It's Not Goodbye

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(Edited Version)

Summary: McGonagall made all students write an anonymous letter to another person. What will Draco do with his feelings for Harry that just keeps growing? What will Harry do to find that person?


It has been one year since the Great War of the Wizarding World happened. The Eighth year students were about to graduate. Only a month more and they will leave the place they called their second home. McGonagall stood in front of them in the Dining Hall to announce something big.

"This is the last year of Hogwarts for the seventh and eighth year students, I want all four houses to be closer, so I demand all students write their own letter to the person they want to, it can be crushes, can be secret admirer, can be for someone you respect, can be anything. It can be for students, friends, or even teachers. insults, no discrimination, no bad words in the letter. We will cast a spell before we send it to know if the letter is safe enough. The letter will be anonymous, so only the name of the people who receive it will be written on the letter. Anyone who wants to send it can put in in the magic mail box I've set in the Great Hall and we will gather all of them later. Everyone must do this within a week, then the letter will be sent. Good luck everyone. Now please, begin the feast" She finished and sat down with rest of the professors, all the students started eating and chatting about the fact that they have to write a letter to someone. Harry didn't think about it much, he was poking his food while listening to Ron's bickering.

While on the other side of the hall, at the Slytherin table

"About time, you might as well confess your love to Ron dear" Pansy said, patting on Blaise's shoulder "Ron and Hermione are no longer a thing anymore, that's your advantage"

"Hmm maybe, but as long as you do too, for Hermione" Blaise shrugged and smirked

"Hey, I don't have any stupid crush" Pansy huffed and Blaise laughed at her red face

Draco stayed silent, he looked across the hall, his eyes aimed at the raven hair Gryffindor, he was laughing with his friends now, Pansy and Blaise were still continuing their intense conversation next to him, but none of it came to Draco's ear, all he could think about is whether he should write the anonymous letter to Harry or not.


"Are you coming to the party Draco?" Pansy asked, it was the Slytherin's annual party every Saturday night, she was wearing a tight red leather crop top that showed off her cleavage and a short black skirt tonight.

"Nah, I'm not feeling well today, I'll stay here and finish my homework" Draco said tiredly

"Alright darling, finish it and then sleep okay?" Pansy patted on his back and walked out of the boy's dorm, she knew when Draco was stressed and it was the best to leave the boy alone rather than trying to force him to speak about it.

Sitting silently at his desk, he pulled out his quill and a piece of parchment. He didn't know what to write, he wasn't even sure if he should do this, but he must do this for two reasons, the first was that McGonagall forced all students to write this, and second was that he loves Harry too much to say it out loud. He promised not to expose himself through the letter and started writing.


Harry got loads of letters, it filled his table, he tried to read all of them. It's all about how powerful he was that he defeated Voldermort, how every girl admire him, how brave he was, how they loved him just because he was the boy who lived, but it was just so...empty, there were no spark reading them, just awkwardness, he got tired of it. There were about ten letters left on his bed, but one of the letters had caught his eyes, it was closed with a gold wax seal bearing a snake symbol on it, and but the envelope was red. Harry got confused, which house did this come from? He opened it and read it carefully, the handwriting was very smooth and nice

"This probably sounds cheesy as I write it, but Harry, I'm sorry I love you.
I'm sorry that my stupid mind fell for you, I was caught off guard, I fell hard but you weren't there to catch me, you never seem to notice me, no matter how hard I tried. I forced myself to hate you, to loathe you, to stop liking you, but every time I look at you, my love for you just grows  bigger and bigger. I'm trying so hard to distance myself from you, because I know I can never have you. I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you.

How can someone be so perfect, you're perfect in my eyes, you are unbelievably perfect for me. I don't love you because you're The Boy Who Lived, or the Chosen One, I love you because you are Harry, not because of the scar on your head, I love the way you are, and you're perfect just like that. Don't you ever dare change a thing.

I love how you bite on your quill in class, how clumsy you get when you're in Potions class, how you laugh, how messy your hair is, and when you run your hand through your hair, it got even messier, but I love it. How your smile can makes my heart skips a beat, how bright your emerald eyes are, how they can look right through me. How you look at me at the Great Hall, how perfect your body is, how I want to hold your rough hand in class, how I want to call you mine, how I want to love you so badly. But it's not possible, right?

Life is not always pink, sometimes, you know you're destined to be with a person, but you're too scared to find out, I don't want to be a coward, but it's just that I can't see you accepting me, for who I really am, for I am not that great at showing emotion. I love everything about you and I hate everything about me, my friends told me it'd be fine, if I run to you and say I love you like crazy, but it will not be fine. I'm not a Gryffindor, I can't do it.

Our love is so forbidden that I think Adam and Eve might be jealous of us. It would be a catastrophe if we get together, all barriers will be broken. If we're a couple, we will certainly be the most powerful couple in the Wizarding World. But, none of that will ever happen, because, you are the Boy Who Lived, and I? I am just a pathetic loser, a coward, a guy who came to the dark side, The Boy Who Will Never Be Loved.

Is it a sin to love someone with the same gender? If it is, I'd go to hell and fight with Hades to prove that he's wrong. Love has no boundaries, everyone deserves to love and to be loved. I'd wait a million years if that's how long for you to accept me.

You're so powerful, you know that right? Not because that you're a great wizard, but that you can light up my mood every time I see you, and trust me when I say it. I only need to look at you once a day to make sure that you're still there. You're like an addictive drug that I can never get enough of, I kept wanting you.

You're not mine, but sometimes I pretend that you wish you were. I create this idea that you secretly want me, and I often forget it's just something I made up, you do not want me and you are not mine. Maybe the saddest lines can't really be written, and the saddest thoughts can't really be uttered. And maybe, I miss you is the closest thing we could have.

Of all the people my heart could have chosen, it decided on a boy who didn't have enough room in his own heart to love someone like me. I laughed at myself at that, I'm so pathetic. I'm so hopelessly in love I am sure you are going to be the death of me.
I've been told that if you repeat a word over and over, it loses its meaning. I have stayed up countless nights, repeating your name, hoping that you'll mean less with each breath.

I fell for you the way a train wrecks itself, the way a wave crashes into the shore, it look likes fear, and it feels like recklessness. So maybe we'll destroy each other, ruin and break each other. But Merlin, what a way to go.

Here to the night I stood alone, to the night I cried so hard I couldn't breath, to the night I prayed for you to love me back. I fell for you, I ache for you, I want you. Sometimes I saw you coming close to me, hug me, kiss me and say you love me, but then I woke up from my dream, only to realize that it was a nightmare.

I'm sorry, that I wrote you this letter, I regret it as I was writing it. I'm sorry, that's all I can say. I'd do anything, I'd trade anything in my life, just to have you by my side. Now if you excuse me, I'll go to sleep and stop this nonsense of a letter right here.

You will forever be the apple of my eye

Goodbye, Harry, may we meet again"

A drop of tear fell on the letter, Harry didn't know he was crying. He looked through the letter again, there was no signature, no sign from the person who sent it. No evidence of who it might be, Harry couldn't think of anyone, they hid their identity too well, the only proof that the person was a guy. Then Hermione walked into the room

"Har-Harry...are you crying?" She ran to sat next to him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder

" I got the letter, i-it was.." Harry couldn't finish his words, he stared at the table and pushed the letter into Hermione's hand. After a few minutes, Hermione was done reading the letter, she was crying a bit just as well.

"Harry, I don't know who it might be, but you must find them" Hermione said

"'s from a guy.." Harry sat up and said

"So what? You're gay, you told us that since 5th year, why are you so afraid? Don't be scared of what the public would say, you are our Harry, our best friend, not the chosen one, you have the right to love and to be loved, just like the letter said. Please save me from this situation and go find him please, I cannot bear this, he's hurt, I can feel it" Hermione hugged Harry tight and said

"So, what was your letter about?" Harry tried to change the subject

"Oh, I only got one, it was a secret admirer, but it was really short. It only said 'I love you' and signed as 'P2'. I don't get what it means. Oh, and Ron got a letter from a 5th year girl saying that she had a crush on him. And another letter but it's surprisingly blank with only Ron's name on it, he's curious about that one" It's actually nice that McGonagall made us do this"

"Yeah,  at least now I know that someone actually loves me for who I am" Harry said

"Don't worry, we will find him, maybe we will find some more evidence if you look closer at the letter. We love you, Harry, it's gonna be okay" Hermione said, she rubbed his back and got out of the room. Harry stayed up really late that night. He didn't bother to read the other letters that were still on his desk. The only thing he did was re-reading that special letter again and again, promised himself that he'll find that guy, or he'll suffer the pain for the rest of his life not knowing who the person was.

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