It's Not Goodbye (Part 2)

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(Edited version)

Summary: Harry got a anonymous letter, and he'll soon find out who wrote it.


"Harry, have you found out who the guy is yet?" Hermione said, they were in the library tonight, Ron was in the kitchen again for a 'break'. He and Hermione broke up a few months after the war because Hermione was unsure of her sexuality and she was determined to find out who she really was. They were still best friends though, Harry felt lucky that he didn't have to choose between the two of them just because they broke up.

"No, not a clue, I tried reading the letter again and again, I can't find anything" Harry said, buried his face in his hands and gave the letter to Hermione, she analyzed it carefully then said

"Look here, it first said that the letter is cheesy as he wrote it, so he is probably not good at showing emotion, also he said he tried to hate you and loathe you and he doesn't love you just because you are the chosen one, so now you can narrow the extent down, since most of the people here love you. Third, he said there that you get clumsy and mess up the potion, so he must be in the same class as us, only the Slytherin and the Ravenclaw study with us, also the wax seal has a snake symbol, so now we know he's from Slytherin, but it's so hard when most of the Slytherin hate you. Fourth, he said he hates himself and he repeated the word 'coward' and 'pathetic' a few times, he must be really loathe himself for what he did, maybe his family is strict? I'm not really sure, then there comes these part 'our love is forbidden', 'most powerful couple' and 'a guy who came to the dark side', so with all of that, I'm thinking that he might be a pureblood or something, and he come from a royal family, that explains the 'powerful' and 'forbidden' part, for the dark side part, I think in the war, he might have been on Voldermort's side, but that doesn't narrow it down anyway, since most of the Slytherin are pureblood and they're mostly on the other side. And last, he is a great writer, his handwriting is smooth, his words are full of emotion, I think he has poured his whole heart out writing this and then regret it immediately. Basically we're still clueless right now"

"Wow, you are a great analyst, I mean you didn't even take a break to breathe, so now we know he's a Slytherin, maybe pureblood and is a Death Eater?" Harry asked

"Yes, but it is still difficult to know who" Hermione closed the letter and sighed "But do you have in mind anyone who could have written this?"

"Me? I don't know Hermione, Slytherin, I think it might be Zabini, or Theodore Nott, or Marcus Flint, maybe Crabbe or Goyle but they are not that smart to write this"

"Hmm, it might be Zabini or Nott, but..have you ever..I you think it is.."

"Malfoy? Maybe..but he truly hates me, so I hardly think it's him" Harry said firmly

"But what if it is? Will you the thing you told me you're going to do with the person who sends it?"

"I don't know, to be honest, since I'm gay, I should tell you this, the Slytherin guys are kinda hot"

"Hell yeah they do, but what if it's Malfoy? Will you accept him? Like in the letter said?"

"I don't really know, maybe wait until we find out who it is first, you already know that I've been paying attention to Malfoy since sixth year, I'm not sure why, but it's like there is something that keeps pulling me to him"

"Yeah, sure, but do you remember a week ago when you, Ron and I were walking in the Great Hall and Malfoy hexed you with a jelly leg jinx? When that happened, I saw the Malfoy, Parkinson and Zabini were looking at us in a very..strange way, it's like..something in their eyes..were trying to say something..but I might be wrong" Hermione said and tucked a strain of hair behind her ear

"Hey guys what are you doing?" Ron walked in with his mouthful and asked

"Uhm..nothing important" Harry said

"Again with the letter thing? I thought you're over it" Ron said and some food fell out of his mouth on the table

"Ron! Manners please. For all I know this guy could be Harry's other half and we can't find out who he is, it's getting frustrating" Hermione scowled at Ron and waved her wand to vanish the food on the table. Then the trio put off the subject and continued their studies.


It has been a week since Harry received that anonymous letter and he still couldn't figure out who that guy was. He got frustrated. Harry arrived late at Potions today, his hand still holding onto the letter.

"Mister Potter, so glad you could finally join us. Please go sit next to Mr. Malfoy." Slughorn said and Harry walked silently to Draco's table "Now class, open your book at page 394"

"Busy snogging your Weaslette girlfriend again, Potter?" Draco sneered as Harry slipped into the chair

"Shut up Malfoy, Ginny is not mine anymore, and it's none of your business, leave me alone" Harry looked down, clutching onto the letter so hard it crumbled a little

"So cranky, Potter" Draco said sarcastically and Harry ignored him, still looking at the letter. Draco looked down at Harry's hand and snatched the letter from the Gryffindor

"Ooh look here, Potter has a secret admirer" Draco said, he hasn't realized the letter was his since it didn't have its envelope outside.

"Malfoy, give it back to me" Harry yelled and grabbed the letter back from Draco's hand

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter. I will not tolerate this kind of childish actions in my class. Please see me after class, you two will have to be in detention" Professor Slughorn said with a sad smiled

"Look what you got us into Potter" Draco snarled

"Shut up, Malfoy, it's your fault you like to put your dick up my business at first"

"I'd rather you put your dick up my business" Draco mumbled but Harry couldn't hear it clearly, he didn't say a word to Malfoy until the end of class


"Class dismissed" Slughorn said and walked away with a smile

"Thanks for getting us both detention, Potter" Draco spatted and walked the other way with Blaise and Pansy, Harry couldn't care less. He kept walking and zoning out.

"Harry, Harry!" Hermione called, running from the end of the Great Hall but he couldn't hear her

"Harry James Potter" She yelled and he got startled

"Oh, Hermione, what happened?" He stopped walking and she stopped in front of him, leaning on the wall to catch her breath

"I-I...wait a minute" She said tiredly until she caught her breath to say something "I found it"

"Found what?"

"The..the letter"

"You know who it is?" Harry's eyes turned bright

"No" She paused and Harry's face fell "But I found a spell to find out who that guy is"

"Seriously? That's why you skip class? You skip Potion? To find it?"

"Yes, but I can use the time turner to go back and learn it again anyway, I really want to find this person for you, we can do it right now if you want to. It's like an old poem, I had to find it in the restricted section, it's from the ancient history, witches and wizards used this to track someone down by their handwriting, but only the powerful ones can use this spell, that's why I think you can do it, I mean, you didn't defeat Voldermort for nothing"

"Oh good, but let's wait until all of the students are in the Dining Hall, that would be easier for us to find" Harry said and Hermione nodded, there was hope, and if Harry found out who the person was, he would never let that guy go.


It's dinner time, Harry walked in nervously with Ron and Hermione, he held the letter tightly and sat down. McGonagall was just telling them to start the feast when Hermione nudged him in the elbow

"Here, read this now. Well the last sentence was weird and a little wrong, but I think they want to make it rhyme, so maybe we don't need to care much about it. When you read it, point your wand at the letter, after you're finished, point your wand up in the air and said 'Alumina Petentrous' " Hermione said "Now, do it before it's too late"

Harry started reading the poem in his mind first, then he said it in small volume

"I called to ancient powers
Air, Fire, Water and Earth
With the power I have in me
I called to the four founders of Hogwarts
Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw
Find out where the person write this letter are" He stopped, raising his wand up and said "Alumina Petentrous"

Harry finished saying the spell, a thin thread of blue light came out from the tip of his wand and wrapped around the letter, then the thread of light brought the letter with it and floated into the air slowly, Harry held his breath, the situation made all students and teachers stopped what they were doing and looked up, the letter flew from Harry's spot and flew above them. Draco was sitting quietly when Pansy said

"Is that letter flying towards our table?"

Draco looked up and recognized it already, it was his letter, he panicked but tried to remained calm. Then the letter dropped down right on Draco's hands on the table. He looked up, everyone was looking at him, then Harry stood up. They locked eyes with each other, Draco could feel his face turned red, then Harry ran, he ran from his table to stood before Draco

"'s you" He stuttered " wrote the letter"

"N-no, I didn't write it" Draco denied but Harry grabbed the collar of his robe and pulled him up from his spot.

"It's you" Harry said, pressing Draco against the wall "Everything makes sense now" He kept saying, and leaning closer every second. The moment their lips met, Draco was absolutely surprised, it slowly become passionate the moment he realised what they were doing, Draco tried to pulled away but Harry was stronger, then he finally melted into the kiss. There were gasps at first, then the people around them started talking, there were some whistles too, Ron sat there speechless with chicken in his mouth while Hermione put her hands on her heart and smiled. The two boys finally pulled away, their forehead touching.

"I-I'm sorry" Draco said, a tear came out of the corner of his eyes

"Don't be, you have said you're sorry enough in the letter. You shouldn't be sorry, I'm glad that you wrote the letter and..I..think I like you" Harry said and wiped the tear off Draco's face. He intertwined his hand with Draco's and dragged him out of the Hall, leaving everyone speechless. Harry didn't care what the public was going to say anymore, he has found someone to love, and he's forever grateful.

When the door to the Great Hall has closed, Harry pinned Draco to the wall and said

"You don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault I didn't realize your feelings, I can't say I don't have any feelings for you, because I do, I like you, quite a lot, and it terrified me, so I hid it, not really Gryffindor of me, right? Anyhow, I like you, and I'm glad you wrote that letter, or else I would never find out. be my boyfriend?"
Draco didn't trust his voice, he swallowed hard and tried to smirked

"Eager there, Potter?" He said and Harry smiled, the boy kissed Draco hard on the lips

"Yes, quite eager actually. So.. do you?"

"I-I...yes..I will be your boyfriend" Draco's voice was trembling, but he managed to speak out. Harry smiled, and that smile could melt Draco's heart

"May-may I kiss you?" Harry asked, his hands found Draco's jaw and kept touching the line of his face, then his neck and into his hair

"Yes, you idiot, you just snogged me in front of everyone and now you asked for it properly? I've been waiting for that bloody kiss for 7 years" Draco chuckled and grabbed Harry's collar. Harry smiled and placed his lips gently on Draco's, their lips touched and Draco swore he saw fireworks and felt butterflies in his stomach. He cupped Harry's cheeks and deepen the kiss, they kissed until they were out of breath and decided to go do something else instead of going back to the Dining Hall.

Meanwhile in the Dining Hall

"What's that?" Neville picked up the letter next to Ron's hand and picked it up

"Oh, just a blank letter from someone, I'm kinda curious about who it is" Ron said while chewing, suddenly Theodore Nott just poked his head from behind Ron's back and hummed

"That smells familiar"

"What?" Ron turned around, looking at Neville's new boyfriend and asked again "What did you say?"

"There's cologne on it, don't you notice?" Theodore pressed the letter into Ron's face and the redhead finally realised there was indeed some good smell on the letter "It's really familiar, like I've known it from somewhere" He looked at the Slytherin table and let out a small gasp


"I think Blaise uses that cologne" Theodore said, leaning on Neville's shoulder "Yeah, now that I realised it myself, he's always had this cologne, since Third Year, every girl loves it"

"What?" Ron's eyes widened, staring at the letter and then at the certain Slytherin on the other side of the Hall. The moment their eyes met, Ron knew what he had to do.

"Where are you going?" Theodore tried to call after him but Ron was already on his way over there.

Hermione sat there for awhile, thinking about how Harry found his other half through the letter and Ron, who was dragging Blaise Zabini out of the Hall as well, and she still hasn't figured out her letter yet. She has her letter with her today, with the hope she could find her soulmate too, she pulled the letter out, it was white, with only three sentence 'I love you' and the signature 'P2'. She still couldn't find out who it was, she looked up tiredly to the opposite table and started to doubt her ability to solve this letter, she stared at the table for a while, her gaze dropped on each and every students at the Slytherin's table


Then realization hit her hard in the face

P..and P...?
...P..Pansy..Parkinson? P2!
It is her!'

Hermione screamed in her mind, she slammed her hands on the table, which startled half of the Gryffindors, she stood up and pointed her finger at the black hair Slytherin, holding up the letter

"Pansy Parkinson!" She said out loud, Pansy looked up to see a red Hermione standing at the Gryffindor table, holding a letter, she stared at the brunette, looking closely at the letter, then Hermione started marching towards her, and then..she knew

"Holy shit" was all Pansy could said

A/N: At first I was going to end this fic at the Draco and Harry moment, but I want to have some fun so I created something for Pansmione, and Blairon, and some implied Theville too. Oh and I made the spell up myself so please excuse the fault
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