Getting Ready

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I stumbled out of the house, my footing was slightly off. ‘What the actual fuck is happening?’ I thought in my head, looking for any sight of Sam as I followed Frank. Something was very wrong.

Everyone’s speech began to sound slurred, and I couldn’t understand any word they said. I could only look at Frank’s unfamiliar face as he spoke, and I felt him grab onto my back and arm.

I finally connected what was happening, and sleazily ripped my arm for his touch. “N… No…” I stumbled over my own words, and began backing up from the young adult. Frank just stepped closer to me, saying something I couldn’t hear correctly.

My vision got worse, but adrenaline was rushing through my head, and I had one thing in mind; to go home. Turning and walking away as fast as I could, I sped-walked away from the house. I looked behind me for a second, and realized that Frank was still behind, due to Travis hanging onto his shoulder, holding him in a uncomfortable position of a head lock. He was looking directly into my eyes, trying his best to escape from him, and most likely head to me.

My mind cut out a few times, and I ended up in different places than before. I realized my head felt worse every time, my mood changing with each blink I took. It felt like a few minutes, rather than thirty minutes, when I got back home. I threw myself against the door as I opened it, and rushed inside my room.

My knees finally gave up, and I fell near my bathroom, my head feeling worse. I crawled to my toilet, and threw myself on it, before throwing up my guts.

Looking at the orange and green substance, I flushed the toilet, washing out my mouth with water from the bathroom sink. I looked at myself in the mirror, noticing how pale and dead I looked. Rubbing my eyes, mumbling “Jesus… I’m glad I’m back home again.”

I stumbled to my bed, before I noticed a pill bottle on my blankets. Lifting it, I realized what was in my hand earlier, before Sam dragged me away.

“Holy shit- What kind of dream was that?” I looked around the bottle, reading the only words of ‘Take it -Evan’ on the label.

Popping open the bottle, the whole bottle was filled to the brim with white, small pills. Shrugging, I put one in mouth, and swallowed it, deciding to trust my dream. I was already drugged by someone I trusted by mistake, why not make another one?

Upon swallowing it, my vision swirled, and everything became confusing. Luckily, the effect only seemed to last for a few seconds, and everything was back to normal.

I looked around, and my head snapped to the sound of a bird flying into my open window. It wasn’t a normal bird, it was a huge grey owl in my room, on my bed right now.

“Oh… hey- oh my god.” I stared at the bird, but I blinked, and it didn’t look like a bird anymore. Sitting on my bed, was Evan, with his bright red eyes staring back at me.

I almost fell back onto the ground when I jumped back in fear, scared out of my mind currently. He grabbed my arm to stop me from falling, and stood up, “Remember to thank Sam from stopping you from taking the pill. Also, thank Frank the best you can, to show how much I thank him for nearly doing something god awful.” Evan’s sarcasm could literally kill a man if he wanted to, and a hint of anger could murder three.

“How- why- no, how are you here?” I stuttered, grabbing onto the sides of my head, throwing my mask somewhere. “Don’t ask.” He looked through my closet without permission, “Here, we’re leaving, wear this.” Evan threw a thin jacket, a blue long-sleeved shirt, and baggy camo pants at me.

Nearly hitting me in the face, I grabbed it without flinching, and grumbled all the way to the bathroom. I couldn't care anymore, might as well have fun.

Looking into the mirror again, I got a rag and washed all the fake makeup from my face for a good minute. After my skin was red, I threw the rag into the sink, and started changing my clothes into the one Evan gave me.

Slamming the door open, I walked out, and faced Evan, “I’m done, let’s go.” I muttered angrily. At this point, I couldn’t care so much. I was just drugged by a “friendly” person, and had a literal owl turn into a person. ‘Might as well have a good time while I feel awful.’ I thought in my head.

He nodded and walked over to me, lifting up his somehow black hand to my forehead. I was confused, but didn’t have enough time to react, as I felt as if I was falling from a high building, we were sent to a different location that I’ve never seen in my whole lifetime.

We were in a huge forest, the trees seeming to touch the sky, hiding every hint of moonlight with their emerald green leafs. The light brown bark on them looked almost fake, and smooth to the touch. The soil on the ground looked fresh from the store, releasing a familiar nature smell.

I could seen a brown, fluffy rabbit fly past us, looking at us with curiosity, and not with any sort of fear.

I could hear some birds chirping away with the crickets, washing a calm feeling over me. “Hey… have I- we been here before?” I stuttered, looking at the side of Evan’s face, or mask. “Yes, many times. Too many times to count, actually.” He moved his bright red eyes to look at me, giving me another dull speech.

Before I could respond sarcastically, the ground under us started the shake and rumble, taking us down under.

I nearly fell over, but held myself up, getting used to the sudden shaking. Almost like he was showing off, Evan held his composer, not seeming to flinch or been affected by the movement.

We finally came to stop inside a bright empty white room with a singular white door in the middle. I stepped off the platform, and dusted myself off, taking in my surroundings around me, noticing the orchid scent.

My head snapped back to the door, hearing the slam of it opening, and was confused by the sight.

The person at the door had some sort of pig mask or face, wearing a white helmet over it. By his figure, they looked male, wore a white t-shirt, zebra black-and-white pants, black vans, and had noticeable large white bracelets on his arms.

Instead of having red eyes like Evan, he had bright, yet soft, baby blue eyes. They held more love, and shone in the light perfectly.

I looked him over again, and he started to tear up just by the sight of me, held out his arms, and ran full force at me “Hailey!” He yelled throwing himself at me in a hug, knocking me over.

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