Jaiden uwu

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Aghhh my sweet lil baby boiiii >w<
Him and Velvet are so vvv cuteeee
Age: 16
Height: 6'2 (he a vvv tall boi òwó)
Looks: Black hair, Brown eyes, so much frecklesss
Personality: FUNNY!!! Can be flirty when needed ;), very stable, but covers it up, caring for others he cares about, VERY overprotective, STUBBORN AF.
Disorders: Eating Disorder (anorexia), and depression
Sexuality: Bisexual
Dating: Velvet (aWwWw-)
Nickname: Jay, Jade, Lover boy (only sometimes when Tori messed with him XD)
Backstory(TRIGGER WARNING IF SENSITIVE TO ABUSE AND ANOREXIA): Has an abusive mom, and had a father who worked at several places at once, so he never got to see him that much and had to transfer schools a lot. Around 1st grade, he was bullied a lot, this happened until the end of 2nd grade, when he punched someone in the face when they insulted his family. Also at the end of second grade, his dad split with his mom, and got a permanent job where Jaiden lives now. He promised Jaiden that he and Jaiden would start spending time together, and would never move again. (They did a pinky promise on this) when 3rd grade started, he met avery, and they became best friends. He helped her with her problems, and she helped him with his... Well some... One day he say 2 guys beating up Avery. His defensive senses came in and he beat the crap out of both of them, and told them that if they ever did that again, they would be dead where they stood. That scared them, but then they spread a rumor that him and Avery were in love. He was annoyed with this, but Avery was hurt. He told her that it doesn't matter what they say, as long as she knew that it wasn't true, it didn't matter. In 5th grade, he started eating less and less because of being called fat so many times. He stopped for a while in 8th grade after almost dying, but he had a relapse in high school that didn't go away. This was when he also started working out. He worked out when he had just eaten. Then Erin and Tori moved there, and life became better, but not by much. Then he met the most beautiful girl in the world. Her name was Velvet. Avery had introduced her to him, and he was immediately in love. (I know that sounds so cheesy but just... Stick with me here XD) She helped him cope with his disorder, and eventually made him stop altogether. They started dating after 4 months of being friends. When he heard she was being bullied.... Umm... He literally almost killed someone. (Oof He has anger issues XD)

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