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She's wearing gloves in this picture of her- you'll know why I'm a bit- This is Avery!!! She's my childdd she's so niceeee ahhh
Age: 16
Height: 5'2
Looks: Blonde hair with a few strands of red, hazel eyes
Personality: kind, bubbly, motherlike, people often miss-judge her, outgoing most of the time
Disorders: Depression, self harms a lot..., Used to have an eating disorder, but then found Jaiden who got her out of the habit one step at a time.
Sexuality: pretends to be straight, but is secretly lesbian.
Dating: secretly Mya (God I hate her so gosh dang much)
Nickname: Ave, Bubble
Backstory (TRIGGER WARNING OF YOUR SENSITIVE TO SELF HARMING): as soon as she went into elementary school, she was bullied because of her family being so rich. She talked to her sister a lot about it, and she acted as a counselor to her. When Jaiden came in 3rd grade, She and him had 1st period together, and had assigned seats together. So they started talking, and became best friends.  He found some kids beating her up, and immediately defended her, and fought back. That taught them a lesson, but they then spread a rumor about them to being in love. Avery was very hurt about it, and Jaiden told her to ignore them, that if she knew it wasn't true, then what they said didnt matter. That stuck with her forever. In 6th grade, her sister and dad both died. This broke her so bad. And she started cutting. She didn't even tell Jaiden about this. In high school, Tori and Erin came to the school. Of course her and Maiden became friends with them, and now they're a group. When Velvet came to live with them, she walked in on Avery cutting. Velvet comforted her and showed her her own scars, told her to do it less, and that she's not alone in this. After that, she started cutting less and less.

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