Chapter 2

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Then I walked down the hallway with Aethen hot on my tail. The maids moved out of the way and greeted me with a bow. As I walked past them making my way down to the stairs to the main part of the castle the hall. I sat at my throne. When the elders walked over.

"Your highness it's so lovely to see you. Did Aethen tell you about our discussion?" Elder Leo asked.

"Yes and I decline I don't need a husband I'm doing fine on my own." I sighed.

"But you need to produce an heir." Elder Cain blurted irritatingly.

"You do realize how old I am right? I've got plenty of time to chose." I chuckled. I never told them my real age.

"Twenty six at least." Someone blurted.

"Not even close." I laughed and it got quiet. Even Aethen was looking at her questioningly.

"I'm 19." She said, they all stared at me in silence.

"Then you definitely need a husband your to young to rule on your own. It would give us all pease of mind to know our precious queen is being looked after." Elder Leo said, smiling at me.

"I'm not a kid you know. I'm used to responsibility besides I'm used having to be an adult. I was never really able to be a kid in the first place not sense I was 15." I said, looking away silently.

"My queen?" Aethen asked worriedly.

"It's nothing don't worry about it. I think I'm gonna go to my room." I said, taking off to my room. I always got upset when I had to talk about mom. I missed her so much and I hate seeing her so helpless. She always in pain and the doctors aren't helping cause we don't have the money. I tried even selling my jewels and jewelry but because those type of jewels don't come from that dimension they wouldn't take them. Heck I'm lucky their even keeping her alive. She was growing so thin and weak. They never let us come visit her either.

Then everything hit me all at once everything I've been holding in sense I was 15. I collapsed onto my bed and screamed into my pillow as I started sobbing. I threw my mask at the wall when Aethen walked in. He walked over we he heard me.

"Your highness what's wrong I've never seen you this upset before." He asked worriedly sitting next to me and put his hand on my back to comfort me.

"Come on you can tell me anything." He coaxed.

"It's my mom." I sobbed.

"Your mother I never heard you talk about her before." He said rubbing my back.

"That's because she's sick in the hospital while I've been stuck working my ass off and raising my younger sisters. I don't even get to see her and my dead beat dads left my mom after he knocked her up." I blurted. He stopped.

"If it was bothering you so much why didn't you say anything. You know you can come talk to me about anything." He said softly.

"I didn't want to drag anyone into it. I'm so tired Aethen I'm so tired of everything I seriously have no energy left. I'm over working myself and taking care of my sisters. It's seriously way to much for me. On top of that I'm constantly waiting to get a call from the hospital that they pulled the plug or something. Cause the doctors refuse to help her." I weeped. He comforted me till I calmed down.

"Here." He said handing me a handkerchief. I sat up and grabbed it forgetting my mask was off. He was staring at me. I immediately looked away.

"Why do you always hide your face? Your gorgeous." He asked.

"Because I'm a freak." I said when he touches my face making me turn to him.

"You are anything but a freak." He said making me slightly blush while looking into my eyes.

"Your eyes are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Their like stars." He smiled.

"Really?" I asked, smiling back.

"Really." He said, wiping my tears.

"Im not human but I guess you already knew that because of my eyes and hair." I said pushing my long hair back.

"Ya it's kinda a dead give away. So if you don't mind me asking what are you? I've never seen one of your kind before." He asked.

"That's because I'm the last one of my species. I'm a dream demon." I said, trying not to make eye contact. He hugged me. Then when I looked up at me and kissed me. I froze in surprise. Then he slipped out the door and disappeared leaving me in a state of shock. I touched my lips.

"That was my first kiss jerk." I whispered. I got up and changed into a short dress. I put on my mask and slipped into the hall. When I heard Aethen talking to the elders.

"So you've seen her majesty without her mask?" Elder Nate asked.

"Yes. She's gorgeous trust me she'll make an excellent wife." He assured them.

"Why that little traitor." I mouthed as I hid.

"Excellent." The elders seen they seemed very pleased.

"So have you noticed anything else is she human?" He continued.

"No far from it. But she's the last one of her species tho."  Aethen informed them. They went silent.

"Oh my it's worse then we thought. Poor thing she must be lonely." Elder Mary said softly. I took off my mask I grabbed my head and took off into my room. I fell to my knees in pain when my horns started growing out. It felt like someone was drilling nails into my head. My fangs grew out. When I let out a low yell. When Aethen busted the door down with the elders. He rushed over to my side.

"What's wrong your highness?" He asked worriedly.

"I don't know my horns suddenly started coming out." I stuttered. Blood started running down my face where my horns were growing.

"Just bare with it." He said, lifting my head and examining them.

"It's nothing serious." He said, pulling out a cloth and whipping the blood away. I closed my eyes till he was done. When I noticed the pain stopped.

"Huh the pain stopped." I whispered.

"That's because you calmed down. It's the same with werewolves when their emotional they change. Maybe your power works similar." He said, pushing my hair back.

"I think your onto something." I smiled. Then I grabbed my horns, broke them, and they disappeared.

"You feeling better?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied, getting up. He handed me my mask.

"I don't really want to wear it right now." I said, setting it down. I accidentally let out a yawn and stretched. When I realized Aethen was up in my face.

"My queen are you that exhausted you look like you haven't slept in days?" He asked, which I haven't except the hour of sleep I got last week. I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"No I haven't slept good in the past week or so. I only got an hour of sleep last night." I said yawning when he picked me.

"Hey put me down I got to much work to do." I protested. Then he laid me down on my bed. I tried to keep my eyes open.

"You need your rest please this once listen to me." He begged as my eyes fluttered shut and I fell into a deep sleep.

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