Chapter 4

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Then when we finished I took Kirsty back to the castle. When we landed John was waiting to greet us.

"Sorry we took so long that took longer then I anticipated. She was helping my collect the hatchlings." I said putting her down. She handed me the sack we put the hatchlings in.

"Can I help you next year to that was so much fun?" She asked, smiling.

"Yes of corse I'll even let you take one sense you helped me I really appreciate it. It's such a pain doing it by myself." I said as my wings fade away. She hugged me. I giggled.

"Ok come on lets get inside." I said, pulling her along I took her straight into my room.

"I don't think you've ever let me in your room before." She said looking around. Her brother was waiting in the door way.

"Thats because I barely let anyone in here and you can come in I'm not gonna bite." I teased John. He chuckled and walked in. When I sat on the floor and pulled over the sack. When I pulled open a little black dragon climbed out. I picked it up. It's eyes were piercing red.

"Oh I am so keeping you. It's very rare to find a black and white dragon at the same time. So those two are off limits." I said putting him down and picking up the white one. I petted her when the black one climbed onto my lap.

"The dragons really seem to like you why is that. Even the hatchlings are vicious." He said giving me a questioning look.

"Their calm around cause they know what I am. My kind has deep connection with all living things. Our connection is stronger then even a werewolf. I simply understand them better." I replied.

"Really and if you don't mind me asking what type of none human are you?" He asked curiously.

"Well its not going to be the last so I better get used to it. I'm what you call a dream demon and I'm the last one of my specie." I hugged both the baby dragon as they snuggled up to me. For moment it was silent. Till he walked over and sat by me. Kirsty picked out which one she wanted. Right when John put his arm around my shoulders she giggled and left. I blushed. When he lifted my chin.

"Your highness you surprise me you aren't used to a mans touch are you?" He asked coming inches away from my lips almost brushing them. I tried to look away but I couldn't it was like he was hypnotizing me. My arms went around his neck almost instinctively. He smiled and pressed his lips against mine repeatably. Till he had me pinned to the ground. His hands down my back pressing me against him.

"Just pick me. Be mine." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Do I really have to tell you. Your perfect plus I can take care of you and protect you. Listen Sanja your young and innocent they'll take advantage of that at least you know I wouldn't." He said kissing me again pushing my hair out of my face. I nodded in agreement and kissed him. He smiled.

"So I'll take that as a yes." He replied. When I pushed him on his back and sitting on him. He seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Uhhh oh god what I walk in on." I heard Kirsty say I whipped around when I seen her standing in the door way when John pulled me behind him. I didn't realize till I looked in the mirror and seen that the top half of my dress had been pulled down. Talk about awkward.

"Why you little shit." I said, hearing him laugh. I punched him he caught my fist and pulled me in his arms. When I looked Kristy was gone and the door was shut. He held me to tightly in his arm.

"Your mine and no one else's now and forever." He said, roughly. He was very possessive. I knew he was going to show his true colors I just didn't know when. That's why I played along with his game. I wasn't an idiot I knew he planned on using me. When I suddenly felt a pull on my shoulder which only normally happens when I'm in danger. But when I looked there was no one there. It hasn't happened sense I was a kid. Ever sense I was younger I've always known there was someone watching me and protect me. When I was alone playing by myself mom would always say I would talk to the wall and even carry on conversations with it. She would always say it was my imaginary friend. But even my sister's knew about it because it would play with them when they were younger. They absolutely loved it. I always call it.... I forgot the name I gave it.

When I suddenly felt it again pushing me away from John. Only this time I seen a silhouette of something it had wings and horns like me. It looked to be a male though. I felt something reach down and pull me up against it.

"Hands off my Sanja." I heard a voice demand. His voice was deep and rich but it was very familiar. The top of my dress was suddenly pulled up. John looked at me stunned and dashed out.

"Whimp." I chuckled. When I felt a head on my shoulder. I reach up and touched his face.

"Imaginary friend huh. Damon what a bad boy. Making me think that." I said, caressing his cheek.

"Hey that your fault for never making me a body my love. But I guess I should expect that though you were only a child at the time. I was the first thing you ever created." He said, bringing back my memory. I did create him I was very young cause I was lonely. I've known I wasn't human sense I was very young. So I made Damon I wanted him to be like me. He's the only one who knows how my powers really work is because I was the one who taught him how to use his. That's when I turned to see him. It was the first time I'd seen his real face. He was gorgeous a work of art. His eyes were an exact match to mine so was the color of his hair was but shorter. His wings and horns were like mine to but bigger. He sat looking down into my eyes.

"No fair why you gotta be so much bigger then me." I gigled. Realizing the sensation I was feeling off him was because he was my true partner. Irony isn't it. But I'm guessing he's known sense the beginning since he called me love. Jerk. Why couldn't he have just told me.

"Because your stubborn, you don't listen, and you don't trust men at all. Trust me I've been with you your whole life. I even watched you grow up and become an amazing woman. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a soulmate I'm just lucky it was me." He chuckles, kissing my cheek. I smiled. He got up when he heard some ruckus door stairs. He grabbed me hand and pulled me to my feet. I signaled for him not to leave the room and left. I went down stair to complete chaos.

"What's going on." I yelled making everyone go quiet.

"John and Kirsty are both saying you picked John." One of the prince's yelled angrily.

"Now listen here no one makes that decision but me. I love you girl but you do not pick who I love or try to manipulate me. Just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm stupid. I know when someone plays nice just because they want something but I don't hold it against you." I said, as they looked at me in disbelief.

"And just to be clear I am not picking anyone. I already have someone so sorry the elders wasting your time I do apologize. But in my defence I told them not to. Thank you I hope you enjoyed your time." I said, walking back up stairs. To find Damon playing with one of my bows I have hanging on the wall. I giggled and walked over.

"You know that's not a toy." I joked taking it out of his hand. I hung it back up and put my hand on his. His hands were so much bigger then mine. Mine fit perfectly in his. He smiled and pulled me into his arms. He held me from behind while still having my in his.

"I know exactly what you like." He said, spinning me around in his arms. As a teen I was always into romance novels. Which would explain where he gets his romantic side from. I chuckled when the two hatchlings I had picked started rubbing up against our legs. He picked one and started petting it. It licked him and nuzzling his hand.

"I can't believe he warmed up to you that quick." I exclaimed reaching over and petting him.

"Well we are the same species." He chuckled. When I heard the door fly open.....

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