Chapter 3

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I woke up the next feeling refreshed. I stretched out realizing I slept almost the entire day. It was already dark. I hopped out of bed and ran down the hall. When I noticed the maids staring at me.

"Elder Mary why does everyone seem to be staring?" I said, leaning over the railing. She smiled the other Elders chuckled. They were talking to a couple of the kings and princes from neighboring kingdoms. They were frozen in surprise.

"Probably because you forgot your mask its the first time they've seen your face." She laughed when I started frantically touching my face realizing she was right.

"Ah screw it you've already seen my face it's not going to do anything if I put it on." I said sitting on the railing.

"Your highness I'd rather you not do that it's dangerous." Elder Leo said, I chuckled.

"I'm fine even if I would fall." I said purposely jumping down when someone caught me. It was no other then Saline one of my generals she was very strong, stubborn and fierce. But she was also very nurturing, wise, and protective like a mother. My mother was never there when I was a kid she was always to busy going on dates and parting. May doesn't get it off of no stranger. She always seemed so distant with me. She always seemed to ignore me. May was always her pride and joy. She gave her whatever she wanted and let her do whatever she wanted. But I still loved her despite that. I mean she's my mom I only get one. She gently put me down.

"Human or not that was still really reckless. The last thing I want to hear is that you got hurt while goofing off." She lectured me.

"Sorry Saline wouldn't happen again." I said, straightening myself out. She was a lot older then me and she had no children of her own so she tended to treat me like a daughter. I made this place when I was 15. Since then she's always trying to mother me. I honestly love her like a mother to.

"It's alright sweetie I just don't want to see you to get hurt." She said, ruffling my hair.

"By the way you look much better without your mask." She smiled. I chuckled.

"Thank you. Well I think I'm gonna go wash up." I said, dashing off to my huge bathroom and built into the ground. The bath was huge like a pool with a waterfall for a shower it was made of white stone and had statues with fountains. I got undressed and jumped in. When I surfaced I noticed someone watching me. It was a woman I recognized her as one of the kings sisters from one of neighboring kingdoms.

"Oh hello your highness I didn't see you there." She smiled, that's when I knew she was Kirsty, King Johns sister. We were really good friends but she didn't get to visit that often. So we write to each other a lot. But I've never really met John but I've seen pictures. She was beautiful. She had long red hair, vibrant green eyes, tall, nicely tone body and red lips. John was tall, black hair, tan skin, muscular, really handsome and violet eyes. He was the only other being I've met with violet eyes. Their kingdom was one of the biggest, they were more war like. Their army was huge and their warriors weren't to joke about either. Glad their on my side. My kingdom was mainly known to have the strongest warriors and the most treasures. They also have the largest population of humans.

"Hello Kirsty." I greeted her with a smile. As I washed my hair.

"So what's with you not wearing your mask not that I'm complaining your so beautiful." She said, sitting at the edge of the bath. She smiled shyly.

"So we're friends right?" She asked.

"Of course your my best friend." I teased, giggling.

"Really?" She blurted, smiling brightly.

"Yes really I wouldn't keep in contacted with you if we weren't." I laughed.

"Then will you meet my brother. He's nice you'd like him and he's totally into you." She chuckled. What the heck. Ugh why. Ahh screw it. It's not like it's going to kill me.

"Ok." I said, looking at her. Then I climbed out.

"Sweet thank you I was so worried you'd say no." She blurts excitedly. I laughed and walked over to the mirror. She followed me.

"So how come you never told me you were a none human and you were so young?" She asked.

"I'm the only none human ruler I didn't want to stand out. Plus I'm the last one of my species so if I were to be killed my species would cease to exist. I know people start trying to take advantage of me if they knew how young I was. I apologize for not telling you." I said, her smile vanished. I stared drying myself off.

"No wonder the elders are pushing you to get married. But can't say I blame them." She said, as I slipped a dress on and brushed my hair.

"I know but I wish they wouldn't push me so much it's stressing me out. My kind can only fall in love once and that's with our soulmate. Even after they die. It's like how a werewolf imprints on its mate." I said, putting a necklace and earrings on. She stayed silent.

"Kirsty." I said, turning around. She had a pained look on her face. I hugged her. She looked at me questioningly.

"It's okay I've excepted my fate. I'm prepared if it comes to that." I said, as I closed my eyes. She hugged me. Then she dragged me back into the hall over to her brother surprisingly he was way more handsome in person. He smiled at Kirsty till he seen me behind her.

"John this is Sanja." She said, pushing me in front of her.

"Hi." I said shyly. Then he smiled and stretched his arm out.

"Nice to finally meet you your highness. I didn't know you knew my sister?" He said, as I shook his hand. His grip was firm but gentle.

"Ya we met a while ago. We write to each other all the time. She one of my very close friends." I exclaimed, as he released my hand. He smiled.

"Really sis you never told me about her?" He asked.

"Ya we're best friends." She blurts excitingly. She hugs me from behind.

"Hey sense your here wanna go see the dragons Flares eggs are almost ready to hatch?" I asked, looking back at her. Flair was a light blue fire dragon I raised myself from an egg. She let go.

"Yes, I haven't seen her in forever how big is she now." She squeals. I laugh.

"Oh she's huge." I grabbed her hand. Her brother followed as I dragged her outside.

"Ok hold on I know a quicker way up." I said, she wrapped her arms around me. When I pulled out my huge wings they were like an angels but dark violet almost black. I loved my wings their my pride and joy but I barely get to use them. I heard her gasp. When I took off. She yelled then started laughing.

"This is beyond cool I had no clue you had wings their beautiful." She smiled. As I flapped my wings to go faster.

"Thank you I take great pride in them." I laughed. I started swirling in the air as I did a loop. Then I flew to a mountain peek that was covered in dragons. I flew into a cave where Flare was waiting. She was as beautiful as I remember. She was patiently waiting on her nest for her eggs to hatch. I put her down and slowly walked over reaching my hand out letting her smell me. Then she nudged my hand and I petted her. I hugged her when Kirsty walked over letting her sniff her. When she suddenly got up. Her eggs started cracking as we waited excitedly for them to hatch. Little by little red and light blue dragons started emerging from the eggs. Until I seen a pure white one with blue eyes I picked in up and wrapped in up.

"I'm taking this one with us white dragons are very rare." I said, looking around to make sure she was the only one. Then we went from near to nest looking through the different colored dragons picking out the rare ones. To in sure the more rare dragons survival I take them from the nest and take them to a nursery where their raised and care for till they mature. I normally pick one of my choosing to raise myself.

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