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(Edited version)

Summary: A romantic story with a little bit of twist surrounding Draco and Harry after 3 years of being together. And it's funny, I guarantee that.


"Professor, professor" Two first year called from behind, one was Slytherin and one was Gryffindor

"What happened, dear?" Harry smiled at the girls

"Professor Malfoy said he wanted to meet you in his office" The Gryffindor girl giggled and asked "Professor, is it true that professor Malfoy once climbed on a tree just to get your attention?"
The Slytherin girl hit the other in the arm

"Eliza, why did you ask professor that?" The girl glared

"It's alright, I'm always glad to answer that kind of question, the answer is yes, he did climb on a tree, and I might say, it was one of the reasons why I fell in love with him" Harry chuckled and ruffled the girl's hair. Both girls smiled and run off. Harry turned around the corner to get to Draco's office

Knock knock. Harry knocked on the door

"Who is it?" One deep voice called out

"It's Voldermort" Harry pushed the door open and said with a straight voice

"Har-bloody-har, very funny Harry" Draco looked up and said sarcastically

"Who do you think it is Draco, you literally ordered two students to tell me to come meet you in your office" Harry said and stood in front of Draco's table, sitting on it "So, why did you call me here?"

"Alright, do you remember about our dinner tonight with the guys?" Draco said and held Harry's hand

"Oh bloody hell I forgot about it"

"Right, just as I expected, well luckily I remembered, and we will be having dinner at the Grimmauld Place tonight, Pansy, Blaise, Hermione and Ron will come"

"That much? I thought it's guys night"

"Yeah, but Hermione's girls night got cancelled because Ginny was busy planning her wedding with Luna. Have you gone to the tailor shop to get your robes done yet?"

"Oh, is it the..umm, the short guy with the weird accent who owns that shop? Hmm was his name Boyle and was two years older than us?" Harry tried to remember but failed, he forgot a lot of things these days

"Merlin Harry, his name is Theodore, it has nothing to do with Boyle I don't even know how you came up with that horrible name, he's from our year, one of my best friends? He's Neville's boyfriend" Draco said

'Oh how could his boyfriend be so oblivious AND absent-minded like this, such a precious thing' Draco thought

"Oh, but today I have some grading to do, I don't think I can make it on time" Harry suddenly realized

"Bloody hell Harry, alright, it's fine, just try to come home on time, we'll be waiting for you" Draco stood up and pecked on Harry's lips with a kiss

"Why is it so important? Are you gonna propose to me or something?" Harry laughed and didn't realize that Draco's eyes went wide, but he soon covered it up

"As if Harry, and why wouldn't you be the one to propose?" Draco asked back

"I-I don't know" Harry stuttered

"So you admit that you're the girl in this" Draco laughed

"Based on the way you were moaning last night under me and every other night, I think we know who's the girl in this" Harry pulled Draco close until the blond blushed as he smirked. No one was the girl in the relationship anyway

"Just go"

"Not before I give you this" Harry said and kissed Draco passionately, their tongues swirling around, their body's temperature risen

" ha-have to go" Draco said, breathing heavily and finally managed to push Harry away "Remember, dinner tonight, 7 o'clock sharp Harry" Draco yelled out and Harry nodded, leaving the office.
Little did Harry know Draco was going to propose tonight.


"Ugh, bloody hell it's half past nine now and he still hasn't come home" Draco complained and pacing around the kitchen

"Calm down, darling, he might have a lot of work to do" Pansy said and Hermione patted him on the back

"Hermione I'm hungry" Ron said, still playing chess with Blaise in the living room

"She's not your mother, Ron" Pansy yelled out "She's my wife!"

"Be patient, Ron, he will be here soon and then we can all have dinner" She paused and looked back to Draco "So, what's your plan of proposing?"

"Well, what do you think? I've done research on how to do it in the muggle way and there are so many, such as putting it in the cake or in the wine glass.."

"Ugh, so typical" Pansy growled

"Okay so do you have any brilliant idea?" Draco glared

"If I were you I'd pretend to be mad at him and then propose, since he's already late for the dinner, you might as well yell at him for it" Pansy crossed her arms

"That's terrib...actually, it's kinda interesting" Draco replied

"Are you really considering that?" Hermione said "But again, it'd be nice. Oh can I see the ring?"
Draco pulled out a small rex box in his pocket and opened, the girls gasped at how big the diamond was

"Oh Draco, can I marry you please?" Pansy squeaked "This diamond is huge"

"Harry, is going to love this" Hermione said and glared at Pansy "You remember how you proposed to me the first time?"

"I'm sorry, I just blurted it out during sex, we were just so passionate that I forgot" Pansy pouted, kissing Hermione's cheek to calm her down

"Well, it's even half as bad as the second proposal"

"Okay now, I panicked because my parents were rushing me to get married to you, they love you! Surprisingly" She tried to explain, that was the two times Pansy tried to propose to Hermione, the third one finally made up for the two others when Pansy created a whole special day for Hermione and ended their night at the first place they met, the library of Hogwarts, where she kneeled down and proposed to a crying Hermione.

"Harry was terrible at giving gifts too, he once gave me..a rap song, written by himself, I was never more turned off by him that time" He said and the two girls laughed

"So, are we agreeing on the 'fake fighting' to propose now?" Hermione asked

"Yeah, maybe" Draco said and then Harry appeared at the living room, Draco quickly put the box back in his pocket and gave the girls signals to join in the part.

"Hey guys I'm ho.."

"Harry James Potter! Do you know how long we've been waiting for you? Where have you been?"

"I..I'm sorry, I lost track of time, I forgot about the dinner again..I-I'm sorry"

"It's ten o'clock! You're three hours late!" Draco yelled and startled Ron and Blaise

"Woah what's with the fuss?" Blaise stood up and asked

"He's right, you should have remembered Harry, we've been waiting for you and Ron is practically starving right now; I can hear his stomach yelling from here" Hermione came and stood next to Draco

"I..I didn't..I'm sor.."

"Sorry is not going to make up for it! I am furious at you right now. How can you not remember that? I just reminded you today! Were you busy snogging someone else that you forgot?" Draco yelled, throwing a pillow at Harry

"Draco what the.." Harry said but Draco kept throwing stuff at him, he breathed in deeply and kneeled down on one knee

"Harry, what are you.." Draco was shocked and stopped throwing things, the two girls gasped too

'Was Harry going to propose? At the same time with him?' Draco thought to himself

"I'm late because I don't know how to do this, I've been preparing my speech but it was bloody hard so I forgot the time" Harry said and pulled out a small green box "I love you Draco, more than I can love anyone. You love me at my best and still tolerate my worst. You are my soulmate and I'm glad I have found the one for me. Will you marry me, Draco Lucius Malfoy?"


"What?" Harry was surprised

"I'm not going to say yes" Draco said with a straight face

"But why? I mean I have a ring. We love each other? Isn't it enough?"

"Because.." Draco paused "I was hoping you'd be the one to say it"

"Say what?" Harry seemed lost so Draco chuckled and pulled out a small red box and opened it

"Will you marry me too?"

"You were going to propose?" Harry stuttered

"Yeah, that's why I gather all of our friends here, because I want them to witness this. But I'm not sure how it became like this, I mean, we are proposing to each other now" Draco said

"Great, now we have two pairs of rings. What are we going to do about it?"

"I don't know, maybe yours can be our engagement ring and mine could be our wedding ring" Draco shrugged

"Wait why can't mine be our wedding ring?"

"I mean just look at the size of the diamond from your ring and mine, mine is obviously bigger, so it's going to be our wedding ring" Draco laughed

"Alright but we all know who has the bigger thing in the bedroom, that's all I care" Harry smirked at a blushing Draco and the flash of camera went off as they turned to Pansy

"Well this is the most embarrassing and interesting proposal I have ever since. Anyway, say cheese" Pansy said and continuously taking pictures of Harry and Draco

"It's wonderful, and kinda funny if you think about this 10 years later" Hermione giggled "Come on, put the rings on already"

"Yeah I'm starving here" Ron said "This is sweet and stuff but I'm not really into cheesy things"

"Me too" Blaise agreed

"What about the time when you proposed to Ron by giving him a bouquet of fried chickens and a ring on top asking him to marry you?"

"Alright that's one time we're sappy" Ron glared at Hermione and hooked his arm around Blaise's "We're not sappy at all"

"Said the person who cried at a Muggle movie last night on Blaise's shoulder" Pansy hummed

"Alright two times! Get off my back, will you?" Ron huffed and turned away, only to be embraced by Blaise. They said they weren't sappy but they showed a lot of affection for each other in a silent way. Harry smiled, sliding the ring into Draco's delicate finger as Draco put the ring on Harry's.

"Come now, it's time to eat" Hermione said, they all sat in the table.

"Alright who cook? It's delicious" Harry took the first bite of food and said

"I did, with the help of Draco and Pansy, well Pansy wasn't much help when she kept staring at me" She murmured and Pansy giggled

"I can't believe you guys actually propose to each other at the same time" Blaise chuckled

"It's like you guys know, some kind of telepathy or something" Ron said, his mouth was full of food

"Where is your manners Ron? Talk after you've swallowed please" Hermione nagged and Ron glared at her only to be kissed on the cheek by Blaise to calm down

"I guess we really are soulmate" Draco laughed and intertwined his hand with Harry's.

The house was cozy and smelled good, it was full of laughter and joy, they got along nicely after all, and it finally felt like...


P/s: Alright so I don't know why but I came up with the double proposing on my own, and then a few weeks later I saw a video on Facebook where a two girls proposed to each other at the same time lmao I was surprised too. I hope this is funny for you guys, I have a lot of funny one shot that I haven't posted, soon.

Vote and comment please, love you

Don't be a ghostie!

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