The Warmest Place Is You

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Summary: Draco Malfoy is always cold even with the help of charms, so he has every right to freak out when Harry Potter is the only one that can make him warm.

Note: This fic is in my series "My Safe Place", the series include five stories about five different couples (Pansmione, Theville, Linny, Drarry, Blairon, in that order) I decided to post the Drarry one here anyway and the other storylines for other couples will be posted in my HP Rare Pair Love Book! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: I'm Sorry

November 22nd, 1998

Draco shuffled in the hospital wing and found an empty bed for him to sit on, he let out a quiet sigh and glanced at the moon shining outside from the window. It was dark already, but he didn't feel like going back to his dorm. Ever since he got back to Hogwarts to attend the last year here, he has been feeling lonely. His friends were still there for him, but he still felt like something was missing, his heart was empty, and he yearned to be filled.

"Draco, would you mind taking care of the hospital wing for me for a while? I have to go see Minnie" Madam Pomfrey placed her hand on his shoulder, and he gave her a curt nod before she walked out.

It was exactly three months ago when Draco found his new curiosity for healing, it was surprising even for him. There was a food poisoning incident back then with the pumpkin pies, every student that ate it immediately needed treatment. Draco was the only few who didn't eat it, since he hated pumpkins. When he carried a pale and weak Pansy into the hospital wing, it was full of other students already, and he ended up having to heal her himself before she got any worse. Turned out, what he did to Pansy caught Madam Pomfrey's eyes and she had asked him to be her assistant in the hospital wing, helping her whenever she needed it.

She had told him he was good at it and promised him a place as a Healer in St. Mungo's after he graduated from Hogwarts. He didn't believe her at first, but eventually, he realised she was a kind woman, and she couldn't be lying. And he has been helping her for three months now, already preparing for a future where he saved people. He didn't expect himself to be a Healer, yet he found himself loving the feeling when he helped people, it made him feel...good, as if he wanted to make up for his past of doing bad things to others.

His last year here was a new year for him, he wanted to change, and he started being civil to everyone. Not Potter particularly, he just avoided any encounter he might have with Potter or his friends, he couldn't come up with anything nice to say, let alone an apology. He wanted to, but it was an impossible thing for him to do.

Draco rubbed his hands together, even with the warming charm, he still felt the cold around him, it wasn't called the coldest day of the month for nothing. Draco's thoughts were interrupted when he saw a shadow of someone coming in the hospital wing, he straightened his back and stood up on his feet, only to feel anxious when he realised who it was.

"Oh, you" Potter looked at him and glanced around the hospital wing, holding his right arm while his face was slightly frowning, he wasn't sure it was caused because he saw Draco or because of the pain "Is Madam Pomfrey here?"

"No, she just went out" He said shortly, eyes fixed on the injured arm, he wondered what Potter did again to cause this. Potter was draping a scarf over his neck loosely, it seemed like he didn't feel cold at all.

"Never mind" Potter grumbled and spun on his heels to walk out. Draco could ignore him, Potter already has Granger, who was a fairly good witch at healing, she would heal him, Draco didn't need to worry.

"Wait" Draco called out, and Potter turned around to look at him under his glasses. He stepped forward and pointed at the bed "Sit down, I can heal you"

"I don't need it"

"Fine, be stubborn, don't come crying to me later when your arm is broken"

"Don't patronise me" Potter snapped at him, his nose scrunching up at the pain on his arm "You're so bloody annoying, Malfoy"

"I'm annoying?" Draco scoffed loudly and folded his arms together "I'm not the clumsy twat that broke his arm in the middle of the night"

"Why don't you just shut your mouth?"

"I wanted to help you, Potter, but it seems like you're a brat that can't hold a decent conversation with others"

"I don't need your help, I would rather break my arm than have you healed it"

"Fine, break your arm then, I don't care" Draco snarled at him, he wanted to play nice, but Potter just has to mess it all up and made him angry "I'm not the one that just left the other to die on the floor like you, at least I wanted to help you" He watched the way Potter flinched at what he said, he wasn't sure why he even mentioned that event, he was too furious to think straight.

They stared at each other for what felt like ages before Potter took a step forward and headed to the bed next to where Draco was standing. He noticed the blood dripping from his forehead to his scar first, Draco leaned closer, holding in his breath as if he was afraid of their close proximity right now. He grazed his hand over Potter's hair, pushing it up to see where the blood had started, luckily it wasn't much. He also realised Potter's hair was softer than he had imagined, he thought it would be crispy, but no, it was a nice feeling under his hand.

"Do you feel dizzy?" He asked, touching on the place with no blood on his forehead, observing if Potter has any reaction to it "Headache, blurry vision, trouble walking, nausea?"

"Er, no" Potter answered and Draco exhaled in relief, the Gryffindor didn't have a concussion, that was better. The blond took a deep breath before pulling out his wand to heal the injury on his head "Take off your robes" Draco said and Potter slowly opened his robes, flinching at his moves and Draco has to take over "Stop, sit still, I will do it" He ordered, pulling the robes off entirely and his scarf as well. He still has a layer of shirt left, Draco placed his hand on his forearm, Potter didn't react, he moved his hand up to his upper arm and Potter's face scrunched up a little, he traced up and earned a hiss from Potter when he touched his shoulder blade "I need to take off your shirt"


"Your pain is on your shoulder, I need to get a closer look to see if there is any bruise. And if there is, I need to check on its colour. You can't roll up your sleeve that high" Draco said, as much as he disliked it, it was non-negotiable. When Potter gave him a nod, Draco raised his hand to start taking off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. More and more skins were revealed, and it wasn't like Draco hasn't seen other students here before. Lots of them have accidents during Quidditch, he was used to it already, but seeing Potter's was an entirely different thing, it was a messed up thought he has.

He slid the shirt off Potter gently so he wouldn't cause any further pain. Draco's mouth parted when he saw the bruising upper arm, it was all swelled up and discoloured "Do you feel any tingling feeling on your arm?"

"I'm sorry" Potter whispered quietly when Draco leaned closer to examine his arm. The blond was stunned and looked up at the Gryffindor, their eyes met and he felt like blushing. He knew why Potter said that, two words were enough to cover everything else. They weren't supposed to feel this close, so why was Draco feeling warm all of a sudden like this? He cleared his throat and looked back at Potter's swollen arm.

"You haven't answered my question"

"Oh, yeah, it hurts when I touch it, and it's hard for me to move" Potter said, and Draco didn't dare look up again. He has a fractured shoulder, Draco was sure, but he didn't know why.

"You fractured your shoulder blade" Draco stood up and gazed at Potter, this time he has to, he couldn't tell a patient bad news without looking into their eyes. The blond swallowed and looked down, murmuring the words out loud "I'm sorry too" He said, and he meant it, for all the things he had done. There was no better time than this, especially when Potter had just apologised to him too. When he looked back, Potter still has his eyes on him "What did you do?"


"What did you do to your arm? You fractured your shoulder"

"I, er, I was on my broom" Potter explained as Draco took a look at the bruise again, it was already spreading all over his upper arm "I was flying, and I lost balance, I...fell"

"You were flying alone?" Draco asked, arching an eyebrow at him. It was rare to see Potter alone, he was always with some Gryffindors "Not with Granger or Weasley?"

"No, uh, I was alone, I...I wanted to be alone for a bit. I kept flying, trying to search for something, I don't know what I want to find, but, er, I just feel like I'm missing something" The blond was taken aback again by what Potter said, because it sounded like him. Potter didn't look at him anymore, his eyes glued on their feet on the floor. Draco held his wand tightly and raised his arm up, pointing it at the Gryffindor's shoulder.

"Brackium Emendo" Draco murmured the incantation, observing the way his magic healed Potter's arm. As soon as it looked normal again, he let his wand down and touched Potter's shoulder, getting a hiss from the Gryffindor "What? Are you still in pain?"

"No, no" Potter said, looking at the blond and stuttering the next few words out "Er, it's your hand, it's cold"

"Oh" Draco balled his hands into fists, retreating from the previous position and standing straight up "Sorry, my hands are always cold"

"I didn't mean it in a bad way" Potter leaned forward, but Draco stepped back, looking out at the window. He knew his hands were always cold, there was no way he could warm it up "Why don't you just use a warming charm?"

"It doesn't work" Draco snapped a little bit harder than usual, he was angry, he wasn't sure why. Potter's words meant nothing to him.

"Can I try?" Potter said, holding his own wand in his hand. Draco gazed at him with suspicion in his eyes but nodded anyway. He could feel Potter's magic coursing through him, running under his skin, but it didn't work "Can I, er, touch your hands? To see if it worked?" Draco bit on his lower lip, hesitating before extending his hands. They fit perfectly in Potter's hands, but he didn't want to pay attention to that, because what caught his interest was the warmth of Potter. His hands were practically burning, making Draco's hands melt into him. A small content hum was out of his throat before he noticed it, Draco met Potter's eyes and jerked his hands back.

"I told you it didn't work" Draco said, realising that Potter was still sitting half shirtless in the hospital wing, he pointed at the robes and looked away "Put your clothes back on, you're fine now"

"Are you blushing?" Potter asked him along with a chuckle when Draco turned around so the Gryffindor could do it privately "It's okay, we're both guys"

"I'm gay" He blurted out "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, and it's the decent thing to do" He turned around when there was complete silence behind him. Potter was done, but he was staring at Draco "What? I'm not embarrassed about my sexuality"

"Er, no, I didn't mean..." Potter said, standing up and stuttering like a kid "I just, never mind that" He exhaled and headed for the door, he looked at Draco, eyes focused on him and the corner of his lips turned up for a small smile "Er, thank you, Malfoy"

"Try not to be so clumsy next time" He reminded Potter, the Gryffindor always has a knack for damaging himself.

"You're always here, right?" Potter asked, leaving Draco speechless before walking out of the hospital wing. That was...something. Draco sighed, turning around and noticing the red and yellow scarf left on the bed. Potter must have forgotten to put it back on. Draco touched the warm fabric and picked it up, it still felt like it has Potter's warmth on. And suddenly, it didn't feel like the coldest night anymore, the blond shook his head and quickly erased the thought. He must be going crazy.

Chapter 2: Do I Get A Hug Too?

January 8th, 1999

"You're okay now" Draco grinned at a First-Year student, a Hufflepuff. She has long blonde hair and accidentally sprained her ankle while running. He ruffled her hair and pulled out a box of Chocolate Frog, bending down and handing her the sweet "Here you go, for being such a strong witch"

"Thank you" She squealed, lunging at him to wrap her small arms around his neck "Thank you so much, sir"

"Call me Draco" He kneeled down and smiled at her, she nodded and gazed at the sweet in her hand lovingly, her eyes twinkled. He wasn't used to dealing with kids before, but now he was the one saving the sweets his mother had sent him and stacking it in his robes so he could give them out to the young patients here. She skipped away and Draco stood up, turning around to make sure she got out of here without any scratch "Potter" He uttered when Potter was standing behind him with a curious look. It wasn't weird to see Potter, he has been visiting the hospital wing more times than Draco could count "What's wrong now?"

"Er, I was bitten" Potter said, sitting down on the bed near him and rolling up his sleeves, showing Draco his forearm "I think it might be infectious"

"I don't see anything" Draco said after eyeing his arm carefully "You were bitten?"

"Well, not really bitten, more like a scratch"

"A scratch?" Draco asked, narrowing his eyes and looking down at Potter's arm again "What scratched you exactly?"

"Crookshanks" Potter said, raising his arm and pointing at the small scratch near his wrist. The blond stared at the Gryffindor and it was this moment he thought Potter could not get any more dramatic "It's Hermione's cat, and he scratched me"

"So was Granger there when it happened?"


"And she couldn't heal it for you?" Draco scoffed and watched the way Potter pressed his lips together, unable to say anything, the blond sighed loudly "Potter, you can't just go to the hospital wing for minor things like this. I've got people with serious injuries here, that one got a broken foot" Draco said, pointing at Ernie Macmillan, who broke his left foot when he tried to move a portrait in the hallway and it ended up falling on his toes "You can't come in here just because of a scratch that you can heal yourself. You have been going here a lot, Potter, do you love the hospital wing that much?"

"Er, well...I know you'd be here"

"I'm not your own private Healer" He said when Potter finally managed to utter out a sentence after scratching at his nape. It's been more than two months that Potter kept visiting the hospital wing, Draco couldn't believe someone would love damaging their own body so much like that "Why do you even go here for this scratch when you could have just healed it yourself?"

"I don't have my wand" Potter said and Draco glanced at his left hand, sending daggering looks back at the Gryffindor.

"Then what is in your hand?"

"Oh" Potter said softly when he looked down at his left hand, which was holding his wand. Draco pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled "Well, er, I didn', I just want to make sure"

"Come to me when you have a serious injury" He said, pointing his wand at Potter's little scratch to heal him, he immediately locked eyes with Potter again "That does not mean you can go and break your own bones just so you can come here, do you understand?"

"Yeah, okay, I understand" Potter answered with a nod. Draco hummed and stood straight up again, signalling that he was done, but the Gryffindor made no movement to leave "Er, why didn't you go home for Christmas and New Year?"

"Is this necessary?" Draco rolled his eyes at Potter and crossed his arms over his chest. He decided to spend time here because of his own reasons "I want to study so I can graduate, it's just a waste of time going home. And you, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with the Weasleys right now?" And another fact was that he didn't like how his Manor felt, it still reeked of deaths there. Draco couldn't shake off the feelings and he would sometimes have nightmares there, so he didn't want to go back, and fortunately, his mother understood him.

"The same reason as you, I guess, Hermione suggested we stay, and we all did" Potter said shortly, his fingers playing with each other, he rolled down his sleeves again and gazed at the blond "And, uh, well, it felt less lonely here"

Draco stayed quiet after hearing Potter's words, he might feel the same thing, the blond diverted his eyes and cleared his throat "You can go"

"Oh, have you seen my scarf? I think the last place I left it was a few months ago when you healed my shoulder" Potter said, Draco realised he forgot to give Potter back his scarf the moment he has his eyes on the Gryffindor's bare neck. Since that night, he had brought it back and folded it nicely, leaving it next to his pillow. For some reason, it felt reassuring to sleep next to it.

"Yeah, I will give it back to you later" He looked away, avoiding the Potter's eyes and clutching at his robes "I forgot about it, sorry"

"Er, it's all right, you can keep it"

"What?" Draco stared at him, blinking a few times just to make sure he was hearing it right "I can't keep it, it's yours"

"I think you need it more, with your cold hands and all" Potter shrugged, giving him a lopsided grin, and Draco won't admit the smile gave him a tingling feeling in his stomach.

"If you're worried about my hands, you should give me your gloves instead" He let out a dry laugh, a joke was always a good way to diffuse an awkward situation, but when he noticed the gleam in Potter's eyes, maybe a joke wasn't the best idea "That's a joke" Draco really hoped he wouldn't show up next time with a new pair of gloves in a box.

"Er, okay" Potter said, bobbing his head to show that he understood it, he extended his hand and Draco raised an eyebrow at him.


"Where's my Chocolate Frog?" The question made Draco's stomach do a flip. He could feel the chocolates in his pocket, but Potter wasn't a kid "Like the kid from before, you gave her one"

"I only give them out to the younger students, First and Second-Year mostly, clearly, you're not them"

"That's unfair" Potter said, he could sense the teasing tone from his voice, but he didn't care. Potter got off the bed and waved at him before turning to leave. Somehow Draco had acted on impulse and grabbed his robes by his sleeve, drawing his attention back to him.

Draco sighed, rummaging through his pocket before pulling out a Chocolate Frog and placing it in Potter's warm palm. He was crazy for doing this, but there was something about Potter he just couldn't deny "Here, you only get this once"

"Do I get a hug too?" Potter teased him with a bright grin, opening his arm wide.

"One thing at a time, Potter" Draco mumbled and Potter laughed. As soon as the Gryffindor left the hospital wing, Draco let out a breath and kept his eyes on the one that was walking away. It didn't feel right, he wasn't supposed to feel like this.

It was normal before, they didn't even have to talk, but ever since that night when Potter broke his shoulder, Draco was sure it changed everything. Potter came to the hospital wing more, they talked more, and their conversations were always civil, it wasn't supposed to be like this. It was odd, Draco couldn't figure out why it felt so wrong yet so right.

Chapter 3: Are You Warm Now?

February 2nd, 1999

Draco rubbed his hands together, blowing warm breaths into his palms to feel less cold. It was the coldest night of this month, everyone had said so. He could have just stayed in his dorm, but it wasn't that different from here. Blaise was teaching Pansy in the library for an upcoming exam, one Draco had already studied so he was safe, while Theo was occupied by a guy like always. Draco found out the hospital wing might be a safe place for him to stay.

"Draco, are you still here?" Madam Pomfrey approached him with a hand on his shoulder, she joined him on the empty bed and squeezed his shoulder "You know, dear, you can go back to your dorm, no one will be here anyway"

"It's okay, Poppy, I like it here" He said, calling her by her first name like she had insisted after they have been working together for months now "You can visit the Headmistress, I can stay here to see if anyone needs me"

"You're a good kid, Draco" She said, draping her arm over his shoulder and leaning on him "You'll do great in the future"

"Thank you, Poppy" He let out a soft smile as she left the bed and headed to the door. He was alone again, and the moon was his only company.

It has been an hour or more, Draco was looking at the night sky when the sound of someone walking towards the hospital wing drew his attention, he thought it was Poppy.

"Potter, what is it now?" He got off the bed and waited for Potter to come close. He still looked fine to Draco from the outside "Are you hurt again?"

"Er, well, not really" Potter said, his hands gripping on his robes tightly "It's okay, er, I'm not hurt"

"Then why are you here?"

"It's...uh, I—..."

"Potter, you really need to learn how to talk properly" Draco rolled his eyes at him, waiting for an answer to this weird behaviour of his.

"I just, uh, I just thought I could sit with you for a while" Potter said and Draco let out a quiet "Oh", he gave the Gryffindor a curt nod so he could explain further "Hermione's at the library, and Ron's with her, and Ginny and I already broke up months ago, you know about that, and, er, I just thought...I could come here" He stuttered, scratching the nape of his neck, looking down at their feet "Er, if you're uncomfortable, it''s fine"

"Fine, you can stay" Draco sighed, he didn't understand why he let Potter stay, there was something in him that couldn't say no, because it seemed like they were alike "Don't sit too close to me, and not one word"

Potter nodded, settling down next to Draco, they were inches apart, their robes were the only thing that touched. They both folded their legs together on the bed, staring out at the sky through the window, none of them spoke, it was nice like this.

"Are you cold?"

"What did I say, Potter?" Draco groaned after a full minute of silence. Potter was already talking again, he turned to the Gryffindor and met his green eyes. Under the moonlight, it seemed even more green, shining brightly at him, twinkling like stars "I told you not one word"

"I'm just asking" He said, shrugging his shoulders while his eyes still set on Draco, making him look away, it was awkward "Have you cast a warming charm on?"

"Of course I have" Draco scoffed when Potter asked an obvious question, the spell didn't work, that was the main problem. He rubbed his own hands together again and intertwined them, noticing Potter looking at him from the corner of his eyes "How are your hands so warm?"

"It is?" Potter wondered, raising his hands and humming "I never noticed, I just thought it was normal" He said, putting his hands on his lap "Are you going to be a Healer?"

"I guess" Draco replied nonchalantly, he wasn't sure they would even accept him, not with the mark on his arm, but he has hopes in Madam Pomfrey's words "I haven't thought about it much, I'm sure my parents would even dislike it, but I think I will try to be a good one"

"You are a good one" Potter said, Draco didn't turn to look at him. He didn't want to see how the Gryffindor's green eyes were glued at him. He was afraid it would be bad for his heart "If you become a Healer, does that mean I can see you every day again at St. Mungo's?"

"Are you obsessed with hospitals and getting yourself injured?" Draco chuckled dryly, he gripped tightly on his robes, still feeling Potter's gaze on him. The Gryffindor wasn't subtle, he probably didn't know how to be subtle to save his life "So, what are you going to become? An Auror?"

"Yeah, I think it's something I'm destined to do" He said, he could sense the tone from Potter's voice, he was determined "I feel like I should save people, I think I enjoy the feeling. When I'm out there, I feel all...excited in my stomach, and when I fight the bad ones, it feels good"

"I understand" He said, finally turning to Potter and giving him a smile "I feel the same when I heal people, like I've done something nice for them" He fidgeted with his fingers, trying to make out the rest of his sentence "And...I think you'd be a good Auror, just don't get yourself hurt"

"That's a hard request you're asking there" Potter laughed softly, and he won't admit Potter's laugh has made Draco's chest warm. He looked out to see the moon again, wishing to stay calm, he has to.

They talked for what felt like years, about everything, and Draco wasn't sure why he was so comfortable telling Potter what he felt, his loneliness, his desire to be on his own, his secrets. Potter also spilt out his feelings, and he didn't have a clue why it felt so refreshing to hear Potter's stories, to know that he struggled just as much as Draco, and how alike they were. Draco didn't want to know what time it was, there was something in him that didn't want their conversation to end.

"What are you going to do after graduation?" Potter asked him, Draco rubbed his hands together again unconsciously, shivering a little while thinking of an answer.

"I think I will go back to the Mano—..." Draco jolted in surprise when he realised Potter's hand was snaking in to hold his. He laced his own fingers with Draco's, the sudden warmth made him tremble, it felt suddenly too nice "The...The Manor" He couldn't believe he was the one stuttering now. He gulped and glanced at Potter, but the Gryffindor was looking at the window instead, yet his hand still held Draco's tightly. He composed himself again and tried to stay calm "I will...visit my parents and wait for Madam Pomfrey. She said she would help me get a spot in St. Mungo's. I will probably be a trainee there first, I don't expect much at first anyway, wouldn't want to get my hopes up too high"

"I think you will be okay" Potter said, finally meeting his eyes, this time, his green eyes and his warm hand have made Draco's heart skip a beat. His smile sent a shiver down Draco's spine, the nice kind. Draco swallowed hard, feeling an urge to squeeze his grip, but Potter was faster, tightening their locked hands. The blond's breath hitched, and he looked away "Are you warm now?"

"Hmm...yes" He answered quickly, his tone high, he wanted to flee, but the bigger part of him wanted to stay, wanted to feel more of this. This feeling was intoxicating, yet he yearned for more, Draco was starting to panic.

Chapter 4: Close Your Eyes

March 29th, 1999

"Got a date with Potter?" Pansy pursed her lips at Draco, nudging him when they stopped at the courtyard. Draco might have agreed to meet Potter here, for some reason he wanted to meet Draco at night after dinner and had even sent a note through a paper bird to announce Draco that. Pansy had insisted on coming with him until Potter arrived, and he somehow agreed again, he should have said no.

"It's not a date" Draco leaned back on the wall of the courtyard while Pansy smirked at him, he hated how smug she looked right now "I told you we're just friends"

"Oh, come on, even you would know that's a lie" Pansy kicked his leg teasingly. Draco avoided her eyes and looked at the hallway of the other side instead. He knew it was a lie himself. It's been five months since they have acted like friends. It scared him, but he knew there was something in the way Potter looked at him. Especially after that night when Potter held his hand for hours, it made his stomach warm.

Draco realised he liked Potter since December. He had freaked out about it, and he was in denial for two months, thinking that could never be true, that they were just friends. As it turned out, the line between love and hate was thin, and the line was broken the moment Potter made him warm with no spell at all. Pansy was always there, convincing him that their feelings were mutual, that Potter liked him as well, but he couldn't confirm it, not until Potter said it to his face.

"He obviously likes you, I thought you listened to me when I gave you that speech" Pansy said, reminding him about the time she made a board to prove that Potter liked him. Sometimes he wondered if Pansy and Granger would ever talk to each other, because they seemed like they would actually hit it off. He scoffed at her and nodded "Okay, so you did hear the speech. How are you not convinced? Theo believes it"

"I won't be convinced until he tells me" He said, as much as he liked Potter, he didn't want to be the one to say it first. Their friendship was new, and it was fragile, he didn't want to ruin it. Potter might have just been friendly to him this whole time, he didn't want to assume anything, he didn't want to get hurt.

"I get that your pride is huge, you don't want to confess and be rejected, it would destroy you" Pansy explained exactly what he felt, she knew him a little too well "But if you don't, you will never know what he feels. Oh, do you want me to ask him?"

"Do not ask him" He turned to send death glares at her, he really didn't want her to meddle in his business, it was his problem alone "I mean it, Pansy, do not meddle"

"Fine" Pansy groaned, elbowing his ribs and making a satisfying sound "Look who's here, your future boyfriend"

"Go" Draco urged her, pushing her away as she let out a loud laugh, leaving the courtyard quickly while Potter approached him. His lips formed into a frown, folding his arms together "You're late, Potter"

"I thought we agreed on calling each other by our first names yesterday" Potter pouted with his hands behind his back. It was dark outside but he could still see Potter's face clearly. He was wearing his scarf again, a new one because Draco had kept his. He even has a red knitted hat over his head. He looked like a dork, but Draco found him kind of cute, he fought the urge to blush at the sight of him.

"I did intend on doing that, but you're late, so I decided against it" He shrugged, looking the other way with a small huff "I hate tardiness"

"I'm sorry" Potter said, extending his hand out to touch his arm, pleading for forgiveness. He didn't want to look directly into the Gryffindor's eyes, they always held power on him, he couldn't say no to it, ever "I didn't mean to be late, I was...I was preparing something, for you"

"Fine" Draco breathed out, looking at Potter again and meeting his eyes. There was that warm tingling feeling again, he cursed himself for feeling like this "What were you preparing?"

"Oh, well, close your eyes" Potter said as Draco narrowed his eyes. What was he planning on? "I promise won't do anything inappropriate without your consent"

"Okay, because if you kiss me, I will hex you" Draco stated, watching the way Potter chuckled and nodded at him. Draco closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he could hear the rustling sound in front of him, then Potter stepped forward.

"Open your eyes, Draco" Draco felt something warm shoot up his chest when Potter called him by his first name. It still sounded unfamiliar to him, but he rather liked the way his name rolled off Potter's tongue. He opened his eyes, staring down at the small black box with red ribbons on top in the Gryffindor's hands "I got you something, open it" Draco hesitated for a while before raising his hand to unwrap it. There it was, a pair of black gloves in the box. Draco's mouth was opened, he picked it up and it felt soft in his hands "Ow!" Potter yelped when Draco smacked his shoulder with the gloves "Why did you hit me?"

"I told you not to give me gloves" Draco shook his head, appreciating the gesture but gloves won't work on him "You know it doesn't work, I have tried it"

"Well, I know that" Potter said, rubbing the nape of his neck, he grinned at Draco and continued "I just thought it would be nice if you have something to make you less cold even a little when I'm not around"

"What are you saying?"

"I noticed your hands get warm when I hold it"

"Obviously" Draco mumbled, suddenly feeling shy "Anyone would be able to warm my hands if they held it" He scoffed, but that was a lie. Pansy had tested that theory out and her hands didn't make Draco's hands warm the way Potter did. Even Theo had joined the test just for fun and it still didn't work. Draco didn't intend on telling Potter that, not yet "You're not special, Potter"

"I've had people saying I am" Potter gave him a cheeky grin "I thought these gloves could occupy your hands when I'm not there"

Draco looked at the gloves in his hands, noticing his initials engraved on them, his heart threatened to burst "Did you have this made just for me?"

"Er, I just thought it would be a nice touch. You don't have to take it"

"I don't send back gifts" He claimed, putting the gloves back in the box and shrinking it down to put it in his pocket. He liked it, though he had told Potter not to do it, his efforts and what he had said touched Draco's heart, he couldn't give it back "Thank you" He said, smiling at him, he couldn't help it. Draco's eyes widened when something fell and landed on Potter's red hat "Snow" He murmured, looking up as more snow was coming down under the night sky above them.

"Do you like snow?" Potter asked him, pulling his attention back to the boy in front of him, he nodded and touched the snow that fell on the Gryffindor's shoulder.

"Yeah, I hate the cold but I like snow, it's beautiful, fragile" He said, letting the snow fall on his open palms as Potter kept his focus on him. He shivered slightly, the cold would be too much to handle soon.

"You're cold" Potter pointed out but Draco shook his head, still too indulged in the pretty snow around him. Potter exhaled quietly before unwrapping his scarf, putting it around Draco's neck, and he was pulling off his hat to put over the blond's head as well.

"Your hat doesn't fit my robes" He said as Harry grinned at him, not saying anything, completely focused on making Draco warm. Then he took Draco's hands, making the Slytherin jump, but didn't recoil from the touch. He held both of Draco's hands in his, cupping them together and leaning closer. Draco was still in a haze before he realised Potter was blowing puffs of warm air into his hands. It was hard to stay on his feet, Draco's breath hitched at the way Potter intertwined their hands after, enveloping him in his warmth, it was as if he was trying to protect Draco from the cold "Are you warm now?"

Draco looked into his green emerald eyes, and tightened his grips without thinking "Yes" He said, earning a smile from Harry. Draco could hear his inner voice in his mind. It was Harry now, wasn't it?

Chapter 5: Do You Like Me?

May 31st, 1999

"I can't believe we are graduates now, we are practically adults" Pansy said as they emerged from The Great Hall. The ceremony had started in the morning and ended before noon so the students could prepare to go home. All Professors including the Headmistress have made speeches. Even some students, like Granger and Weasley have each made one, and Harry one as well. Draco knew about it of course, since he was the one to help Harry come up with what to say and they had spent the night before together for him to rehearse it "Have you heard Granger's speech? It was inspiring, wasn't it?"

"Yes, I heard it, Pansy" Draco smiled, noticing Pansy's happy look. During Granger's speech, Pansy was so enamoured and focused on it, he was sure it has made some impact on her.

"I'm sure you heard it the clearest" Theo chimed in smoothly, giggling as he hooked his arm around her "You looked so head over heels for that girl"

"Hey, at least I'm not as bad as Blaise" Pansy poked out her tongue, diverting everyone's focus to Blaise, who was walking next to Draco, his face remained the same, unimpressed by the jokes "He was gawking at Weasley the whole time"

"I disagree with your accusation" Blaise merely said, a small smirk appearing at the corner of his lips.

"Yeah, you can't blame him for being so crazy over Weasley" Theo teased, laughing loudly with Pansy as Draco held back a chuckle "They have been playing Quidditch all year, Weasley is the Keeper and Blaise is the Chaser, he's bound to like Weasley sooner or later"

"Agreed" Draco finally said, eyeing Blaise carefully. He has heard stories from Pansy and Theo, it was true that Gryffindor and Slytherin have had matches against each other a lot this year, Draco didn't join so he didn't know. But considering Weasley's rather strong personality, he could see why Blaise has set his eyes on Weasley, he was different "Are you going to say something to him?" He asked but Blaise shook his head.

"I don't ask people out" Blaise said coldly, it was true, but Draco thought Weasley might just be his exception "We have graduated, I will never see him again"

"Don't say that, you're not a Seer, Blaise" Theo pouted at him and tapped on Draco's shoulder "So, how is it with Potter? Your future boyfriend?"

"I told you he is not my future boyfriend"

"Then why is he there waiting for you?" Theo pointed out with glee in his tone, Draco huffed and looked up only to see Harry was indeed standing and waiting for him just a few feet away, already waving at him "Bye, Draco" Theo teased, pulling Blaise and Pansy in the other direction while Draco continued his path to see Harry.

"Hey" Draco stopped when someone was clutching on his robes, he turned around and saw Ernie Macmillan behind him with a light pink colour painted on his cheeks "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Oh, okay" He nodded, turning his head to look at Harry. He raised his finger up, telling Harry to wait for him for a minute. Harry nodded and he turned back at Ernie, who still has that shy look on his face "What's wrong?"

"Well, can I ask you something?" He asked, waiting for a nod from Draco. He only continued after a few seconds, his hands playing with the sleeves of his robes, he was anxious for some reason " you know the guy that...brought me to the hospital wing?"

"Oh, Terrence" Draco said, Terrence Higgs was a fellow Slytherin student, but he had graduated years ago already. That day he was only visiting Hogwarts to have a talk with one of the Professors. Draco didn't know about it clearly and Pansy was the one to tell him about it, but Terrence was the one to see Ernie in pain and brought him into the hospital wing, leaving shortly after "Why do you ask?"

"Well...he's kind of-..."

"Hot?" Draco finished his sentence for Ernie, smirking at the way the Hufflepuff boy blushed. Everyone in Slytherin knew Terrence was the hot one, he was actually Theo's first sexual awakening but Draco didn't need to tell Ernie that "So, are you interested in him and wants to ask about his information?"

"Y-yeah...if you want to" Ernie looked down, avoiding Draco's smug look "I think...I think I like him"

"Well, he's gay, he's single, he's now working at a book shop in Diagon Alley" Draco said, pursing his lips to think of more but he didn't know Terrence that well. He only knew that Terrence owned a book shop because he has always been a soft one for books, Draco tilted his head to the side and smiled at Ernie "Would you like to know the address?" He asked, earning a nod from the Hufflepuff.

"Yes, please, thank you" Draco quickly scribbled down the address in a small piece of parchment and handed Ernie, the boy holding it in his hands dearly like it was a treasure chest to him. He lunged at Draco and squeezed him in a tight hug, to which he felt really uncomfortable but decided to let it slide due to Ernie's joy "Okay, enough" Draco said after ten seconds and Ernie finally broke away. He gave Ernie one last polite smile before bidding him goodbye and skipping away. Draco exhaled softly, turning around and he was greeted by Harry, who was standing right behind him "Harry, hi"

"Er, what...what did you and Ernie talk about?" Harry asked, Draco could see the slight frantic look in his eyes but he wasn't sure why Harry was acting this way.

"Well, it contains a very awkward confession" Draco chuckled, it seemed like Ernie has already fallen for Terrence just from his look and kindness "Ernie is really a shy one, do you know that?"

"Yeah" Harry laughed dryly, his hand running through his messy hair "So, he confessed to you?"

"It wasn't really a confession, to be honest" Draco explained, Ernie was stuttering the whole time so he wasn't even sure what he was trying to get at "He just babbled a lot, I finished his sentence for him, then I gave him the address"

"You finished his sentence for him" Harry made a choked noise, Draco looked at him strangely and nodded "And you gave him the address?"

"Yeah, in Diagon Alley"

" a date?"

"That's what I hope" Draco shrugged, as much as he didn't care about Ernie, Terrence could be good for the clumsy Hufflepuff. Harry pulled on his lower lip with his teeth, making Draco wonder what the Gryffindor was thinking about "Harry, what's wrong with you, why are you acting weird?"

"Move in with me"

"What?" Draco raised his tone, appalled by the sudden offer Harry made, he held his hand up to stop Harry from speaking "First, Harry, I still have a place, I'm not homeless. And second, why do you want me to live with you?"

"I...I don't know" Harry uttered, looking everywhere but Draco's eyes. He reached out a hand to touch Harry's arm to calm him down "Well, I just thought it would be nice, you know, for us to live together"


"I don't know"

"Harry, you're lying" He said, he knew when Potter was lying, he was bad at it. And his habit when he lied was to lick his lips excessively, he thought, noticing Harry's wet lips "Just tell me the truth"

"Are you going to date Ernie?" Another question that made Draco aghast. What was he going on about?

"I beg your pardon?" Draco put a hand on his chest, stepping back with a raised eyebrow "No, I'm not, where did you get that idea?"

"You just said your conversation contained an awkward confession, and then you said you gave him your address and you hope to get a date with him" Harry explained, and it took Draco a few seconds to take it in, letting out a short chortle.

"Oh, that's not it" Draco shook his head and sighed out loud "Look, I'm sorry I wasn't being clear before. Ernie has a crush on Terrence Higgs. Since Terrence is a Slytherin, Ernie asked me for his address and I hope he gets a date with Terrence"

"Oh" Harry said quietly as the truth struck him, Draco cocked his head to the side, eyeing Harry carefully. It couldn't be that he was...jealous?

Draco smiled as he stepped up "Did you ask me to move in because you were afraid I'd go out with Ernie?" He asked and Harry looked down, not meeting his eyes. Draco was tired of playing chasing, he needed the truth "Harry, why did you do that?"

"Because...because I thought you'd date him" Harry said, looking up at Draco again and pushing his glasses up "And, well, I thought if I could live with you, it'd be...nice"

"Why would it be nice?" Draco cornered him with questions, he has to bring out some answers from him. They only have a few hours left at Hogwarts, he might as well make it memorable with Harry "Do you want me as a roommate? Or is it something else? You said we don't need to see each other all the time after Hogwarts, and we'll meet at St. Mungo's only when you're injured for real"

"I know, I know but...I, I like spending time with you" Harry mumbled, there were students around them, but Draco only cared about the boy before him "It's nice to be with you"

"Only that?" Draco smiled at him, clutching on his bag and waiting for some other answer "We can still hang out if you want to, we're friends, right?"

"Yes, we are, and...and you don't want to jeopardise our friendship, right?"

"Yes" Draco nodded, he could see Harry's face fall. He moved even closer, taking a deep breath before taking control of this conversation "Harry, are you perhaps jealous...because you like me?" He held back from smiling wider when Harry stared at him in shock "And you thought I would date Ernie, you didn't want to ruin our friendship, so you asked me to move in with you so we can be together all the time? Is that what you're going to say? Do you like me?"

"You know?" Harry stuttered, still in dismay after his secret was found out, Draco could only chuckle at him.

"Harry, you are as smooth as sandpaper" Draco snickered, pushing his blond hair behind his ear and continued, trying not to blush "You aren't subtle at all, you hold my hands all the time, you gave me gloves and said I should use it when you're not around. One time, you put my hands in your pockets to keep me warm" Draco recalled the memory, it still made him blush every time he thought about it.

"So, you, well, do you have feelings for me too?" Harry finally finished a sentence and Draco gave him a pleased smile.

"Do you think I'll just let anyone hold my hand?" Draco grinned at him, amused by the way Harry was so oblivious about everything "I'm not that easy, Harry"

"Well, I thought that's what close friends do, like Dean and Seamus, so I wasn't sure if you liked me"

"Dean and Seamus are dating"

"No, they're not"

"They are, Harry" Draco said, he has caught the couple snogging secretly in the Restricted Section in the library many times but it wasn't his business to tell anyone. And based on the way Harry was still staring at him in shock, Harry has no clue about it "They're just doing it in secret, they have been doing it since the beginning of the year. Everyone knows, how could you not know? You guys live in the same dorm with them. And they just kissed in there when the ceremony ended, didn't you see?

"I just thought they were really, really close friends. And this morning I thought they just confessed to each other and then kissed" Harry exclaimed, Draco won't admit but he looked cute trying to comprehend all of this "Ron didn't know too"

"It's cute how you think Weasley would know about it too, you two are alike" Draco said, he didn't know what else to say, so he extended his hand in the space between them, speaking up quietly "I only let the guy I like hold my hand, Harry"

"Oh" Harry murmured, shaking a bit before taking Draco's hand in his, he intertwined their fingers, smiling as he met Draco's eyes "I like you, a lot, Draco, and I didn't want to ruin what we have. Ron told me to move on because I thought you didn't like me, but I couldn't stop thinking about you, so I was going to confess to you earlier, then I saw Ernie...and I kind of acted out on impulse and asked you to move in. I thought...if I didn't have you, I'd still want you to be close to me"

"I figured as much, Harry" Draco said, squeezing tighter and stepping forward, even closer than before "So why don't you try asking me to be your boyfriend first? We can go on a few dates, after a few months, you can ask me to move in. How about that?"

Harry grinned at him, showing his dimples and closed the distance between them by taking a step up "Then...would you, er...would you like, dinner...tomorrow?" Draco might need to rethink the level of his fondness for Harry, because he was starting to think he liked Harry more than he thought. Even the way he stuttered sounded cute to Draco.

"I'd love to have a dinner date with you tomorrow night, Harry. I'll wait for you" Draco smiled, his breath hitched when Harry wrapped his arms around the blond's waist, pulling him close "Really? In front of all of our friends?"

"I don't care" Harry said as Draco glanced around, some were looking at them, and he could even see his friends standing at the end of the hallway "I just want to kiss you and make you mine"

"You're not stuttering anymore"

"It's probably because now that I know you like me...I really want to do it" Harry leaned closer, and Draco didn't recoil from it "I want to kiss you all over, hold your hands, hug you, and..."

"Sleep with me?" Draco smirked as Harry's eyes twinkled "Hmm, you better be good at all of it then" Draco mumbled, leaning in at the same time as Harry and their lips met slowly. Draco closed his eyes, savouring this moment and blocking out all the noises from other students around them. He let his bag fall on the floor, locking his hands around Harry's neck, his fingers running through the Gryffindor's messy hair, and it felt soft in his hands. Draco hummed into the kiss, his voice eaten up by Harry's tongue slipping in his mouth, his hands ran up along Draco's back. When he touched the nape of his neck, the blond shivered, heat coursing through his body as he pressed harder against Harry's body, he desired for more.

Harry sucked on his bottom lip, his tongue exploring Draco's mouth while his hands found Draco's face and he cupped it, warming the blond up. Harry smelled nice, like treacle tart and chocolates, just what Draco loved. He clutched on Harry's hair, pushing deeper into the kiss.

"Students" Draco jolted, breaking away from the kiss to see the Headmistress staring at them with a displeased look "Please continue your activities elsewhere, Mister Potter and Mister Malfoy" Harry grinned at Draco, both saying sorry to her as she mumbled quietly "Exactly like twelve years ago, I can't believe it"

Draco watched her walk away and looked back at Harry, who locked eyes with him as he spoke up "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" The blond chuckled at him and gave him a curt nod.

"Yes, Harry, we did just kiss" He clarified as Harry laced their fingers together again. He loved it when Harry held his hand, as it fitted perfectly together, he felt safe "We're boyfriends now, also, you taste like mint. Did you come prepared?"

"Er, Ron gave me that" Harry gave him a lopsided grin, scratching his nape "He told me I'm obsessed with your lips, which I'm not, so he just threw the mint in my mouth while I was yawning during the ceremony earlier"

"Are you? Obsessed with my lips?" Draco pouted as Harry's gaze quickly went to his slightly swollen lips from their previous kiss.

"Maybe I am" Harry said as Draco snickered, picking up his bag from the floor and they continued walking down the hallway "So, just to be clear..." Harry said as Draco noticed his friends squealing at him from afar and he tried to ignore them "When Ron saw Oliver Wood and Percy in the Quidditch changing room years ago..."

"Percy wasn't even interested in Quidditch, Harry, though he might be interested in a certain Quidditch player. And yes, they were dating back then, they are still dating" Draco said, leaning into Harry and couldn't believe how oblivious his boyfriend was.

"I better tell Ron that" Harry hummed, stopping them suddenly as Draco looked at him "Oh, do you remember the time I broke my shoulder?"

"Yeah?" Draco answered, of course he would remember it. It was one of his favourite memories, not the injury obviously but rather the person "What about it?"

"I kind of fell because...I saw you" Harry explained, Draco's mouth fell open as he let out a gasp "I was flying, and I saw you in the hospital wing. You looked...really nice under the moonlight, it's the first time I've ever thought of you that way, and it might be the reason why I lost balance"

"So, what you're saying actually fell for me?" Draco smile's widened on its own, he was filled with joy. Just when he thought he couldn't like Harry more than he already has. Harry nodded and he leaned over, kissing his flushed cheek "You're cute, Harry" The Gryffindor beamed, pulling Draco in a hug, and once again, Draco never stopped feeling safe when Harry was with him.

Chapter 6: Miss You Too Much

September 9th, 1999

Draco buttoned his shirt up nervously while looking at the mirror, he felt that for a reason. Today, he'd tell his parents that he was dating Harry and they'd live together at the Grimmauld Place, where Harry was living. After a summer of only communicating through owls and secret Firecalls, Draco realised just how much he missed Harry and wanted to be with him, even when they've only been dating for three months.

He has created millions of scenarios in his mind and his father would throw a tantrum in most of them, so he hoped his mother would be the calm one, as she always has been. He even imagined his father throwing curses at Harry, but he doubted his father would win anyway. Draco was lost in his own thoughts until he heard something hitting his window. He expected an owl but there was nothing on the other side of it. He approached the window and looked down at his garden, nothing seemed different.

"Harry" Draco gasped, looking at his boyfriend who he hasn't seen for three months standing outside of his gate and waving his hand at him. The blond looked around the garden to see whether his parents were there or not, luckily no one was outside, they might be having breakfast right now. Draco quickly bolted out of the room and ran down for what felt like a million staircases until he reached the dining room where he poked his head in.

"Draco, care to join us for breakfast, son?" His mother asked and he forced himself to smile.

"Yes, mother, just a second, I'll be right back" He gave them a curt nod before running out of the door to his Manor. His pace quickened the closer he got to the gate "Harry, what are you doing here?" He whispered when he finally saw Harry on the other side of the gate. It's been so long since he could see Harry so close, he cursed his stomach for feeling all these butterflies.

"Well, you told me you will tell them the news today, and I'm afraid your father would be angry, so I thought I could come and help you" Harry said, smiling at Draco with the same smile that got him melted into a puddle every time "They could take out their anger on me instead of you, I think I'll be all right"

"Harry" Draco said, reaching over to touch Harry's cheek "You know you don't have to do this, I can handle them"

"Yeah, I know that" Harry touched his hand and planted a kiss on the centre of his palm "I just want to be with you"

"Okay, fine, you and your eyes" Draco sighed, retreating his hand so he could open the gate. Once there was nothing between them, Harry took his hand again, intertwining it and pressing his lips against Draco's knuckles "Harry"

"Sorry, miss you too much" Harry grinned, pressing his hand on the Gryffindor's chest, Draco smiled at him and squeezed his grip on their hands. Harry was too much for him to handle, in a good way.

"Listen, I will do the talking, all right?" He asked before opening the door inside "You just stand there and be attractive, I guess"

"I did charm my way through you, didn't I?"

"It's cute how you think you can hold my parents' hands and they'd be swooned by you, they're not me" Draco chuckled and opened the door in, they took careful steps until they reached the dining room and Draco pushed Harry away "You stay here, I'll go in first" Harry nodded at him and stayed in his place as Draco made his way in the dining room, where his parents were sitting.

"Draco, are you ready for breakfast?" His mother asked while his father was still looking down at his plate. Draco unclenched his jaw and swallowed hard.

"I have something to tell you, three things to be exact"

"Tell us, Draco"

"Okay" He said, his heart thumping and he tried to gather his courage, he looked at his own parents and began "First, I'm gay. Second, I'm dating Harry, as in Harry Potter. Third, I'm moving in with him" He finished his sentence quickly with his hands balled into fists and his eyes were shut tight. He expected some instant yelling from his father, or his mother dropping her teacup, but it was pure silence around him. Draco opened his eyes slowly to see his father gripping tightly on his knife and fork, but still didn't look up at him while his mother placed her teacup safely down on the table "Aren't you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad, darling?" His mother said softly with a smile "Harry, dear, come in, you don't need to hide anymore" She said quietly as Draco widened his eyes, glancing at his boyfriend and Harry stepped into their view.

"Hi, Mister and Misses Malfoy" Harry said politely, scratching the nape of his neck as he took the spot next to Draco.

"You knew?"

"Draco, before you rushed down here trying to sneak him in, Harry stood outside of our gates for ten minutes knocking on every window to see which one you're in" Draco was speechless at her words, glancing at Harry, who gave him a guilty smile. The Manor was huge, he couldn't blame Harry that "And you two spent five minutes out there before coming in"

"Oh" was all Draco could say before his mother kept speaking.

"I have three things to tell you as well, Draco" He was surprised at his mother's reaction, and nodded at her so she could continue "First, we kind of know that you're gay, dear. You've been obsessing over Harry, the only boy you ever talked about even before Hogwarts"

"I'm not obsessed with him, mother"

"I remember you used to cut out articles about Harry in the Daily Prophet and put it in a box"

"Mother!" He gaped at her, he didn't know that she knew about it. He turned to look at Harry, who was beaming at him and the newfound secret "It's not that big of a deal, Harry"

"Second" His mother continued "Because of the box, we know you like him"

"I don't collect articles about him, mother, there are others too"

"I think the box under your bed would like to disagree" His mother gave him a smile that somewhat looked almost like a smirk "Lastly, we are surprised you want to move in with Harry. But if it's what makes you happy, you should do it"

"Thank you, mother" He sniffled at her words and gazed at his father "Father...are you okay with this?" He asked and his father finally looked up at him, settling his knife and fork down on their proper spot before waving his hands everywhere in the air, looking like he was throwing a tantrum already. However, there was no sound emerging from his opened mouth. Draco raised an eyebrow and though his father seemed angry, he couldn't hear what he was saying.

"I cast a Silencio on him" His mother said, picking up her teacup calmly as if it was something so casual "We saw you two in the garden, and we had a quick discussion before you came in" She gestured to the broken vase at the corner of the room that he only noticed now.

"I can't believe your mother made your father shut up" Harry whispered at him and he couldn't believe it as well. Ever since the war ended, it seemed like roles were reversed in their family, so he could understand that.

"Your father had quite the attitude, so I'm waiting until he's calm"

'I am calm' Draco could read from his father's lips now and he watched him fold his hands over his chest, huffing out angrily.

"Your father might be angry now, but he will get over it soon, I will talk to him" His mother assured him, and Draco couldn't help but walk to her and bend down to hug her from her seat.

"I love you" He said softly to his mother as she tightened their hug.

"We can't tell you who you should date or love, Draco" She whispered in his ear, rubbing soothing circles on his back as tears rolled down his cheeks "We can't control you, Draco, you can do whatever you want now, as long as you're happy. And if Harry can bring you what you want, we're fine with him"

"Thank you" He couldn't say it enough, Draco stood up and looked at his father "Thank you too, father" He watched as his father's dagger glares slowly softened up, he breathed in deep and gave Draco a quick nod before looking the other way.

"Now, go up and start packing, we will come to help you later" His mother placed her hand on his forearm and smiled.

"Goodbye, Mister and Misses Malfoy, thank you" Harry said as Draco walked back to him, he even bowed down a little and the blond was curious why he did it.

"Come, I'll show you my room" Draco took his hand again and they both walked up the stairs.

"Your mother was brilliant" Harry said and Draco could only nod at him, he felt the same way since he has never seen anything like that before.

"It went easier than I expected, I at least thought my father would react way more"

"I thought he has his wand"

"It's in her hand" Draco said, it was one thing he noticed when he came to hug her, she was holding both of their wands then. Draco hummed and opened the door to his room, he walked to his bed but Harry was still standing at the door, looking around the room "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just can't believe I'm in Draco Malfoy's room, former enemy, current boyfriend" He said in a proud tone, he grazed his hand over the table, the curtains and the paintings "Draco Malfoy's bedroom, where he studies and sleeps"

"You're weird, Harry, and stop calling me by my full name" Draco chuckled as he pulled out a small black box from under his bed and Harry quickly sat down next to him "Now, if you make fun of me, I will put a Silencio on you" Draco threatened without any venom in his words and he let Harry open the box.

"Woah" Harry picked up all the small pieces of articles Draco had cut out in his hands as if he was mesmerised by it "All of these are about me"

"Not all" Draco retorted but he didn't have any proof, it did in fact contain all articles of Harry "It's just for fun"

"I can't believe you collect articles about me" Harry grinned, showing him the articles in his hands "You like me and you're obsessed with me"

"We're boyfriends, Harry, of course I like you, but I'm not obsessed" He said, snatching the articles from Harry's hands as his boyfriend dug in for more. It was more like a hobby for him as a kid and he refused to think otherwise "And you're no different, you used to stare at my dot on the Marauder's Map for hours and even before you go to sleep" Draco smirked as Harry stared at him with wide eyes "Oh yeah, Ron talks a lot when I give him sweets"

"So we were both mutually obsessed with each other" Harry hummed, flashing him a huge grin "Then we must be destined to be together"

"Cute" Draco rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's humour. One of the things he loved about Harry was that he always managed to make Draco smile, always, it was surreal.

"Hey, isn't this an article of me in our graduation?" Harry showed him a picture of himself giving the speech at graduation and Draco yanked it from his hand again, putting it back in the box and closing it.

"Okay, time to pack" He said, putting the box on the bedside table and standing up "We will start with my clothes, separate them into shirts, trousers, robes, pyjamas and others, then we will continue with my books, parchments and quills. You need to be careful because we will put them into boxes, don't do it wrong"

"Yes, Draco" Harry stood up, pulling him by his waist until their bodies were flushed against each other. Draco wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck, ghosting his breath over Harry's lips.

"Are you perhaps turned on by this? Me bossing you around?"

"Maybe a little" He grinned at him and Draco leaned over to press his lips on Harry's, sucking on his bottom lip gently and touching the nape of his boyfriend's nape, a sensitive spot of Harry that he found out after a few kisses on their graduation day. Harry pushed him back until the back of his knees hit the bed and they both fell on the mattress without breaking off the kiss. He has his hands on Harry's chest, sliding down his hard stomach, arching up to deepen the kiss.

"Draco, dear?" The blond broke the kiss off and they both looked at the door, it was his mother's voice "Can I come in?"

"Yes, mother" He said, pushing Harry away as they scrambled up to standing positions before his mother walked in. She has a few boxes in her hands that she had shrunk down "Oh, you brought boxes?"

"I thought I could help, your father unfortunately is still having an attitude" She said, placing the boxes down on the floor and casting a spell to make them big again "I'm glad you and Harry are done kissing"

"Wha-..." Draco gasped, surprised at how she knew about it until he looked down at his opened shirt that was revealing his chest "When did you do this?" He nudged Harry and quickly buttoned his shirt up.

"Sorry, I miss you too much" Harry said, helping him with the buttons and Draco didn't forget to cast a wandless charm to conceal Harry's crotch after. They both walked to his mother's spot and started packing. He was going to start his life with Harry now, and he couldn't possibly be any happier.

Chapter 7: Perfect To Me

December 24th, 1999

"Do you think I look decent for this?" He looked down at his robes and the gifts in his hands. It was actually Ron's suggestion to invite him over to the Burrow for Christmas with Harry. He has also started calling Harry's friends by their first names, it took him almost ten months ever since he became friends with Harry to get on good terms with Ron, for Hermione it was three months and six months with Ginny. He was anxious because the Weasleys was Harry's second family, and he wanted them to like him.

"Yes, don't worry, Draco. I know they will love you just like I do" Harry said, turning to Draco and pulling him in by his waist, his hand slowly slithering down to grab at Draco's arse as he buried his nose in the blond's neck.

"I don't think you would want them to love me exactly as you do, Harry" Draco chuckled, feeling Harry nibbling at his neck and he leaned into it "Harry, we are not getting it on before their front door, we will be late"

"We are not, just a little bit" Harry said in his raspy voice, the same voice that always held Draco back in their bed. Sometimes he knew Harry did this on purpose but he couldn't resist this urge against his boyfriend with a high libido. Draco met his lips halfway for a chaste kiss and grabbed at his gifts tightly so they wouldn't fall.

"Hey-oh come on!" They quickly broke off the kiss and saw Ron standing at the door in his brown sweater with his initial on, a signature look of the Weasley family. They grinned at the redhead and didn't know what else to say "Why is it always me? It's not like I want to see you guys snogging" He groaned, and Draco couldn't deny that Ron had walked in on Harry and him many, many times by accident "Come in"

"You're here!" Ginny greeted them in her light blue sweater, her arms opened wide as she took the gifts from Draco's arms, she tipped her head over and mumbled "Did you get it?"

"Yes, Ginny, I got you your present" He said, smiling at her she squealed in delight. After all, it was the only present that was wrapped like a broom, the latest version that she loved and he had promised to buy it for her as a gift.

"Oh, you guys are on time" Hermione walked out with Luna and the girls came to hug them both. Hermione was wearing a dark purple sweater and Luna's sweater has a special touch to it, with flowers on her initial in the middle "Come and meet everyone, dinner is almost ready" She said, leading them into the living room. The whole house seemed cosier, with warm light and the sweet smell of homemade food filled his senses. Everyone was wearing different sweaters, even Harry has his own dark red sweater and he never thought he would enjoy this scene that much.


Draco settled on one of the chairs Ginny had set outside the Burrow earlier and held on his cup of cocoa between his cold hands. He looked up at the sky and watched as the others played Quidditch at night. It was Oliver's suggestion, who was also invited over by Percy, and everyone loved the idea. They have split into two teams, Ron and Oliver were Keepers, George and Bill were Beaters. Ginny tried to persuade Fleur to be Chasers with her but failed because she was already pregnant. And Percy agreed to play after a lot of pleading from his own boyfriend Oliver, while Harry and Draco were Seekers. However, it has been a long time since he played Quidditch and Draco only joined the first three matches, after that he had switched with Charlie. Draco looked at his boyfriend and realised just how charming Harry looked flying on a broom, his hair was even messier due to the wind, and the way he flew so smoothly to find the Snitch was making Draco hot in his cheeks.

"Are you thinking about how hot Harry is?" Hermione startled him with the question and Draco scoffed softly at her. Next to them were Luna and Fleur, indulging in some topic related to magical creatures.

"I'm not"

"Come on, we all know you're thinking that" Hermione smiled at him and Draco avoided her knowing eyes, he couldn't have been staring at Harry that long, he looked down at his empty cup and turned to her.

"Do you need more cocoa?" He asked as she shook her head, Draco shrugged the blanket off his shoulder and walked into the Burrow again. Everyone was outside and only Molly was still in the kitchen, baking something based on the smell.

"Oh, Draco, do you want more cocoa?" She turned around and looked at him gently in her apron.

"Yes, thank you, Molly" He said politely and watched her pour out the hot cocoa into his cup. She stopped after placing a few marshmallows in and walked out of the kitchen.

"Draco, come here, I have something to give you" She led him to the big couch in the living room and gestured for him to sit down. He clutched at his sleeves when he settled next to her, she was the one he wanted to impress most and definitely didn't want her to call him here and tell him that she disliked him.

"I know we have all opened our presents, but I want to give you this, another one" She pulled out a rectangle box wrapped in red papers and green ribbons, placing it on his lap.

"Oh" Draco's hands trembled as he untied the knot, ripping the papers off nicely and stunned at what he was seeing. He picked up the soft fabric in his shaking hands, it was a dark green sweater with his initial on, the letter 'D' knitted in red colour and stood out amazingly, the sweater was warm in his hands. He felt his eyes damp and blinked the tears away, only to let it fall on the sweater.

"Oh, dear, don't cry" Molly said, pulling him in a warm hug, she smelled like biscuits and cocoa when he embraced her. He didn't know something like this could make him cry. This was what Molly wanted to say, what the Weasleys wanted to tell him, that they accepted him, and it made Draco's heart warm. He clutched the sweater in his arms as she caressed his hair softly "It's okay, Draco" She squeezed him tight and he could hear the door creaked open "Oh, Harry, dear, come here" She slowly let Draco sit back and stood up so Harry could replace her in the spot "I'm going to check on Teddy"

"Okay" Harry said softly as Molly left them alone, he tilted Draco's face up by his chin and he was met with Harry's soft eyes again "What's wrong, Draco?"

"She gave me this" Draco sniffled, showing him the sweater as Harry wiped his cheeks dry with his warm hands, and Draco leaned into his warm touch like he always did "It's adorable"

"You're more adorable" Harry teased him, pinching his cheek and leaning close to kiss his wet lips "Do you want to put it on?"

"Yes" Draco nodded, taking off his robes and putting the sweater on outside of his white shirt. Harry fixed his collar for him and cupped his face, peppering him with light kisses all over his face until he burst into laughter "Harry"

"You are beautiful" Harry murmured, taking Draco's hands in his, warming it up with his body heat "You're so perfect to me, I don't know what I'd do without your present"

"Don't make me cry more than I already am, Harry" Draco broke into a smile, and only then Harry stopped, because he knew he has succeeded in making him feel better.

"Want to go out there again?" Harry asked and Draco gave him a curt nod, standing up and letting Harry lead him out. The sweater made him warmer for some reason, and he felt like this night has gone better than he ever expected.

Chapter 8: My Everything

March 2nd, 2000

"Harry, where are we going?" Draco put on Harry's scarf around his neck and put the third layer on himself, seeing Harry at their bedroom door with a smile "It's the coldest day of the month and you decided we should go out?" He knew it was their anniversary, they have been together for nine months and their original plan was to stay in and watch Muggles movies as Harry had suggested himself. He dragged himself to Harry's spot and hooked his finger over his boyfriend's collar "This better be worth it, Harry"

"I promise it is" Harry gave him a cheeky smile, there was something he was hiding based on the way he kept looking at Draco strangely "Close your eyes" Draco listened and squeezed his eyes closed as Harry touched his hands and led him outside "Wait for it, I'm going to Apparate both of us there" Harry notified him and tightened their grips, Draco felt light-headed for a second before he was hit by the cold and the snow falling on his exposed skins. They were outdoor now, somewhere spacious, and Harry didn't let go of his arms.

Draco could feel Harry putting his dorky red beanie hat on him instead, cupping his face and giving him a kiss on his lips "Draco, you know I love you, right?"

"Yes, Harry, I love you too" He said without a doubt, they have said those words to each other a week after they moved in together, spilling out at the same after a kiss, and it had led to their first time on the same day "Why are you being sentimental? What are you planning?"

"I love you, and you are the one I love the most, I can't think of anyone but you" Harry slowly retracted his hands and Draco hugged himself instead, fighting the cold now without his boyfriends' hands, the sudden loss felt extreme. He heard the rustling sound in front of him, like Harry stepping on the snow under them "And you're special to me, that's why I want you to meet them" He said, pausing for a second "Open your eyes, Draco"

Draco opened his eyes slowly, his breath hitched when he saw the sight around him. Many tombstones standing in rows, the snows were covering most of them, except for the one in front of him. There it was, the sentence engraved upon the tombstone. 'In loving memory of James Potter – Lily Potter. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death'. Draco read the dates and words on it carefully, his body quivering but not from the cold, it was from the surprise he has received from Harry.

He looked at Harry, who was standing next to him with tears already wetting his cheeks. Draco cupped his face and wiped the tears off his cheeks, pressing a chaste kiss on his lips "I love you" He murmured, this was a big step for Harry, he knew that. And the fact that he had shown Draco where his parents stayed only proved how much Harry loved and cherished him, and he couldn't love Harry more.

"You're my everything" Harry said in a shuddering breath, his hands on Draco's waist, holding him tightly before Draco's knees threatened to fail him "I want you to meet them, I want them to love you" Draco realised he was crying as well, he pressed his forehead on Harry's, hugging the boy close to him. There was nothing else to say, he loved Harry more he could ever say.

"You're my everything, Harry, you're my everything" He repeated himself, pressing a kiss on the wet spot under Harry's eyes, his chest felt full. He turned to the tombstone and kneeled on the cold snow along with Harry. He breathed in deeply and composed himself first before speaking "I'm sorry I came unprepared, Harry wanted to surprise me"

Harry chuckled at him and laced their fingers together as Draco continued "I'm Draco Malfoy, I'm your son's boyfriend, and I promise to love every piece of him, I hope you will come to love me"

"I know they will" Harry said, pressing a kiss on his head, his other arm wrapping Draco close "You're more loveable than you think" Draco laughed quietly at his words, and noticed Harry was pulling something from his pocket, surprising him even more "Draco"

"Harry" His voice broke when Harry opened the black box in his hand, showing him the two silver bands, it was simple but beautiful nonetheless. It was surprises after surprises, Draco felt his stomach fluttering and pressing his lips together to stop himself from crying, it didn't work when tears came running down his face again.

"This is our promise rings" Harry said, slipping the band on Draco's ring finger gently "I know we're still young, but this is a promise from me to you, that I will do everything I can to make you happy. Then, maybe after a while, I can ask for your hand in marriage"

"You enjoy making me cry, don't you?" Draco chuckled between his tears, he took the other ring and put it on Harry's finger, fitting it perfectly "I promise I will make you happy too" Harry took Draco's hand to his lips, pressing a kiss on his knuckle as Draco tried to finish his sentence "I hope one day I can say yes to your question, I will undoubtedly be crying again then" Harry wrapped his cold hands in his hands, closing their distance with a kiss. It wasn't a heated kiss that led to sex, or a quick kiss before they go to work, this kiss was a symbol of their love, a promise kiss that they'd be together, an Unbreakable Vow between them. And even though it was the coldest day of the month, Draco still felt warm in Harry's arms, and his only.

Bonus Chapter: The Wedding

(Side Note: This chapter is taken out from my Pansmione fic, it's written from Hermione's POV, I want to include it anyway because it's Harry and Draco's wedding)

March 27th, 2003

"Harry, we started out differently" Draco said, his hands intertwining with Harry as they stood in front of everyone, under a heart flower arch "It wasn't like a fairy tale, it wasn't love at first sight, but I still found myself falling into your arms eventually, and wanting to be in your arms forever" Hermione sniffled at his words as he was speaking his vow to Harry "I have been in every position of your life, I was a stranger, an enemy, then a friend, a lover, and I cannot wait to start my new life as your husband. I would not ask for the past to change, I only wish for our future to be evermore. Let's grow old together, Harry, I love you" He smiled, biting on his plump lips as Harry let out a low rumbling laugh.

"Fuck, I love you, Draco" Harry said, blurting out a curse and quickly looked at Ron "Can I say that?"

Ron waved his hand and spoke up quietly "There aren't any rules on that, it's okay, please continue"

"Okay" Harry cleared his throat and gazed at Draco lovingly "Draco, you are my soulmate, I cannot fathom how much I yearn for you, for your love, it's unbelievable. I cannot express how much I want to make you happy, so, if you let me, I vow to spend the rest of my life making you the happiest person in the world. We will grow old together, Draco, until we have grey hair and wrinkly skins, I vow to cherish you eternally, deaths couldn't even do us part" He said, making the crowd laugh softly. Hermione was already crying, she could not believe they finally got married, she felt like a proud mother somehow.


"Standing here on this day, I'm incredibly proud. Especially with my girlfriend on my side, I mean look at her! She's a beautiful, intelligent, loving person, I love her so much—..."

"Pansy" Hermione nudged her girlfriend's arm and glanced up at her "This is Harry and Draco's wedding, you're supposed to say your Maid of Honour's speech for them"

"Well, I'm getting into it!" Pansy said, making everyone at the wedding laugh, Hermione looked at Harry and Draco in their wedding suits. They were chuckling as well, they were never the ones to hate on Pansy's jokes "My girlfriend and I became a couple thanks to them" Pansy continued "It was because of Harry and Draco that we got to be together, and I'll forever be grateful. I've never seen a love story better than yours, except mine, of course" The crowd laughed again along with Pansy's speech "I hope you two have a long-lasting love story that will live forever, and I know that is an undeniable truth"

"Thank you, Pansy" Draco murmured, smiling at Pansy while leaning on Harry's shoulder, his husband's shoulder. She could not believe they have gotten married, she saw it coming, but it was a beautiful thing to witness their friends vow to love one another until the day they die. Hermione had been the ring bearer of their wedding, as Pansy have been the Maid of Honour. This time, Ron was the officiate, insisting he could get a license from a Muggle website and want to be the one to lead the wedding, and he did a good job at it.

"Now, we will see the grooms have their first dance" Ron stood up from the table as the light was shining above an empty dance floor. Harry took Draco's hand in his and led him up there, Luna started playing soft music and the married couple began following the rhythm. Just for the wedding, Harry had taken a dance class from Blaise himself, since Blaise was the only one to excel the best at ballroom dancing through years of dancing with Purebloods for business purposes.

"Mum, can...can I dance?" Hermione looked at the small girl close to her, she was clinging to Ginny with a look of plea in her eyes.

"Yes, but after your uncles have their first dance, okay?" Ginny pushed the little girl's red hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. She was Ginny and Luna's daughter, Liza, she was only two years old, sharing a mix of Ginny's playfulness and Luna's kindness, she was the flower girl at Harry and Draco's wedding today.

"Do you want one of that?" Hermione turned to Pansy when she asked her the question, Pansy was pointing at Liza with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, I guess" Hermione said, she would love to have a kid, probably, but she was still quite young, having only been 23 years old, she was more focused on her work instead "But not now"

"I'm going to get you one when you want" Pansy whispered in her ear, sending shiver down her spine with only a few words.

"You're not seducing me at our best friends' wedding"

"You got me" Pansy rolled her eyes and leaned back on her chair as Hermione chuckled, big events always turned Pansy on somehow, it was weirdly fascinating "Or we can steal a baby"

Hermione snickered, trying to compose herself after hearing Pansy's joke and sliding her hand in her girlfriend's, locking their hands together, indicating that they could do it once they got home, and Pansy immediately has a smile on her face. The song ended as Liza pulled her mum out to the dance floor, Harry and Draco quickly made their way back to the table while other guests have begun to join the dance floor.

"Back so soon?"

"It's okay, I'm a little sore from standing and talking to everyone in the wedding today" Draco said, chugging down his white champagne and calming his breath with Harry next to him.

"Your parents took this quite gently, I must say" Theo said, glancing at Lucius and Narcissa, who was sitting at the table with the Weasleys, it was the parents' table "I thought they wouldn't even come"

"Lucius said he wouldn't come" Harry said while Draco was pouring himself another glass of champagne "Maybe Narcissa changed his mind"

"I think so" Draco nodded "We were lucky both of them gave us their blessings, but to have them here at our wedding too? And he didn't even cause any scene. It was weird, but I'm happy"

"So that's two couples of our group now" Pansy said with a smile on her face, she took a look around the table and continued "Guess which of us would get married next"

"Definitely Neville and Theo" Ron raised his hand and pointed at the lovely couple, who has been together since Pansy's 21st birthday party, all the wooing Theo made was successful "They've already moved in"

"What about you two?" Theo gasped, looking at Ron and Blaise, who went steady after a year of denial from Ron, the redhead finally admitted himself after being Blaise's replacement for cigarettes for ages "You practically have been living together even before you became a couple"

"But that doesn't count because we didn't have feelings for each other then"

"Well, you didn't, I did" Blaise corrected his boyfriend, which earned a scowl from Ron "However, I think you two are forgetting the most stable couple here" Blaise said, his eyes diverting to look at Hermione and Pansy.

"Woah there" Pansy chuckled, placing her hand on her chest as if she was shocked by it "We might be in a relationship a bit longer than you guys, but Hermione and I still have to focus on our career first" Hermione found herself quiet since Pansy already spoke for her, and she was right.

"You can have a career and still be married" Neville added, making Hermione and Pansy shared a look, he might also have a good point. But that was way too early to think about, wasn't it? Hermione noticed the way Pansy's lips formed a devious smile, the one she always has when she was scheming something, but decided to ignore it, she decided to enjoy the wedding instead.

Chapter 9: Kiss It Better?

Ten years later~

Draco sipped on his champagne, watching Hermione and Pansy dancing on the dance floor, celebrating Hermione becoming Minster for Magic as someone startled him from behind with familiar warmth. He looked up and saw Harry grinning at him "Hi"

"Hi, Molly has already agreed to take care of Scorpius for us all night" Harry pulled Draco's up from his seat and sat in his chair, tapping on his thighs as the blond laughed at his husband. He settled down on Harry's lap, his favourite seat and Harry immediately took Draco's hand. Winter was just starting and Harry would always worry about him like this "Are you cold?"

"Not anymore" He smiled, slipping his fingers between Harry's, looking at their silver wedding rings that they have put on for seven years now. Harry's hands were different, it was calloused and has scars on them, his skin became tanned over the years of training under the sun. Draco's was opposite to him, Harry would sometimes say he was a porcelain doll to him, since his skin was lighter than Harry's, his fingers slimmer and smooth as he took care of his hands more than Harry, who refused to put his hand cream on. And when they held hands, it fitted together perfectly.

"Daddy" Draco turned his head to look at their son, who was holding a lollipop in his hand "My wrist hurts, I just bumped into a statue" He pouted, showing Draco his wrist as the blond held it up.

"I'll heal you" He said, murmuring a wandless spell and then placing a soft kiss on his wrist, watching the way their son's face lightened up "All done"

"Thank you, dad" He grinned as Harry took Draco's hand in his again, drawing James's attention to their locked hands "Why do you always hold dad's hand?"

"Well, your dad's hands are always cold" Harry crouched down to mumble to their six years old son, who was giggling at him "And my hands can warm him up. And in the summer, your dad's hands can cool me down"

"Really?" Little James's eyes lightened up at Harry's words, Draco chuckled at it yet he couldn't deny what he had said "What does it mean?"

"It means your dad and I are destined to be together, James, soulmates" Harry whispered as Jamie's mouth opened wide, mesmerised by it and he clutched on his lollipop tightly.

"Then I will go hold Hugh's hands!" Jamie said cheerfully, hopping away to find Pansy and Hermione's son before Draco could stop him.

"Should we stop that?" Harry said from behind him, leaning his chin on Draco's shoulder but the blond shook his head.

"I think they're okay"

"My hand hurts too, you know, kiss it better?" Harry teased and Draco let out a small chuckle, bringing the back of Harry's hand up to kiss the rough skin, leaning to the side when he felt Harry pressing kisses to his cheeks, showering him with touches "Harry"

"Warming you up" was all Harry could murmur in his ear, a low grumble emerged from his husband's throat when he nipped on Draco's neck. He doubted Harry was warming him up based on the bulge under Draco right now.

"Warming me up or your crotch?" Draco turned his head around to smile at Harry, meeting him in a kiss on his lips "I think I feel something warm under me"

"It's a bonus"

"Bonus my arse"

"Yes, that's exactly where the bonus will go" Draco couldn't stop laughing at Harry's humour, he leaned back against Harry's chest and let himself be kissed by Harry "I love you, my soulmate"

"I love you" Draco murmured close to Harry's ear, squeezing on their locked hands and kissing Harry's cheek "Mon âme soeur" He mumbled, knowing whenever he spoke French, it would turn Harry on even more. He felt his husband's arm around his waist and prepared himself for a ride. Draco closed his eyes and felt happiness fulfilling him up, he finally got what he wanted, and it was Harry.

The End

End Note: "Mon âme soeur" means  "My soumate"

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