be a Gryffindor, your friend, or whatever"

"Why didn't you tell me to be a Slytherin then?"

"People will notice you everywhere with your bloody scar, Potter" Malfoy said, his voice low under the scarf as he walked away first "Just follow me" Malfoy ordered as they both walked to the direction of Madam Puddifoot's tea shop. It was a place couples would go to, Harry figured they should have a date here as well, though it would be hard for them to have a proper date if others were here too.

The bell jingled when he pushed the door open, Malfoy had left first to find them a table in the corner, hiding from everyone else as planned while Harry made the order with Madam Puddifoot. He soon found Malfoy exactly in a corner of the shop, a small table and two chairs next to each other.

"Did you have this arranged?" Harry asked as he brought two glasses of milkshake called 'Lovers' and sat down next to Malfoy, shielding him from outside. Madam Puddifoot had cheerfully recommended the milkshake and Harry was too tired of looking at the many cheesy names for the drinks that he decided to go with it "I don't think there's supposed to be a table here" He looked around, their spot was mostly hidden and felt like Madam Puddifoot just put a table and two chairs here, based on the way the table wasn't decorated like the others out there.

"Don't question what you don't want to know, Potter" Malfoy said and Harry laughed quietly at that, he didn't believe Malfoy could have done something like this but it could easily be true. He might have persuaded Madam Puddifoot to do this, just for them to have a proper date "So, how does this work?"

"I think we're supposed to talk" Harry said, poking his spoon at the cream floating on top of the milkshake before him "The couples out there are straight up kissing though, but maybe we should just talk"

"All right, talk then" Malfoy said, pushing down the scarf from his face so he could look at Harry.

"Why don't you start?" Harry retorted, his emotion quickly changed when he felt Malfoy's hand near his again. Harry gulped and watched the way Malfoy's pinky finger was nudging Harry, refusing to make the whole move. Harry did it anyway, intertwining their fingers again and felt Malfoy exhale next to him "Fine, I'll start" He swore Malfoy has a sly way of expressing his softness, and just because of that, Harry found him tolerable, to the point he enjoyed it, just a bit "Do you want a second date?"

"We're barely on our first date, Potter" Malfoy said, leaning down to sip on his milkshake, making the cream stick to his upper lips and above "What?" He asked when Harry snickered at him.

"The cream" Harry pointed at his own lips "You got a bit of..."

"Oh" Malfoy looked down and licked it all away, and if Harry's eyes weren't deceiving him, he was sure Malfoy was blushing. He looked back at Harry after a while and continued "Dating is hard like this"

"Okay then, what do you suggest?"

"Something simpler"

"Simpler" He repeated the word as Malfoy nodded. He hummed, thinking about a proper way for them to date without disturbances, it was hard "How about something like...inside Hogwarts, just the two of us?"


"I don't know, I guess our dorms are a no" He said and Malfoy scoffed at him, it was obvious they couldn't have a date in their dorms "Hogwarts has a lot of rooms, I think we will find a place"

"How about the Astronomy Tower?" Malfoy suggested and Harry's mouth dropped, that was actually a great idea "No one will know, not many people come up there"

"It's the second date then" Harry gave him a lopsided smile, which was returned with a small...really tiny smile from Malfoy, but it did just the same to Harry, it made his stomach flip. He looked down at their locked hands and thought, it would be all right.


Harry had spread his robes over the floor of the Astronomy Tower, kind of like a picnic between them. It was well into April and it has been more than a month of him and Malfoy having whatever relationship they were having in secret. This would be their second date, he looked out at the night sky full of stars and smiled, he felt good about it. The first date had gone better than he had ever expected, they have talked about a few things, mostly about their homework and classes, they did mention their friends and the Triwizard Tournament.

"Potter" Harry turned around and saw Malfoy, still in his Slytherin robes as he made his way in. He stared at the robes on the floor and gazed at Harry "What's this?"

"For us to sit on" Harry said, shrugging as he sat down, patting on the spot to his left and waiting for Malfoy to join him "Malfoy, come on, it's a date"

Malfoy huffed quietly and settled down next to him, pulling his legs up to his chest as they both looked at the sky "Were your friends suspicious?"

"I don't think so" Harry shook his head, he did lie to them a bit about where he would go after dinner, but Ron and Hermione seemed to believe it anyway "I told them I needed some alone time to think about the Third Task"

"That's not until June"

"I know, I couldn't come up with anything" Harry explained. He could have actually told them he was having a date with Malfoy, Ron and Hermione might burst into laughter then and let him go alone "What about you?"

"I told them I was going to the library to study" Malfoy said, his right hand dropped to his side and Harry took it as a sign. He took Malfoy's hand in his and was greeted nicely with acceptance "I persuaded them to have a party and I left"

"You told your Slytherin friends to have a party just to sneak out on a date?" Harry chuckled when Malfoy nodded at him "Bloody hell, Malfoy, I sure thought you're smitten with me already"

"Sod off" Malfoy frowned, wanting to jerk his hand away again. Every time he was upset, he'd try to do it, Harry never let him "My friends can pick up on a lot of things, I need to be careful"

"Crabbe and Goyle?"

"Pansy and Blaise" He said, Malfoy did have a whole gang of friends, and based on the way they looked, maybe Parkinson and Zabini did seem more intelligent than the other two "Crabbe and Goyle never care anyway, but Pansy and Blaise are observant, they are already asking me why I sneak out of my dorm every night"

"Oh, what did you say then?" Harry asked, Hermione was still very much occupied by Viktor Krum, other times she would be studying, so she didn't pay attention to how Harry has been leaving every night. Ron didn't question him, but maybe he assumed Harry was 'obsessing' over Malfoy again, he just hasn't brought it up yet.

"What do you think I say? I told them to stop asking" Malfoy said bluntly, he almost forgot how the Slytherins acted around each other. He felt silence filling up the air and rustled in his pocket, pulling out a chocolate bar. He bought it after he went to Hogsmeade the day before with Ron and Hermione and picked it because he knew Malfoy has a sweet tooth, something he found out after their first date a week ago.

"Here, eat this"


"Eat, it will make you feel better" He pushed the chocolate into Malfoy's free hand, recalling the same thing Remus had told him once.

"How will I unwrap this?" He asked, looking at their locked hands as Harry pressed his lips together. Now this would be challenging. Harry took the chocolate bar back and put it between them, raising his hand to cast a spell to unwrap it with his wand "You could just let go of my hand, Potter"

"Not necessary" Harry shrugged, pushing the chocolate bar to Malfoy's spot, now it was carefully unwrapped and broken into pieces to eat it easily "Eat it, Malfoy"

"All right" Malfoy huffed, picking up a small piece of chocolate with his free hand and putting it in his mouth, humming at the taste.

"Feel any better?"

"Yeah, I feel like you would be a good boyfriend" Malfoy said, it was obviously meant to be a joke, but Harry couldn't deny the way his chest felt like something was tugging on it. He beamed at Malfoy, watching the blond devour the sweet "All clinging, and spoiling me"

"All for you, honey" Harry joked back with a chuckle, this time, Malfoy wasn't in it at all. He stared at Harry with surprise, breaking eye contact and looking out at the night sky instead. He didn't jerk his hand away, but there was a slight hint of pink rising on his cheeks, Harry noticed it. Maybe he got a bit extreme, Harry sat there and decided to be quiet, the silence between them was enjoyable as well.


They were sitting and talking for the first hour about everything that was happening while watching the stars, the next hour they were lying down on Harry's robes and talking about their future. Harry was amazed by how open Malfoy was after he got to know him. He guessed they were both equally surprised with each other.

"I want to be a Professor, I reckon my father would dislike it" Malfoy said after a while, Harry gazed at him, he was looking at the sky instead of Harry, always wanting to ignore their eye contact.

"Really?" He didn't know Malfoy wanted to be a Professor, but he was a smart student, it made sense if he wanted to teach others "Well, who cares what your father thinks? Screw him, do what you want to do"

Malfoy chuckled at him, meeting his eyes now as he spoke slowly "I think...he has a different path planned for me, for our family"

"Different? How so?" He asked and Malfoy sat up straight, which Harry followed his movement. He didn't forget the suspicious activity Lucius Malfoy did, but he was also worried about Malfoy and the way he was acting now "Malfoy?"

"I...I think my father might be a Death Eater" Malfoy said, fear filled his trembling voice and Harry felt like protecting him, so he inched closer to the blond.

"It's okay, I will make sure you're all right" Harry said, squeezing his hand tightly "I will rescue you again if it's necessary"

Malfoy chuckled and Harry looked at him. Amazed by his laughter under the moonlight. Even with a smile on, Malfoy didn't look like he was okay, so Harry did the only thing he felt like right now. He reached over, pulling the blond in a hug. It was a few seconds before Malfoy reacted and returned the gestures. He held Harry just as tightly, and it brought back the same feeling he had after he rescued Malfoy from the Second Task. Malfoy's body was clutching on him, holding dear like he was a lifesaver. And just now, it felt the same, Malfoy was searching for someone to save him, and Harry was confident enough to promise that he would.

"So, I guess we did another thing couples do" Harry murmured into Malfoy's shoulder and felt the blond smiling in the crook of his neck "We're hugging now"

"Yes, and I'd like you to stay quiet for a while, Potter" Malfoy said, Harry didn't find himself protesting it. He rubbed his hand over the blond's back, knowing it'd be comforting in a way. The embrace was tightened by Malfoy's arms around him and he thought it would be suffocating, yet it felt like the best hug he has had in his life "Thank you" He mumbled softly into Harry's ear, and the Gryffindor felt his stomach warm at the gentle tone of his voice.

"You're my boyfriend after all" Harry said and Malfoy punched him just playfully on his back before it got quiet again. Harry liked teasing Malfoy, he revelled in knowing the most Malfoy would do was tease him back, and it felt nice like that.


"Chaser Davies has the Quaffle now—he passed it to Bradley!" Lee Jordan's voice was loud, echoing through the whole Quidditch field as the match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw continued "Oh! Score! Ten points to Ravenclaw! The Gryffindor Team better catch up now if they want to win" Harry couldn't see the Snitch anywhere, not to mention he was going against Cho. The match was supposed to relieve the tension from the Triwizard Tournament, based on what Dumbledore suggested.

"Oh! Can you see what I'm seeing right now?" Lee Jordan spoke up and he could hear the glee in his voice "To the left from the stand, someone has got a secret admirer!" Harry turned to look at the stand, trying to see who it was and instantly noticed his name above the stand, just 'Harry'. His name was written with glitter and was floating in the air with magic above the spectators. Harry's eyes roamed around and searched for a familiar someone from the crowd. There he was, Malfoy sitting far from it but he could see the blond's wand waving around. He has a small smirk on his face when a heart was drawn next to Harry's name. The crowd went wide wondering who was casting the spell.

"Harry, you better catch that Snitch now!" Lee Jordan said with a wink and Harry couldn't stop smiling. If this was Malfoy's way of being mean to him now, it was quite worth it "Oh! Is that the Snitch I see?"

Harry noticed it just as Lee announced it, he quickly flew to its direction, chasing after the golden flapping wings. Cho was behind him, but all he cared about was to win the game, after all, he could not disappoint Malfoy with the gesture the Slytherin had done for him "Harry is closer to the Snitch now! Cho is not far behind! Chaser Bell is coming through with another Quaffle! Oh! So close for the Gryffindor! Page is being the best Keeper of the Ravenclaw team now!"

Harry drew closer, reaching out his hand and when he almost touched its wing, a smile spread on his face "Oh! Oh! Harry has got the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" The crowd from the Gryffindor side all stood up, shouting and cheering at Harry, who was holding the Snitch tightly in his palm. He panted heavily, grinning at the direction Malfoy was sitting at, the proud smile he received was more than he imagined, it felt elating.

The game quickly ended and Harry landed on his feet again, reunited with the cheers of his own team. However, he just wanted to see Malfoy and showed him that he did great.

"Good job, Harry!" Oliver ruffled his hair and laughed loudly "The best Seeker in Hogwarts!" Harry smiled at him and turned around when someone tapped on his shoulder.

"Well played, Harry" Cho stood there, smiling softly at him with her hand on his arm. Harry scratched the nape of his neck and nodded.

"You were amazing too" He said, there were rumours that Cho and Cedric no longer dated each other, but it was only rumours, Harry didn't believe in it yet "Really, you were"

"Thanks, Harry" Cho stepped forward and tilted her head to the side. Harry gripped on his broom tighter, he should hurry to find Malfoy before he disappeared again, but Cho was still touching his arm and it would be rude to pull away "You look great out there"

"You too, Cho" He chuckled, embarrassed by the compliments she gave him and stepped back "I gotta go somewhere first, see you later, Cho!" He gave her a thumb up and ran away. Harry was out of the Quidditch pitch and returned to the Hogwarts castle again, searching through the crowd for a familiar figure. He breathed out the moment Malfoy got in his eyesight again. Malfoy made a turn at the direction to the dungeon and Harry followed him, the corridor has become empty as the students spread out, which gave him the perfect opportunity to talk to Malfoy.

"Malfoy!" He called but Malfoy kept walking, it was weird, he was loud enough and he should have heard him then "Malfoy!" He grabbed Malfoy's arm when the hallway was empty, yet the blond Slytherin jerked his hand away "Malfoy? What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Malfoy finally gave him an answer without looking back at him. Harry didn't stop chasing him, why was Malfoy acting weird?

"What? Did I do some wrong?" Malfoy didn't answer him, which only made the situation weirder than it was. Suddenly Malfoy was having an attitude and Harry has no idea where it came from "Malfoy! I caught the Snitch for you, didn't you see?"

"Really? I thought it was for someone else" Malfoy's snarky tone was heard by Harry carefully.

"I don't understand"

"Just don't talk to me" Malfoy snapped at him and kept on walking ahead. Harry froze there, unable to understand why Malfoy was acting this way. He let Malfoy go, because, for the first time, he noticed the Slytherin was mad at him, yet he didn't know what he did wrong.


"Harry, eat your dessert" Ron nudged him and Harry flinched, nodding at his best mate during dinner "Why are you staring into the air?"

"Nothing, nothing" Harry said, he wasn't actually looking into the air. He was trying to find out what Malfoy was doing at the Slytherin table, he didn't talk to Harry since morning. Even before, he would at least give him some eye contact, now it was nothing. Harry must have done something wrong to upset Malfoy to the point he was avoiding him again, and he'd like to find out why.

"You seem weird, Harry" Ron said with his mouth filled with pie "You always eat your treacle tart"

"I think I lost my appetite or something" Harry poked at the dessert and shrugged, a lurching feeling appearing in his stomach.

"Is it about the Triwizard Tournament?" Hermione leaned over to ask him "It's only May, you still have a month until the Third Task"

"Yeah, I know, I guess I'm still a bit worried" Harry said, he knew lying to his friends was bad, but he couldn't tell them he was worried about Malfoy, they would flip the table.

"Don't worry, Harry, you'll survive" Ron tapped his back to assure him and leaned back, rubbing his own stomach "I'm full, wanna go?"

Harry stood up with Hermione and Ron as the other students left the Great Hall after dinner. His eyes were still glued after Malfoy, who was walking ahead with Crabbe and Goyle between him. When the blond headed for the library alone, Harry seized the chance and turned to his friends "Hey, er, I'm going to the library"

"Do you want us to go with you?" Ron asked and Harry shook his head "Okay" Harry waved at them before rushing to the library. They might think he was finding books to prepare for the Third Task again, so it was all right.

Harry walked in the library and saw Madam Pince again, it was early so there weren't any students here yet, they would usually go to the Common Room after dinner more. Harry quickly found his way to their table at the corner of the library, but no one was there. Malfoy should be here, he turned around and walked along the huge shelves between him, maybe Malfoy was looking for books.

He finally caught a glimpse of Malfoy on the other side of the shelf. He was actually picking up books, Harry followed him, the shelf was the only dividing line between them. When he stopped, Harry didn't move as well, the blond grazed his hand over the books, considering it carefully. When he pulled out the book right where Harry was standing, Malfoy let out a loud yelp.

"Potter!" Malfoy jumped back when Harry's face appeared in the space between the books "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to talk to you" Harry said and Malfoy scowled at him, walking away and Harry followed him again "Malfoy, why won't you talk to me?"

"Why should I?"

"Because we're..." He paused when he saw a Hufflepuff student standing a few feet away from him. He walked past the girl and whispered to Malfoy on the other side of the shelf "We're dating, aren't we?"

"I don't know, are we?" Malfoy retorted and Harry groaned. What kind of mind game was Malfoy playing now? He finally reached their table again and sat down first, with Harry slipping into the chair next to him, watching the blond open a book.

"Of course, what are you talking about? You're important to me, right?" He asked and was returned with silence. Malfoy didn't reply to him, instead he got his eyes fixed on the book. The song of the merpeople was the reason they decided to do this, to date. Why would Malfoy ask him this question? Did he have doubts about them? "I asked you out, and you agreed"

"Really? Is that so?" Malfoy pursed his lips and flipped a page over with his finger "Because I thought you wanted to ask Chang out instead"

"What? Why would I want to ask Cho out?" He gawked at Malfoy, stunned from the accusation "She's still dating Cedric"

"I thought you two looked great together after the match" Malfoy said, biting on his lower lip as he read the book. Harry recalled the memory of the morning and his mouth dropped.

"Oh" He mumbled, Cho was friendly with him, she probably didn't mean anything "She's just being nice, that's all"

"I thought you like her"

"Yeah, well, she's dating Cedric, and I'm dating...you, right?" Harry asked, lifting his hand on the table, close to Malfoy's hand next to the cover of the book. He touched the side of the blond's hand but Malfoy moved it away "Malfoy, are you jealous?"

"I'm not, why should I?" Malfoy huffed, flipping another page over and Harry knew he wasn't focused on reading it at all.

"Well, we are dating, you can be jealous, it's what couples do, right?" He said, hooking his finger around Malfoy's thin pinky finger, relaxing a bit when Malfoy let him do it. He actually felt nice to know that Malfoy cared enough about him, about their relationship to get jealous over Cho and him "I'm sorry for that but she just complimented me about my performance, she said I was good"

"Surely you were good" Malfoy scoffed and Harry turned his hand over, drawing doodles with the tip of his finger on Malfoy's palm.

"Yeah?" He grinned, trying to make Malfoy look at him but he wasn't there yet "I guess I was good, only because I had someone supporting me from the stand, right? Someone...casting a rather huge spell to cheer for me. A...secret admirer?"

"Just wanted you to catch the Snitch" Malfoy pursed his lips and shrugged, still refusing to look at Harry, he was stubborn like that, something Harry has learned the hard way.

"That was really nice, Malfoy, I caught the Snitch because of you" He said, noticing the firm expression on Malfoy's face slowly softened up "Maybe you can do it every time I have a match? When we don't go against each other?"

"Maybe" Malfoy said and Harry quickly laced their fingers together "Okay" Malfoy fixed his answer and Harry's smile only widened at this "Then you better win, if you lose, I'll never do it again"

"Of course I'll win, I have a perfectly brilliant cheerleader here" Harry teased, holding tightly on Malfoy's hand, knowing he'd want to pull away. However, Malfoy didn't, the blond huffed out a small laugh and turned away. This was still a good thing, Malfoy let him off the hook way faster than before. The blond continued reading his book and Harry decided to observe him, he has nothing else to do anyway.


Harry was slightly annoyed, not because of the big feast they were having again in the Great Hall, but because of the proximity between Malfoy and two other Durmstrang male students. The Beauxbatons students were seated with the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, but the Durmstrang all sat with the Slytherin instead.

Harry didn't even know why he was annoyed by the sight, maybe usually Malfoy would look at him during dinner, just the two of them exchanging secret glances at each other every meal. It has been going well between them, until now. The Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament occurred tomorrow, which explained the feast happening today. He should be worried about the final task, he just couldn't. Malfoy was laughing brightly at the two Durmstrang students between him, clinking their goblets together while talking about something. One Durmstrang student was even suspiciously leaning closer to Malfoy. And obviously Harry couldn't do anything, since they were dating in secret, which has become quite a big deal now. It wasn't like he was jealous, he was just a little bit bothered by the way Malfoy was overly excited while talking to them, and he has never acted that way with Harry.

"Harry" Ron drew him out of his train of thoughts and he turned to look at his best friend "What's the matter? You keep looking at the Durmstrang like you want to hex them"


"Yeah, you were sending death glares at them" Ron nodded and Hermione sat opposite to them, displaying a smile which only proved that she agreed with Ron "I know we told you to do your best tomorrow but maybe not too much like that, Harry" Ron chuckled and shook his shoulder while Harry smiled.

"Ah, okay, sorry" He said, glancing at Malfoy again, the blond wasn't looking at him, he was still too immersed in whatever conversation he was having with the two male students over there, they seemed to be more interesting to Malfoy than Harry. He huffed and poked at his food, an irk rose in his stomach, he didn't feel so good about this.


Harry left the library when he couldn't focus on anything else, Hermione and Ron luckily had let him do so. He wanted to be prepared for the Third Task, but all he could think about was how chirpy Malfoy was towards the Durmstrang students.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw Malfoy again, now standing before the same Durmstrang student that leaned way too close to the Slytherin during dinner just an hour ago. He was still standing near Malfoy, a bright smile on his face when Malfoy laughed at something he had said. Harry balled his hands into fists and marched to their spot quietly.

"Oh, stop, Ivan" Malfoy snickered with his hand on Ivan's arm, which only made Harry walk faster to them.

"You have a very nice laugh"

"Hey" Harry called the Durmstrang student and Ivan turned to him "Viktor wants to see you"

"Viktor?" His voice was rough and full of confusion, Harry nodded at him.

"Yeah, er, he wants to talk to you, about...the task tomorrow" He said and Ivan gave him a weird look before walking away. When he looked back, Malfoy was staring at him with an eyebrow raised "What?"

"What was that?"

"What was what?" Harry asked innocently, Malfoy has his arms crossed over his chest now as he leaned on the wall of the empty corridor "Viktor wants to talk to him"

"Is that the truth?" Malfoy questioned him, he didn't seem convinced "We were having a really nice conversation and you had to interrupt us"

"What were you two talking about then?"

"He was telling me some funny stories, he's a funny guy" Malfoy shrugged, Ivan clearly looked a few years older than the both of them, he looked more mature than Harry and maybe Draco was interested in that more "Are you jealous?"

"No" Harry said, running his hand through his hair and adjusting his glasses "I just don't like it" He shrugged and looked at Malfoy "You know, you were laughing with him"

"Am I not allowed to laugh?"

"No, just, you never laugh when you're with me" He said, the closest thing to a laugh from Malfoy was a chuckle, and he was annoyed that Malfoy would laugh so freely at someone else's joke "It's unfair"

"I'm sorry for laughing at his story" Malfoy smiled meekly "But you never tell me any good joke" Malfoy bit on his lower lips and leaned his head on the wall "I can't laugh if you don't say anything funny"

"Oh, okay then, knock, knock"


"Knock, knock!" Harry repeated, and Malfoy rolled his eyes, sighing before he spoke up.

"Who's there?"

"The interrupting cow"

"Interrupting cow w—..."

"Moo!" Harry mimicked the cow's noise and watched Malfoy stare at him. One second, two seconds, three seconds...Malfoy suddenly started laughing at him, his smile wide and bright like the sun, he was...beautiful. Harry liked this feeling, it felt good to make Malfoy laugh "See? I'm funny, right?"

"Perhaps" Malfoy answered after a while, he suppressed a smile on his lips and looked around the corridor, checking to see if people were here. Harry stepped forward and searched for Malfoy's hand as the blond was doing the same thing "Good luck tomorrow" He mumbled, lacing his own fingers with Harry's as he gazed at him "Try not to die"

"Will you be cheering for me?" Harry asked, swinging their locked hands back softly "From the front row?"

"I'll be there, with the badge" Malfoy smiled at him, he no longer found the badge horrible. On the contrary, it made him realise just how much Malfoy care for him, enough to make badges for him "Try your best, Potter"

"You know I will" Harry said, even though he wasn't sure what would happen, he felt less worried now that Malfoy was comforting him. He would definitely try his best, knowing Malfoy would be there watching him.


The evening feast was huge again, everyone enjoyed their meal, Harry was quite overwhelmed so he couldn't eat much. He jolted when something poked at his ankle, Harry glanced down to see a piece of paper folded into the shape of a bird. He picked it up and opened it, reading the sentence written inside.

"Harry, where are you going?" Hermione asked when Harry stood up abruptly "The Final Task is going to start any minute now" She looked out at the sky outside the window and down at the watch on her wrist.

"Just for a while, I feel a bit nervous"

"Let him go, Hermione, he might need to take a breath out there" Ron chewed on his food, waving his hand and Harry was glad Ron has intervened. He left the Great Hall quietly and found a small alcove outside.

"Malfoy?" He called out and was pulled into the dark, a Lumos was cast between them from the tip of Malfoy's wand "What's wrong?"

"Are you prepared? For the task?" Malfoy asked, chewing on his lower lip "Have you practised enough?"

"Yeah, Malfoy, I have, don't worry"

"Have you learned all the spells? The Impediment Curse?" He asked and Harry nodded at him "The Reductor Curse? Four-Point Spell?" Another nod "The Shield Charm?"

"Well..." Harry wasn't exactly mastering that spell, but Hermione and Ron have helped him a lot "I guess"

"You can't guess, Potter, you could die"

"You said they wouldn't let us die" Harry shrugged, knowing the Triwizard Tournament wouldn't do anything like that, since he found out about the hostages' situation from the Second Task. Even with that, he still felt uneasy.

"The...the Dark Lord might appear, you don't know that" Malfoy said hesitantly and Harry smiled, knowing the Slytherin was worried about him. He took Malfoy's hand in his and squeezed it. He has thought of that too, Voldemort might arrive any second, he just has to deal with it if it did happen.

"I'll be all right, Malfoy"

"Don't die, Potter" Malfoy said, he tugged on Harry's hand slightly "I mean it, try not to die"

"I won't die" Harry rubbed his thumb over Malfoy's hand to comfort him "I will stay alive, so we can have our fifth date, right?"

"Right" Malfoy nodded "Right, our fifth date, this weekend" The blond looked down and tapped his foot on the floor, he still seemed nervous, maybe even more than Harry was "And you promise you'll make it?"

"I promise I will make it, I will even try to win the cup for you" Harry chuckled, but Malfoy was not amused in the slightest. He was quiet for a second, and the next second he was jumping at Harry. Harry's eyes widened at the hug, Malfoy was hugging him, he first initiated their hug. Harry wasted no time embracing Malfoy back, burying his face in the crook of the blond's neck, breathing into his warm air and touch, his nose filled with the scent of coconut from his hair "I will be fine, Malfoy"

"I know" Malfoy mumbled into Harry's shoulder softly "I just want to make sure" He whispered "If you stood me up on our date, I'd break up with you" He pulled away and looked at Malfoy, seemingly wanting to do something else "Potter"

"Yeah?" Harry smiled at him, trying to calm the air around them.

"Would you like a good luck kiss?"

"A what?" Harry choked out the word and gawked at the blush rising on Malfoy's cheeks.

"I...I saw" Malfoy stammered, looking down on their feet "I saw Chang did it with Diggory earlier" Harry was baffled, why would Malfoy suggest something like that? But again, they were a couple.

"Okay" Harry said and Malfoy instantly looked up at him with shock "What? You offered it"

"I didn't know you'd say yes"

"Then why did you ask?"

"Because I want to be a good boyfriend" Malfoy snapped at him with a loud huff "That's what couples do"

"And I agreed!" Harry shrugged, they have done a lot, they held hands, went on dates, hugged and talked to each other about everything. Why should a kiss be a big deal? Plus, he has always wondered what kissing Malfoy would feel like to him. Malfoy has played with his own lips so many times that Harry's eyes always focused on those plump lips "Well then, Malfoy, give me a good luck kiss" He beamed, the pink colour won't disappear from Malfoy's cheeks.

"Close your eyes" Malfoy mumbled, scratching at his own arm "I don't want you to look at me"

"All right, all right" Harry chuckled and closed his eyes, he could feel Malfoy moving closer to him. His heart felt like a drum, thumping every second while he waited for the kiss. First the hug, now the kiss, Malfoy was the best boyfriend indeed.

He could feel Malfoy's breath close to him, but nothing has happened yet. He waited, patiently, knowing if he rushed it, Malfoy might not do it anymore. When Malfoy finally brushed a soft kiss on Harry's lips, he felt his stomach flutter. Malfoy's lips were soft and plump, warm and smelled nice. He opened his eyes when Malfoy pulled away. The blond's cheeks were red now as he looked away.

"That's a good luck kiss?"

"Potter, what else do you want then?" Malfoy rolled his eyes when he thought Harry was disappointed in him "It's the best I could do, I've never kissed anyone before"

"No one? Not even Parkinson?"

"Why would I kiss Pansy? She's not interested in men" Malfoy huffed and the new realisation hit him, he always thought Parkinson has something for Malfoy based on the way she always followed him, maybe they were just close friends.

"So, I'm your first kiss?" He asked, taking a step forward and Malfoy stepped back, stopping when he hit the wall behind his back "And you're my first kiss"

"Yes, that's correct, Potter"

"Can I have two more?"

"Two more?" Malfoy gaped at him with his lips parted and Harry grinned, putting up two fingers in the air.

"Yeah, two, so that makes it three kisses, like three tasks in the Triwizard Tournament" He suggested, it was only fair he got three kisses "Malfoy? What do you say?"

"I..." Malfoy murmured, thinking about it for a while before sighing "I guess, yeah, two are okay" Harry beamed at him and Malfoy closed his eyes when he leaned over. Pressing another soft kiss on Malfoy's lips, Harry found joy in it. And another kiss, this time it was sweet and longer. Even though it was just three simple pecks on the lips between two teenagers, he still loved it, because it meant a lot to him, hopefully to both of them as well.

Malfoy leaned back and looked at him with hazy eyes, biting on his lower lip while his hands fiddled with the hem of his robes, he looked...quite adorable like this, all shy and smiling meekly at him. Harry grinned just from staring at Malfoy like that, his heart fluttered again and he reached out to hold Malfoy's hands, stopping him from fidgeting "Malfoy, I think I like you" He blurted out, but it wasn't false. He has been thinking a lot about their relationship, even if it started as something they tried just because of the merpeople's song, it has turned into something that seemed right. Harry found himself enjoying the presence of Malfoy with him more each day, his warmth, his touches and his smiles. He couldn't deny when he got jealous over Malfoy with the Durmstrang boys just yesterday, somehow Malfoy did become someone important to him now.

"You do?" Malfoy's voice was quiet and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, you're important to me, for real this time...Draco" Harry gave him a lopsided smile, feeling Draco's name on his tongue slip off easily now, and Draco suppressed a smile again, he tugged at Harry's hand and looked at him.

"I think...I like you too, Potter...Harry" Harry's lips broadened into a smile, he felt warm from his head to his toes. The anxiety about the Tournament has lessened just because of this, because of Draco, it was Draco now "So...don't die. If you die, I'll date a Durmstrang boy"

"Not on my watch" Harry flashed him a smile and pressed Draco against his body for another hug. He felt like he could do anything now.

"Ladies and gentlemen—..." They broke away when they heard Dumbledore's voice from inside the Great Hall. Harry glanced at the sky, it was close to dusk now, which meant the final task would begin soon.

"Be safe" Draco said, grey eyes staring at him and he pushed Harry out of the alcove, gesturing him to go back there to his friends. Harry gave Draco one last smile before returning to the hall. He would be safe, as long as it made Draco feel safe too.


Harry woke up when it was still early, the sun has just risen based on the way the light was shining through the window. The dreamless potion helped him a lot through last night, what happened was brutal, but he has to see Draco. Ever since he met Voldemort again, brought Cedric's dead body back from the graveyard, found out Barty Crouch Jr was pretending to be Moody the whole time, it has taken a toll on him and he hasn't had any alone time to meet Draco. He tiptoed off his bed and slipped through the screens around his bed. He saw Mrs. Weasley and Bill, Hermione and Ron still sleeping soundly around his bed, Sirius was still in his dog form, cuddling up next to Hermione's leg. Harry stepped past them quietly, stopping when Sirius's ears wagged around a bit, he reckoned Sirius might know he was up already, but he didn't care. He slipped off the hospital wing and took out the small parchment in his pocket, he still kept the note Draco gave him, he was supposed to meet him right after the Final Task last night on the Astronomy Tower, but he missed it, he was afraid Draco might be mad at him.

He walked down the empty corridor, it was still too early for anyone to wake up now. He hoped Draco was still safe, he halted when he saw Draco appearing at the end of the corridor. They both stared at each other for a few seconds before Draco started running first. Harry followed him, speeding up and meeting him halfway.

Draco jumped up and right into his arms, Harry staggered back for a few steps, trying his best not to fall on his arse and drag Draco down with him. The blond was wrapping his whole body around Harry like a koala, he sniffled quietly and buried his face in the crook of Harry's neck "I'm sorry" Draco muttered, squeezing his arms around Harry's shoulders.

"Did you stay up all night waiting?" He asked, earning a nod from Draco. He hugged the blond around his waist and Draco leaned back to look at his face "Are you tired?"

"Are you out of your mind?" Draco mumbled, his hands wrapped around Harry's neck now, hesitating whether to touch Harry's face or not "You just went through all that last night, don't ask about me"

"Well, I am your boyfriend" Harry grinned, the first time he smiled after last night was because of Draco again, and he felt a bit better because of that "Last night...your...your father was there"

Draco stilled at the mention of his father, his lips parted and his thumbs grazed over Harry's jawline with featherlight touch "I'm sorry, Harry" He knew Draco meant it, he leaned into the blond's warm touch and shook his head.

"I'm fine now"

"Don't lie to me" Draco said, his tone was demanding and Harry sighed, he really couldn't lie now "How are you feeling now?"

"Well, honestly? A bit heavy from holding you up" Harry teased and Draco huffed, jumping off him with a frown. Harry chuckled and tugged at Draco's sleeves "I'm kidding, I swear, you're not heavy" He assured him again, just to make Draco calm "And I'm okay, I promise"

"They're going to wake soon" Draco said, looking at the door of the hospital wing behind Harry "You should go back"

"Can I see you again later?"

"After dinner" Draco said, letting Harry hold his hand before they parted ways "Our usual spot" He mumbled, indicating the Astronomy Tower. Harry nodded and raised their locked hands, giving a soft kiss on top of Draco's hand, right above his knuckles, making the blond go red on his cheeks "Go back now" Draco pushed him away while he was still looking all flustered. Harry snickered and stepped backwards, still keeping his eyes on Draco.

"See you" He waved his hand and Draco smiled at him, turning on his heels and walking away. He never realised how much Draco meant to him until now, he was grateful that they were boyfriends.


April 1996

Harry was in the Room of Requirement alone after the D.A meeting was over, when he heard three knocks, there was a pause, and another knock. Harry let the door open to reveal Draco poking his head in, he slipped inside the room carefully and closed the door. Harry kicked himself off his seat and marched to Draco's spot with a smile "Hey"

"I'm sorry" Draco took hold of his hands and pouted, Harry pulled him closer and shook his head "I tried my best, Harry, I didn't know Umbridge would make Edgecombe spill it out about your army. Umbridge is a real crone" After they got to Fifth Year, their relationship was still a secret to everyone. Draco joined Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad to be a spy, sort of. He still wanted to create a façade for them, and this way, Draco could keep an eye on Umbridge's moves and help Harry without anyone knowing.

"It's okay, Dumbledore took the fall for me" Harry said with a sigh as Draco rubbed the scar on his hand, the one he got from one of his detentions with Umbridge, and Harry found comfort in his boyfriend's action.

"I'm sorry I took five points from you" Draco smiled, he still has to be mean to Harry, but he has promised to never go over the line, which was to never mention Harry's family or friends, the same applied to his friends "I didn't mean I don't like you"

"I really thought you don't like me" Harry faked a frown as Draco's lips formed into a grin "Can I have five kisses then? To make up for it?"

"You're awfully needy, Harry"

"Well, my boyfriend took five points from my House, I think I deserve something" Harry swung their hands around until Draco's smile turned into a giggle, the cutest giggle he has ever heard "Come on"

"I'm still mad at you, you know that"

"Cho and I didn't kiss" Harry pulled Draco in by his waist, it almost happened yesterday after Cho cried about Cedric, but Harry didn't let it happen. How could he? He has a perfectly angelic boyfriend right here with a bratty mouth, he couldn't bother to look at anyone else "I don't like her, I like you"

Draco's eyes dropped to his lips and he sighed "One...big kiss instead of five small ones"

"Deal" Harry beamed, dragging Draco flushed to him and claiming his lips. It was a soft and chaste kiss, they were each other's first, slowly from a peck has grown to this, they still have a lot to learn, but no tongue yet. Harry sucked on Draco's bottom lip, sweeping his tongue over the seam of his lips, drawing a hum from the blond. Draco cupped Harry's face, his hands running into the Gryffindor's hair as he rounded his arms around Draco's waist.

They finally let go after a while, both panting and breathless, Harry planted another kiss on Draco's cheek, surprising the blond "What's that for?"

"I feel like it" He shrugged, an innocent-looking glee displayed on his face "Can't I kiss my boyfriend?"

"You can" Draco pouted, leaning over to give Harry the same soft kiss on his cheek and he grinned at the Slytherin. Draco was the sweetest person ever, anyone would like him if they got to know him, but no one could see Draco like this, just Harry "Don't get caught another time, Harry"

"I know, I'll try my best"

"And I..." Draco said, his hand tugging at Harry's red tie "Will try to take fewer points from your House"

"Aren't you the best boyfriend ever?" Harry grinned and pulled Draco in a hug, he could be with him forever like this, peaceful and safe, next to him.


September 1st, 1996

"You go on" Draco said to Pansy, while Harry was still hiding under his cloak above the luggage rack. He had wanted to surprise his boyfriend after the summer since Draco stopped sending him letters a month ago, it was weird and Harry wanted to find out why. He couldn't talk to Draco properly, so he has to sneak to the Slytherin compartment with his cloak and hide away. He hoped Draco didn't find out he was here just now when Goyle's trunk hit his head. Pansy pursed her lips and shrugged, walking out of there. The door was closed and Draco stood up on his feet "Show yourself, Potter" Harry flinched when Draco looked up directly to his spot. Why would he call Harry by his last name now? He jumped down from the rack and took the cloak off him, earning a scowl from the Slytherin.

"Hey, Draco"

"I want to stop"

"What?" He froze when Draco looked away "What do you mean? Stop what?" He smiled, thinking it was a joke.

"Stop our relationship, I want to break up" Draco said and Harry's smile faltered, his heart ached when he heard the piercing words "You said if it doesn't work, we can break up. It doesn't work out, so I don't want to see you anymore"

"What? Why? Draco-..."

"Don't come closer" Draco stepped back with his wand in his hand when Harry wanted to get close to him "Potter, I mean it" Harry didn't care, he kept going, the next thing he knew, Draco was drawing his wand up before him "Petrificus Totalus!" Harry was immediately paralysed, falling forward as Draco caught him in his arms. He pushed Harry into the seat he was sitting before "I'm sorry" Draco said and Harry only noticed his eyes were quite wet now, since he was avoiding Harry's eyes the whole time before "Don't try to talk to me, I won't hesitate to use another spell on you" He left the compartment quickly, leaving Harry alone, still clueless about what had happened between them.


Harry has been searching everywhere, the Astronomy Tower, the library, he even wandered near the Slytherin Dungeon, but there was no sign of Draco. Harry walked through the entrance hall with his mind filled with insane thoughts. Something must have happened in the past month that made Draco act this way. His heart has been aching since morning and he didn't know how to make it all go away. He missed Draco and he didn't want them to break up this way, Draco meant more to him than he could ever express, he wasn't sure how to deal with the despair feeling inside him right now.

It has been raining since dinner, Draco couldn't have been staying outside, could he? Harry glanced at the lake, gaping when he saw a small figure crouching near the lake. Harry got on his feet and started running, it was his only chance to catch Draco, it was now or never. He sprinted through the rain, the water hitting his eyes behind his glasses and it stung like hell but he kept going.

He didn't want to call out to him, in fear Draco would run away. The blond Slytherin was standing under the rain, with his back on Harry, staring out at the lake. Harry slowed his pace when he got closer, he saw how trembling Draco was under the weather and his heart swelled, it was painful. Why would Draco do this? He couldn't help himself as he embraced Draco from behind, feeling the blond jolt.

"Harry" Draco flinched again, grabbing his hands to get out of his grip but Harry refused to let him do it "Harry, please!"

"Why did you do it?" He shouted under the loud and heavy rain, now the water from the lake was reaching both of their feet up to their ankles "You don't want to break up! I know you, Draco"

"I do, stop it!" Draco's voice broke and he knew the Slytherin was crying now "Let me go, Harry! I can't be with you anymore! I'm not worth it!" Harry's hands dropped to his sides and he walked around to face Draco. The blond's eyes were red around the rims, his tears mixed with the rain and Harry's face fell at his expression.

"What?" Harry croaked, his voice rough, it was cold for both of them, but Draco was suffering more, he knew how much Draco hated the cold and the rain "You're not worth it?"

"I'm not worth it" Draco sniffled, hugging himself with his arms while he shuddered "I don't deserve you" Harry's heart drop at the painful words, it was like a spear stabbing through his heart and ripping it in half. His eyes have gone blurry, he wasn't sure if he was crying as well "I don't deserve you, Harry. Please let me go"

"Well who are you to say who I deserve?" He shouted, disappointment boiling and it was filled with heartbreak "How do you know you don't deserve me? You know I love you!" He choked out the words, surprising himself and Draco. It was the first time he has ever said it, love. Draco pressed his pale lips together, wet from the rainfall and shook his head.

"No, you don't love me, please don't say that!" Draco didn't stop shaking his head, collapsing on his knees "It's a lie, tell me it's a lie!"

"It's not! I fucking love you, Draco! I love you! You hear me?" He said loudly, dropping on his knees as well and seizing Draco by his wrists "Tell me..." He muttered, he couldn't handle the pain, he couldn't let Draco go, he was everything to Harry, he was his love, his life "Tell me the reason, Draco"

Draco shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks and he trembled violently while water surrounded them, rain hitting their exposed skins and water from the lake filling up to their legs "You won't want me anymore"

"Never, Draco" He mumbled close to Draco's face, assuring him "Never" Draco jerked his left arm out of Harry's grip, pulling up his sleeve. Harry drew in a sharp breath when he saw the Dark Mark, lying on Draco's forearm, he has become a Death Eater.

"They...they did it a month ago" Draco said through his hiccups, he couldn't look at Harry in the eyes anymore "I couldn't-I couldn't do anything, I-I had to take it. My father..." Harry cut him off by pulling him in a tight hug, he wanted Draco to stop crying first "I can't be with you, Harry" He still didn't return the hug "You...you have to let me go. I'm one of them now" Through his tears he mumbled and Harry squeezed him tighter.

"I will never let you go" Harry kissed his wet hair on the side of his head and rubbed his back "I will rescue you, okay? I will, I promise. I will rescue you, I won't let them hurt you" Harry said with certainty in his voice, he would do everything to save Draco. He has promised that once, he intended to keep it.

"I love you" Draco muttered and Harry quickly pulled back, looking at the blond, who finally met his gaze again "I do...I...I didn't want them to hurt you. If we're together..."

"I love you" Harry didn't care, he just wanted Draco "Fuck them. Do you remember what I promised you?"

Draco nodded, his eyelashes flutter and Harry wiped his cheeks, even though more rain was hitting them both "Save me, Harry"

"I will" Harry said, and he would keep his words. He kissed Draco then, his lips freezing and wet, but it felt just the same, he felt Draco's love for him. He cupped the blond's face and sucked on his lower lip, peppering kisses on his salty cheeks before pulling away. He hugged Draco again, this time the blond held him just as tight as he was. Whatever happened, he would keep Draco safe first.


December 20th, 1996

"You're speaking like a child, Draco. I quite understand that your father's capture and imprisonment has upset you, but—..." Harry quickly jumped out of the doorway before it slammed open. Draco glanced right at him for a millisecond before walking down the corridor, leaving Snape behind as Harry hurriedly followed him.

When he rounded the corner, he saw Draco again, leaning his back on the wall of the corridor "Harry?" Draco whispered and the moment Harry took off his Cloak, the blond lunged in to hug his boyfriend tight "I'm sorry for that"

"It's okay" Harry said, Draco had just crashed Slughorn's party and was caught by Filch, fortunately, Slughorn was kind enough to let him stay, yet Snape still dragged him out of there to have a talk. He cupped Draco's face and kissed his forehead softly "Are you okay?"

"I think so" Draco mumbled, his hand clutching on Harry's robes "I was trying to find the Vanishing Cabinet, remember?" He told Harry and he nodded, of course he has told Harry everything about his plan, just to give him a heads up in his missions "But I...I wanted to see you"

"So, you miss me?" Harry grinned and Draco bit his lips before nodding in a docile manner "You're worried because I'm going with Luna?" Another shy nod and he realised just how jealous Draco can be, he loved it "You know I'm only her friend, she is like your friend, Pansy"


"Not interested in men" Harry whispered and Draco widened his eyes, a smile appeared and Harry chuckled "You have nothing to worry about, Draco, I only got eyes for you" He gave Draco another light kiss on his lips. With everything going on, he has less time with Draco so every second with him now was precious "Draco, if you—..."

"Harry, I'm not going to the Order" Draco said, his hand on Harry's cheek while his tone was firm "I told you, I have to protect my mother"

"We can protect you both" He has offered it many times but Draco refused, he wanted to do it his way, Harry was just worried about him, he couldn't help it.

"Harry, we've talked about this" Draco sighed, leaning his forehead on Harry's "I will be fine, Snape made an Unbreakable Vow to guarantee my safety, my mother won't let anyone hurt me. Please" He nuzzled his nose with Harry "This way, you'll know what's happening too"

"I promise to rescue you too"

"You still are, by staying alive" Draco whispered, his lips ghosting Harry "If you die, I don't think I can live" He has a frown on his face and Harry decided to kiss it away "We may have to be apart from each other"

"How are we going to communicate?"

"We don't, he will know" Draco murmured and Harry's heart felt like it was squashed by something heavy. He couldn't imagine not contacting with Draco for a while "You'll just have to do it...with your friends, without me. I will be safe here"

"Are you?"

"Trust me, will you?" Draco asked him and Harry reluctantly nodded at him. He has to trust his boyfriend "How are you at Occlumency, Harry? You haven't mastered it, have you?"

"Well" Harry's voice went high and Draco instantly knew he was trying to hide the truth.

"Harry" Draco glared at him, his face dropped with disappointment "You have to learn it, it's important"

"I tried!" He explained, it was hard having those lessons with Snape "It's not easy shutting down my emotions"

"Do you want to practice it?"

"Really?" Harry beamed at the idea, he hated having anyone inside his mind, but maybe if it was Draco, it wouldn't be so bad "You'd teach me?"

"Of course, I'm great at Occlumency" Draco smiled, drawing circles on Harry's clothed chest "And, I'm a great boyfriend too"

"That you do" Harry grinned and draped the cloak over both of them, now they just needed an empty room to practice.


May 8th, 1997

Harry sneaked into the bathroom and saw Draco, his hands were clutching on the sink in the boys' bathroom and tears streaming down his face. He looked up at the cracked mirror and gasped when he saw Harry in it. He turned around, running to Harry's spot.

"Harry" He leapt into Harry's embrace again, his hands and legs locked around the Gryffindor's body "I can't do it" Harry hugged him tightly, running his hand through the smooth blond hair "It won't work...And unless I do it soon, he will...he will kill me"

"I won't let him" He kissed Draco's temple and walked to the sink, letting Draco sit on it while he wiped his boyfriend's tears away "What happened?"

"I can't...I can't do it, Harry" Draco sniffled quietly, his eyes red and he was trembling "I can't fix it, they will need it soon, they...they will find Dumbledore" He scrambled to clutch at Harry's robes "They will make me kill him, Harry"

Harry could only push Draco's face in his neck again, comforting him with a hug while rubbing his back. He wanted to ask Draco to join the Order again, but his boyfriend was always stubborn, he wanted to protect his mother.

"Love! Secret love in the bathroom! Love!" Myrtle let out a deafening scream and Harry looked up at her with his finger on his lips, shushing her right up. They couldn't be found out, not now. Draco was still shaking in his embrace, his shirt wet with the Slytherin's tears "What a sight!" Myrtle crooned, floating in the air as she watched the two boys embracing each other.

"It will be all right" Harry murmured into Draco's ear "You said that to me, right? You will be alive" Draco heaved and looked up at Harry with wet, sad eyes "You promise me too" He pushed Draco's hair behind his ears, kissing his soft lips "I will always rescue you when you need me. Do you?"

"No" Draco said after a while, he pressed a kiss on Harry's lips, he seemed to have composed himself again "You're right, I...I will do it. Just...stay cautious" He warned Harry and he nodded "They will be here soon...through the Vanishing Cabinet, they'll come for Dumbledore. They may kill people on the way"

"Okay, we will be prepared" He mumbled, tracing his fingertips over Draco's jawline "Don't die" He said, the same two words Draco always told him and the blond smiled.

"You too" He whispered and they met halfway for another kiss. He was afraid of what was coming for them, and he could only hope they would both come out of here alive.


June 30th, 1997

"You heard that?" Sirius spoke up after Fleur had quite the reaction at Mrs. Weasley after Bill was found bitten by Greyback. Even Sirius, who survived his death when Remus pulled him away from the veil after Bellatrix's spell, was still alive, Harry was always grateful for that "Fleur's still going to get married to him, even though he was bitten, she doesn't care, Moony"

"It's different, Padfoot" Remus called him with the same name they gave each other "He's not a full werewolf"

"I don't care either!" Sirius's nostrils flared and he grabbed Remus by his robes "I've told you a billion times, why won't you trust me? I've been through everything with you...we..." His voice faltered a bit, Harry was sure he meant his father was also with Sirius and Remus on his full moon when they were younger "Why don't you accept it?"

From the way Sirius was clutching at Remus's robes, his eyes wide and Remus's hesitant look, it became clear to Harry that they weren't just best friends, they were way more than that, and it made him think of Draco.

Draco, who he had just witnessed at the Astronomy Tower, was trembling back then. He knew Draco couldn't kill Dumbledore, he also knew Snape would have done it for him since he had made an Unbreakable Vow with Draco's mother. He remembered the look on Draco's face vividly, he was frightened, he couldn't even face Greyback nor raise his wand to kill Dumbledore. He had wanted to save him just then if he hadn't been immobilised by Dumbledore, he was supposed to rescue Draco. And now he was gone, this was probably the last time he saw Draco again because now the war has started. As a result of Draco's warning that the Death Eaters would infiltrate Hogwarts through the Vanishing Cabinet, none of them really died from the first attack, only Bill was the one who got injured because Draco didn't expect Greyback would arrive too, no one did.

"And I've told you a billion times" Remus croaked, bringing Harry back to reality as he witnessed the two men arguing again "I'm too old"

"How old do you think I am? Twenty?" Sirius snapped, earning a small huff of laughter from Tonks, who was standing behind them "What? You're going to say you're too poor? Too dangerous?" He asked and based on the pause Remus was giving him, Harry reckoned Sirius's guesses were right "Well, too bad! I already know that! I'm rich enough for both of us. And besides your full moon time, you're like a small Crup!" He said as Tonks giggled again.

"You deserve someone whole—..."

"What? Do you think I'm whole too?" Sirius exclaimed at him "I'm full of scars, just like you"

"He wants you, Remus" Tonks spoke up with glee in her tone of voice "Accept it, for Merlin's sake, you're one stubborn werewolf but he's a stubborn one too"

"This...is not the time to discuss it" Remus cleared his throat and Sirius rolled his eyes, releasing his grip on Remus's shirt and walking over to Tonks's spot. Harry's mind wandered to Draco again, he only hoped he was safe.


July 31st, 1997

Harry had opened all the presents from the Weasleys and Hermione, it has been a pleasant morning so far, he has come of age, yet his mind wasn't at ease. He missed Draco, he missed the sound of his voice, his grey eyes and his kisses. He sighed and the door was opened by Ron, who came in with a letter in his hand.

"What's that?" He asked when Ron came close to him.

"I don't know, it's for you" Ron shrugged and handed him the letter. It was blank from the outside, with the exception of his name and the address written on it, he knew right away it was a letter from Draco. He carefully opened it as his heart leapt.


I'm sorry for what happened that night, I know you were watching the whole time.

Happy birthday, you are officially of age now. I couldn't prepare any present for you, perhaps when we meet again, I will give you one wish, whatever you want.

For now, I can only give you this letter and hope I will have the chance to see you again.

Your treasure truly.

Harry grinned at the last sentence, he called Draco his treasure a few times, because Draco was his, like the merpeople had told him. He never wanted to see Draco again so badly like now, the letter only made him miss Draco more. He exhaled softly and heard someone clearing his throat.



"What's that?" Ron asked and pointed at the letter, Harry quickly closed it and looked at his best friend.

"Nothing" He said, he couldn't let Ron find out, he would go in a total state of shock if it happened "Just a letter Sirius sent"

"Harry" Ron sat down next to him with a loud sigh and nudged his shoulder "I'm your best friend, all right? You can tell me about it. I know you're lying" Harry stared at him, hesitance filled his dry throat, he couldn't say a thing "Is it...someone important to you?"

"Y-yeah" He stammered, as long as he didn't say who it was, maybe it was okay.

"And...you love them?"

"Yeah" Harry said without stuttering this time, he was sure of it "Don't tell anyone"

"Okay" Ron nodded in understanding "I get that you aren't ready to tell yet, just...tell me someday, all right? I'd like to meet them"

"Okay, I will" He said and Ron grinned at him, he would tell him...maybe, when the time was right.

"It's not my sister, right?"

"No" Harry laughed, Ginny was like a sister to him "Not her, you don't have to worry about it"

"Okay, because I think she has a thing for Luna" Ron said, surprising Harry "Yeah, I really think so. After I saw that scene with Sirius and Remus, I really started to think about it"

"And you're fine with it?"

"I guess" Ron shrugged again and pursed his lips "As long as she's happy, and Luna's a nice one anyway, a little odd at times, but nevertheless, nice"

"That's true" Harry smiled and looked back at the letter in his hands. It has been a few months since he last saw Draco, it pained him more than he knew. He didn't know what was happening to Draco, whether he was okay or not, he wanted to know. Harry sighed and suddenly Ron was rubbing his back, seemingly knowing that something was bothering him.


March 1998

"Bring them in" Narcissa spoke in a clear manner as Harry and his friend were dragged into the hall of the Malfoy Manor "My son, Draco, is home for his Easter holiday. If that is indeed Harry Potter, he will know" Harry's heart jumped at the mention of his boyfriend's name. His scar was hurting and he was slightly frightened, but the tiny light in him was screaming in excitement because he was about to see Draco again, after almost a year. Moreover, it was their anniversary as well, three years together in secret, and they have met again in the most brutal situation possible.

"What is this?" Harry heard the dreadful tone of Lucius Malfoy and noticed another figure sitting in an armchair.

"They say they've got Potter" Narcissa's cold voice filled the room and she gestured with her hand "Draco, come here"

Harry's heart raced when Draco stood up, his pale face indicated that he has already known. Harry could see his face in the mirror before him over the fireplace, his face was distorted due to Hermione's jinx, but he was sure Draco knew it was him.

"Well, boy?"

"Give me a moment" Draco snapped at the Greyback and swatted his hairy claws from Harry's shoulders. He looked directly into Draco's eyes, drawing in a shuddering breath when he felt it again, he could feel Draco's love. His eyes were sad, but he knew Draco was trying hard not to cry. His hand came up to touch Harry's face, pretending to search for resemblances while Harry tried not to lean into his touch.

"Well, Draco?" Lucius Malfoy asked in an impatient manner "Is it Harry Potter?"

Draco let his hand drop and stood straight back, shaking his head softly "I can't—I can't be sure"

"Look at him carefully! Come closer, Draco!" Lucius exclaimed excitedly "Look at that, is that a scar?" He stared at Harry's face and gestured for Draco to come again "Draco, come here, look properly! What do you think?"

Draco came closer next to his father, his expression was full of reluctance and fear, he shook his head again and walked back to his mother's spot next to the fireplace "I don't know"

"We had better be certain, Lucius" Narcissa said plainly, looking down at Draco, but Draco's eyes never left Harry's gaze.

"What about the two of them?" Greyback snarled at Ron and Hermione "Do you recognise them?"

"Isn't she the Granger girl?" Narcissa said "And the boy...Arthur's Weasley's son, right, Draco?"

"Maybe" Draco said, still looking at Harry "It could be" Happy anniversary, Harry thought and exhaled. This was worse than he has ever expected.


When Draco hurried back with the wands in his hands while Bellatrix has the last word, they all looked up at the crystal chandelier, which was trembling and the next second, it was falling. Bellatrix jumped to the side, dropping Hermione and the chandelier dived right down over her and the goblin. The crystal shards flew all over the place, Ron ran to pull Hermione out of it just as Harry took his chance, he leapt over an armchair and was on top of Draco, who was lying on his back with his face scratched and bleeding just a bit. He has his hold on Draco's hands, the blond's grip on the wands was loose, he was ready to give them to Harry. They pretended to struggle for it as both pointed it to Greyback "Stupefy!" Harry yelled and watched the werewolf fly up to the ceiling and smash on the ground.

"Please be safe"

"Happy anniversary!" Harry whispered breathlessly as Draco pushed the wands into his hand. Narcissa came quickly to drag Draco away. None of them exchanged another word as Dobby appeared.


May 1st, 1998

"Harry! Let's get out! Let's get out!" Ron screamed but Harry didn't care, he has to find Draco, he couldn't let him die, not when he has promised his boyfriend. He couldn't lose the one he loved most when he could save him "It's too dangerous! Harry!" Ron yelled and Harry ignored it, he wheeled in the air.

He saw them, Draco with his arms around Goyle, who was unconscious. Harry dived down as Draco raised his arm, but he slipped due to the sweat on his hand.

"If we die for them, I'll kill you, Harry!" Ron growled and Hermione finally dragged Goyle up behind her broom. Harry tried it again and finally took Draco's hand as he found his way behind Harry.

"The door, Harry! The door!" He said just enough for Harry to hear, his grip on Harry was so tight it hurt "Harry! The diadem! Look!" Draco exclaimed and Harry looked in the direction he was pointing at, he flew down, catching it around his wrist before the fire shaped like a serpent lunged at them "You better win, Harry!" Draco said from behind and Harry chuckled, soaring through the smoke and finally, they collided with the wall in the corridor opposite. Draco fell off the broom and coughed for air, he propped up on his elbows and looked at Harry, his eyes were pleading and he knew what Draco wanted to say, what he always told Harry. Don't die. Harry stared at him with another look. Be safe. Draco tilted his head down just a bit, a subtle nod before he left with Goyle, wandless. Harry turned back to his friends and showed them the diadem around his wrist, Harry could only hope Draco would be safe now.


May 2nd, 1998

The silence broke into cheers and screams when they realised Voldemort was finally dead. Harry stood frozen on his feet, exhaling a breath in relief that he has won, he has finally killed him. The crowd was approaching him, Hermione and Ron were first to hug him tightly, then everyone else joined, Neville, Luna, Ginny, the Weasleys, Hagrid, the Professors. Noises above noises and Harry couldn't hear a thing clearly, everyone was trying to hug him, touch him and yet Harry hasn't seen who he wanted the most.

They moved Voldemort's lifeless body out of the Hall, everyone was alive, some were injured, but there was no death, it was all because of Draco's work as a spy, and no one knew about it. They were all sitting together, he could even see Sirius attending to Remus's injuries on his forehead with careful touches in the corner of the room. He spotted Hermione and Ron sitting next to two Slytherin, who turned out to be Parkinson and Zabini as they exchanged something to each other, it was strange, but an expected sight. Ginny was next to Luna, her face on Luna's shoulder and they were holding hands. Neville was on a table with the Sword of Gryffindor in his hands, a few admirers surrounded him but the one closest to him was a boy in Slytherin robes, brown hair and a thin body smiling at Neville in awe, it was Theodore Nott, one of Draco's friends. Harry thought as his eyes darted to the aisle between the tables. His breath caught in his throat as he saw Draco standing between his parents.

Harry took the first step forward and Draco did the same, mirroring each other's movements before they met halfway in the middle of the hall under everyone's eyes. Draco's left cheek remained a trail of old blood, his robes ripped on the sleeves as he tilted his head to the side, smiling at Harry.

"You're alive" Draco's voice was barely a whisper, he recalled the look on Draco's face when Voldemort announced he was dead, he actually thought Harry was dead then and had even attempted to run up to him before his parents had stopped him.

"I kept my promise" Harry grinned and Draco smiled at him, a warm, tingling feeling rose in his chest and Harry continued "Can I kiss you? Here...now?" Draco was wide-eyed looking at Harry. He glanced around, people were looking at them, none of them knew what they were saying. Maybe they just thought they were starting over as friends.

Draco looked back at Harry, a smile escaped his lips as he nodded "Yes, you can, please, Harry" Harry beamed brightly and pulled Draco in for a kiss. Harry could hear gasps and even screams, maybe it was from the girls, maybe it was from Draco's parents. Finally, he was able to kiss Draco again. The blond parted his lips and Harry's jumped at the chance, slipping his tongue inside and earning a quiet moan from Draco. It felt so good like this, Harry was hot all over, bliss filled his body as his arms wrapped around Draco's waist, he wanted to stay like this forever. He explored Draco's mouth for the first time and felt the same excitement from his boyfriend when their tongues swirled together. They finally let go after a while, breathless, panting heavily and smiling at each other.

"Draco, what on earth are you doing?"

"Harry Potter is dating Draco Malfoy?"

"They're gay?"

"Give me 50 Galleons, I fucking knew they were dating"

"So that's who Harry's in love with" Harry knew the last question was from Ron based on his voice. He didn't look at anyone else except Draco, Harry didn't care, he has reunited with Draco again, for good.



"And then what happened, Professor?" The little Hufflepuff hopped behind him along with the rest of the Second Year Students as they followed him down the corridor.

"And then we both attended our Eighth Year as a couple, everyone knows by then" Harry said with a smile on his face, the students always loved his stories "We were voted the most powerful couple, it was weird" He told them, the voting was actually created by Pansy Parkinson and there really weren't any other couples in it, although Ginny and Lune did come close after them.

"How long have you been together, Professor?" Another Slytherin asked him.

"Tomorrow will be our twentieth anniversary since we got together" Harry said proudly as the students gasped.

"Twenty years? That's so long, Professor!" A Gryffindor exclaimed and suddenly jumped up "Look! Look!" They all gazed ahead and saw a familiar figure "Professor Potter!"

"Now, now" Draco approached them with a slight frown "I told you to call me Professor Malfoy, right?"

"Technically, you are Professor Potter" Harry chuckled and winked at his husband.

"Malfoy-Potter" Draco corrected him and opened the door to the Duelling Club behind him. They have agreed to combine their last names when they got married, but calling both of them Professor Malfoy-Potter would be too long, and having two Professor called Potter in Hogwarts would just be confusing to the students, which has come to this situation right now where Draco decided to simply let the students call him Professor Malfoy.

"Now, your first lesson, kids" Harry announced as the students rushed inside, amazed by the room "I've invited one very brilliant Professor to join us. I've personally duelled with him before" He grinned and Draco walked in the room after him with his robes flowing on the floor, his long hair tied up in a ponytail, stopping and standing next to Harry "Professor Malfoy, I'm so glad you could spare us the time and join my class"

"It's my pleasure, Professor Potter" Draco said, keeping a stern and professional face and the students looked up at them in awe.

"Are you going to kiss, Professors?"

"No such act will happen in class, Miss Brown" Draco looked down at the little kid, Lavender and Parvati's daughter was looking up at them with twinkling eyes "There will be duels only here in the Duelling Club"

"Aw" The students all pouted at the answer and Harry stepped up with his hand behind Draco's waist.

"Maybe just a little bit?"

"Yay!" They cheered again, jumping up and down when Harry popped the question. He nudged Draco with his elbow, pointing at his cheek. It was a few seconds before Draco's poker face broke into a smile and he leaned over, giving Harry a peck on his cheek, earning loud applause and screams from the students.

"That's it, all right?" Harry told them and raised his wand "Now, let the class begins" He stepped on the stage along with Draco while the students formed a circle around the platform. They stood opposite of each other with a smile "First, we bow" He said to the students and faced Draco, bowing down before standing and raising his wand up like a sword as Draco did the same.

"Now, we will start aiming spells at each other. Remember, there are more ways to defeat someone without killing them" He said and Draco huffed out a small laugh at him before composing himself again "We will start with disarming each other" He turned to Draco "I won't go easy on you, Professor Malfoy. Scared?"

"You wish" Draco gave him a wink "Expelliarmus!" Draco exclaimed as the flash of scarlet light emerged from the tip of his wand, knocking Harry's wand out of his hand. Draco stood back in position and gestured with his hand "As you can see, I've easily disarmed Professor Potter when he was focused on me. The first rule of duelling, never let your guard down"

The students gasped and nodded at Draco's first lesson, Harry grinned, nodding and raising his hand "Accio wand" His wand flew back in his hand and Draco's corner of his lips perked up at his wandless magic "Another try?" Draco nodded and they stood back in their positions "One, two...three! Expelliarmus!"

"Protego! Stupefy!" Draco's movement was fast as jets of spells shot out of his wand.

"Protego!" Harry shouted "Petrificus Totalus!" The spell met Draco's Shield Charm again, the blond quickly pointed his wand at Harry.

"Levicorpus!" Before Harry knew it, he was dangling in the air by his ankles. He watched Draco blow the tip of his wand and bowed at the students when they cheered for him "And that, students, is how you duel" They all clapped their hands at him and Draco crouched down on his knees, smiling at an upside-down Harry "Don't ever go easy on me again, Harry" He said and Harry could only flash him a sly smile.

"Sorry, honey" Harry was still dangling in the air until Draco gave a smooth swish of his wand and Harry was on his feet again. Draco picked up his glasses and put it on Harry for him, adjusting with a smile. Harry felt warm at his tender action like he was a kid in love again before looking at the students "Now, let's split into pairs, we will start practising"

"Today will only be about disarming" Draco warned them and glanced at Harry, they both remembered what happened in their Second Year "That means no non-magical combat, do not resort to using extreme curses on your classmates"

"Yes, Professor Malfoy" The students said in unison.

"Now, choose your partner, everyone, pick whoever you want" Harry let the students spread out on their own. They stepped off the stage and watched the students carefully, making sure they were all doing what they were told to do.

"You have a thing for telling stories about us to the students, haven't you?" Draco asked once they were leaning back on the wall together "Every year, Harry"

"What? It's beautiful" Harry snorted and took hold of Draco's hand, lacing their fingers together "They all love it anyway" He turned to Draco and gave him a peck on his cheek "Especially you"

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Professor Potter" Draco huffed at him, which only made Harry chuckle.

"I thought you rather enjoy praises...in bed" He whispered and Draco gasped, smacking his chest and making sure none of the students heard it.

"Harry" He muttered, looking at him with an attitude "You can't say that"

"They're not going to hear" He said, kissing Draco's knuckles repeatedly as they observed the students disarming each other "Are James and Scorpius still behaving right?"

"If you mean they're doing mischief in secret to not get caught, yes, they are" Draco said and Harry snickered. James and Scorpius were their twins, only in their Third Year and were already getting more detentions Harry and Draco ever had in their time in Hogwarts "Hugh is in on it too, but at least Teddy is the one stopping them" Teddy, Remus and Sirius's son, along with Hugh, Pansy and Hermione's son, have formed a group since they were the same age and called themselves the second Marauders, which was approved by Sirius.

"Oh, and Lily?"

"She's with my parents, my father is probably trying to buy her everything as we speak" Draco rolled his eyes and Harry huffed out a small laugh. Lily was their youngest, she was only nine years old, and at first, they didn't think Draco's parents would accept their kids, especially Lucius. Turned out, he was the one spoiling the three of them the most, Narcissa was the one stopping him from coddling them too much. He has brought brooms, expensive cauldrons and robes for James and Scorpius while Lily was always brought everywhere with Lucius and Narcissa. One time, Harry and Draco have witnessed Lucius on a Muggle rollercoaster with his twin grandchildren just because they insisted, which was both fun and a surprising sight to ever see.

"Are we still meeting our friends tonight?"

"Yeah, at Dean and Seamus's pub" Draco nodded, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder. Their friends were still dragging them to the pub on Friday nights, and when he said 'friends', he meant Pansy. Pansy and Hermione have gotten married thirteen years ago, only two years after Harry and Draco finally tied the knot with everyone cheering for them. Ginny and Luna along with Neville and Theo have gotten a double wedding on the same day ten years ago, an idea sparked by Luna herself. Blaise and Ron were the last to get married, Harry would say it was due to Ron's stubbornness, but it all worked well since they have been happily married for nine years now "And about our date after that..."

"I remember, Harry" Draco gave him a gentle smile, leaning up and planting a kiss on Harry's jawline "Our usual spot, right?" Harry nodded with twinkles in his eyes, he moved closer and pressed a soft kiss on Draco's lips, suddenly noticing the silence around them. When they looked back, all the students were ogling at them.

"Professors, please tell us more" A small Ravenclaw with red hair asked with her arm raised in the air "Can we hear more of your love story, Professors?" Harry and Draco exchanged a look, he exhaled and turned to them.

"All right, just one" The students gave a round of applause at them and Draco shook his head with a laugh. Teaching with Draco was always a distraction, for both of them and the students, he still loved it anyway.


Harry's eyes dropped down to gaze at the figure beneath him, Draco was lying sprawled on the Professor's table in an empty classroom, his long ponytail has been released. His robes were opened, his shirt was pulled up to show his pink nipples, his smooth skin tempted Harry to touch it, worship it. His lower half was stripped naked, his trousers have been thrown aside at the corner of the room. Draco spread his legs wide, showing his rosy coloured, tight pucker that was dripping with lube. The blond squirmed in his position, grabbing Harry by his tie and dragging him closer.

"Well, Professor Potter? Are you going to keep me waiting?" His hand crawled up to grip Harry by his chin. This bratty, lewd, bossy side of Draco was one of the things that Harry loved most about him "I want you, Harry" He mewled, guiding Harry's own hand down to his entrance. A smile crept up his lips and he smirked, seeing the satisfaction in Draco's eyes when his fingers started to move, rubbing outside of his hole "Harry" Draco breathed in sharply when the tip of his finger was pushed in.

"Yeah?" Harry crouched down over the table to capture Draco's lips in a searing kiss, he slipped his tongue in just as he pushed all his finger inside his husband. Draco moaned into the kiss, rolling his hips at the intrusion "What do you want, baby?" Harry mouthed his kisses down Draco's jawline, planting kisses over his neck, against his pulse point and pushing a second finger in the tight hole, scissoring it nicely. He sucked on the soft flesh, seeing a light bruise already appearing and feeling pleased by his work. His pace was slow and steady, but he could guess it was becoming torturing for Draco based on the way he was whining quietly.

"Fuck you, Harry" Draco whimpered when Harry pushed the third finger in, curling it and making Draco's hips buck up "Stop teasing me" He knew Draco didn't mean to curse, but he absolutely enjoyed hearing Draco cuss when he got impatient.

"You love it" Harry grinned, grazing his teeth lightly over Draco's pert nipple and sucking on it. The blond moaned beneath him, clutching on Harry's hair tightly. He could feel his own cock tenting against his trousers, every lustful sound Draco made sent electricity down Harry's cock. His husband was a masterpiece that Harry wanted to worship every second he could, he could never get enough of Draco, he always craved more. He hasn't stopped falling for his husband, he just kept falling deeper and deeper into an endless void of love for Draco, and he never wanted it to end.

Harry kissed down Draco's abdomen, pushing his fingers in with a faster pace when Draco squirmed again in his position. He took hold of the blond's bobbing cock, stroking it slowly as Draco cried out "Harry, please" He drew his legs up to his chest as Harry smeared the precum over Draco's cockhead, teasing the slit with his thumb, making Draco wail wantonly. Harry engulfed Draco's cute, leaking cock inside his mouth and Draco arched his hips up with a moan. He bobbed his head up and down, sucking Draco off while his fingers were still deep in his husband's pulsating hole, reaching his prostate at every thrust "Harry! I'm gonna come!" He ran his hand through Harry's hair and he took his husband deeper, lapping around the length and fastening his speed, jabbing at Draco's sensitive spot.

Dirty moans emitted from Draco's throat and Harry pulled away from his cock with a loud pop, trailing his tongue down and pulling out his fingers, earning a whine from his husband "Patient, Draco" He mumbled, mesmerised by the way his loosened hole flutter when Harry teased him at the rim. Harry didn't hesitate at all when he replaced his fingers with his tongue, surprising Draco as he delved his tongue inside. Draco made an incoherent noise and locked his legs around Harry's neck, his hands behind his neck and pushing Harry's head closer. He whirled his tongue around, exploring the familiar tight heat. Every movement was calculated to draw Draco closer to his climax, after all, they have been together for fifteen years now. Harry was so familiar with the texture of his body, his moans, the way he always wrapped himself so tightly on Harry when he came. He was in love with his body and his mind, Draco was his treasure.

Harry stroke Draco's cock with his free hand again while his tongue was still plunged deep inside his inner wall "Harry! Harry!" He sped up his strokes and could hear Draco calling out his name before he came all over his stomach, hitting his shirt and his chin. Harry stood up and once again switched his tongue for his fingers again, inserting three inside Draco's entrance as he looked at the blond's flaccid cock.

"That was fast, Draco" He chuckled and placed his hand on Draco's abdomen, spreading his cum over his delicate porcelain skin.

"Fuck you, Harry" Draco panted heavily and propped himself up on his elbows, curling his finger to gesture Harry to bend down to him. He did just so and claimed Draco in a kiss, licking at the seam of his lips before slipping his tongue in, Draco tasted sweet and heavenly. The blond pulled away first, licking a stripe up Harry's jawline, he nuzzled his nose under his ear and licked his earlobe, a grumble bubbled in Harry's throat as he smelled Draco in. The coconut and lavender hit his nose when he buried his nose in Draco's hair.

"Draco" Harry groaned when his husband started palming his cock from outside of his trousers, his other hand unzipping it quickly. He bit down on Draco's shoulder as the blond whimpered and pushed his trousers along with his boxer down, falling around his ankles. He took hold of Harry cock quickly while his own hole was still being opened up by Harry.

"So big" Draco murmured in a husky voice in his ear, touching his cock with featherlight touches "So big, just for me" He mouthed kisses under Harry's ear, a sensitive spot for him that only Draco knew "Would you like to fuck me now, Professor Potter?" He pulled Harry's foreskin on the head back, coating the head of his cock with his own cum. Harry glanced down at their bodies, seeing Draco has regained his energy when his cock was half hard again.

"I fucking love you" He muttered and Draco laughed breathily, his naughty fingers fondling with Harry's balls "Fuck" Harry cursed and pulled his fingers out of Draco's hole, the blond lied down on his back again with a pleased smile. Harry grabbed him by his ankles and draped it over his shoulders, angling himself at Draco's pucker.

"Please fuck me, Harry!" Draco purred, gripping tightly at the edge of the table when Harry slowly pushed in. His head fell back on the table with his eyes rolled to the back, Harry went in until he couldn't push in anymore and began thrusting the moment he was buried to the hilt. He grabbed Draco's chin and made him look at Harry again, their eyes met and Harry's thrust sped up, gaining a moan from Draco "Harry! Faster!" He urged, parting his lips and Harry pushed his finger inside Draco's wet mouth, the blond quickly suckled on it, lapping with his tongue while still remaining eye contact with him. Harry's cock throbbed inside Draco and he fucked him harder, plunging in and making sure it was the right angle to hit Draco's prostate.

"You're so fucking beautiful" Harry mumbled when he looked at the state Draco was in now, hair spread out all over the table, sweats on his temples as Harry rammed inside him. Draco was a writhing mess all splayed open for Harry only "Just for me, mine" He groaned, leaning down and kissing Draco again, his hand now coming to tease Draco's nipple, rolling the hard bud between his fingers. His husband cried out, trembling with his hands clutching at Harry's biceps. The table creaked and he was sure it moved a bit.

"Yours, Harry! Ah! Only yours" Draco keened loudly and lingered on their kiss. His hands were under Harry's robes, roaming all over his abdomen as he panted "Wait! Wait!" Harry instantly stopped and looked at Draco, wondering what was wrong. Draco shook his head at his worried look "No, no, I mean...let me ride you" Harry beamed at the suggestion, he wouldn't say no to that. He carried Draco up in his arms and sat down on the chair behind him without breaking their position.

"My beautiful treasure" Harry murmured, kissing Draco's throat and grunting when the blond sank down on him again. A low moan escaped his husband's throat as he was finally seated in Harry's lap fully "Look at you" Harry said, pushing Draco's hair behind his ear and wiping the sweats off his forehead. When Draco started rolling his hips, Harry felt like he could cum any second now "So gorgeous, baby, gorgeous"

"Harry!" Draco whimpered, fucking himself on Harry harder. He knew how much a single praise could do to Draco, in fact, he loved showing his adoration to Draco every time he could "Please" Draco whined and let his head fall backward, exposing his throat for Harry to suck and bite. He grabbed Draco's waist and held it tightly, he remembered he was so afraid of bruising Draco when they first fucked, turned out, Draco rather loved seeing bruises and marks on his body that was created by Harry.

He bounced harder on Harry, his thighs were shaking and his nails were clawing at Harry's chest under his shirt. Harry groaned and licked a long line up the blond's neck, taking in a deep breath of his husband's scent and snapping his hips, fucking up at Draco in earnest. The blond mewled in a desperate tone, his cock now hard and bobbing between them as he kept moving up and down. "Fuck me!" He cried out "Fuck me, Harry! Fuck me" He let his head fall on Harry's shoulder, nibbling at his neck "Please" A string of pleas kept emerging from his slutty mouth and Harry wasted no time obeying it. He bucked his hips up, cock prodding deep inside him, pressing at his prostate as Draco whined, grinding himself against Harry's thrusts.

"So eager to come again" He cooed against Draco's ear, his hands came down to grab at his husband's round arse, spreading it wide open as he canted his hips. Draco nodded his head repeatedly, whining and ghosting his lips over Harry's "Tell me what you want, baby"

"Let me cum-Harry!" He keened, his voice trembled when Harry fucked harder inside him, thrust after thrust was hitting Draco at the right spot "Please! Please!" He cried out as he twisted his hips, wrapping himself around Harry's neck and giving him a hot wet kiss "Harry" Draco arched his back and shook fiercely as his cock twitched, cum spurting on both of their skins and Harry groaned into their kiss. His own body jerked at Draco's clenching heat, filling his husband's up with his own fluids. Draco let out a low hum when he felt Harry still pulsing inside him. He ran his hand through Harry's hair, touching the nape of his neck lovingly while Harry was still fucking lazily in him "So good for me, Harry" Draco smiled into their kiss "I'm so full of you"

Harry chuckled low and nipped at Draco's lower lip "Don't seduce me, Draco" He stopped moving and Draco was still seated in his lap "Or maybe you're interested in another round?"

"Maybe later" Draco cooed, nuzzling his nose against Harry's and giving him a smooch on his cheek. Harry squeezed his husband's arse in earnest and it made Draco moan again "Fuck, Harry"

"Sorry, you're too beautiful" He whispered into Draco's ear, refusing to release his grip on his husband's round arse "It's fucking irresistible" Draco blushed at his words and leaned their foreheads together. Harry looked into the pair of grey eyes he has been in love with for fifteen years now with awe, still unable to comprehend how lucky he was to have Draco as his husband, his soulmate "Happy anniversary" He mumbled, it was well past midnight now that they were done fucking. Draco's eyes twinkled with delight as a smile danced across his lips.

"Happy anniversary" He said, hands trailing up Harry's neck "I love you, Harry" He pressed a kiss on his lips "When you held my hands, when we went on our dates, when you hugged me, I knew what the merpeople said might be true. I still had doubts...but until you almost didn't come out of the maze, I was worried sick, I couldn't..." He halted and drew in a shaky breath "From the moment you came out of the maze alive, I knew I love you" Harry felt like melting, he loved Draco so much he could die "To the rest of our lives together"

"To the rest of our lives together" Harry repeated with a grin. The few years after the war for them were the hardest, they had fought, a lot, but they have never walked out on each other, never gave up, because their love always overcame everything. Harry couldn't wait to live together with Draco until they both grow old together "I love you, from the moment you wanted to kiss me, and when you waited a whole night just for me...fuck, I knew I was in it deep. My love for you just keep growing" Draco smiled at him, a blush rising on his cheeks "And baby, it never stops"

Draco grinned, unable to resist his words as he kissed the tip of his nose "Let's get out" Draco said, pressing another kiss on Harry's lips before standing up, gasping a bit when he pulled away from Harry's cock. Harry stilled at the sight, cum oozing out of Draco's swollen and gaping hole. Harry traced his finger up Draco's inner thigh and a hand came up to stop him "Harry" He looked up at Draco with a sly grin.

"You're too tempting, Draco" Harry groaned, planting a kiss in the middle of Draco's stomach and standing up as well. He waved his hands and cleaned both of them up, they got fully dressed again quickly and got to the door "Do you think our friends would mind that we bailed on our pub nights?"

"They will be fine, Harry" Draco smiled softly at him and dragged him out of the empty classroom.

"Headmistress!" They both stilled on the spot when they saw Headmistress McGonagall standing with a frown displayed on her face "We..." Draco stammered.

"I believe you two were duelling in an empty classroom after dark?" She asked and Harry gulped, his hand still intertwined with Draco's "Didn't your detention seventeen years ago teach you nothing?"

"We're sorry, Headmistress"

"Not to mention you two are Professors now" She gave them a harsh look, the same look she gave them when she caught them exactly like this years ago when they were in their Eighth Year. They haven't been caught after that. Since they became Professors, they mostly did it in their offices...but this time...

"We're terribly sorry, Headmistress" Harry said guiltily "It's our anniversary, so...er, we're sorry. It will not happen again"

"I should hope so, Professors" She said and gestured to the direction of the library "There are guests expecting you two in the library. They insisted that they want to visit Hogwarts"

"Thank you, Headmistress" Draco nodded with Harry and she walked away, the blond looked back at his husband with knitted eyebrows "You don't think..."

"I do think so" Harry grinned as they made their way to the library along the corridor. When they walked in, it was just as they thought, their friends were here in the middle of the night. Even Madam Pince had left the library.

"Hey, Professors!" Ginny jumped up from her seat and waved at them, next to her was Luna, who was braiding hair for Hermione for some reason "We have been waiting for an hour, what were you two doing?"

"Oh, I think I know what they were doing" Pansy laughed loudly with her lap full of Hermione "It's their anniversary, why do you think they skipped our pub night?"

"So you two were fucking?" Theo asked bluntly and Neville snorted at his husband, Theo has no filters, at all "Did you get caught by Headmistress?"

"Unfortunately, yes" Draco said with a loud sigh as they got to the big table in the library their friends were sitting around "It was embarrassing"

"Then why did you do it?" Ron popped a question that made Draco roll his eyes.

"I seem to recall you and Blaise were caught in a Muggle re-..." Ron jumped from his seat and leapt to Draco's spot and covered his mouth, hissing loudly.

"You're not supposed to tell anyone that" He whispered as the rest of their friends giggle at Ron "I told you and Theo that in confidence" Ron mumbled, retrieving his hand and sitting back, only now he sat down on Blaise's lap "So, when you two said you wouldn't be at the pub, Luna suggested something"

"Why don't we visit Hogwarts again? I think it's a nice idea" Luna spoke up with a soft smile and threw her hands up "I'm done, Hermione"

Hermione pulled her now braided her over her shoulder to gaze at it with her lips parted slightly in amazement "Wow, Luna, it's beautiful"

"We didn't think Headmistress would even let us in" Neville chimed in "I think Ginny was very convincing"

"She was practically begging her" Ron snickered and Ginny threw her own brother a glare.

"Oh yeah? I guess it's just like you begging for Blaise every n-..."

"Okay" Pansy's voice stopped Ginny from finishing her sentence and Ron from lunging from his chair again. Harry chuckled, their group was full of chaos, he loved it anyway "So, Harry, Draco, do you have any plans now?"

"Well, actually, yeah" Harry scratched the nape of his neck and looked at Draco fondly, they have planned to go to the place where it all started, where it meant the most.

"So if you don't mind, we will see you tomorrow" Draco said, a hint of teasing was in his tone "You can stay and visit if you want"

"It still looks the same" Pansy said, glancing around the room full of shelves "Hermione, do you remember when..."

"Of course" Hermione's eyes twinkled as she looked at her wife "It's where we first properly talked to each other"

"When we both reached for that book, I knew you were the one" Pansy muttered as Hermione started to get flustered "It's also the place I've done some dirty things to you"

"It's getting inappropriate" Ron announced and stood up, dragging Blaise with him "Come on, let's get out. I think I just saw the corridor where I first dropped food on your expensive shirt"

"I still kept it" Blaise said flatly and Ron gaped at him "It was special"

"No way" Ron gasped, his eyes widened "You kept it this whole time? And you didn't tell me?"

"It's also the shirt you spilt spaghetti on our first anniversary together" Blaise said and they all chuckled at Ron.

"If I hadn't become an Auror, I think I'd have become a Professor instead" Neville said and Theo looked up at him in awe. The same look that Harry saw Theo giving Neville years ago "I'd probably be a Herbology Professor here"

"Well, I think you would have been a very, very sexy one then, Professor Longbottom" Theo cooed, his voice suddenly going soft. Neville's cheeks started to turn pink and Theo cackled "Come on" He dragged Neville out of their chairs and looked at Harry and Draco "Do you know where we could..."

"No one goes in the Green House...ever" Draco murmured and Theo squealed before pulling a blushing Neville with him out of the library.

"Would you like to see the Transfiguration room?" Blaise spoke up from behind Ron "Where we both asked Headmistress for our friends? I brought the thing"

"Yes, please" Ron gave his husband a devilish grin before the both of them took off as well.

"So...we will just visit the Astronomy Tower, watching stars...and some other stuff" Ginny grinned as Luna hopped behind her, leaving Pansy and Hermione with them.

"I think we will leave" Draco swung their locked hands together as he looked at Pansy, eyes full of meaning "Leave you girls some alone time in this place"

"Bye, boys" Pansy waved her hand at them as Harry laughed and walked away with Draco. Their friends were still as randy as always, he only hoped McGonagall won't catch them as well. He walked hand in hand with Draco along the corridor until they got outside of Hogwarts.

The sky was full of stars, the moon was shining above them as they stepped into the soft grass. Harry didn't let go of his grip on Draco until they both got to the bank, where the water from the lake almost hit their feet.

"Where it all starts" Draco smiled, retreating his hand as he stepped backwards teasingly "Where you rescued me the first time"

"And the second time" Harry said, following Draco's steps as his husband chuckled. Draco kicked his boots off and Harry did just the same "I think you have the tendency to get hurt too"

"Not as much as you" Draco tilted his head to the side, flashing Harry a smile, the most beautiful smile ever "You just love saving me, don't you, Harry?"

"I love the one I'm saving" Harry winked and Draco laughed softly, pulling the ribbon that was holding all his hair up away, letting his gorgeous hair fall on his back as he bit his lower lip.

"Well, try saving me now, Harry" He spun on his heels and started running along the bank in his bare feet. Harry chuckled and followed him, sprinting after his husband under the moonlight. He caught the blond within a few seconds, hoisting Draco up in his arms from behind and his husband burst into laughter "Harry-no, no!" He wiggled in his grip when Harry walked into the water "We're going to get wet" Draco was pleading him while giggling, Harry didn't stop until the water was reaching his knees.


"Harry!" Draco yelped before Harry let himself fall backwards, pulling Draco with him. They met the cold water in a loud splash, his arms still wrapped tightly around Draco's waist. They emerged from the water quickly, Draco gasping for breath and Harry panted heavily. They shared a long-lasting glance before laughter broke the silence "You're an arse" Draco said, laughing loudly and smacking Harry's chest in a playful way. He brushed a kiss on Harry's wet lips, tasting the salt in their kiss "You know...the grindylows or the giant squid can pull us down. What if I lost you?"

"You won't, I won't let them" He said in a firm tone, pulling an honest chuckle from Draco "I've rescued you many times, I can do it again" Harry smiled, nuzzling his nose against Draco's, both of their bodies were still underwater "And again, and again, and again"

"My knight in shining armour, well...and gills" Draco laughed, pressing his salty wet lips on Harry's again, wrapping his arms around his neck and straddling Harry's lap "Harry, people could see us from here, our friends could"

"I don't care, I want you" Harry kissed him deeply, hands wandering down his trousers already "My treasure, I love you"

"I love you" Draco hummed, grinning and blushing every time Harry called him treasure, and he was. Harry has never stopped considering Draco anything but his treasure. And perhaps...no...definitely, the merpeople were definitely right. They were made for each other, and it was written in the stars.

The End


Notes: Votes and comments are my motivation to keep writing. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you love this.

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